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The Bienville Democrat V~-OLUME XI. ARCADIA, BIENVILLE PARISH, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922 NUMBER FORTY Just as we bid farewell to the year 1922 our thoughts are turned to the New Year -1923-and what it holds in store for us. We have resolved to not leave any stone unturned in doing our part to make 1923 a banner a year. We will continue to keep our service up to the standard, rendering every accommodation consist ent with safe and sane banking methods. For you we wish a very happy and pros perous New Year, and offer you a safe repository for the fruits of your labors. We suggest as a good resolution for every one-"I will save more money!" Come in and let us talk the .matter over with you The Commercial Bank of ARCADIA -The BANK that SERVICE BUILTI --I i Like the treasure ship of olden times , full fraught with precious things, so may New Year come to you ladened with all that will make for your happiness and contentment. We assure you of our keen appreciation of your goodwill and patronage. DANIEL, BRYAN& TURNER "Insurance of Every Kind Known to Man" -HONE s ARICADIA, IA WS OF INTER ESTFROM HOPE re. A. J. Sheard left for Minden , y, where she will spend a few k Jerry Johnston of Jamestown,| -the guest of Miss Gladys Pritzen, y. b J. Poland was a visitor to Min- I Wednesday. a Allen, teacher at Lawhon spent the time between trains S "Wednesday. a and Mrs. C. L. Davis, Miss Mag and Charlie Wedgworth a to Minden, Tuesday. Wingard of Shreveport, has the guest of friends for the last Grace Elliott left for her home e, Friday. She was accom- I home by one of her pupils, Ryan, . J. J. Wall is on the sick list 1 and Mrs. S. E. McMichael were guests of Mrs. J. 0. McMichael, A. Ledbetter, Joe Nelson, Louie oward Nelson, Will Bradley andt Reny, were visitors to Minden. Stewart of Sibley, was in a14 Mrs. Dewitt Dillard were to Jamestown, Saturday. J'Ahd Perrin of Dubberly, is the week-end with Mrs. C. . Joii so and family of Haugh were guests of the Ledbetter Sunda y and Monday. Sand Mts. A. B. Jarnigan of 4,are the guests of Mrs. J. ,. Frye was a visitor to Hef &uett left for Winnleld, Mooi he will spend a few days.. Sllehardsoa and family have to Doyline for the past I iMrs. C. J. Frye of Ring. drea foretel an sudden to the bead. wlbs *rP eIft to ldamuastlm t Sth bebdy. thiaenotne t fe atmil .,m.t~e rL .1~8 SHERIFF SALE SIrOier & O~s Co Ltd. vs. C. W. Frye, No. ! ...'in Ju&dla District Court, State of t Lolsiuaa, Pariah of Bleaville. .,Under and by virtue of a Writ of Seizure and Salk isued from the above named Honorable rCort and to me directed, I have seised and ill offer for sale to the last and highest bider I for cw, with the benett of appraisement, at te front door of the Courthouse at Arcadia, Bienv rih, La. within legal sa lhous on SATURDAY '55iRUAIY 3rd, 1923 *. the ollot~ng descibed property, to-wit: •, One store bhoue and lot in kryeourg described as follows: Beinla at a point on north boundary liUe, of SW 14 of. SW 1.4 Sec.3, I. 1 S17 N., . 8 W. thence in a soutern direction alog eut edge of i of way of L. & A. R. R., 1 155 34 feet to ot of beginning, thence run ainll north 68 1- degrees, east 150 feet, thence -oigth 37 1-2 degrees, east 30 feet, thence south r 0 1.2 degrees, west 150 feet to right-ofway thence n a northern direction alo east elge of sad right-of-way 30 feet to point of beginning. The above described perty eid as bedon l to the defendant, C. W. Frye, and will be b id to satisfy saik Writ of Executlon and all cotm. This the 27th day of December 1922. J. E. CUkRIE, Sheriff. it "De Proess of Law," The coutitutions of the vrtious states sad the federal consttloat can 1 tal asn description of those processs so which it was latended to allow or for bid by the areous uses of the espr. it lon "dua process of law." It is gn. orally held to mean, however, law In Sits regular course of admlnlstratlon through courts of justice. Stray Sit of Wisdom. Patlence is the support of weakness; lmptteance is the ruta of strealth. SC(oltoa. The New Year- We want to thank our customers and friends who have so loyally stood by us and sustained us with their buiness during the past year and ask that you favor us during the incoming year in the sam splndid way that you have in the past. We asure you thitwe appreciate your business and moral support more than we can express for without just such support no bank can succeed. We wish all a prosperous year during 1923, and hope that happiness and good health will at. tend youl. . The First aion al Bank and The First Trast & BankingCo. 