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SLAFAY GAZETTE. - `'':VOLUME I. LAF'AYETTE, LA., SATrURDAY, APRIL 22, 18Oa. SU DAHi JOHNSINUi'S SERMON. s'smgsi't to ta ke a ter' dis mornin' t rapgs ne, 'SBeua ptn i/i• prinoepul you wants Sa An¢ds wiell gib it to you in my motestsolems SSoh all lives in glass houses, doan yoe Sgit to frowin' stones." Dah's a mitey sight of wickedness a gwyin to en 1 w,' And 'de bble's alays on de watch taw slmmnhs So, lesp.ob eye out fob yose't, an' not foh Brudder Joneas * "W hen-yoh sll-lves in glass houses, doan you git to frowin' stones." Wheasyoh meets a slstah comin' wit a ribbon in er hat, - )oan think the sistah's glttin' vain, taw, when it comes to dat, Des gaze upon yoh speckled tie, an' msay in hum ble tones: "When yob all lives in glass houses, dean yoh git to frowin' stones." If amenibel o' dis church ob mine goes strayin turnum de way, De sawd'll sholy ledge him on de final jedge* ment day; But de bred'rin all mus' he'p him faw to fin' de' straightee' path An' sospe de sutn turrers ob do Lawd's indig nant wrath. Religion is a cur'us thing In many ways an' -one, aSut dah's liittlalls lurkin' ebrywhah you sholy wants to shun. If Sistah Wilson's 'sperlence am told wit tears an' groans Dean think yose'f much bettah-doan you gitto frowin' stones. Doan pestah young folks 'cane dey's young, but let 'em laugh an' smile, asaw ehilden's laugh like flowahe come bright upringin' tum do slle: An' do sweetes' kind ob music Is de Vespohs dat am sung In de hahts o' men and wimmin in de days when dey am young. Keep charity taw ebery one-dean ledge yob fellowmen, But leab it all to dat one Pow'r who'll jedge de people when We cross de ahinin' ribbah in de mansions ob de blest. thah the wieked cease tum troublin', an' doe weary am at rest. So lissen What 'ze tellin' yob, an' take it to yo) haht, An' make dis bressed tex' o' mine ob daily life a paht, An softly say it in yoh praye's when on yoh ,. marrer-bones: "When you all lives in glass houses, dean yob git to frowin' stones." -Ernest IecGaffey, in Chicago Times. fill (I , Ai OR years Frank Leyburn Ias been known as the tiger slayer of Amoy. There "is not a village along the coast of China, no matter Thow remote from the great centers of population, to which his fame has not extended. With him the killing of the great man eaters who infest the jungles is looked upon as a pastime, and he has shot them under almost all [saginable circumstances. id arrived in this city on the steamer Gaelic, en route for London, aW1i it was early in the forenoon that he strode into the California hotel. He wrote his name in big bold letters across the page of the register, and ?lost no time in plunging into a bath tub. Later he emerged from his so elusion, looking ruddy and muscular. He looked more tike the ordinary globe-trotter than a slayer of tigers whose name is known throughout the Orient. In appearance lie is tall and robust, with closely trimmed white beard and keen gray eyes. A long loose-fitting sack coat of gray tweed was buttoned about him, and a brown derby hat was tilted back far enough upon his head to show that lie is grow ing slightly bald. His feet were in cased in shoes of russet leather, and lie carried in his hand a heavy cane, which he clung to tenaciously as he strode rapidly along. "Oh, yes," he said, in a gruff tone, when asked about his experiences as a tiger hunter, "I have bagged a good many of the beastsin my day, but there is nothing remarkable about that. With us, don't you know, it is merely a pas time, and we hunt the tigers for the sport there is in it. Why, bless my soul, I can see no reason why anyone should care to hear about tiger hunt lng.. With us it is ordinary sport, just an deer stalking is in America. "After all," he continued, as he grasped his cane more firmly and planted his feet very wide apa:t, "the tigers of China are not nearly as fero cious as those of .India, but they give a good dealof trouble to the natives at times. When one of them gets a taste of humann blood he at once becomes fe rocious, and is neversatisfied with any other diet. They become transformed into what are known as man eaters, and they hunt human beings as a cat does mice. "Take a big man eater, for instance, and he is pretty sare to make his lair in a jungle close to a native village, avoiding the larger towns, and always on the alert to make a victim of some luckless human being who may fall in his way. It is his babit to lurk about the outskirts of the