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Save the Trade-Mark Signature From SKINN S Macaroni and Spaghetti Products and get a complete set of Oneida Community ParPlate Silverware free. Guaranteed 1 Oyears. Beautiful Bridal Wreath pattern. Send us the coupon below and we will tell you all about it. Nine Kinds Skinner's Products I Macaroel 4 Cut Macareai 7 Soup Riam 2 Spashettl 6 Cut Spalhati S Alphabetoe S Est Noedlae Elbews 9 Vmicelli "These delicious foods can be prepared 58 different ways to take the place of high-priced meat dishes. An economical, hearty food, perfectly balanced. Skinner's Macaroni Products are made from the finest durum wheat, in the largest and cleanest macaroni factory in America. Get a complete set of One ida Community / Par PlateSilverware with Skinner's Macaroni * Products. Send the coupon for full de- _ tails. No obligation whatever. In the * S hiS. Z meantime buy Skinner's products Dept. D at your grocer's (cheaper if you Omss.Nh.k. get them by the case 24 / Please send me packages) and save the a full informnaton circle containing the - ow dl an. obtain gnature. All he Ondda Communitr i ..... Pr Pll tJate Silverware rocers sell Skinner' FREE with Skinner's MacaoiProducts. / Macron Poduts Lauer Mg. C ......... ....... ....... Lar,., wo. f o .... ............................... Dept. D ' Address ................................. Omaha Nab Tow ............................ te........ UL-EN-OL THE CREAT ANTISEPTIC CUTS, WOUNDS BURNS, BRUISES CRAMPS AND COLIC FIIUT. IO & CO. mEW OILEIN F YOU NAVE Tu'rdS- Pills trs smedy ttss stI. TRY THE OLD RELIABLE WINTERSMIThs CHILL TONIC For MALARIA C.~i'M. . FEM MAL TRETmEauII TOllM MtehoeU'I kSr Double ProUle Cottoi de m boell weevil insects. disease. froet and us favorable euasone with g#eateet profit and =ields on record. The proof sent ree. 100l Ib mel Bsga. Iearf Parl . Yes. evirle. N. Y. ANURI Chemis The Newest Discovery in Chemistry This is a recent discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments at Dr. Pierce's Hospital for several years proved that there is no other eliminator of uric aeld that can be compared to It. For those easily recognized symptoms of Itflammation-as backache, scalding urine and frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheuma tism, it is simply wonderful how sure ly "Anuric" acts. The best of results are always obtained in cases of acute rheumatism in the joints, in gravel and gout, and tnvariably the pains and stlfRaes which so frequently and per sistently accompany the disease rap idly disappear. Go to your nearest drug store sad uo w your neaIrUs sw sre amU j recWor oDuraDUIe. N Rheumatism! . N N N How is rheamatis recognized? Some have maid- 1 Sm.meda is a dull pain. IN M Rhet emet is a sharp pain, I $ sb sore muscles. M N Rheastima istif joints. M SRh.boumetajd is a shifting pain. N All have declared-Rhemadfm to Pa6m. N N N N lo Sa's Llaimest applied:- T The blood begins to Bow freely-the body's N warmth is renewed-the congestion disap pears-the pain is gone. Sloan's I, Liniment -L ass PAI (mAR Au rstD) x N Rhebmautim and allied peiin yield to the penetrat S ing gaslties of this warming iUiment. &rrrrrrnl -arIIP The Only Inference. "Mrs. Cobbles is much distressed." "What's the trouble?" "Mr. Cobbles talks In hiN sleep." "Can't she understand what he says?" Net Oray Ralre but Tired Eyes make us look older than we are. Keea your Eyes young and you will look young. After the Movies Murine Your Eyes. Dn't tell your age. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago. Bends Eye Book on request. Alumlnum alloy pistons in motor-car engines wear excellently with the usual lubrication. DON'T GAMBLE that your heart's all right. Make smre. Take "Renovine"-a heart and serve tonic. Price 0Oc and $1.00.