41 1 Arcadia Spends Kl Very Quiet Holi. day Season K Although there were some very dull days just prior to Christmas, business Ca last week was above the average and lar the holiday season was very gratify- pe ing to all. Christmas Eeve and Christmas Day, in so far as disorder is concerned, were er, never quieter, and it is very gratifying S to know, that lawlessness in Arcadia and Bienville parish is on the go. . On Christmas Day there were feast r and merry-making minus the usual Christmas drunks, and so it is that this occasion was observed as it should be, because to every Christian man or woman it should be a day of great joy. dh S Odi, Making Paste for Wall Paper. wi To one plant of flour add one heap M lung tablespoonful of sugar. Add th enough cold water to make a smooth paste, then add boiling water, beating It until you have a thick, clear paste. If It does not clear cook a few min Sn urtea. Your paper will not crack and .orne off as It does when glue Is usee su in the paste, to be Increase Sheep Industry. ac Argentina has Increased Its sheep br raising Industry until now it Is the wl second largest wool exporting country I In the world. M ce GIBSLAND NEWS AT A GLANCE 6 t. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons of Clarks, tu Mr. and Mrs. F. A'. Beverley, Mrs. ai Edna Guynes and little daughter, w Heloise, and Mrs. Lucile Day of Ir Shreveport, were here for the Parsons- % Gehring marriage. ti John Houck, Jr., from the Military at Academy at Anapolis, Md., and Harold et Rogers from Washington and Lee p University at Richmond, Va., arrived Saturday for a holiday visit. d Mr. and Mrs. John L. Garret and C twin sons of Minden, were here for o Christmas day. The teachers in our school who live p elsewhere are enjoying this week with p their homefolks. Miss Jessie Brister tl at Pineville, Miss Alma King at Ash. i land, Miss Esther Nails at Shangaloo, f; Miss Gay Pace at Athens and Miss v Hazel Durnn is at her home near Baton a Rouge. Christmas Day was a happy day in ti the Mizelle home, for relatives from many places gathered there, each bringing something good for the elaborate feast which was enjoyed at the noon hour. ' Mr. W. S. Row is with his family for the holidays. Mrs. Mullens of Magnolia, Ark., was Sthe holiday guset of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Nelson. Mrs. Hansel of Bryceland, was the .guest of Mrs. W. H. Day, Sunday. d Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Bridges and Schildren of Mansfield, were with rela- i tives here for Christmas. I , Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards and children motored from Bradley, Ark., for a visit of two days and on their return were accompanied by their sis ter, Mrs. Clyde Fonts, who will be Stheir guest for awhile. S Mrs. S. S. Bogan is visiting her Smother at Rayville. , Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Edwards of Mt. Lebanon, were guests of their daulgh e ter, Mrs. A. B. Hortman, on Christmas Day. Miss Margurite Courtney of Campti, was the charming guest of Miss Myrtle Houck for several days. SMr. and Mrs. T. C. Madden had the a. pleasure of a visit from their children I Sand grandchildren this week. SThe play, "Bringing Gifts to Christ,".': Sgiven at the Baptist church Sunday evening by the Junior B. Y. P. U., Sboys and girls was good and the read ing, "The Night Before Christmas," by Miss Irma Btndon was highly enjoy ed. Mrs. L. M. Phillips is enjoying a vis it from her mother, Mrs. Dawson of Bernice. KEY FAMILY HAS REUNION E DURING XMAS HOLIDAYS it. Lebanon, Dec. 27.-Mrs. P. J. Key had the pleasure of a family re union during the Christmas holidays. The followng came to enjoy ths oc cason and make the famly crcle as at large as possible: Mrs. W. W. Cul- fr pepper and son, Winifred of Park- ,( dale, Ark., Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Wklk- a inson and daughter, Dorothy of Horn- c er, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Banks of Shreveport, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. t Moore of Lake Providence. s ( '01 Prominent Couple Have Xmas Wed- h ding At Gibsland Gibsland, Dec. 26th.