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ABBEVILLE PROGRESS VOL 1. _Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Community. NO. 11. Phone 2448. Ahheville, Vermilion Parish, I,a., Saturday, May 10, 1913. $1 a Year PROFESSIONAL CARDS * ~ ~ -* -- -* ---* 44 4 Jl n Nugier, Iistrict Attorney and Attorney at Law. Notary in office. Minos T. Gordy, Attorney at Law. lPhone 34 Office over Rink of Abbeville. F. J. Samson, Attorney at lAw. Notary Public. W. B. White, Lawyer. North of Court louse. R. J. Labattve, Attorney at Law. Notary in office. J. O. Broussard, Attorney at law. Notary and Abstractor in office. Kitchell & Bailey, Attorneys at Law. Near Court House. Walter B. Gordy, Attorney at Law. Notary in office. Greene & Greene, Attorneys at Law. Notary in office. J. K. LAMBE Will make your sign, Pat your houe, carriage or auto. lecoeate your honre with wall paper. calsitno or asntas and, guarantee etfalaction. Ask Anybody D. FREDERICK who conducts the Meat Market Opposite Stauffer-Godchaux Store Always has fresh Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Sausage. Open fromea 4 a. m. to 8 p. m. Free Delivery. Phone 69. Big Ben aMates it i ntuin to get peolle p eIaly in te wkrld. He mba.e it his b eeI es to get them up on time. He does ittoyally, tsdyand Thebr's a trte ringl to his meanag usreting that makeserly .mes stt up sad take notice. Iak a Mm when you walk by. $2. 50 Veagsle Jrwelry Co. J. A. LeBlane, Mgr. is a ibeg sb l r wehmm . tem Statema Ceashtoe Agriculturist Coming. It is sincerely hooed that when Mr. Manson Snowde'ln. state agent of the department of federal agri culture, comes here ,lon June 7th, there will be a large a.scmbnlage of our farmers and citizens of the; parish in general. Ilis visit here on that date is to try to bring about a better system of farming, and also to have plans made where by we ca, have a r,-gular agricul tural instructor in our vicinity. This agent, if secured, will go on the different farms and give per sonal instructions to those who will desire his services, This parish is considerably be hind with those surrounding us when it comes to farming profit ably, and it is utterly useless to keep going in the same old rut; and high time to wake up. For many a year the farmnurs of this district have been working a whole year,raising,may he, only one crop, and then take what they could get for it. Those days should be forgotten and a new start made. They should b do a diversified farming and raise things for themselves, for it ac positive fact that many a farmer does not even try to have an ordinary garden on his place; and only raises one crop. This meeting June 7th will be I the beginning of a turn for better'( farming, more profitable, and all on less ground. Do not fail to i attend this meeting, as it will be ( of benefit to you. Be there whether youar are a farmer, merchant, I banker, or school boy, and you are assured that your time will be ( weal ownpied. Emcre aub Entertained. The wchre Club met Saturday after noon iem Un. Smson Chauvin as l hostess. The irst price was won by Miss linle Netles; second by Mrs. Richard Dilton. aUd the guest prize won by Miss Pauline Miai. Delightful refreshments awe rerved. Those who were present and enjoyed the afternoon were: Misses lfMae 21ttle. Pauline Mi.zi, Lydia Traltau Roberta Young, Roberts Holmes' Mmbel Young,Maude Eklerdge. Louise W ge, and Guasle Summers. and Memues H. A. Elldredge, Clay 9ummes, ma Webster, Perry LeBIlanc, L ber eier, Maxie Sokeloski, M. A. Yat, Jsbl R well, L. J. Dromussrd, Peli Ssmns, Leo Simon, Raeol Chau vlie, G. . Summers, Willie Putnam. The adt uetting will be held May 17, wL MI. Jha Ewell as hostes. Tte '$P' Club met with Mr. Raotul C lar dnesday night. The gentle umalM dakpi was woas by Mr.Chauvier; t *aRiSe' Irft prise by Mrn. Samson, ald sand by Miss Mit. Those S a present were as follows: M1W Ieals Flemming, Pauline Missi. E*,l udng, adem Eauorge, mbe i a Ne ttles, and adle Spuaill; 1il. Marrell J. U. Newto, A. M. a .ide,, alndo, Dluchkrd. J. . . O. adry, Mr. and Ms. G-l uavin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard IIYbiMr. sad Mrs. Fell Samson, Dr. R N. t. G. Idwads, Mr. and Mrs. 1timm, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mr. and Mnrs. tL. J. Branurd, siet les. G. W. Smsar,. Sr the canning of 1as, peaches , Plietles: White Crownm Jar Uclean ad sanitary, its any Sr, at la U erglucks. i's . a place for yt---if ya * mme one thing weli.