-Adv. About 25,000 Incandescent lamp lia ments can be made from one pound of tangsten. Pneumonia? Apply Hanford's Ba) sam. Rub it on and rub It in thop oughly. until the skin is rritated. Adv. Even a botanist may not be able to recognise a blooming idiot when he sees one. bFr frostbites use Hanford's Be" sam. Adv. British India's 1914 imports were valued at $508,000,000. r. simply ask for a 59cent package of ' "Anurie" manutactured by Dr. Pierce. , or even write Dr. Pierce for a large ' trial package (1Oc). If you suspect t kidney or bladder trouble, send him a sample of your water and describe r symptoms. Dr. Pierce's chemist will i examine it, then Dr. Pierce will report g to you without fee or charge. NOTE. - "Anuric" is thirty-seven times more active than lithia in elimi natting uric acid, and is a harmless but reliable chemical compound that may be safely given to children, but should e be used only by grown-ups who actu ally wish to restore their kidneys to ml perfect health, by conscientiously d using one box-or more in extreme cases-as "Anuril" (thanks to Dr. , Pierce's achievement) is by far the most perfect kidney and bladder cor STATE WILL SAVE BY PAYING BONDS STEPS ARE TAKEN TO RETIRE $40,000 OF LOUISIANA PAPER. BONDS ARE DUE IN 1964 Premium Covered By Accumulation in interest Tax Fund Over and Above the Interest Due on February 1, on Entire Debt Itaton Rouge. State 'Tareasurer Il,dciox S. Smith forwarded -opy for ad vertlisrtoints Iii New ()rleans. ('hlcalo ;iand( New York newspapers notifying lthe holdirs of 40,0001) of louillana stl;iei hrids., nulr I,*rd frm 1019n l. to lo,129'. ; nil due .\lU ust I. 1964. thalt the state is riady to pay I the Plriolil r . iLano that uni diler the oerrs of tlh con tract 'x pres-rsed on thei face of the bon iqlds Rand in article 3L4 of the constitution,. the interost will reias.i on tihat ilate, Feb riary i. 'I'his advierIt s ell til of rie tlrement of $40.o000 of hIndsis In of feet their coiverii iii tile tfogal notice int'o short ternl papeliir ilit E'llruary 1. 1916. The stato pay" a pri,'iuani -if four dollars per hundreld dlIllairs r the houds \iwhen thon' ilrid TheiIi savingi of inteiresi. which Is $..l.h0l per year. totals $811.400 as the lhi nds anbout to Ie called In and paid have forty-eight years to run The $40.0oo and the premium of $4 are covered by the Iaccttllltrlationl In the interest tax find over and above the interest duo February 1 on the en tire debt. The state paid $53.000 of bonds that fell due last August. That payment and the bonds about to be called in total $!9i.000il reduction of the prinel pal of the debt. The entire debt will he paid In thirty years. This Is due to the fact that the income for the interest tax fund was bases es the assessment of 1913. STATE HAPPENINGS. With the closing down of the LLck port Central and the Lower Lafourche sugar factorees, the sugar season of 1116, one of the shortest for many years in this section, was brought to a close. The Lower Lafourche ran a little over a month and handled about 30,000 tons of cane, making a part of it Into syrup and a part Into sugar. some of a beautiful white granulated variety, very choice for family lae, and some raws for the larger refin eries. The grinding season at the Lockport Central lasted forty-six days, and it handled about 40.000 tons ;t sugar cane, making In the neighbor hood of 5,000,000 pounds of sugar, raw and plantation granulated. The skeleton of a human being was found at Point Plitre. It was ap parently that of a male, the teeth missing. It was covered with a growth of sea grass, indicating that the un fortunate lost his life some time ago. A report was circulated that the skele. ton might be that of Alphonse ('ou ture. Sr., who, with his little home, was swept away in the September storm. Rev. Father 0. Ielteau. pastor of St. Ikomlnlc' ('atholli ('hurch in ('am bronne street. New Orleans. die-, af ter an illness of several months, which many of his friends did not think would prove fatal. Tihe news of his. death camne as a great shock to tlhe people of ('arrollton where the saint ed priest was generally btwloied. Ellis Plowman, a netro who shot and killed two negroes at Hogalusa. was arrested eight miles north of Franklilnton by a posse f:. aded by Sheriff Simmons. Sheriff Simnlons lo cated the negro, and in attempting to make the arrest wuas fired upon by the negro. The sheriff returned the fire. but no shot took effect. New Orleans continues