COMMERCIAL JOURNAL Think not lightly of never so weak an arm which Strikes with the Sword of Justice. VOL. 7. THIBODAUX, LA. MARCH 23rd, 1910. NO.7 Ladies Organizing til Over State Lafayette recently (ell in line with a cirle league organized among tbe Indies of that town. Oplousas, Crowley, Shrereport, Huston Baton Kouge, New Iberia, Mergan City, aid numerous othor towns hare their league. City fathers can not turn down ladles as easily and they help the community by being organized. Lafayette recently organized a woman's civic league. Lt omly followed in the wake of other progressive towns throughout ihe state. Opelousas, Crowley Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Iberia, Morgan City, Ruston and numerous other places have their lady organizations who do other things than play euchre. They discuss civic improvements, point out to the city fathers?® needed improvements, correct evils and thereby assit their respective communities to a great extent. Men folks can not re fuse requests made by ladies as they can refuse those offered by men. Suggestions are heeded more so when coming from ladies than from men, for they do not dare send the ladies to the warm places. The good to come from such o rganizations is evident wherever the leagues exist. Crowley cele its a iady's league las?" w""* od Opelousas has had its league for some four or five years.Thesame; good work has been accomplished by the ladies in numerous towns without spending one cent of money. In conjunction literary and debating is made a pleasure and pastime and much intellec-1 tual benefit isderived therefrom, as well as brought into the homes. Thioodaux was supposed to hare a ««Mother's Club 'some months ago, but asl all other organizations which point out defects and bring toj light shortcomings and negli ence, a damper was put on it and we have no hesitancy in say ing that political fear was at the, bottom of it all. Marvel Theatre, THIBODAUX. High Class Moving Pictures. AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS. OPE N DAILY FROM 4 to 10 P. M. SATURDAYS FROM 3 to 10 P. M. The very best of everything. Prices : Childrrn 5 cents. Adults 10 cents. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! We keep them constantly on hand. Phone your orders to Dupre's Gro cery. Phone 149. The Woodmen of the World ap poiuted a committee of foar, con» listing of Mr. Isidore Ber, Mr. John Webre, Mr. Clias. Riviere, Supe rintendent W. S. Lafargue and Mr. Felix Hebert to make all jnecessary arrangements for the onveiling of the monument erected to the memory of tbe late Sove> reign, Ernest Romaggossa, in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery. State Gooncil Comuiauder A. B. Booth will be the orator of the day. Piano tunning, voicing and re pairing* Leave order withs Prof. E- C'hol, Thibodaux and Prof. Ii. Breithenmoser, Napoleon ville, La. M. QUAVE, Tuner. Tbe Bowling Alley in Main Street ihas been re-opened. Mr. W. Cleve tland Long is in chaige. Prizes will be preseuted the best lady aud geutlemeu bowlers weekly. The Lafourche Levee Board by resolution placed itself on re cord as being against divore ching the Red and AtchaMaya j Rivers from the Mississippi. The. movement is gaining consider «.hie hpadwav and it will take ! aoie Deaaway duu IV wui , v **i than resolutions from a 1 ^*1 .oa *"d to oppose the two ! |OVs Jüa * u ! stre »»ms from being cut off from > ».hp. fireat Fathers of Water. j wie Uic I XT „i 1 A biologist from the National Panital is gathering data in the capital is. S ...» r^o-ardin? parish of Vermillion re 0 arain 0 teal and mallard ducks for the ac/iortnininf whether purpose of ascertaining wneiner «Ational protection shuuld be in these ducks. If the *extê tided to State Game Commission IS abo ' lished as well as the law too mußt) amended the inconveince experiwjQßd now will «nly be substituted by A national law f®' which will in all pwtotëtfty be a ' severe one. Czar Tottering In Throne Speaker Cannon has at last found the table« turned on him and has difficulty keeping head above water. Democrats, insurgent» Republicans make him. and dissatisfied life unpleasant tor . j Has to sit up take for supremacy and gress. notice and light control of Con j Speaker Cannon who for several ! ®. e ® slona ^ as b ® en wielding his cxar h *« orti Congress finda him self at last confinedtoat least ob 8er ™8 rul «?