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STHE BIENVILLE DEMOCRAPARISH LOUISIANA APRIL 1919 ol. 8. ARCADIA, BIENVILLE PARISH, LOUISIANA, APRIL , 1919 No. 3 " 1 .: ; .'' Capital and surplus do not al ways denote the strength of a bank. A Bank of real strength has char acter, experience; a record for sound finance and serv ice to its patrdhs. These are points to be taken into consideration wh en making your choice of a Bank and it is by these standards that we ask to be judged. THE COMMERCIAL BANK ARCADIA, LA. h .,- *., .. THERE IS NO ARGUMENT AGAINST 11 If you are without = insurance, it is - either carlessness, neglect or oversight. We are trying here to call your atten . tion to a most im- ii .portant matter, tionest Companies I Represented. DA "INSURANCE OF EVERY Lv DA L GET KIND KNOWN TO MAN" ti re~oo~o~~xox~o~eo~ooxo~~oxo*x.:xox JNSTITUTION OF PARENT. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION ate of Louisiana, Parish of Blen ville. Mtrch the 19th, 1919. We, the natrons and teachers of thie Cadiai hiph school. in ordir to form inore perfect nnionl betwen olr llome=. d our school: establish a better un rstandinig between patrons and 'h:hers; irovide for a common meet : place: lisu - ia harmonious ad ntistratiouici our school affairs; pro te the general welfare of our chil en and secure the advantages of .our ration for our children and our mmunity, do ordain and establish : rent-Teac hers' Association for the ,h. srchcol of Arcadia. This coor rative association shall I tided by the following articles of i;i rporation: ARTICLE I. The name of this organization shall the Parent-Teachers' Association, of e Arcadia High School, with the *cadia High School building as its ace of meeting. ARTICLE II. The regular funds for carrying on d paying the expenses of this org rn tion shall be obtained by the 'ay ent of dues. The dues shall be 50 nts a year or 25 cents a half year ror cch family represented., ARTICLE III. The management of this organ za on shall he vested in and exereied a board which shall not exceed Mr directors. This board of directors all consist of the oflicers of the asso tion. The officers shall be a Presi ant, Vice-President, Secretary and reasurer, provided the Secretary and reasurer may be one and the same. he first board shall be: 3Mrs. P. A. MIcGulre. President: iMrs. . P. Williams, Vice-President; Mrs. P. Woodman, Secretary-Treasurer. ARTICLE IV. The regular time of meeting of this rganizatlon shall be on the 2nd and th Wednesdays of each month at 4:00 . m. The president shall have the uthority to call special meetings of association at any time when deem wise or necessary. ARTICLE V. The power to appoint committees .be vested h the president, wb bav the pow tt appoit hs1ee tte ast shall be necessgry to 1 '441:· 771 . ation, which committees shall serve intil discharged. A"ITICLE VI. The board herein named shall serve util their successors are elected. The time at which officers of this organiza t!1,u shall be elected shall be on the .::td Wedtlln~slday after the beginning of t tBch school year. AItTICLE VII. ''lh, meonbher;hip of this organization shalll he composed of the patrons, i achers and friends of the Arcadia L-: gh School. Ten members shall constitute a cluorlum. This constitutoin shall be amended provided the amendment is submitted t.) the association two weeks before action Is taken. ---- - - , LOST One "Vendor's Lien Note," dated July 1, 1918, for $300.00, given by R. L. Colon for property recorded in Book 50, Page 640, C(onveyance Records, Bienville Parish, Louisiana. 11 per sons are hereby warned that said note is void and valueless and the record thereof has been canceled. J. AM. McCOY, Creston, La., Mar. 31,. 1919. 2-It-pd. a--- - s Are you a subscriber to yo'ur' parish paper? Tou should be. I-I The ' First National Bank - of Arcadia, Louisiana The Oldest, Largest and Most Progressive Bank in the parish-a Na Stional Bank for Your Savings We pay LIBERAL INTEREST on Certificates of Deposits and Savings Accounts. We are under the supervision of the U. S. Government ad your deposits are guaranteed'. We know your wants and we want your business. L. MTOOKE, President INAmon EXIGOV. SANDERS' AD. DRESS WELL RECEIVED IE.