O I:
t~~oz~y rih.
Wheat Leads, and Yield Will Exceed Ni
Billion Bushels, Aoeording to the C
Government Eetimates.
Washington. - Americas harvests
this year will be the most valuable a
ever produced. With the wheat crop di
exceeding a billion bushels, the larg- ac
est ever produced is one season by as
any nation, and a corn crop which as
also may prove to be the largest ever ta
grown, the government's October crop be
report issued Thursday announoed a
preliminary estimates which indicate a'
record harvests of oats, barley, rye,
sweet potatoes, rice, tobacco and hay. pe
Corn still is king of crops with in- ft
dications of 3,026,159,000 bushels. at
While that is 88,000,000 bushels below in
the record of 1912, the final production tt
may more than make up the - de- a
ficiency. The higher prices this year al
assure the most valuable corn crop tt
ever grown. At prices to farmers pre- sa
vailing October 1. the,corn crop is
worth $2,133,000,000. re
Wheat prospects increased as the P1
growing season progressed so that the o01
,preliminary estimate of production F
was placed at 1.002.029,000 bushels. bi
Wet weather at harvest time, however, w
reduced the quality of winter wheat P
so that much of it will not Be avail- to
able for milling purposes and will ft
have to be used for feed. At prices
prevailing October 1, the farm value ai
of the crop is $910,844,000, consider- I
ably more than ever was paid for a oi
wheat crop before. a
September weather was particularly f
destructive to potatoes, causing a rea
duction of 37 580,000 bushels, or 10 in
per cent, in the forecast of production.
Tobacco also suffered from unfavor
able conditions, which caused a do
crease of 21,619,000 pounds in the pro
duction forecast
Tobacco, however, promises to ex
*sed the record crop of 1909 by 43,000,- t
000 pounds. 0
Oats will exceed the record crop of
1912 by almot -100,000,000 bushels.
Barley will exceed its record by 13,
100,000 bushels; sweet potatoes by i
6,000,000. bushels; rice by 50,000 bush- c
els, and hay by 8,000,000 tons.
Large Depesits of Novacullte Feund.
Austin, Tex.-While egaged in ex
ploration in the mountains of West
Texas during the past summer, Chas.
Laurence Baker of the bureau of eco
nomic geology, University of Texas,
found large deposits of novaculite, a
valuable oil stone heretofore found in
the United States only in the Ouachita1
mountains of West Central Arkansas.
The novaculite in Texas is found in
North Central Brewster county, along
the line of the Southern Pacific rail
road from Haymond westward to be. 1
yond Marathon. A small area of it
is found north of the railroad north
sad northeast of Marathon, but it has
by far its largest extent south of the
railroad, in which direction it is found
for fully fifteen miles.
President Will Vote for Suffrage.
Washlagton.-President Wilson will
vote for the woman suffrage state con
stitutional amendment in New Jersey,
his home state, at the special election
Oct 19. The following statement was
given out Wednesday at the White ,
"I intend to vote for woman suf
frage in New Jersey because I believe
that the time has come to extend that
privilege and responsibility to the
women of the state, but I shall vote,
not as the leader of my party in the
sation, but only upon my private con
victlon as a cities of New Jersey
ealed upon by the legislature of the
tate to exprwess his oeaviction at the
Tram Robbers Makde Biog Haul.
Ctncinuti, Ohio-Not less than
$100,000 and probably more-possibly
- much as $1,000,000-was amount of
loot secured by the badits who held
up Baltimore and Ohio tratin No. 1 at
Central station, W. VL. 1riday.
4arm Aviter KgIled in FalL
San Diego, Cl.-U teint W D.
Tallaterre, statned at the United
states arm earps aviastas sobol at
North islnd, a lW be t ie Ian
Disge bay s dw wus ad
.... ,
New Fteet of French Aeroplanes Will
Carry Twelve Men, One 3-Inch Gun,
Maokine Guns and Torpedoes.
Paris.-An aerial army is no longer
a dream. Such an army, formed in
divisions and squadrons with battle
aeroplanes, cruiser aeroplanes, scouts
and torpedo planes all armed heavily
and carrying three-inch cannon and
rapid-fire guns, is a reality. It has
been made possible through the re
I markable development of military
aviation tn France.
