ERC1AL JO VOL. 7. Think not lightly of never so weak an arm which strikes with the Sword of Justice. THIBODAUX, LA. APRIL 27th, Ï910. HO. 23 Prohibition Coming Ver; Rapidly Our statement, *nd prediction of months ago about to be realised and is stated as a fact. Bill will be Introduced in Legislature to prohibit th« sale of liquors in all tortns or cities of less than tlireo hundred thonsand. N*w Orleans will then be excluded, after which the country will bo against the city, then a constitutional amendment will be offered. Oar prediction of months ago ia rapidly coming to be stern facta* The prohibitionists are going to car ry their fight into the next Legisla ture. There will be a world of bills introduced preventing the sale of liquor or the issuance of licenses therefor, after the first of January next, in any town or city of less than three hundred thousand in habitants. In this manner New Orleans will be eliminated from pro hibiticn and will probably support the bill as a business matter» for cing all the liquor to be sold in New Orleans or shipped out from that city, A bill to this effect will be introduced by our good friend, Hon. Robert Roberts Jr., of Min den La., who by the way would make an ideal and tip top candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and for whom wc would like to vote if he does not run on a prohibition tic- ket. After this bill is enacted into law, we reiterate what we »aid be fore, the prohibitionists will have won their fight, for the country be ing deprived of enjoying the sale of liquor will be pitted against th« city and a constitutional amend ment will be introduced in the General Assembly of 1912 making the sale of liquor anywhere in the State of Louisiana, contrary to law. This will be New Orleans' punish ment, if htr representatives sup port any bill making the sale of liquor against the law, outside of New Orleans. Unless this sch«me is nipped in the bud prohibition will be with us next year. Mr. Lovincy Rodrigue. j i j Mr. Lovincy Rodrigue, an aged and respected citii^n of tbesixth ward, died at his home last Fri day afternoon. He bad been in disposed for a while, but his ill ; ness was not considered as se rious as it really was, and his death was almost sudden,, fori he had been doing better that | day and death claimed him as he was resting in his chair. He had ^reached an advanced age. During the years of his activity he had served his ward in several capa cities, as police juror, member of school board and road commis sioner, as well as his party, be ing for a number of years mem ber of the Democratic Parish Ex ecutive Committee. His remains were taken . to the Catholic Church at Chackbay, where after the services of the Catholic Church, presided over by Rev. Farther Schmidt, were interred an the cemetery adjoining. The fanerai was largely attended. He leaves to mourn his loss, hi« wife, a number of sens and dau ghters, as well as grand chil drens. A son, Mr. John Rodri gue, is at present serving as a member of the Police Jury from that ward. WATCH FOR THE COMET The Red Dragon of the sky. Watch the children for spring cooffbs aud colds. Oareftil mothers kaep Foley's Honey and Tar in the ni. ih, h-st »1,1 safest, house. It is the best and safest prevention and cure for croup where the need is urgent and im mediate relief a vital necessity. Contains no opiates or harmful drugs. Refuse fourche Drug Store. substitutes. «La j Malbrough-Ganier. , _ T _ , , The New Orleans papers last week chronicled the fact that; Mr. Oliver Malbrough and Miss Agues Gamer of Hammond, La; were married in New Orleans on,g the 18th inst. The wedding at fcracted attention, as the groom is formerlv from this town, be-1 ing a son of the late Philip Mai brough and a grand son of Mrs. Louis Lamoureaux, still living in our midst. Mr. Malbrough has a number of friends here who; will wish him well, and learn of his marriage with no little plea sure. PAIR. Violet Grove 96 Woodmen circle will give a Fair at Opera House jjrounds on May 8th. New Bank Elects Officers. The Citisens Bank of Lafourche met last week selected its officers and directors. Meeting held "too late for us to make mention ia last issue, although we had gone to press before meeting. Site purchased to erect modern building as corporations's new home and good price paid for same. The Citisens Bank of Lafourche held a meeting of its stockholders last Tuesday, after w® had gone to press, too late therefore for us to make mention of the reslut of the election. There had been rumors as to whom the responsi bility of the success of the insti tution would fall, but we prefer red awaiting positive information t»efore mentioning th* matter. The first board of directors will be composed of the following: E. N. Roth, W. E. Howell, Oleus Mire, Wilson Lepine, L. E. Cail