- He ii forced to sit ' ^ notlc ® an ^ have a care. He felt safe in the beginning in having a few Democrats with him. : But no *' tl ? e majority of the Demo ! cratB . th L e insurgents and Repubh ; cani ' ^ho have tirod being imposed 1 ' 0 " j 18 Pfrt 18 * n r have ; combined and forces old Pa Joe 1 had the time of his life keeping his above water. Last week - -- - i Committee on KuJes. j „ you haye a h()me t0 j J*™" papM ; g * —— Mrs. Joseph Use. i after holding an a 11 night session the regulars were unable to muster a majority. In trying to force one of his pet measures through he met a majority in the opposition, to his surprise. If things do not change or Uncle Joe doen not yield the people may have their ending yet. He was removed from the paint or Oliver J. 5 Mrs. Joseph Use died at her home on Rienzi Plantation last Tuesday, afternoon. She leaves to mourn herloss a husband and several chil— ! dren besides other relatives. Her re j mains were interred in St. Joseph ; catholic Cemetery on Wednesday ! afternoon. j : Woodmen .Circle A Euchre. Gives Violet Grove 96. Woodmen Circle gives a euohre at Protector's Hall, No. 2, on next Thursday eve ning at 8 P. M., March 31st- Ad mission 25 cents. OUR DEPOSITS EXCÉED those of a year ago by about One Hundred Thousand Dollars. This means satisfied customers and many new ones. The Bank of Thibodaux THIBODAUX, LA. the'state of louisiana. Twentieth Judicial District Court—Pa rish of Lafourche. MK9. vx. HAKVET VS. NO. 4l&i, 4163, LOUIS X. WILLIAMS. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Two writs of seizure aud sale issued out of the Honorable Twentieth Judicial Dis trict Court of the State of Louisiana, for the «parish of Lafourche, in the above numbered and entitled suits, and to me directed and delivered, I have seized and will sell at public auction between the hours prescribed by law for Judicial sales, in front of the main entrance to the court -house of the parish of Lafourche, in the town of Thibodaux, on saturday, april 16th, 1910. The West H*if of the south Half of : a ! certain lot of ground, situated in the , town o{ Thibodaüx, in this parish, mea 1 9Ur ing Ninety-Six feet and Eleveu inches ! on Church street, by One Hundred and ! Ninety Two feet in depth, between paral > lel j iues which said lot is the third j lot South or the lot forming the corner I of Church street and the prolongation of 1 Rose street of said town of Thibodaux, ^untied East by Church street on which It fronts, and Noyth, South and West by 1 la nds now or ' ormerl - v belonging to Wal Gu j 0n aH( j others, according to a pi an of survey made by P. a. Thibodaux, survevor, .Tauuary 15th, 1(<78, together the build f ngs aBd improvements lhere on and all rights thereto belonging. I To pay and satisfv the two writs issued , in this case in principal, interest and j co#tBi attorney's fees, as far as the same may go JAMES BEARYj Sheriff of the parish of Lafourche. THOMAS A. BADEAUX, Att'y. for Pl'fs. $£arcb 16th, 1910. Public Afforded Rare Treat. The Knights of Columbus were fortunate ia securing tne services of Prof. J. C. xonaghaa. Distinguished scholar whose fame is uni versal finds time to gire Ttalbo«ttUX a date while touring the South. Seat out by National Council to dell ver lecture for Knights and their friends. Last night at the Opera House prof. J. G. Monaghan delivered his famous lecture '«America the flag and opportunity". The affair had been pretty well ad vertised and a rather good crowd was expected. We go to press too early to give the details. The distinguished scholar, known universally, arrived here yes terday and was taken in tow by the local knights and shown about the town, having the points of interest shown him as well as the surrounding country. In the afternoon the .officers of tbe council received the mem bers and their friends at the council chamber, where they were introduced to the distin guished visitor. Last night, be delivered his lecture at the opera house. While we go to press before hearing same, the splendor of his efforts and ^ his entertaining manner of deliver ing as well as the reputation his brilliancy of speech preceeded him and put him in a class with William Jennings Bryan as to fluency, so that we have no hesi tancy in saying that the lecture was a rare treat and a decided success from every stand point. Besides Prof. Argence, Mrs. J. Billieu.Miss Ludy Badeaux,Prof. Guy J. Knoblocb, Mayor P. J. Aucoin, and Miss Sadie Gaude contributed to the program. A NIGHT ALARM. Worse than au alarm of tire at night is the metallic cough of croup. Careful mothers keep Foley's Hon ey aud Tar iu the house and give it at the first sign of danger. Fo ley's Houey and Tar has saved maii y little lives. No opiates.—La fourche Drug Store. Last Thursday was St. Pat rick's day. The local 8ons of Erin marked the day in various ways, no public celebrations however. The community at large honored the day by wear ing the shamrock and green, the emblem and colors of the Irish Saint. Ice was reported in several sec tions of the state last week. Early risers in this section maintain that there was ice in town also, ice hav ing been noticied in thin layers about the ground. Judgé Porter of Natchitoches, reputed candidate for Governor, has denied the report that he will be a candidate on the prohibition tic ket. In his interview he says : "The saloon question is a social, industrial, political and moral is sue of tremendous importance to the welfare of the commonwealth. It ought not to be made a medium fcr the exploitation of political as pirations of any man or faction. It ought to be submitted to the j people for settlement by them at the polls. I consider it too early to begin the