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ABBEVILLE PROGRESS ..__._____. NO. 14. Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Community. _ a Y V O L . 1 . -= = S-t u. . rda_ . . .. - $ 1_ a Y e ar- O- . - Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, La., Saturday, May 31, 1q13. ..... 2 ,,1 i Ptron's Day Observed. i SAN I T A It .**** ý NýN*. ~Nei PROVFESISONAL CARDS t 'To f .************* lon.Lr -- - two or John Nugier, Th1ey listrict Attor'Ry andi Attorney at LAw. Go. C Notary in office. eudorsi ....... ....... - .. .is it Minos T. Gordv, Bruce Attorney at Law. Questi phone 34 Oiiffc over Bank of Abbeville. pjlic~t frictnd F. J. Samson, ver.ati Aloney at IAw. as cac Notary Public. versiol - --it will to dec W. B. White, tohe e Lawyer. North of Coart House. child S-- - -- --- -happy Rer R. J. Labauve, ploye Attorney at Law. Lee Notary in office. - - ----- --- -- as J. O. Broussard, wil i Attorney at Ltw. iltert Notaty and Abstractor in office. il the .I_--- -n and I Kitchell & Bailey, Canr Attorneys at Law. Near Court House. ferea --Co of M Walter B. Gordy, Bturin Attorney at Ilaw. Notary in office. but i Greene & Greene, here Attorneys at lAw. Notary in office. LEO SIMON and shaving parlor on Concord St. Sea S.. ............ ..........C.... hair C. t sc........ -............................... . M Ch ldern lair Cut ......................- ... I amn prepared to do all kinds of work in the tin line. , Guttering, Cisterns, Roofing. wit] Tin and Galvanized Shingles. by Up to date Sanitary Plumbing. A. C. Escudier. Next to Ewell's lig Barn. we Phone 237. State St. Ro D. FREDERICK i avo conduit the da Meat Market Mi Opposite Stauffer-odchaux Store p Always has fresh Beef, Pork, H VeI, Manon and Sausage. as Open m 4 a. m. to 8 P-. m Free Delivery. Phone 69. fr Makejt hij bmsiness to et people up arly in the world. He a uakes itt Ms bulne to get t hem ap time. i IHe Y l stendy. and a proatttl. Tre's a true ring to hiis t -raint greetag thltt maeserly rirs it uop and take notice. Lookat him wmM you walk $2.50 Vmwd Jcry Cs J. . LeBlanc, Mgr. Foer leFor idus 3RAD tmes i me.t. ses M 7cCa Pases m4 Io e. MacAI. PATTEN S m fe MICA*LLS MAGAZINE .niy a spea; pear u .6d--,, • .- . - - '. New Orleans Letter. pe To be, or not to bA' S n otlo.r the question, whein you see two or thre agathrcled together. O r(di Thce are not discus" sig whether M ox. Cox or President Wilson are M endori ing the Newlanll hill, but "'i it Bobbie Dulnlar, or is it IBruce Anderson?" That is the question that is agitating the public mind, each side has their Tht- cot friendt and supporters, and coa- met in sp vr.ation waxes loud and strong lirasseux as each side brings forth their questeil version of the affair, and it seems follows: it will take a Solomon (not Isaacs) to decide the questiott. If left to To the 11 the women they will say "Let the aeson e. child stay with Mrs. Dunbar, beville hap!)v mistake for all concerned." Gentle Rene Trahan is a valuable em- me veste iploye of the Gulf Refining Co. beville, I Leo Levy has resigned his posi- in sx di tion with the grocery company he ins purr wa.s formerly traveling for, and First: will invade the Texas field in the izing til interest of a large crockery store $3tsoo.n :e in the Crescent City. the san In Self-APProval still we roam Secon and let the critics storm. While tering Charity begins at Home, its Dif- crossing e. ferent with Reform. Witnh Columbus Trahan was the guest this 28t of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Meyers during the past week. ri Gaston Levy has been quite ill, accepte - but is now rapidly recovering. p. n. t Dr. "Jack" Kibbe was a visitor (Siglet here Shriners day. For the canning of figs, peaches On r and pickles: White Crown Jar bY o .2 Seals, clean and sanitary, fits any a Mo' .1 S Mason jar, at Immerglucks. ioing t ...