Newspaper Page Text
ABBEVILLE PROGRESS PUELIFIIED EVERY SATURDAY. J. '. () Ii:l A \N. -Owner and PaIuhlAlicr. ADVEETISING RATES. u.r InI; ., . I,, l.r,, Iper liar lIN e Oficial Jcurnal of the Vermilicn Parish School Board. Officia' Jourral of the Corporation of Abbeville. THE GREAT AMERICAN MILKER. t 1, 1 Ill. ll1e. I lt 1\~'. ' ,1 l 1 lil cow' ., l l\ ll lI lill'\, I, ' I'll pthis irt',, sl hf b irty uing lcu n i l nels , l e c enratio n , f CoWS si llh srr, be bettrl nmilkr,,is. AIIll tric i ,'S ,l i to l I'. t ile lc'i~ st li ll ,i t ll ltl' i\ ll' t (tor llr, if it s ot so hi l ll'.11 1\' 11 1 1 ' ', - ,lh Tif 3IrWlVrly f inn,! th i lst' ov Is, I V. a rt', ha ei. g ll)l' , 's i that wVitli p I'i', till ' hil ci I 'l' II l ir 1,,t I ii 1ti icr II I g \lr l ·lh anti S I' I'l for this l'rc 1t s s t ler st 111,d i ( l ,ti sll ,lg ,i enr tiont 110, ws b tho milkerous. n the first pi c te, the\ f1naill iner111' eorfhllat i tell- n as1 ?' Tile . A. Orain cirors, Inc.'', is no r' t oleti rllar plan. It cntoiS th't (iseek to tlo aay pitllh nyexistifa Ililirketi llg glne onlyl such Tile gamblin t BoIalrds oifT tha1'( (1ry ar0t ifi the U. S. Grain if proerlys, Inc., sthcc sel, es, e llfeaturer of cteirs that will( fore, have launctleas a very sevhere h)ublicity p hroaltand canw - give still hmre, ilk than their smothterss orin r;o'Ui nat l l',,tiw s. AS thisn procagainst tile fbreedingrs' coriatio At aeration of cows wil Nrtionai Grain Dealers in Cincinnalti, a conlmlittee ws ap be better mwilkers. Ampointed to t thehis prograntesta campairy couantr $0,000 wasin the The newspamlers of the c fe,1utry are being floo.ed with propagand., aguainst the plane of the Amerirn Fatariv Bureau n dit hih the farers' orn Chiagtion by the Boardwn of Trahede. S. Grain Growers, Inc.", is no revolutionary plano . It teewas not seek to do away with anyepisting anarketig agency only such Vais believed to be a hindrance rather than an aid.ouse namely, trading in futures, will be eliminated. They, there-eather fore, have launched a very sev er have publicitady propaganda cam paign againstter t the weathfarmers' organization. At a me they ncto National Gurain Dealers in Cincinnt ati, a committee was ap-the This money is now being spent in printed propoganda by a syndicate which was set up in Chicago by the Board of Trade. SACKS TWINE COAL ROUGHADPI DRIAN R BTTERES urNo Matterf The Weather A IDioU i Storae Battr v aBOead tablsh o rttie n Abler th rvAuto Co.r Stop at car SVICE station and let as show you. -mm PILADLPIA, DIAMOND GRI BATTERIES ADURSd TMENTS MADs AT bM10 AWL PrCUL COIPANY, NEW YRK . PoEMD UTNCLE JoINIA THE MIDDLE-MAN. g'1'111 111j411l41 1iidii '.. a lt1'14fl fl chapij, whlo evvI err 1" a ' 14144441fiii i;I' 1": 11) 3 1 t) the Sl3tit of 44 lii' cIfe4 EiI o 114r 1 till' f;ii'iel. I -'1,vt1 ie '.li. 4 111.1 Il' 4114411 '1 lprlioduce a single I ling .11 Ibiut :)4)11 1111 1 il41'ý a1 1111)11\'V kilI. l'i.i. When Reulbllen reas his tuIrvip (feld.'1 lIii 14,4 1 1141:tt (lltº' t4411l Vitiltl. Me 1hau1ls 'nm o'er til'he liuupv 14)114 I. x1114 1 41liiaiii, Ef \\"11:11 they fe'tch 1H)1 load. The iiric' lie -j+'% is 'I\VaV 14, f4' ilrl-nils 411't riº1'ng iiiiiehi, I\"1)1 kiio I lie 116 414114.11iiiai gets 44 11 14 liejoli 11i stays there, t44o.