Newspaper Page Text
:--- ----' . . .~---- --~of the - OFFICIAL JOURNAL C i of AbbeviU e - of ti'e - Cp io II raridu d(G00i I Q The Mt Tbroughly RZead ?aper in V and Goes Into the Homes that Coaou. __________ A--Wide--A kH*h*-P se vy t---do*Y ted to the Interests of Abbeville and the Parn sh of Vermilion. Sbscription: $2.00 Year. A Wide-Awake Home N paper - PubliVol. 13. No. 41. Abbeville, Vermilion P'rih, Saturday, Dec. 10.. 1921. in.,at Journal of Vermilion ?sih School Bord. , . - Oil Operations . In Vermilion| I ,tt nlperat',r4 in a,. ' *i'in;' att ten , : , I lil t tit the it il proT } ,; i'i "1 rmllins,n I':lrish, awlt, haiIvi on t f.,r hf i .ie ti il". b1 t :1+ a result ,of tih i'1.n 11iin' n? fro Ni w 'W rk tla t i t . 1 i ; n:1 I' , ,tal Devel-], t. ", ' . t ,1 1t , wouhl immed|itelv: is I" it. ',i " (i,ioitU lj ac t tract, im s tha inlf ," f whtich aii 's w*ithinl 1 tr'u, io.I 1'arish, anw be"utei th'- il, I... , ';.ut would establish a pleasure in In I'iihing ('Intl, incnrenased n S I 1 e'* ivitles lire notieable. . hat twh ' ear''iitel'y at * , '. r sometillil1 a1li inretasedr ef• n w loti.n'l,.e. I 111 le are ver: f'w s,]tirable trie- ... ,, r f l'. r1, "L1. mte r,:et. Atlas Tractor .t'e Jew. (asauuva & - is Kaplan to Have White Way t, a u.,'etihg of t,*. ( ity (',nnetln thi.. we'-k, the 'etitton lf citie tls r - ilo, tit, l ,,t, r 'ot enr'bing guttt.'i a ll ý ;*, ," .-rIr'ie \t ith It Il tllrall ground %1- 11:1,4 ic i /116 tl' %1-w~h 11.-,n t let : I" ee it* "~I",. P . 114',, : ,, i tn1 d r wIayi . , t 1hl'' I W :1. 1!. r igh , tr, t ill Kap .. 1i-r. Itaril of the , , ' , ,; :1 , , ~" I 'tm l n wll rl'r.* : 1|-, . , a ; ? li ,; .,ii 1 t , ,1k t p i :l* *il '" : ,. t i ,mo . itat' rlIlh t :itl iia,lt' 1 plans !.e r I:I between Kiuheil11 , ., l:ie tii'I also r te i lon tlhe itln, eonditionl in the hapilan 1 4i 1{ >.' h,,,,1. VLIEMILION WORKERS AT CROWLEY il the l it it r,'st ,f the Vi' neiinjii, I'll:,adnl, r "t I ,i'mimrite ll .ll A b et, illy \lt,"r fartr com'pollseil ut.Joni .\ogiler, i'r.',:1' tit of tilhe i'cil'le Baik, Judge J. N1. ,enC, t' the 1 irst .1atilonl Banik, .... 1,. u.aar,, of Broussard O& Labry, ...P.. ,I,.. ' the Vermiliou Glarage, " o .r k'etif 1'. Lettlunie. and Mattlllager lIn,)ligter a:'nd J. 11. ('arter, of the Ver iil, t.u Lhuieiler of (vunutmerce, were in Crowyicy Suuday. W. O. W. OFFIO15. S .\t th t t. of the Wqodmel of ". ,day night the tol* re eulec:tedor Slq toeti a o (.olweui Coamadtit:i P, A. i.. j. T. GOidry I. ,.ker: .1. W. 0 hryan. thit k: P. J. White., : irt: ILa.jther lhu.iiehfrd. 'u ,1 ii'.llla .. A. ('olumb. I t. ha. ,6'CeiL .Un'eiardi *u:.. J ('. Broussard, Mllaiager: PI';my BrousearLd. 