Newspaper Page Text
ABBEVI LE PROSS VOL. 1. D)c~,ted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Coinmunity. ,-"Phone 248. Abil, \ ii a.turda, M , 1"13. $1 a Ye"ar Phone 248. :1 h>cx'illc, \ 'r : iiinn !:'lri.h, I,, ,., St`tm'd:,, MI:,," 21, 1'13. , mm·mmmI tm"T"'I··LI - mm 111 -` ml· I Immumm p • . I- · • •u i1 . . . . . f 4 Jhn Nu\ icr, Minos T. (,,rdy, AttI,, : :: Lw. I'lh r.e 34 1i-, I ve r 1,.t' k of Al. e ',illc. F. J. S lmnsonm, lttoilu l' at Law. Noiarv IPbhlic. WV. B. Whiite, Norih of Court Ii.h . R. J. Laban've, Attrut ; at Law. Notary in of, cf'. J. O. Broussard, Attorney at law. Notary and .Abstractor in offlce. Kitchell & Bailey, Attorneyrs at Law. Near Court Ilonu.. Walter B. Gordy, Attorney at Law. Notary in olitee. Greene & Greene, Attorneys at Laaw. otarv ill otic&'. . LEO SIMON Shaving Parlor on C,nvcorvl St. Hair Cat. . .... De air C t............ ............................ . .25 Shave .......................................1 " Childern Hair C uts ... ............ ........ l cI I am prepared to do all kinds of work in the tin line. Gttering, Cistcrus, Roofing. Sand (Galvanirzed Shingle!;. Up to date Sai:itir. I'l'mr.!hing. A. C. Escudier. Ne::t to Enell's IRig Par,. Photne 237. State St. D. IREDERICK t who couducts the Meat Market Opposite Stauffer-Godchaux Store Always has fresh Beef, Pork, I Veal, Mutton and Sausage. Open from 4 a. m. to 8 p. m. Free Delivery. Phone 69. t Big Ben Makes it his Imsiness to get people ap early in the world. He makes it his busines to get them up on time. He does itloyally, stead.yand promptly. There's a true ring to his morning greeting that makesearly deen sit up sad take notice. Look at him when you walk S $2.50 .- Vermilion Jewelry Co. J. A. LeBhmnc, Mgr. P For StylFor Ideas SREAD Mc8Mauiae i ida fir )4 am M.Cisb a leag. areelm, Each iss Is brifaul of fahious, fancy-work, laeainn d ahot atori and acoes of labor-eavaiigad money Mrviaidasfor wses. Mor tha 50 of t-b·e b dMa deige o McCaUl Fbiosm In each lam. McCALL PATTERNS are Ifs eonmmy. G 1ed I eac McCALL'S MAGAZINE only Sb. year; poldrely weai $1.00. Ye.rr .qi sh wr -a Mrrc4m ; Be::eficial to Merchants. " )';,, m c ,tii : here .tune 7 . il1 co . a,, l erc ; a :; i r ll" ,ViO are elto 11 ar \,.it Mr. Ma'.1Vn ,\tlc'l \I v;1 , " .: h , tO ay, a (le a. r to- t ,' t t,,,.: putt throe .'h wherchv this J -li:: h may have a: :I ricn:lt-tral . cL . Neat Mt (u- i it IolOfl( h;(\' I offerxcI by the (:;i 1zCle frln , diffarent parts of the l,.tri-.h, .i. there i., no dou lt n1w yibut w:: the hbaialce \\l' t ,.e etcreio. il:cr are several of Ahhbieviile . J rogre.sý.i\- intitllt u1., \'\117o , aIe iuil,g to give :aid. V1ce are to raise!d at lIea.t ý,ll o :i (d 1 ;$S'I if l,csihlc-. `\ likt an ,tnt vill :e givetn by the :!'rj ovrn lnilt. Thus we hi'. e tte tutrlnting for better and t:iire l rofitall. trminng, and for the 1bettcernlt of tro whole parishand all its citi:'en., :;.n1 we must not let it go by us. This will be of great blenifit to the mnerchalrts of the parish, a:nd they should see to it th:it they do e. their share toward the securing of this expert, who ill he here, to devote his entire time and attention to better farming the year rottnd. Tigers vs. High School. Last Sunday there was an in tterting game of base hall played c. at the local park, and quite a goodi - crowd was out to wit.ness the galnme. 