Newspaper Page Text
IRC1T SNITA*LON IN CATTLE ABORTION0 NIMALS AFFECTED WITH THIS DISEASE SHOULD BE SEPARAT. ED FROM HEALTHY sTOCK. 0 SPECIFIC YET FOUHD nitation an4 Precautions Against Introduction of Abortion Dis. ease Are Measures Rec. Ommended. Strict sanitation and precaoutions Inst the introduction of the Inec. n, from infected lo}alities re the auares in combat.irg the a bondc.i I setse of c:ttle rfoooumende: by Dr, S1. Dalry rdps of (i d h \ra 0 c -"r gRI.ýt if I or .' 1ý.+. ' . I. , : : . eoi condut ed in ite i , - cattle, as well as e::ptrieor3c v,'wi, ccines, in the form of bacterlns, or ed abortion germs, etc,, to try to :j d a preventive that would be effc. e," says Dr. Dalrymple. "However ri rding to the most reliable aut;:, t a u, nothin;: has yet '.e'.n fodu.ic t rh be cons.Jered a E,,i,;,, ,;tt.); _y are Mavertired; and u'nt I .. t' ai has b-en obtni;.d, .-hit- i: hoped may not be ,r in the futr;: will have to rely on strict sanli . for the best resuits; which mu,,t C evident when it Is stated that t::, tlon, according to those who hare estigated the matter most torouy.s is introd:ced into the anim.dl's s-;t througl, the mediim of fcod .n.I er that las been conli.tli: z.d i Infected dischs.rg.'s fro "he d. ed cow, or from the aftorblrth o: rtlon, or both; and also by contact N the bull that has previoun.-t ed an Irfocted female. All affected animals should be Ir,.- M lately and completely iso:ated. thorough job of cieamting rp id be done, so as to leave the stef: or hoUses, where affected animals been, as free of any infected ma l as possible. Everything Inside tM stable should be flushed with hot the r in which may be mixed some th tive germ killer, such as one or i" other of the coal-tar dips, In solu. tha of about 5 per cent. Ne me should be freely used, and moi laily where drains and ditches tar, ect with the buildings. ate ere practicable, the stable or T ing, after thorough cleansing and flgi ftcting, should be left vacant, kep open, for a week or two at least. mat dple who attend on the affected veal al! should hbave their duties con. an etflrdely to them, and should have tary connection whatever with the itW y stock, ar i if help eannot he spared for fail work alone, they should arrange W ye sOme old clothes,or ovenrlls, e i hoes, that they may ase and leave that * ~feted premiae, and which out I ultimately be burned up; and of ! should have some disinfectant so. in which to sterilize, or disin. Pilot their hands, etc., before leaving, retar mali that have aborted should ot their afterbirths removed as soon mt ble and burned up; and the t t * (wrpb) and nalnil cratIfied i * outside of the feltals and that the limbs down to the bee should be carefully treated glood disinfeetant or the In. a 1.2 to 1 per cent of lysol; W, or the outside, a somewhat ar,: er solution. war a Svery important that every pr~ oe, he taken to Dprevent the intro. a of the infection from Infected 10w :o through new importations, iualarly among pregnant aa*n a railed - terey niter Ribbons and Supplies.-- Menne leyille Demorat. ,burne Trade At Homel The merchant who adverises through his bhone paer Is a sate Swith whoa to d4 busfnes-tor the man who advertises ha a to maataln" high stda rd of iles so coprehensive tit sepe as to mesa ' qualDed satlefactmin" to his eustomers. Sis se beaus add" to hoest vales, hb aers a smm Stor alb a e in a live up to tims ret fahL * ao glad ll the attsiajm of a rea rs to the adver wieb appaer in ti aplte We sa venth fr the e bf r sad hupty of sasbh. advertiserr. J. s. MCONATlnt, dles' sad oGets' Puralshins J4. L McCLELLAN, eneal Nateris" JOB. DAWIDOFF,. Dry Goals and sBdy4o.Wmar CONMDECIAL BANE. FIRST NATIONAL,4?E. SCReEN 3e10O ,;Bid, General OMerhise a . AULDS, Clsmngha ?t.,at . scom Gw ceG, y m NOup,, am.. .a. Fu. Oare . V. & PIP 8 mar, ,A & A+ CO+%' • -+,, , , . - , S' ++A- -p , ,:fkA , +: , .. ' + ,. . S :"+L:++:'+'+*i++++ '...... 1 fAII1As SECURE MONEY WAR BOARD WILL PINANCE THE CARRIERS. AT ugh Money Wll Be Ad ed to Meet April Capital Requre. ment.e, uI W nshlaon..-Ptlans for Snanetag fe railroads ader the federal coM, trot Until congress approprlat es sif inst cleat funds for. capital expendituresl have been a ralged by the war Snales corporatfon, e rpilroas administra. tfoa and the individual roads. The war Ilnance eorporation will make direct lDans to the railroads, Eugene Meyer, Jr., managing director Lions of the corporation, has annoblced. ofec The war flnancd corporation al the ready has begun filing applications 'c .1 for advances from the indivitdal roads to meet Apri1 rtroaltrments, ;t Meyer said. The railroads are offer. fr.t as collateral for their own notes, eortifcates of indebtedness issued to S- them by the railroad administration. To date the war tnance oorporaticn, has loaned $1,90e,ooo00 to the roads. This sr~m includoes $30,00,000 ad t ! vanced to the railroad Administrfr Sto I on,. 