Newspaper Page Text
I Louisana LEPERS AT LOUISIANA CAMP. By Use ,f Serum From Bacteria of Erysipelas Believed Permanent Cure Is Found. nr t 1. 1:L I , ,' r - I . bli <(,u rI I i i ! I. ' it i. . - r II .', r("t ' ' hul·',: h . , S II , II : a wii bin , N '. Ir I', toi, l , I" ' I . ' l, ,r · ' 1 ti t . : t ' , ' ' iln 1t w elum ml . 'I' ;lilt 1n." \\ ;1 \ 1 r ! ta l 1., b .. , t d is . . ! " i lt D. n t Wa nt Nle iro Sch, I 1 1 ', '" , . I ' Ia i t ' rilt' HI adl.r 1 Grat Pe ! rmi. "u r t H, I' t I ill I, 4 I-I, t h a :tit . , ri ,i' ' . :!; tit ( tilt'' iii; t. , `.t I "i t .,. ' i hi " ' , ; : 1.I' t t ii, . I, t . . "it" orit 'e i s ". ((I 1I " to . 1 t; t (i" . l-- i " .li I S' I ion to ltocal i e 'lie s ti-io r I l .i , l .,'id New Orleans.-lt'siultintg froitm a series of cobfierences the New Orleans freig ht handlers SIturday '.r' ei;tl, tii permit the longsihorem to ha nl . It' bulk fre i ht, suc as ferro mll aane . pyrites, manure, salt an,, I kanite. di rect froi m ship to cars, and . t trim mint of same in the cars to be done by the longshoremen the same as is done at other terminals, as well as in the ports of Baltimore and Galveston. Lafayette Wide Open Again. Lafayette "-City Jud-g Elliott Sat urday decla red the anti-glambling or dinance null and oid on the ground of irregularitties itn ru e ordat tion and OIulication of -the a mnenrl ment upo' ('hargois has h ltetn stricrtly lll i , forcingl the law for sevilraltel bt'ck,It this del cision throws the tovn , wilde c(p'I. again. Gas and Light System isHandlers Grant Planned. commiisionE-rs mt ntt 8,i tirdy:i in ·t,(' clII session and ali stil :1 i -olutitjon authoriiino the cit ye liitineetr. I. W. Bilvester, to make' t lie neia-;.rv in fcatonw for heans.-Rinet an ifrollinatin purposes n thconferen city. Monroe In Total Darkness. Monroe.-An accident to the water feed pump at the city power plant put Monroe in total darkness for two hours Saturday night. Theatres and picture shows were closed, while busi pres houses did business by candle light. New Orleans Educator Dies. New Orleans.-Professor Alcee For tier, aged 58 years, and one of the best known educators of this country, died at his home Saturday. Since 1381 he had held the chair of ro tance languages at Tulane Ulniversity. Man is Drowned Boarding Train. Lake Charles.-F. G. Lewis. a tailor from Little Rock, Ark., fell from the roathern Pacific bridge at Westlake riday and was drowned. The body was later recovered. Gets Six Years for Forgery. Alexandria.--George Harris. a ne (gro, pleaded gulilty in the district court to lforgery in two cases and was sen tenced by Judge Blackman to serve slo years in the State penltentiary. Eastherwood Receives Heavy Rain. Eatherwood.-This section was vilst ed ia twelve hours Friday by a four lach rain. It was the heaviest pre elpitation ian three months, and wan Saonst help to the land. SCHOOL FUNDS ALLOTTED. Total of $757.82592 Represents $1.44 for Each rt ,26.258 Eoucable Chi:dren il State. ,' ,,1, In.. I '. !,uart pr 1 ' t ", ," l l*rr . 3 {',7, I "" , .. . . . . . . . . 1 1 1.. . .", , -I I Sssi .n Is Arrested...... " . l , . . . . . . . I . . '. T , ,,, . . . . . . . .7 1 S,:. iP . . 1. . . . .. I. . ii' 4,,, , , .....' x ... 4 I . I t0 I , itil Ihl .'. ....t 0 1 .0,5 th:,t .s .. s ........... rI"1r , I s , ... ... n I A r s e i b n, ,, .t . . . .. . . ; " 1 . '. 1 . intsboro.-rand Lecturer ump . . . ,..... ..... - ' ;, II II ' .".. . ...I . ,, o ".' h 'a .ton of the Knights of Pythias, who de-' 1- livered a lecture to the local lodge sev a placed in effect i specia l dispensation n there a ii tio doubt be a large number a bond was ltxtd at $1" '," . to join. t Franklin.