louet, Lovincy Rodrigue, John. M. Wehre, Charles A. Badeaux, J. M. Keith, E. A. Beau vais, L. C. Roger, H. L. Sims, P. R. Per cy, R. 0. Seely and Walter C. Morvant. Of these E. N Roth shall be president, W.E. Howel!, Oleus Mire and Wilson Lepinre vice presidents; H. L. Simscash ier and Elphege Clement, assis tant cashier. The site has been selected for the location of the bank, it will be the corner of the Fleetwood es täte, corner of St. Philip and Thibodax streets, being a frac tional lot thirty five by ninety feet for which the price of forty five hundred dollars was paid. The building, it is said, will be a three story pressed brick mod - ern building. Ascension Council Knights of Colu in bus celebrated its fourth anniversary last sunday oy giving an elaborate banquet at its own home in Donaldsonville. The state officers and grand knights of councils throughout the state were invited to attend. Last Fri jday marked the fourth anniver 9ar y 0 f the institution of the to ca i CO uncil. — ' ; | OUR DEPOSITS EXCEED those of a year ago by about One Hundred Thousand Dollars. This means satisfied customers and many new ones. The Bank of Thibodaux THIBODAUX, LA. Lafourche 8 Labadievllle 1. Lafourche drove up the bayou i" 8 £ " oas bats " , , elr ° wn back J lrd -J ,8"?® «"ted «>• terestingly, but our boys were far superior and had things their own way until the ninth in ning, when Knobloch who had pitched wonderful ball,let up for awhile to allow the fielders prac tice, and seven runs were total were led in that inning, but no more, Lafourche having eight runs to its 'credit the game was still theirs. Had it not been for the batting {est that Sid allowed in the last roun d of the contest th e home tK,y S W ould have had a shut out to their credit. As it is, the ame was f or them, but the cre dit would have been all the great er jf jt had been nine goose eggs instead of making all runs in one inning-. The locals batted fast, good and strong and were in the game at every stage playing all a r0 und and credit being due all. Kext Sunday Latourche will m eet Jeanerette at Dautin's Park, Diarrhoea should be cured with out loss of time and by a medicine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly but pro duces ne unpleasant after effects. It never fails and is pleasant and i safe to take. Sold by all dealers. Land And Farm Congress Held. Congress tn session at Alexandria on last Wednesday and Thursday attracts visitors from all over. The effects of sessions aro far reach ing and will serre to advertise state to its advantage. All who had the good fortune to visit the exhibits were dumb founded ana have become enthusiastic. The Land and Farm Congress held at Alexandria last Wednesday and Thursday was worth a special trip to that place to inform one s self of the possibilities of the state in which we live. Everybody who saw the exhibits of the products of the farms and lands of this state were absolutely dumbfounded, to say the least. Lafourche of course took no interest in the matter, and there was nothing on exhibition from this parish. All exhibits were from other sections. If La fourche had had some of its pro ducts on exhibition it would have made the exhibit all the more won derful. All sorts and varieties of vege tables, cereals, fruits, flowers, for age, hay, catties, fowels, h«rses, mules hogs and anythtng and every thing raited on the farm could be found at this exhibit, the greater portion of which were displayed in the corridors of the court house and the balance on the side walks on the outside. We express our views on the subject in an editorial in this issue. The Governor as well as a number of state officers participated and the unanimous opinion is that such exhibits and conventions do only good and un told good to this commonwealth, in that it advertises our advantages and opportunities to outsiders and makes us better acquainted with th« innumerable benefits of this state as well as facts we never dreamed existed. Chamberlain'« Stomach and Fjiver Tablet« assist nature in driving all impurities out of the system. insuring a free and regular condition and restoring the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all dealers. Anniversary The Young Men Benevolent As sociation celebrate their 43rd anni versary next Sunday afternoon, at their hall by giving a collation which will be served on the lower floor of their building. The anni versary is usually celebrated by chartering a Bpecial train and giv ing an excursion out, but unable to get a train this year the members will assemble next Sunday after noon and have a general good time. At the same time there will be a meeting «ailed for the special purpose of considering several im portant amendments to the consti tution, which have been pending for sometime. This organization is