Newspaper Page Text
OFFICIAL JOURNAL OFFICIAL JOURNAL - of the - FC VermilionParisth School Board ABBEVILLE PROGRESS oAof thl SThe Most Thoroughly Read Pa1per in Vermilion Pariah aul na Into the omes that Con. Corporation of Abb l A Wide-Awake Home Newspaper - Published Every Saturday - Devoted to the Intere of Abbeville and the Parish of Vermilion. Subscription: $2.00 a Year. Official Journal of Vermilion Parish School Board. Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, La., Saturday, Au, ust 20, 1i92 V-- -: No . 1 1 . . . . . . l. . . ...__I I _ _ _- ·o I 1 . I· =" .- - Ie " w - V o l .lr n* . o . .2 We have arranged with Mr. Harry S. Armstrong of New Orleans, to handle the Army's Surplus Supplies BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT HALF PRICES Help us to help you reduce the cost of living Can you buy anywhere else at these prices? No order too small or too large to fill - - HERE IS THE LIST: KINGAN'S BACON, 12 lb. can, each $2.60; per case .......................... $15.00 SW IFT'S BACON, 12 lb. can, each $2.25; per case ............................................... 13.50 CORN BEEF, 1 lb. cans, each 200; per case ................................................................ 9 .6 0 ROAST BEEF, 1 lb. can, each 200; per case.,................................................. 9.50 CLINGSTONE PEACHES, in syrup, No. 2/s cans, each 30c; per case. 7.20 LAUNDRY SOAP, six large bars for ............................. . ................ .......... 2 5c GRANULATED SUGAR, 15 pounds for 1.00 BROW N SUGAR, 22 pound's for .... .......................................................... 1.0 0 "8 E R O ", N o. 10 cans, ........................... ............. . .................................................... .... 7 5 c SA RD IN ES, in Oil, per can ............................................................................... 2 0 c SARDINES, in Tomato Sauce, 15 os. can ......................... ....................... 20c GREEN PEAS (nall) No. can, ......................................... _ 15c PINEAPPLE, Zxtra Quality, Sliced _..... ............................ .... 30c Pea UT SALAD OIL, Quart Can .... ._....................................... 60c FWnsAL ZVAP.ontunED Kn a, tal map .. . 18c, We are ready to serve you. All goods guaranteed The Army Goods Store Summers & Nini Lege's Corner Alb v-i-, La. -r . iS.OI6Uqu --I mmmmm mwm,. mmm- mm- i--- I Imm ~m• l mmlmm mm mmm mm m f mml m" I--- I il m ---- · -- ----- -: Lm Hollier Auto Co. 'in SrF9t: Welephone 97. 4 MIcHELIN ` 1/ UNIVERSAL " " "TIRES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BTE[ Poraaiteed4 or Two Years ADJUSTMIENTS MADE AT HOME )PTRADE AT I CONTRACT NOW For Bernis Bros'. pew, 9 oz., 64 x 40 rough rice bags at lOc each. Prices subject to change without notice Vermilion Farmers Co-operative Association Inc. SP~i4&a" AGRICULTURAL YEARBOOL Editor Abbeville V'rogress: Abeville, La., D, ar Rit: Tie Department of Agriculture has placed to my &redlt a supply of Agri ' '" nll Yea.ho,.ks f",r the year 1!20. These yearbooks contain much valu ahle and interesting information, and 1 ant most anxious to place them in the hands of those who diesire them and to wlhm they will be of value and use. To that end I will appreciate It 1i you will insert this notijce f yw14 . paper , !, 'taa thorn or your readers who are a:.' tuterested, may write me. Tainkirg you for your courtesw in this matter, I am, . I'. MARTIN. IDr. and Mrs. White Entertain. T'r. ndl Mrs. .I. W. Whi0e doligh". :''lly eute:tanine th!is Fri.ln,- night in honnor of 'iwr guests Louise Kitchlil an 1 ('nrmen L.efllane ,of Al,hlrIi!!e and .ri,. ,. P. ('oleman of New Orleans. liv., Hlundred, and rook were ;,lavi-el a"n ipr'7 awarded t", Mrs. rfallaow lonni.:. After the games dlancing was jeni m:,: to te excellenIt music furis,':j b., "('hntaignier's'" rrchcstra. l)eliel'"s i e l refreshmerts and cake were se:' o i : ' WilfI c' Brrussa:.,I i~1nt ,-n e. thver. pirn selection pla- otd by Miss wl.ich was a treat to all. i:..c. sent were, out of town ;unests: Mrs, 4. p. 