'the battle was between the Ab beville high school and Billy's Tigers, and after 'a hard str'ggile on the part of both teams the Tigers came out ahead, the core , being 4 to 2 in their favor. The battery was as follows: Tigers, Gooch and O'Bryan; High i1 School, Prejean and Lachausave. . Struck out by Gooch, 10; Pre jean 2; Cubs 9, Kaplan 5. Last Sunday the Abbeville Cubs j.aurnyed over to Kaplan, where they played an interesting game of base ball, having the Kaplan team as their oppolinents. While the tgame was not such a'close one it was very exciting, and the Cubs were allwed to comhome home vic torious. The siore by innings was as follows: 123456789 re 3ba. 30102030x---9 Cubs ......... 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 x---9 k, Kaplan...,..0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0---5 Yeu eili Team Coming. 9. Tomorrow the Tigers, the newly - organiszed base ball team, are going to have a game with the LeBlanc Steax, from near Youngsville, and a rattling good game is expected. Onr June the first, so Billy says, he is going to take his tigers to Gutvdan to cross bats with the caSy team of that little city. Billyalsostated to one of our reporte, that he has quite a good buaach of tigers, and they are easily m anaged, and are well trained, and that is why he is not afraid to leave home with them. In speaking of "Billy" we don't mean Joe's Mfrs. Hayes, the milliner, has bega, her cut price sale of hats, at actual cost. Te Rebuild Dredgeboat. Tme Southern Dredging Corn Iprny, of Mobile, has purchased the rkof the John Anderson by , drIlc dredge,which was burned in th latercoastal a few years ago, tal it is stated that they will re llthe boat here. The original F the ort was 85,00. Men deriving here to work on the rV good summer feed for your hiklby our J. S. Stock feed. t Imore milk buy our U. S. Feed. For more eggs buy '.U. S. Hen Feed. At Immer k's store. tyou have a busniess invest to offer that has larger element nty in it than of specula *and your proposition will rtathea than go to pieces invtstitoo, you cm fid through the uuifisi 4 • - at thll. City C(o'uncl I\Itein h on : 1-r ... w: , I3l ;r1' i , r 11: _''.1, 1h1,. i ! n ,"ý t I ,.n . I .ll a I 4r ,t , l, V. S. 4. ltv ls, .nd R. i '. Nt i.c in. that 1,t virtue of tiIltL i:i mi . , .l'.i t,l. I ,h h,!e"!n t l ,t la . ci. ,;a ' .leti '4 ,"f the ('it cot33 'il t il t" it t1 '. th- of 1h Bater thit ; I 'l*. . : t t o . ii. fr Itih. t' . Iprp, iti n,, ., l:(-.i' 1 i" tet'n. th t, : S.:. I feet of strt. I t ra i n a24 , tt:... - ", 1, hu rit., f. t of t rhin" an: , i;n ,r r r t : e et the I, 1\r al,t th-rleif to 1 . \i.,.. -.:1 ) and etane in thl piii I s,.. '2]. , t.ik up the ma:t'ter of hor;i fr nr t lt lan t: of .\1hFo till a d'ifrat xnll"- s . of t. ctrlporationh until such tile as. tIaxc 1 '.;! li'e1 t' sha ll N dlue anllt (il (c tt1: blt,: tl. iln order to ,nnet t the payro, nt tthcr.of, to ialnit itit::bhe or lhi:iItace. etc., 3rd. 'I'o consile!r any' other n.'.tters tha: tait toi ci utp , fore the ('tunicil for consihherltio n. Witness mny hand ofliciilly, at Ah ,havili., lia., on this 2(,th day otf Ma;: 1913. AD(i,H'II 1i .\.SSI'UX, Mayor. ()n mnotion of J. C. It:ouatrtl, secondtdl b \V". S. Maves ioluti ca.rried: T it r,.s,dlv, tl the ::tavor -and1 Is.r'.l of al erm 4,, corfporation of A.b awrillh. ha., that thi ovr is lher hw for 1 (sts ,i, :),ic.. ti..\m ntt t 3" ,::1 fur ten t f ll , . :, .. 1 .i , of tl: *c, ' I: ".c ' er"+ to lay 15I,0)t squ:tre fet of concret' Stree.t Crosts:ntg; said crossings to l' lai-l •s per T'i.ans iat! speeific:.tions on file with the citv clerk, and Bid. on Number one, W0 and 12 inch vitrified clay pine. Be it further resolved, etc., that said advertisermtnt shell coontain a full and gentral description of the work to be performed, shall refer to this rteoulution and shall state the hour and day within tiwich hids shall ht- rtceivcd and filed; that .tid, call for bids sh.all 'tate that hitis slu:i be ilud with the city cerk on or before