to be the best advertlied city in America, due to the stridesr taken by her people in improvinlg the city and port. Clippings gathered each week by the New Or leans Associatien of Commerce reflect the sentiment of the leadinug newspa mper and magazines of the United Three badits in an automobile weat to the residence of Widow Dse sin Pontenot, living two miles north of lota, and levelling guns on the aged woman, demanded her money or her life. They obtained all the cash she had. about $40. The store of the Callatl Marsh Gro cery Company, and now under lease to the Kinberger Grocery Company, Ltd., for two. years, was sold at Pl 4uemise by Marks ra elltman, the com sidratlon be4ng ,e000 cash. This store was formerly the property lat Molse Lervy. Charles Elliott, as emploee at the a Compamr a~ th4Oe4 ad uold, died i a Beammost hopital, oI lajUrlIds reesived wlhe am etmeUile tureI tlares the Oed-Temey road, I,', lo 11g .11 IlA tal ltigatlu 11111 local !. it n 1 ,t',tt r; " irdingtg osir .r-'V ralv dly i)ra. Seaumt.lus ,uni hit. of the stat board of hiritll, hIave taken I l 0 , h Ii,. r yplih l h . it,' tIt rton It k* h tries" . ' at mi t', ', :te tl wi.: ' :i';tl h " ,1|,a d tin, .tr, r," ,Inr,,i :\n iT vast 1 M.,1, nl r' v l* ti' Iexistence of ' SIV4locos e " , ". ,4t. , ' , i' l. I'Ie*w i. , 1ma .i' 'tiI.% t.\ jl.lf t I~ lh l |'w, ll, ItLh .,lt I .' '. , ,. :,1 \ pciirt d Ill tI Th, Iaw iphyl llnl.i ul ll. 1,t a cardI Ir. hlh.u I that it, , ll 4 , l, nnell td llIk ftih th h o. e 1 3 gati t .tou th atl' 'I, r III ni . "I ,r t ' ! l ll . a 41 tged .1 111 lli'", W ith ir i ,- t i, tI,r ,tl of thi, rl-i'ts etle *' tll illli" I i-ver l \p . 1 i ~l l11 rh y the 11l lll ,ftI l-tl a 1 stla ) lt I IS t i'dodl In t pulltlir river i atorl into the citylll tight fr.- Normaln y the city water 3-mentc troll, artestan wells i)llring t hi, past f'w months there. ha.' i1," i '.,t,"4 of tIl phll Id fiver at it., ker and other points on the riber atl ov. te111 City. A stilt that hat i'isiill tour:.' inter ,est a I;', ,1,It'rnlll, 11 hV .tli J K, IcN . lof il'e " .i,1 Ilstric et ( , I. H, hll .itul lt I I' ('o11 l"1 , 411 . 11t. It ,' l lllll r. wI ls iwar ifl S ';Iter liona1 l for ils 4 ri. , t lR. , in n n" ll' w'll S Itl it inv 'lstI" intI l1 1 I " :aflairnt. (f 111-, hoaird ly h m 1 ,1 If. 1\' I1 ,.r",W e l v sotil .\ i ne ,t h ,rinalll t11 I'I, ,ola - hl;,d t r4i ,ers t t, I t. e '. , e lll..I lnl $l.7 n ITl i lln t -v3ll 4'r 4ntl fcor ht t w,,r .I iee' i'll' It . f ill - li h s e i','lt. an11 r 111, 1l fiIt . ,",1d TIlh 8i-warig.' and Water itai tr h'eld that it h:l em pjitvili Itdlwtiph Berinrg and iother en Ioneers of ilIntrat ionni r'eputatin at the rat. o lffered Il'oletnan hut Mr. Cole malln contendled tht while his servi'es had extended over lonlths. hat of the outside en gineers had occuped days only. Thll court awarded the full amount of the claim. After the first of the year every In dustrial plant in this section will be running full time. It has been an nounced that the big shipyards of the Clooney Construction Company. two miles south of Lake Charles. which have been operating for six months with a reduced working force, will run full after the holidays. The shipyards employ 300 men when operatilag to ca pacity. A marked revival in business is anticiepated after the first of the year. as the city is mainly dependent on its manufacturing industries, which employ 1.200 workmen. At a special meeting of the mayor and board of aldermen of Opelousas bids were opened for the fiscal sgen cy contract for the ensuing two years. The Opelousas National People's State Banks made identical bids of 3 per cent interest on daily balances, a charge of 3 per ~ent interest on sums advanced up to the average of de posits an. 7 3-4 per cent charge for amounts above that sum. The Ope lousas National, having given satisfac tion as fiscal agent for the past two years, was awarded the contract. Superintendent L. J. Alleman an nounces that the convention for par Ish school superintendents has been fixed by Superintendent Harris for January 20 and 21 at Lafayette. All the parishes of southwest