Nearly Every Business in the State
Comes Under the New Law.
Penalties, Etc.
Autini, Tex.-The act of the' thirty
fourth legislature providing for seii
tIontiihly paylllnt of wages in ceirLain
enlploy3 nnts beca lt:- e.ffectlve Oil N'ew
Year's Ilay. This bill was passed by
the senatie by a vote of 24 to 2, with
amendments. The vote by which it
passed the house was not given and
the measure was approved by Govern
or Ferglmson March 1.
The following is the text of the act:
"Section 1. Prom and after January
1, 1916. each and every manufacturing.
mercantile, mining, quarrying, rail
road. street railway, canal, oil, steam
boat, telegraph, telephone and express
company, employing more than ten
persons, and each and every water
company not operated by a municipal
corporation, and each and every whart
company and every other corporation
engaged in any business within the
State of Texas, which employs more
than ten persons, or any person, firm
or corporation engaged in or upon
any public works for the State of Tex
as. or for any country or any muni
cipal eorporatien thereof, either as a
contractor or a subontractor, there
with, shall pay each of its employes
the wages earned by him or her as
often as semi-monthly, and pay to a
day not more than sixteen days prior
to the day of payment.
"An employe who is absent at the
time fixed for payment or who for any
reason is not paid at that time, shall
be paid thereafter on six days' demand,
and any employe leaving his or her
employment, or discharged therefrom,
shall be paid in full on six days' de
"Sec. 2. Every person, partnership
or corporation, wilfully falling or re
fusing to pay the wages of any em
ployse at the time and in the manner
provided in this statute shall forfeit
to the State of Texas the sum of $50
for each and every such failure or re
fusal, and suits for penalties accruing
under this act shall be brought in any
court having Jurisdiction of the
amount tn the county in which the em
ploye should have been paid, or where
employed. Such suits shall be insti
tuted at the discretion of the commis
sioner of labor stat'sties by the attor
ney general or under his direction, or
by the county or district attorney for
the county or district in which suit
is brought; and the attorney bringing
any such suit shall be entitled to re
ceive and shall receive as compensa
tion for his services therein $10 of
the penalty or penalties recovered in
such suit, the fees sahd compensation
so allowed shall be over and above
the fees allowed the attorney general,
county or district attorney under the
general fee act.
"Sec. 3. It shall 'e the duty of the
commissioner of labor statistics to in
quire diligently for violations of this
act and Institute prosecutions and see
that the same are carried to final ter
mination and generally to see to the
enforcement of the provisions hereeL"
Texas Postmasters Appelnted.
Washingtoa.-The following Tems
fourth-class postmasters have Just
been named: Cut, Houston county.
Samuel C. Leediker; Macdona, Bezar
esuty, Mrs. Florence Sherman; Cor
mas. DaIlam county, Prod Obeshek;
Pelt, Raes county, Mrs. Mati.e .
Daniel; Quitaque, Brisco county, AMdis
L. Patterson; Mobile, Tyler county,
Thomas S. Sageunt; Canutille, BI Pam
county, William M. Dailey; Nettaville,
fermeri Dun La Sale ounty Wil
Iam . TuheMu; Mcoy, Atasmes een
ty. James B. Willams, JZr.; Stepm
CraB, Asn Jaento eauty (mew e
flee), 3ie. Nettle Detechacher.
Ven Pape Departs Wit Sae bCnonduet
New Yerk.-Cptenta Irs eas Pap
e. Geramny's caled mltary at
taees, left New York for rtsteItam
Wedaeeday ea the steamship Noor
dam, beairs a oh mubast n Ser
May frem the aeeate auies.
Membe of Pease Pasty Wee.
lChista, Norwnr.--Ued Bnu
ham, a member o the Ped peace parD
tv. died Wemds t ac mn I. He
wuas the hushnd at Ameia I3mu a,
the Amerseau atrees.
te And Development of Pan-American
Unity Aim of United States. Says
Secretary Lansing.
y Washingt~ - I';,as for a greater
i Pan-Arii. r.lai I wsin ' r t :nltrous F"ri
i1 day in the program of ti' ' lan-Anieri
W can Scientific ('ongress.. in spitn, of
y' thei great \olumnlt of papers readI on
hI technical subjects.
it Scores of questions of n mterna
d tional character were discu.ssd, and
a- members of the congress ifilortually
Italked of the crystallization of the
: Pan-American idea into a concrete
y form that might become known as the
,i Pan-American alliance.
