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ABBEVILLE PROG 1 VOL. 1. Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Community. NO. 19. Phone 248. Abbeville, Verni2ion Parish, La., Saturday, July 5, 1913. I1 a Year. • PROFESSIONAL CARDS John Nugier, District Attorney and Attorney at Law. Notary in office. Minos T. Gordy, Attorney at Law. P'hone 34 Office over Bank of Abbeville. F. J. Samson, Attorney at Law. Notary Public. W. B. White, Lawyer. North of Court House. R. J. Labauve, Attorney at IAw. Notary ifl office. J. O. Broussard, Attorney at Law. Notary and Abstractor in office. Kitchell & Bailey, Attorneys at Law. Near Court House. Walter B. Gordy, Attorney at Law. Notary in office. Greene & Greene, Attorneys at Law. " Notary in office. LEO SIMON Shaving Parlor on Concord St. Iair Cut......................................25c S.............................................15c Chklera Hair Cuts ........................15 , Keep cool for the next two months and bring your friends under Grimmer's fans and enjoy .a glass of good beer. SANITARY Roachf F 0P Insect Prii e $.2s. FOR SALE BY 4eo. A. Comfort ,ý F E e6 LMILL Welnt t eferdptive rcirvr. Fhoae4S. POF L.ES BANK & TRUST CO. . ' LOCATE© AT ADNEVILLE. PARISH Or VERMILION. furfqnished to the State Him; f Stat Banks by the above D kb B # the cdme of business on June 23rd, 1913. i. tE 7I( ECS. UABIUTIES. «...,w ..............,...; 1,.? 5 Chp..I Stock -id is ...................5 SOCW.oo 3 I.ins4 br2. 1 ......Um» 2,167.1OIhdscd PraImsk lees em an ryri~ -- r i~8ia~i~~..~~..$ b rtr . ..................... w... 3,6L4 Oildirý fr Itta, etck if OMiMm. eertwa js b· deposi ............ 10,,38.00 M iJ...W WUIIU - ami bid 3)mesf d c spock ..... S8 . » . !,0 OIIsd ec .............. 62.71 ^-1" www - sm.........ww......~... ; .. ww, tlllt W w "tt~lltttll A ~~~ ~ O~ i~u.m.~. ·: 11O 4 Ik- ...b -11S. 2,3 *>' ··- t QYdl~r~:,. a" A Ingo~n~· c·· ;is o ·· :i~"''WLii~lI*I·JI a i NA" "O lk rth Surveying work is Completed The Lafayette Advertiser con tained the following in Tuesday's City Engineer T. H. Mandell, of the La. Traction and Po'wer Co., left Saturday for Lake Charles to remain until later when the work of actual construction of the in terurban trolley will begin. He hay completed surveying and locat ing 59 miles of road, from Ab hIville to Lafayette and from Lafayette to Scott to Opelousas and Washington. Fancy New Heavy Oats. Four bushel sacks at $2 a sack. Special Iprices in quantities, at Immer glucks. $5 Down Then $2 weekly BUYS A Pianola Piano " Buy from your home n and save money and trouble. BILLY The Piano Man. Sheet Music 1oc. Biggest Catch of the Season One of the leading citizens of Abbeville, together with four prominent citizens of Gueydan, a merchant, a barber, and a mem ber of the high s:hool faculty, left Gueydan Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock for (Grand Chenier, where they were scheduled to arrived at 9 o'clock. The trip had been planned for a week and great preparations had 'been made. A good boat had been secured and provisions put on board. The provisions consisted of one pillow, one quilt, one ax, a few bottleof beer and six sandwiches. The boat, the style of a skiff, was som:ewhat slower than was expected, and the mosquitoes worse than usual. The fisherman proved to be loyal to the engine, staying all night with it, and also the mosquitoes. Our Abbeuille citizen was appoint ed a committee of one to take the ax and cut the mosquitoes off of the side of the boat as fast as they would rivet they bills in. The party arrived at Grand Chenier at 3 a. m., and still in good spirits, prepared to rig up their fishing poles when, lo, to their surprise, they had been for gotten. Not one pole, hook nor line did they have.They then went for a swim, and as the six sandwiches and beer had given out, they took dinner at the Grand Chenier hotel. After dinner, they left, for getting to have a lunch prepared. They arrived in Gueydan that night quite hungry after their strenuous` fishing - trip. Over seventy gallons of gasoline was used on this trip. For the canning of figs, peaches and " pickles: White Crown Jar Seals, clean and sanitary, fits any Maon jar, at Immergtueis. Rain Prevents Base Ball Gamb There was no base ball game here Sunday as was scheduled. A heavy rain just about the time for the beginning of the game visited this vicinity and made the ground so wet that thegames had to be! called off. There was to have been a double header, Cubs vs. Youngs ville, and the Tigers vs. Milton. There was quite a -large crowd to witness the two