Newspaper Page Text
U " , " ,I - : . . " . ..... VOL. 7 1 . I)ev-t!dto t , . NO. 49. Phone 243. $1.00 a Year. .. . -w , . . . •rc-.+" -'- " " ' " ++1ý . ar ! .e 1ot ; !,. ,! iv, tor. ' iW(I to I,..-,.. ?:,' w ork ; It,,' V ll-lt :r ) tý11V X :lV ':lUi:i't1' ,.t,,.'. m . SMen's and Boys' E-, e ;O coats, U idcrw r, S - . rs and Wcolen shirt .. . .. . At 25 Per Cent Discount. Take advantage of thiis offer no'w an ! 't .O\ ' , share of the woln(lerful valtues. :: :: :: Special Reductions on Men's and Poys' Suits anirvd Ov+'ci D. SILV RMAN IS 11 mS' -"" ' "'. " <' "" A lk +" Young Friend! If Gecrge Washington Could Rise From His Grave. And see our citie- liKht'l, a bright a, day, hear the vhirl ,f the elcctric cir. t:iik v.\c: a vii c less telclphon;. `Cfld a l!lt-,- . wireless to a S!ip f-r ;t Iat - .examiiie hi, onwn l,hne- w\ith ,n X ray, view the isnowy l fki,, sunny plains and canals of Mir. thru a telesco!.e, take a flight fr mn ocean to ocean in an air ship, get run over by an antomnbile goin.: ninety m;iles an hour---but wha:t' . the use going hack a hundred years? A system of Sbhrthiid a.i;d bookkeeping tventy years old are of hut little use tvdlay. As the steam ship has crowded out the sail boat. the type writer the goose quill pen and pi,kebe trv ink, so have the farmous Byrne systems of business training, bo; k keeping, ~tenot ypewriting and ). shorthand taken the place of thio old systemtn. The reason i; plaln: these systems cut the time ;nil cost of becoming an expel.t acc';,:n tant or stenogragher in half. tt~ehi business as well as bo+ k' sepize. let the student begin c:-ni:a,, bile the student of the old svstem:l is not half thru his course; they givte the student abetter p'actical : v)rk ing kinowledge; which means a better salary. These practical, nmodt in, time saving systems can be had in thi;s section only at the Tyler Cen:ner cial College. You would no, think of ridig in an ox cart in preference RE7XRT < " TF1 . ('ONlfTi'N . F . 'T I Located at 4bterille i'.- :-i.,n P' ri,:. L:. LIoa's and di-, uout:. . .., C.:7 . , 1k .. ... . I' Bonds, sec ritie , c....... ................ C.. i and due tfr m ranks.. 2,. 1 2 i L !::ii le i.,its ........... 1 4 . B::ilding and lot .......... 1 4 3 Deposit .......... ......... 6 ,. ,J.41 Overdrafts.................... 159.09 Certified Checks ........... 79. , Dividend Unpaid............ 2.5- r O $129,257.77 :129,257.77 I. E. M. Stcbbins, president, and I, J. Carnile Broussnrd caslhier, of the above namned bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is trute and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; Sworu to and subscribed before me this 17th day of Jan:uwrv, 1916. ,1l) JOHN MNU'GIER, Notary Public, 1 :.' 10 ,t.,".. . .l~ 4i :s .t ' ~~S r -rN NwT t ;x ."1.0 n.11 1 t.. to all auit il, u ic. T'hc2n \t 1:\ tliink of .tacit ink: the old ox cart ýý "tý1:!" -,f :.C.+ OI:tif and ,-tang t~e It .ts '~ Att.La\'cars, the ti Iit 4V~o.