'oNleman, Misses Louise Kitch, l, nr,' Cv:hlien LeRhlaIne ueust nt' hon,,f lr. n it),v . Peterlnian ,f Ahbervlle. Frr;:n P,'elrth,n Miss ()'shay of A.\lex, *.,:. ::;r. Newt ,i of X :rth t-:'rohmiul, Mr:. t. l:e LeBinne, of Crowley. Thios, fitem Gueyvdan, D'. and M'r. J. J. M. w h'T:it,,. !e'ssrs and Me3rlamncs Sidney !Benuxis, Leo ,"u!n. Dala anonin, John Riley, Jules rrancez. c. D. Bat hit. E. J. Rrouss.rd, N. J. Rrougard, W. C. Putnam. M. I. Ramsey, Ouy Lan dly, Mrs. F. ('l-zza. Misses Celia Smi le4, Ethel Jdmtlsoh, Enza Oillintln-, 'thel Fisher, Josephinue tloddv, Mar garet Quesenberv: Messrs Wilfred - Branusstrd . Iit. Toups. Leo Tonli.u, Lewis Woods, Ed. Gardiner, T. W.:, .e. ,Gueydan News. Iraw Duck Hun rs ,"rh th. , T h,, in ~ f t he i11" marist,. fit -i'lmber !. !i . , t dIck hunt in in a . \ 1 hi,, . I i. ih iti l ,i ,,. . M,,'I tail O,000 aL res . whis b11111 iii th .e fir St p li( :i IrS'tl . i the, S uth a it, . 1 it ,.. U in lh lnitdi States. S i,,rioor Parker, juts La 1,,. ' n,,m a ,ruin, of inspection of the a,'t. ha' aprl)lre l the project airmlvy, a il -a tt ;it tlthe icxt sessiol of L. 2!: turc hfi will ilhav a bill int r,, ,i, l ., ii tr lcdlic ati g this ni i a li. ;inting l preer-e. O l greit ll,,l i I its h aIltrt vwill also ld di.:itt,1 as a w-ill fowl aUcllctuary, ftorever 1t1arlIe I to, thu hilntc ; thus iLar:! lnt ,i: til ,,llu', Ilf supplly of th* sport. Inldlic ub (1111) house w s'rIee,"i. i I it . ie. are inilehr to ueti,.n :,nI "i il , I .' i:ilc ht, wI hen the hu..tin . ,n 1 petns. Tle preshrv " 73 milk< I,,in river fronm New Od ns. ;, ,-si le eithecr by lanllch from .ew ) aii-, or ', the Lower ('oast lwia a!,,, the wst Iank from (.ret to JI :ti. lnd1 lt," hlit tfrom Buril , 'hl Ji'l rv' , 4ti 4 9J W i I I i. it!i , i all netew"i !l cre teil I, n ,uib'!lti n- ,"f silt f the . .i, I ,ipp rif'or. On maps it s as titll, ~lln w-'ater of ttardeu Isl Bat. 'i'': ,nt of the tA' ~ e l ,l tar in i ,iln li.,enll:e fee the hlnttII'!- of moderate i wans the hllltig fa-I cilitis it ic:t Josep-t ter, uIi ti 4inil li'naire, of Chicago W ahi.titcli., $*1l1,000, to obltan o- aiearby lrivate lpreserve lit 'hateau ard. CLOSES B LL'S DOOR ON N KSOX fudgc Kenesaw Mouqtaig Landis, dictator supreme In baseball, wrh T has sounded the ¢Ieath to an Eju (orm o( crookednesi I the great, game. Despite the aegaital of the Chicago "BHlacksox" court a rFO las Chicago, Judge Landis sanounce rt-,o gri. that not one of them will ever 'fron permitted to play In orgalti da s ball aain. .. alu- ( rut the Bub-My-Tim is a powrful anti- W to tic. Ourtes infected ctS old ,40 tetter, etc. ---d I --- .. .. 1,lan r IANOCEE BUDGIT. exp4 -.rewih ('harler and Katherine Kenny have will "n itrn1,e to their home in New Orleans, lahien after vkiti:l, at the home of MT :.~ . ii1 Mr,. Wmin. Cad. by , 1 t'.lln 4.'.rt'--, of. Chieago, was tIti ., r If I: E. ('ade Tuesday and Wed nfsiday. Miss " ...,.1:I trf.,,v called on rein- 'i i tfi, I.t rre Faturdray. NI 0 .Mr. ti. W .'alth, is visiting relati-es ii. ii .