1c ,This policy of loaning money to i railroads Is epressly provided nla the rt attrer which the . ar .8ance co.r ~ pration operates," Meyer said. Oaieals of the ccrpra7ten declared that with certidcasron of the railroe 'imin!stration attached to railroad Lc'llatoral, these notes of the railroads could be turned over to private dnan. Rt cal instittions later, it necessary. t Eat tfr the prese.nt, it was stated, the ve Rat inance corporation will hold the T !iUTI] MATiC PLANE GUIOE "' g curity for the loans. NEW INVENTION OF AMERICAN Cc IMPROVES AIR SERVICE. - Machine Will Land at An7 Designated 1 Point Without the Aid of Human qul Hands. ne] Port Worth.-Under automatic con*. a trol, an airplane capable of carrying wo at a heavy load, and operated without vi the aid of human hands, has made a ma t ip of 100 miles and landed within a un( r short distance of the point designated $10 ' that it set out to reach. Secretary T Newton D. Baker made this announce. a n Ld ment in an address here. The secre- T %s tary came to Port Worth to investt. snit gate conditions at Camp Bowie. Frs r The device which has made such a the dflight possible, and which has been thai tkept -sret, Baker said, is an auto, ue martie guide f airplanes and was in. Par Svented in America. It is de~gned as bull sam Instrument of war, and the secre etary in referring to it, deolared that Sit would add to the horrors of future ci wars it the league of nations was a the failure. i When the armistice was signed Post the invention was so near completion line that in an actual test an airship with. CIoU Sout an ocacupant w u ent on a trip of more than 100 dles, he said. An airplane went under the control of a W pilot without maklin a landin, and he returned to it point of origin after Ci locating the distant objective for the t test. Then was sent out under auto Smatice control another airplane to land ad l. Imadl so dlose to that ~oaint that "had it been a shell it would have ben considered a good shot,' Sells War Supplies. Washingtou.--ai.8t to forelin tor. emrnment of more thLn $SO0,0o,O00o of war supplies Is annoaunced by the wanr department. Most of the material hau gaone to rance who needs smokeless powder, acids and copper. Wahn ton.-Melean bantdits de. railed and attacked a Taapico*on. terey railroad train ad inpafred J. p, Mennett, an Amerian. The bandits burned part of the traint equipment. 1 _F . i-----t VICTRATUAN COMPULSORY TAX " kus NTERES+ NO RETURN /.. .,R- ., h TUllIEL UEI CM11111 DREAM OF ENGLAND ABOUT TO BE REALIZED. NCost Estimated at $100,000,000 by Bomar Law, Who Says Pro. Ject Is Being Considered. Id London.-Five years would be re' quired to complete the proposed tun nel under the English Channel from England to France, according to an authoritative estimate. It is said that in ordinary times the cost of the work I g would be about $80,000,000, but in view of increased cost of labor and materials, the expense involved would, under present conditions, be nearly l $100,000,000. V The plan would give employment to a million workmen. 11 The Daily Mail claims to have def- ° inite information that the British and a French Governments have agreed to the construction of the tunnel and that the details are now being disj cuessed by a special delegation in Paris, which also is considering the u buildlng of tunnels under the Bospho." rus and the Strait of Gibraltar. c 0. 0. P. 'Listening Post.' Chicago.- Will. Hays, chairman of t; the Republican national committee, al is here to establish his "listening W post" with the purpose of getting a le line on the political sentiment of the country. State to Help Raise Sheep. a Charleston, W. Va. - The state of I West Virginia has decided to raise w sheep, with A. E. Aegen and 8. M. Croft, of Grove City, Pa., and Charles ton, and other business men of this tatt. Pasture has been purchased, pa nnnt Commencement Invitations We Take Pleasure In Announcing To The Members Of Each Graduating CLASS OF '19 that we are prepared to fill their orders for the very highest class of Printed or Embossed COMMENCEMENT INVITATIONS and CARDS All orders should be placed now, or as early as possible so as to insure delivery in ample time. Write for Samples ' and Prices. 1,. V. . `. + ..':'...:.,, .+;r;..:'+.+;..... m,.+ ';I",'+'?,.' •< +,+. ..