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OFFICIAL JOURNAL -of the - of the ..R RS ABBEVLLE...R..... Vermilion Parish School Boars i Corporation of Abevil The Most Thoroughly Read caper in Vermilio arish and !;yes Into the Homes that Count. A Wide-Awake Home Newspaper - Published Every Saturday - Devoted to the Interests of Abbeville and the Parish of Vermilion. Subscription: $2.00 a Year. Odul Journal of Vermlihem Parish chot Beard. Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, ., Saturday. Nov. 5. 1921. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16TH *L Wac:: Ads and Circulars. D L L C' FARMS FOR SALE 40 ACRES, 1: ,i,- n[,rth4 est of Al.. a.w. o, t, lit ul.,. Kin nly: illrtoveI; foTr ire, snglaT-Ca oc. ,fll lltd truck. Termls. P'rice .. $3,000.00 40 ACRES, I mile East of Abbeville, on Ahhbbeville-Erath Road; no inlmprovements: splendid for truck, cane, rice. corn. Easy payments. Price .......... ..... $3,750.00( 50 ARPENTS, I mile southwest of Abbeville, on and Public Road; well improved,: one-half wood land, b:l ance in cultivation; land in good condition; splendid for truck, dairy, cane or corn. Terms to suit. Price ......$5,000.00 60 ARPENTS, 5 miles south of Abbeville, on Vermilion River, near Rose Hill Sugar Factory; well iulprvc.d and land in first-class condition; splendid for cane, rice. corn. Yearly payments. Price ............................ $3,500.00 66 ARPENTS, at Abbeville, adjoining Venuilion Sugar Fac tory and Railroad; first-class improvements; 5 arpents wood, balance all tillable; soil rich and in good shape; ex cellent for dairy or truck, also for cane or corn. A good home at a bargain. Terms, $1,000.00 or more cash. balance in eight yearly payments. Price ......... ......... ........ $7,500.00 100 ACRES, 3 miles southeast of Cow Island Post ()ttice and school; high, rich soil; on irrigation and drainage canals; for rice, corn. cotton. Easy Payments. Price . $6,000.00 100 ARPENTS, idjo,,iiiug Corporation of Ableville on the East; extra good, newly painted residence, large burn, out-houses, garden, 4 in. deep well for irrigation of rice or truck, rich, high laid; for rice, cane, cotton, corn. truck, dairy or l,(,ultry fo rm. Small eash pa:lnymet. ,haltace to suit. himprov-1,mentI s worth fully $3.000.00. A bargain. Price ........ ......................... .10,000.00 164 ARPENTS, 4 uiles Southwest of Perry, La., well im proved; all tillable, on irrigation canal, near drainage canal; for rice, corn or cotton; land in good shape. Easy term s. Price ................................ ..... ..... ................... 7,500.0 0 MO AMU U5, 3 miles aorthwest of Abberile, a Conlse cane, corn ' r cotton. A bargain. Long trin Prics .00 200 A1PENTS, on East bank Vermilion River, 5 miles north of Abbeville, en Public Road; improved; land rich, level, clean and in good shape; about 10 arpents in wood; first class for rice, can i:e irrigated from Coulee on Northern boundary; also fine for cane, corn, cotton. Easy terms. Price ........ ............. ................................ ..... ............... ......... $1 ,0 0.00 2$1 ARPENTS, at Bob Acres, Iberia Parish; all tillable; rich, level, productive, well drained, on S. P. R. R., one mile to Priseo Railroadi; aIljE ins Public School; on Abbeville-New ibula maum H'h!,nR.. now being hard-sw-fact ,: two milcAs to town and Jefferson Salt Mines now operating; two resi dences, good barns, gardens, pastures; first-class 6 in,. irri gating well for rice. No better land in the State. Rice, cane, cotton, corn, truck. hay, peas. Money maker for a hustler. One-third cash, bal. easy payments. Price $17,500.001 240 ACRES, on Holmnes' Lane, 4 miles due west of Perry. La., on Drainage and trrigation Canals; improved; high, fertile soil; splendid rice farm; also fine for corn, cotton. hay, potatoes or stock. 10% cash, balance 1 to 10 years. P ric e, per acre, ................................. ..,. . ..•. ... ......................... $75.00 i 310 ACRES, 4./, miles west of Gueydan, 2 miles from main gravel road; v. ell inil'r,ved; 12 in. deep well, 2.5 i. p. en gine, pump:: i ri:.te.; from well or canal; 30 hearnn p ecan trees; a first closs rice ; lantatinn, A big bargain. Small cash payment, Ialaice t , suit. Price, per acre .....................$50.00 360 ACRES, 4 mi:,s \ w ,f (Gueydan, 1-2 mile from main gravel road,. ,n ,iraiunat, canal; engine and punp for irri gation; well imn:,roved ind in fine shape; all rich, high land; for rice, corn, cotton, kny, truck. Easy terms. Price per acre ............ ........................... ...$50.00 Mar;.s nmid Tim:,t'r Ialll.- in large or sniall tracts. TOWN LOTS, immlr,,.vl jul1 unimlroved., in Abbevilh. and Kaplan. A. O. LANDRY, LICENSED REALTOR ABBR VILLE, :- .:- .:- -:- -:- -:- LOUISIANA. . ,, Home For Sale My home on St Charles St. next to J. B. Miller's home is for sale. For further particulars see Pierre Bourgeois "Legialators Are dI Hard at Work I ati' ,ii , 'l, "1;1'I f Ii t Ii., I. I - 'ft t ir' i'aal nll t; "1 :ii !" aa I.rl. * ailt, iT c laia'iiiII:II t 11 111 cir 0v n t I egislatit ci ,i v ee I hc'llI a' fi 1Lilll tiI 11 ! :. i... n : LI .T l ,l ilitt 1:,.t'."III· al.)nnel ithe c-i'-. franc a: i il' t,'',C~ '' ., t 1.' . it t ' a ii:~a. O I. a a rihiat i t! ," aaaci ii.'' t ai~ti' liau .t l' r cc 'Iii~ aaf sc l cr' i.:.- ., f t., ,",';" :ll'" , ý tl " t,. .." "t : t ' T h on s te i .:t'aii t' tit 1' 111'0.' ,' }list , f' :+"a I .t%"u l'a,'cit . ifr the i 'e'r,'ht ''a'!''k lii I i l , o till' uui iar . ail t it '.ra cf ' til h : t' tweet i n tlta rt"ait titttc,, Ti, ' rrllrojo i i,; thy Ii':atvi' ta latr . ee he d I ii D' icl v,. al au cat" Ir n i'ii r'' t" ae,: iih','li 'hit'iceciati' ii H1' h L ie -'' :b.ut 'I,",!%or IetIt 1l l : ." b d''aa' i at tilt' I a h lari~a f itu r \JI I)'ol uthici rll tict ~icac \-rt 4Q e 1,' a t c c;.i. hli n b initll tI ,':in t "e tct hi'' t-' n'r t i a:! t1,I,' 1etc I"'rau'll-d !ill ,,. t }.Sij . t ' il r. ' -rt tlil.a t he"I~U l ieu t 1' b a i'Ir' lu' ifc 9,'1'1 Irttorrtiein. lt *7.e:4 4.Ice 'I, tn. .1a· p t ie ,tl:. te ,',n, tiii tii l i! ' ,. !, ." Tht he pauaiei the Sei' bllt , aut r 1iv tit, eat. t'r o lr e)ie lt- delit' of it ths wr~it , jltl.,l'i lit, t'';t .