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OFFICIAL JOURNAL of thROGR - of the - Corporatio of Abbvill Vennilion Parish School Board The Most Thoroughly Read Paper in Vermilion and *J-es in'o the Homcs that Count. ==------ - A Wide-Awake Home Newspaper - Published Every Saturday - d to the Interests of Abbeville and the Parish of Vermilion. Subscri.tion: $2.00 Yar . . JVol. 13. No. 38. O Journal of Vermilion Parish School Board Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Iaturday, Nov. 19, 1921. O,___l ora l ofr.,.,~ Armilioe D .,,-... .i, V Legislators Are Hard at Work i t', S;'eialt to the P'rogress: Kt:ate lioniet , liato : liuge' , Lda. N',v.1 S".--With the lIassage of tlhe' ma:lor Irea' anl sigiat .ret hv the 1y 'al j,resi'liniig officers of each house, the Sa Ig Louisiana legislatulre, latec on Fridayl l'eI night virtually co. in.ididl its a 'i t. r,,t That is the ~vi';i',n i Ioull noiwt adlioturnrl a itl, th . mn ,:' imlportant aid . .onstrul ' t- 1 or iL' .i ii ':t ' l ". It it tru e tht ,.r :1 . I t athi L. I s' to hI' dilpo,,-' I of during ti h it r. rejt't.tion of the'-" no",0:< rri I not a N W1' n mle , to tilt- state.. h : The tV . I r :;a' l ieN of tt ii.'- t hl 'i itt llark'l tillme' for llor' than; tthr i'e hiirs F .- i l'v nii; -l ht a ptii onn th. e nrofllng W to engross the highway hill ianl ,11 t it I readly for final signature. Speaker r,11hct W alker igt ein tl', hill s!,,'l\v ,tt't' ra' 11 o'clock and the house then adjourn- 'let' er] until 11 '' k ;t nd t i houe t e l erol ailjourniel unltil Monda" afternoon. The leant sllntI, a few Ilillnutes later, repeatel ltntti the house nation and adjourned unltilllniti 8 o'clock Monday night. President tit protein Johnson signed the hilhways, nex general aplpropriation and confederate c" pefnsion hills. Approved of these bills mitt practically concluded the Important Totr matters to be iassed in tile extra or- Twt dinary session. The final ennctment ext enme at the tenth week of the session. 1ýhic Action on the part of the senate was hadl rushed in order to comply with the con- ialf stitutional provision tiat says all ap- half piropriatiton hills most he in the Iantls tA of the governor at least five days be. A fore adjournment of the session. Mon. day is the last day in which these bills l''e can he placed in the hands of the chief erthea executive. beee The week end adjodrnment of the bers senate virtually killedl the mothers pen sio, which had passed the house and Cha was scheduled as a special order for chas Haturdav. The adjournment to Mon- aten day eliminate the Satturlay session. The bl mothers pension hill carries a $50,000 n appropriation, with $2,000 to be appro printed by the parisaes. The constitu ilonal provision requiring the appropri ation. hills to be in the hands of the overnor at least five days before ad- Sch jourment, practically hills the bil, Bo' hrvs Secretary linpsann of the Aenate Aus ,y speedling ni, its work the le isla. Ai tore during tie closing days of the Ci reek enacted all the revenue acts, 1,s-t T td the appropriation bill and the high. tar way bill. The Senate on Friday night p passed the acst that is part of the high. ee way group of bills. This act author ises the.mieretaVy e.state to alleet the "eh eala ta. A shahs 6t. bo th $b1) Ortt tIl Abels btia ex ntm e a e t tied tp on the report of the bill. When T the committee report was read Fridayv Hol atilht Senator Johaess moved that the Jan $ll was Indenitely postponed. Sen Pry ators Clinton and Warren opposed the an motion and the bill was finally sent to Abi the legislative bureau. hAg --The diferenee in price per gallon Wh t an inferior tractor oil, as com red with the best, costs the buyer more ha til the difference in a few 'et'k. Cas ova & Gooch, agents Atlas 011i. . On the afternoon of November 2nd, B1' the Woman's Club of Abbeville, celeo Ed brated