-Judge Milling Saturday r- sentenced the following: Arthur Jones. d burglary and larceny, two years in n .Tohn Grant, burglary and larceny, Sthree years in the penitentiary; ('has. SMorton, larcenr , five years; Willie Fri''oij, assotult with intent to kill, i t (V.) years in penitentiary; Solomon Itoisette. c.tting with intent to mur* dr, ten ars in the penitentiary. Chicago Feds to Leave March 8. n (,hicn a , .-After a consultation, Sit .l. Tinker Sunday, h.arles II.l g for it- tiir iig camp at Shreveport, La., on tin evening of March 8. lr- Tulane Defeats Pennsylvania. I New Orleansl.-Tulane University d debate at Philadelphia Saturday. It j. was the first time in history the l Southern college has defeated a large. Play "Spin. .ters Convention." S Whte Castle:.-A benefit entertain. e ment was given Saturday night at the n, Fairyland theatre for Our Lady of SPrompt Succor church. Sixteen young . ladles and two young men played the S"Spinsters' Convention." i y ' Wnnsboro.-Much surprise is besin e expressed at the amount of hookworm Ie Infection fround in this parish In the the disease. s eted New Orleans.-The Mexican gun S 1boat Zaragoza, which arrived Wednes it day from era Cruz, started on its n return trip to Vera Crux Sunday. The Frenchmahr, and Antonio Lugia, an Italian merchant, en route to Paris, t. Martinvilleh-Beneficnal rals fell r- all through this setion d iof country the end iof the week, which caused a great S d eal of encouragemlent to the P farm Senr, whose crops wlere stf er ng. TEXAS NEW WATERWAY PROJECTS TO MAKE SURVEYS ALONG GULF COAST FOR IMPROVEMENTS. Port Arthur Ship Canal and Colorado River Improven:e!:ts Are Among tne Rccco rendations. V.". I,( 1!I; 1 ' (, r - \ ,\ ' .I I ,tllrl I i " I ,Px It' --. ,t t . ' I L: 0 , I I I'l 1'l' ii .i1 I I'tlt \ -h t .! ,.'i Th S 1 br il'. 11, . II t11, , I I 1: i "t I , ",1i lI11 1111 oi' i--I't. q 1 \ ' O;,+r by:li tt :1 t1 I / :'L· lr.) . ( ' ,nt 'l r t no u , ll, . h, * a In ' ti' t . I l ' , ,r., II,-L ,I- , :'!', . ,1,' l r( 1 l, r T e": .- i 1',,' hl ' I i Ii lK '.p' it,+i 1,1 It ," i' 101;." ' I'I.t \r' lr 1.1 11r ailn l, '.T1 l .1 i- ,\ ;the , ii r hI tter :n .c tIIt Ien to all \,ri:>zes. x,, t I (he ei, ht ,. which twhia , won by an1 Oreon exhibitor. lP edet Christenson of ( ushing, i,., won the ,I gran,, championship for creamery and dairy butter. Annual Tax Statement is Filed. Austin, Tex.-The San Antonio and Aran'as Pass Railway (ompany haa filed its annual tax statement with the state tax commis sioner showing gris, Sreceipts for 1912, $4.85t.63r: expendI tures for betterm nts, $ ,4 95,8; net Idef it, $14S ,985; interest paid on I bonds. $863,87; hire of equipment, '$11 ,1'2: taxes paid, 1913. $176,712. Gave Birth to Five Children. o Taylorsvi lle, K l!.- Fit e (ch ldren, three hoys and two girls, were borti Thurs,iy to Mrs. ertIii Drury, wife of a S'iiIer ('ounty farmer. The two girls diebd. ' Veteran Railroad Editor is Dead. Slardman, 67 years1i old, for many' years prl'esid*'nt of the llailroal Gazette, now the Railway Age Gazette, and for eight r ars its editor, died Monday at his home. Road Bond lsue is Carried. SSan Marcos, Tex.-The $50,000 bond 1 i ssue for road improvement in road t district No. 2 of Hays County. em 3 bracing Kyle, Goforth and Uhland, Swas carried Saturday by a vote of 126 to 26. Nations Owe $42000,000,000. Antwerp.