campaign for 1912." Mr. Stanley Boudreaux (Jack) returned from a few days spent at Lockport where he had gone to pre side over the post office the day of the death and the day of the funeral of Mrs. Prudhomme, Postmaster BarrioB'a daughter. Panama Canal Exposition 1915 New Orleans goes out to muke strong bid for the exposition to mar« the opening of the canal. Large delegation sent to returned last week very sanguine of success. Washington hopeful and Report has lt that the next legislature will be asked to make an appropria tion to get the exposition. New Orleans last week put in a strong bid at Washington for the Panama Canal Exposition. Besides being closer to the canal than any other city, New Orleans is a cosmopolitan city and her interests have been closer to the people, of the La tin American people, than other cities. The opening of the canal promises to be marked by an exposition and since New Or leans has had experience in handling crowds as well as an exposition it looks as if it might be as good a city as any in which to hold the event com memorating such an epoch in history. A delegation of representa tive citizens headed by Gover or Sanders and Martin Behr man spent several days in Wash ington mixing tfith congress man and senators, as well as as giving receptions to the re preventatives of different for-, eign countries. President Taft was first approached and made a friend of"the movement. They returned last we^k very hope f ul and sanguine of success. The next Legislature will be asked to place a special tax through a constitutional amendment for the purpose of assisting the movement. The holding of an exposition in New Orleans can not but be productive of much good to the entire state in hav-i ing its advantages and resour ces universally known. It is to be hoped that the southern Met ropolis will be land the prize. successful and A. RICHARD. TIN SMITH, - - . On Thibodaux Street» in the rear of The Racket Store, Thibodaux, La. an repairing done prompt,,. Gnt tenng A Specialty. Wood ! Wood ! _ ,, . n Slivered Sip El; ^c P Culla° rd pho e ne V 269 Base Ball The local boys have organized with practically the same ball players as last year. All home boys, with the exception of Gnit terez, who will act us back stop, old reliable Deine Knobloch not playing this season. George Linesetter has been selected as manager. Good games will be scheduled throughout the seasoD. Two Per Cent Tax The executive committee of the Louisiana State Firemen's Asso ciation met recently at Gretna, La. President Charles Riviere presided. A committee to act as the Itgisla tive committee to see that a bill is introduced in the legislature, levy, ing a tax of two per ceut on all fire insurance companies whs one of the features of the meeting. The idea beiug not to tax companies organized under the laws of the State. Other basin et» s was trail, sacted and applications received from other tuwus. The convention will bo held af Lafaoetle, La. this year from May 27 to 29. j e( j f r0 m what it year NO SUBSTITUTE. Accept no substitute for Foley's Houey and Tar. It is the best and safest remedy for coughs, colds, throat aud lung troubles. Contains no opiates aud no harmful drugs. Remember the uame. Foley's Hou ey and Tar, and accept no substi tues. Lafourche Drug Store. This week the services at St. Joseph Catholic Church were chang has been in the past few weeks. There were no services last night, but instead the same services together with a ser sermon will be held Friday night at seven o'clock. To morrow after noon there will be the way of the cross which will replacé the way of the cross to have been held on Fri day afternoon. Architect Attends Committee Meeting. New Orleans architect attends meeting of committee selected to look into remodel ling of courthouse. Majority of committee present discussed matter after which committee visited building. given architect by •all inconveniences and drawbacks Suggestions all incon set forth officer*, fully The court house committee met last Saturday morning and the majority of the members were present. Mr. Favrot, an architect from New Orleans, of the architectural firm of Favrot & Livaudais, was present and fully discussed the proposed building with the committee listening to all their suggestions. The ideas of the committee were taken by the architect with a view of draw ing plans to submit to the com mittee. After the meeting all offices were visited and suggestions taken from the officials as to con veniences, as well as all present inconviences and d raw backs, so as to make the proposed build ing contain all comfort and con vience for the proper handling of the business. The plans should be forthcoming in a few weeks. Would Have Cost Him His Life. Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., | writes : 1 have used Foley's Kid uey Remedy and take great plea sure iu stating it cured me per maneutly of kidney disease vhich cerlainly would have cost me my life."