the completion of it's fifteenth rih year and takes its place among the 7 otl-lest club organlzations of this state. Be The aacious home of Mrs. Jaebo Well1 sil in Fairview, was admirablr suited to of t:le festive oecasion. The dimly lighted Ca living room glowed with the reflected of light of gorgeous yellow Chryanntht- ch mums and male mrnre lovely the radiant ht tints of autumn leaves. ra Miss Fadra R. Holmes, a former mem-r ber was ulest of honor. Miss Beulah mn olme5, Mrs. nilbehrt tjl!ers. Miss Carrie Rogers of Baton Rlouge and Mrs. Bl James MeGehee no Crowley were also a, -rs4nted as guestLt Mrs. Pe!ix Snmson opened the pro' ed rat byh play:llg Llszt s MDrea il ofe Love"'' 'in her usual artistic manner. There followe- a conteat of guessing I our autumn leaves and the prize, a, pretty eyrstal vase, fell to Mrs. G. J, I in uriflt. ID Mrs. L. 0. Broussard sana a group of , onh!gs-- "Pirate Dramp - herter and "That Sweet Little Woman of e Mine". bh Bartlett, which were touch' Ii inuly sweet. Mrs. R. W. Alexander then reviewed F the vyars since the orlganization of t'le club in 10i, in a de'ightf.llv clever , paper, whlt-h comb-ihed pathos, humor 9 and local histor- most skilifille. F Mrs, Golden, Mrs. Samson and Mrs. t Brotussrd sallng two beautiful trios.... "Mornflal" hv Speaks and "A Bowl of poses"' b Lucas, wheich were thor Ohlly enjoyed,. The dining room was then thrown open sad there was reveated t'e hbenty ' that yellow roses with anaragits fern, nitumn leaves lsd shi~rdg cresvtal aan prdueue when artistically arranged on su amnle table and lighted by yellow shaded candles. After the Turkey and salad course 1 the president, Mrs. L. O. Bronussard, gave a toast to the bride-to-he. the toaebting sincerity of which precluded a resnonse. Following the Lee eoure the Secretary, Mrs. W. P. Edwards, read letters of congratulations from the two howary members, Mrs. W. B, Whilt, foundear of the Woloaun' Club,I salt n.. 0ee. . Petty, wee were ur. able to be preltl The Club tee. *ash dratnk a toast 14 th*. ostgo h f t. .seob l who made the delight hi ~oeeaa noe l ble, sad s ihr thm Li L an Sya' the -4ood Miat Jre t eftrdhet fs feat App to Mms 3 j. , MeCoakey. 666 wB -a a ol, thas sa_ LEAGUE MEETING. The S.ho ul Impro,\vme nt !.eague held ts' reguiar meeting at the Abbeville Iligh School on Thursday, Nov. 10th. I!'I, at 2:11 pt. in. The fjll.wi ig io'grai wais very saIe , , liI reihIered aind mti"h 'injol ' Ie Ib% all: tll 'uiils of the Abbevil llie lig school. Iletlinig of the Minuteslby the See retiary. p'e ,rt of (Cm mnittee-;. a. II'h . al n ani.x i. :.tti"'n --lr. liar p.' ilr. I:i s il'it:it 'l that he, wilth l'e I rlI in", i w ll :lta - et it he, I I i ri, .l the e' d hiC'ion '.f the tIwn a i Iha l t, r ,! their e . , -at it Iln { hi ,rl at :taul imlllpirttllnt ,, rk. ý. l·'ime r -t-Itci 1n C. omitter Mrs. /'. W. Siniuners, {'humal . Mrs. `.,tti rs statel that she ,n I en riled five ]new me r!, . :n l ha c e ,l ccte-l a total of $2:.,'1: Miss A.'idele letc;r, ('hairni': of the Honorary Member ('nmmittee. tattt 1 hat saie ;a t enrolled five new members anid had col leeteil a total of $12.011. Neither con mittee has finished the work of col leiting, but will complete it before the next meeting. c. Fire l'rotection Committee. Mrs. Summers stated that this com mittee had not appeared before the Town Council, but would do so at the next egular meeting. Vert Mr. Harper stated that the six maps, a l which the grade tenchers needed so Si badly, hail been received; and on be half of the teachers, he wished to thank the league for same. As a large dictionary could be pur chased with the f'dnds available at the present, Mrs. L. O. Broussard very gein- al erously donated one which will serve fore the purpose as well. As magazines had been contributed by the League mem- ! bers, it was decided not to order any 1 new ones just at present. Tie puar. 3 chase of burlap was postponed until a later date, when more funds are avail- \l1 able. a An address-Dr. Harold Edwards "'What the Sehool ,n'd the League , Can Do To Improve the Health of the Community. 