+' , , BOY SCOUTS HOLD COURT AT HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING The Arcadia Boy Scouts presented 0 their first public trial last Friday night at the high school auditorium. Cases against members of the local troup 1 are usually confined to the regular meeting place, but this time a moot case was gotten up and the Scouts in vited their friends out to it. The case was State rs. "Chick" Snatcher, in - which the said "Chick" was indicted for snatching two chickens off the roost t of Mrs. Jackson. A jury was em k paneled and "Chick," enacted by J. E. 4 Currie, was tried under the Scott laws. I After a very interesting line of evi dence was introdlucedl by either side i and arguments very ably presented by counsel for the State, Price Aycock and Roy Taylor, and for the defense by U counsel King Murphy and Ralph Goff and the jury found the defendant not e IJguilty. Mayor B. F. Barnette acted as judge, The trial was written and put on e1 under the direction of Aissistant Scout- . master P. E. Brown, and was a suc cess in every detail. Mr. Brown just ly received a great deal of praise for fo the success of his efforts. The boys also deserve credit for the manner in which they executed the plans of their leader. On Friday night of next week the Scouts will entertain their friends again with a murder trial, State vs. ISergeant Morrison, when a war story of will form the subject of the plot. pu o.._... _., de Are you a subscriber to your parish R paper? You should be. PRICES PAID Irf FARIERS The average price of things bought by farmers in 1918 is estimated to be about 32 per cent higher than in 1917, albout 97 per cent higher than in 1914 and 108 per cent higher than prices of articles bought by farmers in 1909, says the Department of Agri culture. Prices of articles which farmers ehll were only about 14 per cent high. or in 1918 than in 1917, but about 97 per cent higher than in 1914. That is, since 1914 the prices of artiles which 1 farmers buy 'and prices of articles which farmers sell increasedl in about the same proportion. Farmer's pro. ducts were the tiist to advance but other products during the past year have overtaken the advance of farm products. Thus from 1914 to 1917 the advance of farm products was about 74 per cent as compared with an advance of 49 per cent for articles farmers buy, bi but in the past yeai increase of farm u products was as stated and onlly about 14 per cent for the other rtiles. t GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" tl TO CONSTIPATED CHILD l pi Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm sc tender little Stomach, Liver ni and Bowels ar Look at the tongue, mother! If sc coated, your little one's stomach, liver iantl bowels need cleansing at once. tol When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't re, sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- .n 9 Ish, stomach sour, breath ball; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a ed teaspoonful of "California Syrup of hu ht Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, 'sonstipated. waste, undigested food and Ssour bile gently moves out of its little at bowels without griping, and you have ina well, playful child again. Ask your e druggist for a bottle of "Califortila in Syrup of Figs," which contains full 'd directions for babies, children of all at ages and for grown-ups. u NEWS FROM SALINE - Mr. and Mrs. A: i. .MacDonald are he in Shreveport this week. Miss Johnnle D. McCoy spent Sat. urday and Sunday at her home here. Miss Bessie Miller, spent the week. 't end at her homn in Blenville. Miss Henry, of Biepville, spent sev eral days last week with her uncle, Mr. A. H. Enloe, A very interesting program was gir en at the school house Friday night for the benefit of the sciool library. TAX PURCHASER'S NOTICE To Lind 'Wardlow or any other per son interested: You are hereby notified that o I July 6th, 1loS, at the principal front * dior of the Court House in the town of Arcadia, Bienville Parish, La., I purchased at Tax Sale the following described property, to-wit: RE 1.2 of NW 1-4, See. 24, Tp. 15, R. 8. And the price. for which same was sold and the amount of taxes and cost of this notice being $18.98. The deed is recorded in Book No. 51, on page 258, and was recorded on Oct. 24th, 1918, and the said property was sold for taxes of 1917. This the. 3rd day of April, 1919. ... A. COOK, Arcadia, La. REVIVAL SERVICES IN ARCADIA Conducted by Rev. B. C. BELL The Presbyterian Evangelist first S lTHURSDAY NIGH, APIL 17th, 1919 Services to be held at the METHODIS 'PROTESTANT CHURCH at 10 O'clock A. M. and 8:30 P. M.