- And ure emploier is a reader W ads. Why? Whiy dloei% tw send us the bitter. lIWhen we ask 1iim for oanlv the sweet? Wh\ daloes he delny us What, it se 'ms, wouldl Illak Iilk nmre colmplete? Why, whent we rt'aeli out for roses, Aret wa oficlltiaa.s piickedl bhv a thorn? Why does a day end in sorrow When it had a most glorious morn? Is it to broaden and strenvgthen, Make our mind and our cha:ractr grow? Is it to teach us humility. patience. Iaave and sympathy? Why is it so? -MAY VINZANT PERKINS. II il I SMarriage Licenses. C. E. W\ilson, of Dalton, Me., and Julia Boutte, of Abbeville. it Clemmon Hunley, Jr., and Pearl ii Davenport, colored, both of Ab- A beville. f. Iizorin Tonchet and Edna Tou- V chet, both of Cow Island. re New Suits Filed. Iy 3957---First National Bank vs. a Delphie F. Lelleux, et al., note; Greene & Greene, attorneys. 3958--Preston J. Greene vs. Del phie F. Lelleux, et al., note; P. J. V Greene, attorney. '3959---Odilon Guidry, appellee, vs. Clemile Lemaire, Appellant, appeal from fifth justice court; Greene & Greene, attorneys. 3960---Rom P. LeBlanc vs. Syl vain Frederick, note; F. J. Samson, attorney. 3961---R. B. Camors & Co. vs. Id F. W. Keller, confession; R. J. LaBauve, attorney. 3962---Aminthe Comeaux vs. Gerard Frederick, et al., note; J. ' O. Broussard, attorney. 3963---Aminthe Comeaux vs. Luc Lachaussee, et al., note; J. O. Broussard, attorney. 3964---Bank of Abbeville vs.' Aristide Broussard, et al., note; Kitchell & Bailey, attorneys. 1 3965---L. 0. Broussard vs. Reli able Lumber Co., receivorship; J. O. Broussard, attorney. Larest Dance of the Season. One of the prettiest events of the4 season was the dance at the French Hall last Friday night, given by the "As You Like It Club." Music was furnished by a band from Lake Charles. The hall was most beautifully decorated with vines. palmn and cut owers. The stage wa turnamed into a fairyland, representing a diniang room, and was most artisal ly decorated and containing ten tables, around which the crowd was seated, at 12 o'clock, sad served a sumptuous repst. Delicious punch wa served through out the evening by MissesOlga Caldwell, I Nona Boaaard, Camille Broussard and Opt Letslac. The couples present and participating in the dancing were, Sadie Spruill and Frank amers, GOele Summers and j. M. M aw a, Roberts Holmes and R. Alemader, Lide Nettles and L. Blsa c chard, Monte Theobsid and W. Mon rtage, Roberts Young and A. M. Smith, ie roasard and Geo. Caldwell, Msade gldredge and Cliford Abshire, Ida lwaque and Soa nLelanc, Bead.e Plemmiag and H. HesrreU, Mabel Young and L. Domdoin, Msaude LeBsac sad Theo. Nsudlo", Lydia Traban and r and Flia Nme, Ines Poise and Jay Lelsac, Camle Poise and Joseph Bon d , Margery Kilpatrick and Chbter Labit, Opal Leasac and Floyd dwMrd The -elpe S were Meedames Desire Trahia, liuma rouarsad, W. B. Utley, $. M. ababis, 1. Sttbbias, Leon Peay, j. E. Nttle, and Rosa Legenec. mo the via ioswereMisa idaux Wemsk, and Adle a. Williamw of Oml,; Ine ad Camile Prie of vsirm-tile;m Mmu-s Jles hemas, tmhps, LM. ' , L ea ma, Arr wdo, and arrya o r yd slw. ..lmw s mm M " ages l beage ,.H ha anY and eme as a, hse eatni se pam at dat ml he*d t heew1 N da ps Nb t A t m r' -am se "O I - b.h -am.. - r hm - a Maurice News Notes. Last Saturday night, at a danc ing hall, kept by Meance Montet in the Fourth ward, of this parish, Arcisse Prejean, a prominent farmer and a resident of this place, 1 was badly stabbed by Theo. Guidry, resident of Lafayette parish. Pre jean is a married man about 35 years old, and