'ci It was moved anil seconded that the School League give support to the I Board of Health. Music-Miss Gladys Wagoner. An Address--Mr. Boatner Carter Civic Work. I 1 The President instructed the Secre. tary to send in Annual Report, also to . t pay annual Federation Dues. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. M$8. G. W. SUMMERS, KYI8 ROA MILLS, President. e The marriage of Miss Fadra ReBeeea V Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mhr. e James Robert Holmes, to Dr. Elhoty 1n, Pryor Wilson, of Houston, Miss., was e an important event in the social life of Int I, Abbeville, which took place on the night of November 15th. Jnt A host of friends gathered in the M. E. Church, lovely with ferns and 1 white flowers, to witness the ceremony 2nt Swhich was performed by Rev. Walter , Mitchell, of Cleveland, dMis ., assisted !n1 by Rev. W. O. Wagoner. of Abbeville. As the first strains of Mendelssohn 's wedding march were played by Miss n, Isabelle Kitchell, four little white clad girls: Helen Holmes, Dorothy May Le- In l, Blanc, Mthnie Hall and Ruth Holly ' Edwards, proceeded to the altar as $2 th ribbon hearers. he The bridal party consisted of Miss $2 ' Beulah Holmes and Mrs. o. J. Gril/sn, ill sisters of the bride, as maid and matron to f honor. Miss Sarah Mitchell, of n *d Carbondale, Miss., Miss Frances Wilson, Ed of Ethel tiss., and Mrs. F. A. God :' Ie- chaux o0 New Orleans. They were at beautiful in gowns of Pastal shades, , Scarrying Killaraey roses, S Tie groom was attended by his best ' ah man, ~r. J. T, Wilson, of Ethel, Miss., " Mr. George J. Griffin, Jr. Mr. Luther RI Blanchard Dr. Philpot of Houston, Miss Iso and Idr. James Amiss of Baton Rouge. Dainty little Evelyn Wilson scatter. lo* ed rose petals before the bride as the ofentered the ejsareh on her father's r. arm. Atw-i invly, she was on this o0e ng easion, most charring. Her gown of 3 I white chiffon velvet, dignifie'll- simple lin design, was adorned with re al 1IDuchess lace and a girdle of eitonisite of ;,earls. A laon toille veil witt its ter wreath of orange blossoms and a show of er bouquet of bride's roses and valley .ch' lillies completed the radiant piekre. The ushers were IesarS. tLouis Wood. ed F. D. Edwards and Will Waggoner, t'e Following the ceremo-:-v . reception 2 ver was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. nor G. . Griffin where Mr. asd Mrs. J. B. Holmes received with the bridal party dte their many friends. The spa -'ois -- drawing rooms were artistically decor owl .-ted with ferns and pink and white bor- tiower. The delicious refreshments which were served also carried out the own pink and white color scheme. A superb lit heart-shaped wedding cake with two ern, small hearts with initials W. and H. Cal super imposed, was shared ty all. on The out of town guests inchded, low other than those in the bridal party, Mrs. Charles Feirieh of Carbondale, arse Ill., Mrs. Russell Cadery of New Or ard, leans, Mr. and Mrs. Pirer B. Wright, the oft Wright, La., Mrs. Carlisle Bourge'tis aded and Misse Bourgeois of Jeanerette: urs Mrs. .Richad Hollter of Oielousaes and arda, Mr. Harold De Mande of Iafayette. the Rev. Mitchell, who performed the B. ceremony is a cousin of the bride. nob, Dr. anl Mrs. Wilson left after the a'reception for a bridal trip to Calth O0 thei tr trnl, thay will mae thaft saot hs in Houston, MIS. - While for insveri reltr~e if lolme9 bee in Abbeville only oa brief visits to her fatmlly, the devotion o1 "t her friends hete attest her trte Warth. Her ercellent ability and chlirt has won her eotntltia f"tinds wherever she has been.a, As Bupetvisor and critic fea teacher in the Southera