-.i- trai'atug ,.Cho)I, itt: .t a1cicil. '.\ 17Ii1 ail annual el r( Ii nt ;t o f n:Itthan 2,01 t); a - :..ol tl.a ha eilrttlid upitils f' n)ot o ti i i,+ rcnt tates and six I:oi it. t catailo.Zlte, atitlres. Tv clu Cont:;CICi 11 Crilege, Ti1er Vex. iK p c.i tirt 't t n .I-orrhLb.. a\-.,' 1 tr'tt -norr a . gi.-· Dr I31:'µ P e., aw- 1r4 :.t i 1 a is p eit- 0 jull ,t ii~ r c .ttr (': . Iiot't dvhaI. t r.-t tr it ,il't ,ti your chit-i nufit-: ,'.I t a u( it . 1 c a . Ii wi i (I n Dr I. ? I 'Pit -Tair-IIncy 21e a' 1),9g - giO'r it. e A:s. ti~:io 1 tGi'ibii iiiJo '. a~ a 1 4nn ' r 't : ?:e i tic, h'-:ic c:;rel I au." -ir i. rc .tr v. :u 'l ; ii. "! <" iii'itl'. Iii terarvt L, itick. ran' c\Ciini,. . he, cont. t', , - itre high sciools took la is tlt rally. Al the -- - Daily Papers and Ma-.vaZinkcabs CIld Get Thcin Fr in BILL Y : ----Pit(!: 2. x I, L. I'. 1 1 . .. ý S r r, . . . 'p 4 , 311 c-45Ki A, "" ý "" -' ":' ,- ' " ' t' €,: r ·:, l id 11ir: ,f pi1- , .proud f Men's an:i Bays' L "'W " :--- -AND C ,.-,* .444444 3' '. o -,: ire Resclutions --V¢" d 0 .3 ElOOTig - te atni rnlIeetmng , ,. ' ,. • , ,. . I .' L'.. .. ia l . tl 1 i r t ii it . illl 1 th t S . . 1 tlat: * ., ** fot ur ' .. 1. tlat S t ie(l to n. " of the ;. r:: v £ th . :..ia" -.'ctcn ." y the shall 1 . party .i i. 3 , : - ., to Tf *, tt:' - "r" t!. "imach . :-'. the. 1 ; i--- eI i irtir : r r,'ol- . 1, >'t11 t'3 h) hdlo 1 ,o t~ be hode hi I te ; i t lie i n ti i 1 et ) tit 'li nt : i \\etre he is Ii li L. V J : ,. n.1.! :a, or<iher to deltcr t:: : '. 'wih to . l 1 t io; l r t,: .,d i c 1 t o i .., r - 1 "_ ;fe:nttcc of e.. h "I) to rc til ritn l tirv ' 1i,): i t cti - i i ctl. le . a,, l s ,' l tL'. ': lit .:ll ),s on, thll oi t ii " t \te an: lhall itake a 1 , ta% t n t .:tt of ;ilI those \w ho :iftol t the Chairimaii of C.".;s o :mie , i ic i Cotniittce l. :v -li, :,ing those , ho 1, t rtio.ip.te, in said Dcmnocr l tic ": - cation, then preparc a :i l V.itr of tho-e , lnali!. d :,koe .trt in said ward mass 5th--- ie it further resolved, t:.t tei nits m netings to he held tr ict. J iui'arv 29th 1916, slhall , ty h)allot and shall ascer 0n the 'ise and the choice of the , iL, votera present as to each .f Ie 1arochial and 11ard officetrs, moi, in eprately for each office, a;)! in the sante mlannter for the . tiB'; of delegates to said con r i 'lt i i. S th-- I3e it frthltr resolved, Sthat if the name of only one candi. I date for Parochial or \Vard office he 4ulimtaticl to this Committee, it • shall be uinecessary to ballot as to that can'idate; but the mass meet. inig. in cac hlie is a ward candidate Sshall declare hi:n the Party choice; in case of a Parochial candidate, the Sever.l named meetings shall itnitr ct their d-leglates to the Par. ish Nominating Convontion to vote for hin, and he shall be no Continut:ed on Iast Page. SToney to Loan Oil FI'arIll lAnlds Long Reasonable Terms Broussard & Samson Abbeville, La.