-antd di all Entertained the Club. proc nV. The "00" Club met Saturday All the or with Miss Bessie Flemming as hostess. The first prize wai, won (n les. by Mrs. Perry LeBlanc, the second by J. by Mrs. Raoul Chauvier, and the nance guests' prize was won by Mrs. was Clay Summers. Iced tea and sand- Csr. wiches were served. Those present tleh were: Misses Roberta Young, Ironu SSt. Roberta Holmes, Louise Estorgc, Th Gladys storge, Sadie Spruill. adop MK Monte Theobald, Lizzie Nettles, Au o Margery Kilpatrick, and Mes- ath dames Ran Webster, W. P. a Miller, R. A. Dalton, G. W. Sum- up mers, Willie Putnam, Oliver Lan- me tore dry, L. J. Brossard, F. J. Samson, re rk, Harold Edwards, J. A. Summers, a, d H. Sere. or e69. th There is considerable complaint d from about the parish in regard to a the canals and ditches that cross the public roads. It is stated that S there ae many places where the "n canals m ae above the level of the of road, sad that the approach to the the e tcroutin is too steep; and that it is tor He lmot apossible for loads to bce he ver the steep places. no Ther .re men in this perish n lthat are supposed to see to these il nattrs, and we would suggest ad i.that they attend to this without an arty delay, ad have these approaches properly graded. In fact they of al h o b egraded sos to give adi rise of about two feet in every ten. ho Ilet have this matter looked after. A s it is, it is costly to all vehicles that crem them, not considering the stai that is upon the animals a Sthat have to pull the load. Such hi ' e. cmIlags ruin some very fine msl. Have it fixedl Oreat Ba. Ball Oane? SIt Sunday the bme ball gatme aepdl at the West Side Park, was tst tie most intresting- AMeSding t tL core it seems tbhat one team wM amewhta t of hpe and se ga , 4_did_ not wantt t take d l luge of their oppoerae '- i,, was , aethit. tothat e Ict, * h acart was: Royville 13; Stio 10. Bl dby be w wil m o ee ganes. ta honest ca of a B h9 s laity, sad who stay---nd, if , n/p-opt e w_.tal appetal to tha -.es41esscam well aimed t ul a s hats ad , 39r u wa Special Meeting of City Council Ord inancie Passed Irelative to Borrowings Money---Street Crossing Plans and Spe(ifications A\re Al\d)pted. Abbeville, lSa., MIay '. 1913. nect.sar Th- council of the town of Abbeville 1(IIavm'nt net in special ca:llel session with M.ayor Sec. 4 Itrasseux presiding, and all iitmKbers that thit answering to roll call. The mayor re- and dlire quested the reading of his call, as fund thi follows: note or Albeville, La., May 28, 1913. maturiti Tothe lion. F. L. Melbeck,. R. P. Sec. Nelson, J. C. Broussard and W. S. that thi Hlayes, councilmen, corporation of Ab- and aft, beville. La. On m Gentlemen: By virtue of the law. in onded 1 me vested, as mayor of the town of Ah- mitted beville, I.a., I hereby call you to meet after se in special session at 1n1 office this day and six and date at 7:30 p. In., for the follow- structic ing purposes, nalmely: per or'l First: To enact an ordinance author- 1913. izing the mayor to negotiate a loan ofl R. I' $3,500.00 and to repeal an ordinance en- J. C. 11 acted on the 20th day of May, 1913, on yea, at the same subject matter. mnayor. Second: To adopt specifications en- Spec tering into the construction of street concre crossings and plans therefor. vile, 1 Witness my hand and seal of office follow this 28th day of May, 1913. with tl (Signed) AI)OL.PII BRASSEUX. l xe Mayor, Town of AIleville. of erro Service of the foregoing call is hereby and tc accepted and citation waived at 3 o'clock outlin p. in. this 28th day of May, 1913. in cro (Stiga;ed) W. S. HAVES. Boti R. I'. NEISON. to a J. C. IIROUSSARD. spots F. L. MFEBlFCK. ratnni On motion of R. P. Nelson, seconded Mal by W. S. Hayes, that the ordinance cithem adopted by this council at its session as iversr Y of May 20, 1913 referring to and author- Ceme izing the negotiation of a loan of $3,500, of tht and duly of record in thie minutes of the Sa proceedings of this body on the afore- any said date, be and it is hereby repealed. y All voted yea, and the nmaor declared used the ordinance above mentioned repealed. it mi AN ORDINANCE. s ll (n motion of W. S. Haves, seconded CO d by J. C. Broussard, the following ordi- ip n p le nance was read and after being duly put thrc ,, was