Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and Surrounding Cornmmunity. * .IAhlhc\illc, \l iniliom PIr kh La., Saturdayv, July 12 1913. ;IONATL CARI)S v auI .\ttorlln at Law Notary ill otIice r(rdyv, rilay at ,Law. over I;anL. of .bhlxville orn'v at L]w. Notary Piublic itc, weer. North of Court Ilousez we, rnve at Lanw. Notary in office sard, riia'v at AW. nall Abstractor inl officc Bailey, Irnevs at L4aw. Near Court I1House. ordy, racyv at Law. Notary in office. ireene, rieys at I aw. Notary in office. )N blor on Concord St. ............................... Sc ........................ 3c. uts ........................... l 5c Down $2 weekly UYS A a Piano Dmi your home save mioncy and LLY iano Man. ic O10c. AMBE our sign, laue, carriage or auto. sr home with wall paper, aitas and, guarantee Anybody Keep cool for the next two @ the and bring your friends r Grimmer's fans and enjoy ss of good beer. ITARY Roach R Fly O I ,a O ' F Price $.25. 'full, IS rt P. E. 'witzer a \isitor Here \tliie.dMLdav everuing we had a very ntch applreciated call front Mr. Paul I. Switzer. the acting tntian.,er of the it. Big Boast Bureau, which has, its main t f fice at Lafav ! tte. Mr. Switzer came over lhere itn the interest of the urrcatt, atnd will have this parish well repjre settting in the bureau. This )utrean covers about.thirteen of the fertile parishes of this section of the state, and by co-operation there will be great benefits derived. Aioutog some will be the secur jing of qualified instructors for tile teaching of niodernt scientific farm ing nmetholds: the encouragement of crop diversification; the procur Sing of scientific soil surveys; the encotr:ageentt of the extension of trans.portation facilities, highway, water and rail; the procuritg of equitable freight rates; the estab lishment of markets and the introduction of manu facturies; advertising the resources of, and encouraging inmmnigration into, the district; the cultivation of the true commtunity spirit and elimination of sectional jealousies. These are all matters properly and most efflciently handled by co-operative effort, through organ izations broad enough and strong enough to carry infltence not only with people who support it but with the outside interests which must be reached in the protnotion of any considerable and lasting developentet. Parish Roads in Need of Care Vermilion parish seems to have a chance now that she has never had before. There are many little things that are going on in the .way of inmprovements, and there are many large ones, and to say the least they are good, everyone of them. True too, there are many thinlgs tlhat are ncglected,and especially the public roads of the parish. The roads as a rules are fine, but now and then one has to cross a bad mud hole, caused. from not being drained. There are bridges here and there that are high and a steep approach to them makes them very disagreable. It would seem that some would have enough get up about them to have these few bad places remedied, thus making the roads good all the way. Lets see who will so this. The roads that are kept up, are a rule, are done by some enterprising man or a few men. Special Prime white coal oil, 10c' a gallon; 5 gallons for 45e. At Immerglucku. at Baptist Church Pr'aching 1)," Dr. W. J. E. Cox, of Alexan!dria. Every One Cordially Invited Song Service I,ed by Rev. C. I. MI ount of Crowley. Comel out n! enljoy sollme soul stirri:: services. T'lhe sernoln Mndlia night was fromt the text, "And lhie said to them all, if any men will come after ime let him lentyv imself, and take up his cross daily, antd follow nu." ' Silf Dlenial, Cross lleari'ng an Iollowing Ilitu, the essential featureasas Kauti fully elucildated from this text in choice Iulatngge, reaching the hearts of his ltearers. Tuesday morning the Doctor spolke fromt the ,cripture as named in I'roy\erbl, "liHe that is wis:e winieth souls." At l'ue-dav night's service the text was "Thou shalt call His name Jesuts." At \VWednleslday morning's service the following- was usel as the hatisi of the sermt: "I an thie .