-Gov. J. Y. Sanders was here Sat unlrday and at 2 :30 he addressed a large lathlrhng of lienville Parish ,itizeun' at the court house, on the subject of "A League of Nations." lion. W. 1). (Goff acted as chairman of the meeting and Dr. J. M. Mosley with a brief but eloquent talk, presented the speaker. 4 ov. Sanders did not attempt to take up separately each article of the league plan, but laid stress upon the beneftits to the world of a League of Nations. He said we could not hope that through such a league war could be abolished entirely from the world, but rather that the plan of fered a waly of settling the differences that might arise between nations with out resorting to force of arms. Ile stated that the greatest difficulty in gettinig the various nations to ac (elit the plan for a league of nations is that it is something new. The same difficulties arose when the colonies gainlig their independance from Eng laud, desired to unite some slld of league to protect themselres, drafted the ('olstitutioli of tile l'nited States. Its ratification by the various inde l)pendelnt (cololnies or states was fought as bitterly as the present league plan. blecause it was new and untried. Its adoption did not prevent thel civil war. yet doubtless had not the colonies hound themselves together under the colnsitutiol, there would have bIeenl c(lontiluous strife 'alnd bloodshed be tween the states. Mr. Sanders stated that the league pl)lan was an Amerlean idea. and originated by Anlerica's urea lest mills. and should be backed up by American people, who by (en.tering the war. sav ed the world from Prussianisin and German Kultur. A large crowd was present to hear Gov. Sanuders. and neeorded him liber al applause from time to time. After the colnclusion of his address. the Bienville Parish Chapter of the Red ('ross, with Hou. W. I). (oflf as spokesman. presented to the Parish of Bienville. a large service flag, on which was a star for every Bienville Parish '1 soldier who enltered the service as a volunteer or through induction by the draft. Those who were killed or died from other causes while in service were represented on the flag by a gold star; the others by one of blue. In all there were 40 gold stars and be tween 800 and 000 Ilue ones. PIfANOR BREAZEALE TO BE .CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR Hon, I'hanor Breazeale, of the law firm of Breazeale & Breazeale, of Natchitoches, has announced his inten tion to be a candidate for governor in the coming campaign, In a letter written to riends in va. rious parts of the state, Mr. Breazeale stated that he based his conclusion t( enlter the race upon the many reqnestsi and' proffers of suport from friends throughout the State. A formal announcement will probably be made by him within the next fnew weeks. Nervous fluttering or palpitation of the heart dloes not indicate heart dis eatse, generally it means disorder in the stomach and digestion. Prickly ,Ash Bitters is a man's remedy for such ailmenlts. It cleanses, strengtihens and regulates the stomach, liver andl bowels, removes the cause of the heart sylmptltoms and builds up a strong and vigorous body. Price $1.25 per bottle. City D)rug Co., Special Agents. EASTER There are many .superstitions con. nected withl Easter Sun(lay which are almost imperative as laws. One of them is the necessity of having some. thing new to wear on this (lay in order to insure happiness for the coming year: Hence the Easte~r bonnet-with a 'few other mihor accompaniments. such as an Easter dress, shoes, gay parasol, etc., to match said bonnet. 