--v es 114' 1441. An14 1ll' ht'iiIlt 1 4Iie(' be i 11s to soar, no114) iiuat hoi.I w 4 .11 11111 14 i 1' 411:': 1 ii4111 1uau 1 t4 la 1 11 th turnips 1411Ic, 111111 14 l e1th 1 s114' I. mull "i 411. Tlhe~ j1111Cl"1:1141'I' 11aist feel lit Ieuig;t h. l ilt r 11111 111:111' 1 4 s:I 14(~11 streithi, .111141 pays a bonus, fifty-1'(ll, fiur 1lIIII P,~ Wls 'I1edl lIIllise-l, 111141 )del. H4' cusses, at.: ('01it51111 4'rS 1ii t 1 14 1 ?i1ii14r. 114)1 11h4' li1i1lilhe-lilI. I ))uir R leubeii, siiuijll' ii';irteil( l.141.111141 ilil 1tts til his hoa11rd, &iiil h)uys his wijfe 11114 kills :I 1'44111. fr pt 1. No. 715.. ArCeute \t ir ee.:m < et al v ,. Mb elil l 11'-rreaux. ante uot).,Il: li'.oussrd & Muali1n1. uttornes sIt. 1. No. 71616. Peoples Bunk & Truc-. tU . . . Al.\hie 11 hert et ;dot, note '_::.!6: J,ohn Nu gier, attorney. Sel,t..1. No. 7167. Montague Bros. Ini'., vs. .\l exatidre Fusulier et al, note $:lF2.l63; J.loht Nugier, attorney. Scot. 2. No. 7168. L. Vallee ys. William ('hoate, inotes, $3;31.00; J. E. Kibbe, Jr., attoriney. Sept. '2. No. 7169. Knox Hat Co. Inc., vs. L.eBlanc, Nunez, Trahan, Inc., accounlt cl:aim $412.l0; Broussard & MIn(son, attorneys. Sept. 3. No. 7170. Emancipation of Artheus Brouss:rd; Brorssard & Sam son, attorneys.. Sept. 3. No. 7171. Geo. F. Dittman Boot & Shoe Co. vs. O. E. Broe Sept. 7. o. 7172. Ophelias Mouton vs. Laodice Mouton, drainage right of wOay: W. B. (Gordy, attorney. • ---- - *---- qept. 3. Ira H1. Oertling of Abbeville to Wan.,la Broussard, of Abbeville. Kept. 8. E. M. (;ui.lry, of Kaplan to Lillian Rose ('losticux of Kaplan. SUCCESSION NOTICOE. tu:,i .4 Louiina. Pa'urish of VN rnil ii, 17th Juicial lijstriet Court. No. 79.i. uBaccessiom of Ejust .eBtlas. Wle:ea.s, lion .ru Tranha,. resilding in the IParish of Vermnilioln, St;ate of Lou ir:ain, has n!e:'r apl,icatin to he ap poiuited Admnlini.tratrix of t:ue above Sestate. Now, therefore, fi!l le'.sonl are hereby Snotified to file their oppositionl to time application, if nIni v they have, in writ. ing with the Clerk of ('ourt, at his of fire in the Towni of Ahbeville, La., within ten days after the first notice hereof, otherwise the said applicant will be named and alpontl I as such A4. ministratrix as re raired by law antl iL ,eI .a.chli;ie with la,. Witines: my ha: 1 and seal of office, .his !Mti day of Mie teaelwr, 1921. CHAS. ('. IRIBLANC, .eal l ]',eputey lerk of ('ourt. .1 Ih N nlii-r. attrllt . 2J :;it Lots of Tractor owners slwnd months in carefim· y selecting their make ot tractor-then spend milrates in care 'fully buying inferior oil. Casanova - Gooch, ageuts. OCatarral Deafness Cannot IM Cured by Inea' application, as they cannot reachl the disease, portion of' the ear. There is onnl one way to eare eatarrhal Sleafioess, and that is by a constitutionul rer.edy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused h a in iflamned oendition of the mnea-n I;laing i the Eustathian Tube. When this tu' e is inaflmed ¢ou haive a I tl ,ling a nd or thpeefect hearing, sad whrn it is entirly closed, Deafcnes is the result. Unleas the inflammatlon eat be rmlauced and this tabse restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de ,trovel forever. ManX ases of deat, eas areI ecoaed by eatar~k5 weh i an: inlamed corndition of the maecs eear fanees, taill' Catnrth Mediciae aets thra the blood on the maeou surface of the system. We will give One llundred Dollars far ay casr e of Catirrhal Deartne that cannot