OCR Interpretation

Abbeville progress. (Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, La.) 1913-1944, January 15, 1916, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064057/1916-01-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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*1 .c.
Phone1L 248. ii i*
.4Pre-Ie V<.... ale
-ýý ... . _ .. _ _.. . ý m : . . .
1' ar' e al it it' t) ! Ah , \ I;I,'\"' .'.i to I('SSCfl uU1 j
wvork an(I tilllm ' C ar'l o, , .i,;. ..; om t-te 1to k
Men's and Boys' Saits, Oerccoats, Un,-erw.ar, Swea
ers and Woolen Shirts . . . . .
At 25 Per Cent Discount.
T: 'l ak( IaIatage& of this ofkr c1mv and m! t your
share of the w omlhrfiIl va!e iis. :: :
Thanking you for your past pa:conagL ad ws ._; : yad ro:er- a
ous New Year. :: :: : :: ;:
Planting of Spring oats.
Spring oats imayI he planiitelli a t h
profit for either a grarling cr. , '1
a grain crop, lilt not fir hIIbt lair
poses. rue j'iintinig aiv lhe d.'1
at ;Iy tllme isetitoecilr L. I inc
Feli. 1, wh n t1< soil 1, iln 10,110.'1
c1,ti111t o H. T hle land , 01. nv le li
pllawe il WIll) 1"i t too .WcI, soil'
timlle 11e lls , to llai:in g ai'd1
S,- jiild h' Iislell all I lIiarralo LI!
ntllii tll)? ti.hlv piilveritd. The
oats may lie sown broadcast anidi
coverell lit the disc, o miay be junt
in with the drill. Spr'n n.it
*I i iild he sriwytn tmiu1..r than f.1il
oats ian the stole charan' Ir of 46
sinll they I i m't titahe to 1,ii 11
suflic ntlv if sown tlhIn. Piii' ii.
twol or thIree I tisliels j"er act e, ainti
on 1irstciass ltomd as nitich as fu 'i
biurlels i'iavli e proii'any used.
Time I(o, i otiimid Red Rust Pt oof is
fl5 goodl a Variety as cani be fouwld.
Thei Fnl hauin and Burt are iul-.o
gooicd varieties and can be recoil
titeitti cIi
It is m0112 j'i iiOrtant to fertilize
spring 'at tilan fall sown oan
Tihe aptl;'ic~Itioti (if tie ltitl jloiiidi+
of nitrLate of sodta xilI uasuallyv gi xe
grll I resuult- in astc..isi ther
by hand in February or March.
Splrillg eats ~ ill yield from~ ('lie-,hl otrefoih smc -
hal to hri' foI \ia trls as IIci ]:5
fall Iilats inider I ¶ke cI)A `it ions ot
seas in, irtIirerit: in of la id atii
duaui ty of soil. ThIVy Fire tint
SC' 0 l i sif a f aln ve wllv eatL~r~ doe t
Ut 'li' i. It~c lii 'il . iig.a Uti o ii:
1ri; 1' , 1c
iT' t1 .111 l t re o eht iatl;r ,
u ri.. 111 'e t 'i rEte
., cc'1II. -k it 1'.;: 2
ti I it 1oMI g 0 . i ,
' h i ii It'. st l.XI tisI Tlc l i11
t ` '%'II. .'' 'lott" vI'i as h'."ld at I ..Ikc
I. - *i 1 3. i 1 1 1t '., it I'1:
- 'i''re fronh over tw.iaatv states, sortie
of which wI re as far aiway ats
Geer-jia, Vi: giuiia, Wept X'iriinia.
llliamay', Oilio.Nortb Carolmna, Ten
ness~ee, etc.
The judging waq donic by Mr. C
P Vamifinkle, Dallas, Texas, and
Mr. 11. 131. li,iosdeii of Ml.uaciaester
Tenn a.
