Newspaper Page Text
r 1 "71 u Lnne - -'leaSe ou Make no mistake. At whatever price you pay, you cannot Vet a bet ter coffee va ue than Luzianne. If it doesn't UAANTEE .o farther and taste .,,,n.,,.h getter, ~than any cof irec emtre l of the e :,ec-edtofee eyou everhad,go to t, te merchant w~o sold ,,, ittoyo and etyour THT TIN CA money backi. guar antee isyour protection coffee '"L Y The Reily-Taylor Company New Odeans ar --- ·- -- - - THE BIEIVILLE DEMIOCRAT PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Advertising Rates on Application Entered as Second Cla(ssi Matter, April 11, 1912 at the postoflice at Arcadia, La., under the Act of Marcdh , 1S79. S. A. COOK,........Editor and Proprietor w -I ***** ***** * * Help the DEMOCRAT to be- * * come a better papers Write us " * the news, tell us in person the " * news, send us the news by a " * friend, telephone us the news. * * Cooperation is the watchword * * these days and quick action is * * the generally accepted policy of * * the American public. * In other towns general "Clean-up,, days are being announced, on which day all the citizens, business men-in fact everybody in town is requested to help clean the rubbish and waste from the streets, alleys, and vacant lots. Does anybody think it would hurt Arcadia to have a"Clean-up" day? Mosquitoes breed in old tin cans which are allowed to lie around and become partly filled with water. Flies breed in rotting trash and refuse if such is allowed to accumulate on va cant lots, back yards, etc. If a day were set apart on which everybody in town were requested to gather up all the tin cans and rubbish on their prem ises and place it in a pile where the city scavenger could collect and haul it away, and then everybody assist in cleaning up the vacant lots the same way, it would no duobt save many doctor's bills later on. It would help the looks of our town, too. Don't you think so, dear reader? As announced elsewhere in this pa per, thle Bienville Parisl Board of School Directors have called a Parish. Wide School Tax Election to submit to the property taxpayers of Bienville Parlsh the proposition to vote a spec. lal tax of 5 mills to replace the 45 special district taxes now in force. This election will be held Saturday, May 17th, and every property taxpayer who is a qualified voter should study care fully the merits of the proposition land east his vote accordingly, The Democrat favors the Parish. Wide Tax of five mills because a more equable distribution of the parish school funds will be possible, and the Ic $tory Of A Man Who P ctied Too Mu E[conomy, (By A Lyal Subscriber) " eLa upon a time, a man who was too economleal to take bis lri .paper, (The Bleaville Damocrat) sent his little boy to borrow IK Ecopy taken by his neighbor. In haste the boy'ran over a $4 stand of bees and in ten minutes looked like a 'Wartery Snmmer Squah." HIls ies d his father, who ran to his assistance and failing to see'4 bp wire feen, nto it, breaking is anatoty and ru - 4 p* 0, pe. Thepse old cow took advantage of the aIP in I e fence, got into the ornfeld and killed herself eating gr: uecaor. Bearuh the noise his wife ran, upsetting a four gal. ile curn full of rich eream into a basket of kittens-drowning the w- flloeek. In her hurry she dropped a $25 set of teeth. et baby left alone, crawled through the spilled milk nto'the parlor Ia id ined 10 art squ During all this excitement their only O Or ran awayr h the hired man-a returned soldier; the . sio i otand the doe brake up Isg18 tting beas, set on rgs eost. Sl e s. MORAL: + URIN FR Yet#R PARIIII ' F' .tr '.