45,00 TONS OANl GOUDO . li tt\.iirsiVitiOll with Mr. J. A. 11m were, nimanager of the Vermilion Sugar Co., wte learn tiat the mill of the Ver tni: iun ug:ir (Co. this season ground 4.,,t00 tinlls of slugur cane, at $3.01.' per ton ill the short time of thirty-nine iavi*. This is quite a record run and ,lr. S.ztuers stated that he expects to t: hd i uithe neighborhood of i3,000 . ;.ext ' ear. T U LU1 1f0lROKl. ) t Tu'.,w*'" 1'ietl of this week there . ' i .,t to getiter luncheon givent .,' ftie direetini of tlhe Chamber ot ti' he s i'eJW Boding -.. .. crle I by the School i,..t 1.0L1u1e The attnildancee , e, irrge, and inetted: thr league q6itih i cIri.' al Ibie1 meinel-. The nec'P i- : wl'i in the iit'rest of the ('hamwin "" S. ,. , *,, :- a'v: wa r,' elhe,, l)1 - , f'n warks., l :h" t .lke snikei that of bit ' '. €!ll !i ,' 7 I rtils, Wtas a 1a8g ,lii.ent explanati.,n of the state high ¶,'6. 566tfnl, he whih he cave details of its operition, tindI est',eclallv an te "'I A .: tsh fully ex.lal, the iettna I ' , ;, i in t,, -tart the uhiljng at R .poclutjops On n,,ti , f t 1l, d ltrh e,inr, r nued ?e1on61,'i h1- A. J.. EPs *ieier ,'.ni, metion ear'-1 l. 1i Tint in thel'r th:r*' llnhvif in.61 eVe6- o11o r,.''til the W.I . 0.W., '.ci i f r is''l .'. oh itlie'r ,ilte itllhii,'ii.nt. 5 111 ,to iie6t wl h the' I',trk '4.tlt if $* $ 00. ti i e 1 6 ,.1 ,i. f ,ilti s. at eliist tw . hisur, lif i' \6e66 t. $t.i.i0 feer re-t: $'.'0 f-er Cueluetiryi mniit le a ,'e","'r of . O W. ' I100 fe,, t. e vr ' , t1",t n tht h, enAu.le, to i"q: I 1iint hill lieht ete. 6 'e,*' r'"vt th:it t ioi'e is ano elaitagte "'" 1' I',n il enies the 4*. C. will 0 , m': NE -1"1l .a i e nductor at llil event'*., 56e¶ '! cit 'l h qhll rem.itin urtit t. . . .t'... -... .i iiC'll in aniit that he i, *m,,iwe ".i to eoe't aNW on- whnm, 4' ,l we), e-o tlllet thi INl l\ews proinredl., R',,t 1'in't Icr ^r no eir. ci .6nleanele will ,., i1c,',,t l.,, 6 .. . (r i tlt t,,I t..' pfr' . 'h halil. • . 'in" *h.hrie ,641 teti hip p6e'r iir eet all 1. . r" .:i,6 6, li tar'rel "' 1'if'et l ?he ,v , tt6 (".1 . tie event tf hit ' Asrre, -' t, e fert dleenvathi? alt is-t .rvt 'o tl'o'ii' the ,:e"t clay r t ti r'a um"* wil li,, .4ie hn..,d from the ,3.0O e'l' 'i " * .-'.e w vtl ,ama e. . "16 ,- 'e he p he.ilisheil tn ' *ha ' .plT'er. P. ,3. WHTTIE Clerk. • ' : , <' .. . es erra :* ],#rP', !.. ti- ' . " "' -,S'5 or himt nrmn my , '"- eiv..4, Lth Wantlif S1h. rode' r neusity of the 1,i- . P'ane as now mittS. SABASTIAN G61iDTY. Abelas, La., Di. ti l8lll 61i3 ?rish School Board.. ___ - "Money paid tow maintaining a Cham ber of Commerce ma be deducted from in SPECTOR COMFORT come taxes" Internal Revenue Department Christmas -gs hB iYA Christmas Jingles Tha Bring You A Message l i n ,out A i A gheville T';r 'l he I,hut one Shoe if all men knew Thi. The comfort lostonians bri:;; to %4..1 'or style andi price they tan't be beat. Wh Si' why not give your feet a treat. 1 Our ledl Cross 8hoes for ILalies are new, Ai, ., aI v\,,. want :a real holnest Shoe 1 I, t,.it .lib t the uteme :lnll ytu wis.I find. The Our Shloes anl ilis are the better kind. 1 ABBEVILLE MERCANTILE CO. hes ,ak' rnk' Senatble ('hriktnl:ls Gifts- Au ,'h'en the' are Seniible Shoe-. M1i -l," t , hor, ns ,' ir Sta Ih N., " : , . f , th , Th,. n ..,), family w.!l i - ,. i'h 1, ,.-, iln ini' l:ir thi l.ntrlleln. t To .