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BAEVI LH ' PY' ESS and VERMILION NEWS, C'aisolidated Oct. 4, 1915 V6L 7. Devoted to the Interests of Abbevilc and Surrounding Communiy. N 37. Phone 248. AIr vil.\1'Trmiii , Parii , .l, .Itlirdw , ()ctor, : 2, 11.. $1.00 a Yer. Our Wonderful Hats at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 arrived New Vork fashion with all the ginger that helps put the finishing touch to well dressed men. and conservative enough to be worn anywhere in all styles and colors. Black Gray, Green. Mouse, Royal Brown, and our special Tu Tone Hat, at $2.50. 1We have a lInt to fit mIost anyone. youlng or old. D. SILVERMAN New Fire Alarm System. The town council recently placed an order for a new fire alarm sys tem, which they hope to have in operation some time next month. The system consists of a large steel alloy bell, weighing 2,000 pounds, and being 48 inches in diameter, to be placed in the tower of the court house, and to be struck by an electric striker, also placed in the court house tower. The striker will be operated from the Water & Light Plant and will strike the bell any given num ber to designate the district in which the fire is. A large clock has been bought which will be installed at the plant which will automatically strike I~rsre bell twice a day, at six a. m. and six p. m. This to test out the system twice a day. The clock will be regulated day with Western Union utime, and the striking of the bell at six o'clock will give the town accurate time twice a day. Alarms will have to be telephon ed to the plant as usual. T'he town will be re-districted, and the new districts will be published for the information of the public. It is proposed to create smaller and Barler Ideal Oil Heaters Famous for Their Quality Smokeless Burners Brass Founts Double-Top Wick-Tubes Ideal Wick-Stops Nickel-Plated Castings GEO. A. COMFORT Abbeville, La. ·mamm em mum 'a.---elm l Rough Rice Storage" I have ample room for storing rice for the farmers at very reasonable rates, and is an independent ware house. Would be glad to have q call and make a arrangements. Full line of Oats, Corn, Mixed Feed for hprses and mules, Mixed Feed and wheat bran for dairy S cows, and Alfalfa Hay. Baudoin Warehouse THEO. BAUDOIN, Prop. Phone 23 Jefferson St. --rn more numerous districts. An effort is being made to put in a motor hose wagon at the plant with a man continually on duty to answer any and all fire alarms sent in. This would Insure having the necessary hose at fire, very promptly. A CI.oo 00u YSTrM NKEDs ATTENTIION; Are yiiu hillioi., dlizzy aldl listless? Dr Kiin's New Life l'i!ls taken at once seizos upon cin'tipation and starts thit how els mnoving naturally : nd easily ilortver it, acts without gri;ling Ne,.lect of a c'oggpd system often lads to mtst serious comnplica tn,,s, Poieonnus matters and a diwly porlv ftnctioning ,nerld in, mediate attelion If y, ou Wish to wake' up tomorr,:w mnrnion happy in mind and entirely sat ltioed, start, your treatment. to night. 25' a hottle adv Give your patronage where it is ap preciated. G. M. Eldredge. "The Drir gist." Phone 35. Sworn Statement. Abbeville, La., Oct. 6, 1915. In accordance with the Postal Rega lations, I made affidavit on the above date, before A. O. Landry, a notary public in and for the Parish of Vermilion La., that I am the sole owner, editor, publisher, manager, etc., of the Abbe vile Progress. and that no one else has interest directly or indirectly, etc. (Signed) J. W. O'BRYAN. The Bu- z'ird as a Dissemina tor of Anthrax. Experiments con(ducttd vl larry Morris. Bacteriologist and Assistant Veterinarian of the Experiment Stations, L. S. U., indicate that the buzzard is capable of carrying infection for miles after feeding upon anal anthrax carcass and of starting f'elh centers of anthrax infection in pastures where it lhad never l're\ iowlIv exi-tcd. Thi may be one of the nltalns of ac counting for anthrax hteaking out on new :ar;:s witlhout any viaihile way of iniiection. The btl.:zard mtay carry thie 1bacteria to the pIs ture, th re twahling or rubli ng them from his !liak or feet or vomit ing thetm ftout his cropI. Iay cttt from such a field would he very dangerous feed and no d(outtt, this one source of infection may ac count for nianv of the sporadic cases of :anilt.Itr. which occur in the wil c.,r cta.on when tile aninials are :ceitr:: it el dry feed. How To nc ELfficient. Nothing sap:, tlhe vitality like kidney trouble. It causes t:ackacihe, stiff joints sore mtuscle,. ".lwass tired" feeling rheumatihntt and otiher ills. To he effi cient. von be healthyl . F:oe Kid Sney Pills strtngthet, the kidnleva. help them do their work of filtering out from the waste lmatt!r that causes the trouble City Pharmacy. adv. Phone 35 and get your toilet articles right now. G. M. Eldredge, "The Druggist." "Are you a Mason?" John Barrymore could not be more ideally cast than in the stellar role of the film production of the sensationally successful farce, "Are you a Mason?"' prowluced by the Famous Players and the current Paramount release at ~4 I Victor Theatre, Meaday Odct. '. Twos.cape-grace,, father-in-law and sott-ln-ra*, have both hit upon the de vice of pretending to be Free Masons so as to be able to plead lodge meetings as an excuse for spending their evenings away from home. There is genuine fun in the fund; mental relationship of these two mock Masons, each of whom fears detection by the other, and the domestic and comic complications by their indiscritninate and inartistic lyingl provide a fund of humor rarely evidenc ed in stage or screen comedies. John Barrymore, as the younger bogus Moson, makes the most of the mauy hunmorous incidents in his own wonder ful style of comic portrayal, and with a 1 full appreciation of the farcical possibi lities of the plot. Others in the splen did cast