(' % " .. "Af til Therel we#r thr Fite fights· ovet'r ur~t uaauy big,,t' .1e _r;i"s het!r w(i ' -;. Ii ', loi e ' hitraig ru t,'~ ,11!lTn il-!; p aiiht.!iu"l eeifcetc-onieft i l 'rite I-nt S' ;Ara- '' to ihilcls. The 1:11tc .t 1i : ,llcajatohll., uit whh'h ciii tstir ::Gj 'ls h it c t~i; hiPi nt' n lle tifoe :re. eIi t I iir" tt'. )ii if t ;, It, 1t.0 p the n!ih.. iic .... t wines uil btf·r trs fctl ., . . :' tt c', tau ·rt ii r'h tl Thi at )uet'" rk. 1),' ta, ta. t hiat h i " mi *i i In-l t''" Other thev tt' kit e b!stl l I 'a i "f \it t bill Inrrv the irl ft ot. i t r~l m' 1!" 1' h1n 1= neae fasort toi knotll uct It", cciih ''a' cldug teIi Bnrf ?( Lill, Barr' in- i i·. inf !., :t1 1 hoviei orlcrii thelncili aut r mlhlln strateo ntoicreceive jircn'al aa~id ics Thperen we# threeni bij i fi ghwts overi 'as fifth i ea u e . e ne, I l oke thr s 1e r the-iiaii ecitte l. ccih ti II roil-! r ent b'a ilsrul. io TheI t a a l pi' I "c ci r twoi a cih 'tlnlethats fain ially ra ji al l 'tc , nu whihy acu t'tet of iº is t . f t1:. ' it 1ciatl'aiii wnt i fctrt'IILd: 'ii init',a rc'l e'i 'iit i¶ ceaicic' O eo tilt 'sla permit t hlfie trl s"ott n bfill u~ eou ,irc I iat 'tic n an iVf tuse n '' I' 'rnlu :i = l a'tr i oteraz perlies the ml a nn. i " ,i cat 'I' t wines ia nd' luci1 for 'ij ca. - il t ut'. of.i 3t frt"l allh.trltand h't' cf $i,s . .ti*" TPhis' ii i rS ' +ct tIiat t til t, Ill air, ci "M~ihi .I . kl.ii tt c c. I al i i Itt' f 'a ~ rai c .41411 -- w t iatir oia o I thr -at,'+ tn I ()f t'le 1 e~,l.c i. . n'." ":i , Tint l~,r, o ," t r C ti *li',r it l ilt tlet cill htri- snot ti ar.' .e,:,tl l-caul'' it, cnN~:iii.- I n," .'r ., will $' 130'' Iteir itirt i.-s " i'i i .ir -cni 0 to an efor t k oc ot im mtats.' ca ir',hIil 111 i The sevTte ranee tf.1x hill (.amt' IIIi~~, a" spetcial orer toW ein'jllatii.h The : ,im c milit ratm ills cicauitCilt prv idi i 211 11 afigth oft h TI,.' it , c-ta; nt e , tia l toi I u'a t11290,000. enthitig .ini,. 'hi tt 1 'i ui "'jeni 0 Trmi clies vatnit mi Pile- Ilt , : cii'eI .ip nt + }witrolntel fur! the c'Liui. t r f i~t a 'n i -in b : in o fite tti1 t., Nt.ri'ca'.i An ilnrti i"R rxtt!! l a k \ ccat,'1 h i'tnul 'l d i-at fin wa cfnil' t f .' :the,.~;:ia aot ' i, r it a'' u 'in' r ite I' As nlll lfire r'! ,ltll 'aii tf ' C. t ·lr . 'h a.azilt , oS "at ai l t t i 'I+ h --'an e a.c ~a aetirs1. 'Ile fi1ht, IhiCa Itt at dotcC ul 0:4 Prod ation! kMAYOR' FICE ABBEY LA. 11'iII I?' A . ov ur Ili',, '\" ('.-: I I :al ,lat of the. orll' iana~t-r , :I. a r4'-I II tt3r duyl anbnl', I r," 1t 110" I'31". 3.3r a~~. 3333 1333333r., .33,! one a~&icrud honor"' 3'kr4'stt. *~ ,, t.lir, 3 -' to " nkiuIlh tl , I. "3". :,1,!3 I:tI 1 u ti h A~itflni, ;l:.1 !,.3 "t 1., t ' u, ii k, tI3 :.e33~ir.Ii2 3(3"1 ti at it3j .:awrifiv-4~ hail Af t 1333'3( in : ll r ;:" :r I 313! ea' their ;.. 