Imliols State S "Tofmnal College, as a lectrern on eds. cational mbjects througheost the north west, and as Leldl secretary for the Souttern division of the Red Croe, she has been eonstantly doing a noble hu manitarian work of which we may all be justly proud Dr. Wlhy Psr Wtls a pro-. inent pkhvsks of Host., Miss with a wMe e ie warm fraeMts. With wthem tselr floude Ia MbemIe etSl in * - _ , SECOND ANN L MEETING -- of the -- 1 Vt Vermilion Parri;h Pure Bred Live Stock 1I Association, and rat Stoek Show. Saturday, Nov. 19th, AbbVilal L. La " LIVE STOCK. '2nd General Rlu1les for Exhibitors. H 1. All sto'k sh,.ud Ie in town on 1I.( the evning pircecding the exhibit, but lie' ail entires mast be on the grlonds be- 2nd fore 8 a. in. on the day of the exhibit. I 2. Any entry not worthy may be :2nd barreil fr:,m receiving the premium by F the judge. $2.1 3. the great point for winning a I ,rize is the condition of the animal. $'.41 ill exliiitorA shonil prepare their an ,uals for the exiilbit. I SIO:,TH IORH NS. an 90. G(rand 'I hamnion Shrthorn Bull, ail ?25.UU. given by ,outhern lree I,'rs Au- thr ;:,cition. tea 91. (irand Chamtpion Shiorth rni (', Ist $25.00; 2nd ................. ..... ... ;:2. Best 1horthorn Bull, 1st $t.O00; mui 2n,1 $1. " :ir.i ti..00, 4th .4..00; 5th *J. on '3. Bost Shorthorn ('ow. 1st fl.O'; .r 'nl $,..1' : 3rd $6.00: 4th $4.00 5th $2. :4. Best dull Cali, 1st $5.00 2nd tai ,2.50. N; :*5. Best Heifer Calf, 1set $5.00, 2nd t2.50. me IIERFORDS. I th: 04. Best Herford Bull, 1st $10.00,' :..u 65.00; 3rd $2.50. 1. 71. Seat Heord oe, lit l 1,0.a 0 a. silt 01tt1 * 14 i t t1$l. 12.50. 4. ANGUS. *1. 100. Beat Angus Bull, let $10.00; 5. -nd $5.00. $1. I iol. Beet Angus Cow, 1st $10.00;I 2nd 5.40. . I 102. est Angus Bu llAalf, 1st $5.00; 2n 2nd $2.53. SIrRAMAS. 1 103. Pest Brahma Bull 1st $10.00; 7. r 2nd $2.50. :" 104. itelt Brahma Cow, lit $10.00; 9. Intid $5.:.0. 10 JERSEYS. a 105. Best Jersey L'dll, let $10.00; I nd $3..0; 3rd .!2.50. 11 d 106. Best Jersey Cow, let $10.00; 2nd $5.0,; 3r :.30. 1' Y !07. Ecst Bull Calf, 1st $3.00; 2nd 5 $2.50. 1: 108. Post Holier Calf, ?st $3.00; 2nd II $2.50. V It T'OLSTETNS. n 109. Best Holstein Bu1:, 1st $10.00; f nil $3.00; 3rd $2.50. n, 110. Best ilo:4tein Cow, 1st $10.00; 21 1 i nd $5.00; ;td $2.'0. e 111. Be.t IH,.atein Bull Calf, lest $ ( -.5.00; 2nd $2.50. 112. Best Holstein Heiifer, at $5.00; 1 it 'nd $2,50. ., 8 W IN c. 5 r 113;. Best bure Boar, let $3.00; Sa nd $2.00; 3rd $L.00. e. 114. Beet Duroc Sow, lst $:1.00; 2nd Ii It, -2.011; 3rd 01.00. he 115. Best Boar Pig, lt $3.00, 2nd ' "2.00; 3rd $1.0tl. e- 116. Pest SBo Pig, let $3.00; 2nd of ^2.0(0; 3rd $1.00. t1h 117, elt Ioland (':rna Boar, 1st a .l .3.00, 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. ts 118. Best Poland ,mna SoW, lst t .,:1; i.l $2.00; 3rd $1.00. S t119. Best Poland China ioar Pig, 5f t $3.00; 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. I 12.1. Best Poland China Bow Pig,! ld. Ist $3.00; 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. 121. Best O. I. C. Boar, let $3.00; on 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. rs. 122. Best O. I. OI Sow, 1st $3.00; R. !nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. rty 1:!.i. Best O. 1. C. Boar Pig, 1st $3.00 nis !nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. or- 124. Best O. I. C. Sow Pig, 1st $3.00 ite ad $2.00; 3rd $1.00. its SHEEP. the Pest Sheep, any breed, 1st $3.00; srb 'nd $2.00. wo POULTRY. H. 125. Best Trio R. I. Ieds, 1st $2.00; :nd $1.00. led, 126. Best R. I. Red male, any age, rtv, Ist $1.00; 2nd 30e. lie, 127. Best R. I. Red female, any age, Or- 1st $1.00; 2nd 50e. ;ht, 128. Best trio Wyandottes, White, s',Ist $2.00; 2nd $1.00. Lte: Best Wyandotte Male, any age, letI and 41.00; 2nd 50e. a. Best Wyandotte Female, any age, lst the *1.00; 2nd 50e. SPet Barred Rock Trio, 1st $2.00; 2nd *1.00. Oi Beet Barred RoeLk, ny age, male, let *l .00; fad S0e, SBeat Barred Reek, any ae, Lemate, B· I I( )` ýf ýý Wt if I!st $1.00; 2nd 500. lhest Trill any other d, 1st $2.10; ;" 2ndl $1.on, 5,, th et male, any other d, 1t $1.00; Be. t female, any breed, 1st ,1I.00; 2l 50e. 5 lest et innle any other d, lst $1.10; 56 " 2nd 50c. I:re- pair Tulouse , 1st $2 00; 58 e :nd $1.00. rilh)) r Best lair Indian Ducks, 1st ;9 $2.00; 2nd $1.00. N00 a Best pair Turkeys, y breed, let ribl $2.00; 2nd $1.00. 