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Image provided by: Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA
Newspaper Page Text
ABBEVI PROGRESS O. Devoted to the Interests of ill and urrounding Community. OAbbeville, Vermilion Pabh, La., Saturday, June 28, 1913 I . an Ply p T PROFESSIONAL CARDS any John Nugier, go District Attrney and Attorney at Law. the Notary in office. re Minos T. Gordy, no Attorney at law. an Phone 14 Office over Bank of Abbecille. all F. J. Samson, w Attorney at Law. li. Notary Public. W. B. White, tr Lawyer. North of Court House. R. J. Labauve, d Attorney at Law. Notary in office. O7. Browumsd, AlmUeY at Law. eary sad Aubstrater in aice. Kitchell & Bailey, AttMraeys at law. Near Court House. Walter B. Gordy, Attorney at Law. Notary ina oee. Greene & Greene, r==Ya at Law. Ntary in odae. LEO SIMON 8saig pa ao P or2 st 5c. S Hair C :at............-... . --.·· . I.Sc. t .se......... .... ................... c A usa Liirt Ca ......... .. ..... 1. good Keoptw Keep cool for the next twot months and bring your friends J under Grimmer's fans and enjoy T · a glass abeer. . -P - aR S S'AN*ITARY teo b tbit hal SS A* #A SGe.. A. ! - a fir ,r. a ** tbe i ýI I f up .Op. ALi~arSa Prevent the Mosquitoes. The hot weather is now with us and will !ikely stay for some time, and it is now just the right time to go over your back yard and see that there are no cans or other receptacles holding water where mosquitoes might breed. We have A not been free of the mosquito yet, and by neglecting this duty, will allow millions to be bred. Don't allow water to stand any where on your premises, unless a little oil is put in it, but it should be drained. Pour a cup of coal ge oil in the cistern. These simple he treatments will practically rid the of community of mosquitoes. 'ake pity on your neighbors, and protect your family from the lI dreaded sickness that the mosqui- ' L toes are raponsibM for. For the Mouth of June Od. I Best prime cooking oil at cost. '. 60c a gallon. Try this pure vege table fat in place of indigestible hog lard. At Immerglucks. ý. Cubs vs. Tilss. On the Fourth of July there will be a great game of base ball to be 1 e.. played between the Abbevilke Cubs -and the Tigers. It is expected that the game will be a fast one, and of coarse, according to the ic. advice which we are receiving, - there will be no possible chance for either team to loose as both are .25c the best and are strong mow and .Se are bound to win. .15c 'DESTROY THE BOLL WkEVIL A Handful of Punctured Squares De stroyed in June is worth a bushel of Squares Destroyed in Late July. The boll weevil infestation is sands of ti general all over the State and State. heavier than since 1910. The degree If the fi of the infestation varies from first squat field to field and from parish to fast and ii are few sq parish, but is heavy enough to be ae few S serious in every cotton comunity l that in the State. done fom Louisiana has enough cotton Take planted and growing this year to Take make 600,000 bales. With a nor- the delt mal season and a good fight on the Follo weevil, this crop can be made. It is up to the farmers to do it. Ac cept the proved experience of others and don't risk loosing this crop. to bb U The punctured squares should e be kept picked up for ive or sixl a weeks or longer according to con - ditious. In rainy spells, it is e, absolately essential to continue ke careful picking up of squares. , The onlysafe and sure way to ce make a cotton crop under boll e re weevil conditions is to tmake a per ad sistent fight on the weevil. A faithful fight made oa the weevil New Swill guarantee a good crop with t of good weather or the next six chop, weeks; and with a wet July, a fair meal, crop can be made. Bpt, if no- lb fort is made to keep down the weevil infestation now, a rainy B July means dister to the cotton At crop, The weevil fight is