3 of ute trus 33iter an~d sp]iritua 331!ig' 3 o33 3(.'f that1 t p*" t 'i.n -n~h river'.irv" ,f tilt r, 3 1 3 137313' 0 'e to tho wtruk vib. 3 31ran3t lOtislI( 13 till or. -Ii :r"3 3t'1' cs if' i "; ;,, 3333l ," e . 1,1'.3'.1., 3-i r il;,x-" 333- tnll'. to t I 'l3'3333 -r. :.tut .x''-,""ihtrd "e f sir ~"t , h 1333t! fit'- i tl.v-' Nv'Ci 1 33ý3 '.f (1ý13 jl!V1"'t't'3. ' (3r e33 'i +A tl i th \Ir'' .3 1 i .f \\ n-bre 1, 1- '113,lo . l11. ri'e it 3i Ii 3 " 'f '. ,' ,"1 :11,", ,b t 1 ll 'r tla. - +3 L:It.3 3j t 3 'I " i3] '(1 133 33)3 1, fro 31333 , our - ~ ~ ~ ~ t o3 l1.33 3 h o k4 I3 ' . N1 111 1.33 : r333 1313 fit it all Iri " t v,7 1:,i"4' ? 3e .1. il : .it r t it x'l d. n'it t k tn'. 5'1,' *' 33;,~ st ill 3 31113 tI I nC e 7 3 er 3', 73 fit th 33sa3 f w, 31313 ' S1337 13 rt 3 7 33 ilulep31lw en331 ,Ivr al lot g a~ aolere m .a .!h1i1 94, test?:, mla* !ins -Iat oJjgf aetn, 11 :" e:I frl ,' t ii i of "31131 i ' de 3' 3 . 3t i~cti or ofj .13133033t Ofl 33773331 +( to ) ile S4tled n't 33 "'t3311i of then. 1vr- Seaon "he2tIr" eingfhil~l ur to hae er raw su1ga3rr ained (1 th~ ae fiaciysill 4'1Iir3 r .14313 ,"n. for ea37 toll of Can, x de-3 ;It, .i atriks f c iter ~ Thi amou3 143 '3 f ton., o3ff3 care ~d (41(3'.l3h atfat3v 1T'. i~ ."1 f tory' g t ol tit( t. i' arc8 for~ refnin it713g W li be ,3 " 3 opin lwth 3r . rie f'31t tactor11p r $ ~3.0 per, .tr t.4'r for 4', 131Itxypa~ of Ca t- ir~e.i l-,j. at1 .nor ,I til i ,e s , Sit ro ~~~e ted "t; 1 Ouili '. In ti' at.u .5BU4 at b~r-: 'ai' Weew~ offNoveare d1 onet lt n Fori~ta i~'i t tiler Er1savare ,. :1333'3jl.3. to rhau eU) Whi)fl31 no i, of 2Taeoe n133v3~inty hilt13- of tret. brn giveT4 t33N3 .t selan 41eveir3 t331 tlit' arte us of 33 a trato 1Q1.~ I'~h 311',t 333 3 3 til . I thi s e cryaa. his u 1111113 ti.i. (3113 ºih to ~ ' Il) 1. ht booqte tliw 333 patit r.',1 T1. is3 .3l; ' f ir 81 : W rl to l a . lt w . 3131i 1 ~lt tI'e~ -titt backed4 byt 1' . \l I "3. 33 1-j at1 t-'ritera ''the newg4o ad 1ett~" ae, Tn' ~rnepaer, hi t.he~ o '1t' f:33,r wore1t l thad eeli itesir tel me-t3. inerts -- - u-~'.~ m n' COME TO ABBEVILLE Friday, Nov. 11 Dancing--Racing--Speaking and a good time for. all-Young and Old Under Auspices 0 *&p ... 'V MISS EKNESTINE PLETO31B HONORED Class Confers Socad Honor. Ti'' 1921 fiil kra l.ºtia 'ta . a '"u r t.,"; iita ' a g .lt t Iir z th i a tau. r, a a ;,iatt!iia, d tha . ita Jart d , huu, tfill NJ. sit~i ' t ,'tle tit'' ý. ilntic t :l . r i" tr. t' tL' llr t ki,,t known mewl'rr i wI' herm '"k1..," sitar' iargolill o her ciurur-m !!(1 In aiitA- xnrl t h1' t-`"it"1" part sttr ui+ ts ke'tt ia" var rau+~a itnd~ait ~attivit' 1 'riu. E ter tilti* L luaisiaauat MaIt \(,t"" niail 4 jit tlgi it Jutea ii 19--o. ,1k5i I et( in lh'n haitit sin CuutiiU Ir, 1 ," qisiauwihiat tinit. Easaaestliua " as -411 is ,irpu ia ft" kiao .ta iln thet jlil, is auean-iem 1'(1 iof thei Eaagli hl Latinii course aiIjulas, livti guaihlaaid liv;-ualf ats it 4tu,1,at he It, tt a l.ow:, u":.aaaiag a tsTal U t of Ti tt )t1 . i _ta. Site i" a meat'i .,:,alit tit.:'!t"' if it;: ',tik,'tli,;il ttataai '..aringZ tit.' iani'r'ta,a'ii tv baa kv'tl,1a11 ,,ial It'. in aaltfjtita Inil to that -Ia ttea. ::tlittr F. ( t hl mnatitof tt s-t)" i'orr , har ittrtirv ta-&rt'1 didl auit Stopa tiar i-a- t a tis Ixta"º L'aai ta tIta l alitaaraI ittiaff tat tia iil itenat ,-l~iss All Miss, Flots'a! 