01 PTOCK G. Best Stock Judgi n, ,n 1,'s (:, ,id h;irls AgrieUltua .lub. P'rt7e: 14 I, silver Cup. This ea i.:t 1... "v n 61 I three times in suee for any one if tea:I to ge't prcsessi it. n1l SPI'CIAL S. lia1 1. All exhibits it department ;. ; Innt he grown, made anufactured 50c; , on the farlm by the tor himself, ,ir authorize-i agent. 4! 2. Ju1ig ing i, rtlent will ,it 4 take at 11 a on Satur#y, rihl Nvenmber lot'1, 1921 71 d 3. A' exhibits department 7 nmust be brought o not laet ribt than 3 a. m. on t the fair. 7; , CORN-Ten ribi .1. 0 ears le, $1.00 7; dI $Ist b riie, 1 -':,: L .. 7 ' 4. Best 10 efts Pro lle, lest y $1.00: 2nd S0e. 7 0 d5. Beat 10 atrs any variety, 1st a $1.00; 2nd 50c. l ) OPC 4i. Best 10 ears any y, 1st $1.00; J; 2nd 50e. CORN-- B- CTS. One half Peek eath. ril, 3; 7. Conrn menl, 1st, $1. tad 50e. 9. Corn Grits, 1st .tad 50c. i; 9. (orn Chops, 1st $1 ad SOc. 10. Corn on Cob Ch (et $1.00; 2nd 50e. _. 0; O 11. Rent .;O bolls Staple. e1st 0; 41.00; 2nd 50e. go * '.. Best 30 Boils k Staple, let d $1.00n; 2nd 50. e. 13. Best one opuad ft' le taken' a1. ad from a bale. 1st 0 tad Soc. 1. Post one pwand I tab'e tak- " S"- from n hqt- le. " 1'". (0; MCGAR CANE A DUCTS. 15. Best 5 stal l t $1.O0; a 10; 2nd 50e. 16. Best 5 stalks `!ane, letT let $1.00; 2nd 50e. 17. Best 5 stalks et Variety 1 10; lot $1.00; 2nd S0. . 19. Best quart -i1.00; nd' ti 50c. in 00; B .C , . All samples must l a gving re lnd name of variety. 19. Best sheaf ll $10 0e. 0o nad '" ' , -~.),e.f tt.l *$.%4Oe., 21. Best sheaf $~l ~ Oc, Ind 22. Rest sheaf J. t. 2:s . Best sheaf lot 24. Best hslf pe s, thresh ed. $1.00; 50e. . 1st 25. Best half , $1.00; SOe. Pig, o ?. Best haltfmeek '$o0, SOe I 27. Best half peek .00; 0e. Pig,! 28. Best half pe 1.00; 50e, FORAA .00; 29. Best bale Vet' :0; 50c. 30. Best bale Ike '): 50C., .00; 31. Bent hale Al 0e. 32. Best bale Oat 6. 3.00 33.' Rest bale Bedt st.00: .Sc. 74. Best bale er, $1.00;. 3.00 S0e. 33. Best hale C0ew $1.00: See. 1 "6. Best bale Niat $1.00; 1.00; ,0e. 7 Rest hale Re 00 0e. 38. Best bale Velvet $1.00: 50e .00; 309. Best bale ; 50e. 40. Best bale Budsa *1.00; 50e age, 41. Best bale Osts $1.00; 30e. age, 42. Rest hale Riee .00; 50. 43. Best bale Boy .00; 50e. ite, . 44. Best 3 sheaves $1.00; 1 st I 4. Best $ sheaves ; 80.. I 46, Best 3 sheaves $1.00; , lst 50e. 2.00;, 47. 'alf doaes & ~ w, 50.; ribbon. ma1s 49. Half doses bl tee, v iu r H:t, :4. lI:.f doZn Tomatoes, table usc, Tgc 1 ,tl,.; 1i011 -. real int 01bl. . h(ads ('abl age, 50; rilbhbon. 53. ialf ldozuen c egetable Pears, Oc; ri ,t . r ;g tlb .. .. .. 4 I'. O.ti 5' . Hunh I' dry t;ari, 511e; ribbon. 1v. 5;. One large-.t kutlkin, 5oi,; ribbon. . 'o . i. t 4 ;t iIa w, . c; ribbon. 58. 1 dozen .Ground Artichokes, UOc; he 1S S9. 1 ,,uut String Beans, o50c ribboni. I00. 1 pint ~helled Lima Ileaus, 30c; l4obtial rilbin. nWith t1,. 1 d1,zen Okra. 10Oc; ribbon. 1' I. den zc White O. iouns, .(1t; ribbon 1ii3, I .lozo , ied Q)fioliS, Sie; ribbuon, 6i4. 1 int Tahasco i'ep;e- , .,e; rib. 65. one half p1ck, 3Uc; ribbon, IR H ii I-OTT.\TO ri:; .g :llant. ill. Ad. One half P'ck Irish 'otatocs, fall plaot, 50e; ribbon.Y My I 41i;7. (nc-lealf peek Porto Rico Yams, Ref* 50c; ribbon. "th, G;.1RAIN, .MFi)sI AND Ni'Tr,. that a is, Oie-halh f p,'k Oats, .ne; ribhonV I,' . t 4149. oue-half pleck Sorg llmrui S'rl, ,0c; betwe( rihhb,.n 70. one-half peck Leslledeza, .0e; rib, t 71. one-half peek 80y Beaus, Ucl Noti ribbon. 