\hi w, 'I' *(Int, I, lt (.'e anI 1 lCt'rl to yOU. GRAFONOLA SHOP A GEO. A. COMFOIRT, 'rol,, G S.,ke this , Musical Xnmas -- ;elpi's Candies W& G. . Griffin's Popular Store T1 Can suit the purse of rich or poor In Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and bhoes TI In a Holiday line from which to choose. The anewest Furnishilgs are there And Ladies' Garments all ready to wear, And as presents they ela r il XmIn eheer A To be worn with pridJ tl. roug thi yea4 O. M. Conrs. 's General Store 1 known for many miles around. It's where Dry Goods and Quality GrOceriesl lHa:rlwnreu and Tools are r'ound. And a big assortment of Fire Works Is now upon display. So pilace your ordere early And make merry Christmas lay, 0. X. . CONRAD If It Comes Fronm Conrad It 's Good. To the Big Ferns Confectionery A visit is a treat, For here you flnd plure Candles That for Christman can't be heat. They make all the popular Fountain Drinks And deliver the best Ice Cream, And if you oriler it for Christmas Day Your dinnellr will be a "dreamt". TEI BIG FLRNS RICHARD 4 KIBBE, Props. Big Holiday Line Cigars I! Stokers .Ari'ets,. e Phone 203 ail 201 nMiioreilaud L Fh'&tietl sell (4ro,.eries And you'II not worry any more About that Christmas Dinner If it comes from this Grocery Store. ,So place yVctr orders with us And give your folks a treat, And all our Candies, Fruits and Nuts For the prices ca,.'t be beat. LOMORELa ND & FrMII Ever;:thlag Good to Eat. Phone 89. W0uhil you tteat conr family right, 1 Ai t l'l brief life is spenit 1 Then make a zgod resl.iticn. Thiat von, 're through with reMit. n For yon can own your liou4e and hearth; S Let ille show viio the wa" t' That n" my buiui ss, ".Selling Earth ", ik call ot, me telav. SA. . LANDRY Licensed Realtor. Abbeville, La. ll Youn'll find the usetul gifts are hee tl I That last and wear all through the yee, Il, In Cuat!ery of modern style h And tools to make the men folks amile. em A Pocket Knife and Flash Light, too, Are iprest~t wc'd etl tr¶at to you. l So come nla trinds, and loo around ir. At the best Hardware line there is i, town. t MONTA iEx, 306. INO, it John Deere Famous Implemea t. tnoo your best on Christmas Day. t tWe make your Celothes for you, Titan clean them when they 're dirty And mteism and Prva' them, tot. rk. And CiiI, n ',,ur ('lthes are wea 'ring oat W, 'll ntake them look lIke new Willth our e,ert Altenttios And thbn we'll Dye fot yoe. me TR V dIOTOI SOP - Suits ad Ovreetas . s- " i * N . -,dt ... -.- \ ._ There's a ,nelert ti" g,' ili .\A ;be ille With crlcs of experts there Who are well equilppeil toe put your Ford in the very best re:pair. Aiwl if yoi,'re thinking of aI 'hristfitas gift - The whole fnniily to satisfy, ThenI get a ,|enoustratioll in a inew Forei before you buy. WOOD MOTOR 0C. Authorized Ford and Forldson Sales & Service.. ]'hoi e N,. 