The French government this week
permitted foreign correspondents the
first inspection of its new fleet of
aeroplanes. Opportunity was given to
v inspect the large and small types of
n the new battle planes and watch them be
as they were maneuverini high in the ha
r air, firing round after round from en
p their three-inch rifles, while they e
soared, looped and darted about. an
Entering the aviation field the cor
respondents saw a monster battle al
e plane thirty feet high with a number
of planes stretching 130 feet across. go
a Further back was ranged the fleet of let
battle crisers and scout planes. They m,
were formed like a battalion, twenty ne
t planes in a row across the front and .
. ten deep. Their huge wings made a Ias
I1 front half a mile wide. a
s Each squadron will consist of nine =
e aeroplanes of all types, including one pe
battle plane, two battle cruisers and r1
Ssix scout planes. The oomplement for tw
a squadron will be upward of fifty of- Cc
ficers and men for the operation of the
. aeroplanes and their transportation
0 on lorries drawn by automobiles with
which each squadron will be equipped.
a A Naval Laboratory Proposed.
SWashington.-Organisatlon of the
navy's new civilian advisory board
Thursday with Thomas A. Edison as
chairman was followed by the adop
tion of a resolution proposing estab
lishment of a great research and ex
A perimental laboratory to cost about
e $5,000,000. It is probable the pro
* posal will be included by Secretary
'y Daniels in his estimates to be sent to
congress this winter.
More Texas Postmasters Named.
d. Washington.-The following Texas
fourth-class postmasters have been
named: Cath City, Gillespie eounty,
Miss Roberts Price; Swift, Nacogdo
ches county, Miss Kate Whitton; Cat
Springs, Austin county, Mrs. Pearl A.
a Kersten; Attoyac, Nacogdoches coun
in ty, Mrs. Lola L. Fuller; Foster, Fort
i Bend county, Mrs. Hallie L. Rosen
Labor Leader is Given Release.
Trinidad, Colo.--John R. Lawson,
labor leader convicted on a charge of
homicide on charges growing out of
the recent coal strike, was released
h from the county Jail Frlday on a $35,
000 bond, signed by T. M. Patterson,
former United States senator, and V.
Z. Reed, a capitalist of Denver.
Luling Boy Wins Can Prize.
Luling, Tex.-At the corn show held
ll in Lockhart, Alton Tiller took first
m- prise. He is a member of the Boys'
py, Corn Club. Young Tiller will get
on some special instruction from the Ag
as ricultural and Mechanlal College as a
it result of his labors. His yield was
fifty-seven bushels per acre, at an
Saveran e cost of 190 per bushel
at Dr. Dumba Salle for Home.
he New York. - Dr. Constantin T.
4, Dumba, Austro-Hungarian ambass
he dor to Washington, who was recalled
' st the request of President Wilson,
e sailed for home Tuesday on the Hol
he land-American liner Nleuw Amste I
he dam, under a safe conduct arrange
meont made by the state department i
Indlane Mssacre Mining Town People i
a Douglas, Aris.-Twenty-three inhab- I
1l itants of La Clorado, a maining town I
of in the Hermealio, Sonors, district.
id were massacred by Yaql Indian, who
at eaptured the town Thurday, accord
ing to reports. Waomen and childran
were beaten to death, it was maid
lD. The Antie WW at Kaurne O. I
aed Kareas City, Te.-la the slectien
at er pvehibitiesn Teseday in the sehoeel I
stlt thes anti mwan by n aad mr I
For Daily Use by the Housewife
. -- -- i E, -
A ,I hi >' ;r ,sm
I .n..t >`...., ý.. ",. h ,, is the white. with the several fast shades of
To be neat and to be simple is theI
province of the dress which is made to 1
be worn about the house for the daily '
use of the housewife. The house dress I
has its own devotees among design- E
era, and their thought is spent > bi
maktag it attractive and substantial
and entirely suited to the needs of the
woman who busies herself with the I
affairs at her housekeeping.
6b be successful with the house
gown is to understand first how to se
lect the material for making it. This
must be a durable wash fabric in a 1
neat pattern and stable colorings. The
crises and freshness of the newly
laundered gown is its best attraction.
and this is to be kept in mind when
material is bought for it. .oinghams,
percales. ehambrays and similar tab I
riea are the standards of excellese
whieh all others must mearns up to.
Coarse heavy linems are to be reek
oned with, also.