games, and after all they were much disap pointed. To Muck Rain Now. There is absolutely no doubt but what we are going to get the forty days rain that was indicated by the rain on the eighth of June. So wemight as well carry the um tredlloatil the 18tltof July. In the game of life the worker in the oae who scores. Large Acreage h is Not Used The following has been given out by the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce: Riding \West from Lafayette to Ecl!h. on the Louisiana boundary. rich grazing grounds for a thou sand herds of cattle are visible from the car -windows, but few cattle. Vet there were shipped from:i this section this spring over four thousand head via the Southern Pacific alone,to one grazing county in Texas. There they have been turned loose on the range and in the fall they will be shipped to the Kansas City and St. Louis market, butchered and processed and ship ped back to liuisiana. Pr(~ably some of the original owners will buy beefsteaks from their carcasses, paying fancy prices therefor. The district in question without infringing on present crops, is capable of supporting nearer for hundrcd-thot:san:d than four thou sand, and there is sale for theni at excellent prices within three hun dred miles of where they should be grown. Given capacity for production and known market, what is needed in some medium for bringing pro ducer and seller together, Other communities have solved the pro blem by organizing developecment bureaus under trained management to look after such general cornm munity interests. Washington, the Canadian Northwest, Michigan, and North Georga are examples. Enjoy ytrrself by playing cro quet in the - evening hours. Nice sets of croquet are sold at Dalton's at moderate prices. Motor Car Now Carries Mail Beginning Tuei'day mning of this week, the motor c$r began - ng mail in and out of Ab ville, thus affording our citizens and opportunity for a tanch quicker mail service, and- gives us three mails a day instead of two as here tofore. The car takes the mail out in the m9rning, and brings in the mail in the evening. One can now get mail of early in the day by mailing it in the evening or even at night, and those who have lock boxes may get their mail in the evening, as the post office will be open until after the distribution of the mail. Interestiang Bi Game.u The game' between the Rice Cove team and the Bayou. Tigre team Stunday, which was played in Rice Cove resulted in a yictory for the Rice Cove team. This game was started, and twp inings played, before the heavy rain, After the rain stopped, the greund being grassy, drained off fast, the game was finished and the players dis played some record breaking slides, and at the end of the nine innings, the ground was very near dry and a hot an was sliinin. ,It is very probable that the Rice Cowve team willbe seen here at an early date, using one of our home teams for theiropponents. The Rice Cove team still has its first game to lose. C.. D. Parcel Po~t. In addition to tbhe new rural route and the new mail servic, which was tart Julyr 1, there isa system of. O. . D. Parcel Post put into elect. OMni can now send a peickae by mail ta have it tel -.ter by the taut Uaeg peopl. Packages go at the aeu rates as -was bdme, but the me who re aive hd Hpeaagehu htpay the amount de, ase aadditieal fee, which is to y for frwwrdihg the m . oinyh au id hha tois h t be dome by masey order. Nmew Cowled, a datiskr ai abha~w esw a ite mW-a ;i..7;'~ ~ ~ ~ . ·-rs`·l::_i"S`·~qc~ Extracts From School Report Atmofng tl:e interc.-ting item:; of tl:e school report for V\rmihoui parish are as follows: Receipt, of the year bgcinnih:, 'July 1,1912 and ending July 1,19:3 were $60, 562.38; disabrsementj during the ~,ame pcrild.$, 445.3-!. Of this amount tea:hcrs salaric, amounted to $41,1 08.76. The av\rage salaries were, w\hit: male, $64.28; white female,$47.S5: colored male, $31.25; colored fe male, $30.00. The enrc,llment of 2,521 white bos,2.,514 white girls; total colored, 76'9; average attendance white, 1,766 ovys and 1,638 girls; I'Educable children e:ralled, 63 pe:r cent white, 55 per cent co,'l:r ed. Numtexr white edlicalles in parish, 9,080. Cost per'child lbased Mon actal! attendance white .'