Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE () TRADE Resiitm l wi, th 4 or 65, lt. t.', r" i, ii r g ,w<ith 2 lot. rents fur $11.50 pr m on h oin. ,'f r L tItf O metn"ithfor ti . of two ye'. i. Will Lrt r. i t I I t,:o e ,uil iing for agool farm. 24 lots ii Smith Nt'.1 -,i i. , tito, to gsll :10.00 cash, $1.00 per week till pi,,l for, or will tradei hr foitrIr ltoltrt'. IHave 1,l(0i r aic, (f a:i: toll beconi W.rd at $.00 per acre. Drnage canal to be cut throu'hl it 24G acres in sixth W tlrd on I ,.nag. canal at $15.00 per to . \\. S. NILSON Put In a PORCH LIGHT M Burn it all night every night * Without Extra Cost to You I For further particulars. call Water & Light Plant THE BEST LINE WEST Be Sure You Are Routed Right Whether on Pleasure or Business THE DIRECT ROUTE WILL BE VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC THROUGH LOUISIANA AND TEXAS Oil Burning Locomotives Electric Block Signals ALL STEEL EQUIPTIENT Best Dining Car in America Por Full Information and Illustrated literature. Ask any Southern Pacific Agent or write W. H. STAKELUM. J. H. R. PARSONS. Div. Pass. Agent, Gen. Pass. Agent, Lake Charles, La. New Orleans, La FRUIT CAKES and all other kinds made to order We havenlmade special arrangements and are now fully prep red to take orders for making all kinds ofMCakes. Phone 39 and put in your order early. PEERLESS BAKERY E. C. VILLEMEZ, Prop. h! I ._. ... t . ... . - - -- .U--- - A Postal Brings s This " Book It is free--it tells how you can havw local and long distance telephone ser vice in your home at very small cost. Send for it today. Write nearest Bell Tele phone Manager, or FARMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT Cumberlad Telephone ad Telegraph Company t._. T"=: e -s s -m-- ADMlNIitR.iTOU'O SALEI;. State of Louisiana, Parish of V.rnmil:,. 17th Judicial District Court. Sucersl.hin of I .,zin I ihi,,i No. 977. By virtue of an order of sale i<.:,,i out of the Honorable Sevent. nth Jo,, - ial Di ).trict Court, State of Loiis n,i :, in ani for the of .,ern :l:. ,i l a commissioni in pursuance tU, rc ,. In thorizing me to sell prop rt'" io th, purl o;e of r.ali infg Innl-, to ' at t,. debts awl ch:lii s . ,f ( u i i..u .... .. I will offtr to,: ...,&. at pill :n , t. " the tandl Li;:h.s : p i, 'I . t a:it the Lt. t e l.i'' e ! t : ,I t Iik the S,.coed .' T.1. ..i. "i \trnui:m , La.. on Saturday, Jin.irv 115, , S between th, legal hours, esctih.,It law. tht follo iui rprope . to sit. (ll-" irest:,. tr "' , f i. I l 1 ,; ,I eirg ,it; lod in V.n onl p:irl-h L- , rii aiinu:i i y olil w d :;t -1 ,, t, . t, ., t sk,",, in th," " . W . " :II T)5 XI i5ii. i 'oat., b. , i i t T , , I . -. I ica 4 "., *h ii I.' S ,irs, -, nI bth 1,% 1 l I , .Ad, *." -t 1,,. A i m 1) ilit I, vi* :a . , : dti pot vil L silo ihuisis O wi lot of hiimuel,'uld I irniltur. ii efle s, ('co, sit g f andluii rs h. ,! -teo ils, matlireS . , , i5lli , yewii li:, ciinie, rorikers, c aliriis. tov-e an I ill sil, disihes, tab s, j ir-; hou,, , fti ring aind other atitcles 0oo miitmr. ,u to mention. Terms: Cash on aly otf *nl5. O1'ILI (GUIDRY A'!mtinis tat iix IDec linth, 1915 .Iohlin Nugier, ait. rniey for mnle'asoii. SHERIFF'S SALE. State of L)uisienan- Par -, .,f V. rinil ion--7th .nd , al Dist rict Co ,rt. Pan Aniericaml Life [ii-Irtai'e "'1 vs. Nio -1715. ThoImas II. Smi: h By virtue of a writ of seizure am" sale to me issued out of the