As to eolor, the most pleasing
models are made of combinations of
eolar and CuflSetsof Ordmio
4 4.
° ..
JaUU a ie mnnuwn i. .guoaa u -
i-r and acu sets of plain, fine orgaidie
are the most popular of all the dl.
plays at the neckwear counter. Fbr
decoration they confne themselves to
fine sprays of embroidery in floral pat
ters, or hemntltehing, or edgings and
Insertioms at very narrow lingerie
But there are numbers of novelties,
less plain about to make ,their entry
or the (rlstmas shopper's benefit.
Agm them Is the pretty set of plait
eed ed embroidered organdle hwn
lathe p tore abeove. This Is delgped
to be wer with the simple semgoes
mfersemn bees at silk or the mslns
idase or a dark eeler.
s s r i made In three I is.
A sme a the bask of the p *4
white with the several fast shades of
blue, green, lavender and light brown.
These are often cohbitned with a plain
fabric in a solid color, as in the dress
shown in the picture.
Se house dres is to be cut in one
piece and loosely adjusted to the fig
ure. The sleeves are not to be longer
than three-quarter length and the skirt
should hardly reach the instep. The
pattern should VFovide for easy tron
ing and the dress should fhsten at the
front or side-pot, with buttens and
buttonholes. Thbre are many dire t
designs to choose from, and & od
not vary greatly from year to year,
for the house dress is not required to
follow the fads of ftshion.
It is a good plan to shrink materials.
and test them to see if colors are
stable, before making up. And the
house dress must be complete in it
self-not requiring an extra collar or
belt but eastry and quickly slipped on
and fastened.
I1 l maIIn I Ie an mo
organdle is finished with hemutitching
and adorned with very small sprays
of embroidery. The shaped revers at
the front are plain, finished about the
edges with hem-titching, and carry
sprays of fine embroidery that almost
oover them.
The cuffs are plaited and the ends
are rounded, showing the same pat
tern in embroidery that appears on
the collar. At the center of each cue
is a narrow panel of embroidery.
Nothtin does the beholder or the
wearer more good than these fresh
and datnty rets. They are modest bI
prie, evem when bought ready-made.
sand emt met to meotsn when made
by the easels asediswem an !or nr
st they wear wel ead lmmIsr per`
Sultan Must Feel Burdens of His High
Office Press Heavily Upon His
The sult:, o, "'Turk ,. .M1 ; nt' te
V. the h ia, Io l':am , ::,: t t at rt',
sixth ru s r of th, h. ,: . of ts:rt:, i
sick. Once i u lu h a It, iti w ,"o ltl 'in'"
up visioIs of rou r,.l ti".- :.S, I t
ously lioisii,'il, hmw- trlumig om' iliiil.
bound ani :-.; k.l. iti , t.i dCark v.,,
ters of thE ' l, - i- t i: fort ne
tellers, wizard.. and r.r. iso rs 'rmwel
Uthg around the atlig sver- i}. s iI
side. Now the lt ,I , talk o prlti p,"
tive heirs amdi of riguts, whldh !lit
sultan's t'IlIist ian amlly cmtlrihi l s 111u
to Allah and senlds his ablest p y.I caA
\\'hen the young Tulrks lift, d P.
chid Efit'llli I IuponI the tlone :ro,
which th .\ had si. |(,\ , his Irot:ihtir.
Abdul Hiam . liathey hrag;,'"t a thaI ,,'
sixty-live from a Dala a,hi.' w t,. in had S
b, n.ti all his iii,' siearl ly tI t ,r thanll
I i'soilei ' t mm.l t of ina ict mvily hi.
blly had g ro hig. tig i , i lt
br-a.ith am dtl l ith., a hudtl in lr i ;s
ihiut legs. li si a . im k man th
(i th ' Soal'ii; l'ridlays the c.hamk -
_ ,:imleiiss t" his h, '.Vy faie am,,! t!,, N(
by thl. trimo pn: of \iiong ?irI-oard n II Te
brillianlt uni formii , aniii th ,' 1 ot i ,t s il
glittiring gold l i id who suirrunndedtil
himn. The picltur' hadl ill it litore of
pathos thati itnup.rialisnm.