tihe hour nameied. When all hilll, ;re filc the sai.l city' clrk ,hail ,lehvtr them to th:.e asaid Boar,, in optel session, at the text iletngc ; threcof. Mayer and ot ahlhrn.llt n reservet the right to reject at:y alt :i! liOlc. le it furthua resolv 4l, etc., that bidder shall be required to deposit a tcrtfied check, payable to town of Abhbeville, lit. with each bill amounting to the sumn of $1Q00.,O mitl said deposit thus nitade w it: the town of AIhlxw"ile, La. sotall .e for feited I4' the bidder, eoe 11id is accepted if he fails or refuses to execute the written contract and furnish the Bond required, after he has been notified that his bid has been accepted, said deposit being reasonable liquidated damages, and in all cases where bids are rejected, the said deposit shall be promptly returned to the bidder. Be it further resolved, etc., that said bid shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, who furnishes srtisfactory Pond security for the faithful performance of his obligation under the contract, which bond shall receive the approval of the City attorney anti mayor and board of aldermen; said successful bidder shall excute his contract within 20 days after said bid has been accepted, and shall furnish security or bond which shall not be less in amount than fifty'per cent of the contract price of said work, and signing a contract incorporating all of said terms and complying fully with the provisions of this resolution. Be it further resolved, etc., that said contract shall be performed and saidI work completed within four months after execution of the contract. Be it further resolved, etc., that said work shall be paid for by the town of Abbeville by certificates of indebtedness bearing five per centum per annum interest from their issuance after the U1.1 A wu"s Qm" FIt yemrs agosLW. HARPER was hut the Old Keatuchy State. Today its fez. is wadd-wid. J. O. LEGE C. F. GRIMMER q,'v:" " ,,ill ,4 l,l. :1 'f I i'i " ' .d v . ,11 1 , . , - k . u , o .i T , . t1 ,v i ,r t h n ; i - !i' t,. irl t 1 . .i t , . . i ' .ab . ttl: I:; m, .ti . i1,u ir . r i. . i- i, .t',', ld S . L ', ti. !o t,,:.; t v r .ii! wi : t,,ll , . li2r .n t ' ,\ - re:mIi .tmt . .: b inft, ,lulvt pi'. ;,. I tt ::Vtiii tna ; ; lott.,!.0 hr ,ate , it ",a r, :ister, ,t as f ,1 "; : Dl r. R. 1'. Nelson, yea; J. C. lir: ssed,, "t . ;: \V . S . ,li s- , . ':c ; IF :. l. Ith b '-,. 1 , t ta; lf or dtlt itli tar :ultt ri it :. the :aI vl r of 1111t t he of oi 1tilt'.e l, , t ,'to firni ti lij '. (f .f ie, _ i tol 'i .lu ta : c nt 1i a tIN of tN t i. 1-O). t r f a t , r ffvrtl , . 1, , lr,! ,l.,y of Fe!b. 191.1. arl, ri'ails Vitl: hiv- ptr a'utll 1! ll fii cil, il't' "eh 21 iIll t1o;1 i cent"l t me intrrest p1 tile "rv tn f''rom 1 turit u:tir l .r Ti, anu , cu::,liii ,..ia t, b a! r :tu asditiofnal t.. i pel r ren.t att Orne5-, ftlie a: 4l to u' ' ri- r tci i fo a t 11ro, 'i ti:ry I note, ath noritillr t tl t or to si 1i a note for that .Iount and it:e lructtin.g the 1iOvtis-r t sitlin a mte from r lthat.r ailmllt and instruct tinl te trlasurr to Aare . maid amlt ouf.ll to t l credit * e ent otf ir( iilniilthe arrat ofts r (i Section 1. Be it frtr ir,-dai. tlc the. :mat at the flatllritv of :ti'isrm n of thei town of .1bl.) rille. Lo)uisiata. limit the miavor of the to .t:n of .\!',b,,vill' i , her bt.) autl.r ried, his .trcted iamt i e1t owtertiel to l.orrotw from the l I:r : ofi . fhi, ll thl e s tilt,: of l.