0 Typewriter Ribbons land Supplies. The Blenville Democrat. VICT(iTY LOAN (RdANIZATION MEETING TO BE IIELD MONDAY P. A. McGuire, p;u'ish el:iirman of ithe Vietiry Libierty Loan camnp:aign. has called a meethig of the ward lchair nleu of lthe parish to meet here Moll day, April 20th, to make flhal arrange ienllt: for the prosccutioll of the cant pmign. The ward directors are as fol lows: Jos. I)awidoff. Ward : L. W. Baker. Wrad 2; W. (.). Campbell. Ward 3: . Ward 4: J. W. ('anmplbell. Ward 5; J. E. Roden, Ward i: F. L. Maytleld. Ward 7. The publicity campaign will be con ducte(l by S. A. Cook, editor of the Democrat. Posters have already been sent to the ward chairman and to every postoflice In the parish, to he displayed in every store, bank or pul lice building. A liberal supply of medals made from p('l)tured German canu in and several germana helmets have beeil ap lortioned to this parish to be dis, tributed to the men and women help ers in the drive. lEvery citizen is expl)ected to do their full part in raising the Victory Loan quota to be assigned to this Parish, just as our boys did their part in win ning the victory. Our brave soldier lads have done their part nobly-and fully. They have won the war. Should we not be willing to pay their expenllse: for fightillng for our homes, for the pro tection of our families? They have done the work, now it Is up to us to pay the bills. Though the quota for the differelt parishes has not been assigned, it will lhe approximately three fourths of the quota for the Fourth Liberty Loan. The mark to be reached IIy the entire nation is set at $4,000,000,tH).I0. - - ------------0 RAILROADS WILL EMPLOY RETURNING SOLDIERS St. Louis, Mo.. April 3.-It has been brought to Regional Director Bush's at tention that certain persons, repre ssrating themselves as delegates of an organization known as ta Brthi rher hood o( Rlailway Clerks, are soliciting funds outside of railroad circles for the alleged purpose of providing for returned soldiers to whom the railroads have not furnished employmen; It is the practice of tile railroads to provide employment to the returned soldiers either in the position former ly held, or in one equally as good, and therefore, there are no grounds tor the statement that the railroads are not properly providing. for the returned soldiers. It is. of course, *possible that civil ians temporarily employed by the rail roads in clerical positions during the period of the wrir may be displaced by returned soldiers, but it is desired to correct any misunderstandhilngs which may exist in the minds of the pullic with reference to positions for return ed soldiers. MICKIE SAYS HILPI OQf fas HER6 SACK OFFSN Mt BEFOR ~ I C.OAIK AN', BY HEKst 8ET THE NS' eX hAWO% WUNY. 'O TrAOE POATOBS , ER AN iTHIN' ELSE on ws Su8ScPP1'oN IS 6OIN' "fO 01'V OeANSD WIfV VTH SII / 1 co -. -~ - U(i~OCte NARSHAL BODDIE MIAES A CLEVER PICK.UP MaIrs'ha .1. W. u11 hlie is it I le rlim niiledllol fir the chlver unllner ill whih hIe fraed tlie thefr oft a uit:ise sti hle Saturday night from in frolit of T. II. IIarris' residen le, ai nd ngl l the t lhif. The suitense I lelo icd to Mr. WaIter Reeves, of Magnolia, Ark.. who was a guest in t lil arris home on Sun day. lie arrived on train No. 11 Sat urday nig,,ht,. n accompanied Mr. Hl ar ris and his daughter to their home, and left his suitcase just ouside of the gate and entered the house with M1r. and Miss Tlarris. When he relurlned a few nonments nlater to fiund the suit case hadil disappenared. Next morning he reported the matter to the In rshal. It hal)penled that Marshal Blddlie was at the train when lMr. Iseeves air rived, atid seeing a negro stop frot the train carryilg a suitcase which looked suspiciously heavy, he follow. ed him down the tract to investigate and overtook him nelar the IHarris home and examined the suitcase. Ile found it filled wtih soup, and a few other articles which the negro after wards.nadmitted he lhadt stolen in Mon roe. lIe gave his name as Williams andl said his wife lived in west town. While they talked Mr. and Miss lIar ris accompanied by 1Mr. Reeves over took and passed them. When notified of lthe disappearance of the suitcase next lmornliag. Mrl. Boddie inmediately suspicioned the Williiam.s negro and went to his home in west town and founid suitease ald contents olicealed in va rious places ill tle house. Will lamts adilitted his guilt. The case will I he ltaken lp y the grald jrmly. ---0-o--- HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN AND AROUND TAYLOR Mr. W. C'.Wall transa.ted business in Arcadia Saturday. Mrs. ('larnce Wall spent Saturday with her niece in Arcadia. Mrs. Wallane Strong was a business visitor to (ihisland Satutrday. Mrs. .. 