^: I Dei ocrat ,>. · . ~ ., , .y ,:a - - educational opportunities afforded will be much more equally distributed to all the children of the parish than in the past-and the tax will not be burden some. We believe if the tax is carried, it will he the best thing that has ever happened for the slhools of lienville Parish, and we hope that our read ers will analyse the proposition care fully, as we believe when this is done, the majority will consider it favorably. GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Mlake a beauty lotion for a few cents remove tan, freckles, sallowness Your grocer has the lemons and and drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pine of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known, Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness. redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and thhe beautiful results will surprise you 1000 DOZEN EGGS WANTED BY J. L. McCLELLAN, ARCADIA. FEDERAL TAX ON AUTO. MOBILES FOR HIRE The Revenue Act of 1918 imposes a tax on persons carrying on the bust ness of operating or renting passenger automobiles for hire. This tax is $10 for each sucp automobile having a seat ing capacity of more than two and not more than seven, and, $20 for each I uch automobile having a seating ca pacity of more than seven. This law became effective January 1st, 1910 and on the above basis all parties who are liable under this section of the law must qualify and $5 or $10 as the case may he from January 1st. 1919 to close of fiscal year June 30th, 1919. At the expiration of which period the tax for the full fiscal year must be paid on th annual basis as above de scribed. Application blanks can be secured from the Collector of Internal Revenue, Custom House, New Orleans, La. This lasw applies to all persons operating or renting cars in cities, towns, villages or over the public roads whether they operate regularly or not. live this matter immediate atten tion. A heavy penalty is imposed up. on those who fail to qualify under this section of the law,. 0f 4AWAR DE~P. \4i "HEU.STRLAB6URY Z DEPARTMENT Q \ ', , F O R V/1 PAtRIOTIC SERVICE 'IN OEHALF OF THE E LIBERTY LOANS$ vRED0 COMING! 1,edals made from captured German cannon will be' given to every worker in the Victory Liberty Loan campaign. It just goes to show that the Govern ment appreciates what its sol diers at home have done toward winning the war. It will mean to the Liberty Loan worker what the Distinguished Service Cross means to the American soldier. WANT A GERMAN HELMET? Bona Fide Victory Loan workers will have a chance to win one of these trophies to be distributed among patriotic Am ericans who kept the home fires burning. About 3,000 of these souvenirs of the greatest war in history have been allotted to this District, to be distribut ed among Liberty Loan work ers by their County Chairmen. HERE COME THE TANKS Tanks played an important part in the big battles of the war. Twenty of these armored vessels will visit this District, manned by boys who actually handled the tanks in France. They called these boys the "Treat 'ema Rpugh" boys, be cause that's what they did to Sthe boche. The tanks are fully equipped with guns and ammu nition just as they went onto -the battlefields, and you will rget a real taste of war' when "these guns are fired. Eloquent speakers will accompany the Staniks to tell you all about them, and what it cost your Gove],n ment to "Treat 'em Rough." ~'Your Victory Liberty Loan County OI-airman will have charge of the routing of these ~'tanks in your county. ,Don't Sfail to see them. SEE GREAT WAR FILM Among the pictures which will aid in floating the Victory Liberty Loan is the remarkable film, "The Price of Peace," in the taking of which one of the Sphotographers was killed. The film tells the animated story of Stho great attack at Chateau SThiierry; shows a Germ~an air Splane being destroyed in the r air; shows a field gun and its Screw being' destroyed by a high Sexplosive shell, and concludes l with scenes of the American ]Army in Germany.. The film is 15000 feet long. This pictur~e will Sbe sho~wn without admission jcharge in u many. theatres as can. be reached during the Loan Scampaigi% WATCH THlE SK--- - IIES Probably every one of you b~a seen an aeroplane in flight. Fit how many of .you have seen it make a landing? -How many of you have seen its pilot aet close, range and have,alked with him about it? 'You will be given the opportunity to see these ,boys and, t. talk with [them.