unanimously adopted, the vote being or ci d- registered as follows: mix Dr. R. P. Nelson. yea; F. L. Mele- brin it lck, yea; W. S. Hayes, yea; and J. C. m , lironssard, yea. In , The umayor declared the following cei 11. adopted: i SAnl ordinance authorizing the mayor of the town of Abbeville to negotiate top a loan in an amount not exceeding tsp 3,.500 on such terms as may be agreed ' m- upon between him and the lender, to Ln- meet past due bills and defray cur- tro rent expenses, payable not later than Feb. 10, 1914, and to sign for in the nine of the Town of Abbeville, a note or notes in aggregate amount not ex ceeding $3,500, matdring not later 1 than Feb. 10, 1914, and conditioned to bear fve per cent interest per annum tint after maturity, and to place the pro to ceeds to the credit of the general roa fuad. Co hat Secti 1. Be it ordained by the the mayo' and the board of aldermen of the town of Abbeville, La., that the mayor the of the town of Abbeville is hereby an- - the thorized and instructed toborrow for the it is town of Abbeville, an amount not ex ceeding 3,500, and to execute a note or notes for the sum borrowed, maturing not later than Feb. 10, 1914, and condi- 9 rish tioned to bear five per cent per annum hese latesest from maturity until paid, and gest additional ter per cent on the aggregate J hout amount thereof, as attorney's fees. Sec. 2. Be it ordained by the mayor and board of aldermen that the treasurer they of the town is hereb instructed and ve S directed to place the proceeds of the ren. loan ekected by the mayor, to the credit terof the general fund. des Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., Sthat la addition to the amount that will eing he collected and credited to the general imals fund from the 1913 tax levy, the, 1914 Sluch licenses or as much thereof as may be fine - o l or rdi re aul C . GRIMill a ..d.. C. P. GRIMMER nec c sary are erefl|v pledlge'd for the tho ..t. l pam'ntlent of the :uiott so Ixrrwet. , of the. t Sec. 4. Be it further orda:ined, etc., there is that the secretary is hereiby instructeid lltg thili and directed to draw from the general clools fund the a:n1ount necessary to retire the des note or notes executed by the Mnayor at are dexe mnaturity. Sec. 5. le it further ordained, etc.. collplis that this ordinance shall take effect from (;reat and after its passage. plished On motion of I)r. R. P. Nelson, see onded by J. C. Broussard, the plan sub- jlrtnl mitted as well the specifications herein- Miss S; after set out, are adopted as the planis Parel autd tsp cifications to govern in the coin- their ci struction of concrete street crossitlg as 1i11; il1 per ordinance adopted as of May 2bth, l 1913. vote being registered thus: R. I'. Nelson, yea; W. S. Haves vea; a: we J. C. Brost'ard. yea; F. L,. Melebeck, not ila yea. and declared duly adopted by the Patr nayor. should Specifications for the construction of tew el concrete crossings in the town of Abbe- I new ville, 1,a., in strict accordance with the well following specifications and plan on file with the secretary. For tl Excavations to be made exact width of crossings, to be of depth required. Best v and to conform as much as possible to 60c a SI outline of bottom of crossings as shown table I Iln cross section. h la Bottom of all excavations to be tampedl to a hard and solid bearing and weal spots to be filled with concrete and rallntned. .l Materials--Cement throughout to 1w Toe :e either Atlas Vulcanite. Lone Star. l'n- to the is iversal or any other brand of Portland is fan r. Cement that will geed with the approval tl p, of the mayor and council. Sand to be clean, sharp, and free from restal e. any foreign matter who 4 d. . ravel. rall gravel or crushed stone ede used to be clean and if the latter is used d. it must be of no greater dimensions than the a will pass through a 1 1-2" seive. ied Concrete-All concrete to be mixed old c di- in proportions of one part of cement to late )ut three parts of sand to five parts of gravel meat 1g or crushed rock, all to be thoroughly out mixed dry