lloi'or - lde Seventeenth Judicial Disri. I Court, in and for the Parisn of Vemrmitni ion, State of Louisansa. ii the a.,v, numbered and entitiFol suit, 10n: auithorizing an-' empwrinil mle ii ti.e preinlses, I have tLla day iez asi,'I 'aken into my po5'iso-ion to satisfy .said wr e, hund I wil priceed to ,1sell it pc.btle ancta: to tho list and hibh ,.t r, ipomisil ie b'dde., a' the prini !ipal front door of i h1- i.u: t H .use. im Abbeviie, 7erm;l'on. a-hLa within the leg l hoi;r- p"'-crih. rt law for judicl-.1 sales, to th, last am, highest bidder, Ot Saturday, Fehliruay 12, 1916 the following desccihitd proper situated in Vermilion Parish, to wit One certain tiact of launi lying s:' bing sat. sated iu th. Parish t V" I Smill n, state of LEiisiln.i, kit wn anti Sd.-slgnated as the North Hrli of Nor, I East Q tarter, (Nis of : 0E4). an i :, North East Ql.rter of the North w,-' Quarter, (N '.4 of N W L ) St eton: Three (3) Township 'Th rIsen (13). South Range one (1) Louisiam;:, Merioiau, containing One Hiundre, Twenty (120) icres. more if las. to gethe, r with all iind sligumlar the im piovemnents their-on situattd anid all pi-rtaining thereto. Terms: Cash Sheriff's office, Abbeville, La., this 18th dly of Dec-nimer 1:i15 AUG MORTON. Sheriff. Veriim'min Parish. Ls. Brotusard & Samson, attorneys. SUCCESSION NOTICE State o Louisiana, 17th Jtid 'al Di - taile Court artah of V( rmilimi, No,$2 Succe-ion, of 1. ,re 1. ..I ., Nu. n z Sl-ec' I, %Whereas Hamptun tampb.ll, hl. p* titlo'ed the Lourt for l It, rf imf Ji mtinistration on the estate of tie latI Minre itmlamie Nmuinm z d.ev,.,. Notice Is gtivem, tin ill whim;, it may concern to sthmiw carise, w ti hl ;the ltoral deliss why the Irayer , the saidpetltioner hitl in mt me gr mi - ed aid the sa'd Hampton Cirup;t. 1 shonld not b- mppimhted an quahil as admirilsitrilor at said v'ate By mr(lter of Court. of i.a1e D c,-mi. 4 1915 P I.. tROCSS 'R1s 1) plail (i.-rk of Bro n ,,.dA ,".,,-.., n A t* . e. 8Ui'' ESI'N 1OT'CE 17lb Jmudeimm I) strict Curt. Vemi ii I :ris . Lai I'lhia t. No. 3 ,.h ncem'ssion of J..e, Ti,',,,,. *, W l -.e re bs, F :o lm T m .' i ' - u z . , T. Uniu 'ry (h, o ra .,,i,, , r;at,, ... filed " thit ,os,, ull, ,., .... t., h ' b , final iableaux.,.,f.',,ns s,,! h.,,,g amid lav' I| tIwol 1 .i' co i t, tm ! uidmr rged i, ihim'm. N o t i e ,' i s h , r e it u ji v - : te "m l , ', , . i cerr ed, tIo mhl,,'.t 'ai-*e- wih!, t, dais, fronI thi p - m r I mi.l t; w hy ,ine -.sii F mmsti I.m,,le mi'..t . i ailil e' am g. a '-I utlh m t e, ..i!l ii am.d iomn log t*-d, m ti : t ,e ,d ,'. mmai ti r moi't l iot~ be ,fc-ta h . ., pra, ed 'or. IRy order lo' Court, Clm k'ms 'i-'"* . A' h'Villle, Vs. m 1<' Psrisha, LmUtsmmi Em. D0e, tol -r S pi,.m P. 1,. Blioc4AAA] . D . :Ierk "1E'otui i, hn Nevw'. ittornpt h,,r Srmi.eshsi,,i. SEED RICE FOR SALE. Honduras and Blue Rose, at $5 per sack. By while it is cheap Wbkarie, Jaosenss . Sams 23a. Mai .I. Abamsj. M. 171 .4~ .44 4 5 ("'. -1,1 1". .. . . n ,, :. *.! , .1,. I1... . 1 .. u ~ ,: 1.11 1, 1 :," "I ' , }, : I ." " I . . " ' : , . 1.1 ! , 1 1. l·it " It. I 1 I· l ' ru" ~ ~ 44 11 0lu trt . . : l.' J .11 ". , 3tff., S vignii"r Fr "111 r. k l ., i,. V '.ttO r, r Ct'44ib e *V. ly.) Ahioi~i441 'a''aurl.t et iii By virtae ",1 a *wrjt of k'i.r: F.!1' ll nme 14-uaid inl the ab4ove 44 mlii r(d and entit! ,'td uit. fully I:: . .Z4 , and elip.,wt ring ii.(' ii. tII' pt :!. 