Newspaper Page Text
Unless education means a shortet to exlpricnce, it means nothing. A man is never sure whether a wom an is sorry or glad when she cries. A dressmlaker who says figures don't IN M( lie can't be expected to have a big trade. GAMBLI, ThoseP ,w ,lan's. are said to be A I ver graceful by peol who have not DINANI seen themrn TWI The man In a skitding automobile 'doesn't know where hee' going. but REVENI he's on his way." Economy may ,be the road to wealth, but sn Inig IRgar'tte ' ouporP is a slow New Ord way to marke aU living Gamed Ho As a last resort, we could comman deer the annual output of the Ameri can hen and defy the world. An eastern expert says this country A pere needs 2,00) aeroplanes. Evidently he ilen I wants to prepare us for flight. enlivenes After a man has passed fifty, he without would rather have a good stomach trouble than the shoulders of a Gotch. a raloon had not Again, there are some people who te dayo are fools because they can't help I last dav and others because they enjoy it. was ere was gra Physical geography is about the only ad dot safe and sane geography for the young reedr Idea to study in these stormy days. re be gran Freedom of speech is one of the refusetil he h most cherished of human liberties; tlrheh and one of the most sadly overworked rensed Edison says the next great war will veradt be fought with machines. Let us hope It had it will be with his talking machines.He thrl It's a pretty safe assumption that tO go the Missouri mule recently sold for Mr. At 6860 was not bought for war purposes. exhan; the poi The French army has adopted steel belligel helmets. This makes one style of of the Paris hat that will not be hastily cop Neithel ted. jured. ed ~ Befo A good poker player misses a great er eve deal of the enjoyment of life by not portan being able to let on when he is really new happy. the w1 passed Not a song of patriotic consequence ant or has been developed since "Tipperary." that t It is a war of sciences, but not of sen- revent timents. gambl cludem Things are in a pretty bad way when ers at there is even a shortage of grave dig- games gers. as is reported to be the case in An Mexico City. poolrt Tws A new comet has been discovered. for bt This can hardly presage a new war, more since there is no world room for any more at present. gilism is limited, but she soon dis- Th covers that the prize ring comes with pan her engagement. ('alc China is again exporting eggs to Davi this country, thus indicating that the Gert higher criticism of the drama has New gone out of style in China. the When science takes to making Ore- pr clan noses out of soup bones, domestic plas economy is being brought down to a basis which is positively artistic. _Oru The beet sugar crop of the United oon States for 1915 is about one-sixth the larger than the crop last year, but bell even so it is only 866,200 short tons the tag Somebody says that the sex stories but for young people are a lot worse than be the old fashioned nickel novels. Some- we body evidently has read them both. The slang definition of the word fe "guy" is not given In the big diction- 14, ary, 'whlch may therefore be guyed as Li a complete guide to popular speech. fo pu From the fact that dust has been wi discovered on the planets, it is not uanreasonable to conclude that celes tsal autoists are burning up the Milky ax Way. The germ experts declare now that f the dish towel is unaniltary, but the w way to get the most enjoyment out 5 of a piece of squash pie is to eat it aog the hand. AUtmooble, a speaker remarkslr ~ athlret for something sensationl to 5y, are injurious to the human race. e They certainly are, and often tatally, 1 If yo set in the way of oea Whenla sit falls in love with a• fellow who is holding down a pretty gooe4 ob a a ben. she thinks small boys are a great nutnsee when they happen to be boathers on His calling ight Another danger remlittin from reck lmees in naming irl babkes as soon as .hey are born is that It is entirely possible fwor one to star lit a I ag mar" and ech tmaturity a tp l **Mary Ann." A Waltsto doct m ys b biebl heolud not be kised, even by their ows parents. Here's another man with a fool ides he ll unver et eSere with. W suppon he wond mussle the baies There an re nwpoo who low th ote s wnel thit they wil neeot a No If i pL he he o moai° a Me a ed the n nt only hW sa -MM loo i -k .a- au as a m m )Io ·eae age beaF R COUNCILMEN CLASH "t'"r fuil biddors GAMBLING AND POOLROOM OR- I he ti.h-tld t DINANCES PASSED~-CITY HAS , olain : TWENTY-ONE SALOONS r.