settlement, con cealed in the edges of the jungle, and await his opportunity to seize a victim. Moonlight nights suit him best. At such a time he is extremely vigilant. He prowls about until he sees some be lated afraggler in the streets. This is the opportunity for which he has wait ed for hours, perhaps for days. There is the Sash of "a heavy body in tihe moonlight, a cry of terror, a brief struggle and the man eater is off for fi.leir in the jungle, bearing the help lshabody of a human being in his mns sire Jlws. Months later, it may be, the are found in tlse dense under - en I wenat to China twenty years U ' had ailreay etae expeaidece in bigglearoe a Iawmated to kil a tiger. One day while in the count iag house of our firm at Amoy two na tives came in in an excited frame of mind to tell that a man had been car ried off from a neighboring village the night before by a man eater. This was just the opportunity I had been waiting for. Taking out a heavy ex press rife which I had brought from London with me, 1 took the two na tives to act as guides and started out. On reaching the village I found every thing in an uproar. The natives, who are timid, were paralyzed with fear, and scarcely dared to venture out of their houses unless in the middle of the day. "I had already learned something about the habits of the man eater and knew just how to go at it. From in quiry among the nativen I asecrtained the exact location of the latr of the tiger, and for a small compensation I succeeded in securing the serviese of a coolie to guide me to the place. "Starting late in the afternoon, we made 'our way slowly through the jungle, and just about dusk reached the spot. Now, the night is the k est time to bag a man eater, for he is then asleep, and may be shot before he is aroused. Knowing this, I had brought with me a bull's-eye lantern. Before night had set in fully I got everything in readiness and waited until it grew pitch dark. Having in the meantime located the exact position of the lair. 1 left my guide, who, by this time, was almost terror-stricken, behind me, and on my hands and knees crept through the jungle. By the cautious use of my lantern I found the lair. Turning on the light, I was a little startled to dis cover the huge beast curled up and sound asleep. His head was resting on his paws and sqdarely facing me. As' I prepared to level my rifle at him he stirred uneasily. Turning the light full upon him, he raised his head, but before he was thoroughly aroused I sent a ball from my rifle crashing through his brain. By good fortune I had struck him squarely between the eyes. There was a feast of rejoicing in the village when I returned with the skin. "Just before I left China on my present trip I struck a man cater who proved to be a tough customer. lie was an old fellow and had a record of about twenty ' victims. They sent for me and I went after him. I had with me a double-barreled rifle of large caliber. I found no difficulty in tracing him to his lair. but he gave moe a narrow call before I succeeded in fin ishing hint. The trouble was that when I found him he vas awake and ferocious, apparently from the effects of hunger. I had shot so many that I thought nothing of it and gave my tiger one barrel out of my gun. Most unac countably I missed him clean, and his eyes fairly blazed. Lashing the gronud with his tail, he sprang toward me like a flash. As he was in the air I let go with the other barrel and struck him in the left shoulder, the heavy ball penetrating to hi, heart lie fell at my feet, and so close was he that before he died I could feel his hot breath upon me. It was the most (IV) I LET GO WITH TIHE OTHER BARRELt narrow escape that I ever had. When measured the tiger was found to be al most twelve feet in length, and his claws were one and three-quarter inches in length. I had the lattec mounted and distributed them among my friends. "I could tell you a great many stories if 1 had the time, but they have grown old to me and would be of no interest to the public," and the tiger slayer hastened away to his dinner.