(txl Shlepherd, netl know my sheep, and am knowin of nmile," foundl in John,' tenth chapter and fourtheelltll verse. This sermrlon was especially appreciated by those who enjoced the privilege of being present, britngingl out the especial intinlacy cx isting lxtween the Shepherd andl Iis sheep, stre..,t't'lening th!: faith andi hope of the Christian. At Wedmne.hlay night's service the text was Romans 6-23, "The wages of sin is ilcath, but the gift of Goil is eternal life through Jesus Cl:rist, our Lord." "The lleittousness of Sin, and the reward thereof, Enternal Death, was contrasteld with the reward of (;Gol's gift, to man in: reIxlltcnce. Eternal Life through our Lord. Jesus Christ. Rev. Moutlt is a very fine singer and the solos rendered by hitm are especially effective. "So::telxlvy Loves You, 'Tis Jesus," was m!uch appreciated. Come out. You are muissing a splendid treat in these mleetints. Every olne is welcome, without lmonlley anid without price. Come and worship together, tlut you may. fihnd eternal life for your souls. Camp Meeting At Lake Arthur The annual encua-mpt:ent of the Lake Arthur Camp Meeting As sociation will be held from July 10th. to 20th inclusive with the following helpers: Rev. Andrew Johnson of Wil more, Ky., evangelist; Hamp Sewell of Atlanta, Ga., scug leader and Mrs. Bessie Putnam, organist. Hamp Sewell, the well-known song composer and publisher, ranks as one of the best evangelistic singers in the field and with the help of Mrs. Putnam as organist will make the music a very helpful feature. There will be a boat at Mermen tan to meet passengers from No. 5 Southern Pacific train on Monday, Thursday and Friday, also autos and hacks can be secured at Jen nings at reasonable ratesr The boarding house will be under good management and good meals may be secured at reasonable rates. There will be no gate fee, charges this year. The meeting is open to all de nominations and the public is cordially invited to attend the services. Rid. Dmn tbe Vermailio. The ILafavette Advertiser:---Last Sunday a crowd from the Summer Nonmal School enjoyed a very delightful excursion on Bayou Vermilion---going as far as Abbeville. The scenery along the bayou was gorgeous and, in many places, it rivals that of the far-famed Teche, as described by Longfellow in Zvangeline. The following composed the party: Miss Edith Lyall, Miss Fanny Hetherwick, Miss Hazel Haines, Miss Mary Myhand, Miss Cassie Pollard,. Miss Ruth Kent, Miss Emna B. Jones, Prof. John H. Keen. Prof. Harry C. Bond, Prof. G. W. Goldsmith, Mr. Edwrrd G. Burleigh, and lMr. E. C. McCa tlaum, Jr. pumplagh laqarspeiem at somthia iB ureau l e(eeiv'es 3t Finel Si q)pOS i IaT any . , thl:r }n .l( j ticln eve receiltk so uhnit, and hearty : pl'l it a'. the I roio'.td , IraTniza tiolln of a SouthVwestcrn l ,u isi.:i: I)vceloh llmelitt liuret'l. TIl': fi . dai!ie.s ip'.l'li 1.d in thi .i :ric,, J':.iin,. '(ime-Re ord American Press ald imcs of I,ak Charles, the Signal of Crowley amui The Press of I,afavtte have al enldorsed the movement. The Rice Belt Journal of Crowley is suppllort ing heartily as are the Ahhevilh P'rogress, Eunice Call, Morrgal City Chronicle. Je;lerette HI erald lnterprise and Iberian, of Nevm Iberia. Banner of Ville l'latte. an( probably mlany others who are s( far have nleglected to put IlN or their exi hange list so thatAVe 1:XM kee p pace with them. Beside, the I'icavnllle, the di'. trict is also greatly indebted to thi New Orleans Item, and Countr. Review of Baton Rouge for theii excetllelIt handling of this Ilmattet in which they are only indlirectl1 interestlel. W'hen newspapers