.2.17 per Imout!: colored $1.06 per- mouth:i; Cot based on enrollment. per chii Iter month, white $1.13; coiored, 79c. Value of Houses, sitc. ani. equipment owned lby the .scl:,, board, $126,000. The rural school items show that the cost per child per mouth, based on enrolhuent is 99c; cost based on attend!aice is I.3 8. The cost for traansportation in transfer is $1,35. Special Prime white coal oil, 1Oc a gallon; 5 gallons for 45c. At Imnmerglucks. Warehouse and Tanks Erected The Standard Oil Co. of Louis iana, of which Mr. Frank W. Summers is local manaier, is now nearing the completion .of the work on their new home. There are two tanks, each 10x30 feet, and a warehouse 24x40 feet. This is located just across the river, near the sugar house, and is en closed by a pretty Elwood lawn fence, nicely painted. Mr. Summers is one of our home boys, being a son of Mr. Geo. W. Summers, of the firm of Broussard & Summers, and is knbwn to be a hustler, and to say the least, the company is well and ably represent ed by him. While swatting the fly don't forget to eliminate his breeding place. Bank of Abbevile. Abbevlte. La. Parish of Vermilion. Report frnhthed to the State raminer of lnks by the *abovre Baank at the clse of business ht June 23rd, 1913. RESOtjURCes. Dem uad l a ns............................... ...$ 1,750.0o Lons secured by mortalre............. 60.237.55 Other foans sad discounts............. 37".,542.93 Overdmfts, secaurted and ... 232.94 Other stocks, bands. securities. etc. . 5.000.00 Dankiur houe. furniture and fixtures.. 22.000.00 other eal ate owued....................... s.O.Oo ue fn abmasad hmonker,..s.......... S..02.9 C. aother ash Items........... 521.32 GodM CoL .......................................... 1,455.00 lh r, dlke sod spper coin............... 5,09.15 Nalea as~ak not sad alln issues U. S. ea oment............................ 5,779.00 s550.591.ras Surplus................................ 100,000.00 DnlMud proSts, eIw expenses and e pi .................................... 41.301.2z Iadlial depoits subdect to check.... 176,373.90 •time eatc lcat destit ................... care d cheeks .................................... sj , Imn as ate....................................... s tweno lao r ..............: ................. 9532 Parish of Vesmllge. 1. ,. 6. .Uomn, preldeut.L ad 1, 3. K. rerrike, aalstastbler, o- the aboe saumed Mkd,. aeml ar weatlt tme oe ste ment a tue to ate be at o armVk u ge d belle. 1.. O. DUOUSSARD. It. $,. ,ran su. Satbed d m.ra o be uua.mal eenwa daeor m, lur . o0o w. s.tra aa 2oc up CI ton's Vi7 &lSre Ii i~s c1us;, tli2 1;.-.t c::r iii Ac 'vori4) 'I' = _ _- - ` _ . {(ý 3 ! ) \, cýý,--. i" 'i- · iI11?53jt ý:ýrý''r'._i.ýýY_" ?:r:{' ·ýs:L'.ýii' ý `'ýM"ý" Cýýi all the w\orlH c ::,1 a;'l , Si t h ' .:r. At no earl , ' dact., r ::r_ · ~: i:"cs from the s:rro-tali.:t :K riae- 1 'ill !:' invited to wmeet at Lafa :tte for the crs:iit:tion uf a lureau, the principle' of which shall he a. boa:ird and coret:lrel:c:;iv-c a' the needs of :lthe pe:pl concer1ed. There is a mluch needed bocst in1 Vermilion parish and this op portunity is well worth the inves tigation, and any informaticn rc garding the organization of the. bureau may be had from the "Big Boost Bureau" at Lafayette. The object of the bureau is to first get organized, and then adopt plans whereby the whole of soutlt west Louisiana will be benefitted. Rural Route No. 1 Started July 1 Beginning Tuesday, July 1, the rural route, No. 1, was put into effect, with Chester Labit, as tem porary carrier. The route is about twenty-five miles long, in the northeast direction from here. The carrier leaves here every moraing at 11 o'clock, except on Sundays. This adds much to the convenience of the farmers and it is our hope that this will tend to have other routes put in. 40 Cane and Rice WAGONS AT. J. A. SUMMERS • "The Hardware Man" FOR SALE One pair mules, 4 year old, good and gentle, weight 800 and 900 pounds. One Columbia wagon. One set of Harness. Prce forall $450 Call on or write to J. W Bryan, SAbbeville, La. r 77 i-dr! '': o. Aii Cattle. I .. ;: ilt ' btytivers t . .:.. . 1. taken I.. - ;;,::-, Il : t o;,., when they ' I t . rut:L;._t .l r hr1" ) et ' ;!:g ": . ' - ý . ;:.'c- ;- lc of the - :h .- ! ,, ; ,l:t the.e cattle are !.i i ' d out. o-nsidcr that ii he shlrt, t:c of cattle is such Shi rtoc. l:vyr-, to Comle from the far w ';t to boythcls scrub cattle for bre&inug purp:)sem. the chances of Southern farmers refilling their 'ipa-:ur.s with good cattle are iindee.l :;:,all. From whence are these good breeding cattle to conie at a reasonable price? The Most Loved The Gift That Com ys Affection No gift could possibly contysveek affection or give such life-long pleesuae as a W. W. W. Guarantteed Rim. You can hay a W. W. W. i any birthstone at uny price ft p. You can't make a mistake if you select a W. W. W.Guarante1e Ring. Vermilion Jewelry Ca J. A. LeBlanci, Mgr.