include Ida Waterman. Charles 4 Dickson and Helen Freeman. The construction of the film version of this celebrated stage success admits i of a number of comic interpolations of episode and character impossible in the presentation of the original play because of the limitations of the oral drama. These additional scenes and Personages enhance the comic value of the offering and provide Mr. Barrvmore with more material for the side-splitting depiction of the young Mason than was contained I in the original farce. This hilarity-compelling feature will ( be at the Victor Theatre (ct .5 together with a Paramount Travel picture. feli ay the Cotton St.!ks. A ry erly (()ct. 10 to 25) kllin { frost lrian'. few boll wee t z xt spring. Thus N.rture prove4 on a grand scale the teach. ings .,f the entnolmogists obtained front experimntts. The faIcts fromn these exleriunt nits Ihow that o(n, of' tie most effecti',e uaeauns orf Iboll wee"'il control is the early destruc tion of the green cotton .talkl.. This early destruictim of the :row ing stalks accompnllishes three things (1) D)cstructin ,f all uitmature weevils in ioll :anad squares. (2) Destrtrctiou of all food suJip plies for adnult wvecv il, cl pcilling all these weevil to do without food until cold weather forces thcu int:o hibernation. Th;is lakes the a,!dult weevil go into winter ua:rters weak from starvation and in bad aondi tion to stand the winter. (3) Destruction of all breeding places. Thus early stalk destruction diu plicates in large measure the effects' of freezing temperatures. A conservative increase in cotton .creage over most of Louisiana is advisable under present conditions To make the cottotq planted a pro fitable crop, the best cultural me thods must be adopted and all means of controling weevil damage must be used faithfully and per. sistently. Early destruction of the green and growing stalks is the first step. Where the farmers have the necessary tools, the best way to hatdle the stalks is to chop them up Gnely with a stalk cutter or disc harties. Then plow under as deep as poqslle, thtroughly covering all f fsbo.t ed up .stalks If pos-ibJe, plant some winter cover crop on the land, some of the clovers being the best. This land will then be in splendid condition for next year's corn crop. The next best way is to cut the stalks, pile and burn them as soon as leaves, stems and squares will make a quick blaze. Don't wait: until all the stalk is dry or the wee- r vil will all hatch and most of the labor will be in vain. The effort of each individual farmer in destroying his stalks will be productive of some good. l Community cooperative effort is c what is required to meet this situa- L tion in the best possible way. If t every community in the cotton a section of the State would agree I to destroy all cotton stalks by Nov v 1st at the latest and then faithful- t ly carry out the agreement it would 0 be worth thousands of dollars to the cotton farmers themselves in 1916. c This is an "earlv" cotton crop s `-~-meec n mora..v.w - You are cordially invited to come and see for yourselves the beautiful styles in Ladies' and Misses' Hats We are better prepared than ever to take care of your orders, as we have an expert designer. The Stauffer-Godchaux Co. THE RACINE WAREHOUSE wAAR MHO ANDS FANNING MILLS For Cleaning Seed Rice Before Planting WRITE FOR LITI NI AtU'RE Come in and investigate these .Tills. It will pay you to do so. GEO. A. COMFORT, Agent State Street Abbeville, La. and will soon be picked and hous-. ed. This is a splendid chance to cripple the boll weevil for the next year by cutting off all food and breeding places. "In union tl'ere is strength." Let every commu. nity get together and do this job. Why? Because it will pay.---Mason Snowden, State Agent, Farm De nonstration Work. Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 'Last winter I used a bottle of Cham berlain's Congh Remedy for a bad bronchial cough. I felt its beneficial effect immediately and before I had inished the bottle I was cured. I never tire of recommending this remedy to mv friends," writes Mrs. William Bright Vt, Wayne, Ind. Obtainable every where. adv. Sentiment is growing in Louis. ana, and in other state, that tea :hers in the public schools should ,ave some knowledge of agricul ure whether they are to be called upon to teach that subject or not. Agricultural practice is so closely woven into the everyday lives of he great majority of the people )f the State that an intelligent in crest in that subject on the part )f the teacher, whose influence :ouuts for so much in the develop iient of the youthful minds is con idered essential. Abbeville Paper Troubles. The esteemed Franklin Watch man, in informing its readers of our taking over the Vermilion News, tells it in this way: "The Abbeville Progress has placed its affectionate arms around the Vermilion News by purchase from Mr. Scanland, the former proprietor. This leaves Abbeville with two, Instead of three news papers, and If they were merged into one, there may be a little money made in the business. But this last sentence is not our affair. Success to Editor O'Bryan with his possession." ---` I- i C,VoHs THAT ARE STOPPED Careful people see that they ARE ntopp-d. Dr King's New Discovery is a remedy of tried merit. It has held its own on the market for 46 years. Youth and old age testify to its soothing and healing qualities. Pneumo nia aRnd lung troul,les are often aused by delay of treatment. Dr Kina's New i)iscovery stops t hose hacking coughs and relieves la grippe tendencies. Money back if it fails 50c and $S. Attention! Abbeville Camp, No. 7, W. O. W. and the public are cordially invited to attend the unveiling of the monument erected at the grave of Mrs. Marie E. Broussard Sundav. Oct. 24, at 3:30 p. m., to meet a the Woodman Circle Hall and march to the cemetery. 36-2t