72. one-halt peck Velvet Beans, 30e; ribbon. The 0 73. one-half pec Cow Pus5, 800, rib. for te, tL. er-halt Panntas, .& Mond 77. Five La. Mandari , bOe; ribbon. Ap_ it 78. Five La. Tangerines, 50, ribbon. , ice 79. Five La. Grape Fruit, 0ec: ribbon, t 80. Five La. Pears, SOe; ribbon, 81. Five La. Lenons,,, 30e; ribboth 82. ;int Kumquarts, i0 : ribbon., .i Ib('ELI.AN t0"'. bt t ',' il:ime mi.11( le' ,ir n: 30e; ri', State 83, Three bundles Broom Corn, 50;l I l4, ribbon. I 2No, h5. (hoe fleece ,aw Wool3 50c; tibbotn 86. ()le fleece Washed 1 ool, 50e; rib SHOM- V-PA('K1 `G. d; '1. lest Horni Cured Ham, 50.: rib. 89. Hest Home ('uredl Bacon, 30c: rib, ('.ANNING. lBy st 89. Best display of Home.canned to mn goods, let $3.00; 2nd4$1,50. enter ;t . .... -. for t - 1here ae hh're eilles per m'.e tiru LouIs tlie use of Athls Tractor Oil, Casanotva entit . /& Gooch, age~nts, (I)owe this -River Rde Lfnmber, Co., sells lum sessic O; ber cheaper than anybl.dy in town. s* l proci ., It. LUTOBING, ,"st t le t TO THE PjA ONS OF "'HE WATERI lous I 8 " t AD LIGRT PFLANT. Permit uie to call your serious etteit. with tion to the warninig published elsewhere' law in t lis 1iaper by Mr. A .J. Frank, man- scrit n ager of the Wiater and Light l'lant, l Or relative to the prudent use of lights in 'bein our. U homes, 1 ion, We should consider and realize that Dillr lep has no motive in warning us, but In -:1d the iontrary, his only desire is to ap. No. pn) to our conscientious co-operation, " ' h order to keep lights In our homes as (13 ) mte.h as possible at least, without hayv an 0) in i a brenakdowns he engines have a full and heavy imp' 0IO load to carry and using as little light nas loi "p ssible ma: cParrv u1: t trmagh the win Oe. er months without putting us in total darkness. -Oe. I feel confident you will help is out. -50. Very resnectfully, e.RO P. P, LEBIANC, Bro Mayor. .rfle, .s - - . -It is extrelnely imlportant that a hew tractor n;ot m.,ve luntil only the -ta Ge best oil is it it. Atl:ip Tractor Oil, i' 500' aasanova & Gooch, ageits. ' 50e isin Music Rolls ;.e .00; 90e. The Latest Selections mn .00; AT THE fie, any ;i Grafonola Shop opli Geo A. Comfort I SliD tassr~o ~I~lDe(~~U.(14 Style Show An Big Success ;, '." I:.i -~ . . . .1": ,I l, ° i lt I ,\ . i t ,l " ,: t 1.I 1,;t,. i i ri t it\ i:,. _ l 1" . t, . sh w,. I.\t \elL thiL am it.,Ta.: I, 1 ,ti. ct1.. .1 I hw . h ~ , i'' . Li'. ltr.' ''.' I b.. ,' `t , , l IIt,, I . t,1 .. . 1, 1' v, 1 :r, I .t . t1 ~ 1.t ., . i . . I' " I . 'n , . \,t i.:h ,i - I , :e ; .l . r ~ 1 11i i ",n '. 1 .i , t i i ," l toi o0 ', ll .fr t \ 1", . r ~l ~I' , 11 i, i!I li'v~il n':l :l!9 I I'.' , :,t .,ui f 'l .". r ,-," I .l. '. I :l 1.1 l ,., .iii *~, . . ! 1 t r' ntIt , h I ' ;. , \\ :i, it I II Li ,",. 1 , .i t,, l t a Ih .\lI ttthtj illt lrit-.t i t'it. iolatir ii;x itll Aui til Saul', undelir the . directioni of lthe Vtit. ilion Cthaitibler toft 1 tt Cotnicree. -l ý ". ý --- --lt''.\\ I t l .r " RAILWAY POST OFFICE SERVICE. \I,' -- JLizli The patron s of the 1vestal stnr'ice |pres.l throghout thei l'arivh iof Vermilion t.l r should litt delely itIdtbtdl to tiur worthy t anl i ,topthulr t-oullgr-1-' ll:llai, W hit. P'. Iaric. Martii, i.r his untiring efforts in hav- 1'611 ing liaiili\y Pltt,- Office service re-es e tubhhoi~ t~Ili our trains. lru ' Tae c'rresjontut teit b -lhw will be of Trtill real ilnterest to our readers. to al W a\V" hi nigrt0o, N ov. 7th, 1921. nu u. 1'. Otis lious:iarld, 1';l., .\ iner An. \hhe ihll, la. Th, jil Mv ielar Otis: tIt( 1 ant iulsing hcrewith a letter from Th, eJ the ttecd .