be ecred by Wall's Uatarhb Mled icine. Circulalrs free. All drggist., 7e ad F. 3. CRE'i I & CO., Tolalod, 0. There are very few desirable tractor Oils on the market. Atlas Tractor Ott o of the few. Casanuuova & Gooe, agents. . -- --· - annrdb vm s pa .mws, abs ummms e _ ** CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HAS A BIO DINNER . iho;,h tl' roads were in hai 'on dlition andI the weather was unfait:i\'al:e, th diiiiner given lbv the ('hi;milr ,f ('ommperce at Kaplan on Thnrhlay, 'I. tinlher Nth, was well attendedi, hiao'in,_ the ideep interent which lhas been creat ieId and the deteynination of the niImi hIrs to kee!, a good thing goi.ngl. TIhose presenlt llimbered nbouit 3 andll tlhe sublljects most discussed weed "(;ood( Rl,als" ;iad "Dairying'g', hotI( of wthi'h ire of vital interest to us. Prof. Staples, head of the dairyv de Ipartmeut of the State University, andl Mr. (adwallader, manager oif the Baton Rouge Creamery, of Baton Rouge, andi Mlr EIlwards, dairy specialist from Mis sissippi, gave Interesting and instrtce tive talks on the subject of creamllleries and iairyiig all predicting a pronlising fut'are for Veýilion in these lines. Mr. 0. H. hotels, of Kaplan, net eil as tonstmtsa r for the occasion and no; better coal have been found to fill this important ition. Hon. E. Elea ;ar, Manyor plan, gave the addresa of we'eo tle much appreciated iute Ik were given by the rL. 0. , President of the llank ef Ah lie. J.. iGre -P:esident of the First il al ! ,,Ba !Ir,.n Weil, (Chairman of the Finauce ('Conllttee. A. J. Gold , of Ahberiil!c. D)r. J. T. hsiire forimet y of the itnte RBnili Health. W. 11. le-I , Rilee Planter, The meeti was loned by at short talk t,v Ho L. L.Gueydan, President of the ('ham of Cmnimerce.. The next eeting will be held at Ernth wi le ti during the latter part of 8epteml r, the exact date of which will lie antlnoueed later. --- -"-~*wi----- --(ood Tracru, Oil addls more value to a tractor a; tr end of a year than the originlal co..t the Oil. Casanova & ooctt, ag:iy:, MaUeM or g509I4, On S epteal4g 19th we will begin another seriiagi e the public schools. It is a plealse to announce that we ,ha:ve s.eurnd a full complement of teachers and wtee is every opiportunity for a mare eI.eesful sesion than the last. We e-,rtnl Five Thousand Four Hundred w'~ children last session, which taxel e buildings to their fi.lll· est capacity, jt great results were ob- I tained; but bp hope to even surlass tills eurolltel4.l ng the pI)prtouchuin setsi:: n, Let me utr that the ptrolus e'Iter their child en i the openºing day ,o as to avoid rt"'ly on the part of the te'nc.hir ail'l chill in h. gint i,;:: their work is every ihdid entilon that the sclio wJll be congested and it may be ne Tiy to refuse the chil dren who enli We ask f- r unqualified supplort ,f the se a.,I~ trust that you will aid us in the: to secure the very heat in edh". for your child. If matters d er*e to look right at school, as a or a citize,. you have a ri.'