36. r Sant (litni' Heau.ll rti"e ' in Abbcvilletic I:ln huc'". Up,,i dt isal'lvl N at I;o;lls ot Toys f'.r eerle Iu ho . Thee" Kideli K:l1r atl Tdtlih Rtikes, PIicettir IH,. ,- I lll,.ek' uadt Things. Torgether with i'ahin:i a:il useful gifts That .heer te the' famuily brings. ABBEVILLE 5, 10, 25c STORE }. .Jpwnusware. Qiueensware, Aluntinumwarc, Tin1 ware, GJraniteware, Notions, Furnishings, etc. Thelre's a gift shop here in Abbeville That 'twill pay V(y all to see.. There's a thousand useful, lasting gifts In a large rariety. A Watch ead Chain or Diamoad Riag., Or a Pin or Leaaler, a'. A Baeetet or Ivtwan . . Arnit-~" Why I Tra at Home I trade at home and nove 1NS Seeking "bargaias" elebore. I love the town In which t I i For all an intere am these And Zt mt MonMie dt, W oo one another. Whom I I can approah 3 aa btoather. Wheh baying hee with OeaolemAO I pa my money 4Um, I know it stays right hrte sad For the welfare of my towl. Another sis here I bring La te I ra n And as honest deal v *dtmt it pOi. And then I know whm bwin g hb It.helps things to relaI , And also helps the Man who pewi His portion of th thn. LAd .,Ak or a hard :ta Ibs I J trew's here W r tboe, If msd be, Aat so d r f che. Bo that is why I trade at he I'm a booster through ead For a tewn that's good to his . Ia god to boy . tea. If vou would serve on Xmas Hay 'ie hoeat I;ire,,erie+. Fruits andell Meat, Tl en .rll the, I lnah n Mºrket SFur tII kind that 's fresh ntlad sweet. This Rt., r is klonwll inl nll homes For imany nlile+ arontld And quality Is the seeret Of this market 'r fair renown. J. PILIX DURON Vanye (foods. Fruits, Caudies, MIlzed Nuts, Dates, Figs Raisins, Vegetsabi, et Phone 181. Be prepared frtr another Christmas. Start a Bank Acount. Get your d-"l:ars all tcgether, Tholgh but small :te first amoltet, You w'i'l thtlv have frmi'd a naelttsU 'Sound whie' ,Ic.ters will edlritt, And next C'hritmas you ll have a surplus ., That today 'ou'd searee exect. Aw hlife's ra;iy dlays i av diseount L By starting now a BEttk Account. with the P0oPLZ BANt & TIU5 s Join the Ranks of Those Who Look The r.stant ,ire!, of water V._'ars Ri'" the !,ariert sto .e, And the Mohstnnot graw of Fide Me..:ticrate the t,'ughest lone. The renstant rooing lover C('rries .ff the blushing maid, And the eonstant advertiser Is the one who get' the trad. For BReslts Use Thu Job Prmti4 Neety id IM" If you re I t ,,inkug .I of I,,it lding You should hiidl tlhit littlet aId, For a higlher gruele' of l.unither No firm ls ,v r h.I. Our Bul linle Mat.r;: l. sash lan L.nth Ancd ?hingett - .st anlt th tt.t, For whenl it counies froml Broussard SYOd get .the very best. P. U. BROUSSARD Lumber anel Building Material. Phone No. i9. (Gied. svn ihl, ipre .,nt ,', riantas dent veot'ºl he,.wur to fidu .'~o': ,"r goaodv art the' "bLetter" kiud. : lir ef (;lo,-o r Su-;rf or Tie, . suit of ,lothes or Shltos, Or anythig in the Dry tiou,| line- This is the stowtlo clooe. J. R. ROLMES Qdality Merehandise at Now Low Prices. .L.. Codle Early. s sweet to be remembered .d a pleasant thing to find yeo may be abseit Wo rr~b bci a rg- 'e ,it dal is i:Ir nl,.,l AAnd o'll h yo m!:111 A :u tr it. Tats. tIav your y;:; ts H'A iil,_ 'Where did you ,4o to,' l: it ' fact f yol 'I gle:I, thu I6,.tab. y's ,clen,, ad quality is the secret. ender sow and you'll fillnt ow taste is when you eat, it. AIBBVILLE BMRERY E. L. DEMAR. Pro,. Wholesome IHrt.L 'Bakel in Clean, ialtary Owvens. Phone 17. Tian irt new big line less is coeaplete, aeta snd Ivotyware els, both frnes and sweet. tttietIry in every, lin -At boxes on display. Itlestbr Goods and Tountlin PIr.s lbstmata Kedaks for ChlastMal Pay. . 