Guidry is unmarried, and age about 20 years. Imme diately after the cutting an affidavit was sworn out before Justice of the Peace Jos. N. Prejean, and Guidry was arrested Sunday morning at the residence of his father, Marcel Guidry, by Constable Edmond Richard, of this parish, who locked him in the parish jail, pending the action of the grand jury. The writer is sorry to learn of the misfortune of our fellow towns man, Dr. J. A. Villien, who lost his automobile last Sunday. The doctor had gone to Lafayette to attend the initiation ceremonies of the Knights of Columbus, and had placed his car in a building belong ing to the Lacoste Brothers, and while the ceremonies were in pro gress, the building and all it contained burned. It is stated that twelve or fifteen automobiles were consumed in the big blaze. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Landry are happy parents of a new baby girl, which arrived Tuesday. Francois Prederick, of Maurice, was a business visitor to Abbeville Tuesday. Valerien Primeaux, of Milton, died suddenly Tuesday night, at the residence of his son Cleophile Primeaux, near St Pierre, in Lafay ette parish. Ot Public Interest The following notice is self ex planatory: This method of notifying the business public of this city of the matter of the town of Abbeville having put into service of a new system of accounts for taking care of all the interests of the munici pality, and that all orders given for any supplies to be used for the municipality in any capacity what soever are to be furnished only on properly numbered requisitions is sued therefor, in triplicate, one to remain on file in the secretary's office, and two to be presented with the request for the goods to be furnished: one of which is to be retained by party filling requisition and the other mailed with invoice of purchase, back to the secretary of the town of Abbeville. Any goods furnished to any one not in compliance with these in 'structions after this date, claims therefor will not be honored and I the party hasing the same will 1be repoIbto tthe party from whome ptchase is made. By order of the Town Council, May 6th, 1913. J. T. BROOKS, Sec. Abbevite, La., May 7, 1913. a.R. a. m. Sbaum eadmwuia e ftsuuhram 1aes' Mi guser These i de assmuss. t the del, thbests ab leE lame e serei. ibm -. idt New Orleans Letter. lion. R. J. Montagne was regis tered at the Cosmopolitan last week. cn Mrs. A. ).'Landry was a recent tl visitor to the city. re Miss Hazel Moales entertained 11 at the home of her parents, Mr. sl and Mrs. W. H. Moales, in honor tl of Mr. Joe Schram. of Clarksville, fc Miss. One of the enjoy;able featutres (; of the evening was the game of ti "500," Charlie Tarue winning the pI first prize, which he presented to tc the honoree. Miss Lina Goodwin m was also awarded a prize. Dancing pl was indulged in and most delicious Ihe refreshments were enjoyed. Others le present wese Misses Emma Bowers, o Lizzie Lyons, Margaret Jenny. Mertz Buella, Louise Priscilla, Mildred Force, Helen Schram, Mrs. Samson, Mr. and Mrs. Dailey, Messrs. Lyttle, Murphy Lege, p Charlie Moules, Horace Conway, a Earl Golden, John Jenny, Leo p Duboit and Dr. Kahan. A prominent rice planter has h invested quite a little money in 1) hogs, sending to South Carolina c and paying fancy prices for a fine a breed. He is preparing for the in rice tariff, and expects to ship h cattle direct to the packing houses. t What's the matter with our Ver milion farmers doing the same. a You know "You can't down a d working man, he will raise and a shine." k A lady living on the Mississippi river is raising vegetables which she ships direct to the hotels in s Natchez, and she gets fine prices I for same. She receives six cents a I piece for nice large tomatoes. The 0 tariff isn't worrying her. g A "500" Club is being organ ized here with Mrs. A. J. G"lden and Mrs. W. H. Moales at the o head of it. i\ i - I Officers Are Elected. 