of a di:,trici can pull together as they are nose loiing, the ultimllate succees of thilt undertaking is assured. May Drain the Crooked Sticks Among the imporant things that are being done for the ilmpro\ve Inent of tile conditions of the parish and for the bettermuclt of the city of Abbeville is the project to drain the coulee knowni as 'Crooked Sticks." There is now being formed a drainage district to be known as the "Catoked Sticks I)rainage District," the purpose being to drain all the laId betweel iBayou Verjnilien and the Gross Isk woods, andtl all the land in the rear of Abbeville. Should the effort prove success; ful thousands of fertile acres would be brought into use, and the riost fertile for cultivation purlos.s. At the present time the water itn many places is nearly a mile wide, ec:autse of no d1rinage, and year by year is enlcroachinllg 1upon the cultivated lands, as the outlel through Young's Coulee is nearly filled up. Good roads is one good thing that cannot be overdone. Richear Read New Serlad a a * *e hi H egti!alir SessinI of City 1Fatlters Tl'he citiy cen: il lll i I.n" "1 ,-i si,, n t , 'rl ,t i , , tl t i f 1.1 , I ,,l" t n ti finct e t c,l 'c.,k ,, e s r let tne. I AI t t e nt cti .- \\1. 't it l. . e i 3.t\1 r h tt,-t .zn l,,.ilin .i,.uttt, 31. et pM ,rs t Sn: R. t !. NL! .I ,'wi nl t... ri,,l wis h tc:,utlrlcInr s lir ctn.. sord, t11.\ere., orandle! bcek pretrt. The rel.rt of the chief of police Shitsw 'd thltd thile rtt. l t o llctd. dtlurintg thei month of June wi:tea. X1i5. "'her were no rlt orlts r't i\ e. fromh the nighlt to licemen. Thill raprt of the ltrndt keler lrhlowett that the collhctiols .,r impounded stock atoul. it ii to 1r5. iMestsrs. Suninia lICaldiwll and Joe Rs sa and after some dis'ussion were ordered filed with thie recotird. Iill agfo ainsr the general fundstwere approved and or.llres. pai, which o ills alre ai aist r e tht. and britIl hS, fund, amountiný,, to 51-44.91, wecre approwv.-d alni or,.ertI paid. After le I.ussing thle watter of n liehher or lnot the sestl.ertl ofro king, rtecentl o installet, couhl ie dlivid!ed, it was dc cidod that tthe selt tlr be continued as before the ssterof t t.r lin ltmotion dulaV iecoleidii, it wias ordered that Mr. Chas. E. .Werl:th come lucre and arraIlle the s'steml so that the lks of thpolce wHter and lighto plrant car. ble setrattd fron thoseot o the corporation, that then may be kept by the tookke.lxr of the water and light plant.This motion was unanimously carried. The chief of police was instructed to bring Mir. Desire Trahan lefore the mlayor pro tenl at 9 o'clock Thursd.ay miorning to answer to the charge of violatin of awl contempt in thle matter of crecting a building within the fire litiits of the corporation of .\llieville, -mllt show cause why he should not I1 '-unisI:hee as proviled by sai fire ordi nance. This lnotionl was ulnaliiniously il,ited', a:lt the chief of lplice was so ord ered. ]lids were op-ened for printing tlhe ro-,ncil proceedings, the Meridional tibding $.t)0, while the Vermilion News, a t:ewspapert which has been in existen-ce for more than a year, Iid $150. The Vermilion News being the lowest bidder for the job, was awarded. thle printingl of the proceedingl: of the town of Abbeville. This motion was unani iimotsly adopte:l. The loui-iana Traction andu Power Co., deposited S180 as "evidence of good faith antd intenition to avail themselves of the tax voted in their tavor on the tenth day of March." For the canning of figs, peaches and pickles: White Crown Jar Seals, clean and sanitary, fits any Mason jar, at Immerglucks. To Erect New Building. Plans are now being made by Mr. George Honold for a two story fire proof brick building, which will cost about $12,000. The building will be erected on the corner lot of Mr. J. O. Brous sard, where the little building, occupied by