1- Secretary Lansing has suggested to
a- all the nations which, with the Unit
is ed States, comprise the Pan-American
a Union that they join in a convention
r for the arbitration of all boundary line
1 disputes and for the prohibition of
rf shipments of war munitions to revolu
a tionaries.
is Becretary Lansing's proposal, which
b has the full support of President Wil
n son, is beain forwarded by the Latin
n American ambassadors and ministers
r- to their home foreign offices for con
- slideration. It is regarded as one of
a the steps in a wide plan. in which the
s- Pan-American Scientific Congress, now
is s session in Washington. Is a part,
is for preservation of peace on the West
a emn Hemisphere and a closer union ef
w all the Americas.
Many of Mr. Lanstng's declarations
is to the Pan-American Congress took on
y added significance Friday in the light
II of his proposals to the Latin Ameri
I, can republics.
r "Within recent years," said he, "the
1, United States has found no occasion,
s with the exception of the Venesuelan
boundary Incident, to remind Europe
p that the Monroe doctrine continues
s unaltered as a national policy in this
r- republic. The republics of America
r are no longer children in the great
It family of nations. They have attaln
0 ed maturity."
- At another point Mr. Lansing said:
g "When we attempt to analyze Pan
y Americanism we find the essential
Sgqualities are those of the family
I- sympathy, helpfulness, a sincere de
e sire to see another grow In prosper
I- ity, absence of covetousness of an
- other's possessions, absence of jeal
r- ousy of another's prominence and,
r above all, absence of that spirit of In
r trigne which menaces the domestic
It peace of a neighbor.'
Prominent Men Indicted.
i New York.-Eight men, including a
congressman, a former congressman
and a former attorney general of Ohio,
e were indicted Tuesday by a federal
1, grand jury on a charge of conspiring
e to foment strikes in American muni
tion factories as part of a campaign
e financed by the German government
to check the exportation of munitions
to the entente allies. The men indict
ed were Congressman Frank Buch
anan of Illinois, former Congressman
e H. Robert Fowler of Illinois, Frank S.
Monnett. former attorney general of
Ohio; H. B. Martin, Herman Schulteis,
Frnns von Rintelen. David Lamar and
s Jacob C. Taylor.
Wild Heres Now a Messes.
r Santa Fe. N. M.-Wild horses have
r- increased to such an extent in New
;Mezio In the past few years an to be
L come a menace to the domestic herds,
s aeerding to the annual report of the
c, cattle sanitary board. The board has
s therefore naspended previus restric
t, liss and will allow the rounding up.
- sale snd shipment of theem nbranded
. horse. Many domestle animals s
a centny have been lest through atice-t
bmeat into the wilds and by death ro
suiting rtm stampede.
SInemuranoe Rate Sent Up.
LeAdoe.-The recent memase to
t* sipplig by way of the Sues arnal,
a both from land and by submarine, rhas
Scaused the underwriters to raise in
-surance rates eonsiderabky ea cargsoes
and steamers followin the canal
e ~- Derlb. e has esxtened mo
* i'mtaoe s the do ato govebment eo
tI M -5s headed by OGem Venesinse
Comptroller's Annual Report Shows
Schedule Increase of Three Million
In State's Spending Money.
Austin. Tex - A summnary of the an
nual report of Henry iB. Terrell. state
comptroller of public accounts filed
Saturday with Governor Ferguson.
discloses that the total assessed val
uiation of propl.rty in Texas is $2.755,
171,793 lor 1:135, which is an Increase
of $12,."",0"u over the previous year,
and which is scheduled to produce
$16.151.87 ;.," in taxes, as agaitnst $11.,
275.885 1 for 1914. when the total as
sessed valuation was $2.743.07,97;6.
Supplemental tax rolls for previous
years show $1,.22.7l1 In valuation and
$!6.334.90 in taxes. thus bringine the
grand total for 1915 to $s.75;.994.574,
and the total taxes to $1t;.158.214 40.