-Rt eaister a complaint and we l:4 'l l" ly appreciate your intterest in- I 1 ti adjust m,uttcrs r t~oPrl t , Oi l ext' , f, r lh : t.':. t. itntitute at lE1 High ia'.i'n.l and the IEibk Iistll."r lIvirl'l. \'We , all have twt o On' hint ,reif "ifty or n. s and 1 t me :nSk .th:it yen ae. hI te bes' ,f treasl men:t. It seary for ti to cnll'oan yogu ltodations anI we lope that y ld, as voe have lone hemote, itnthernesa . Wood for fordsot1 1- 1 Kra hert ' Atto 1 "ON A BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO" - ,r) :U/,/ S JURY DRAWING. "'T,. nIams of tin T'w nty l'er-ons sel.0 te,- to .1"r ve a" ;il:i11,l .l 'ror., toi ,luiii ;ittenilanice at the llie. Sin of the 17th .udicial District C(ourt, for °Ver mili,,n P'ari h, Loui-ianna, on M,,ndaly, the 26th lay of Scelteimber, A. I). 1921, at 10 o'clock a. il. No. Name. Word. _2. It"Ilorhon lhert . E. Mliers, .lr. ............. 4. .Is. A. I.el:lane 1 5. .1. M . Mi. t lc . . . . 7 7. .\,brev P'ullin.. 2 K. Sillon t I.i, ll ,. . 9. RI liu,:.I ILtauni' .1 4 1 . T. .I. Brouºs:lrt 11. ,. (;. Laurents .. ..........14 12. Antoine ('. Mean:x .........9 13. W. W. Montagne ..........3 14. Aliitface Broussard .........2 13. 'l se Bernard .................... 16. Belezaire Broussard ........4 17. J. B. I'naulk ............................5 18. W . It. Sledge ............................6 19. Homer LeBlane ....................9 20. Eno Lacour .........................7 List of names of Petit Jurors, drawn to serve for the Session of the 17th J.udiciil District Court for Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, for week bIeginning Monday the 240t day of October, 1921: No. Name. Ward. 1. Aleade Porter .....................9 2. Il G ary ..................................1 3. Pi',rre Bourgeois ....................3 I. . J ma-. ........._te ...,.... I a. 1''W itre ' L r ............ 7. J. ('C. Braneard .................4 8. O. N. Perry .......................... 6 9. Murphy J. Lege .................3 l , \'Vranus Spell ..........................3 11. E, W. St hhlat ........... .. 12. O. M . Johnson ................... . 13. Claud, Bern rd .......... .. 14. Rolert Simon t........... ...1 1.3. Em ile lIutI ........................ . 3 14. Frank L.e14',euf ........... .7 1j. W. . Nil. l ............. ........3 Iil. I'utumua Malni ........... ... 19. Ad:ils E. Itounsaid ..- - .. i 20. O!lie Kllhbe ................... ...... 7 21. Allisoni Sinmon ............... I .'". Berniard lan es .................... 234. Otto Trahan ................ 24, Pl'aul Mergiste 1 '23. Isa e l'err ........ : 2 :. J. A. ll rringtonl ............. : 27. J. S. LeBlune..... ....... I2. Walter Brousarnd .................6 )Uy. I. E. Blrolussard . ... 411. d. W. FIortinisa ........... ja.ijt of Petit Jarra, drIulw tIo serve fori tit' H4,.4i, (:of tht1 il7th Judicial Distrlet Coulrt for V'rrnmilirn Pi'arish, Loilisianlit, for week l,egitlinttg MowIll4l4, the 7th layt of N \vemlºer, A. D. 1921, at 10 o'cloek a. m. No. Name. Ward. 1. Joseph D. Belanger ................2 2. (G. '. Sledge ..I..... ... . . 6 3. II. T. owell ..................... .......6 4. Elie Brousasard ................ 5. Lenin Theall ..........................7 6i. T. B. Delano .. . 2 y. I a'"dl a Tlih'll ................ 7 8. V. vigz:iter Tra:lhut ..........4 9. )ti Hrousd;ir .............2 10. . I. s iro.tarl .. . !9 I1. I.. W . I rlla i r.r I . . ..... .. : 12. .\ thien T. Irousstrd ....... 9 ;. W il'i' l .... P u 14. 0. J. Mous . ............. ...1 1. Emr P. anloz ....................1 16. Placi:le Baudoln ..................4... 17. Oscar Bou~lreaux .............3 1. Wallace ('omeaux ...........9 19. Ig:nce Frederik ...... .. ....3 20. Roy LeBlane .................... 