one of the oldest benevolent as sociations in this section of the state as well as one of the weal thiest» having a healthy treasury and a home of its own. The asso ciation has always paid its mem bers five dollars relief per week and a funeral benefit of fifty dollars. The most prominent people of the parish are affiliated with it. The Louisiana Press Associa tion meets in annual convention at Opelousas next Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thurôday. An ele gant program of entertainment has been prepared and » most enjoyable stay is anticipated by the delegates. & aefense. I Northern Capital Looks Oner Lafourche Party of serenty capitalists brought down hör« »toil territory between ttac» l&nd »nd l(pckport. Brought here by floating bonds and of recalmation bonds brokerage company making a specialty Trip should hare its results as these seventy northerners and westerners saw possibilities here they never dreamed existed. Trowbridge and Niver bond floaters, last week brought a party of seventy northern and western capitalist» in a special train to Louisiana. They took them over the Southern PacifiG Railroad to Raceland. Lockport, Houma> Crow ley and Abbeville. The object of show them the ^ h 0 ;„*r„,i al m«d in these aiI _ an( nt n^a^ea hT^he nroner system of drainage. 1 he territory between Raceland and Lockport was *k~wv.„rKiw îr^.noptprl and the eves f thp viaitnr* were opened wheni S I^ Zwn nctuT facts and £ y of this secti on the possibilities of this section. The corn people saw _corn jprow ng nni™ tLt werecTnvfnced *1 wn anrl t^i'^ ^ixlns cou ld be 11 1 wh.rp onlv one could r Th l r£ be made north, ihe transportation facilities, by i use of canaJs and ba yous also impressed the visitors, very favorably. . The bond floaters have no hesi ÄÄ floated, thetaets Wt home to the visiting capitalists have opened their eyes to the future as well as the possibilities of this section of the globe. ONE Week Longer Teeth Extracted And Filled Without PAIN. e Dr. M.V. Smith Painless Dental Specialist NOW AT Strangers Hotel, Thibodaux, Will Remain Until WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 1910, Dr. Smith's rooms are now crow ded daily with the most nervous people in this parish. All will speak in highest praise of his mo dern painless method for EX TRACTING AND FILLING TBBTH. All wishing work should make Engagements Early. MODERN ELECTRICA^ AP PLIANCES, Crown and Bridge Work. Permanent Teeth Immediately. Popular Prices. Examination Free. White People Only. NEW PLANT. -Brette and Thibodaux is soon to have a new plant, another boiler work ing establishment and sheet iron works, in which boilers will be manufactured, as well as sheet iron work and general repair work given particular attention. The planters in »his vicinity, as well a* all over the sugar belt and state will be solicited for a share of their patronage. The new firm will !>,* known as Dapre and Bergeron and will consist of Mr. Theo Du pre and Mr. Charles A. Bergeron, two experts ia the work, who are well and favorably known in this community. They are to oc cupy the shop formerly operated by Laughlin & Golden, the old Bodley Hall, which is at present being torn down and which will be substituted by a modern and well equipped shop, erected for their special .ttttrpose, The orfar still gro jln Appreciation Of Services. Knights of Columbus hold regular meet ing last Sunday afternoon with good attendance and plan surprise. ; i Mrs. N. T. Bourg a good friend and worker for the order handsomely remern bered in presentation made her by order in a body. Kesolutions adopted endorsing work of Anti Tuberculosis league, following proclamation issued by Governor and league. The local Council Knights of' crowd wps in much business attendance and is said to have Columbus, held a rousing and en. thusiastic meeting last Sunday aftei noon at then lull. A large j* 4 , ! been transacted. Among othe* j matters acted u pon was the adop ; of a reso ution and . the a P" ' P 01n t men t of a committee com ; T "Â , • "VTiWork. der> Drs L quis .E. Meyer, S. A. ! Avo J J Avo Albert Meyer! ; j Vr o ô j ^ I aUCi . a u ? a ! r f <> lutlon expressing the view co 1 unc,land endorsing the f,gh t ma( j e against consumption, ^ tQ berculosi s, throughout the ; i c , ountr 7 and m , a " sw « r tu a ^ ! Çlam^ion issued by H.s Excel-1! i V >ntC ^r ^ r0ve ^ n " r . . an . i he National Anti Tuberculosis ; L ea g Ue> making last Sunday An-i : ti Tuberculosis Sunday through t the land. The resolution!