\ttAisistalit Ioxttmasteir Uen- tia 'i'trl, which lspteaks for itself, alnd by for i n which 'on will inote that the railway nC li'statl strei- on t0c litne betweent New GE Siberia stl, I.tuaice will be re established. W ith best 'vishs,, I tint lllurs very t i ill W, . MARTIN. it ii *jb. it" t 01, cane ' WVatht'n, Nov, 4Ih, 19241:1, 1i M0. IW. '.. - tin tois all lion-. of teiues intltiv's, My Der sit: t i nqm, IHef-rri. M to your litter of October croJ Iith. I takli p 'llasurt itl st'lvising you t. J that arrianigeniuti are being made to ,.Yb !on, it- t -tat list It 1' t)1er.-ihe oi th~e lint: k)1 betweeetn Nt leri' n anxi ltikne, La. - i-l,:troqv .aimta . 11I. II.AUGHNIf8 AY, titut Notice of teacht' 2zaminatis, itu .N The next examination of applicants ib, for teachers' certificates will be hold on 144 Monday, T and Wede MysY , aut SBai (oa l.atdi, boll. Applicants wihI please report at my am bo. flice promptly at 9 o 'lock. u boJ. 11. WILIAI.Mq, ul S5uperintendent, tr m inn'r*S SALE. `tha Parish of Vtrmi del S.tate of Louisiana, Pbrish of Varmll 3tJe ion, 17th Judicial District Court.- la No, 7110, bon I ,..- wit rib ýugone Houstiore, et al, tor vs. eeri tb. Dolma Tranaa. rib. ------ bet lh" virtue of a writ of seizure nad sale 111 ned to me issueld out of the Honorable He- of enteenth Judicial District Court, in and r'i for the Parish of Vernatillal, tite of hut taru Louisiana, In the above numbered and 4 nova entitled sait, fully authorizing and em. powering me in the prentii'es, I have j this day scira tsiut taken into my pon lum eesioniit, to satisfy thil writ, ai d I will 53* proceed to sill at public nuction, to th, e I, G. It anll hiighelt'i restollnslibll2 I11 hier, P it t .e princil al front door of the Cort ,ts ITEI house, in Abbaville, V1erhilioLu. l'rtrita Luuitana, on bo' 8.aurday. Ol**@*tr 94th, 1921, lr tteln within the lilal hours prescribted by by there law fl r ,uditlial sales, the following de maen- scribed property, to-wilt lant, I One certunl tract of land lyIt.g and ts in being uituated in the Parish of Vermil. iota, Loui.islaii, eonttiniiag One Huantlred that iirty-Nine and 46.100 (139.46) acres, 2 nit In and designaate.l and described ad 1ot o ap' No. Thee,- (3), or the Fractional No,:it ation, iV**-t qut:arter, of Section No. s.artgen ri es as (13), Township Eleven (it), boutlathi hay Itange Two 2j West, Louisiana Men-i dittn. Together with all buitlings and I leav, improvemenlts ther,,n or thea'eto be- t ht ntI lontinl. onr app1rtflining. i win- Ternns ef sale: Cast. t total sheriffs Office. Abbaville, La., this i, lrd day of Novemlact, 1921. u s out. ADAM BOU)rIrAU, Sheriff, Vermnliittnt l'airish, La. or, Broussard & Samson, itttorey.v, S layor. 8U(00011ii O Nl N'O TIO SI. oat Pn . - v the .tatc of Louiqiutia, Plriixh of Vermil r Oil, ion, 17th Judihlvl District Court. No. 12S3. Buccsasicn of OnezimO Leoles, Sr. *** WViiere:a, Osca-, t.,hli::, reh.lthlg in h I the Piarish of Verti,,.itn, ,-tat ' i, ,Li.t. isinna, has made appli,'ation to be ap i t,l Admintistraor of the above --/Iestate: .,,w, therefore, all person. are hereby C nitified to file their opposition to the applieation, if gny they have, In writ- t ing with the C'erk of Court, at his of fiee in the Town of Abbeville, Louisi ana, within ten days after the first -e lnotice nereof, or otherwise the said ap-. " Hplicant will be named and appointed as I such administrator as required by law < and in accordance with law. irt I Witness my hand and official seal, I this the 14th day of November, A. D=l 1921. J. E. TRAHA., ($enl) leputy Clerk of Court. Kitchell & Boddreaux, attomneyes )Plate Glass Wind Shields Coupes and Sedans ou asi....AUn ma1U. Baone anitr Armistice Day Celebration I \ .. :n '.i I'. 1 -i . . r. ii Itl int t he i\ I ' tl, . t t, '11 i ' I I.'. I tt I1 .y t. l I' I I tll II i ' .11 I 'tII , la,.. I, ' ,t'I,"t .,, n ,II( t ll'u til t e ., I i. 'c h t"ir Of lItan lth as '1" I,, La. A. the . Li ci"ll . 