and watered suflicently to T1 lec- bring it to proper consistency C. Cement Topping of approaches to be in 1I mixed in proportions of one part of sixst in cement to one and one-half parts of sand, or rock dust. the Approaches tobe solid concrete, with iate finn bearing on ground and sloped at hav gte top from levels of sidewalks and cros- port el sings. to t Approaches to be topped with 3-4inch the u to of cement as previously specified and eig an- troweled to a smooth and hard surface. han Crossings to be tamped till cement fort the floats to surface and troweled to an even catt o but rough surface. to e Wherever necessary for draining 10" q vitrified drain tile are to be inserted , in m concrete under approaches o All work to be subject to approval of of pro Council Committee and their Inspector. the On motion duly put and carried the the council then adjourned. nn the J.T.BROOKS, ADOLPH BRASSEUX, ca f the Secretary Mayor Town of Abbeville. mayor - - an SEtra Large Cabbage. ex- Recently the New Orleans Item ring contained an article telling of what -ondi- was probably the largest cabbage tic anum in the world, which was raised at he regate Jefferson, La., weighing 15 pounds. r Mr. Eusebe Ledet, living just d and southeast of this city, raised one F ofthe that will beat it. This one weighed 19 pounds. The circumference of etc., thelhead proper of the cabbage was at will 23 inches, and from edge to edge neral) across the cabbage was 37 inches. SThis cabbage was not totally solid, __ and was the only one that was so large out of the bunch that Mr. Ledet raised. , There are many articles that are raised all over this parish that are above the average, and there are some that are never brought to the notice of the public. Just Ay Old Way. ? The Cabs, after the game between the Tigers and Royville last Sunday, played a sort of a practice sgame with the Tigers, although they were supposed to have played the winning team, but the winners were not anximous to tackle them. The practice game Swith the Tigers resulted in a most e benecialt running exercise, using bh the base ball diamond for the run nine course. The pitcher was starter; the estcher was stopper, sad la yet the time keeper res s been a-tar. Patron's Day Observed. S A Tuesday was patronsI day at the high school. and there were many who visited the schools, where they \iewed the work of the dif ferent grades. The scieice note bhooks and drawings were very interesting, and the work of the 1913 termt1 showedl a very gxl gain over that of the three 1;rvcious .ear1. And there is a vast aiiouint of intst et ing things that the children of the Sschools have done, and the teachers Sare deserving of great credit for the excellent work they are ac Scomplishing. " Great work is being accom plished in the domestic science de Spairtment, under the direction of .. Miss Sadie Spruill. Ps Parents cannot realize what ' their children are really accomplish- C 0 s inug under these teachers without paying a visit there themuselves, i:' a; and we understand that there are k, not tiuanv parents that visit them. ie Patrons are always welcome and should visit the schools, as it puts new energy into the children, as ie I well as the teachers. For the Month of June Only: . Best prime cooking oil at cost. to 60c a gallon. Try this pure vege table fat in place of indigestible ,et hog lard. At Imnterglucks. Gr mtl Stop Eating Veal. Tvi hw Town Talk's attention was called sists c nto the following facts by one who IItehe vat is familiar with the business. It Irma is this: That is housewives, hotels, Gord' rotn restaurants and cafes, and all those Thi who cater to the appetites of the will 1: tone people would simply stop using Thea an eal" for the period of two years, Th the amount of three and four-year- unde ixed old choice beef that would accunmu- Mizz t to late would be sufficient to put the are g ravel meat trust, and high price of beef Shto out of commission. Three million calves slaughtered 39 Sbe in 1912 that weighed an average of of A rt of sixty pounds, andtwas worth about Baib s