0. O. I.uLwD .LKaslller's Famous Cindles. IPhae 35w e I a potulir Restaurant. as the Varas ini Cafe,. est'l l iad tllr I'hriuttmas ,i:itlp na the prt,t er vw. y ilroer Iao mn aind N -gaini Oyster Stew, bsth1se or s'tatk of i hat 's omlag to 7o0. o... S. ,. . . , The I.-N-T tare ill AIbbelille Is for N,"m il :i h.ta whso "kntow" .\ store for plttie'll:hr dr,.oet'rs W'hl) w-ant eall their thing'. "i'.nt" So givel "thinet *a uieful ren'.t - .\ lint or s.hirt or Tie, .a iaur of ltlee' or new ', fT Links- Anda thia is thet' plue to hy.t '1 LeBLANC-NUNEZ-TRAHAN, Inc. "" ""L Systeclizc" Halrt, Sehllff'llr & Ma:lrs ,"\ 'a ue Fl'ir. t '" l'lttl, . ire SAltl crea' tl th', t,, ar, e not alike, Thicrlre a diffiren'ce,. -o. know, And for aensihle ('hlitl: aa 'r 'Prece'nt Folks huItit just "'here to ,c .l Our ll tliiay 'l.ine is ow t ow lh'lette' lit Chlthi',lig. l)ry" Gtuds alid ShnOet And Ltdia"' ae .1. Mie' finae t'ur.nth .t th in new styles from which to clthoose BROUSARD.-LABY,INO. w. Chriatmas haggestions in Hardyeare, Cutlery, Tools and Pure Food Groceries. 1. igi wit Theall'st Cafe is te. place to eat. wtr For the cooking is just right. Nei The uaenl the serve cannot be b*:tt :on And the CoRfee is a elight. Pa ruad right the W1 You've heard it said that money talks, sens Now that is not a jest. When you do your Xmas shopp ng here ion Your money shows some "eents . ort For Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, high And the best Guns and Shells you tuy, tral When trading here your money talks- a gr But it does not say "Good.bye ' "the ALBERT BTAUIR~t & 00 Flash Lights, P,.'ket Kn\ive's, Stnve, etc. (live a l'sefut P'reseut Xmas. 4 H jets Ltles of taste who rea:lly care snie About the way they tress C Al kInow 'l *e tvyliash Hats we show cun Are the laitest and the best, Die You'll find tha e new tcreatiote per are het're tpon dlsplay t And th,'y'll i miake et il'd present tle For etilsely Chrlstitttas lIn nail LAOAISt IsPeoIALTY SrTORE li I.;K 'rythin to W'eart for Leadies Wht, 1 A.I I'l ri.ttetie, 'rilt,' ng ic ,Hraw neanrt' You' l I find many gift suggeitflons here Ti In Hilverware, Dianmoiuud, Watehes swd Chaina. .1. Lorket' and lit'aenletand Pretty Rin~ s. The're N resents hers' for girl or b",'1 And gifts the ol- folk' wall en.jmy, \Ani of eeursep youf knowu' It ' udeIrsto.l - When it eunies from Richard it mant be good. e f. J. RIO ARD, Jeweler. J "Uifts That Last" ti rThe l'eertthý liutkerV iin I,,Ivllet i triet. ly l to allte. The htke i , tie est if Itend ail I akes .