Newspaper Page Text
Abbevill: Progress PHONE 248. 'lih bld oi the Atlantie co:ntlines neutral. There is one thing we all can tr'k about-ti;e other fellow. The tarigo may wane, but England is still willing to do the German. Removing the ban on "Tipperary" effectually disposes of the desire to sing it. The sun does not scorem to have aged much since the days ne used to know it. What has become of the old-fash ioned man who knew what wvas good for frostbite? It's a wise European father who brings his son up to be either a doc tor or an architect. Although coming ages may see the coal supply exhausted, we can still get our iron from the sea. "The squeeze 'em tight tango" is claimed as a new cance. May we ask just what is new about it? The war news readers who got along so well with Przemysl' won't of course, have any trouble with Przasnysz. The old-fashioned man who used to wear a muffler around his neck has a son who won't even put one on his automobile. Young men go to college mainly for atmosphere, says Doctor Hadley. And that is mainly what many of them get out of it. The man who wants to know what happens when the irresistible meets the immovable should read the news from Flanders. "Sliver wrapped in waxed paper and kept in a closed box will not tarnish," according to a household hint. Keep ing it in circulation is just as effeo tive. The average man never fully real Ises the truth of the adage about a fool and his money until after he has bumped up against some other man's game. If the University of Pennsylvania makes any more discoveries about Adam and Noah the publishers of "Who's Who" will have to get out a new edition. A nugget of gold has been round in the crop of a Maryland chicken. Will it never be possible to keep dishonest farmers from weighing their fowls in this manner? Bailing the deep blue sea will not be anything like navigating a rocking chair in the front parlor at home until all the deadly floating mines have been disposed of. The one thing peculiar about this war is no matter how completely armies are wiped out, they are up and at it again as soon as they get their second wind. It is claimed that girl ushers in thea ters are not as dependable as young men when there are fires and panics. Still, there is no excuse for fires or panics in a modern thepter. When the war is over, the tide of tourist travel will set in towards Prnemyal. for all on this side will be anxious to know what a town with such a name can look like. The man who is in the hands of his physician is up against It almost as hard as the candidate who is in the hands of his friends. The Albany Journal says an honest man welcomes a bill collector. If this be true we do not wonder that old Dlogenes had so much trouble in locating an honest man. The Buffalo Courier has a new idea. It wants fog-horns to be so construct ed as to make a cheerful sound in-. stead of a moan. But there are people who object to the musical chiming of bells. Ldadoa reports that "the Germans are showing signs of discomfort" in the trenches along the battle line. And there is nothing to indicate that the allies are enjoying the situation to any extent Privates In the German army are stated to receive $19.80 a year, and those in the Russian army $3.58. Prom accounts received it seems a safe ln ference that they are fully earning their money at presenat At iesat some of the results of the war are sot horrible The Germans have cbanted the name of Cen steehboewa to Kalaserburg. There are some meg of whom thought it was impossible that they could look wise. atti these tortoise shellD rim glasss came eat Perhaps some musical genius can be found to make a collection of soa that ea be snag b) the sailors of our navy wlthot mortally 'offeadndg our delioate mss of ntranity. STOMACH MIiSERY GAS, INDIGESTION •"Pape's Diapepsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. Time it! In live minutes all stomach distress will go. No indigestion, heart burn, sourness or hechling of gas. acid. or eructations of undigested food. no dizziiness, bloating, or foul breath. Pape's Diapelsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quli kcst and most cer tain digestion ri-neldy in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Please for your sake, get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, from any store and put .our stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable life is too short-you are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it; en joy it without dread of rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home anyway. Should one of the fain ily cat something which don't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during the night, it is handy to give the quickest relief known. Adv. Beginning the Day. Oh, God, give me freedom. Loose me from the shackles of fear and hate and all sin. Break my cage and lead me out. Let me feel the wings which I have dreamed about. Tame the heights for me. Give my soul its propr air. Show me the fullness and the far reaches of life. In Christ's name. Amen.-H. M. E. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls Try Thisl Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful-No More Itching Scalp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first-yes-but really new hair-growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz ing-your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any-that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment-that's all-you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it If you will Just try a lit tle Danderine. Adv. Prudent Woman. "I thought you said we were going to share everything equally after we got married," said the husband of a rich woman. '"That was merely your own sugges tion," she answered calmly. "I have decided to retain the balance of power until I find out what division you are going to make of love and affection." WHEN KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE GLASS OF SALTS Sat Less Meat if Kidneys Hurt or You Have Backaohe or Bladder Misery -Meat Forms Uric Acid. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding,; get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts Is made from the acid of grapes sad lemon jouice, combined with lithia and has been used for genera tions to lush clogged kidneys and stimulate hom to activity, also to neu tralise the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lithia-water drink which all reg ular meat eaters should take now and en to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding s rioes kidney complication-Adv. A Press Agent. MaskL-Who is that fellow coming out of your room with a suit? Wig--That's my press agent Some men are healthy becaur' ns smirespeetlmag sarm Woeld go ear m. ....... N- -- 7 -' : - / ri ··~A' t~o~yrlgbL IMMIGRATION CILL FAILED TO PASSAGE OVER VETO Two-Thirds Majority Not Secured in House-Four Texans Voted Against Overriding President's Veto. Washington.-An attempt to pass the immigration bill prescribing a lite racy test for the admission of aliens over President W\ilson's veto failed in the house Thursday, the affirmative vote lacking five of the necessary two thirds. Of ::9,9 members present, 261 voted to override the veto, 136 voted to sustain the president and 2 answer *ed "present." Representatives Buchanan, Burgess, Hardy and Garner were the only mem bers of the Texas delegation who voted against overriding the veto. The final test came at the close of a day of earnest debate in which par ty lines were temporarily obliterated. Majority Leader Underwood made a vigorous speech criticising the presi dent's reasons for vetoing the bill and urging the house, to override executive disapproval. Mr. Underwood told the house that the country had in several elections returned majorities in con gress favoring the restriction of immi gration and that the president's con tention that no political platform had placed the issue before the people was futile. "The question is," he said, "whether you stand for the American standard of living and the American standard of wages." Representative Moore of Pennsyl vania, republican, urged the house to support the president and defeat the bill. He declared that immigration had not brought bad effects on wages and working conditions in this coun try and asserted that the restrictions imposed in the bill were contrary to the fundamental principles "upon which the forefathers based this re public." - Representative Burnett of Alabama, chairman of the house immigration committee and author of the bill, said that the fight will be made again In the next congress. The 261 votes for passing the bill over the veto were cast as follows: Democrats, 166; republicans, 78; pro gressives and progressive republicans, 16; independent, 1. Against the oi'l, the vote was: Dem ocrats, 101; "insurgent" democrat, 1; republicans, 32; progressives and pro gressive republicans, 2. More Fobd Goes to Belgium. New York.