OCR Interpretation

Abbeville progress. (Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, La.) 1913-1944, March 13, 1920, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064057/1920-03-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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ED IN ,.L.L K .T;'f? " ;
Produ 'n R ise.) From 73. ; Br
re,. ec' Day To t3.8:O--Big
PI'je Line Has Been
Shrevp.),rI. la. - I'ourti .n c(mrjple
tion:; ul1pr:1 : (d thet w ku, . ki's r'ec'lti (of
the Nrth i l ii oiiu na oilh liph l-. 4 1
these thiht-in were produr(ce'rs. jiving
the field a recotrd of nearlry :3 |pr 'e .
loth the 'I latlirne' and lied l:ivor
parish pools came through 11141 lper
cent, the former yieldinK eveiln hew
wells with an aggregate new protdui
lion estimnated at 14.350 barre:s per
day and thle latter foutwi'w wells with
a; total added new production of about
400) barre(ls daily.
Most implressive in tto weeks dcevl
opments was the jumip in daily wactual
production of the ('latlorne oil tield,.
which rose from 73.3,50 barrels per day
front the preoc:eding seven days s:. 1I
barrels. Another imlpor'at dtvc'e ll
ment of the week was the c'ompl.hliiln
in the C'laibhorne bly the White Oil ( '(
poratiotn (of its pipe line froim its )takes
les esito its tank and loading trac(k on
the Loulislana and Arkansas railroad,
at Russell. midway tetween Sibley and
Minden. La.. a distance of about twenl
ty miles.
In the Wild Cat division, at the well
of Bosseau. Etal, in Bossier parish. In
21-19-13, Fullilove No. 1, a good show
lag of oil was obtained with probabili
ties for a producer. The well will be
theroughly tested as soon as roar and
oae?halt ilches d seating and peek
er are set at 3000 to.
lThe meeting of Iohn M. Parker, gov
eaor-elect of laisians, with inde
pendent and pipe Mae operators at
hreveport, eompleed a week crowd
e4 with ewems. T probable reslt
of the metag" whtb were held ever
a Iwo-day peled wi be the defnlte
ishlag at laws S p essmsatien to the
e ulsiana Lrstatse when it meets a
head, nest Meetmsas governor ot
6ew months see. Newna o -san
Lealaansa, als aettaeds the sessions.
Oe men from an parts ot the state and
egerators la the s - elds attended
the seslons.
Completions ia Ollbore field for
the week were as follows: The Gult
Reflninl Oompany, bringing in Chat
man Number 11 In 80-31-7 with an in
lestimated produetion of 8,000 bar
e ed the list. The production was
11 I rod from
the shal sand at 1145 feet, located
t· 19-21-7
The Standard Oil Company of L~oui
letna completed its Shaw No. 7, flow
lag 3,000 barrels from the, deep sane
in 2073 feet. The well Is locatea in
The Vanada Oil Company brought in
Its lAngstron No. 7, on the tract ac
quired from George O. Baird, in 25-21-8.,
Mowing 100 barrels from 1082 feet.
The Keene and Wolf Company com
pleted Norton No. 1, in 13-21-8, fow
lug 200 barrels by eads from 1271
Alexandria.-The ate in the offlceo
of the Humble 011 Company, near the
L and A. freight depot, Bouth Alex.
andrla was blown by yeggmen. It is
presumed that nttroglyeerine was
Tallulah. - M. Pruett, master pailnt
r of the fir mot Pruet & East of this
place, sufnered a ftall which resaulted in
breaking both bones Just above one
ankle. He' was carried to a sanitarium
Is Lake Village.
Lafayette. - Albert Delaboussave,
for many years a baker tin Lafayette,
has bought a site of thirty-six front
tge on Jefferson street from Mrs.
Jules Aicliatore, of New Orleans, fior a
bakery and confeetionary.
Baton Rouge. - Superintendent T.
]. Harris., with the other members of
the educational department who have I
been atending the National Education.
a Associatlon convention in Cleve
lnd will return soon.
St. Rose.-Mrs. Emile Crempo wars
seriously burned at her home here, and
after having been attended to by a lo
cal phyhician, was hurried to New
Orleans for treatment.