—Lafourche Drug Store. Born To Mrs. Emauuel Labit,a boy. j j Mr. and Mrs. Josb.ih Gaudet had the misfortune of losing a six year | old girl last Sunday. The remains ; were takeu to Labadieville for iu j terment. established . c* amusements for the i^e farmers from all ^we'ù SÄ« ™ trade day The H^da™ declared a big success and the business was only excelled by the business the day before Christmas. The merchants got people. the sur rounding country were attracted i there by train loads. The day ; was such a success that it has i been decided to make the first I and third Wednesdays of each month trade day. Amusements I montu iraae uay. .amusements ! a ? d inducements will bring peo j P" "any town any. old time Arevifed list of approved high schools throughout the State has just been issued by the State Board of Education, in which we fail to find the Guion Academy or the Thibodaux High School, as some prefer calling it. Those who think it a high school might call down the State Board and possibly they will see that it is placed on the list. Lake Charles is to have a new theatre costing thirty thousand dollars, which will be in readi ness for the next season. It is high time this town were think ing of something modern as a theatre. The retail butchers of New Orleans have decided to show the housewives of that city how to purchase meat so as to save waste, that is be economical in their purchases and at the same time to import cattle as a means of holding down the price of meat or reducing it i? possible. The Catholic Church at Baton Rouge was robbed one night last week. The contribution boxes were broken open. At tempts were made to open other special boxes but the criminal broke the knife blade on the box, blade afterwards dropping into the box. The plan to make "Dixie" the national song has again been re vived. Strenuous efforts ar® being used to have it declared the national song. Houma has let contracts to build one mile of cement sidewalks, this will cover the principal streets. Van Leonard, a white man was killed at a logging camp near Gibson La. last week by an explo sion of dynamite, used in rooting trees in the Swamp. It Looks Like No Parade. Looks like the annual celebration of the fire departmeht will be observed this year. The last celebration left _ the town has every appearance of giving it the slip. The old spirit that possesed the people for the fire department seems to be dying out. It looks like Thibodaux is going to lose its last and ori ginal gala day. The annual celebrations of the fire depart ment which have recently been neglected and very much unlike the celebrations of the past are year after year being shelved. Less interest is being mainfes ted and the time seems to be upon us when the celebration like most everything grand this town has been proud of will only be a remembrance of the past. Usually steps were taken before this time to insure a grand celebration, but as none have been taken as yet and as the matter is not even being spoken of, it might reasonably be supposed that there is noth ing doing for the firemen in 1910. If the old spirit that posses sed the people regarding the celebration of the anniversary were still alive there might be hopes, but as it is we fear that our ideas regarding the absence of a celebration will be realized. In seeing this celebration aban. doned Thibodaux loses its last grand celebration Richard Allen Craigin. Last Thursday afternoon grim rea per death checked a promising career in taking from bis field of activities Richard Allen Craigin. The young man had just reached his majority a few months ago and was engaged in the real estate business in Gulf port Miss., where he died. His success was remarkable and his fu ture was very promising. He had ! , ■ *• j « i i indisped for a "abort while, Thinking he had an attack of grippe ' -eleft h.srooo, too »onand was 1 uke " w " lound that he had tiphold ,eTer ÎUU11U tuav iic puviw *VTV». All that could be done to spare his life was done, but the Divine Ruler willed it otherwise and he was cal led to that great beyond. He died at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. R. Strange. His remains were taken here through New Orleans and interred in St. John's Cemetery on Saturday morning after services at the Episcopal Church. The re mains were followed to their last resting place by a large following of friends and relatives. Deceased is a native of this parish,he was born on Rienzi plantation, where his peo pie lived while the plantation was owned by the late Mr. Richard Al* len. He left here while quite a boy, but there are many who re member him as he returned several times to visit his native place. place. Those Who Come and Go Mrs. Francis Knobloch spent several days with her father and mother in Baton Rouge last week. St. Joseph's day was celebrated last Saturday. At St. Joseph Catho lic Church, several hundred people attended the masses held that mor ning. The Italian colony marked the day by their usual celebration, eaeh family or several families cele brating together. The Louisiana Press Convention will meet at Opelousas on May 