1iitI liie~ . .ia;' 'i'iztd and ;-k.i' I will p4',c4.'. to 1: t t : 1; I l., i .c 1:ell! V (11)2,1 (i i t, " l or! Ila I"1:ý- I~ ;- t liUI at . r Z V 1 041 11' F .ar ' .4. I Cial o-a'-'4, o ` it'S' ':)'in tr t d .': ib idt; .d ., t -tt 1q4 I, i:i r1: ,. t:"' .{ i,;r I' " CV 1111 11 ',.tV l .' i " i 'ft ;: r'. i;(t"'od I.',ic' Vi li"{;tlcl it o-ti : ,"1 w.1.. 4. . 1It, i1a A, J.-x,. had. .I-:r. it tr- sn(i; bT-i:li atile pi'up.:ri% p.I 4t..'..'' ".2 1b. .tlit- :et h. :L.:ttzi irnm Az-' t{ al.: o 2iiin Lbh 28" .1 :*41:, is'+. .,:' 4i oer, :4ij4.o , t,\' . I4.t "'1 rIte, 1i.C .l 1' i44 ' lc 5.5 i)1 ItI~ ' . ~..~i, .. -h 41f V" ruiliiul ut page 93. recut,.:- Uwe lIi r C ,-l LIe) rtr::'t '.till 44iiit.4hljiig 11 e' aud 1"--44 '.,5 5 9 irpunNibL .ujecfeiai at. b.- iig all of 4' ( t -ti trac.t of iat .t t: I' it Ell, I' ion ~r t- r b li... , S': li iia 'p" t i E s.4 44 al4l -I N"."' ii S lit; withi .Nur, h an. tid ui ..s will the L ab v :e (ft t"', t I ta Yi.1 ,1 I, l) Ie rom the ist:41 raL4',1 . lourt 4it,4 50484t hIV.-at Q~i.: .Lr o.f P. S u W'i'e L Q amrer 4U, S. coil. E " w. t' (1 I.w ;anip Ih:xt' 4Vo, SiU\ l Hait 1g· . 'l. t. a; t(! g ed u e pr~t:.erh t:("(1." by .Adonx1i Bertrand 11.rtn EI'Aii ": i'2 an, by act Ut saltl ' 1'tic.'rd(4 tit V. .l~t:: N . lt t 10t page 3y, of l- it,, k c,.nfvoyaiyLces of4 ib.- Pura.-loi V.,'. wt, onJ4 the. 12-1'ilai of DI)v-in'" 1891, lessi. VI(a,- 51'.11 .211"., I. .u -.. 'l. .lrp...Iti t1) 4 'J ::)-itu:'I-. s V p tb lit dl, t " .'. (no' t .:4 t A ~tt :I: a u, N r h it, S4 8 4414 witI vV 'th ral .I arei 1 N .1, L .Ill: 4 9 rp .. : . 14 , .I j'1 144 IlL . 4 ' 44I. .44..&o44.iW.·U,44 '3 Ii 444.*tr · is1 ·le ti~7 Ov · 3 1O1'd': a c Ii.1 .f 4'.... ii4 rii' .:: hi~L·l~ 93 1!1 i~'~. 4444 4'f TI; 44 oir~ 4n '." N1Is*tlrn Ru -~nd (3c r. Eabc d. 4 l , no c hn8 et plcc, ' i mt~st fie 144. 4i'r 44rp'1:tlin - .'tu.r-~ t3 r~o~idcih te~ crnt r rooithet. trl.44. r041 '1 ' *1 ,: ., . , , i . ': (t :' t fr. n .: , , , , , I : ! " "'r t' .t inlt I '..n . hI . I : tih ,s i. 'ogue ill ut a L-i "li Il:til OUidI:r I t ti'rn. T'eC.,'' artirl-s .. ' b i n adiresc I .t: thlor., of :" .i v. " . ' in thie :ma:nlir (com!trllnu t,' I ill 1,F', C'erm itt y - •.`.,r: ,;u art, c,ý-n,-,i.H:d to rely (,:n . ;. t1.. I l , : .::: " vo'ir :'i\ :,,,' n o: th , !t', - ,f of ni :. l':r; , i,, - ; . I- ." . :.. : !- ('i : r ,-!:d I ,y ,:. rie. ' has it r'' L it ! r f: r it'r. to t! . .t 2,S: " 1 ta na n . 'rsi)n !: 'v.1 rr'htr i if l V:it!i an t iun a,' , " b ctnr"r: :" :!;,; t id!e::tity ex c' a eo",o:'n. In. the big cities c , ,,:an ·llH to 1: 1 v. r..l:y with 1 t", r, "bile in *': oi~! r ctite. to: : yuu c;, in : tihe forr:.r '.:, to f.ce atd dJ your bui!n.:s d! In bh;v:".g a,:d 'r ta where is no ,:' or or it r. t : e; - : h; : : rcust-t:hretl re it is the better part of i'l cie:u .o a v i 1I "s siE. I.e hon es:y. to ;ve ftul val" to a customer. ::'e (ct,-r in th'e s'I.11 town cannot hi l" (t-e:ni a corpora:c name or con ceal "t.-ri !f in a I.';\v te ofilce fron, ie cur'o;nr wh ha' been fooled. ile must face t!:e mnuric in case he tr-r orcsses, and he realizes that he must satisfy his customers or he will 1. se them. zlh ,rsty Is bred in small commu -it !ie anl is fo:terd. while in large .ities it is only aon o trn lost r:ght of because of the immui:ty that comes -,,ith not meeting the customer in per 'on. Cleri:s and! other emplloyees !sst bear tle burden of reproacn and i ,~ira while thI? "man high'r uip" ,o ver hears of "uch things. Excuses .