1, r ni tr ,i1s 1j.ok . tt jhaP Qf I tC ey 1 1r.t o fs. \onluling Cuov. b lea,:tt *t jaicr A, , lI l I II I:" ((. I r v 1" . t 1' .1 I l : If l',Lt i . l "AIrlnt ilsA of the I. i t,' ', " ". a iro ,u a t . up t J. Is given t I a'ttchts 01 ilit ersitied nature, ittl,,i. l, u '!thai a *I n ,[,u-uIg,, horse I l t itirt I c, i tll.'r tih l t: d toir l trh iator Legion. Let in S l.uus,, tll w.reclt ,r eilt and all toted . f the La.y big one.f Coteal , .re. ari The Vermilin Chambe of t he ms. SFollowing rosv. blea,: its t paignd for hic on withr the aids celebruationf it , ha. gt'lh ii tO It.tC f8,'ui totlls of na, ll lie W p"as t ulriet d about by th, f potin ut i itizeas of the oatpa is aslo The att'crnoon at d ,.'h11, was given to amiusements of di. r, riltied nature, I'ntUuding to al' and larger number ofrse .Iatar lll J. h. St'llnlnrs is wokting toing etc., u r the director of their usu r Thousand we a re nxt yer, and all voted t'vw r\ttig o bettr for all ono. tute of Vermilion Chambe of the Am-l for funds wit tihe dayistrict elebaturtion. GRINDS 18o. 000 TONS OF A its ucoerUioi Enga r Co. reports that out of theas r tondrable 18,0en nth J inta J)and triet Court, in and or t0,000 eI t ay bi veemi, 1nei. em os thion ieas. The compan theis also ated tun e 10th day o ovber, tiO, auiager J. A. to sell runery is worki tng to get the fa ebts tod plant their usuald tite last artd hihest reatonibe bidder, ) t crop ofct resiee of deeaer, and ho(res ui to c dal e thing better fotr all co tt rined next year. wtlhlit the legal hours lruecrtbed by law erabetli property, to-wit; Otut certarn tract of land lying and BUOQESSoN SALE. te of oituted in tea, Parish of Vermil. ioll, 11ath Judicial District gurid.N S lucceston of Veri lon, ontailg Thir. Oi tBy virtue of An order ore of sale issued bout of the Honorable Sevenieenth Ju S t Disby Jtriet Courtm ire and West bt Ove OtVeziphore Thibodeaud. missoll nf (ied il pursuance thero of autiloriimag me to sell property fo thein puipose of realizing tnans wherewith to piay the debts t a.d charige of said estate, I wll silat (apublic auction, to the last and highest rsponsd ible bidder, tut t.e last resdence of deceased (resl d of Aubrey Brsseux), in theard. ecd onard-half erest milion ecarish Lon. katurday, December 24t.l, 111, within the legal hours prescribed by law or judicial siteres, the folln owing machine teribed property, to wite One certain tract of land lying and being situated in the Parish of Vqrmil le ,)n, utate of Louisiana, on the East side of Bayou Vermilion, co3taits Two hirty r1 ive (35) Ac, pentgl more or less, and anbounded N; rth by Emile rr oirez and J. be. Ladry South by Mrs. Cha. Duarnt; One-t em" ast by Jerome !oirez and West by we oaeziphlre Thibodeaux. ine cort in crib; one house ts; fencing. w lll One ' ( interest in and to olnes lt-,rtini tract of land lying and being thl situateid in terest arin o Vermilis on rt tate o Louisiana, containing Twenty Lath Eigt ('s ArOipelts, oire or la, thi buntdd North and beath by Areatil. Broussard, Lt by Eli Dugas and WeUt by by Aurelien Broussard. d A- o ur a interest ing house. A one-half interest in corn crib. and A one- half interest in for.cing. "i ,ents; Cane of Lolisina, P3arints; Two hoVeli uth r,e; o17t, cow iad iistrit; One double- er lwi One i.il3. plow; double field a oe S ne doble s io rrowf ne tird incL Whtret in cane ou 30 arpent; one ptirdih iterehv of Verili corn on 50 adinistratr of the Sth ird inter est in cott, h:s filed a IrintIal oied bthird interest rin p fotateel hs on0 r Termgation of tisale: same. And whers Shp'tlle yerff's Office, Abbevilletion bLa. thbea y lawth datey ovmb Novembert, 1921. Sow, theriffore, Vermilionotice is hereL sealJ. E. Kibbevn t , pJr.ons interested t y. A. l.opposition to Flid tableau, to * n rl in tate of Louisiana, Parin the of Vermil ourt. ,bvilo, ith, Judicial District Court-d by J . TNo.12AA3. Dy Cuccessionler f eurt Whereas, P. U. Bourque, of the parish ano VermiliOF La., adminiDStrator of t a, Ue named eLtate, hi fled fil aw date November IAIth, 1 O921.