louisiana will be represented. January 20 the educators will visit three consolidated country schools. Next day the ol0i cers will consider the type Of plant best suited for country schools. The party of traveling men, popu larly known as the "Winfield Poker P'layers." have had their Jail and line Sand costs sentence commuted to fine and costs on the recommendation of the board of pardons. fThese six drum mers worried with the monotonous roultiie of selling their goods, indult ed In a poker game within five miles of the Winnfield High School and were discovered by the authorities. When the Caddo parish registration books closed at 6 o'clock Christmas eve. 7.294 persons had met that re quirement of voting, an Increase of ap proximately 1.000 over the 1914 regis tratlon. The reglstrations were count ed and tabulated the first day the dls trict clerk's office was open after the books closed. Detectives Cuassard ana Mellon of SNew Orleans arrested Hllery Benja' I mn. negro, and charged him with peddllng morphine. In violation of the SHarrison Anti-Narcotte Act. When seueaing the negro's room the detec I tives found a box of Mexiesa eimars. on which no duty appeared to have been paid, The Crawley City counell has open' I ed bids for the $31.000 electrIe light I and waterworks bonds, that of the Provident Savings Bank and Trust I Company, of Cincinnati, belnl as cepteod Opelousas received a Christmas I present in the shape of a check for $3,058.04, being payment through A. L. LaCombe. general &gont of the New Brunswick Insurance Company, for I that company's pro rata of loss in the I reeat power plant its. Probably the biggest load of pecasa Son record passed through Ocea I 8ingsl wheq C. 8. Dell drove lito I town perched bm a doble wSs lead I ot grated pe.ass piled as high s sI BILIOUS, EI: IAU HY, SICK "CASCARETS" Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. G(et a 10-r lct ha ,x Sick hea;tdac5he htllio sns i H . diizt fnles, colatdcsi tIosngi;:ei'. foul talte andt foul breath alwav ' riroe ther i tos torpil liver. l,-inu . '. f-ri.-nting foo, In the bowels or sour, KasaVy 8stoll.Lach Polonoll us matter clogged ini the in testlnee. Instead of hetng ,ast out I of the systern is re -ahsorhbed ilnto the blood. When this poison reap hes the delicate brain tissue it c( con gestion and that dull. throbbing, sick ening headache. (asearots Immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour. undigeisted food and foul gases. take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A ('ascaret to-night will surely straighten you out 1by morning. They work while, you srleep--a l orent box from your druggslt means your he11ad clear. stomach sweet a;I d your liver and bowels regular fTr tlelnths Adv. The henpecked hshatldi devhlosM into a free-thintker wslin hi , is,' go,~es away on a visit. *Sprtan Women Suffered Untold Tortures but who wants to ee a Spl)artani' 'l'ake "hF'omenina" for all feIllale disorders. Price 50c and $1.00.- Adv. India:napl,( is, lnd . has a ipo latiol of 265,5.'. accordri g to the latest census estimates. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Not Worth Envying. In the United States. 174 persons have incomes of more than half a mil lion dollars a year. Probably not one of these could eat half a pumpkin pie without regretting it.-New York Mail. The Real Hardship. "When I reads about dem fellers over In de trenches I feels like sayln'. 'Die is de life!'" remarked Frisco Sam. "Right you are, boe." answered his pal. "Dere's worse t'lnpgs dan travelna' about de country In empties, I guess." "Sure and dem poor devils over in Europe not only has ter live In trenches, but dey has ter dig 'em firat!" r Selfish Hubby. ' A young husband who had not found married lIfe exactly a path of roses, and who sincerely wished to prove to bhi wife the depth of his affection, went home one evening and said cheerily: "Well, Tilda, you can't guess Swhat I have done today." "Made a fool of yourself, U usual," replied Tilda, ungraciously. '"That's as you look at it, dear one." "Oh. John Henry," said the wife. "It a you've done anything more than usual