-A debt of $42,960,000,000 r is the total shown in the accounts of f all the nations of the world, accord r ing to the bureau of universal statis B tics, which has jlust announced its figures for the year 1912. Rebels Are Holding Capital. G uayaqull, Ecoador.-Notwthstand SIng the bombardment by federal aun a boats and heavy artillery of Esme t raldas, the capital of the province of the same name, the city remlains in the hands of the rebels. Inspectors Seek Mail Pouch. p Billings, Mont.-Postoffice inspec w ton began a search Thursday for a · registered mail pouch said to contala a $5,000 and other valuables that dis Sappeared from the Northern Pacitic A station. Trappers Reap Rich Harvest. SLIlano, Tex.-At the rengulanr session Sof the commissiones court Thursday t the bounty was paid on fifty wlIrats Sat $1 each; twenty-five wolf hides were preseated and the ber ty we $5 et each was ' gdl AND IT'S UP TO THE FEDS TO MOVE .,' -ý te - /1 - - " 90-DAY AGREEMENI 1TO SIAND " P ATTORNEY GECNEAL DECLINES TO INTERFERE IN Workmen's Comp~nl saticn Insurance Rate---,,Mandimus Is Threatened. Mitchell Tenders Resignation. I' o * t 1- I ,1i! -' ' I .hi iii" I 1'" i1 iii, 1 lo t h' ! Ti, ,1' . ' I ! I, :, ii : li . it n e e },i "t a, '' . . 1 1i i l ,I i. . .> . . . ' . ` ,, Ii. .1 I i l l l , a d.i h 'a ld uiml tll l , " . l '.,:.! o , I~i (ý f le t', ,o ll, 11lre Apr ii :I. h lte , h Fh, th"', '~ r ; ichell , a '," - t'!, " is ati o' i n. ! 11 ,.i, in. , th.e . , . 1m,,n irht l i ,1 ali)((l I'' ! lI , tii h, ' .. i( but th thery ouilhe nirpit- e itl and ih tint'.ll it I itd st bmitte r "i I' ri ;t s o lt, i iio grounds fo a mndamus ill the uinprene cout before April 1tiri. It ws tihe thelatl er.- islell s; n od tt li his action in signing the hat r telnn iwould not be upheld by the directors.i ai that they wouldas repudiate it and take steps to have the courts daeter mine the had submissttioner's poers nso no grounds foranent basis could bin thes surieng the cour t before Apri 5. It wsc assion r.then that Mr. Mitchell asserted stared tha hi question inby Mr. Looney ththe agreement ,failure of they would repudas associate it and begin writing insurance l atrs dlre t( take steps to have the courts deter- I mine unstable a nd unsettled conditions powers so hat not been at basisn one tiulde suf-es tablishednt nuasber of nenbrs d esible. plurines to begin operation. The lawdiscussion requires fifty employers or over with not less than 2,00t0 emldoyes. omer R. Mitchell assertedhursda wired his resignation to John Ht. Radford of qouston, president of the board of directors of the Texas Employers In surance Association. Mr. Mitchell seeks to retire as general mcnager of the association. State Treasurer Receives $63 ,000. Austint Tex.-The state tred thatsure I Monday received $637,000 and paid out $671,000. It was among the record breaking days. Danels Canceld that as Texas Dltere Brenham, Tex.-eSecretary of the Navy Danuels has canceled his Bren of his Houston date. ecretary The lFrank Eberle of the Young Men's Business Association has been notified to this effect. Port Arthur Lchool Bonds Sold. Port Arthur, Tex.-- The bonds amounting to c12,000 recently author Ized by Port Arthur voters to com plete the new De Queen school were sold Monday. State Has 4,151 Voting Boxes. Austin, Tex.--Accordingt to the tax rolls in the controller's department there are 4,151 voting boxes in Texas. Bexar County has the largest num ber, with 92; Dallas has 86; Harris. 78: Tarrant, 68; McLennan, 48; Gal veston, 21, and Travis. 