It is shown by the report that the
number of acres of land assess.ed in
19,15 were 1;2.517,887. \alued at $1.
148,9,4.7i;,; . whichli is an increasa in
valuation of $:3.797.396 and .',2,.321
in acres of land over 1914. (if this
amount ton t\\ lots in 1915 were v;iliued
at $w i4.::h .1I0, whihh is a:in increase
of $17.425. 196 o\,'r 1914.
liailroa:ds iasessed In 111 5 14.748.71
biles. s:,lued at $15 ,.: 7.,321 a. com
pared with 1,.s111 77 miles in 1914.
Thus. \hih' iht,r i. a detceast' In the
'ilnttla e, th incri :se il value over
1914 Is $2.1:97.45.
This reiport, whth is for the fiscal
year endint: .\u ntst 31, 1:915, also dis
closes Ih;t tht- number of horses and
mules ases.sed In 1915 was 1.752,529.
valued at $S;:,397,01,;. which Is a do
crease in value of $5.xi.242 and in
number of 2.7 from the previous year.
('attle, 5.10,.9:31, valued at $55,449,
498. this being an increase of $9,747,
652 in value and a decrease of 7,805
In number.
Jacks and jennets, 15.206, valued at
$840,985. this being a decrease of $58,
202 in value and a decrease of 1,222
In number
Sheep. 1,590.670, value $3,436,409;
an increase of 43,574 in number and
$553,030 in value.
Goats, 1,220.663, value $2,106,803;
increase in number 131,443 and In
value $207,491.
Hogs, 934.598, value $2.993,367; an
Increase of $131,109 in value, but a de
crease of 17,323 in number.
Dogs, 16,952, valued at $235,109; a
decrease of 3,014 in number and $13,
149 in value.
Vehicles of all kinds, 543,385, valued
at $28,030,466; an Increase of $1,246
in value and 92,170 In number.
Goods, wares and merchandise, val
ned at $100,309,643; a decrese of $,
Materials and maaufaeturers' artS
eles, $2,890,785; an increase of 12,.
Manufacturers' tools, Implements
and machinery, $31,087,000; Increase
Steam engines and boilers, $11,881..
265; lncrease $1,209,472.
Amount of mosey in banks, etc.
$5,528,857; increase $51,89.
Amount of credit of banks, etc., $4.*
992,928; increase $844,784.
Amount of money other than banks
$8,324,679; decrease $303,702.
Money on hand or on deposit, $19,
188,448; decrease $3,101,96.
Amount of credit other than banks,
$65,092,875; decrease $2,156,63.
Amount and value of stocks and
bonds, etc., $818,824; decrease $693,
Amount and value of shares of capl
tal stock, $3,472,614; increase $1,578,
Value of all property of companies,
corporations, etc., $6,925,891; increase
Miscellaneous property, $62,266,977;
increase $6,048,936.
State and national banks, $69,851,
374; decrease $8,446.,782.
City railroads, number of miles,
979.37; value $9,996,065, agalst
436.09 miles in 1914; value increased
Value of railroad rolling stock, $33,
055,216; increase $512.148.
Intangible assets, $157,885,27; do
crease $4,759,124.
Interurbans, none given in 1916; In
1914, 2,476.69 miles were assessed,
valued at $4,938,426.
Telegraph and telephone lines, 28,
090.62 mnles, valued at $12,900,282,
aalinst 37,577.87 in 1314; increase of
valuation, $1,740,870.
Pipe lines, none given in 19215; in
1914, 1,870.14 miles were assessed,
valued at $4,698,868.
8teamboats, sauIling vessels, tet $t,
31,011; Increase $5,722.126.
President's Fifty-Ninth SIrthimy.
Hot 8prings, Va-On his flfty-inth
birthday Taeeday Presldent Wilso
wrhke seversal hours, read undres
of telegrms f coaratuttsro fima
people all ovaer the coantry, btoe a
log automobile drive over snow.co.
ered mountain roads and in ,evi
lug had a qutet birthday las
hb Wte in ther sute.
Gusher Near Alvin.
Alvin, Ta.-It was reported Wed
aseeday that a 5,000-barrel busher had
ben struck at Damons Mound, a sew
miles south of Alvin. The oil is said
to be of the pure greenlsh kind, bb
that of Oklakhoma.