Winnfleld.-Much interest is being
manifested in mineral rights on the
Jands around Packton of this parish.
where it is generally believed oil wil;
be found.
Lafayette. - Leopold Well has a:c
quired the sole ownership of a salets
stable in Lafayette. Hie ilpurcrlnsPd tue
laterest of his birothers..ltles :ad Jak,
Wetll. of Abl*eville. The Iir.in.:ni is
one tif thle largest of tis kind in the
lot.--The sale of prolpe,'rly r It" r:
Schambau, detse:.stid, iias hhld 1, t"
cently. the 32ttat'e h)t intg -o' :tt
S165 an acre. w'.iht while' rig:; lt:'es
were received for stock ;aii f trlll im
plements, the total front the sale ec
eeedlng $100,00o.
Baton Rouge. - FPour cens, o0
smallpox have been foundr ill the cit,
according to Dr. P'. 11. Jones, president
of the Board of Health. Three of them
In one house in the seventh block of
Convention street, a prominent rcsi
ettial section of the city.
Winnaleld. - The home of A. L
Bryant, president of the First nauon
at Bank of this place, was burned. On
ly about one-halt of the household
apos nd furnltore were saved. Abou~t
geohalf of the loes was covered by
ju~-j A~
Alcanrldr: - c- ('h. k lr $ ..1r -
2 . -, t i., ' ·') . . a . ).. r- I . -
S r  o' i .
rl ,Irln. 1 . . {",
•I,, f I ," . , , ! 1. ,., . i n f -
1 , i i I, SitIpo'Inat,'niJ('I I I rlh ' lma
r , c l ! ~. i' m , , , i i'. ; I f t h , , p r ii , : j ,;  fi o r
. 1nl, Z tio ihi r the protratnis will Yin
moapplsisd sit Ti', will intl,6"iie lier
ary t "t', i';.  ril aii tlh w r vent. for
which prizos will be o(ffe(r(ed
Latifa* itle. Th1' fair given for tih('
he-n ftit elf til- lItrouissarl (I ihurh nettial
$:3.:.5j Tit-, programl will be conclud
ed willt thlie iprsintation of Ltih drama
"I:;llaian jin," Iby th(e pupils of Sr. I'(
cilla'.a I'arocthiaal School. lRev. Father
Ma;lsshi;ol r-'cently install'dil an lre
iri li: ihtirug plant for lthe nouise or
worship at a cost of $21,0()0.
Point, a Ii I l:uh- . Tih, Slal e iiigh
way l-rpa;ritnll.ri hay a liilh foue of
survilur . s iatlig flt li oif ttih new
.h 'll r t'Pall i11 P qtjh n in i ts iRoad
l)i'-Iri No-. " ani ::. thait xtends
friu rIli, ()!ri,'lrns lparish linei on the
west lank of tilt. M -1aissippi Itiver as
far down ias the l'nited Stats riserva
tion at Fort Jackson.
Monroe.-- inal plans for the new
hots-l to he built here werse accepted
by the directors at a meeting with Eu
gene J. Stern of Little Rock. The oity
is growing so fast, however, that it
was decided a six-story building would
be inadequate to add two more stoner
to the plans and resubmit them.
lexandria. - Sergeant Robert Mo
Qmbery, who was arrested several days
u- sad subeequeatly released o
head a the earge of having slander
ed Prof. D. . Huddle, of the West
Had Grammar School, has again been
a"rested and measroerated Ia the pa
Iuntaette. - improvements costing
eaveral theusmad dollars have beea
made on the Scott Catholic Church by
Rev. J. V. Moatelllard. Among them
is the isstallaoa of a valuable er
Restes. - 8. B. Ritchie, local rep
resentative at the meeting of the Per
lshin Way promoters held in Little
Rock, Ark., reports that the route
from Little Rock to Alexandria, Ia,
was esatbllhed.
for setting dates for the parish fairs.
fixing uniform entry tage aod uniform
premium lists.
Baton Rouge. - More than $495 was
collected on Third street recently for
the Near East Relief Fund. This
brings the total of the parish over $1,
Marksville. - Senator A. O. Boyer
of Avoyelles has been re-lected as
senator from the Fifteenth Senatorial
District of Louisiana and citizens are
gratifled of the result of the election.