46. Recent Cold Snap injures Fruit. Bremond. Tex.--It is thought the present cold spell has considerably injured the forui crop, especially peaches, pears and berries, throtgh efat this sectlc PotArhr.c... onsSod INDUSIRiAL CONGRESS 0PC Ai l SHiW Prize A . . cf ' W : R, M',11 - Pr '.jr., I, , I ,, t , , Cclonel To rn I L-:s. .. . .. .. I. . Of tii ininstructed votl-, iC ir -lon l to ihav prtfe t'1 I r it; compared with 1.;12 for all other . red with 4,674 uninstructed votes and 2,243 unreported votes subject to di posit in. Senator Bacon Passes Out. SWashington. - Augustus Octavius B Bacon. United ,ates senator from 4 Georgia for nearly nineteen years and - chairman of the foreign relations com mittee since the ascendancy of the Sdemocratic party March 4, 1913, died in a hospital Saturday in Washington after an illness of ten days. ie was > the first United States senator elected by direct vote of the people under the seventeenth constitutional amend tment. Though Senator Bacon had Ibeen seriously ill with kidney trouble r Ind complications developing from a 1 broken rib, his Beath was u nexpected. It came suddenly at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and news of n thru end fell ,iupon the senate as a shock while it oasy in e. itclitive sessiin. Second Protest is Entered. City of Mexico.--Chlarge OtShaunh Inessy lmat a secondt protest Saturday to 'rtesident I luerta against the new ; paper El Imparcial, which continues I to publish personal attacks on Presi r dent Wilson. t The charge went to the president who assured him that he regretted the attacks, and would see that they were stopped once for all. r General Huerta said he would not t tolerate such attacks on the president of the United States any more than he would similar attacks on himself. Army FPlyer Falls 00 Feet. SPensacola, Fla.-Lleutenant J. McC. I-Murray, attached to the United States o naval aviation corps, Monday fell 800 d feet with his biplane into Pensacola 5 bay and was killed. His body was 5 found 100 yards from the spot where the machine struck the water. Master Mechanic Drops Dead. B Silsbee, Tex.-A. B. Adams, mastet tmechanic for the Gulf, Colorado and -Santa Fe railroad, dropped dead in the e depot Monday. Death was due to heart failure. Mine Employer Are Arrested. Houghton, Mlch,-Emil Strang and James Jensen, employes of the Su perior mine, near Houston, were ar rested Sunday on a charge of killing Frank Lietela, a striker, in a fight in which Lietela was charged with bhe ing the aggressor. e Federal Building Site Chosen. y Washington.-The secretary of the y treasury Saturday accepted the site f-or the public ahlding to be erected at Camerons, Teem. BANIIT CASTILLO CAPTURtED WAN. ;; ACROSS BORDER AND F WA :, r. L By U. S. TROOPS. He ,'., , f C- C" ;,bie Tun , . • '. c.r:: %1,l i y L .st " .. ,{ L , ., . I ..........t !.- "11- I ', I i 't lT , *i .l " I i " "r i '. . .. , t , 1 l i tit, I. itis or bNttArml-'n'ts V e I, I Pailroads Make Annual Repsrt. icit , $13,•\ 4nterest, $ .41 LI I recoill? 4- upm41 $17;.:01 4 in-tit fJl.92; $ta7. 10 .1 ni'l ,, I( adlils Tios or better o ornt. r Tinetcos anD orther i, Texas r ports gross receipts of $...5.8;, i net , deficit. $l53,5., ; interest, $ '";'!4H!t hire of equipment, $ 2,44 44; taes . t$X09ttr; additions and betterentlrn Dalla s, 'ex.-'n ear of '-orn frot' i Minnt-s()ta, known at exhibitions .s Exposition, was stolet Tuesday night. Jais .1 1lHill awarded a prize of $1.1444 for ' lii car, wiich is 14 i, c 'lis lo':. It was M r. lii . ,roperty. Burleson Coming to Texas. S. Illr!t-son wi'll4,! 