Newspaper Page Text
ABBEVILLE PROGRESS VOL. 1. Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Community. NO. 15. Phone 248. Abbevillc, Vermilion Parish, La., Saturday, June 7, 1913. $1 a Year. PROFISSIO()NAL CARDS * .*.*.*.***************.* John N utigier, Jistriat AtturI'r anld Aitornley at Law. Notary itn ofuic. Minos T. (~ordy, Att,orney at Iaw. I'lhone 34 Diweh ovt'r klank of Abibeille. F. J. Sa111sott, Attorney at Law. Notary Pulic' . 1V. 1. WVhite, Lawer. North of Court Hlouse. R. J. Iabauve, Attorney at laow. Nota:ry in office. J. o. Broussard, Attorney at 1a4w. Notary and Abstractor in office. Kitclhell & Bailey, Attorneys a;t Law. Near Court Ilouse. Walter B. Gordy, Attorney at law. Notary in oflice. Greenc & Greccne, at Law. Notary inl office. LEO SIMON Shaving Parlor oil Concord St. Hair Cut ................. ..... ...... 2 v e ................ ............................ Chiilern I lair Cuts ..........................15c $5 Down Then $2 weekly BUYS A Pianola Piano Buy from your home man and save money and trouble. BILLY The Piano Man. Sheet Music 10c. I am prepared to do all kinds of work in the tin line. Guttering, Cisterns, Roofing. Tin and Galvanized Shingles. Up to date Sanitary Plumbing. A. C Eacudier. Next to well's Big Barn. Phone 237. State St. To Auto Owners: we offer Quick Work Polish The bet brmas polish matme, lor a few ds olmay, at Uthe folowl*g prices: One Gallon Cans..$1.25 each. Half Gallon Cans.. 65 each. No rdmettom oa the smaler sIes. Don't forget the above prices are for a limited time only. AbIb I. FuarInre Cot Fr StyI, Fr Idu sl g b a d mstimrof Sm imm* rl start.. 1) or see o summd a*i m . hr s. sd ir *** b**7 d dus d waelus sla~less es** Mc aso a gues agernb rralr s O1F LOCAL INTFR.EST "lih tate tax sales begall tnwlay. Saturlay of next week is Flag Day. n, the 21st of this month summer is 'l'hi. week the Vermilion Jewelry Co., is dlisl,laying the W. W. W W rings. The Abbeville Hotel has undergone a frellsh ct of paint, and ad, ll. much to the Ieautle of the structure. 'tlh sumllter normal sridl olpes on the 1th of this month and many tea'herrs fr, un 11tihs Inrish will attel',I. Miss Rolbrta Hoilmes t'tertaintfl at Brilgte Miss Monte Theolhihl and Messrs. Simn ii Ielilanc and J. M. Newton. Mlrs. Samson Chauvilln, who has I-len on the t..ik list, is rapidly recovering a.,d e ill sooni be up and alitnit again. ?,Ir- leaon Sere entertained the look Clul, Wednesday night A.\ interesting piriogramd was rendered on "Comledyv of I:rrors,.' L,ast Sunday, at Rose Hill, quite an interesting game of base hall was played between the Rice Cove and Rose Hill tetu.iu, which resulted in a victory for the Rice Cove team, the score being 12 to 4. For some reason the game of base hall which was to have been played here Saturday between the Abbeville High school team and the team from Gueydan, was not played. It is said that the Guey dlan team would not come. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Stebbins, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Utley, Mrs. Rosa Leguenec, Mr. J. .E. Nettles, Miss Lizzie Nettles, Miss Quintilla MIor gan and Rev. Mr. Melvin, enjoyed an outing to the seashore this week. The city cocdl of Scott, La., visited the town of Kaplan to inspect the water works system, which Kaplan proudly possesses, with the view of installing one like it, anl were very much im pressed with the works. Marriage Licenses. James Robichaux antd Oza Hebert, both of Henry. Eight Fi~ Cows Lot. Reports come from the dairy of Mr. H. M. Durke that there are no more deaths occuring among his herd from charbon. Eight fine cos were lost through this disease. The dairy will be opened up for business again when all dangers of charbon are gone. For the camming of figs, peaches and 'pickdl: White Crown Jar Seals, clean and sanitary, fits any Mason jar, at Immerglucks. This Store Sells the W.W.W. Ouaranteed Ring we lt.1i a km riag becaue we heMSrit h. Wte sell it becaus we nt t 4 Il, the people the best ring at tlh meat seaoble price. W sw arge assortments o t . Prices S2 up. Vemliro Jewelry Co. J. A. LeBlanc, Mgr. C fequetSets .......