Point. a la Hache. - Preparation of
land for an increased acreage in rice
ad cane this sese actively go
ing em.
Baton Rouge. - Announcement 15
made of the organization here of a
wholesale cigar concern to be known
as the Interstate Cigar Company.
Lake Charles.-C. H. Pindley, rice
farmer, has purchased a 320-acre farm
at Iowa from the North American
Land Company, paying $20,000. There
is a deep water well and improved
bluildings on the farm.
Lake Charles.--C. E. Berdon and
John H. Poe have purchased a lot on
Ryan street and propose the construe
tion of an apartment house of brick
or frame which will contain about
Sight apartments.
St. Francefsville. - An election held
in road district No. 2, West Feliciana
parish, on the proposition to levy a
3-mill tax for five years to raise funds
for road work resulted in its adoption
without a dissenting vote.
Lake Charles. - Powell Glass of
Lynchburg, son of Senator C(arter
Glass. is visiting J. M. Booze of Roan
oke. and was a gnest at the Lake
Charles Rotary Club.
Lake Charles.--Prank A. Crtppen.
field organizer for the Louisiana Cot
ton Association, is in the city for the
purposo of forming a Southwest.Louis
lana organization.
LAfl;Ofte.- Stanley Inmarie, secre
tary uf hlie Iouisiana Motor Leag'.
was in La layrett, gatllhering (lata alsoit
the sya -'"! . of gi)uli roads alread:ltly ot
ciru:,t i ins those unnder iva . 1t
(lit)uinisiiihdet this sectio:, for its prog
Thl;ioti Il-usag. - The distrihution of
-h- - x`r:ens-(ih Ino miori:il certithtats'. is in
ti, halhtIs of the.lou Il test or ?1io
American Legion. A otommitte, hl,.;
hi's It utlj:s) 51! :ast plas.is fs r present
tion1 of thi cr;it- i ats.; Ihroughollt thi:;
district arie h,.i::: di ucu-s .d.
laton Rfoligge. - The shortage of
school ti-achers has developed into
enortmous pnportions all o-vt-r this
Unitedl Stat·es, according to Sulierin
tend-lt of Education T. H. Harris, who
has just returned from the convention
of the National Education Association.
Alexandria. - Reports reaching
here from Hot Well. near Boyce. are te
the cffect that an explosion occurred
in the well followed by a considerable
flow of oil, which came up through the
pipe and into the bath tubs of the Hot
SWell Bathbouas.
jm ~ --- w-n=== ,t- --,, - ,,-u, m-,a ~ l m- _-n mau =rn-a -,-  = ,===ml..
I'.ri, ll friiidIs .tillliite lhu t lie Iui1 ,'xptl' It|'  lli()re th l:iI ..1(4)1.) o1t ut"
i." ol p,,iket emit |:mrmrk servliqm.
.IMr. Mliltther's wmulth mmies from borax. Ihem cinins , |1hIn (him'|.' t ml¢neim
jii IliE, hut I. In \'shiniigtln o(r the ni tNtinl pat's prumt iclt till the tune.
In a lookel rooms. lyinvt; t:t arun
his .to :tma h, with :º stlt) pºen i"l hli4ld
firnily llra'ce .\tkin'on W V:al, the
iehv.en -.yar-old n,\celist, writes lstories
of terrifying ;laoautLain h:ol,; its, hair
breat':dlh nps. "and hleoric res'Il'es.
His llatscot is a ' ttly haI,:r who wa'tclh
es himi in his niurs of lilterairy pftTort
and ranards critieally his tales of boys
who, regardless of thile Iress of most
exciting cir'umstaance. nlwnys find
time to eat.
Hurace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward L Wade of Chicago, was bore
In St. Louol March 28, 1908--possibly
with a penedl I his hand. Anyhow,
accordlag to his parents' statement,
be has been wrla most of the time
snce thea and 1't Aagust he tent
three wes a a novel entitled "In
the Shadow of (reat Peri wbhlk*,
peaoaad W George Ade and praised
by Itea Cobb, was puillsbed in (Cl
se Ptb ary of this ear. To uete
from as pterse, "waster weadH e laed wear treems ald aim righllbt for
the jaw with eved punch."