simple .and the iueq : Mset d, the cotton AMbe " .: .v erlr ag ilete: "mt° The ght from now on must be -re mtsd on the putd J. A squares. Tb e successful, this . . be comm ed when the ot- The d tor begis to square. Every field L. 0. that has weevil sumild be goeeod oyer carefully oce a week, andVi every punctured squae pik on tbm~d . eavi istea divi spt a eho~l bw e marked and cked doc e twine a week. Tewa tk b light hinges em this poist: To tl keep ts abort lived over wtlud tweev bn crnin ,g a brood. Try to kge evWry pact edt squre efro hathing a yoang weevil. t. I arMe who have failed have in- gae ,o, sitated the igjt po late. tu I.i mted of foetia the weevil rfa ..s ba - ,.. su M fed beted a the shbw s 4doubt by t a bi rt . -- Si s e a - td -e. waUi. - =***" "" " ýsen SUC"a' r lksl i e1 r s"otir. d tr anaggui, i s -". "l ° -ý f" - L Up ta e I es t. s - . -t sands of the bst farmers in the many of ti State. up the ins State. If the fight is started when the over some first squares ate punctured, it is had just r fast and inex insive work as there you may 1 are few squar to pick up. The 4th. labor that hoe the crop can keep While the squates pld up if this isband bo done hfd teiart there are Take tha& to the Abbeville re agora Live Stock & jed Co. and make i the delitetried Saturday only. Followidt dte the prizes offered: the nea irst: $25.0. At the Sehatd: $13.00. ourque Third: $14o. m Foarth: Ts year subscription A ng to Abbeville drft th Fifth: Two subscription to for the Abbevlle 'ediath. pwfre Wl Sixth: FIfty prise $1.00 each. At an e lass jars i which to place the weeavils ad pactured fros may band, a be obtained frk of cost at the store Uof L. & M. play. The contesr which prizes are A offered Coses * 1.*1 New Cwfeesd, a scientific mix- We a ture of cotom seed hulls, he corn crops o i chops, wheat bhn ad cotton seed are pro air n. ]Rich m producer. 100 anless ef lb. sack for $1.55.At Immergluck's ses in iay 3. ImibL Elss . was at At the last asual meeting of d ad the DaonkhObi ' f thoin d oft Wie I rg, W. . Hnter, r. L.a t be aSokloaki, Pratk A. Godchanx. ire Jos. A. Vlien,. Ophelims b q. ths O. A. 1roined, Albert S . of t ot- The direeters orqinalmdby e nt eld L. O. rommsard, presidest; F. A. re Ge odcbie and Ophelies .Jourque, and vice presidents; O. A. Brosaisrd, up cashier. The usual semi weekl dividenm eight per cst a cd decared et of the eiraiesm md hoe the balaepled to the credit of c Toth rpu~ rd. Try strS ti s 0 . pe Tr e Tlges, who went over to the savil. St. Martissave na day to play a Sin- gaeme of baae ball witthebrl oa Iate. team of that pace. The pa a wee fine. sad wall'aed, bin twe ho -p 1 b06los mal t se.. Ther as A *____ a big crowd 6a0 weIuo d the the Am trfltuen tutae whi they r ,Uars useetwet at d imth b -h o the St. pgg , Hae. Leeo bores. d pJt Mu-hwIktt.-d mmd enja *e ba.. tripd A .a #r . i. l.Iw ed tmS, 5es K,.. ,dt' aa d cers, n .m iw I S, , . baird 4hle M ieu -* - - -.. - M PInrwy. m dahmL, bi gh -b nSe h Sli* hs - -. .w em .i..s n he sac I' Ili w ,. Ehe hofr lS bs~~~ h1 L1' h.rl :UIW e~ ~i. SeiI~dS b0c*' ~ ~m ~ . . ~b4' * ' New Band Plays Inspec for First Time by The band music which was A party heard Tuesday night was only the Alexander, sttrins from the new band which Payne, chi was organized a short time ago. partment c The organization of the band was servation c the result of the efforts of the Arthur, c Abbeville Progress. Housley, At the meeting Tuesday night Arthur W many of the old band boys took Democrat up the instruments and practiced last Wedu over some of the new music which They wn Ihad just received---and by the way, tour of the Syou may hear it in public on July tries, visit through I e 4th. Terre why 2 While there are enough old shrimp pl band boys to play a few tunes, bay, then there are about a dozen boys who inspectini are going to learn, and it goes rapin indi without saying that Abbeville