- San Francisco Examiner. A Cotting Remark. A Cass avenue man with a son whose mustache and whiskers are just be ginning to exert themselves, was try ing to shave himself the other even ing. His language on that occasion was so forcible as to attract his son's at tention. "Hello, pop." inquired the youth, "what's the disturbance?" "Confound this razor," was the reply, '"it's so dull that it pulls things out by the roots." "Try mine," suggested the boy, pro ducing his steel. The father looked at his son's downy face and at the razorlet in his hand. "My boy," he said, with gentle pity, "take it away. I wantsomethingthat's accustomed to cutting whiskers." -De troit Free Press. Haste Makes Waste. Little Laura and her brother Ollie have been encouraged in the habit of racing at their toilet in the morning. OUlio always wins, for hlsas little else than a shirt waist affd a pair of breeches to put on, while Laura's attire is a great deal more elaborate and plentiful than that. Nevertheless, Laura is ambitions, and sie doesn't lose heart by frequent defeat. One morning she played stratagem in order to win the race. She ad her brother had just got out of bed and as they were getting ready to begin dress ing she turned to him with an arch ex pression and said, coaxinugly: "OHie, you know that haste makes waste, and if you hurry now you'll waste your time." lte was victrious jeat Cie same. Boston Herald. (GEN. CUSTER'S FATHER Memories of the Venerable Parent of a Gallant Sblde?. He was a Man of Strong Preadlees, But Lovable Just the Same--Members of the Custer Famlil t3Wl ierilseed With the General. [Special Detroit (Mich.) Letter.l The recent death of Emanuel Henry Custer, father of Gen. George A. Custer, the hero of the battle of the Little Big Horn, brings vividly to the public mind the conspicuous events of that mem orable year 1870. Father Custer, as hi was famililar chled by his townspeo ple at Monroe, Mich., has been a figure of interest for many years. It would have been bereavement enough to have FATIIHE CUSTEII IlDItNG DANDY. lost the brave and gallant soldier George, but in that brief and terrible battle 'Mr. Custer lost three sons, a son in-law and a grandson. With all this burden of sorrow the strong spirit of the father was not utterly crushed. In losing his son George, he lost the com panion of his middle life, the boy who had inherited from him a marvelous in tensity of purpose, a strong. passionate moral nature, and the fearlessness of a heroic spirit. In after years no more pathetic pic ture could be seen than that present ed by the venerable man who, with indomitable will, proudly rode his son's war horse, Dandy, wearing the spurs and gauntlets of the unconquered, while the wide band of black crape on the hat which rested on his white head was hi. only outward semblance of grief. For many years Father Custer has been content to remain within the limits of home, as comprised by the boundaries of Monroe, where he has lived since 1849. Ile was a native of Maryland, but lived many years in Ohio, where his son George was born at New Rum ley in 1830. Mr. Custer had for some years made his home with his son, Nevin J. Custer, and it was there that he died peacefully on November 27, 1892. Hiswife had pre ceded him, her death occurring twelve or fifteen years ago, it being hastened by grief at the death of her sons. Mr. Custer had two persistnut theories, religion ang politics. He was intensely, passionately religious, and he was intensely, passionately political. There was no hesitation in either at trilpe. lie was an ardent, impulsive Metmfodist, and a staunch, uncompro mising democrat. People who did not believe as he did in either way he would not even argue with, unless the argument was all on his side. His boys liked to stir their father up by pre dicting political disaster, in a spirit of fun, but they were soon compelled to show their true colors, or hear a con vincing and forcible statement of the situation, given with the power and charm of a native orator. His positive character would brook no weakness of profession-he was outspoken himself and had the courage of his convictions, and he expected all the members of his family to be equally sincere. lie cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson, and his last for Mr. Cleveland, riding a distance of five miles in the cold bleak weather for that purpose, saying he could not die happy if his party did not elect its candidate. His death was consistent with his life. and he felt sure in his last hours that his ac tions were the result of an honest be lief that the course he pursued was the right one. When Father Custer was seen away I from home, there was always some one to point him out and say: "There is the MRS. ELIZABJETH BACON CUBTIER. father of Gen. Custer." I remember weing him at the Cyelorama of the Little Big Horn when it was here in Detroit. That terribly real semblance of the battle field had so overcome ordinary spectators that they had fainted from the effect. Yet this brave old man regarded the scene of carnage with a calm and stately courage that was truly wonderful. While he sat and watched the scene a man who wore the badge of a Michigan cavalryman touched him on the shoulder: "Excuse me, comrade. Yon are Geon. Custer's father." "Yes," said the fine old man, with a glow of pride at his heros name, "he was my son." "I was with Gen. Custer when he made that raid out of Winchester. and broke through Early's lines," said the cavalry man. Then another came up: "I was with him in the first cavalry," i said another, "when his brother'Tom was wounded in the .