\'eit !ie raibbons wetre tip it
MM iuuwd sNwv he woa, Wbsrsd
tt 50 l \ II I rtt 1, 3'1 11 h -33 i.I it.3
"hir c .'lt ' is "ti .tl 3 t..ý'3.31 t he
331 1t Itli 33 33, (l~e l1
1;t 1 3t': ' ti ..t l
'- .4: t X \1+iý: ,I'. t, ;: .', 1'
the 1' &I'r it 1.'I· c "',- i o1 . 1'; \ it
c.1 28 I.i`' 2 I "i'. V.1 3.t
cDnmscni, a-:i V i h=rcd
f C.i: 1 V '.1 it I'i' ,,. t! l I'. rI'd
thc.. White -1. 1(I I . r,.. 1 \\"j i n
:\·:') ·lt :·s . tilt tint, le I;:n4 lr li~d
in the 1:1::: :nl:1 .. . tillt the W itW
It h it% ' iiih ti'.t.l Li '3 1Ibl)JIIS
. C.ttr 65 1'
pC ctItse I, ;t ., a1 IM i) lo r 4 1-2
perccf t ) v"1 ich wit , It t to th rid.
the L,\ tuir I it: I i::t tl---i who ,-ereSOH~I
thIi'l. a) f tit - ..i . !rihile3I.
'tl'ii e ii tnlnit t''tilt uni to:`+ ;)fi
,l i.ll ' 1 )rine t h dI. (3rt i (l34' I tis V.i
pt l , II tar eaidt t . or t - 1
l3i3rcu tire .i h dJ. (hh 0ttttt th..ie
ers fromr¶ Wti.'' r sttes
t3ja i~~ 3 til3l'1 . . , . . f t e l
I i'1vetal. 1 )t -'te m -.3` 1,'I Io
C 3':h-' n' C. g ii n': ~ 1.3 *. fl
t v, 3' )rne t h . '1" t t.. i1 V.1
p'g ati. Ior . -Id -I3 r t !! ut
hi " ever~w 3. t'" :.iv
Cii iti lAX
illt3 ; 3J35 1'11 .3sc iTa~i 11104 t r:
clan ed ) 1 , t t andilt' ~ ui ..1 ; (s 1."
11" , t" ' - ."1 f Ii -: " .t th
t ." r ... r - K .·"
r t 0 .. 1. .14 it
tir ti islx1 ".
. )ay, Friday, F o
l? t'. it- iiiir in Lot; .ia :ii it.
1:, Cn- hlta's (I ..Ca
1l. a C.ti i icf t Cii IA) know ii.'
F,, fc t. " rl 'cast." a;a id t'L,
r) it XVIIt'). (1 (vluringjv tile '
tL. V 6lK t . - . . as lcten set will'- f-.1
hi - t i of thie hog (1:, ill-, .1w
;ii-. :t h'; ) is a farmi assct, di:'! :+1"
111-. .CICit' ile to sO )C" t2I1 Sill'' *;itaa i :: it ,ti l t lrs 11Th.
'[hei.- ll-uiting is the J~r,'gr lrý
for Sw~iii 1)ay:
A. M.
S:30 -Tvpes alnd Breed-. of 11t :;
A. R. Moist.
,:j'I,- ioriRe Cropt;for I1og., \.
R. Dodson.
9:3') Jlog Choiera,E. P. h'iowz2,
1u.40 - Marking and Resiistcut in:
]1ogt, Turnrier Wright,
11:,:() (juesti-in Box.
I'. M.
2:1,0 IJcxiions r0ation in Vicci
ii at jug I logs against ho.,
3:10- Report on Slaughtr Ti' t
oil I'Peantut-Fed i'..Kerr.
3 P. KcIrrr. n1I
3 "t; :1. Rj) C:o t l 1,
:3" '.: "ri' .1 Ltc lire:
(.in!! \Y--rk. XV. Ii. i
t *' it 1i -t
1" ' vI' I I til .:
£ C " -'j I i 1.: .' ) 1 CH .' i
CCttt~~i Is f 1 i./. Ht IC . ,1 I'
11'? pl.4 .0 .,*nf P i. I llat t"1
VtlFV to o03 i'(
,Long ReZasonable Termiis
Broiissd & Samsu
AbbeviIje, La.
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