- r 00l(to met t0 pn.a :I note' o in favor Of sal] balk for a said :mount pae :!ti on or beifor,, tine tmr. day of Feb. 1914 after date v. ith interes.t at five f ro cent h er alnltn fro;nr busrity until t.aid, and tre tp"r cent.t ,i On I-iti on, the Lcrythaite amot ou ts atto:rney'st ft..s. SIwti,' llin. ehr mit rd. e etc. tnha t e treathr of thir. town iile Romer o in octructire ant his hor to plaew teris la st of Saturday ori tl The ;it of tuneral ral fund nd to, be isbursialta oingly place at the warrantholie emecrerty of thi town ,!uly, ountersigne I by the mayor. ectioamr 3. The it further ora lainrgely etc. that at the maturity of tis wift, the secretarmer is havereby itrcteen abo direct ,d to draw from the geei"rrdl fund the scarcemount thisary to measet the pavmet oeven thbe note herein armentioed, de ttaying on theank of .1,l:eville as aforesaid. Section w. Be it fuorking h dained etc. that this ordir.:trce shall take effect fromn here rops ing no further bus best of ss to ascoe lefrns the concil, on motion, the crw; il adjourte !. Everything at awteal cost at M,.rs. H'a.s' millinery store. Sale now going on. Emile Romero Dead. The deather hasf Mr. Emenile Romero occured at his home in Newer beria last Saturday morning. The funeral was held Sexperimenday, the urial taking place at the Catholic cemetery at De gambre. The funeral was largely attended. Besides his wife, he leaves seven children to mourn his loss. FarmThe woer Working Hard. Farmers have been about as scarce this week as they have even been. They are st, has theing on the farm and working hard to put gotheir crops in te be a stne one. Th curondition The weather has been very favor-st to better than they hasve ever seen here, and in mr. Landry instances the farmeatrs many patrons are experimenagerly awaiting with a more the day when they willto be onvinctted curtain forthe new the atew Victor Theaterr. wpas tbegun Tuesday. Mr.a . o . redo, and says trhaset the curtain isyour habwil no doubt provthe adsto be the mostdol attractivety that has eve your sepeni- here, ctres.dit for the w ork he ais doing to the sae his patrons pleased. His fll pthse day when they will be admitt ed familiarto the new thing eater.! famiiar thing to ou! Fight The Fly. I c ' : i n tv : , t'h alth, Ihi nllil':': 'l" t;c l it"n', (( a (itt , :tll~t i:c-. tcc alr ti,, n ti t"'1 t ,f .;er the P,\ j. th t t. , l t!. Of oi::: k inll In :the fir'.t 1,1;1ce, tl'( little I.-I1 it : other tIh 1,.\'s her es.:> in ma.s-e. of refi-e onlyV siited to the c'ult'lre (1,f Iliat ::nd tl e bl r!c.diii-: of ;(t rut,. From their birth as r::: - ',ts. the ilit-. :are i;mlreimnatel withi the t a.'i ria (!f ty h ,i'id, till , cit. lll.-., pin: l rle :umislin fan: tie p, r: l"i-. SLolt ],i;. cian.Ž have lately diclrid that the C(,Ilnoi, it lhlste fly i l--It r.c-i.j i 1ce for tih -l ee:ul If coitll'r. .anl t\even pOllhao r':. Tllh . hio\ve:er, is unveritled aid maivy r he hut the co-ilt f e-:ierirlentl which 'laily are ,'i .lIe ,ite ci,.ut.t-ý t,, det'erxm i. th te catI fe" o lf ,!p liil". land d(lieaSe hithert)o unkninlgl. Four -fi rth of the de(Ctl hof labie. ill the 1'nited states ecad year is laid to the fiv. li:a'i \, aec mii'tre ssncepltile to the di.sIcits. carried by the fly than the older folk, awnl, therefore, are the victims. For the canint g of figs, peachye,, and pickle .: White Crown Jar Seals, clean and ."aniitary. fits alny MIason jar, at Ihtlnlergiucks. Veterans Leave Tomorrow There will he uitlte a crowd to leave here tomorrow morning for Chattenooga, Tenn., where they go to attend the reunion of the Confederate Veterans. The veterans who are exiectiig to leae are WV. D. Gooch, Jos. j. Labit,- R. G. Sirmon, Leo Trahan, henry Labit, Isaacs Jetun and A. 1). Matx. The railroad fare for the round trip has been reduced to $14.05. All the vetereus are re reqtested to meet the Con federate Veterans at the depart at 9 a. i. sharp. New Suits Filed. 