-eck." "I remember that eatonement." .ald. Mr. c(ster, as if repeating a u.atter of history. "Tom brought that necktie home, and I have it yet." "Let me speak to Gen. Custer's fI th&-. ily son fought under him," said an elderly woman in black, coming for; ward. "He foujRit under a good man, then," msaid Mr. Custer, in his quiet way. As he passed out some men wearing the grand army badges gave him almost an ovation. I knew him, and as I saw his face paling I said: "Oh, Mr. Custerl they are glad to see 1 you-how pleased they are." "It isn't for me," he said, and I no' I tieed that his voice was husky; "theje ants thinking of him-and so am I." He was very fond of his only daugh- . ter, Mrs. Margaret Custer Calhoun, and Gen. Custer's widow, Mrs. Elizabeth r Bacon Custer, and these ladies were with him when he died, Mrs. Calhoun c going from Lansing, Mich., where shd is state librarian, and Mrs. Custer from c her home in New York. When the two 1 lived temporarily here in Detroit Fa- I ther Custer used to come to visit them, and it was amusing and pathetic to sede the interesting trio engaged in the amusements of an evening. However much they smiled or talked 1 when their attention was concen trated on what was around them, there was always a sad preoccupation or a feverish restlessness when the atten tion was withdrawn. Then it Was that { those who knew bowed their heads and felt the infinite pity of it-and looked 1 upon these as set apart and consecrated 1 through a national loss and sorrow. But they could be very jolly, too, at times, and perplex staid, practical Fa ther Custer with their jokes at his ex pense, and even make merry over occa sional reminiscences of greater joked perpetrated by "Artie," their pet namd for the general. It is not generally known that two brothers of Gen. Custer were killed with him. One only is mentioned par tieularly, Tom, the younger brother. The other one was Boston Custer. The youthful Artie Reed was a grandson of Mrs. Custer by a former marriage. Bos ton Custer and Artie Reed were not in Glen. Custer's command, but were west for a visit, and for their health, and ac' oompanied their gallant relative aS volunteers, having entire confidence in his ability to engage safely in the conl M8t. MAnABiET CUSTER CALHOUN. fleict. Lieut. James Calhoun, the bril liant young officer, was the husband of Gen. Custer's sister Margaret, or Maggie, as her fond brother always called her. Thus five of the Custer family perished in that brief and bloody battle. It was then that the strong religious nature of Father Custer asserted itself most valiantly;-and while lie mourned for his boys it was not as one without hope. I lie loved to recount their noble deeds; to dwell on their home life, and the days of their boyhood. That he was I proud of his "yellow-haired laddie," was not to be gainsaid, for he saw in him all his fondest hopes realized. "George made himself what le was without anyone's assistance," he said once to the writer of this paper. "lie asked me once to see Congressman hBiugham about gettinghim an appoint ment at West Point. Bingham and I were opposed politically, and I didn't want to ask him to do anything for me or mine. But the first thing I knew George had the appointment-he stole a march on his father and asked Bing ham himself. And I knew that Bing' ham was always glad and proud that he gave it to him. It makes me sad every time I look at this picture and think of my three boys who were killed in one day." If Father Custer had lived until De cember 10, 1892, he would have com pleted his eighty-sixth year. MRA. Ni. L. Ltvs. Are These the 1ld Aztec Ellnes ? According to advices received ý1 Chihuahua during the last few 'ca-t there is no abatementin the mining er eitement near Ures, in the state of So nora, over the rich gold finds that were made there a few