-turIs to 'e sithes II] i:it. hide re t REVENUE PRODUCER IS CLAIM ,, high the scIa s of h tIte. the w New Ordinence Includes Operators of The hit Games, Players and Owners of (),Ii 4't:np HMouses Where Games Are atsd Ntnd n- Being Played. Meyer an ri- ihorn art Monroe.-- The La A perbonal encounter bL-tween 'oun- to grant cilumen L. R. Powers and Joe Adams of reduci enlivened the council mtu-ing atr ol(ieu to he cause nar causing la :dUjourtmnent $ Swithout the usual formal ton. e petition trouble came up ovr t granting further t a saloon license to .1 ( Simpson. who furt ho had not advertised his application fora re ten days as the law requires. At the thre pro last meeting of the council a license the prend was granted to O D1 Set baugh, wno the tun nly had not Cully complied wlth the law. the nt as ng and Mr P'owers instittd that as a gees t ai precedent had been set that a license ver, to be granted to Simpson. The council the r the refused to grant Slmpson'5 license un- for eal es; til he had complied nmit the law and last ea Led, rescinded its action on Seabaugh's It cense. Mr. Powers charged that his Excite will veracity had been questioned and that field ove ope it had been done before by Mr. .\dams wells dr nes. He threatened to make it a personal struck a matter whereupon Mr. Adams told him of the that to go ahead. Mr. Powers rushed at cludint for Mr. Adams and several blows were Gulf Re rsea. exchanged before other members and the Stat the police inspector could separate the leasing steel belligereats. In the execitement, one have pa e of of the combatants threw a cuspidor. from 50 cop Neither of the councilmen were In- and gas jured. of this Before the controversy and encount- It is ru preat er over the saloon licenses, two im- has bet not portant ordinances were passed. A its hoh ealy new gambling ordinance that covers fused. the whole range of gambling was passed to take the place of the pres- Borin lnce ent ordinances that are defective, in the Lo ary." that they were originally passed as is prop sena revenue producers and not to prevent situate, gambling. The new ordinance in- north - cludes the operators of games, play- feet hi when ers and the owners of houses where the tel dig- games are played. strata so in An ordinance was passed requiring operati poolrooms to close at midnight. passed Twenty-one saloons will be opened throug rered. for business in Monroe this year, one .'blue war, more than last year. 4; r any -L. | E RELAITED. cerns 0 . sectio n die- once s with The Independent Naval Stores Conm- ael pany has mortgaged -its holdings in he l ('alcasleu. Allen, Beauregard and Jeff the P ggs to Davis parishes to the Commercial- the ry. tat the Germania Trust and Savings Hank. of lee ta has New Orleans. for $400,000. To secure dirin the mortgage it pledges 10,000 acres suit. of land owned outright, the turpentine g Ore privileges on 35.000 acres, and its Tit imestic plant at Reeves and all equipment. t'omit en toa iln t tic. (onstruction -ork on the Coulee des inmat Grues concrete bridge, which is being Ith United oonstructeed under the supervision of the ne-sixth the state highway commission and. swa a, but being paid for by the commission and swal tons the parish of Avoyclles. i's progress-, eli ing The foundation pillars have been: pre Sstories built and the orldge span proper is to 000te re than be completed within the next three pt' pan; . Some- weeks. De Sote, Red River and ('addo otil T he word Bields produced in 1315 approximately pas Sd iction- 14,581.013 barrels of crude oil. accord- par guyed as lg to figures based on pipe lines run la speech. for eleven months, the December out- moe put being estimated. This oompares ce, has been with 12,210,b98 barrels in 1914. ind it is not lnd t cele- Shreveport bank clearings for 1315 boi tee ilky are e&lmatd at $5t,000,000 by L. P. on Hosmer. euamlner of the local clear- bu lag house association. The clearings now that for the month of December of 1915ha t. but the were p,5870.143.43, an increase eof $1.