4 There was a meeting of the stockholders of the Merchants Wholesale Grocery Co., Ltd., Tuesday, at the office of the com pany, and the following officers were elected: E. M. Stebbins, president; F. V. Landry, vice president; J. E. Nettles, secretary, treasurer and manager. The board of directors are: P. U. Broussard, Geo. M. Deouen, A. L. Derouen, A. Saparito, J. S. Ewell, Alex Bonin, W. H. Hunter, Jr., and O. J. Chauvin. This company was organized during the year 1902. and has been doing a fairly good business ever since, and is the only wholesale grocery establishment in the city. The offices and store rooms are located on State street, just across the railroad. Early Closing Hours. SIt is very prohable that an efort will be made to have the different Smerchantsofthe city close their - places of business at a certain ,hour, earlier than is usually the Scase. There are very many favor ble to the plan and there is no , doubt but what the matter will be finally decided in the next few , weeks. It is true that there are · two sides to the question and both l sides may have good rmsomm to , produce why they should orshould e not have early closing hours. " Your tenant-to-be is waiting to C read the ad of your property. A yeag re's fascy caght to twa mto timely to. We take great - s e aaet the thtap that a tastel ad ramois. Suppom yea let as show ye hew little it aetmny coasts to d-as wall. Ormpltelam ea Suits, Straw Hats, Skirts, Underwear and l Praidaing is mo in. Ca lad le k them eer. A Faithful Servant. Franklin \Vatchman.('oodx news conmtes front tilhe river, and that is, that the levees will hold out and relivce us of the losses incident to high water. We have had our share of misfortune, and it is time tlhat the various lc intetnts of mis fortuit: were n'ivin: us a rest. The calatity hlVklI(r las ,Ceen abroad in the law'l with predic'ti,,ons tlh t th:. pCeople would he comtpelllet'd to uo to another country and start lifm over again. Others may (do as they please, but here is one who will hold down this job whether the levees break or con(;reass put sugar on the frte list. "Hit Nail on the Head" Patterson Tribune: One of our I prominent citizens earring a pack age, which he received by parcels Ipost, from a large Northern mail order house, was accosted by a local merchant: "\'Why didn't you buy that bill of goods from me? I could have saved you the charges of transmission and besides you would have been patronizing a home store, which helps pay the taxes and builds up this locality." The citizen looked at the merchant a moment and then said, "Why don't you patronize the home paper and advertise? I read it, and didn't know you had the goods in stock." For good summer feed for your stock buy our U. S. Stock feed. For more milk buy our U. S. Dairy Feed. For more eggs buy our U. S. Hen Feed. At Immer gluck's store. Women who acquire the habit of reading the ads. do not abandon it---as they would do, very prompt ly, they found neither interest nor special profit in it. A Contented Trio. I a, i- t lling ntam ntannel th , bh nb :tl-m t his nt-\c tlnnl t t-:tit th1 it hti - l)ught fr-m iHilly, th" t1aih,,r, an11I hi , 1 n it fit,. I cian e tile "lrnt for %oli. Billy, the Tailor Phone 254. Statc St. Iron Without a Fire Improved Monitor Sad Iron Sold at $3.50 by Dalton's Variety Store. The "luckiest" tihing that can happen to a man, whose wife spends a great part of his income for home expenses, is to have her take a serious and business-like interest in the ads. See that your Situation Wanted ad gives an und&standable im pression of your ability to do the sort of work you're seeking---and it will win the attotion of the right people perforced! Passing C. F. Grimmer's store peep in and see Hienz's 57 Varieties displayed. SANITARY . P Roach R S r F Price $1.25. Coo..A. kCofort COFFEE MILL wri f·descriptive rcular. Phoe 9 Collections Insurance Brooks & Labauve Offls is Meedy Beag. Too late after the firel Insure now. We represent only the best companies. r hitrh ialordmati.o se J. T. reeks, Manager. Bods . Rel Eestate