Thos agaeing with Irvis (o who sayn, 'To s Va )t thinking be
has ImSalmtno. he has balance and proportion most mgg hously unusual,
maalderlng his age, and be has a wider ehoece of words aan I should have
believed It Dpeesble for a bey of his age to have." will ad to know that
Horace Is plantning a sequel to his published volume, eagerly await
"The Heavy Hand of Justice."
The list was arnounced at a seo
slon of the council of Rhe ILague of Nations.
King George's new representative
at Ottawa. according to dispatches
from London and from Canada, Is to
be his brother-in law. General the
Earl of Athlone. land it is worthy of
note that the announcement has been
received with satisfaction in the Do
minion. where there was opposition
manifested in the earl; summer of
He was then princt, of Teck, by
virtue of a patent bestowed by the
now dethroned king of Wurttemberg.
lie abandoned his predicate of
"Highness" and all his semi-royal pre
rogatkes and became a peer of the
British realm, taking his seat in the
house of lords as the earl of Athlane.
He went to the front in France and
in Flanders and remained there the
entire four years of the great war,
winning the rank of genleral on the
Bletwee'n ttle gE'n'rnl andl the -
Cnnnllaii (4,IutitILPtnt tIIee sprI)anI~g UP a mutual understandlog of good will anid
of sympathy.t I14" %% ill he wcelcoed in Canada by huclndre of tftmtiºOndI.
I - s -·
Tbe otber om*s of the new or
ganizaLttlul ill : M. George (ellhar of $t. LoVE ebailno; Mrs.
Richard Edwards of Indiana. treasurer. and Mrs. So. Alabama,
secretary. Tbhq will be assisted by regiomal dtreCet
: r , !. ;. I' : 1 11 I . rl l " . f o
Ii~lil. ll l t :.t 1, 11 " \\" i ire. 1 _ r.. r:
l l'llri! "! ;ý . I· jllll 1 j I· 1ý1: . I . Ii \ .
.~li~. "1 ": 111 4ý . "II '11 : .ý "1(' 1 t'ý Z' i
If .1l ily
1" r . \ I ! I It i l ý I" ý I . -
\~'Ir i Il i., I:I (IuIEIUI l :IT"r 4'".r n l 'n
estre sI t "c - 'II ! .llc 11j7 :I r. " t hirl lt. et
Wii 1-:i "rk ' ý StIf Ii:r Iý I Jlo"
jel:e i tee 211tl" l. CCCIII r the :et~e~ thl -- M
;int 4re:e I freene~ o 14" n:t t t lee I~~.;irh.
4 er Ntlh i uti.4 Iier IC1 ri.h Mic!tLCer tiC
the day, is Ioty lýthe limelight at
present. For one thib he Is a sort
of unodcial bpokesman on pollcy for
the Republitans. He has just an
nounced, however, that be will not be
a delegate t6 the Republican national
conven ton.
The reason that he will not be a
delegate Is that he expects to attend
the International bnference for the
establishing of a Court of nations.
which Is scheduleI to meet In Paris
in June.
Ellhu Root is ae of a number of
distinguidled men tom various coun
tries who have ben invited to be
tome members of the committee to
prepare plans for te constitution of a
permaneat court o tinternational jus
F 1
I r 'i.
i ~ gil'ý ·a
non: ··
lava -"
non T V:.
3Irs. Carrie i2apuilai* ('utt (por"
wairt hl~rc%%ith), was Ilicolallly the
i'lltITinati li tigure of till- reel"vtrt xuf
'. c 41V('ution c ineI hir~ii" i.%ftcr
"f tie s-s'iaio si toa hohi tIJ5 till bI-i
i's. wit-1 the ts I}sra I
I.5o:Zup of ( ojn , Voti'r' will c:irrT
/Afte'r haviig Lovedt :55 'iiýý ntstt i
si airuicag for th'; J.ssgnti oi ýVssiilel
V~oters. Jrs. (,'ut /ellnstuislctl d ("trutro
f t11he %'siftflfl) suffg5gi~ts of the s"OUl
try. her resigiatI4 to t:iks efftc~ t as
"4soti is tile suffu'ge associ:ation of
Which she is pressint. dissolves upon
ratificationi of the mendtnl."nt.
irs. MJlin µd Purirk of B0oston,
eongre~ssiozaI cha an. who Ishbited
the amnendment ough the Mennte
and house of greseftative's. was
chosen chairman the league. Mrs.