weeks ago. It is estimated that the new camp now has a population of 15,000 people, most ly Mexicans, with a few American prospectors from the southern part of Arizona. Traces of old workings have recently been discovered, and this fact gives color to the belief that the long-lost mines of fabulous richness of the Aztecs are about to be rediscovered. There has been no trouble so far between the prospectors and the Yaqui Indians, al though the latter view with sullen silence the encroachments upon their domain. Bridgnlag tile Channcl. New plans have been made for the projected bridge across the English channel, and the promoters will apply to parliament this session for power to go ahead with its construction. The engineers are Sir John Fowler and Sir Benjamin Bakler. The length of the bridge has been reduced about three miles, and the number of piers has been reeuced from 121 to 72. The can tilever system is proposed. The greatest span will be 1,640 feet. The masonry piers are to be 147 feet long and is feet broad. The ost is estimated at 312, 75C,. 00. Resson In All ThmLa. Bingo (at breakfast)-seems to me those wailes come up veterslow. lMrs. Bingo-My dear, ecook husn't had her brealkrhat CLEVELAND'S CABINET. bleettoas VWhich Reflect Credit os De moeracy's Choice. Jtdge Gresham was a member of the cabinet of President Arthur, and there won the respect of the country. Ap pointed to the bench, he has there maintained the reputation gained iii the cabinet. He has been a presiden tial possibility within the republican party for eight years, and last summer declined the presidential nomination from a party which cast over a mil lion votes. Mr. Gresham may or may not be popular with the republican ed itors, but certainly he is not ""in knowti'" John G. Carlisle has been lieutenant governor of Kentucky, speaker of the national house of representatives and senator. In the great contest for tariff reform he was from the first the most consp'cuous figure in political life. - He was in two conventions a possible can didate for president, and could no dotih, have been chief justice had lie desired the position. Mr. Herbert, secretary of the navy, has for years been a member of con gress, and during the reconstruction of the navy has been at the head of the house committee on naval affairs. Certainly he is as well known to the country as was his predecessor four years ago. Mr. Morton has lived in a republican state, but he has not lived in obscurity. A believer in free tr`ade, he has preached this gosl-el with such effect as to make him known throughout the west, as well known certainly as Mr. Harrison's attorney general or secretary of the in terior. Mr. Bissell has been known chiefly as the partner of Mr. Cleveland, just as Mi'. Miller, Mr. Harrison's partner in Indianapolis, was known, He has prefeired law to public life, but he cer taitnly has not lived In obscurity, and lihe is well enough known to make it reasonably certain that four years hence he will retire from office with a reputation at least equal to that earned during the past four years by the old law partner of the retiring president. The new secretary of war is Mr. La mont, sreceeding Mr. Elkins. Mr. La mont was for four years the secretary of the president, gad retiring from office lie has won a. high position in commercial life, and certainly cannot be classed among the unknown. Two membeirs remain: Mr. Smith, secretary of the interior, and Mr. Olney, attorney general. Neither of these gentlemen has been conspicuous in national affairs, but each is a man of influence in his own state. Mr. Smith is a lawyer and the editor of an influential journal and had a follow ing strong enough to secure the voice of Georgia for Cleveland in the national convention. Mr. Olney has twice de clined judicial appointments, and brings to his office a higher profession al reputation than that which Judge Miller carried to 1Washington four years ago. This review shows that the new cabinet is by no means an unknown cabinet; on the contrary, compared with that of Mr. Hlarriuon's retiring ministers, it is an extremely well known body of men. This may be il lustrated by this comparison' 1. Foster Gresham. 2 Foster Carlisle. S. Vanamaker IBissell. 4. Noble Smith. 5. Tracy Herbert 6. Miller Olney. 7. Ruslk Morton. 