will Jr., throt . be able to boast of a good band in on to Me Sthe near fatre. met and i At the business meeting Paul the fresh Bourque was elected the business the prese manager of the band. dustry, A committee was appointed to thereof, i draft the constitution and by-laws Island to for the band; alse to to find a suitable reserve, placewhere practice an be had, and the At an early date there will e coming play put on for the benefit of the sy bad, sad as orchestra has been por ti gotten up to furnish music for the and pi play. eals, cd Masain Maurice Items. Enjoy ix- We are glad to note that the qnein on crops of this imediate vicinity s of eedare promising so for, and thatt 100 unless some unfavorable weather k's sets in, a big crop is predicted Severia Gaspard, of this plae was a bsine w visitor to the paisl of seat last ,Plriday. Willie Berard, of Abbeville, was in our midst, on special bi Felix Broussard, ot Mamrice was a business visitor to LeRoy lt Vaiers. Esmr and Over Hebert, of this pla wet er to Ab A. bevdi~ el t Satud ay business. m s reteursia Momday. Camile Hebert was a busiaeas Svisitor to Milta one day blt week. WIAy aW~Yra is bns a e it of cotta e tinte Msotern prt of this town.. Aeorditng to reports tber dif Sfaet pas ea the bold weevi bm already wme their appeaerae in or athe cttm o M of thlis vieaity. y a It is claimed by somethat this is emm ath earliar thus b at yer. er ws jN. feis was a blmSines Shoars viter to the parish seat Meaday. oa lrM e i em daye, lU't .. k w Al Mee warh md oy Sthei -, -a s toAbvili iast as St. pIMy. Sprie..,;r .;. ... ... e -e s ' usatithus a T n ". tsola ...or Ur....... ' lin L ofm ... -- h te - ?he ws Inspection Tour by the Officials A party composed of M. L. Alexander, president; Frank T. Payne, chief surveyor, and E. A. Tulian, chief of the fisheries de partment of the Louisiana con servation commission; Stanley C. Arthur, of the Item; Guy J. Housley, of the Picayune and Arthur W. Van Pelt of the Times- - Democrat, came in on the boat "Daisy" having left New Orleans last Wednesday. They were making an inspection a tour of the game and fish indus y tries, visiting many points, coming through Harvey canal into Bayou Terre where they inspected the shrimp platforms in Bayou Terre " bay, thence to Grand Isle, and o inspecting the diamond back Ter m rapin industry of John Ludwig, ill Jr., through Fort Levinston parish in on to Morgan City, where they met and interviewed the leaders of at the fresh water fish men, regarding a the present laws of the fish in dustry, and the improvement to thereof, thence along to Avery's w Island to the E. A. McIlhenny ble reserve, also to the state reserve and the Russel Sage reserve, then a coming dhere. te en For the canning of figs, peaches the and pickles: White Crown Jar Seals, clean and sanitary, fits any Mamas jar, at Immerglucks. the Enjoy yourself by playing cro t quet in the evening hours. Nice n sets of croquet are sold at Dalton's hat at moderate prices. ter $5 Down * BUYS A Bay from yoear home man and save money and 1 truble. I BILLY " The Piano Man. e- art wt 0ee. Fabkt'Maomrs B"rwla, En " " SJ.A. SUM . II H-d. , wu -M r .7. SP.leaureq il s. . • ., . Tennis Sets at Dalton's Perfect Settings - e -h ng When you buy a set ring you wisk to know that the stones cannot nt be lost. F's W. W. W. rings are insured against loss of the stone. If a stone cones out it is replaced by the maker absolutely ve free and no questions asked. men Prices $2 up. See our window display. ham Vriion Jswer y Ce. a J. A. LeBlanc, Mgr. ny HERE at the start od yar Stop trip-f, e solhb, Is. puasmpinLg, or inspecti of sout hig cr- that acts saspiciously--ad yonr qp ic l wl be made with lns aukiety. lU's Vermduion m ra, A. A. Duhas .P J. K. LAMBE wm ill make ya sn. : Pait yaoutm, m r.v-me w m Dsore ear slamse w it er sw aa semA, gummon . C. No t w Uwefi's Us se. Phmoe 237. Sst,