*re all readymadle and framed to r'Pet all contingencies by the headR of mndl order hbises and in c:re of ": complaint from a customer the cor rcslu.ndent as a rule merely indicates a certain form letter. Put in your own home town your merchant meets you tace to face anrd he is always on the job. He can al wtys be fcind at his place of business :.nd in case of a complaint he is right there to see that you are satisfiel before you leave his store. lie wants t. pionse you and he will try, sincere ly. t,. tl-"se you. He wants to hold your custoin. New Isn't this a murh hbetter way to deal then to send your m,,nr away to the city? Isn't it mitch better to d-,al with a man in your own comn:u nit: nd pay him your money. rather t uo ietn! i' ,' y to the big mail ,.dr hoits, in the city, where it is trt-ei -,xactly !!ke so r'ony thcrtrand. rof c eir orders? is','t it better to Ial tt home and ktep tihe ca.h in cir cuai iito inl your Or'u co.m'iunlty, than to send the dollars aiway v here voy or your nelghbors will never see them aga n? Tol!lars will breed dollars Money in your cin molty vsill create pros - ;.rr!ty for yirs. If ::ndl your friends. . i:,;p the cah at h-,no and businesa v !i. be better all round. Sowe of yo.'u v tHi ay: "There are c si m.lny thl'g3 that I r:ust sund away Sf. r." in srucl a qcsc. w,'y cot Int youlr own : - ,r"I icr t: .n for you? lie - :: b'tri'c,; He con get aholesase i:'icCs wiYre yo:l rn,:-t n-my retail. That is why lihe Is in b in .s. lie mn:t e.:.: a lrofit In ,o<!, r to pry his rent Sant . p ,rt hi fr.:- . li He must make a pr(ift in ortld-r to h; abl, to carry SthI. tbir:-- you ri-i<tie oC lh!: shelveS ':*d coiiunt rs. i f 'i ri.. I scrmthl'it' tlht lie doea * rot carrt iii rtc k': i't I!-K !'illi to -send to ;he cIty for Rt. Its vill do Fo !~!dily. re will obtain a discount off the rctail price nad this v :!i afford hli a small profit for his labor. You ;. ay to him the sa;:e price that you r:'uld ray to the city merchant or ma.uiactucrer. \1'hy not let bhm do this :or you? - !:i Is rcs.-onsbie. He will do the s busincas in a satizfactory manner and probably give better service and more Ssatisfactory treatment-probably a ! better value for you. Lite and let live is the motto that makes the world go around amooth;r and peacefully in so far as we mortals are concerned. Lrt your local met e: chant live, by giving him the oppor Stun'ty to make a d:.lar as', and then, and you wil be much better please! ; with yorumlU a well p UIih morn . . . n r ' .1 . , . . .I t i t · i r ,, ! '1rs fli ir o * \ct ct? . It 's wr ' t h n " it , T ' tI belit e that t' 1 e fondrti'n1 rn be h flped, W 't n If lu t% ' holly ro I Ii vec: d Sand i xtx.. ata , .th I h.,e'i vr thit thee is a r. . ,. " Io 1';r!:, .- .,. ,ri u. r ,, ' .\ _ th: - oniti ns , reme y th" a., . n , t I , % . I.\ it 1 :i: hx'it d'.x n at Ii,i cost nhe r tie. nd :atke ao "i:ornk. ' t i · .trut t 1 e: . t" ! e I belrve thatho coueroni tin rare be he:lled, even if tot wholly r,,rnoved Thand dite al ay with theaieve thr t there. I a reetl y foure thThe fconlit ins r- rth nciy that thean he aprlied In every c(tnlixnxlit " with It v.",Uld itnaxi a fle!.t--a strixxtgle :hat v,' 1 ,1 lost .