-'-Ar_ ngentS ar lb. [ing° made tfo secure planes to Svisit the majority of the town iin the Eleventh District ithe Victory Liberty 'Lean drive, []Remember the aeroplane, the J"eyes cf the..A,-my"' played a I[bit part 'in winmning' the* war. [Watch the skies..' , [ arvte the men € went ':over there" Thusnds of 5Adfrrs are da1ly re, eelving their ,,onorable discharges; ]they€ oket t.r , bid farwell to army of War Savings Stamp buyers. More recruits are needed to carry on the campaign of readjustment which follows the signing of the armistice. The army of fighters has achieved its purpose. The army of savers must remain in "action." "Carry "on" to a lasting peace under the banner of W. S. S. -0 LIGHT PLANT IS PURCHASED BY TOWN OF ARCADIA A deal which has been pending be. tween the Town of Arcadia and the Stewart Light & Power Co., was coii sumated today whereby the light plant becomes the property of the Town. The consideration was $5,000.00. It has been the plan of the Mayor and Town Council to install a lighting system in connection with the water works plant, on the belief that the two could be operated in connection at prac tically the cost of operating either plant alone. The original plan was to install two engines for the power plant, and to add to this the ma chinery necessary for a light plant. The purchase of the light plant, makes it possillch to install a waterworks and. lighting system at practically the cost of the waterworks system alone under the original plan. Among the improvements to be made in the light plant will be the installa tion of two new dynamos which will insure better service. Mr. H, A. Ments, of Magnolia, Miss., was here yesterday and today as con sulting engineer for the Town of Ar cad.ia, assisting the Mayor and Town Council In preparing the specillcations. etc., preparatory to offering for bids for the installation of the light and waterworks system. 0 Birthday Anniversary Celebration Saline, April 9.-Quite a crowd as semlded at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Watts on April 5th, on the oc casion of Mrs. Watts' sixtieth birthday anniversary. Their children and grandchildren were all present, and were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Corbitt, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. t)ison, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dison, Mr. and Mrs. Miley, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McLean, D.('. Watts and family, B. B. Watts and family Others present were Mrs. Watts' brother, Mr. F. W. Howard and sister, Mrs. H. A. Acklin and family (f Athens; Mrs. J. B. Hood of Saline. and Mrs. Bert Hood and family. In all there were 43 guests present. Mrs. Watts was the recipient of quite a number of nice presents in honor of her birthday. A delicious dhinner, which Swas very much enjoyed, was served undier the trees in the yard. Mr. Watts celebrated his sixtieth birthday albout one year ago, with his family and relatives present. o TRY IT!l SUBSTITUTE FOB NASTY CALOMEI Starts your liver without making you sick and can not salivate Every druggist in town--your drug gist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of caloreel. They all give the same rea son. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Dod son's Liver Tone is personally guar anteed by every drulggist who sells it, A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harm less to both children and a~dults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel, Take a dose of calonmel today and to morrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and' feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. SJUST RECEIVEDI I ONE CAR LOAD OFI ndSaddle Horses. See .me bedore" UIr'XIR REBELS AFTER CAR RANIA SU1CE3SOR TO HUERTA DI. CLARE9 HE WILL SEIZE GOVERNMENT. NOW LIVING IN NEW YORK Diaz to Join Uprising With Hip Fol'oe of 40,000--P$liden Not Muica Wnfrrf# diier b dc.:~ New York.-.