Catt wag named bnorary chairmtatn.
'- ys Frc nt Buirde>' is l!av
I, ' . . '`, !1 t ll
,, . ,
.r t"ii'. th* , i.llt ii I t or uI
ru ;I In , p ., io .. t I. tt st t " ir 1 ,
t: It' (:; t n 1, ,'" l \i tti I: t II 1:
I I, . !t r I ' , Ih '1 3,:1 1I.r 1 I I f r i :t ,iI ir.I'
rI ll IIfhh f "ii 1, t"l'l , I , l I IA-li - I t I
tl' l- ats 'A ll itbot di l in lii lt ,r cciiit "t
t a l\ lifl islati- twill 11I' a 1111.1 t0
"should r1.;alize thl" untnlut rmnonlofnY ill
pi'rend, iltl ir , a| i ih 11i11lit1t \\ f l l l
n i for itwo ytiti l odl tr l.1.h II-nt now
r.e a.:l . i by iaxation II f lyar a. ei
should haIu an inclirne of t$t'(4.4'IEE.014
"from ndthir s thur. uta tax to tah nit a
1 availar ble. Why not fnd to r,'irt aIou
now o ll Ttruln1ll ' ir to b,' , tll..('tl' I, L -
;aglnint the iday when it will come 1 c
to us? yiet postponin for two yearst
h a'l t I:,\rl y\';art ' , airal till, rT .]tur 1" tihl,
the\ establl bment of a' s lln fundlt
'and funding the deferred payments of.:'
Europe's 1 nt1rest1 we sh ould coerl
0,00t 0,1000 1of the $1 0 0, 000O ' by
r'whiora taxation lr hat be roeduced
far existingh lao w. hat treasury would
pafey interest ofl this debt ands whill
he able to do within a few yearst, we
should have an income of $ ,p by00,000
from this source. But that in not now
available. Why not fund that amount
garinst the day when it will come back
to us? By postpoing for two year t
the establishment of a sinking funto the
and funding the deferred payments of
uroxtent's nterest we should cove.
$750,000,000 of the $1.000,000,000 by
which our taxation might be reduced
by discontuld nuing purthe of liberty
flearnted Wenesay the flting debt and whichngton
otherwise will have to be made up by
thad xaruledtion. It would seem that reduc
tion of our tax bill for the next two
years in this manner would be accom
plished and ta pledge not twould involve tt marry during
issuance of additional bondp bill tohe
extent of prombably not more than 1i,
TRW" ltlies Girls
New York.---Twelve Italian 'girls,
whpassedo came to the United States to
marry American soldiers, but who
have been held at Ellis Island becausnce for
they could not pass the literacy test,
learned Wednesday' that Washington
had ruled that they might be admitted
to the country for 60 days, providin t
they sign a pledge not to marry during
that time.
If Senator Calder's pendin that bill to
exempt of the girls pthe reading test i
passed, they will be free to wed their fact
ioldier lovers. Even if the bill fails
Io become a law, there s a chanceis girl fto
she girlsool-day, for during the -util0 days they
cay lead.rn to read the required 4
Sofive of the girls probably would gaeen at lls
slthatnd snome of the men live in distantr.
cities. Evepory man had expressetandard Oil
ed the completion of its uyoake girl tNo.
6 n tschool-day, nighwest orner both-fu section
291,Some of thorne Pagirs have been at Elli
in with an initial production of 20,00ober.
barrels.20,000-Barrel Well.
WaShreveport, La.-The senate WeStandard O-i
day confirmed the nominacompletion of il-ts Guyoaks N.
am, in the southwesstant corner of section
stat2917e, Clatborn be miParish.ter to The well camether
ain withds an initial production of 20,00rg.
W.Senate C8. Bensonfirm Nominatedion.