of six dollars per head on foot, at 39 the end of the first year would Lacl Sat have increased to four hundred sard crs- pounds each, and be worth sixteen to twenty dollars. At the end of anch the second year they would weigh and eight hundred pounds and be worth t forty dollars each, and as graded t even cattle, many run as high as sixty l to eighty dollars on foot. 10 So the fact remains that we are ed " in largely to blame for the high cost at o of beef, by using and continuing pctor. the use of meat at one age, when c the there is said to be absolutely no nutrition whatever in it. Many SEUX' calves are slaughtered when thd animal is so young that the meat is simply unfit for the use of men. ..---Alexandria Town-Talk, f what Want advertisers get good posi abbage tions---instead of talking about sed thow hard it is to find work. -.3 • Marriage Licenses. ig just Avery Richard and Niomie ed one Fridereck, both of Abbeyille. hed Odilon Dupre Baudoin, of Kap lan, and Cretia Hebert, of Milton. ence of Cove Guidry of Kaplan, and S"iEulalie Stelly of Abbeville d o edge Elodias Menard and Laura inches. Romero, both of Erath. mat Mr. Why not, before buying else that are where, look over our complete j aIt t line of t the Prisley Cravanetted Mohair coat and pants from...... ..................$ 17 to $20. Same Other Mohair suits from..... Royville ....................$6 to $15. igers, Palm Beaches...............$10. , btPongees from......5. to $10. i Linens from ..........- to $8. na mostLinen pants............ . to $2. the rUn- Give us a call. rZ D. SILVERMAN nore , tm r d yosal mn. SANITARY P SRoach R Fly O O Insect Price $1.25. Itu)R t11.\ I l.: 9 Geo. A. Comfort C 0 F F E MIL.L ,' :, ,, a.r nit, . Th(lu ar grauyitilgg tclas, f the A beville high school tlhi year con- we offer 1 sists of six, bciig Mi.:,es velilen lo I brt, ate It,.l, ,)la EIlrath Quick W ork Polish It Irma Abadie, and Messrs. J. C. els, Gordy and Caesar Mlebeck. T Isit brao poli made, for a few ose The commencelnelt exercises lays only, at the following prices tle will be held at the new Victor One Gallon Cans..$1.25 each. iing Theatre. r, The rimary department will be Half Gallon Cans.. 65 each. ear- under the direction of Miss Pauline No reduction on the smaller si:es. imu- Mizzi and Rolberta Holmes. They on't fort the ove price the are getting up a splendid cantata. re for a liitd time only. New Suits Filed. Aabeville Furniture Co! rered 3972---0. \V. WOhite vs., Town e of of Abbeville, damages; Kitchell & bout Bailey, attorneys for plaintiff. t, at 3973--- J. S. Suttle vs. Luc For First Commuunio children ould Lachausse et al., note; J. O. Brous idred sard, attorney forjaintiff. Mr. C. Boulegny Stefn will give greatly -d of reduced prices on d LaYouassD Bro Photographs ixty in your pocket and will give a better grade of . work than has ever been are 'and a child in known of here before. nuing your home when ly noJ. K. LAMBE Many 0n th Will make your sign, meat Paint your house, carriage or auto. If you have see Iecorate your home with wall pape, calsimo or sanitas and, gwaurnte posi- BIsatisfaction. aou Phone .................254 Ask Anybody. Niomie Keep The Town Clean f Kap ,Miton. The State Sanitary Code provides for the cleaning and n, and disinfecting of open privies under the direction of the local board of health. In keeping with the above, all parties are hereby ng else notified, and each person having and using an open privy is mplete hereby warned to at once clean same, and bury all escreta or thoroughly disinfect same with crude carbolic acid, or sMI ohair other disinfectant, approved by the president of the boaid of health. o $20. If you are within 150 feet of the town sewerage: yee I.... must connect with same without further delay. ., to $5. You are also notified to keep all weeds and grass cut ..... on lots occupied or owned by you. to $10. You are also asked to observe the law relative to 4to s. spitting on the sidewalks and in public buildings. I to $2. Lets have a clean town. Respectfully, A C.A. SCHILLING, mUPres. Board of Health.