$1.50 and u_ Wit clorthes lines...........15 i, Rakes... ...........25 Batter chlmrns...$1.00 and u; at At DALTON'S Variety Store. J' LAMBE| Isees ylar anM y ea Sm wath wefl pap Better Farming Methods Go,(od The Lafayette Advertiser had the following regarding the better zmetbods of farming, as a result of the United States farm demonstra tion work in that parish: U. S. .District Agent L. E. Perrin was in Lafayette WVednes Sday and gave the following report on farm conditions in the parish: I visited part of the north west of the Parish with local agent A. A. Domingues and was glad to see that the farmers are adopting more generally the principles advocatedl by the U. S. l)epartment of Agri culture. Anyone who has not seen the section for 5 years woild hardly recognize the farms. The change in corn stand from 2 stalks to one stalk in the drill has proved that more corn is obtained, and that deep early pre paration of the land rendlers work more easy and helps in keeping moisture till needed by the plants. A better laying-by process is being given with the harrow, leaving a loose mulch in the mid dies and protecting against drouth. More peas are planted. A new pea planting machine (5 rows at a time) is used very effect ively and with great saving. Few extremists are leaving stalks too close in the drill for the strength of the soil, and will probably learn a lesson in the next thirty or forty days. The cotton plants, while not of large size, are strong and a good stand can be observed everywhere ---the result of more harrowing before thinning out. 95 per cent of the crop is chopp ed, free of weeds and on a well cultivated row. A more rational use of imple ments is seen everywhere, the class of farmers of the section being ambitious to know more and more every year. Some fine second year fields of lespedeza have been seen, with splendid stand. Some will be cut twice with good returns. Mr. P. J, Scanlon has still some fine cabbage; Mr. Perrin having put on the scale one that tiped 26 rilbs. f -- ii For the Month of June Only: Best prime cooking oil at cost. 60c a gallon. Try this pure vege r table fat in place of indigestible hog lard. At Immerglucks. How to Fight the House Flies Pyrethrum powder burnt in a house stupefies a fly until you can sweep him out and put him where he belongs. A little of this burnt in the rooms in the morning---after which the room should be aired-- will make the house exempt from flies all day. Twenty drop of car bolic acid dropped on a hot shovel or on any piece of warm iron creates a vapor that lays flies low. The common mignonette plant grown in jars and placed in a room makes things unpleasant for flies. A handy thing is white clover. It is strange, but dflies hate the order of white clover. Have a little of this around in a vase and you will Sotice that the flies have business in another direction. This clover P should be renewed every day or so, cfor when it becomes dry it irritates the nostrils. A cheap and efective Cpoison not dangerous to human p lifeIs bichromste of potash in solution. One dram dissolved in two ounces of sweetened water and Splaced ia shallow dishes call the long roll for any number of the pests. Another remedy that for alh purposes has few equals in a solution of formalia, or formalde hjde in water. A spoonful of this ltaid l a quarter of a pint of water left eposmed in a room will mske the la scarce i a very shorttime. Flies are sensitive to r, llgt; kep the window curtains mdown, adt eeapt one littleslit, ard they will gravitate toward it The. ye me emasily drive them outilde. --LeAi' Weekly. Contract Let for More Sidewaiks Abbeville, La. June 4th. 1913. The council of the town of Ab- t h'eville met in adjourned continued a session at the office of Mayor a Ilrasseux with the following namesl I answering to roll call: A(lollph t Brasseux, Mayor. R. 1'. Nelson, c J. C. IBroussard, W. S. Hayes. ahsent, F. L. Melcwck. l'rsnant to adl\'vertisemelnt for i(tls for Colncrete Side- walks as per Special Sidewalk (O)rdinanc No. 3 the foiling BIids were opened. I To the lion. Mayor & Mecmehrs of council, AbIville, La. (ncutlemen: We herci nafter tender this our bid for the construc tion of the different protions of the work pertaining to the extension of Ct.emnt side-walks you are buildl ing in your corlporation as provided for in special side walk ()rdinance No. 3. We will agree to furnish all the materials and labor necessary to perform all the work in stict accord with the specifications and subject to the approval of your inspector and committee for the following prices, viz. Sidewalks twelve 1-4 cents per square foot. Driveways fifteen cents per square foot. Extra Excavation or filling twenty-five cents per cubic yard. Six drain pipe fifteen cents per lineal foot. We enclose certified check for t Five Hundred Dollars as a guar antee that we will sign contract within fifteen days from date award of contract and also furnish ac ceptable bond as required within r the same number of days or forfeit . amount of check to you if we fail to do so. Respectfully Yours. J. B. Silver & Son by H. M. Silver. c On motion Dr. R. P. Nelson, seconded by J. C. Broussard that contract for the construction of cement sidewalks as per special sidewalk ordinance No. 3 be and ( the same is hereby awarded the t firm of J. B. Silver & Son the t being the lowest responsible bidder. C Vote registered thus: R. P. Nel- ¶ son, yea; J. C. Broussard, yea; W. 1 S. Haves. yea. the Mayor there upon declared the contarct awarded to the firm of J. B. Silver & Son I On motion J. C. Broussard, seconded by R. P. Nelson the secretary be and he is hereby in structed to advertise for bids to do the .Municipal Printing of the Corpo"ation of Abbeville, La. as per contract on file with Secretary which must be duly executed by the Printer or Proprietor to whom the printing is awarded, for the year ending July 1, 1914. All voted yea. Unanimously adopted. - On moition W.S.Hayes, second ed by J. C. Broussard the Secretary be and he is hereby instructed to transfer from the General to the Street & Bridge Fund the amount and sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. All voted yea, un animously adopted. There being no further business, on motion the Council adjourned. J. T. Brooks, Adolph Brasseux, Secretary. Mayor. Flowur CGarden Cotet. SThere is a move on foot to create Imore interest in flower gardens of 'this city, which will, no doubt, rprove to be a very interesting move. It is expected that valuable prizes will be ofered to those who a have the best collection of dflowers; Salso to those who have the prettiest Sowlr gardean. SIt would be wise for you to begin now and prepare to have Sone of the beauty flower gardens, Iand cop the best prizes. There is nrothing prettier than a nice and well kept lower garden, sad the time ii ripe now for the start to be made. I New Suits Fied. . 3974---Gill Herman Co. vs. a Delphie P.Leleux,accom t; Gordan d A. Sandos, attorney for plaintif. a 2975--Charley Desber vs. Lesl id. Hama; R. J.LaBuve,attor.v IGpliSaUiL Parish Teachers' Final Meeting. The final regular meeting for I this term of the parish teachers t association was hIld Saturday, and i a very large attendance had. The t meeting proved to be the best of , the year and a splendid program r was rendered, which as follow\s: ( )Opening song, 1y all, led by Amiss Chambers, ,Abbeville School; "Esserntails for Grade I'romotion, Mr. McKee, (Guevdan School; "*School Room hlygiene," Mrs. 1 Rosa Ireguencc, Albeville;" Ilomeni Economics in the Rural School," Miss Spruill. Ablbeville; Address, Retiri ig Supt. A. M. Smith; Ad- I (dress Su)t.Elect J. If. Williams. 