\hlt, ille this week. ,,t Mr. Je Br, ',lsard and daughter an, i'li. i. I , .!l't e all'l Camille, ce,Cl')panle1 i hy ,.is: "iJt. . . oale anti Misses tdile and Apsy, ' .dev left yt.terday to spend a ftiw auth " aysv at (ihtniern at Tigre. j urt to Ip . I NeS, m Burt made a ying trip here e.ta ,,r iTuesday. the I 'r- I t th t, Thi water hvacinthes are causinog th ,4l eonitdlerahlh atlisanee to 4lato Iu ii, , ,.i Verinilion bal, yog. i ok - I... P1T~55vYtB¥TER1AN Y"S with for ,,ervi.cs at the Presb.tan Church ,b t.l.irrow will be as folloWl: (I iM. 8ui1dB' lceholol at 10 .a. , n P;'eaclhinlg It 11 .. s., by-br. Oe-rge . & BRothl, of .ew Orleans, -,ki.L - Christian Endeavor at hlti. 8, , !l i S Pleaching at 8 p.. l - bee; i All are or.t- .tor t bs sate; p t o I l . t.ble ,t, 1 0 lot o . Tc: Office over A. O4> '3. Resta S Ttelephon ke 1W, 1 • U a. I n i, m m ." , .. a ma i mm , .ie lm mg;g Ice , We Can SaveYou Money :hI 1 a NO OLD GOODS rre I Miller & .Hart Bacon, 12 pounds, $2.50 Libby's Corn Beef, 1 lb. 20c rthe " Buymore Peaches, 11, lb. can 25c Star Soap, 7 bars 25c White Sugar, 16 pounds, ............................. 1.00 "Sero" 70c 1.".ero"...................................... Saridnes in Oil, (2 cans) 25c Green Pe ", 2 pounds.. 15c j elmonte Pineapples, 2 b. can .........................................3 5 c Pet Cream, tal can ............. ................................................................... 1 5 c WE GIVE 16 OUNCES TO THE POUND WE DELIVER YOUR ORDERS Dutel & Laporte i Phones 68 and 69 State and Lafayette Sts. ROOMS FOR ]KENT. SThree rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. . Ejust LeBlanc. FOR RENT -One house with four bed - rooms, dining, sitting, kitehn anl bath, front and back porches, formerly Mr. SMaxie nk'ilo-'-i's hlome. See T (,,j i'ro\ eunzao or phone 147. 23-3t - WAT[M AND LIGHT ELECTION. id The e'ection for the water and light plant will he held Tuce. lay, when it is expected that not a dissenting vote will be Pa-t. This ma.anS t a:t Abl.h,.ifta •e will wake ul, to ftid itself sti, f:urgling , iahlina1. i;At tthat all oat Abeville citizen; S"(It then enjo:. the ,i.afait iiffrded by an up to date water and light plant. le 8UCCESSION SALE. atate If Loa:isl sa , !Pari.!t of V'ermil S icon, 17th lu li tal ltistitt a ourt. N.:. 1"68. tiulces.ian cf Gustatiue Lacombe s i;. \i.t:.L , -f at l r ,a lef , ' sal j. i. a,att of tlhe llonoraalal ,Stei :it . .thi .i: .icial liiiLitt ( aq tt. in nal t,, th: a: l';,rihib of V rmilimn, La.. and a cona - y .ated the .lthl dayi of August, 1921, w authorizing ime to sell ,rolperty for th, iurpose of reailzing funlds whlrewith; to pay the debts and charges of said re estate. I will seal, at pudlic auction, t a the last and highest respolnsCbile bidder. at th2 late rsidtnet of t4e deceased, in the NithXnth %Ward, Vtlamilion parish. Lu iaunitt, one Saturday. September . .i, 1921, within the legiai laoar; -..ari,,d- 1., law for judicial 4.11 . .. t,allaowi"ag de ah .h.i '"- ..., to-wit: O waga.ij: (tn: lotA ot h~ag wire; " , buggy; Two hoises; Nine head o.t . gs; Eaglt geese; 'Ihirty-two head ot ,-kickens; Six home-maric chairs; Two .!a roukers One dreaser: Two small ta bles; Three wuoorln; hbel; Fourl feather bei; t"io lot of hb:.diln$: Otn sewing ntaetine: ' two rnaraoirs; One kitchen sate: r)tn eboking stove; Two kitchen ',tables; One lot of .ooki.4g utrnsilsi One lot of crockery; and Ouc plow. Terms of sale: Cash. Dated this 18th dla: of August, 1921. MERCEDES BROUVtiAr D, Admiuistrator of said estat i. W. I. Qordy, Attorney. 666 cur Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fc-er, OQlda and LaGrippe, or money refunded. -ad HOW WOULD IT DO To livci up. T, I.vsh things. T, Loul your to,-n To advrrtist your business. To renew your subscription. A. LACASSE SIGNS OF ALL KINDS BULLETIN BOARDS THEATRICAL SCENERY SART PANELS. ETh 7 o re 1 w yout suhscriItion. `ý1, TWO DOZEN TOES AND FING iotil iini ain pll( l !te Little Joseph Wittkowski of ChicagoI.,,u fu,i' ' r.: Iexitement for the folks of Lis nugh',oduc'd and hand he has six dwets instead of. it 3" dose. toes and fiflger,--'AI1 r'rfuetly foI1LI&,U ;he m ' 4 tL m W f _. :