^. ; when drafted is to be giveh to fcl ie Dress h Th h feat,0, ' e ° f l l" 8 even '"«' ^ ! äs® t „ d % a]r tor T Bourg, a lady wnoso sons and ! |)us ba nd are members of the ■ derj and wbo bas a steady ! . , - , . , atyl faithful worker for the order. ; Af tf r the meeting the members i walked down in a body to her i home where she was taken bj ? surpiise anti where in a few ap propriate remarks the Grand Knight thanked her for her ef forts and work at all of their ini tiations, winding up with the presentation of a cut glass pitch ier and six cut glass tumblers, which sbe received and for which 1 sheexpressed her hearty thanks, demonostrating in her words the feeling that overcame her and telling with her smiling coun tenance the appreciation of the reminder. Million Dollar ration. Conflag Lake Charles suffered a terrible calamity last Saturday night a great portion of the town being iped out by a conflagration that destroyed between eight hundred thousand and one million dollars of valuable property in the heart of the city. The Catholic Church, a convent, the Catholic Knights Hall, several business places and more than fifty residences being destroy ed before the flames could be check ed. EUCHRE. Lady's Branch, St Ann's Branch catholic Knights, and the Uniform Ra nk, catholic Knights wi'l give a progressive euchre under their joint auspices next Thursday night, to morrow night, at C. K. of A Hall for their joint benefits. All are cor dially invited to be preseut at 8 P. M. sharp. Adnission 25. State Officers. The State Council Improved Or der of Redmen elected the following officers at Alexandria last week : Great Sachem, Alfred Gwyn; Great Senior Sagmore, Paul L. Lambre mont; Louis N- Boston Great Junior Sagmore; Great Prophet, Emile Louis; A. M- Melancon, Great Keep er of Wampum; Dr. H. J. Feltus and Phil H. Asher with George Tread well, Great Representatives to National Council; L. W. Paillet of Great Trustee for three years, Fran cis L. Knobloch Great Trustee for one year and chairman of Great Board of Trustees. There are some condemned buil dings in this town that are going to be a source of no little trouble to the proprietors in the near future, unless they are demolish ed and thus prevented from in juring some passer by. The re cent death of a young boy in New Orleans by the cornice of an old building stricking him, while he was innocently standing on the side walk,should be a hint to all proprietors of condemned and worthless buildings that are èye sores Vv -i- 1 I COiMMITTEE MEETS CATHOLIC POT,' Meeting held in FaUjpr Dubourg's par lor last Sunday after high mass, which was well attended. Plan devised whereby funds would be raised to assist in completing the re pairs occasioned by the storm, __ Father Dubourg stated to the committee that he appreciated their efforts and would do 11 debt* his share—church not in A meeting of the committees of the Catholic Knights of America, j£ n jght s 0 f Columbus, the trus tee8 of the churchj gevera i parif3h _ onerS) and the Mayor of th# town was held at St. Joseph catholic Church presbytery last Sunday af ter high maBg in Father Dubourg's lor The greatest harmony pre vailed throughout the meeting and the meeti immediately set to A sub committee was ap. tn namp solicitors who P ,1 • i ! solicitors wno would circulate lists asking for dona tions from the parishoners to raise a fund towardg de{ray i ngthe expenses to repair the damage caused by the t The nmount exDended is in the neighborho od of two thou sanand dollars and there is yet something else to be done which will occasion more expense. The gub committee appointed consists fM p j Aucoin Messrs A |j ß raud and F L Knobloch, from Megsrs 01eu8 Mi r e and Th R havon terri lhomas Koger, upper bayou tern Phüip Bourgeois "ndTeonV. Bou il Ä Fri , 1(lv „ftemoon in the meet next Friday afternoon in the Knights of Columbus Hall where solicitors to present the subscripted Hgt win be ap p 0 i n ted and the list will ^ imme diately circulated. Father j) Ub( Hjrg stated that already a parish oners,whose name he with-held,had donated twenty five dollars, he fur ther stated that the church was not in debt and that should he die any; day there would not be one cent due by the church or on the church. One Conductor Who Was Cured Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, and he writes about it.—"Some time ago 1 was confined to my bed with chronic rheumatism. I used two bottles of Foley's Kidney Re medy with good effect, aud the third bottle put me on my feet aud I resumed work as couductor ou the Lexington, Ky., Street Rail way. It g»ve me more relief, tban any Mlieine I Ua.1 «»er ased, and it mil do all yooolalm >? cases of Rheumatism." Foley s kidney Rh medy cures rheumatism by elimi-, natiug the uric acid from the blood. Latourche Drug Store. The Improved Order of Red men, in State Council assembled at Alexandria, was the first se cret order to endorse the Panama Exposition for New Orleans, and a resolution covering the endorse ment and some method to fi nance ihe same was unanimously adopted. Navajo Tribe, Improved Or der of Red men gave a very suc