Newspaper Page Text
.m ..... I ul n l l| II~m ..nn ni..... . ..n ... . .in .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. u.n.nnm . n . .. nuunnmn Iu mmnm Im hai, I mm ,,Dram as nn mmm nn n n n i maeI I m ea aI u e ma la im u liMuunmm THE LaAFAYETTE GAZETTE. VOLUME I. LAFAYETTE, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1893. NUMBER 8. [Copyright, 1B9, by the Author.] E WAS the veriest old bachelor that ever wore s ho o e-leather, wvas Mr. George Barnet -c cce nt ric, precise, and-oh, so proper! Why, bless you, he wouldn't have taken Mrs. Jones' rootl at all it she had been youngish and the least good-looking. The ft rat thing he asked her was if she took in ladies. lie couldn't dream of taking lodgings there if "Oh! dear no, sir," he was promptly assired, with a twinkle of fun in Mrs. Jones' optical organ. "I never take no ladies; they're too troublesome. Mine is only for gentlemen." On which Mr. Barnet permitted him self to be shown the front parlor and the first-floor back room, let with it for a bedroom. Mrs. Jones marched ,in, throwing back the coverlet to show that the bedding was spotlessly clean; but her invitation to "Step in, sir, and see for yourself," had the reverse effect, for the old gentleman, who had peeped timidly in, backed out blushing and stammering: "Thank you, ma'am -er-yes, yes; I see, thank you; it's quite nice." That trying ordeal got through, he faced round onl two doors clearly be longing to two front rooms and in quired what they were and who lodged there. Mrs. Jones answered: "This door, sir, next here, is a sit ting-room, and that is the slip-rpom (a bedroom). A young man has them two rooms-a most quiet-be'aved, re spectable young man he is, sir." "Ah-h'm. I hope so, ma'am, I hope so. I could not remain where my very next neighbor was irregularly conduct ed, you know." "Oh, no. sir; but that ain't Mr. WVel by. lie don't interfere with nobody!" The old bachelor took the apart mespts. Before long, being of course ten times more curious than any wom an, he soon managed to encounter his next-room neighbor in the passage. He was a dashing-looking young fel low, who stood aside for the old gen tleman with a polite "Good morning," -and then ran lightly upstairs. "By Jove! what a queer old party it is, Mrs. Jones," said lie that evening. '"looks to a T the awful piece of pro priety you said. IHa! ha!-you didn't tell him what I am?" "Law, sir-no! Hle'd fly out of his skin, let alone the house. How are you getting on, sir?" asked the landlady. "Oh, first-rate, Mrs. Jones. I shall soon have all perfected and I think the entertainment will be a success." Mr. Barnet was appallingly regular in all he did: the routine of one day was, with the rarest variation, the routine of every day. lie was the most to-be-pitied creature-a bachelor of I6derate means and no occupation. *'For a whole fortnight Mr. Blarnet busied himself trying to find what that next-room tenant did for his living. By dint of a score of devices known to the curious, he discovered that young Welby came in and out at all hours. As all was comparatively quiet in the front room in the evening he fondly took it that the tenant thereof not only "came home to tea," but stayed at home studying till an early bed-time. "Really, a most properly-conducted young man," said Mr. Barnet to him self one evening at about the end of a fortnight. Alas for his premature approval; only two evenings later it was some what disturbed. He heard young WVelby come in alone; but instead of there being only slight movements overhead there was something of a commotion. The table and chairs were moved about. Then the lodger himself walked about noisily and the deep mutterings of his voice penetrated to the puzzled listener below. Good gracious! was he talking to himself, to Mrs. Jones or to whom? Was it possible that any other than Mrs. Jo No, no; the thought was too awful. It quite took 'Mr. Barnet's breath. Be sides, he would have heard the most fairy-like footstep or rustle of feminine garments, as.his door was ajar. It atl ivays was, by the by. Why, there was young Welby going out. Yes, the door shut; and what was more, it hadn't opened again to that young man at ten o'clock. Thie was really looking serious, and Mr. Barnet pursed his respectable lips as he slowly retired to his dormitory quite a quarter of an hour late. "I shall just lie awake and watch," mattered the old gentleman as he got into bed, which was next the thin partition wall. "If. that young scamp is going to-ahem--keep all sorts of improper hours-really, anythingmight happen next, and my character be com promised!" But Morpheus was not to be so easily eluded, and Mr. Harnet dozed for a solid half hour, He was awakened by a burst of laughter from the sitting room next his apartment. Mr. Barnet sat up, rubbing his eyes, utterly indig nant at such nocturnal orgies. He had