\,,l ,i , not al ltter:,ti. Their l;iroceriou, Pr'its anl V\.t'etelmhles ,\r a goodlly Chri.tnmas tre:mt. For v.lhe it .omes fromn the I'e ,rles You'll find it's '(,Good To F;t ". PUBLEZSS BAKEXY Depvtldable Dry Goods, Shoes, Irafs, etc. T. Phone 89. E. C. Villemez, Prop. The 1leople know for miles around Where the beest .alues in Clothes are tr.and, And in Dlry Gioods and things thatt sluiles wear Together withiFurnihinh for thoe who care 5o "eome in attl~ see our be itew line Of pp riarrite gifts for Xnasl Time. Thme ~pr les are' right au,,l the quality', t0,n. We've got the goole--atow it's up to yoU: F3LDBIO iBOS. MOOTON 5d Ta8 BIO STOEt. 'otr festiv.e board on Chrlntmas Dvy SWill not be half complete Inhitss the ciroceries, Fruits ald leats .re whiolesoneC, fresi llai uc we t. AIdal llae etter cJlaes of things to '*t Th'n those we sell. vou'll flnd, Their eseellenee is hard to h·at Pleas keep that fresh in mind. aitiIa a LEPOTIT (,htdtl8 Caidles, Mixed Nuts, Dates, Fig, RBaisins, etc. Pxoaes S and OI. ilt.~ lris jl~~' -z- ' Catch Ducks By Hand I I lT ."M, r- tlr,,',..i :,',! . ," . , .at ý ,., ! ..1 .14 ! 1~i i I:' ' L ...' I' ".' 1` "''* .. ,l q t ' '!., " "l~l ý. 1 , .It 1' 1 , 1. \ nlIIIt tI i ' , \ I. 1- 1 E.I, i 1 "'. i I . .t \ i 1- I "I 11 ' .1 t .4l tt','i,2li ,I-" .lar,'. th;'t ,I ;e , r I ". I, l; .apt.xre', 1,C nu;1n i .i tl, -i nly i lk IIn 1 1tub ts.. The islinudi r il rltcr.dt 1, :I tall r .:"r1 t lný" 1 wild ':1. art whi-h nult;Irv has ,A(%elln rou~ghl" ts.', t' h'r io ti. t1.,. The .lurk ;,.t utihi'n th thi+ gray, to fof, nliI t rht 4" 1.'.hi h . -tI btlitr ha 1a !1'1 , rIn11\ ;l h ,t.h the, ,4t4r II -. or. h f". "i l " . finl1 gle o I1 , I I I , l . 1. , ' t ." o Ii. t ' , 'JP ialt's ,n..t '1, . . ,tlh 11,1 .0,' '1, tilt,4 t', ?. I~ 1 =' :1 ii-. . l, ,. . 14. 44 ; 41.1 ` ,\, "rn n :,a, a tre. tor mtn\rsl, the 7U eitl'tr get' , tho ibl. ,r ,.." t, piee ll I a':tntoa & (,.,I', agent! Atlas . il Gueydan Has a Gun & Rod Club U )ivvitt . 14l i b tit 44ro v (bi t t lit. 1144 (t'vdit , " utI e n111 t ronl A 4 n.4 I t. 44 Ut-tV~J**44 4*4' 44 1141.1 11114? .\ fil ./ L14 ('111., bult hasN :Ilti sonlll i.. u . I!4 un It' 'llnlornct" l,, 1h1. ,I h, nth,, tr . r\ 91 ',. . i . t ,ini Ihi , I . I , ,' .[ .\141, h 41II 'h I. l,'I11 1,11 III. 1. .%,, 44 ili th4 ' I 'ni ~h t t ,I Vtmi-t I,,II, as'ow ' ; the 1,.r,! p1a ili .: , hrc nul wat t er n tl tr sh N% a ter flkh ar, 0,hb unhn, t an,] muna of it. ,.iticnt h," fitiling :nt 4l huntii. has no Ij un lit RI.. (tub. (44?e ,l l t t ioett." - .t:ItI t?.c i ll :4 .1 :11 .41 '} 4 t 1, .1 ^ " i u tt*t ;iI , l -hI 'i ' 4 1 hicl w1111 i'1 he a 4.1,I and hp nul. henlthy .',,liti,, t' the II: 1Y p'rogri v,' '4rti\ itict rt .elt. Ih 'trte, 11l this parii h. WzR sI VrMUON IN HIGHWRAY CONSTROTION? At the present time hard surface highwl}s hae ))ceil c.,nstrueted be* twee, nl New Orleans an. "ew ](herin, with the exCeltions of twenty-ntile .tretch, this is low heing graveled New Iberia to I)elcambre is now under construction. Ward Eight in Vermilion Parish around Gueydan isnoweomplet i ggvel road. A hard surface road be* bees com ed from Gasydan te S o ; let ty il yn t riads ailre good, but