General Unmin C r Caed.
Leaden.-Th·e labor partye
easled a ensun l uede uaes congess
Sr Janirst 6 tO oieeme h else .
mit' sDeepei esgas eiougl
I daub ms
T am pleased to testify to the nmerits of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which I ha 1
occasion to use seven years ago for kid
ney trouble. My general health ws.- nit
Good, causedi froin chills and fever nil
drnkin l impure ' ater 1 felt all t Ied
out, felt so badly at tunes lien I wou.
lie down I could scarcely get up
A friend recommended l)r. K direr's
Swamp Rloot. 1 got a hf:ty-cent I,,ttle, and
took it. It did me so much goodl that I
bought six bottles and gave up the doI
tors treatments entirely, and bef,,re the
six bottles were half gone 1 felt as
well as I ever felt in my life, and after
taking the remainder of the six bottles.
I discontinued the use of Swamp-Root
and have had no occasion to take any
ncelicine for kidney trouble since; that
was seven years ago. I hope those suf
fering as I did will give Dr. Kilmer's
Fwamp-Root a fair trial, for I feel sure
they will derive great help from its use.
Yours truly
'06 N. 'Main St. Paris, Texas.
tate of Texas
Lamar County~ "
l'ersono:;r appeared before the under
signed althorilty T. Z. Mcitarthy, who
says under oath that the above statement
is true andi, correct this February 25th,
1915 .1. M. L.NG, Notaryv ublic.
Lamar Co., Texas.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
`end ten cents to lr. Kal: icr & Co.,.
Binghamniton. N. Y., for a sitmille ,ie bhot
tle. It will convImI e ant ,telP. Y, u will
al-o reeeive a booklet of valuahle inf.r
n, .non, telling abl -ut the kiclnei a nI 1, iI
der hlt en iiw iii. I , ur, tndi mineution
this paper. llgu;lar ifti ,.ent and one.
dollar -iin' bottlei s for .ile .it all drlug
storcs.- Adv.
Retribution Overtook Mr. Fowler and
That Gentleman Was Consequent
ly by No Means Pleased.
I.iitl' things can be very trying at
times Mr I'owler thought, when one
wet morniing he couild not find his um
brella. Like many married men, he
believed in the maxim. "When in trou
ble blame your wife."
"I say. Ellen," he shouted, "what on
earth has happen.d to my new um
brella? I brought it home last night,
and now It's gone; and. of course, it's
raining furiously!"
"Why, it's scarcely raining at all!"
said his wife. "BRut last night it was
simply pouring when the parson left,
and so I lent him your umbrella!"
"What an asinine thing to do! I
shall never see It again now, so I may
as well buy another today?"
"How can you be so wicked, Adol
phus? As if the parson would stoop
to stealtg your ambrella?'
"Stoop to itealing it be hanged! I
borrowed it from him a couple of
months ago!"-Philalelphia Ledger.
Hardly Premature.
There was once a learned Judge of
ever eighty who never took any exer
ode. Not feeling very well, he odn
valted a physician.
"Tou have no business to live with
out taking exercise," said the physl
elan. "You must give up your sed
atary habits sad walk an hour ev
mery day."
"But it bores me so," pleaded the
judoe. "It I follow your advice I shall
walk myseIf into a prematme grave"
Modest Petitien.
l a deeply religious family of Elgin.
the eight-year-old son had been taught
to ask a blessing at the table
One afternoon there were a number
of women asked to luncheon, and the
kiddie, being a bit embarrassed, made
the fbllowing brief petition:
"Oh Lord, forgive us for this food."
It sn't necessary for a woman to be
an artist to draw men's attention. A
perky feather will answer.
Madam, Allow Me
To Introduce the
Post Toasties
You may have eaten "con Sakes"
but you have never asted any tha
oqual the New Post Toseties.
These new Askes~ madam, are
m and ,akey, and have a sbstane
oautuie fSavour, a an and aest adt
make them diti~
Dmit toy be sire in their waeetness, the New Post Toabies have a
body and firmness that don't mn down when cream or ilk is added;
and a tne i fvm a~ur tbg mn em sone feel tht hemre, at l, is
somethin Teey new and good to eat.