- o went ont u53,.36 over 1314. In to eat it George Oeger, member of the 811- h deli health board has announced ais Ti mk candldacy for the office of town mayor t ational to at the Apri election. There will be no H Lman manepal primary as the time perilod I n fatally, as pasd without actin n. aMrge quantities of onlons received re with a in New Orlesas in sacks after being L a a pretty stored, are being repacked in crate Sag1 and aIre exported, malnly to South i when they America. The process of cleanitng (a His alang sad packin is quite interesting. - W. 8. Holmes, of the Louisiana 1 rm awc.- Conservation Commission, pased la as sooe through Baton Rouge on his way to s entily Moataua to get ten blls d 20 cow l it t a "D elk to pleae on a 33,00aere tract at a typial Ustam L Sall parish. sba- Pilot Philip Wueort, of Baton Rotle. _ lbly g w was sspe nded last Jne as a ebl th' oe i the stranming of the Parl lrt ~a YVhs waes t his chaprs, sad aI hot d its oolUs with the Heredla and the Theodere Weems. was reinstatei by Goverl o Ir agaugh 4asee Wishldu gm- the m amaS o31 eceeds that at - .: "_ .h ., the e~p-o, .-- h . a -_t '.' a. h~ . Governor Hall rejected six bids for *READ Wtini A nilicini ii and gas rights in -tate laiids run- nica l.inimei ing three to six miles north of liniments t hreveport and ordered new adver- bruises. rht isements for bids inserted in the ofti- Three sizes, tal journal. Goa ernor blall itat'd - :at h- desired the state to ge't a .on- Brief iderable' cash blonlus. of 'he Slirt ' w *I IOn offered by oine I ho unisuc-"ss" 1)0 Yo lihel ul bidders. oill f lti I he ti,,ld in question is Iting - irc!t Miss luitn . ibtrain gia The hidl.r- b -1* , u Srns t the state nail on tl IF HAIR the tey" 'ht ind. '!i. poý bhile result of set(c, titlance' if ihe ide refused. it is mIIlht 'i\ Don't Look i-ri high returns to tile le on Recipe I the sale of gas. and low returnts ttoe' Gray. -tteY, the lessor. on the salt of ril ltie were lthe C'ott in Qil. n Grandmol (IIl ':ipany. S. I.'. Wiles. Wilkin.on fully darke aid i.ondall. l)udley ('rai ford. ' It with a brev Meyer and W. A. Wilkinson, all of Whenever I a horn are of Shreveport. that dull. ance, this - The Lafayette City Council refuisid with wondi to grant the petition of the salkn', any drug si Imen for a referendum on the, qul-..lic l Sulphur Its of reducing the liquor license fi,in large bottl $2.(itM to 51.000 on the grolund that tlie ready to ut petition asks for an Initiative .nri simple mix referendum at the same time. and to restore further that the license ordinance 'I to the hal a revenue measulre and not subhject o druff, dry, the provisions of the law relative t A well-k rcferrendums. It is deemed liL~ly tiat body uses the petitioners will seek io inandaniru because it the council to comply with their r'- evenly tha uiitest as they have employed two law- applied-it vers to prosecute their case. fiow- simply dal ever, six licenses have been issued and draw for the new high rate as against nine one strawi last year at the old rate of $1.000. the gray other api lExcitement is manifested at Win~ - stored to field over a report that one of the glossy, so wells drilled by the Pardee Oil i"v I struck oil in large quantities Ageni Maggie of the various oil corporations, n- of a Go ct luding the Producers Oil Co.. the of Got P Gulf Refining Co.. Pardee Oil ('o.. and twoelling the J the Standard Oil (o., have been here tellinto notl e leasing land for the past few days. and if her mit P have paid prices ranging all the wty ."I am r" from 50 cents to $".50 per acre tor oil returning ' and gas leases. More than sixty leases lrown w of this kind have been recorded here. till dinne t It is rumored that a local