8. Elkins Lanont. But more than this is shown by this comp;arison: the new cabinet brings into public life a new element; it represents a younger generation of men; it is made up, not of wornout party "hacks." but of vigorous, progressive, determined men; men of conviction, whose faces are turned to the future, not to the past.. The cabinet is some thing of a surprise to our republican friends, but it is representative of the very elements which surprised the same gentlemen at the polls last No vember, and it is certain that it com mands the entire approval of the peo ple who elected Mr. Cleveland presi dent, for it gives them full assurance that the promises of the platform are to become living realities.- -Louisville Courier-Journal. REPUBLICAN ROTTENNESS. Some of the Unsavory Transaeltions of the Harrison Administration. The final performances of the Ilar rison administration are well calcu lated to waft into the public nostrils a farewell puff of the peculiar flavor which has characterized its doings front the outset. Thus, Mr. Wana mas'er, in opening formally the pneu matic postal system recently completed in Philadelphia, selected as the first parcel to be sent through the tubes a Bible wrapped in the American flag, and put upon it the unctuous label: "The first use of the first pneumatic postal tube in the United States is to send through it a copy of the Iloly Scriptures-the greatest message ever given to the world. Covering the Ilible is the American flag-the emblem of freedom of .ixty-flve millions of happy people." l'robably this is the last ap pearance ini our national official life of this most unpleasant combination of piety, politics and bargain-counter lit erature-at least, let us hope it is. Nothing likIe it was ever seen before in this or any other country. While his postmaster general was round ing out his ofiBcial termn in this fitting manner, President liar risen was improving the shining hour at Washington in distrIbuting as favors among his friends such public offices as he could get bold of before I his successor came in. In order that Shis private secretary might not be left without a job after March 4, he ap pointed him a paymaster in the regu lar anrmy, thereby committing an act of gross injustice to members of the array in line of promotion-being "just in time" with this as with his Chilian and Hawaiian messages, for there is a ).ill pending in congress forbidding such appointments. After doing this he heard 3f t.vo editorial friends of his in Iowa who were intending to get married and wished to make foreign tanra as bridal tripe but conl4 not _L ford to do so at their own expense. Finding two consulships at his dis posal, he gave each of them one, said: . "Bless you my children!" and the two couples will sail away presently at the publie expense. The fact that the new consuls will not reach their posts be fore April 1, and consequently only get there in time to return, was not con sidered in the matter. Public oflice will no longer be a public trust at Washington, and goodness kuows it may be many a year before a HIarrm son gets a whack at the offices again. Let us make our hay while the sun shines, and wave thle American flag vigorously while doing so.-N. Y. Post. CHANGED CONDITIONS. The Treasury After Four tears of Repub Ilean Misrule. The republican organs that pretend to have discerned a weakening of Mr. Cleveland's purpose to secure a reform of the tariff probably do not deceive ! themselves. They certainly will not deceive the country. The man who risked defeat for an otherwise sure re election to the presidency by forcing the issue of tariff reform because he believed it to be right, and who has ad hered steadfastly to that issue ever since, is not at all likely to weaken in its support now that he hags been sus tained by the people and put in power to carry out his policy. To the sneering inquiry whether Mr. Cleveland now thinks that "it is a con 4ition that confronts us, not'a theory," the reply is: "Yes, but, thanks to re publican profligacy! and misrule,. the condition is different and more peri lous." When Mr. Cleveland spoke in 1SS7 the condition was this: "A surplus of S00,000,000 in the treasury and an an-f nual revenue of $100,000,000 in excess of the needs of the government; a strong gold reserve; a silver coinage which the business of the country absorbed without serious consequences, and a war tariff after twenty-five years of peace. To-day, after four more years of re publican rule, the condition is this: An exhausted treasury; a revenue in sufficient to meet the expenses of the government; the free gold reduced to $8,000,000, three-fourths of which has I een loaned by the banks; a compul sory silver purchase and paper infla tion which have driven gold out of the country and impaired public confi dence, and a worse than war tariff that has been twice condemned by the coun try.