W'ashington.-AdmrThe senate Wedneilliam S.
Rnday con. retirmed thewas dneday nomination of Wil
llteam Phillips, asilstant secretary oa
member of the shipping board.
Vermont Towns Voteb "Wet."
Hutland. Vt. - I 'ta pl.i rI.trns
from 12 olt of the 14 (o'Ill', i.  in the
-at o f \9 '!llfIt on :Iih retilit of
t o it s T 7 " t r fait y i i:o it l ii t i t . t '
l r rI ;I' 111" l lt it he s"y" Of thr -t;1l. .
"')t' liwit a-ii tuili!lties were I- .,x tir i d
All One Color.
All of the pr*-.1identsi of tll;ti have
been hlahck.
Municipal Playgrounds
CstlAnrt. Alberta. has mlnltfpni
basbull damrnondls. soccer fields. gzolf
Itiks nti IgirlIrlt for other stPorts.
There are :4,5i) giilfers in the poiula
tioo of l;i.(1M
Lion Properly King of Beasts.
The lti,,hlbici'l Surivey a'- Ithat the
title "kitig of he-,st '" wl.t ;itvetn i, tre
lion bearuse it Iraver.y is unslurpssled
and there Is no other animal that cn
sscesafully meet It in combs'
II in . t
C : :Ii-ti .' 'ti_; i
tI ..i. , o c n i ta" ir,'f IIe s f t " 1 'i
I f. :I \ . · ·, I"\I( : l . , , , ,, I \. · t I lth -
I ,o I : t r th r k or in-'
CiI i\."I : 1 . 't 1 " " 11 1 ` ` : I 11`
I . , : I .' , i " . 111t i I f.or it.. +'" '!:'
"+ 'r-l . . ', a r. " I lt ":1"I" 1|* ;hr.l i c" : 11 ' IT r ki
'Tveryone nI.E'eds VA('I IER-BAL.M
hisi tii-l of year is a prleventive, or
111i1f for ('olds iandl FI'l. It Is un
Iobite'dly tire' hest thins; to use.
(J1i in ju:ir or thilcs. Carry a tube
nt ', ur per-ket.
If yeloll :l1ru1t '1 g.t it loc':illy send Oel
4:Iunit. for a tube to I. W. VACII-ER,
'l i I'- I .1111 1'a t I ri 1 i lly /:i "l l t ( I.'
Ilalel ln that it i ee ;:" to h("
Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial
Bottle of Old "St
Jacobs OfI."
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.
It's pain only; not one case in fifty
'equires internal treatment. Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"
right on the "tender spot," and by the
time you say Jack Rehinson--eut
comes the rheumatic pain and distress.
"St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rhe
natism linillent which never disap
poIts and doesn't hurn the ski. Itt
tares pain, soreness and stiffness from
aching joints, muscles and bones;
stops sciatica, lumbago, backache sad
Lmhber up! Get a small trial b.ttle
of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
from any drug store, and In a ao
ment, you'll be free from pains, aches
and stiffness. Don't suffer l Rub
rheumatism away.-Adv.
The wrld needs Jusot one more tur
tug !
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feel secure when you
cnow that the medicind you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer'h Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
nottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientiacally compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a srtimulant and is taken is
teaspoonful doses.
If is not recommended for everyathing.
It is nature's great helper is relieving
and overefoing kidney, liver and bd
flr troublel
A sorn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's wamp-.
If you aeed a medicine, yeou shbould
have the best. On sale at all drua stores
la bottlaes of two sis p , ingdirm a lg.
However, if you wish faret to try this
greaSt preparation send tren cents to Dr.
Kilmer k& Co, Binghamton, N. , form a
sample bottle. When wrriting be surea ad
mention this paper.-Adv.
In't cellipse the goodn heart in you
hy a iiwtiin. selfish deed. Sunshine Is
ithat mtakes the corn grow.
A single application of Roman Eye Bet
am on lgoing to bed will prove its merit
for inflammations of the Eryes, external
and internal.-iAdv.
''l-se' who wait for the help of the
"uplifters" and eoliticians may never
i eec-lire. help.
New It the Time . Get Rid al
TIbm Usli Spot.