-The steamship Ayme ric, carrying a general cargo for Rot terdam for the commission for relief in Belgium, left New York Friday with 6,400 tons of cargo. Of this 4,110 tons were donations, including those from twelve different states. Iowa was rep resented with 962 tops and Kansas with 1,772. Other states represented with smaller lots included Texas. I. Crane Company Check Received. Austin, Tex.-A cashier's check was received Friday by the attorney gen eral from the Austin National bank for $75,000, being the amount of pen alties paid by the Crane company for alleged violation of the Texas anti trust law in accordance with the judg ment entered in the district court of Limestone county at Groesbeck. Russian Aviators Drop Bombs. Petrograd - Russian aviator'[ on Feb. 2 successfully dropped bomba on the mobilized reserves and trains of the Germans at Rawa, Zarzacze and Boguszyce, about fifty miles south of Warsaw, according to an official an nouncement issued Saturday. San Patricio Remains "Wet" Sinton, T ~x.-The election held bat ourd" ~ .cide as to whether or. not Sat .j county wjuld stay wet re su: t:aying wet with the small ma. votes. The Price of Bread iI -reased. Chicago, Ill.-The price of bread ass kereased to g6c a loaf Wednesday by many more bakers and the weight of the loaves In some cases was re duced, it was reported by he city sealer. 'I DIPLOMATIC AFFAIRS IN MEXICO AT SERiOUS STAGE Representatives of Foreign Govern ments Contemplate Leaving the Troubled Republic Entirely. Washinltont.--So se.rious has ti:l friction become between the Cal'n''rza; govertnment and in:ebters of tl dii, nuatic corps inl thi ('ity of `le ,ssc ti. the uithdiraval of many foreign It gations is now threiate-ned. Some of tie pirominent diplonai:,:. representati\.e:- of European coulrnt .r alreadty havite .catled their home ut\ ernecnts suggesting that illasmntllll . communication is growing more ai;t, more restricted anti little respiec i: given them by the Carranza authori ties, it might be advisable to unit: with other governments in a mov, ment to abandon all foreign legation in Mexico. State department officials have de clined to discuss this phase of the sit nation. As the American embassy hza. been closed since the rupture with the Huerta government, the action on the part of the other diplomatic mis sions is being considered tithout con suiting the United States so far as is known. The plan of the diplomatic corps in the City of Mexico, which is under stood to be acting as a unit, is to leave affairs in Mexico in charge of con sular officers. This would mean prac tically a severance of diplomatic rela tions by -all countries ana present a unique status for Mexico in the fam ily of nations. The situation in the Mexican capital has been replete with diplomatic em barrassments since the rapid changes in executive authority ensued. When General Carranza in his capacity as "first chief" of the constitutionalist army first abandoned the City of Mex ico and moved his capital to Vera Cruz he invited the diplomatic corps to ac company him. The diplomats formally declined on the ground that such a step might be construed as a recogn; tion of his government. Since then the relations between Carranza and the foreign diplomats in the City of Mexico have not been cordial. It has become known that some dip lomats at the City of Mexico had sug gested that they go to Vera Cruz, not as an act tending to imply recognition of Carranza, but because of unsettled conditions and scarcity of food in the capital. Leprosy Shocks "High Set" Chicago, Ill.-Wealthy residents of Highland Park and members of the Exmoor Country Club were unplea. antly surprised Saturday when a half dozen physicians diagnosed an ail ment of the club's night watchman as leprosy. Mrs. Carranza Leaves Border. San Antonio, Tex.-Mrs. Venustiano Carranza, wife of the first chief of the constitutionalists of Mexico, reach ed San Antonio Saturday night from Eagle Pass to reside indefinitely. Dr. G. C. Rankin Dead. Dallas, Tex.