11. Wodalrd vas a business visitor to Gihslandl last Saturday. MIr. and Mrs. Pardue were business visitors to Homer Friday and Satur day. fIrs. D. V. Reid visited her brother, Mr. Holly Taylor, of Arcadia, a few days last week. Miss Nellie Graham, our esteemed schbol teacher was a business visitor to Arcadia Saturday. Mir. H. A. Vize, our competent post master, was among the business visi tors to Gibsland this week. Mr. A. Joyce, of Shreveport, repre-. senting the Standlard Oil Co., was among our business friends last week. Mrs. C. Webb and children, of (,lbs land, came over Saturday evening to visit lier mother. Mrs. Sallie Strong re turning Sunday evening. Mrs. Jennings, of Shreveport, is vis iting her daughters. Mesdames Strong and Woodard. Her friends are glad to have her with them. CONSTABLE SALE 0 State of Louisiana, Parish of Bien ville, U. B. and W. .. Smelley, vs. T. T. Loe, No. 25, Sixth Ward Justice Court. Under and by Virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the above nam ed court and to me directed, I have seized and will offer for sale to the last and highest bidder for cash, with J)enefit of appraisement at the Dipping Vat, at Liberty Hill, La., in Bienville I 'Parish, within legal sale house on Saturday, April 19th, 1919 the following described property, to witt; One cow and calf, both red: one white heifer, three years old; one brindle and white two years ohi, and - one black aMd white, one year old, marked crop and split in left, and split and underbit in right. Seized as the property of T. T. Loe Speial low Prices! for Easter on Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hosery, Corsets and-other Furnishings. New Hart, Schaffner & Marx and other reliable makes of Clothes for men. New arrivals in men's and boys' Oxfords, Underwear, Hose, Shirts and Neckwear. Come to our Store for your Spring Mer chandise. .Jos. Dawidoft & Co. Arcadia, Louisiana r --- aEI"""-1E =1 Paints, Screen Good s and Varnishes We have a complete line of the above and now is the time to use them. ,Begin now to brighten up the home for the Spring and Summer. Remember we give Coupons with all cash put chases amountiug to 50 cents or more redeem able with Rogers Silverware. THE PEOPLES lARDWARE Co,, Inc. "We carry the Stock" and will be sold to satisfy said writ of execution and all cost. This the 25th day of March, 1919. E. R. HAYS, Constable. DIXIE LYCEUM MAKES ENGAGE. MENT FOR NEXT SEASON The people of Arcadia are to have the privilege of enjoying a course of lyceum entertainments next season, consisting of five especially good num hers, furnished by the I)xie Lyceum Bureau. A representaive of the Dix ie Lyceum Bureau was here Monday and Tuesday and secured the names of twenty leading citizens on the contract. This company is known, as one of the most reliable in the South, employing only the very best talent. This will make their third season's engagement here. -o SHERIFF'S SALE State of Louisiana, Parish of Blen ville. By virtue of, nud pursuant to an order from lion. Fred .1. Grace, Ilegis ter of the State Land Office, dated thi 4th day of March.'l 199, and in 'con formity with Act No. 55, of the Act, of the General Assembly of 1912. 1 WILL OFFER FORI SALE AND SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION at the principal door of the Court House of the Parish of Bienville at Arcadia, Lotrisiana, on SATURDAY, APRIL 19th, 1919 between the hours of 11 o'clock a. M. and 4 o'clock p. im., to the last and highest bidder, the following describ ed property to-wit: / NW 1--4 of NW 1-4, Sec. 34, Tp. 16, it. 8. Terms of Sale-Cash. For not less than one hundred and fifty dollars. J. E. CURRIE, Sheriff. Baton Rouge, La., March, 4th, 1919. Approved: Fred J. Grace, Register State Land Office. III _