'r' fitt It .ilt *1's asot liii in that fielal, haitit'vi"r. ij.i 1·-.. iat ii tatatia-a-i '-as 1 . K uir t iia a a ;. l 'i tt' e r a lt ; 1 n at. za 4wa-r *aa Ph.- t. l.. 1'. it, rtic tt- jat i1t .1' Itajimuar itt it:u til.t rtslt tisilly- 'fir tilt" isa .rrtaata..I aln ilura' sahow naigahts w'ila,(-a M4r. WiJ1taafnasaan li faartuiau.ate a-rr..uiaui ia. j~r.htf n'tiiaaealir that rl.1,'. '\i\:tt~lta- t -i-a'"k 1'r I :1- IIi tii- frija if ,r" -i I rat t i -t a r 'It iit It t',.111 1 wil ,t -a1 1-at'tr w'-Il iurtaracl lantat!.a Mfitsa Fh'ti-laa-r is a 'lauagctat (I-f Mr. :tait'. F. ('. I-'Ja'ti-Iir oft thia la thai aian tva- ua grataduita- fran11 tilt- .\ -itt ilIii II iyata Sltia It uI. u tu ) i t hai it!!-i t~ri-"ttiaf h" -ta-i t i Mill (I,~-."_s' ;~ato arno i 1 " " "r',t~l, ire'11"~: "t~l! . ', rtiti" I SPECIAL NOTICE THE ROSE HILL COMPANY. IC.. IIREBY OGIVES NOTICE. THAT OWING TO THE DESTRUCTION OF IT'S ROSE HILL FAC. TORY EY FIRE ON OCTOBER 13TH. 1921, IT WILL BE UMfABLE TO ACCEPT ANY CANE FROM GROWERS DURING THE PRESENT SEASON. Rose Hill Comiipany, Inc. by JOE B. CHAFFE. BECRETARY-TRASURER. EAGLE MIAD alNo.a 174; For sl at your Defler Id In t se ASK FO3 THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED OBA EAGLE MIKADO EACGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Ie- v Vermilion Chapter, America: Red Cmro. is Seriing the Con... uituy. ii;.,1g, ; t,. :uth'jri, 1,,' 1 U r. .. ' \ i t 1. ' t'i'lll ]ia, )t . i. 1 1 Irc1' . ' I., ; ' ,aki r I I ,O l t " -, ' ',,r .w hii th ' r,' "x "+t, in thist "tin iil itti, :a rteat i Il ,t, r v1.*, '.tfille"I ltsi, i'ing a fute 1: ,n,.ntat rub, "f' all i+ ,l f' s,.... ,pe*,t4inh ,. snr IuIgt. ,.hi,.i f . Itaiu it- at ltr * 5. f 0 'I \' !" i \: I . 1 1,. , " > . " . , .I .~' l, 1. la ir.t I' " ,, 'I,,' :, is,, asil \ *.* i'tin l ir'.it oing h ' ,l ir 's, rt",-eis 1 sit- ,i t f 'r , - .r i,' th,,, h V , mIilitn h p'h,,ter; Y"Irn,, ch " " u ,Ii," .+ti,1 ": - ,,r I . I t '," ',, t, . .. S" i11 1. 1 .- 11 ·· t,." " ", l " 1,':" " . :I - !" i II I , 1 t- ''I iS t'. t. ph !'. ' I11, I I' i " n' I I , tt FINANCIAL AND OTHER FORMS OF ASSISTANCE TO CIVILIANS It, . " -I ~ d.,- i t , .r .5 t ( , i ' "I c; '1le i '' , '1 - t I 1 , Inal ' 111 " ' - ", , 1.' , ' 't ' - tt . I't L' n r t s L,- 2 ,, tst, ni!]e' for th' ', t ith',r" t v,' k " I k . , nd, iu,: (4 h, .ir c", ...:.'1 ýd HEALTH CENTER. {I ; I 1' r . u1II 1 I I t ,, :. ll I Ir : 1 " ,. " nht ;, .alltti't:P a ty; I+ .,,. I . "r ,l. 1 t ' illf rllll rllllall : l-Ih , ., -,I ",". x . ii' ,; ,'. " 1 " ,I i ,} ;llll; r ,jlh. * It 11 '., l !,: S , t . -i , ' . t 1 ''1 : 1 , , ,I . S1 1 , , .' r ' ,1 1 1 1 , . I i;t. i..." ; , . rI . 1. . I " ' i S I , I , : . :r i II , , `, . :,,,. , -,. :.1":, , t ., . I, . r r . 1 Fil.. ,j '.4 .. ,l :'tr, ' _l (.~,-k!, ·,4 3