-N. Y. World. CONTEMPORARY COMMENT. - President liarrison's system of making appointments and promotions in the army is another thing that can hot hi too speedily dispensed with.- N. Y. World. - Mr. Cleveland struck a happy medium as to the age qualification in his cabinet. The members are neither too old for action nor too young for wise counsel.--tKansas City Star. -The, republicans have certainly on the average had hard luck with the new states they admitted with the ex pectation of making permanent their rule in the senate.-Denver Sun. --Much as they would like todo it, tihe republican senators cannot over rule the action of tile people of the country in placing the democratic par ty in sole control of the governmenut. Sioux City Tribune. --The demand of the republican press to know who Hoke Smith is. is not becoming to a party which has ele vated to cabinet positions so many un heard of men, and whose efforts proved that they were nobodies.--St Paul Globe. --When Hlarrisou goes out he will not leave enough money in the treas ury to pay pensions for a single quar ter. lie has done his best to lea:-e the democrats a deficiency, accruing with in a few weeks after he gets out.-St. Louis Republic. - The democrats are going to con trol the senate. Yet it was to prevent such a possibility that the new states were admitted-only three or four years ago. The millstones have done some fine grinding during the last two or three years. Indeed, ever since "re construction" days.--Hartford Times. -The republican papers are point ing to the fact that a number of the great trusts have exploded as an indi cation of the greatness of the repub lican policy. The next thing they will be charging that the trusts were got ten up by the democratic party as a means of knocking the republican party out of power.-St. Paul (ilobe. ---Nothing so strikingly measures the force of the political revolution we have just passed through as this over turn of the senate. The republicans two years ago counted on holh!ing that body for ten years, no matter what happened to their popular majori ties in the congressional and presi dential fields.--Springfield (Mass.) Re publican. ----President Harrison has appointed Myron M. Parker to be amember of the board of commissioners of the D)istrict of Columbia. Myron M. Parker is a man who was removed from office by President Grant because of his connec tion with the Star-Route swindling. President Harrison is more fortunate in his appointments when he choosea democrats.--N. Y. World. -Mr. Cleveland is.pursuing steadi Iy his policy of establishing from the i.'st a business administration upon which, in all its parts, he and the coun try can depend. Senator Carlisle .loses all that is attractive in his polit Icdl career to -ecept the most arduous duties of gornoment for the next fouer years. His department must bear the heaviest part of the tariff and financial policy and these two matters far out rank all others in gmravity and diffi culty. Mr. BisselPl's name is cr;ticized only in New York state, and no other reason is assigned except that be may t be beyond the cajoleries of the ma 1 chine. Since the democratic party hasa a been impatient for the day to arrive ] when the New York machine would a have less to do with national polities, a this criticism is a fine recommendation t of Mr. Bissell. So far Mr. Cleveland n ham unot made a nmistake. --KaP n Caity PERSONAL AND UITERARY. -John Ireland, who may suaesed Gov. Hogg of Texas, in case the lattar should go to the senate two hence, is the man who was afraid thiSt immigration to Texas would become so great as to elbow the old settlers Into the sea. -Ex-Gov. Robert L. Taylor of Ten nessee is something of a philosopher. When asked about his defeators the United States senatorship by Gen- ate he said: "I will not cry over spEI' milk nor quarrel with the cow that kidsed over the pail. But I shall always be lieve that the pail ought not to have been kicked over." -Ex-President Hayes invented an in genious method of shaking hands with a crowd. He once made a short speech to 10,000 people in Columbus, regretting that he could not shake hands with everyone present. "But I have a plan," said Hayes. "I'll hold up my hand, and , when I shake everyone shake." He did it, and it seemed as thouglflO,OOOhands went up. -Mrs. Jane