-Dr. George C. Rankin, I preacher, prohibition leader, publicist - and editor, died Tuesday at his home from an attack of heart disease. In the death of Dr. Rankin Texas Meth odism loses a noted preacher, who en- I joyed a nation-wide reputation as an aggressive prohibitionist Corpus Christi Bonds Approved. Austin, Tex.-The attorney gen eral's department Friday approved a $900,000 bond issue of the city of Cor pus Christi for water works improve ment, enlargement and extension. Russia Replies to the United States. WCashington.-Russia Wednesday in formed the United States that the dis tribution of food, money and clothing to German and Austria prisoners in Siberla would be permitted the Russian military authorities, declining to give foreign relief expeditions that privilege. ,ood Roac's Bcnds Are Voted. Yoakum, Tex -The S ,0O4)0 good )roads bond issue was voted Saturday, 155 agalnrt 31. 1LLA Wi"LL PRESS TA!M rt CA PAIG COMMANDER IS DIRECTING CPE RATIONS ACAINST SEAPORT FROM NEAR ;AeExtCO CITY. DELEGATES IN CONVENTION Villa Wants Diplomatic Corps tc Come Into His Territory. While Carranza Desires Them to Hcld Ses sions at Vera Cruz. nu tiano 'rlani; to . ! t) ilsit Vtrt iriuz nt a th ;i t 1 :tu lt,u l ; t I A d :iI pIwl the dipl ,;ý:ti" ,n'rp- in Ith, (i l'y .St,,rday i y li o iciai -antd 'ol lign dtl isll .ct as txn,' of tlh," ;T:,\*' dt tuelol mllentls of t'11 li\' i'i' n sIti:oiOil. i'Prn .id ont Wil-on ,ut ifrri'd at ,l.nith w ild| Ak 'i, Imo, : r- tar% I.:tnsi:: tui ti, :mtiti- an iit' :ett hrt alt it W i; iunditr.toul od i+i .\ii,u'it ian go, ut nm ,nt t'ill juilt o itt It rirt: ! .';L (' : dI. the" dip|lhoittita c i 'orp- it: 'lie City o: .Mxit o. .\i \ S lit tthet \li.1i noty Sun r., E ail (Gnli rai l Villa h l i art iied it Ia i p11ato. 0t"t l I, u , l orttn ilt1 ' C( tý of fr :,ctii' a i t Ol t l Il lhuI t ill Vii h It has for its obje ct t ith caulli ti of 'lT: pico and the douminatioun ofI the nirt'i ern half of Mexit c. That (General Villa wtutl invite the } diplilo ati, ciorps to ctnt inlo th. li tr f ritory controlled by him as "i c ,u:Int., j toOV- to the invit; it ni is .-i tit by c r- or rtlinz tuor ilti (ilan!tit s to 'o to 1%rla mru was itd'eicat'ii in stios- of the ad vi+ re ia hitii u t-ash ml'a n. At the I -tats' dei'partlnenlt lno ult lh r lnets 0ii the diffieri:ttc.s hetw,,on ( t e nntral i ranza and the diplonmatic corps wa.r received. The ('arranza agency Issued a state ment giving the list of original dil. - ates to the convention at Aguasca lientes who are either dead, In hiding or missing and those who are support ing the various chiefs. The Carranza list claims that eleven now support Villa, fifty-five are aligned with Car t ranza, sixteen are with Eulalio Guter rez, twenty-five with Zapata, twenty h seven are unaccounted for, the where n abouts of eight are unknown, four 1 s- were killed in battle, five assassinated, 1- two are in prison and one-General is Jesus Davila Sanchez-is neutral, al though his whereabouts is not given. n Enrique Llorente, the Villa repre - sentative, Sunday explained that the e military campaign of General Villa had - advanced along the three principal r- railroads in the central part of Mex s- ico to within a few miles of the border a towns of Piedras Negras, Nuevo La - redo and Matamoros. In each case the Villa troops are threatening the ii Carranza garrisons, he said. He add Sed that General Angeles had complete Scontrol of Monclova, Monterey, Sal n tillo and San Luis Potosi. El Paso, Tex.-Francisco Villa has t proclaimed himself in charge of the presidency of Mexico. This was an z nounced in a telegram from General 1 Villa received Wednesday night by his I agents at El Paso. Villa appointed three ministers to take charge of the I - civil government. d "On account of communications hav f ing been cut off between the conven tion government and the division un der my command, and as public serv - ice can not be interrupted In the ex t tensive zone which I control, I have t found myself compelled to assume the n political authority, creating three po Slitical administrative departments: e The foreign affairs and ju3tice depart ment, in charge of Attorney M. Diaz Lombardo; state and communication, General Luis de la Garza Cardenas; 7 treasury and Industry, Attorney Fran . cisco Escudero." Scarcity of food in the City of Mex If ico, and predictions that much suffer would follow unless conditions s were relieved, were reported in official dispatches to the state department at Washington Wednesday. The Car ranza officials are moving their rec ords to Vera Crus, where it is sup 1 posed the capital of the Carrania gov ernment will remain. S Laredo, Tex.