'lThe association presented Prof. 11 A. AM. Smith with a loving cup,: which bears an inscription "to A. a AM. Smith. in appreciation of the c services faithfully and efficiently ): rendered in thecauseof education." . The presentation was made by one of our former superintendents, Mr. J. R. Kitchell. Entertainment Commencement A big event which will take place next week is the entertain tnent and commencement exercises which will take i)lace at the new Victor theater Wedinesday and l Thursday. The entertainment by the pri mary lelpartment, which is tinder the direction of Misses Pauline Mizzi and Roberta Holmnes, will be very interesting, and will take place on Wednesday, June 11. On Thursday, the 12th the corn mencement exercises of the Ab beville High School will take place. Dr. Ira Flory, of the L. S. IT., will deliver the annual' commencement address. Tigers Were Shut Out. The Tigers journeyed over to Gueydan Sunda#, where they put up a game of base ball, and to say the least, they were completely outclassed by the Gueydan team. The Tigers are a good bunch of boys, but as yet have not put up the game that they have a strong desire to do. As stated in our last issue, that there would soon be some "goose egg" games, and the Tigers allowed the first shut out game. New Cowfeed, a scientific mix ture of cotton seed hulls, fine corn chops, wheat bran and cotton seed meal. Rich milk producer. 100 lb. sack for $1.55.At Immergluck's iewers In the ous Flowers add so much to the chee tafulnes of the home. even thoulh we may mot be extravagant In byineg them. A few fowers tastefully a ranged brlshten the enttre appear ance of a room. Dinner table look bare andnaelseted without the little vaset of flowers or eterploee of, feus. Bloomer Girls Comlng. On Wednesday, .June 1) The Popular Tigers will play a game of base abell with the Bloomer Girls. The Tigers are determined to win a game and there is a ques tion, as to whether or not they can beat this team. Why not, before buying else where, look over our complete line of Prisley Cravanetted Mohair coat and pants from...... ....................$17 to 120. Other Mohair suits from..... .................... $6 to $Ss. SPalm Beaches...............$10. 'Pongees from.........s to $10. Linens frmn...........$4 to s$8. Linen pants............$1 to $2. a Give us a call. D. S.ILVERMAN OMiger t eems sad wesag mes. Trawlers Hurt the Telephone. Fnno , d(lii...lty Is , x|t,,rie ncý',r by Vtho Japaneiics, t'l'lgraipth servite ow 1ug ti tto datoºurgeu' t MiiS(e to th I stub Imarine' tcabl'les offt thie cEla.t of Japtan by litllllng trawlthr. )Owing to the )rolltaIl natur) ' of teI., huIslp,'SR , thnro han rocI-,.tly been a larn:' in crream, in tt "11 t', nier of tra h ler, withl the re"sult that ;nt intlrr!Iptthe of the catlo e r-rvice l:: freqe itly cautlodtl. 'The tuthoritit-e of th.* goe, trni.ent to I egratlhi iatwl a ric.tilturntl delpart.neto nt; are at pres'.elnt c'-'tf.-rrin g al t to thoe ateIps to Ite' takn to ovircormel the' dlf Oculty. Crafty Agnes. "Hla Agnes aehie +ve de popularity In her islhurbanl holne?" "Y.ou; sho kerDs her cloors wtid, olpen, and her mouth tight shut."--Lift. Rayward Company Coming. Tilhe RL iwar(l Stock ('o. will In here SItl:Layv. June 15. The cmcin )ally will -,e at the Victor Theater, and has tiet peoplle. With thi. cotlpany are Prof. II. \V. I'ate and his family. SBuggies and Harness A New Car at J. A. SUMMERS "The Hardware Man" For the stame money, 6 pIoun(ls for '5e you get the new Process Self Rising Flour at C. F. Grimmer. SANITARY P Roach R Fly O InUseCt 0 F Price $1.25. FOR SALE BY Geo. A. Comfort C O F F E E M ILL Write for descriptve circular. Phone 93. RIDER AGENTS WANTED sests tea .lmmat r a iou r e s e d I Pime 1.1 on ', rno MT.-U. .,L . Philosophy of Shake'pearc. sh~l' r tar.asho n:E(n" t'E tho VeI(tr tlh. tIEEiu'tl t i 111(1 II t'r.t' aI' ( 1 i gl("'14 s r;i tou .uItt irat tahi.r0" a:ll. d II411?; ah hint I(0" l"lit i . 'd.t ;t IIP th In Jilti4Et 'Er ,fflerint'I gle(**uE~n ;t ('haEI(. Icet fnrtit -u4; 'I'h- I lo ('ireijnutsuttiat;i ftE'l flu. J* I Et*" E Ir tt AndE Ii.- :101(11. "'I i~r 11"' 1, $ IEt onily lEE 9 (E(iildkorZ Ifucjh virtu(, in It." Patlenco. T'ntI'lnc 14 the riEIIE tf atlvanco. nu nt, in all lllncr a of lift- -.l;upannor e Proverb. Permanent Engagement. Ma-ul "Art you ~ng~:: g.El to Jack fit" resod'.' IiltiI ifItE 'o0º that t iny. I dutll t thin Ik h '11 ever bIe It i tEpxi tion to nmarry tIlne." I 1rstott lI'tIkIaInjlt. Teachers Being Appointed. IenIo;ev the te" aulierr. ait- I(citig IJj (I tliituul tee thlui r re-.I ((Ct iv Isj ldEC bev Lhit lueuirtl eef Vtlfi(atjeoi - litre arc '1iiitc t I ititttlEt~i eel dl0lhliatiti(i. it) e act(( Ilti Ileeii.