when tihe prices are right, will resutalt in a greater profit to the farmer. Wherever a crowd of Vermilion citi. iens gather, the disculssions turn to good roads. The whole spirit of Vermil* ion Parish seemts to be united in an eft fort to bring a system of hard surface highways to Vermilion, now that Fed eral and State aid can bhe had , and a great atnoutnt of tumotuey from outstide the parish be brought here for the .utilding of thlm higuway". Minute of The American Legion Vermilion Post No. 29. Abbeville, La. Dee, hst, 1921. Regulit1r tmeetinK Wits held on this late, the ('omnantder ealled the meet uing to order and the minutes of the last meetilng was then read and adopted. The mutter of Education and Amerli caunization week ecommenling Mouday Dec. 5tth, was taken up. Mr. J. E. Har. per, ae's appointed by the eomnmndert to relport to National lilHtlueaarter for the te.ntiici.eiug of this work. .\ .of-* mtitte) of three appointed todrill the ligh ,'ihol ht11lentt oll1 lsondaY morn.* i at, 14td talk to tiwtnst fi thu ,tubjet of "The Fe a". Ti,, t,:,lmi"te" aUl"point" v,, is t1, tol~w.; W. W. Men,,t:atiPe ". .. lW hite, nuol 1,. , IllInt no-l,.r ..\ ru imnt*ll t, of three w:a jp,.in4tyd t,, l,.sk :,tt'i tIher h-tittil I 'f t1 i44 jl, h in |'" f"' " ,,w-': I{.i. \'ti10e A. J. Ila ., Franels Thenll. Thi omnmittet prequeste* l hujpt. S.I. II. Willinius .ierve with thifli for this Airkithenr will e. given an lec. 14th 19"t for 5).4I,,' tt I'urpI s it ni ts ,eml ilt. 444 of three' wna appedutei ti. attetat ti .oafpeeitei eof .%ebrrv Iiheiry, limeae Tra' hia, ta.d Ftrutei,' 1hltii. A .semmaite Ic of Rene Tretan M. E. larrltngte, ani J. E. Harper ftr the tIrp-jst 4,' of noiue liesg sul'nIat, te, ftrs the eomtite Ele.t iou. A lettsr trems ileelldtu:areter t riiartls t ,, th," Wnann's Auxiliary bh,,h, r*'ad .isd was*redd best Ite iaiat nfter the eledthin sf Offisers, es ws ust n1At il :,elt to reilltill A Bat,hlor's Pot. It w.ts ei.ebl,', thrit n hlletlhtin it', 4 .i ., pir ',, at I l'lilt'n, N au e...Tr:tlhan t:h .. l,(siiP .o furth.r l.; in ', .,, the ll-u ,0 th144 I'ost altjoUr.t:,| until t.xt re'tlihr i.-,ti l 4 o .4 A L I AUDJ "TA. T. -A poor or fair tractor vil d*uIsK a o. .inety Per cent nf trgcter troublesl Therefore, altety peent of tractor en. t ho troeblt! ea be prevented 4thru the to of good tractor oil. Atlas Tractor )ll is in this class. Cesanoca & Ooech1 a ud, agents. _________ Our Club s~alet. Mr. Dutadi. wats it r schl,'l r,1t De)'. Rth, toe t all the :. . huh members together again. lie sUe :e'dies in gettiui Ia ii ih of el t~ ..n tmem*l ,N,.?. Oi of thoA eleven we elected tour oflisers: Presidenlt, (.)t't 4 ham* *et: . ecretary~, Juls Perrin; Viee. f ht.ejebntl, ,illy Landry, an3( Editur, .\tlthe inlxt meeting we' exle.'t to .10tt ws member" frem, ntr elhb to et,,ou1 the Parish Committee: Mr, I)ust-eh aj-,k" t,, n- ,,4 4ui44 in rti g things 41' erniing ,ter ch1b work. BERNICE MO.8, ('lub Editot. n he pre iption ot Cood, I'i ,er an Laskrippo. It's the sdy e know, 15775' YPgol 153*