\\'hen he went to appeal to the loy- Ico
alty of the Albanians on the held of I an
Kassovo, aMacedonia, he was the first on
Ottoman sovereign to visit his prov- wE
inces on a mission of peace. But the mi
Albanians, who had imagined the sul
tan had wings and few of humanity's lai
frailties, were disappointed at the ho
sight of the heavy, feeble man in a
black frock coat, and the mission
failed. He seemed to lack either the
knowledge or the physical force to la'
combat the shrewd politicians around to
him, and he became merely a figure
head for the dominant party of the he
committee of union and progress. ye
Many things may happen with the
passing of this sick man. He may be wi
the last of the Osmanli to rule in Eu- wI
rope; he may be the last to bear the d(
honors and title of the caliphate. But E'
he has been a part of the almost for
lorn hope to restore the glories of the
empire, and has lived to see a Turkish
r army with munitions of war and sup- in
t plies making a desperate and so far um
successful attempt to hold the almost
sacred Dardanelles against a great en- ol
s emy.-New York Sun. at
a You will look tean years younger if you di
darken your ugly, grizzly. gray hairs by f
Sming "La Creole" Hair Dressang.-Adv.
B. Good Reason. ir
e First Mlotorist-This is terrible
e heat.
Second Motorist-But you must re
Or member we have been scorching.
A Religion With Him. O
"What Is your father's religion?"
"Golf, I guess. It's the only thing
he does on Sundays."
Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con
tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial after all the evidence thac is con
tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic
tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer
ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ?
We have published in the newspapers of the United States
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women
and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen
uine and true. Here are three never before published:
From Mrs. . T. Richmond, Providence, R. L
Paoymauxs, R. L-" For the benefit of women who suffer as I have
done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it
caused a displacement. I have always been weak and I overworked
after my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous pros.
trato, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia . Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and
when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her
to take your medicine."-M[S a T. IBzmxonx 84 Progres Avemn,
Proridence, RL
From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y.
Pmr N.Y.-" Before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pound I was very irregular and had much pai. I had lost three
children, and felt worn out all the time. This splendid medicine
helped me as nothing else had done, and I am thankful every day
that I took it."-Mrs. MlA lawzx, R.F.D. 1, Peru, N.Y.
From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W. Quincy, Mass.
SGoTr Qunror, MaLss.-"The doctor said that I had organic trouble
and he doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relieL I
saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ad
rertised and I tried it and found relief before I had
finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all
through middle life and am now a strong, healthy
woman and earn my own living.'-Mrs. Jaix D.
Dxau Fo, rest Avenue, West Quincy, Mass.
(CN IEDmlTIAL) LT, I ASfeadvIee.
Tm wle be aeme4, mea d anweend
sw1meemme as~U i i stat
It is one of the m:,st im
p~ tant functions of the
botlv and has a direct
intiuence on your gcneral
health and strength.
A reliable first aid Is
Stomach Bitters
Teamster's Words Would Have Re
quired Adjustment Before Their
Use in the Pulpit.
A man was hroutght blefore a police
- i cot cha:rged with abusing his team
and( using loud and irofane language
on the street. One of the witnesses
- was a pious old darky, who was sub
e mitted to a short cross-examination.
1- "Did the defendant use improper
s language while he was beating his
e horses?" asked the lawyer.
a "Well, he talk mighty loud. sub."
n "Did he Indulge in profanity?"
e The witness seemed puzzled. The
0 lawyer put the question in another
d form:
e- "What I mean, Uncle Aus, is-did
e he use words that would he proper for
your minister to use in a sermon?"
e "Oh. yes suh," the old man replied
e with a grin that revealed the full
- widlth of his immense mouth; "but
e dey'd have to be 'ranged diff'runt."
t Everybody's Magazine.
e Too Much for Them.
h It was a minstrel performance, and
P- in the intervals between the songs the
ir usual jokes were being perpetrated.
st "What am de difference between an
n- ol d maid and a married woman?"
asked Sambo.
"Why," explained Sambo, "de old
maid am lookin' for a husband ebery
day, an' de married woman am lookin'
by pr 'im ebery night!"
lv. There was a pause, and several eld
erly gentlemen got up and stole softly
into the night.
Canada's mineral production in 1914
re- was valued at $128,475.499.
Hanford's Balsam Is good for blood
poisoning. Adv.
ag British India has 76.,181.000 acres deo
voted to rice growing.