There's no longer the slighterst needr ofi
feellng ashamrel of your freckle., as Othlne
-rtubl trenagth-i nuaranteed to remove
themer homely sIpots.
Srmply g't an ounce of Othinl doeble
at5ength-ofron your iruggiAst. and apply a
little "l it lght and mhornn g anti you
thould oon see' that even ther worst freckle
hac n,-gun to diapiar. while the lighter
Ienea have v ich'd entirely. It In seldom
thut meere. th one Ounrf Is needed to c-rm
tItely clear the krin and gain a beautiful
ciandn cmrnplexl.n
I:', sure to asv for the double strength
Othine. a- th!e i- s-el- under guarante* of
m fei y back ift it fai to remove fr-ckles.
. Iim'l ui heri:i ipt for the
Cotjeituti TiX - ther troubles
t:h'rei's n'o' l rt* e ht t cotio ~u 'oth a
f te-li ashme' stofyaour and aieii tliciary
C --ulI. ntr!:, ithes the li-er to secrete
,thQ bile i urit from the blood.
It is a colE-rEign remncocy used in many
the llYndsi otf hlouteholis all o-ver the
ciuilizEd world for more than half a
cintur-n by those who have suffered
nith inrldiestion, nervous d-spepla,
sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal*
pi.ttion, conatlpation and other ln
testinal troubles. Sold by druggists
ann' dealers e-erywhere. Try a bottle,
take no aubstitute.-Adv.
Quite So.
"[dIel you see where potato peelers
I Chicago want W, a dayr
"What a skL game"
sarts with a Cold -
I iil the Co:''. At the first
..ce'.o tae L'.
Almost any man will tell yoL
that Sloan's Liniment
means relief
For rracti,-ily ., r I In L1a ,
it w' o 1l has utitrrr l ft- l th.i r '
aches', s Creness of Itn Il< . Sii tr,
jlutn , the re.r li ,s if wv, .atli r cI'. , I:
\iomen, tou, i, t l h l droir i
t hioulatus, use it f Lr r li,,ving r, Ir
lime l1aD:s. neuralgia, kirk h1 ;o i'h
(lean, refresihnt. s clun . "e , rn
cal, qui-kly cffrcti'. e. av " l, I;'
I.iinimrie t" to yeullr ,lrntgi - t. (;,et I
itulay. 35c. 7n, $1 4I,
Don't give it a chance ta
"set in"-use Dr. King's
New Discovery
"T AT dangerous stnage where a
cold or cough or cuse of grippe
milht get the better of you mwg
be nearer than you think. Pro.t4
action with Dr. King's New Discovet
will avert a long slege.
For fty iears it has loosened cn
gested chests. disalnted tight-paeldk
phl , broken vleious colds sad
coughs. Give it to the youngster-
take It yourself. There will be no d~
greeable aftereffects.
0e. and t1.20 a bottle. At ftar
druggist's. Give it a trial.
Bowels Become Normal
-liver llvena up, bile fows freel
headache, blllousness, tongue-f
stomach-sourness, disappear when D
King's New Life Pills get In ths*
natural, comfortable action.
Purgatives, never pleasantly corrm
tive, sometimes hablt-forming, shoul
not be taken to rack the system vie.
Nature's way is the
mating the ntestine-clo g waste,
promoting the most gratliying results.
leanse the system with them ad
know the boon of regular bowels. 26s
at all druggists.
For Grip, Colds and
kills the Melatll germ anm
regulates the liver.
smewam ms emmt[r|
eit .·o-er trou*e *I
ontipedin at othie.rbe it
aIgf, plant--ablla brin- r
-a rulteb oaid rlde rtscut..
107 f ITciy bsct, b th e so
Itnr . 1 s e or c bottL eld th
froe year drugg at.
ogrid Chmpion e. istPor III.tei . i
Tr h du h sprein and (M id... rqi- i .
(hamTI·o B lutLte rr ,lr . I
Ctllnmati. grw heslrt srod fret
bull. ti00. d other- r troubl ( .
alier. p le rant.-I.ry ft.n. 1 r l
mLe ri blh. PaI prs ,r Ifl ij r.u eI
leie Holtecln o. Box dl.eac. i Pnet

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