oil concern "That ° has been offered a good price for all of the w A its holdings, and the offer was re- for the d . fused. I have to Is - to-" Boring for oil in Well No. 1. of "Never in the Louisiana Oil and Gas ('ompany. ter ected s is progressing rapidly. "This well Is posed sa situated at Grames Bluff. ten miles names a nnorth of Marksville. A depth of 280 feet has already been reached and H re the ten-inch casing has been set. A "Do 3 strata of quicksand which delayed your sur ng operations for five days has been Wiggleti passed and boring is now being made Well ed through a strain of soil said He ne 'blue gumbo." "Eigh "Great I y, a meeting at Shreveport of opeI age that ratoer and stockholders of o "on Oh, cerns exploiting in the Gushe Bend that st section of Red River parish, the issu- aplece,' nm- ance of an order by Governor L. E. our hre inm ilall was read whereby five-eighths of Jef the production in Gusher Bend terrt tory. involved in the state's suit over Passe of- the qulistion of ownership of the river mornln re bed was released on hemlp operations Cond res during the trial and disposition of the lne; suit. Don'l its apolog t. The T. B. Williams Cypress Lumber Company's pull boat and skldders. dur desing the past year. have logged approx singimately 60,000.000 feet of timber to in o the mill at Patterson. La.. 20,000,000 and of it having come from the company and swamps in this locality. The company ress- delivered to the Waddel Williams Cy been press Company, of Rhoda. La.. 11. is o 000.0001 feet of tupelo gum, to supply three the box factory of the Texas Oil Com pany. There has been a decided revirv alta tely i.ake Charles realty market in the tord- past ten days, while in the parish at run large realty has been moving for three a out- months. Total transfers during Ie uares cember were in excess of $60.000, with values firm and a slight upward trend Indicated. Leases In the city also are 15 bringing good figures. There aure now Lp Ionly three vacant storerooms in the lear business district. n I The Junca Mineral Company, whieh S1. has been operating a few miles south of Jeanerette, where oil, and sulphur, indications are strong, has obtained a S811- heavier engine to continue operations. e l The boring has been very harbud, osad may but lItt' headway has been mad. m o Hower- with new and heavirer ma period chinerl'. ,le company expects to make better time. 'ecired The Union Sulphur Company of Sbe ing Lake Charles bas distributed a sma r ates approitmately $50.000 to its employe Southas bonuses. Ebch of the 600o eamploye een ig of a year's standing received a check ag. representing one-tenth of a year's salalry. The cheeks ranged in amosit aislana from $50 to $15,00. w The Slidell high school opened with I 20 cow a increased number of pupils, the to rct at tal enrollment now being four bun dred and fifty-two. i Rouge, The Keystone 011 Company of Lake O SCharls. catpitalised at $20 00W, Ih the P- beeun organitsed and will drill for oil rg, ad on leases obtained north of the puro Sand the ttrrltory at he Vilaton odW. M. tae e by T. Wooley is president A. F. Lyons sad H. Hortob, vice prsedIta. nd W. L. Robertaen seeretary nd tt t rtreaur.. Sthat rt e winter rsert ees I sleu bae es taes at LsesIiess Sate U ut . Tmln, wres begi Meam , I lw t, a ry. end VmdV . Vbn Y S uI : BREAD WITHOUT SALT IS TASTELESS A medicine chest without Magic Ar nica L.iniment is useless. Best of all liniments for sprains, swellings. bruises. rheumatism and neuralgia. Three sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00.