New Pot Toie-eesed dian corn, pepared for table as
it was never pspared befor. S
Your grocer has them now.
Buy and Try and Sbie Awhile
Ec-Zene Kills Eczema.
Let u, prolr e It "'.,Lke Ili, ui,-titi -, 11
'our l)huggist drl(e. nt hay' i It. writ', t,
:e'/ene Co. St Pail. Miinn \d%
Milwaukee has install-d 1- "oI o
billiard tables in its puitls ' h o
To get the r n:: a Ine. (all f .r f:ll nea,:e. I 4. A.
if E W ,i4l\.. iu:eiaCoda(tae . a).
At a Theatrical Lodgings.
Servant 011, mum.;: "lTh1( Z! pp elin
'ave rtle' '
Olhi Ladl ,V*ll, till '#-In w ,'evo al
realdy let thy- ro ni.; ti thl I Broithelrs
Egbcrt'--- lnd in ( pinion
Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bottle
of Danderine Right Now-Also
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thi., brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff-hat awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its luster, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish
ness and Itching of the scalp, liiuch
if not remedied causes the hair r(;i ts
to shrink, loosen and die-then the
hair falls out fast. A little Danderine
tonight-now-any time-will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any store, and after
Ithe first application your hair will
take on that life, luster and luxuriance
which is so beautiful. It will become
wavy and fluffy and have the appear
ance of abundance; an incomparable
gloss and softness, but what will
please you most will be after just a
few weeks' use, when you will actual
ly see a lot of fine, downy hair-new
hair-growing all over the scalp. Adv.
She Didn't Smile.
The young woman had spent a busy
She had browbeaten 14 salespeople,
bullyragged a floorwalker, argued vic
toriously with a milliner, laid down
the law to a modiste, nipped In the bud
a taxi chauffeur's attempt to over
charge her, made a street car conduc
tor stop the car in the middle of a
block for her, discharged her maid and
engaged another, and otherwise re
fused to allow herself to be timpoed
Yet she did not smile that night when
a young man bogged:
"Let me be your protector through
Oiving Him Warning.
"If you come home early this after
noon. please go around the house and
enter by the back door," said Mrs.
"What's on foot?' asked Mr. Dods
"Nothin's on foot, thank heaven! I
will entertaln the Browning club this
afternoon and I don't want any object
so Intensely material as you are to pro.
tfae the soulful atmosphere we shall
have created by several hours of study
and recitation."-Birmingham Age
A renzied financier-one who can
borrow money from a bill collector.
Sometimes matrimony turns love's
sweet dream into a nightmare.
When the
its (aster for a a otuar. to, fo. any
I tloan tlhanil it i k~',i, -l111b 1 tle 4
You will look ten years younger if you
darken your ugly, grizzly. gray hairs by
using "La Creole" Hair Dressing -Ad,
Two Styles.
'An. t l I It 11T I: t -t 1.tpiri
For Aches. Pnainn and Nervousness.
Given quick relief-Try it.t-Av.
Mrs. Murphy Fled.
In a certain village in South Kil
kenny there is a house the door of
which must be raised a little to be
opened. and for this purpose the hatch
et is generally used. One night a
knock was heard at the door and a boy
was sent to know who was there
"Who's there?" asked the youngster.
"It's me," answered the person out
The youngster, knowing the voice,
shouted back in such a tone that the
person outside could hear him:
"Oh, mother, it's Mrs. Murphy; `et
the hatchet." Needless to say, Mrs.
Mwphy didn't wait.
MeNo Need to Worry.
She was a very recent bride and
endeavorlag to keep house in the si
proved lygienic maaner. Entering a
strange bakery one day, she saw a
huge eat put his paws on the 19w j
show windows and vault lightly Is
among the cakes.
"Oh, look!" she exclaimed to the
stout lady in charge. "Your cat!"
"Dat is all right." soothingly replied
the wide lady, with a wider smile.
"Dat Is Henery. He will not eat any
thing; he chust schnals 'em."--Hi'
per's Magazine.
Oh, Very Welli
Biggs-What is your idea of the lon
gevity of the ancients?
Diggs-Well. I think being an am
cient must have been a healthful oc
Josef Hofman, the plantst, earns
$2,5600 an hour.
Whatever is ignorant is vulgar.