-Ge. Aurelio B nqnet Mexlcan mtflste, 6at war dtirifi the administratioA iof idez victor lano IFuerta and desorifb1 as second In command to Gen. FeUi Dial, ro Gently reported as having indertakbn o a revolutiona7 movement against President Catrknga, has arrtlSV safte ly in Melico, "aietr a vl'y dangerous trip," according to an ahnnOuncemeat made hero, The purpose of Gen. Blanquets's re. turn, said his secrqtary, was to re organize the Dlax forces, overthrow the Oarranza government and re-es tablish the constitution of 1857, which, he says, was repudiated by Carranza, and revoke the alleged oonflscatoiy decrees of the present government. Gen, Dlaz is reported to have 40,000 troops scattered throughout 15 of tho 27 states of Mexico. Of these, 7,500 1 were in Vera Cruz, including 1,800 mlen at the headquarters in Tepat laxco, Gen. Carranza does not seem to be agitated by the varou0s repoi'ts of dissatisfaction, as the Co~utry is near er a place basis than at any time in the last 15 years. o MARKET ItIlI('E PAID FOR EGGS AND BUTER.--J. L. MCCLELLAN. TAX NOTICE To The Unknown Owners of Immov able Property Situated jn Bien ville Parish By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana, you are here by notified that unless the taxes are paid within ten days after date of thit notice. I will seize (n1 ofer for sanl accordling to law the following (lesreib ed property to-wit' I. F. Beasley. SW 1-4, Sec.. 19, Tp. 14, RI. 7. Taxes, interest and penalties, ...................................... $,..9C R. L. Durham. MW 1-4 of NW 1-4, Sec, 20. Tp. 14, IR. 7... Taxes, interest and penialties ........................... $ 9.10 M. J, Ellis, E 1:2 of SW 1-4, Se. 28, Tp. 14. RI. 5... Taxes, ,interest and penalties ........................... $13.68 F. M. Ferris, 10 acres in S and W 1-2 of SW 1-4 of SI. 1-4, ('u by a (ilagnol line running from the SE eornerl to the- NW corner of said 40 less 10 acres in a square in the SW (of said 40. Sec. 16, Tp. 17, R. 7... Taxes, in terest and penalties.............. $ 5.46 Ernest Kinig. residlence and W 1-2 Ihock ('1, Melon addition in Gibs- 4 land. Taxes, interest and penalties, .............,........................ $16.25 Toni Tilley. NE, 1.4 of SW 1-4, Sec. 31, I TI). 14, It. 5. Taxes, interest and penalties .. ........... .......$9I.11 Henry Wilson, cabin and lot tn Werk heiser addition. Arcadia, L~a. Taxes. initerest andl penalties ........$ 6.90i 1'nknown O)wner ,o. 1, W 30 acres of NW 14 of SE 1-4, Sec. 26, Tp. 15, RI. 5. Taxes, initerest and pealtie ..... ......................................$ 9.35 U'nknown Ownier No. 2, house anld b~lock 150 In Gib)sland. Taxes,,l terest andl penalties....$9.2 Thils th~e 10th day of April. 1919. Sheriff aMI~ Ex-Ofii(,o Tax Collector of Bienvilie Parish, Louisiana. SBargainsl OFFERED BY] SCHEEN BROS. CO. BIENVILLE -. LOUISIANA Men's Black half Hose at the same price they sold at when cotton was selling selling for 8 eas. Men's nice quality, fun size, White Handkerchiefs...........C0 Ladies 15e quality, Handker- , chiefs at .... ................5c per yard.... l ..........c..... Handkerchiefs at .. First dais Middy moouses, 15 going at ............. .....v - - Noen's Work Shoes, regular 64.50 *t $3.25. Child's Pumps, sizes 8 1-2 to .13 1.2, regular #.80 at $1.75 On. pound net, Luzianne Coftes at . c. / ,G.F. Scheen, Manager DIENvILLE .~LOUISIANA ~ I a It Reaches TheSpot Our delicious Ice Cream and Sodas are Gratifying and Thirst -Quenching. If you ever tried them you know for 6_ yourself-if you haven't there's a ?heine 102 treat in store for you. Ask the boys and girls where you can get the best Sodas and Ice Cream -THEY KNOW. Then follow their advice and come to Modern Pharmacy, J. B. Herring, Pres. ,f 7UBLIC SPEAKIN Everybody Invited to be at the Courthouse Saturday April AT 2:30 P. MN to heart Cong. £. Y. Sande . speak on the subject of "A League Of Nations! AFlag Raising program will be rendered by! Cross. At this Meeting the Victory Loan Cam Committee for the parish will be organized. Let Ione who can be present. ' Commencement Invitations pWe Take Pleasure 'In Announcing To The Members Of Each Graduating '? KCLASS OF '19 that we are prepared to fill their orders for the very highest class of Printed or Embossed COMMENCEMENT INVITATIONS ~ and CARDS All orders should be placed now, or as ' early as possible so as to insure delivery in ample time. Write for Samples and Prices. eS 1:. Tfy BIENVILLEDEOR "ARCADIA, LOUISIANA .!i