-n",i. tirm ' and '.ex:xo bork. 1 t is r i. bi r , an:' baci ter t !!ars to th cour trv ll totre This t it , nll tic, a si:ccess I am confirent. Theat it mculd in the bat tle for thre co-r.try merxh:lnts, against the mnail r,:' r Lou' "s, I feel sure. The fact is, r!l:h, now, that the hig citty is 'rtwi.' bh -; er artl bigger year hy year. wht.!,' the small town is grow. :o , lcs Ixr5,:? irons. It's the work of tlie mail order con .erni. ThLey are mlii, tne dollars I., ay from i. "ie all the time. Stop It-that.'s the only way. Keep your mroney at homle. That's the only renxrdy. Think it over. FRUIT A HEALTHFUL FOOD Fact is, Mankind Doss Not Eat Enough of It, is Opinion of Expert. Food can be conveniently divided into seven classes--fruits, nuts, vege tables, grains, legumes, miscehamret "-- and meat. Fruits, the least known, says an article In Health Culture, are the most imnportant. They include tree products, berries and melons. Only 4.4 per cent of the food we , on sume in this country is fruit. Mr' "is anatomically, nhysically, historie. ally, deductively, traiditionally and morally a fruit eater." Yet we not ,only eat little of it. but are restrained from it by superstition that it causes -flments. When ripened fruit is dropped by the plant It is a mass of living cells that form a society of in dividuals, each Independent of the oth ^r. Whon eaten they give life to the consumer. In animal fomds putr:fao t!on begins its work im,'ediately on the death of the animal. There is fermentation in fruits, but no "rot tenness" until the organized ferments :-.ter through a break in the skin. The subject is a large one and runs to technical analysis that is of little help for everyday use. But, generally rpeaking, one can stand by the axiom that fruit is a healthful food, one that !f fresh and clean should be beneficial and not harmful. Waste products which cause the pertstaltic action of the digestive tract form an important ,art of the diet and one that Is uuial ly overlooked. Crude fiber is the best v-aste product. Fruits produce an ideal crude fiber. Umbrella Morals. "Not long ago at a tea,' said a man who frequents such decadeut diver. tissements, "somebody walked off with a new umbrella of mine. What I got in return was not fit for publication. "I spoke to the host about It-the tea was at a bachelor apartment-nand he gave me a list of all thone present vlwith their addresses, about tw':Xoy-ftvo persons, sungestitg tiat I wr;!t, and ask who had a new umbtrxlla in pate& of an old oile. "I took It with aome , .e x'rc of hope which he at onc, r,: toid by tcl:r.g me that on cnn' occa. !tn h' had '.,t a new silk hat at a toc0i.i f,'r "'.n and the hostess hxl ti:t' n hlim a list of slxty-four men -who had h,,'', among those present. He 'nrtte to the erntire lot and rjceivel ftour re.ltip,. in tihe negative. The o!thers ,imily iinered his notes of li:qultry. "Thereupon I concluded to !rt ,,rre body have my new im,:brhr~d!. iut stealing's stealing just ith, same, ina my opinion." Onions. As an exhibit of t hat Ingerrne man may do the ach!_'cment ;f an odorless onion is all right. Itxt no onion lover mould rart vithi that one distinct and appetizing fragrance for any price offered. From early spring through the year its penetrating, unmistakable simell appeals to the soul of man chlildren revel in them. Poets have written of them, at least orne 'ts. Sydney Smith begs that in his!! salad "'trtcr atoms 'r: .,: ': " bowl, and half suspected animate the , ___ jwbeerM-QSo to ~