cessful dance at their hall at La fourche Crossing last Thursday night that was well attended and that proved a social and financial success. All present report a good timt! and the committee in charge is congratulating itself on the splendid success of the. affair. The euchre given at Mt Carmel Convent last Thursday - night proved quite successful as well as enjoyable to all who attended The crowd was not as large as usual but quite a large number responded and the institution netted a neat sum. The selling of liquor to whites and colored under one roof and one license has been made an is sue in a case at Lafayette in a charge for violation of the Gay Shattuck Law. The grand Jury at Pointe Cou pee condemned both the Game Commission and the Juvenile Law, in very denunciatory lan guage. A women at Louisville Ky, be com ing frightened at the reports regarding Halley's comet killed herself. She possibly made up her mind that she would not be disappointed and thus the end of the ^rorld for her did come in 19lÇl We wonder where her sat „faction came in, if this is w' t she really wanted. jChere is no cough medicine so ^ 4>ular as Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails to care coughs,colds, croup and bronchitis,«Lafourche Store. Dry. Mark Twain To Eternal Best Samuel Clemens. »— Mark Twain, known to all readers of English as America's hun«rist is dead. Died at his home last week at a well advanced age, griet hastening his end. Steamboat man, pilot, printer, news paper writer, magazine writer and last but not least amoag the world 's greatest humorists. Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens, died at his home at Redding Con necticut last Thursday, after an li ness covering several weeks. De ceased was a top notcher as a hum nrous writer, and ranked not only as the best in America but the best in the world. H« started his career as a steamboat man, acting as pilot on the Mississippi River, and after a time went to California where he embarked into the printing business, afterwards becoming a newspaper writer, and still later a writer of humor. His works became so popu lar that he had his works publish ed in books forms, and volume af ter volume was added to his collection. His labors brought him considerable money, but entering the book publishing business on a large scale he lost his savings and was soon bankrupt. He still labored and reports say that although poor he paid off his debts. His death was hastened or ac celerated by the grief at the loss of one of his favorite daughters. Among the comments of his last illness is one to the effect that phy sicians reduced him from twenty cigars a day to four, and later cut ting out smoking altogether. In his last moments o! consciousness it is said that he would bring his hand to his mouth, as if handling a cigar, then pretend to expel smoke, finding satisfaction in going ver£ humorously through the ges tures of the pleasure which was denied him. The concensus of opinion is that he will have no sue cessor. Those Who Come and Go Messrs. Franklin Aucoin and L. J. Trosclair are in Mobile, attend«« ing renuuion of Confederate Vete« rans. Mrs. Constant Lane, of Kay ne, La., ia visiting relatives and friends here. „ d M[g A Hcnn , ma0 o! New guest, of Mr. Hdg.r d f « Qll Sat „ rd . y , nd „ n |i a v u Mr. Clarence Boorg attending school at Jefferson College was here last week, being indisposed. Hon. A J. Trone was in New Or» leans last week to attend the mee ting of the Panama Canal Exposi tion Committee The bill making Baton Rouge a sub port of entry, entitled to custom collector and inspectors only awaits the signature of the President to become a law having passed both the House and Se nate. A light frost is reported as having been seen by early rjsers here last Wednesday morning and the thermometer was low enough to justify the belief that the report was absolutely cor rect. Prompt relief in all cases of throat aud lung trouble if yon use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing iu effect. Sold by all dealers. Bruslee Guilliot public school fair next Saturday and Sunday. State Superintendent Harris ad dressed the public at the Opera House last night. A large cro.vd was in attendance. President Taft appointed Gover nor Chas. Hughes of New York,as Justice nt the Snprene Court of the United States to succeed the late Justice Brewer. Attention is called to the adver tisement of Dr. M.V. Smith ap pearing iu another column. Good results always follow the use of Foley's kidney Pills. They give prompt relief in all cases ot kidney and bladder disorders, are healing, strengthening and anti septic. Try tbem.-Lafourclie Drug Store. Piano tunning, voicing and re pairing. .Leave order withs Prof. E. Choi, Thibodaux and Prof. L. Breithenmoser, Napoleonville, La. M. QUAVE, Tunes.