1 21. J. Madison I.allande ........3.... 22. Rex Primeaux ........ .... ....3 23. Airelie r.........2 24. Howard Hoffpauir ................. 26. Alienor Landry ....... ....... 3 2f ()\v', Mii ...... .......... 6 g, J.. C'. Villien ...... ........ 4 20. )ul.VP tPhert ....................... 7 30O. Gtorge M. Greee .......... 9 Whltn.s mly hand and seal of office, this 6th dlay of September, 1921. CIHAS. C. LEBLAN('C, (Seal) ]l'epty Clerk of Court. Triumph Baptist Church. Rebeccare Dabbey, the great woman, whl, lies gtool work, and is sexton of the', -' trch auid charges nothing for her work. 8he give. her latr freely, and buys the sacrament for her church, and she give6 light for her church, and s e does this glorious work not for man, liu f:,r (;,d. Let yonr light so shine befkore mn, t;hat they may sae thle good work and' glorify your Fathlor In Heavesl/. * The Rough Rice Market The Short Crop, Small Carry Over, Heavy foreign demand And increased domestic consumption. All combined create what is known as a "Sel lers' Market". Demand exceeds supply and consequently com petition is !keen. The farmer who sells this year without giving every Luyer a chance to bid is doing both himself aind the buyers an injustice. It will pay you, under existing conditions, to " put your crop where you will be in a position to take advantage of all competition. The Vermilion Farmers Co-operative Associa tion Warehouse (Bonded) has been opened to the public and solicits your warehouse business. You may expect in your dealing with them: Prompt Service, Reasonable Charges, Courteous and Fair Treatment. They Guarantee Satisfaction. Vermilion Farmers Co-operative Association Inc. "The Farmers Service Station" ABBEVILLE, LA. A. Stauffer & Co. DO YOU NEED A - Wagon or BEggy WE HAVE DECIDED TO REDUCE OUR PRICES ON OUR STOK OF WEBER WAGONS TO $110.00. ALSO CHOICE OF ANY BUGGY IN STOCK FOR $87.50. Better Get Yours Before Stock is Exhausted. A. Stauffer & Co. DON'T BE A CHINAMAN! HELP YOUR HOME AND HOME TOWN SHE principal reason why the people of the Pacif.c coast are not strong. for the Chinaman is that he sends Y his money somewhere else. lil spends nothing but what he must in the community in which he lived,. and sends the rest over to Chin~. Consequently he does but little t4 build up and increase the wealth of the pepful Pacific coast commun* ities. You are playing the Chinaman game when you do not trade at home. You are helpin; build up . . Chicago or some other city. Every . dollar you spend yonder i a posi. i tive injury to your home and you, home town. FINE FOR CHINAI Don't be a Chinamaml A BIRD IN HAND IS BEITER THAN TWO BIRDS BY MAIL -- HEN order a piee ofod bf rmail. you know nothing about the quality of the article delivered until it has been tested by use. Having been used and found wanting, you have to go to the trouble of sending it a long distance back for long-dis. tance satsfaction, a very rare bird indeed. Trade in a home store end yeou get '4.ality The local merchant must carry quality or his neighbors will not trade with him. And if there has been bad quality acciden. tally, it s cnmly a step into his store to show him the eror. - The merchants of our town have both quality and price. If you will Td(YI , only frre out th comrmon sens oft. i)u wui ,-rnd thrdiat ,t , Ceaptr, i a Weds at heas ia the lea run, ard tEt rz, ,r u,, too.