-Adv. Brief, but to the Point. Short ' hi o is h1, tiv'e till I 1)0 you heolil' , that brn-vity is the JUS soul of wit Miss Long \\ 111. noti iln your 'at Li IF HAIR IS TURNING fin GRAY, USE SAGE TEA plea bitit Don't Look Old! Try Grandmother's ous Recipe to Darken and Beautify sick Gray, Faded, Lifeless Hair. C whi Grandmother kept her hair beauti- Cal, fully darkened, glossy and abundant dyn with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. whi Whenever her hair fell out or took on cra that dull, faded or streaked appear- I ance, this simple mixture was applied the with wonderful effect. By asking at cle ' any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and tal ri Sulphur lHair Itomedy," you will get a Lii n large bottle of this old-time recipe, sel ready to use, for about 60 cents. This it It simple mixture can be depended upon d to restore natural color and beauty I s to the hair and is splendid for dan- of 0 druff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. o A well-known druggist says every- 1 it body uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur. on I- because it darkens so naturally and age evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied-it's so easy to use, too. You thi s simply dampen a comb or soft brush -d and draw it through your hair, taking te one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after an- C1 other application or two, it is re- in . stored to its natural color and looks he glossy, soft and abundant.-Adv. Si Her Bad Break. Maggie was a maid in the employ he of a Gotham family. One afternoon two woman visitors rang the bell, and, telling them to be seated, Maggie went re into another part of the house to see P1 i if her mistress were in. ly "I am very sorry." said the maid, o0 all returning a minute later. "but Mrs. 'e Brown went out and won't be back re. till dinner time." ti ern "That is too bad." exclaimed one II of the women, as the callers started re for the door. "And to think, too. that I have forgotten my cards. I will have Q to-" of "Never mind the cards, ma'am," in- . nY. terjected Maggie, with a kindly dis- i I posed smile. "I told the mistress your i iles names when I went upstairs." 280 and His Summer Experience. A "Do you have mP~ "al vants at yed your summer) . .je, Hawkins?" asked een Wigglethpe. Well, last year we had eighteen,' a said Hawkins. "Eighteen!" echoed Wigglethorpe. "Great Scott. man: how can you man 0OV5 age that number on your income?" ion "Oh, seventeen of 'em are cooks Bend that stayed on an average of five days issu- apiece," said Hawkins. "The rest was L. E. our hired man." he of terrl' Economy of Language. over Passenger ,entering car)-Fine river morning, conductor. tlons Conductor-Fare. t the _ _ _ Don't think because a man offers an , pology that he really means it. Swamped When a mansr efcincy is on the decline-when after a long day of efort the .ass of work still stares him in the face-it's time to find out whats wrong. Frequently a lack of certain necessary nutritive element, e dietns mental and physical activity. A prime factor inefficiecisrigf . No food supplies, in such splendid prportion all the rich nourishment of the field ins, for keeping the mental and physical faorces upbuilt and in Grape-Nuts vaita minera salts. often lacking in the ordinary daily diet. but imperative in build * il . st- mental phy! uad' u s enema Then, too there a ndrfl return of po r fo the small efort required in S\ the digestion of Grape-Nut, which, with cream or good mill. supplies complet i.There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sa=d b. Groer se.yw ee. -~ .**.-;** -. -:...c i IUGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK! I' CLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS MY WAY K Just Once! Try "Dodson's Liver Tone" When Bilious, Consti pated, Headachy-Don't Lose a Day's Work. Liven up your slucgish liver' Fool bat noe and cheerful; make your work a 'Sill pleasure; be vigorous and full of am- thai bition. Put take no nasty, danger- it % Dus calomel, because it makes you I' sick and you may lose a day's work. met Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, ing which causes necrosis of the bones. ing Calomel crashes into itsour bile like yop dynamite, breaking it up. That's yot when you feel that awful nausea and boi Listen to me! If you want to enjoy vel the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cat cleansing you ever experienced just drc take a spoonful of harmless Dodson'a I) Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer ge sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's wt Liver Tone under my personal money- is Hlappinii.e is l5s alt to he a case of luck than iluck ca Dr. Pire' Plvra.