District Attorney John Nugier, ntow is. This will be a fine improvement for this section of the city, we are proud to note such improvements. Farmers Need Instructi'ons '"'The farmers of this section need instructions in the matter of grow ing diversified crops alright" said E. E. Shackford, at general man ager of the Louisiana Traction lines, at Lafayette recently, "and they neel the opening up of out side markets." Btq, if they would study local conditions they would find a market for much of their produce that now goes to waste. "Many farmers hereabouts are giving many Irish potatoes to any oie who will come for them, and tng what they can't give away rot. Those potatoes will be worth real money in the fall, and to pre serve them it is only necessary to dig them and put them in some dark cornerg of their barns. If they have not room they will keep justas well pitted shallow mnd covered with a light layer of dirt. "Under the present reckless system of giving away they are aiding in the destruction of their markets, cutting down the trade of the city grocers and laying up faorthemselves the certainly that they will have to dig .into their ow pscedb to lay fancy pices bam rtbsra grown .petat is the ^4,W 4. I iiP 1%4 ,v . 7ýb: .1 ".a-ýy . ..._ ý.. .t=G' ýiý . t A o - SaI~SOI chtiV' llPeoles x113'. r( HoId is Being Made Wi tler Of great intere t andl benefit to all is the ill rovtinclit in the public road junst :crr,- the havvonu. vwhlich i tihet' ;ain andti miut tral ed road into the city. The ri i , i n; o r,.'. i. ti:: from tl;c MoLty corner to the \'ctr nmilion Sugar Co.'.s plant. As it was before it was only about twenty feet wide and more than! half the time was impassible. Now it will be about 40 wide with :a side walk on each sidle. This work is being done by the farmers of that)cction, who are giving their services valuntarilv. The thing is beiing financed by the city council and the ipolice jury. and is very ably as'isted by the Vermilion Sugar Co. 'ihe conmpany furnishes lunches to the workmen. and is encouraging the work light along. Stumps have hbee blown up after the trees were cut down, and the telephone poles are being re moved by Cumberland Telephones Company, and there are about thirty workmen busy at the work. This will make one of the pret tiest roads in this part of the parish when finished, and it is expected that it will be completed and in fine condition for this fall's harvast. This ituproveuent alone will bring considerable trade to Ab beville that has heretofore been going elsewhere, and we trust will be an example set, whereby other roads will be widened and im proved. Imported Tomato Paste, 7 cans for 25c, at Inmmergluck's: ASK J. A. SUMMERS "The Hardwtare Mau" He Might Know FOR SALE One pair mules, 4 year old, good and gentle, weight 800 and 900 pounds. One Columbia.wagon. One set of Harness. Price foqall $450 Call on or write to J W. O'Bryan, ° Abbeville, La. Marriage Licenses. K:. 1. I:,'lr , ;: lit* i c ,x 1 , ::.. ')':: -, ftf I tnrrv, aill Alf, iia ThC l ,rdi ...:x. ,f rath. Mlaurict li of Alrx, f MiltoVn, lncy : . IUean, of Oats. trice. l,'!.:l sncks at a:: :nck. Slpeuiie I'riceiard luantith i:f at Iih. Rh,,ert ile it r- on arud Matuie Cary, colored, of Abbeville. Rj lix lioudraut--t x ano Marie Ida illanc, both of Ahbevill.. Fancy New Heavy Oats. Four ,:ushel sacks at $2 a sack. Special prices -in quantities, at Immer .,lucks. The k: ow-it -all in agriculture i• like fruit---the soonest ripe the so-nest sp-diled. The Most Loved oet All Prasts The Gift That Conveys Affection No iift coa!fd possiblyV convey such affectioun o,r give' such liti-long pleasure as a W. W. . I. u.iralttecvl Ring. You can buy a W. W. W. Ring in any birthstone at any price from $2 up. You can't make a mistake if you select W. W. W.Guaranteed Ring. Vermilion Jewelry Co. J. A. LeBlanc, Mgr.