4i- Il''Txts this 44.k. lie :goes tirct to .\'l-, in,. !44hrI" , ie lui4 t V,, th w ill ., 1 \\,;' ini, - American Girl Weds oDuke. New York.--'1iss Eliz;abeth Francis Itannan, diaughter of tIle late James hanntn of BHrooklyn., was married Tuesday to Duke Don Arturo de Majo 8 Durazzo of Italy. The bridegroom is a descendant of one of the oldest fami lies in Italy. Proposed Bond Issue Carries. Port Aransas, Tex--The election held Tuesday for the purpose of voting on the issuing of bonds to the amount of $10,000 for the purpose of buildingas a brick school building resulted In a five to one victory for the bonds. Proposed Bond Issue Carries. Elgin. Tex.--In the election held Tuesday for voting bonds for the Im Sprovement of roads, the bonds carried Sby a majority of six votes over the required two-thlirds majority needed. Eighty-Seven Carloads Precooled. SSan Blenito, Tex.-Since the open ing of the shipping season in the lower Rio irande 'Vailey eighty-seven ecarloads of vegetables have been pre cooled at the local precooling plant, exceeding last year's record for the same time by tw-nt-ltwo cars. Diax and Wife Sail for States. · Havana.--General Felix Diaz and Ssenora Diaz were passengers on the lsteamship Moro Castle. which sailed om o Harana Tnesday Eio Maew York. MAY ATIUMPT iO RUSH BORDER REBELS PIRtpARING TO GET HOLD OF GEN. SALAZAR. He Appr.',, t') United States Officers to Protect H:m--Tro=ps Are on Guard. ,i· ' ,·r tOl clL ,II!/ '' ;I 1ith ,n '", , , I ý ,, i l I t '. tll ''' ( l " it 1 Till 1:.t.l.1> liii . t I I ' , . . :,., h I i l ' t oll i( si " rl1 ' - !er ' t , . t," fi;tllto Hr0 rS titi ,' . ;, l t l i I ll-li - in;thex , i, l',tlhli -,r'i ewllh! leit { , i n: . h' r . ili' . li, !it l' ;lt' i r ii , t :' " i h i Nis i P at h , i s hLa i . ld r O ut \" , : . ,, ! : il S . ,, . ;"r r''' I'' ,oat rang moun , hihh. a ', r - oCe crr.t , Gr.I Cri cf err Heri,es. rli' 1, , ". , . feI I, I ' ' + , , . iI rntaIy I i a h if t t.i ,v , II, Ii h t it R , i t o. , .) ( ni l I T ho'.i c t .Ie Iii ior rse , fohcktes Who o;f ii i ; , " duty. New Air Path l0 Laid Out. Ieos Aclrt' ('alo-SilaR (' hating flown over h thv t ·chapi andt tori. 1 crossin the tSerrl asi ('ristof ,enator Gore Denies All Charges. German Balloon Breaks Record. a Balloonrak Reordl, Hans Berlin. r, carrying two passen Sers in hi, spherical balloon, tele I graphed Monday from Kirgischan in the U'ral Mountains, Russia, that he had landed there after a 47-hour flight -from Bitterfield, Germany. The flight marks a new distance record. Victoria Seeks Better Roads. Victoria, Tex.-The commissioners 3 court of Victoria County was Satur S day presented a petition from the citi Zens of the east end of the county, Sroad district No. 5. cailling for the is Ssuing of $125,000 of road bonds. Dutch Warship Goes to Mexico. The ilague.-The Dutch warship i Kortenaer sailed Sunday for the West - Indies to watch developments in Mex i ic.. She wiill proceed to Mexican a waters to protect Dutch subjects in Mexico, if necessary. Harvester Man Left $15,000,000. ('hicago, Ill.-The estate of William o)esring, real and personal property, waI valued at $15,000,000, according to the inventory tiled Monday. The property was left to two sons and five graneiohildren. a Each of the sons, ('harles and James, receives $5,000,o00. $722,345 Turned Into Treasury. Austin, Tex.-Taxes to the amount of 722.3I45 we',e paid Into the state 1 treasury departtnent Thursday. This I is the largest payment that hba been made this year.