-,t l'ltcvt aire the original little lhver pi put' ui 4' years Us ago. They regulate hver antd ! o ,ls.-Adv. wi -re The things that usually hall.en ar nat those' that seem impossible. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle oi pi CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of e In Use For Over 30 Years. C Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorie In Memoriam. Frank I). Gildersleeve'. assistant f passenger agent of the BIaltimore & s Ohio. is trying to "get by" with this c one: t Pat, a newly created section hoss., ! was taking his old friend Mike over i the route. They passed a mile post. It read: "Baltimore 42 miles." "Phwat does that mean?" Mike in- I | quired. "Now." says Gildereleeve. "Pat did . not know. but he would not betray his . ignorance. With true Irish aplomb he r rose to the situation. "Yer ignorance is horrible." he told Mike "Take off your hat to the dead. Sure, his name was Miles, he was 42 . years old, he lived in Baltimore. and d they buried him where be was kilt." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. S Rather Discouraging. S "Well. Twobble. how are you get e ting along in politics?" "Can't say that I'm making much a progress." S"No?" as "I've climbed into half a dozen po s ltical bandwagons and every one of them broke down before I'd traveled far enough to reach an office." ne Queer Cattle. "Begorry! thim shtory writers are the quarest cratures in the world." "An' phwy so?" an "Shure, an' lon't their tales come n,,t av their heads?" auk .uaraint1". that eclh t1 poonful ill (clanl nour slugglsh liver better han a do-se of ;nat) caliintil and that t non t I:make you fl i t k I'h,d ni' Lit .r T ne i i- real lver nedicine. Youull know it ;:xt morn ng, because yUu will na;-L up fe,,l ng fine. your liver will b,, working. our headacho and diz:i.~s gone, our stomach will be es, "t and your :oa els regular. Ildson's Liver Toun is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and cannot salivate. Give it to t'our chill dren. Millions of people are using Doda.n's Liver Tone of dan gerous calomnel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale ,o calomel is almost stopped entirely here Onn i a v'ry Iunuýuai ly l ,:;tigr l a n"an ican eat n i l and enjoy it ON FIRST SYMPTOMS use "Renovine" and be cured. Do not wait until the heart organ is beyond repair. "Renovine" is the heart and nerve tonic. Price 50c and $l.u ).-Adv. Many a fellow Ilhio say !,,i wouldn't stand for a certain thing I prnimltly proceed..d to fall for it. Not Oray Hratre but TIred Eyes make 'us tl. k ,lilOr than we are. Keep your Eyes young ~al you u will I,iik yol. After thl Movies Mirlne Your Ey,'s. l)~n't tell your "*, Murine Eye Itemredy Co.. Chicago. St-n~ls Eye iBook on r-quest. Sorry He Spoke. A senior of one of our large muanU facturing concerns came through the store and noticed a boy sitting on a counter swinging his legs and whi tling merrily. The senior eyed him severely, as he confronted him, and inqui'ed: "Is that all you have to do?" "Yes, sir." S"Very well; report to the cashier and tell him to pay you off. We don't need boys like you around here." "But, sir." said the astonished boy, '"I don't work for you. I have just bought some goods and am waiting for the bill."-Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. Too Deep for Him. 2 "Young Mrs. Dubwaite is a roman d tic person. She has an idea that her soul and Dubwaite's soul were seek Ing each other for centuries befor they met." "When she starts to talking that way how does Dubwaite act?" "He appears so ill at ease that I'm h sure if the poor tellow really thought he had a soul he would apologise pro fusely." of When Reality Prevailed. S "Crimson Gulch doesn't look any thing like it did ten years ago," said the traveling man. Ire "No." replied Broncho Bob;; "tea years ago, before so many saloons started up. if a man saw a rattlesnake me comin' up the road, he knew it was a sure-enough rattlesnake." . .. m m • | • I m L|m• -