-Daily. All the Christianpeople of Arcadia are asked to attend and assist in the song and prayer service. This campaign will be conducted along sane Gospel lines, no sensa tionalism, no excitement, no tricks, JUST GOSPEL PREACHING. It is the purpose of the Presbyterian Church to revive and continu6 their work in this place along with the other great churches. The Presbyterian Church feels that she has a work to be done here, and We want to do it. We invite all our friends to co-operate with us in these meetings for there will be blessings enough for all. SERMON SUBJECTS: '" Novia in the Tops of the "The Christians' Eldorado" lulberry Trees" "Opait God~ d estion lox" "he rower of An Endles life" "Ak Alter s, hhew Stoes" "The Scarlet Le in the Window" "T1e ADid Swim" "The Victory of Faith" A welcome to all-Work for all-and a blessing for all-COME, WEBSTER GOES FOR PARISH. ht WIDE SCHOOL TAX SYSTEM to in 1 By an overwhelming majority town an and country joined hands in the elee an tion held throughout Webster parish rs Tuesday to vote on the proposition to *i. lery a special fire mill parish-wide school tax for the support of the N schools of the parish. Unofficial re h. turns Indicate that upwards of 000 i7 vote were cuat, not more than 75 of s, the number being recorded in the nega Stive. More' tlhan half the precincts ,1 hohling PlotiIns voted solidly for the t levy. Minden le1 the way with 92 ) rotes solidl:, ftor the mleasure, and was t followed by I)ubberly, Yellow Pine, SAntioch, (Gum Springs. Point, Old" Sliholgaloo Ferry. Evergreren, Unionl Springs, Haynes', Potters', Oak ;rove, I Pine Grove, Brus'hwood, Hlurton, Mimns', I and Blocker's and possibly others. In a It number of polling places only one or r two votes were cast against the meas ure. HIortman and Sarepta were the a only places to return adverse majori ties. The voting of this tax means that t] the numerous school distrlits present Sly existing will be abolished, and the parish made the unit, with a uniform D school term. The plan is to have a tl nine-months term for all white schools ec and a five-months term for colored to schools. The parish school board will meet ut: !today (Friday), and .promulgate the to results of the election.-Webster Sig. an nal, Minden. -~ The parents of this city would not hurt their children any if they insist- Ig e1 upon their regular attendance at la one of the excellent Sunday schools that operate every Sunday. Doi THIE UN.1VE:RSAL .CAR The Ford Sedan is a splendid car for the farmer because it is good and comfortable every day in the year. It has all the utility lof the touring car with the niceties of the high-class car. The wife and children enjoy the refinements and comforts. It is easy for women to operate, it is al ways reliable, as well as economical. Your early order is solicited because the big Ford Factory is a good ways from normal production, and with us, it is first come, first supplied. Sedan, $775; Coupe, $650; Runabout, * $500; Touring Car. $525; Truck Chas sis, $550. These prices f. o. b. De troit. W. R. FOGLE, Jr. Ninden, * * * * * Louisiana LEIONS MAKE SKIN Ei WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a few cents ,mn and see for yourself ish What girl or woman hasn't heard of to lemon juico to remove complexion bleon de ishes; to whiten the skin and to brio:; he out the roses, the freshness and the re- hidden bealty? But lemonl juice alone 00 is acid, therefore irritatimg. and shoult of be mixed with orchard white this way. a- Strain through a inel cloth the juice of Is two fresh lemons into a tottle contain 1 , lug about three ounces of orcharO )2 white, then shake well and you have is a whole quarter pint of skin and com e, plexion lotion at about the cost one id usually pays for a small jar of ordinar; ºu cold cream. Be sure to strain tt.; c, lemon juice so no pulp gets into tl., bottle, then this lotion will remala n pure and fresh for months. When a:, ir plied daily to the face, neck, arms awl 4- hands it should help to bleach, cleu, e smoothen and beautify the skin. I- Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cost asnd t the grocer has the lemons. C Concerning the efforts to make pecr., a David Lloyd.-George says: "Can not I the people wait until we hare flni h ed our work Instead of always wantin;g I to judge our Intentions? This confer ence had to meet and discuss thin-s under conditions unprecedented in his tory. All eyes are turned toward ii, and, what i, more grave, all ears anr i glued at its keyhole." The Democrat is only $1.50, :l I If you are a farmer, merchant, banler, lawyer it will be worth a hund!r.I times that much to you, Subscr;i , noW.