ly idiotic out with it and have done I with it. What under creation have x you been up to now?' R "Tilda, dearest. I have insured my life." "Well." said the :rate little woman. t "I always knew you were mean! In sured your life, indeed! Ah! Always looking out for yourself first!" LACK OF MONEY Was a Godsend in This Case. f It is not always that a lack of money is a benefit. A lady in Ark. owes her health to the fact that she could not pay in Sadvance the fee demanded by a spe € calist to treat her for stomach trou ble. In telling of her case she says: "I had been treated by four dflterent physicians during 10 years of stomach trouble. Lately I called on another who told me he could not cure me; that I had neuralgia of the stomach. Then I went to a specialist who told Sme I had catarrh of the stomach and said he could cure me in four months, Sbut would have to have his money down. I could not raise the neces ary sum and in my extremity I was Sled to quit coffee and try Postuem. "The resaults have been magical. I I now sleep well at night, something I had not done for a long time; the paln In my stomach is gone and I am a ditfferent woman. "Every time I had tried to stop eoel fee I suffered from severe headaches. so I continued to drink it, although I had reason to believe it war ljuros to me. But when I had Poetum to Sshitlft to it was dtferenLt "To my surprise I did not mis eel fee whean I began to drink Postuem. "Cofee had been steadily and surely killg me and I didn't fully realise what was doinlg It until I quit and changed to Postum." Name grvren h SPostum Co., Battle Creek, Mlch. r Postum comes in two forms: Peetum Cereal--the oritginal fomre Smust be well boiled. 15c and 25c peck Instant Poetum--a soluble powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot we,. ter, and, with cream and sugtar, makes a delllious beverage insantly. Me 'sad Oc tlMs. Both kinds sre equally dellcioue Iand eost about thb sa mn per eU "There's a Reson" tor Postem. --o by osers. It's Foolish to Suffer '1o ': In 41,. 1'. l,; , , ' fo 1411441l b tlai,' I , h, . or bi, ii.l, ' r i iill: i ,t 11 i . A t ' t,,! " t 11 11i1tih " 'r 1 1H 1 t,,l',!,.r,,,l 1 .... ; 1 . , 1trO f , i in * t" , V 31 l io \", It i:'it i1i, '. . i \, u t rI l .l i . l oi. , ti with I , ' IK . I tflit 1 4 ' 11 1 i %, A Texas Case S Aý\ 111 , ' 1 (11.," 1. * I, , t 1 ' Get Deas*. at Aar 3tare. 50c a Bas ILLX *Tw nty r 'v ' r, .ago I ...n. hav. higrht that torn lot o.i r th'eri tAr 'T* u ii .ii.l in i buy it. %uut at all . I . ',. . 1o n t14. h lit I th.u .i i .. . . 1 1. . IIt Sometimes Apply it Lightly. For utsiFo, burns. ald, ores and open Twint irdi always applyI iinford't cov+ers and guits to the borttom o the wound A few light applications are genTrally all that In needed to heal this class of d I'ficulties Adv. Smile Goes Far. Sometimes a mpple will go farther than an answer, esptheially if t musthe on the first of the month by takingo he now a bottle of Mansfield ough BaAd sam for that hacking, hollow cough. Price 26c and 50c.-Adv. The man who can play cards for fun may get it-but the other fellow gets the money. Aneds be a of her bad complexion Ifon the too, ate embarrassed by a no blottle chy, Mansighlycopleh B Prn ine chances out of ten Resinol Soap hst try Resihol Soap for a week andy et ift- it does not makeablessed difference in your skin. It also helpto make red, rough hands and arms soft and white. I semee w stubbers ases, Ialsel Seap hIfould be idedtoo, a little Retinol Oimen a Botharesoldbra!Jwl hghs pIUD iry PA Ahy, unsight lyhcompleu-i consfuuho out of ten ReAND SUPPLIESol Soap Contrill actors'Supplear itdrs hlardwa re, Etc. Prices and in formation furnished on request al -s yor broken uras ms and woe will epair and restrn the sOilmeL E OUSTON, TXA l ASOMILL SUPPLIESD i5 Mor IeIt I ereTA l,. EtC.I rarsiuWll e rL 1 I dmess ret s l Tpi ell eTexas Dhse.tory HCntraotor' Su pllaeBuidd rYe rwr , Etc. Pces and In ormation funshed on requaesTe id ale Imr llld - al asd 3apers o9n r cmInal is've tsase. Mate ame yeaste Operastive we esem turuis l. W. l atemem. Bs s app. W. N. U, HOUSTON, TXLNO. 2-I.