G. Austin, the novelist, spends her winters in Boston. Her health is not robust, but she contrives to accomplish a good amount of lit erary work. She has a genial, kindly face, an abundance of white hair, and she generally dresses in black. "A Nameless Nobleman" was the first book written by Mrs. Austin, and contained the story of her great grandfather's life. -The Countess Louise Cianciana, it is stated, now sells matches on the steps of the palace of Monte Citorio, where the Italian legislature meets, a body over which her husband presided as speaker some years ago. The count was also one of Garibaldi's most distan guished associates. mayor of Rome,etc., all of which is duly set forth upon a placard which the countess wears hung around her neck while having matches for sale. -There will be a world's parliament of religions at the World's fair, begin ning September 11. Procedingthis will be a Catholic congress, which will be gin September 5, and contemporaneous with it Protestant denominational con gresses. Among the speakers will be Mozoomdar, representing progressive Hlinduism, and a scholar appointed by the Chinese government to represent Confucianism. Let all the religious world unite on all that is best for the purpose and press it for all that it is worth.-N. Y. Herald. -Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's newest book, which is, indeed, a book let of eighty pages about "The Drury Lane Boys' Club," of London, bears the interesting inscription: "Copyright by Vivian Burnett," and is printed at *tlf press of The Moon. Mrs. Burr:. ev plains that her new publisher -; : - lation by marriage, and that ' Vivian, who is lnbut a lad, publ . ' a little paper, which is called The Moon, as a less ambitious title than The World, The Sun or The Star. Mrs. Bar nett adds to her reputation as a woman of great literary genius the still more honorable fame of a wise and devoted mother. HUMOROUS. -Lady-"T don't exactly like the frieze in this room; it-" Landlady "Mercy, the heat isn't turned on full yet."--In ter-Ocean. -lie (about to travel)-"Do you real ly want me to come back soon?" She= "Well. perhaps you had better. You see, I have promised not to forget you." -Absence of Mind-Miss van Won ver (benevolently)-"I haven't a cent of change, my poor man. I am so sorry! Could you change a five-dollar bill?"-l udge. -Mother (putting the boy out of the pantry)-"How many more times will I have to tell you to keep out of that preserve jar?" Small Boy (sobbing) "No more, mamma. They're all gone!" -A Bad Diet.-Mrs. Giddy (to her physician, who has recommended rest) -'iBut, you know, doctor, that variety is the spice of life." Dr. Bluff-"May be. madam: but people can't subsist on seasonings. "-Truth. -llarry-"Darling! I love you." Darling--"Yes. I know it, Harry; but I was in hopes you'd have some news to tell me to-night. I haven't seen a soul to-day, and I'm just dying for news."-Boston Transcript. -Lexicographers Please Note. -. Whipple-"Can you tell me just what a "variety actress" is supposed to do?" Snapper-"I think by that name one usually refers to a person whose acting varies between bad and worse."-Puck. -Elder Berry-"I had a long talk to, day with a pickpocket. He said he would reform a little later,but couldn't think of it just now." Mrs. Berry "What is he waiting for now?" Elder / Berry-"For chatelaine watches to go out." -Something in a Name.-Little Wil* lie-"Say, honest, are you a mulatto?" Crosshatch (the artist)--"No, indeed. What gave you that idea?" "Why, 8i said you was one of the best-known black-and-white men in the oounter.5 Truth. -"You were gones a good while," sald the invalid to her husband, who had been to the drug stgre; "it must haave taken the clerk a good while to put up the prescription?" "I don't know; K think he must have spent a good deal of the time putting -up the price." Washington Star. -"1 don't know what has come over our son since he went to work la a shoestore," said Mrs. Blsaggis. "Boe was looking at a calendar and he spoke of the figure '6' as '3' and '4' as '"' HIs mind must be going." *Oh," replb - her husband, "that's all right The " have put him to work sellift shaoes to " the lady customers." - W -ashlgto Star. -An Afterthought.-Before bItiag ' hei good night he begged to he . mitted to kiss her.' "Oh, no," he "'I could not permit such-bh Ssides, somebody might sse~b" true," .he said. There ws a after which she Md, l with I laugh: "flow glet-4t I behvan; appears to be obohea7 ehei 1Plsr ~ I i- - 1pS~.,-