-An official messen ger was sent to Laredo Monday by General Ricaut, commander of the Carranza garrison of Nuevo Laredo, to t notify Mrs. Jesus Carranza that her . husband. and his nephew, Colonel t Peraldini, were executed .n San Gero Snimo Sunday morning by orders of General Santlbanez, the recreant Car n{ rsnza commander. Jesus Carranza, who was a brother of Venustiano Car ranza, the revolutionary chief, togeth er with his staff, were taken prison s- ers by Santibanes in San Geronimo a on Dec. 31. Members of the staff r- were immediately put to death, only .- General Jesus Carrana and his nephew surviving. S Washington.-Cleral Villa tele ,. graphed the convention agency Tues s- day that General Thomas Urbina cap Stured San Luis Potosi Tuesday and n was in full ci-utrol of the city and vi e min!ty. ULina.'s columni is supposed g to be the van'4uard of the Villa forces it marching on Tampico. No details of the taking of San LuIs Potosi were given in the dispatch, though it was intimated that the Car ' ranza garrison had evacrated without V. 1 fight. General lTrbina's force nu. bered about five tbousand men, 1t t Roofing isguar, ,t d , r i 0 veatrs t r 2 . and the rt ,-: ' s s! tond- b hind th- ,, t a .c. Ftr sale byI t id t t ., General Roofing Mfg. Company ||%4", I,; ri,\ , .a-t l., ,r. ". I! l t" r New York City Boston Chtcar Pitlshergh Pioiadelphia Atlanta Cleve.lan I, tnrit St. Louis Cinctinati Kanosas l y MNnreapnl. Saoo Fracisco Seattle London Hamburg Sylney T'exas Directory McCANE'S DETECTIVE AGENCY Houston. Texas. operates the largest force of male and female detestives in the South. 30 years' experence. No charge for an werming questions or letters. Rates on e.popcation. GENERAL HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES Contractors'Supplies.Buiiclers' Ha-dware, Etc. Prices andI In formation furnished on request PEDEN IRON & STEEL CO. HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO I-r qtt th,L ':rt , :. , tu'0 , is 1 t ry big l t('l a e -. Hicks' CAPUDINE CURES IlEADAChiESi ANDI COL.AUS -Easy To Take'--quick EHClief.--Adv. -Every tinme a iman looks inlto . in ir tI ror he imagines lihe stes the rellection of a hero. COLDS & LaGRIPPE r. 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case r- of Chills & Fever, Colds & IaGrippe; i. It acts on the liver better than Calo mel and does not gripe or sicken. r Price 25c.-Adv. 1, Prosperous Appearance. 1- "Some men live for their stomachs." "That's true, but the man with an unusually large abdomen has a pros perous look withal, and if he can drape d a heavy watch chain across it the illu. I sion is complete." Seems So. Mr. Bacon-I understand it requires about fifteen days for the human body to recover from the loss of two con secutive nights' sleep. Mrs. Bacon-And don't you suppose those fiendish cats in the back yard know that? For She Liked Them. S- Patience-According to two English -. scientists, the sense of smell in man. LI because of the practice of kissing, is s gradually being destroyed. d Patrice--Good! Do you suppose the e time is coming when the boys won't notice the onions? A First Offender. Each of two little Boston girls has a black-and-tan terrier dog. It was not long before the two dors fought, and it e required the efforts of a man to sepa rate them. I Each little girl was disposed to I blame the other's little dog for start ing the trouble, and one of them said: S"I don't care, your 4g is a sneak ing little thing, anyhow!" "Well, so is your dog," was the reply. "And this time it snooked first, too!" "I Eat Grape-Nuts the Year Round and it agrees with me," writes a doctor, "better than any Sbreakfast food on the market S -unless there is one I have r not tried." Grape-Nuts is scientifcally S prepared to agree with both strong and weak digestions. Long baking-about 20 hours - partialy pre-dgets. the starch cells for quick, sy asimilhtion. Besides, Grape-Nuts sup S plies, in concentrated formr, J aofthe nutriment of wheat and barley, including the in valuable mineral elements often lacking in ordinary food. Waz-eealed-crisp-ready I to eat-and economical 1Tbere's a Resemmn" for Grape-Nuts -sold by Gmr i AAr