3968---J. R. Kitchell et al. vs. Jean raptiste Becker, action for partition. 3969---Eve Bertrand vs. Adonis Bertrand, emancipation; R. J. LaBauve, attorney. 3970---The Diamond Rubber Co. vs. A. A. Dubus, account; G. A. Sandoz, attorney. 3971--- John E. Strode vs. Eugenia Broussard et al., note; Greene & Greene, attorneys., Interetting Band Meeting. There was an Interesting and progressive meeting of the Ab beville band Tuesday night, at which arrangements were made to order the necessary instruments for lthe band. The band is going right ahead and will soon begin to prac tice and we can say that we are going to have the band after all. Marriage Licenses. Theodore Rung and Marie Ella Touchet, both of Cow Island. Arthe Matieux and Elda Mire, both of Kaplan, Joseph Horise, Jr., and Annie Joiner, colored, both of Abbeville. Why not, before buying else where, look over our complete line of Prisley Cravanetted Mohair coat and pants from...... ..................$17 to $20. Other Mohair suits from..... ...................$6 to $1. Palm Beaches... .....$10. Pongees from........$5 to $10. Linens from:..........$4 to $8. Linen pants......$1 to $2. Give us a call. D. SILVERMAN Oatdtter to mean and .ouu men. The New Sure WV,' y to to C:i:.';i-.s .--,o:t n::.c~-,y. 'A PU'lL, .\NI) ITS I')N. PLAKO FOR S'KIRTS l. 11 ."i t I; < PLAKO FOR TROUSERS T 1l 6rr1 h.t: 1 , n 11 . : 1 . , . , n I tl;. ' Io I\ith .,: p ll hi . t:lh 1 l .Lu 1l1 r,,:ilth ,u t it ' : .;l:,. . 1 1 i ,. . ,ý,I • , , til , tt if ,u StIn: l t, t iti I For sale By C. C. BROUSSARD SANITARY P Roach R Fl 0 Insect F F Price $1.25. FOR S.A1.E I'N Geo. A. Comfort CO F F E E M I L L Writ( for ,hsriptic . circular. I'oicl 9.1. Eddy's Extracts and Spices SKnown as the best C. F. GRIMMER. Has Exclusive Sale. N .4ý' i rt '7 ýv ý "i ""+L'w ZY ý ,,.r r ' r. .,i". ýýi.-"Y-.. . Supreme Court Opinion. The following opinion was ren dered the United States Supreme Court, on bank overdrafts: "A usage to allow customers to overdraw and have their checks and notes charged uip without present funds in the bank, stripped of all technical disguise, the usage and practice, .thus attempted to be sanctioned, is a usage and practice to misapply the funds of the bank; and to connive at the withdrawal of same, without any secuirty, in favor of certain privileged' per sons. Such a usage and practice is surely a manifest departure from the duty, both of the directors and cashier, as one cannot receive aqy countenance in a court of jus tice. It could not be supported by any vote of the directors, however formal; and therefore, whenever done by cashier, is at his own peril and upon the responsibility of himself and his sureties. It is anything but 'well and truly exe cuting his duties as cashier.' " Men and towns often sidestep a lot of trouble by moving straight ahead. Have 5 Bill You a$5 i in your pocket and a child in your .home If you have see BILLY Pho ..................254 To Auto Owners: we offer Quick Work Polish The best brass polish made, for a few days only, at the following prices: One Gallon Cans..$1.25 each. Half Gallon Cans.. 65 each. No reuction on the smaller sizes. Don't forget the above prices are for a limited time only. Abbevillie Furniture Co! For First Communion children Mr. C. Boulegny will give greatly reduced prices on Photographs and will give a better grade of work 'than has ever been known of here before. S--- - -- - ___________-- --_ For Preserving Preserving Kettles. Sanitary Jars. Lids, Rubbers, Spoons. Dalton's Variety Store. See Window Display. J. K. LAMBE Will make your sign, Paint your house, carviage or auto. Decorate your home with wall paper, calsirao or sanitas and, guarantee satisfaction. Ask Anybody I "