-The Baptist church was the scene of a pretty wed ding Sunday afternon aot 5:00 o'clock when Miss Olive Marie Gehring and H Mr. Wright Parsons were united in b the holy bonds of wedlock. s 'he church was tastefully decorat- e ed with a profusion of ferns and P Southern smilax. The bride was lovely in a traveling suit of midnight blue with accessories to harmonize. Miss Gladys Patterson beautifully sang, "0, Promise Me,' the accompaniment being played by the bride's sister, Miss Kathryn Gehring, who also played the march from Lohengrin as the bridal party entered. Music continued softly throughout the ceremnoy and Mendelsohn's march was given as a recessional. Dainty little Miss Melba Ketchum, g Sthe flower girl, and little Fletcher Sut ton, the ring bearer, in fairy-like cos tumes of white, were the first to enter and take their places at the altar, and were followed by the br:desmaid' Miss SInez Gehring, and the best man, Mr. -Wrightsel Parsons, a twin brother of the groom, who preceeded the bride F and groom. Rev. B. F. Gehring, fath i er of the bride, performed a very im e pressive ring ceremony. I Mrs. Parsons is the accomplished daughter of Rev. and Mrs. B. F. i Gehring, and has been in our town r only a short while, but long enough to win many friends by her charming e personality. Mr. Parsons is the princi Spal of the timmercial department of r the high school at Belzoni, Miss., and Mrs. Parsons is a member of the , faculty. They will spend the holidays s with homefolks here after which they I n will be at home in Beczoni. Best wishes of friends are extended n the happy young couple. S- -0- S Mortality Statlstics ic Phlneas Shark, the eminent statlt. ct dcli and mathematldan, estimates that if all the safety sones In the Unit ed States were plaead side by side, there would still be pedestrians to stand outside of them and automobile r drivers who would drive through them. J. -Detroit Motor News. World's Death Rate. The world's death rate is estimated at O6 a minte, 97,920 a day, or 35,. d 740,800 a year. d HAIBONE'S MEDITATIONS k.. , ------ "r PAT OLE 'LAHM CLOCK O' S' MINI Ot E 6o't PE PEBIL IM IT; T G60 OFF IN 1D' r MAWNIN' 'FO TIME T' GIT UP EN SToP RUNNIN' IN It. DE IVENIN' WHILS' AH h- WATCHIN' PFU QUITTIN'.'TME. U., f Baptist Church Here Makes Need ed Improvements A concrete walk has been completed around the Baptist church, with a walk from the street corner to the front door. This is a great improvement and l adds much to the appearance of the/ church, We albo understand that the con tract has been let for the new par sonage and that work will begin at once. The parsonage will be located on the Dixie highway opposite the home of Bert Davis, which is a very beautiful location. Western Resptct for Women! The best siory (of tle vcsierillei'. revernclce tOf \nolIci, writes a Loli'L spondent of a London paptl , "is col ( cerned with the conclusion of a littlh fight with Indians. The latter got thl best of It and the squaws arrivel ii .t stone hammers to finish off tile %\out! i ed. As a squaw thus armed was ap Sproaching a hIalf-conselous victli hil-s friend :i' t I1 out to him: 'Look inut l;ill, rlheres a nlady coming.'" ---------- Guide to Visitors. SA busy literary man tacked the fol Siowing announcement on the door of his residence: "No admission except on business. No business transacted here." The legend on the back door was like unto it: "Please do not enter e wihout klicking. 'lcase do not n nock." BRYCE NEWS SBRIEFLY TOLD Miss Constance Coker, who is a student at the State Normal is at Shome for the holidays. The friends of Mrs. 0. L. Boddie will be glad to know that she is at home after being in the sanitarium two weeks. She is improving rapidly. d The bazaar and dinner given by the SBaptist W. M. U. was quite a suc cess. The sum of one hundred dol Slars was realized. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bryan motored ito Coushatta Christmas day. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollaway are i spending the holidays with friends e here. Mr. A. Ellis from Alabama, is the y guest of his sister, Mrs. J. M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Boddie of d Shreveport, were guests of relatives, Sunday. Misses, Stoker, Colvin and Mr. Gar rett are spending the holidays with l. their respective families. l Miss Viola Shows is spending a few t- days with her sister at LeCompte. a' Miss Nellie Gilbert who teaches at ° Gardner is at home for the holidays. e Mr. and Mrs. Will Hanson spent Christmas Day in Arcadia, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Day. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell of Arcadia, are d spending the holidays with their par i- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Walker. Mr. E. B. Sneed is with his home folks for the holidays. Mr. J. O. Bryan was a business vis itor to Shreveport last Wednesday. Dr. Jackson was a visitor to Shreve port, Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryan of Arcadia, were guests in the home of Mrs. J. M. Jones, Sunday. Mr. Tony Coker, from Vicksburg, and his brother, Jim, from Mobile, Ala., are spending the holidays with relatives. Apparently Welcome Death. The dread of death Is universal ann instinctive, and yet how many rush Into its armsl Suicide is a most hm pressive fact in this connection. The disappolnted lover, the discouraged ad :enturer, the suspected clerk, the chlld wounded In its selhtlove or fear. ful of punishment, faces thl great en aniy and Invites his b!;,...-- )ctavli. '3. Frothlnaghtm. Odd Trait of Humanity. Is it not strange that men should be so ready to fight for religion and so reluctant to observe its precepts? Lichtenberg. To All A Happy Holiday Season We welcome this occasion which offers us an opportunity to extend to our friends and customers our best wishes, trusting that each one alike, will enjoy to the fullest all the pleasures of a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Happy New Year. We assure you of our appreciation of past favors, and solicit a continuation of your valued patronage on a basis of the best values for the low. est prices consistent with market conditions. We wish to also announce that we will hold our usual January Clearance Sale. notice of which will appear in this paper. THE ARCADIA FAIR y los. Dawidoff & Co. Props. - - Arcadia Greetings STo all our friends and customers, with whom our business and social relations are always the most pleasant, we take this method to wish for each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The PEOPLES HARDWARE CO. (laeorporated) ARCADIA, LOUISIANA Morehouee Situa tion Very Serious -Many Suspected The situation in Morehouse parish is growing more serious according to newspaper reports, and many develop ments are expected within the next few days. Dr. McKoin, the physician who received seevral letters threaten ing his life, and who left that country on the advice of friends, has been located: in Boston. According to the papers, whi'h have during the investi gation printed many conflicting re ports, he will brought back as a wit ness. Then another report states that he has been charged with murder in connection with the disappearance of the two men. A paper published in that parish states that the citizenship deos not ap preciate the free publicity they are get ting, nor was it necessary to put arm ed guards on the job. It is true that the dailies have play ed up the situation, and from their point of view it is worse and getting "worser." As to the final outcome, no I one can hardly predict anything defin ite. Many arrests are expected to be made before another week is over, and it is stated that some of the most prominent citizens in that section will be taken into custody. Inevitable * A newspaper advises the 0log man to escape from labor troubles and other complexitles of dcvllistlon by taking refuge on a tropic Isle. But when he got there he would probably And the coconuts cornered oll the consolldated coconut exehang, a3n the amalgamated union of bassan pickers englaneerlag as tsladwide strike.-Boton Transcript. 0 LIe Has Omrt VItalIty. A lie can be turned lnside out oad so decked In new plumage that AoM will recolaise its lean. old carver. Ibsen. Rabbit Canery May 8elve PrbleM. In Argentina a rabbit cannery has been established in the hope of rid. ding some ections of the country of a poet in a profitable wy. An Unusual Ohio Cricket. The jumpinlg bsh cricket (Oreharls saltator) is found In small numbers throughout the southern half of Ohio, frequenting the tundergrowth of dens woods, the thlckets along the beord of streams and the shrubbery ofat chards and yards.