3, 4. and 5th,Ihe dates having been decij ded upon last month, at a meeting of the execuiive committee. Full de. tails as to program and entertain ment will be issued shortly. The association met in Opelousas twen ty years ago and there has been much improvement in that hustling town since. A recent settlement made with the auditors shows Lafourche pa rish as having receipted for $12,096, 14. Lake Charles will have twenty five miles of cement sidewalks to be erected immediately and which will cover all of the seventeen principal streets. A jury in the District Court at Donaldsonville allowed the Leh man Planting company damages for fire caused by sparks from tbe smoke stack of an engine on the Texas & Pacific Railway. Dam ages were allowed in a sum over five thousand dollars. THE WORLD. First letter from our fellow townsman reaahes us and it is filled with interes ting data. Party visited Frisco, Honolulu, and are ■ow headed for Japan after which the Phillipiaes will be visited. Meals served a la carte and receptions and lectures on board on what is to be seen and what has been seen. Last Friday's mail brought us a letter from Mr. E. G. Robichaux, who with his family is on board the Steamer Cleaveland in the Clark Tour around the world. Mr. Robi chaux writes interestingly and is elated with his experiences and treatment. From here, Mr- Robi chaux.his wife and little son,Alfred, drove to Schriever and boarded a train there for Los Angeles where they arrived on January 30th, leaving here on the 27tn. After spending a few dajs there and noti cing the wonderful improve ments since hia last visit there in 1894, our writer proceeded by way of the coast to Frisco. This was his first visit since the recent disas ter and the improvements and re placing of public utilities in such a short time, Mr. Robichaux says, would startle the imagination. He visited there all the points of in terest, as well as all curiosities and historical places.At the St. Fran eis hotel they remained until the day of departure, in the meantime the Clark party returing from a tour around the world, which started from New York and ended at Frisco met and were made acquainted with the party about to leave and cross over the same route, the party just arriving had visited. The ex change of acquiantances and rela ting of experiences was very interes ting and exceedingly useful. On schedule time all were aboard the steamer sailing on the Pacific. Leaving Frisco on February 5th, after being out seven days Honolu lu was reached on Feb. 12th. Mr. Robichaux says that wireless mes sages were exchanged from on board to the port at Honolu lu and greetings were exchanged. A rousing reception was- given the party. The stay at this place was only two days» but every advantage UU1J tnu Ufl/OJ uuiouiugv to s?e everything worthwhile seeing ! was offered. Mr. Robichaux drove j ou t into the interior visited all sur rounding plantations. He expies ! a « g himself as preferring the Hawai j i a n Islands to any tropical country he has yet visited. All on board j were presented with garlands or necklaces of flowers which were ! worn while in Honolulu. ! worn while in Honolulu. j Leaving Honoloulu the cruise was continued to Yokohama, Japan,and ! a t the time the letter was written I the steamer was 175 miles from ; this port. After visiting all the ports | 0 f Japan, as well as all points of in | interest in the Flowery Empire,Chi j n a, Java, Ceylon Bombay as well j as different points in India will be ; visited. The letter was mailed on board the steamer before reaching Japan and we expect another from him at the Suez Canal, which will be in about two months. Previous to this the coast of Africa will be visited, the party landing at the same place where Roosevelt landed, besides other points of interest. We expect fuller details and points of interest visited the next time. At the time the letter was written the trip across the ocean had been 5550 miles; 2490 from Schrie ver to Frisco making 8030 miles from Thibodaux, the "best spot on earth". Mr. Robichaux says that while he was not lonesome one has moment he believes as he has al ways belieyed that dear old Thibo daus is the best spot on earth as f many "'he's, »« the party, there ar<>760 passen ! 8f s, composed of ««sterners. peo ! P><= '"' m Nortl ' and ?' outh > bankcre ' at brokers, professional men, clergy, commercial men and people Itom all walks. At meals the ladies have to dress in form, evening dress be ing required,the men wearing Tuxe dos. Mr. Robichaux in concluding asks us to extend his regards to all his friends. Divorcing the Atchafalaya and Red Rivers from the Mississippi is causing much comment, re solutions and mass meetings I pro and con are in order. J, Y. Skofield of Baton ïfcouge was appointed travelling sear gent of the Louisiana state Peni tentiary. Mr. Skofield was em ployed at Bowie some yearsago. The next legislature will be asked for an appropriation of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to build a sugar mill on Angola Plantaiion.