indeed actually raised his hand to give an angry knock at the wall, when a sound broke on his ear which made the remaining hairs on his respectable old head stand on end with horror. A silvery feminine laugh and voice from that next room! There was no mistake about it; no disordered nightmare or half-waking fancy in the matter. A giddy laugh and a pretty voice, that said saucily and very distinctly: S"My dear fellow, of course I know you are dead gone on my little self, but "' Oh, my, fe for shame! WhIat will yotur wife saya What will your wife sar?' " This adaptation of an out-of-date music-hall song was sung, and Mr. Barnet fell back on the pillows gasp. ing for breath. Then came Welby's stifled laugh again and his voice delightedly: "That's fine, Dottle. my love! What a boom we shall make of the affair at this rate! We'll clew up now, though. I'm tired." So the selfish scamp didn't even think that his wicked companion might be tired too. Vas he going to let her out -see her home? But in vain the scandalized old gen tleman listened for any such indica.r tions. All he heard was the sound of a box-lid being shut down. Slipping out of bed to the door, which he softly opened - an inch so as to peep, he saw TVclby pass quietly out into his very small bedroom and in three minutes he could be heard snoring. Then that creature in the sitting room would slip out of the house pres. ently! "Good Heavens! What a shameful scandal the whole thing is!" gaspeds poor Mr. Barnet, creeping back to bed. WVhat could he do but speak to Mrs. Jones? And yet, how could he frame words to even allude to such audacious impropriety? Tap-tap-tapt "It's ten o'clock, sir," came Mrs. Jones' resonant tones outside the door. "Eh-ah-no-dear me-yes, I'll be down soon, ma'am," cried Mr. Barnet., starting up in alarm. Mrs. Jones retreated, giggling, but she looked as solemn as a judge when. later, Mr. Barnet sent for her, and with much stammering got out that sie was quite mistaken about his next room neighbor's character. Nothing less than the evidence of his own senses would make him say so, but he had heard last night, "near midnight, ma'am, a girl's voice-yes, it was a music hall girl, Mrs. Jones;" and then the old gentleman told her what ha had heard, to his utter scandalization. Mrs. Jones couldn't believe but Mir. Barnet was mistaken. Mr. Welby was certainly not married, and couldn't be guilty of such improper conduct as having in a lady visitor so late. "I heard it ma'am, I tell you!" cried Mr. llarnet. "Dottie was her name. Good Heavens! What is that scamp's occupation?" "\VWhy, sir, he's an entertainer, the, -that's all, and must have been re'cars ing over by hisself for his new enter tainment." She was smiling. "Good gracious! a play-actor, you mean?" cried the horrified lodger. "That's it, then. By himself, indeed, Mrs. Jones! I heard the woman's very voice and words. It's a scandal, ma'am, and I won't stop." "Well, sir, I'll just be on the watch to-night on the top landing, and if yor. hear anything again, step out and call up to me, and we'll see for ourselves," said M"l's. Jones. To this Mr. Barnet agreed, and Mrs. Jones retired-but up to the first floor lodger's room. If worthy Mr. IB. had listened he might have heard peal upon peal of stifled laughter. * * * ,r * w * "Mrs. J-on-es! Come-he-re-quick!" Time, near midnight; the sound, a hard, shocked whisper up those upper stairs. Down came Mrs. Jones to Mlr. Iarnet, who, also dressed, stood at his door, trembling, scarlet, but tri umphant. "Now, ma'am, will you still believe I was dreaming? Listen yourself at that r-reprobate's door." "HIa! ha! my dear boy," came the silvery tones of "Dottie" from within. "I AM THE LEA1'ING LADY." "I'm such a nice little sweetheart, eh? But I must play lead, you know-never mind the wife. Ta-ra-ra-" [Welbyv. I "Bother her-she can't act." [Dottie, repeating after a slight pause and from the other end of the room.] "Bother her-she can act." "There, ma'am," whispered Mr. Bar net; "what do you say now?" "That, we'll see with our own eyes, sir. Hush! he won't hear the door." She softly opened it wide enough for them to peep in-she over Mr. Barnet's shoulder, perhaps to conceal her face. M1r. Barnet nearly stiffened where he stood. His worst fears were confirmed. WVelby stood backing the door. The table and chairs were pushed aside, and to and fro the other end of the space was gliding the prettiest, tiniest lady, scarcely four feet high, and rich ly dressed. She turned slowly each time, waved her tiny hand, said: "I am the leading lady," and glided across, turning again in the same way. It was too much for Mr. Barnet's- propriety and morals. "You barefaced, audacious scamp!" the old bachelor cried, bursting right in, in a blaze of indignation. "How dare you, sir, bring into a decent house such a shameless-" "Whew!" said MIr. WVelby, swinging round with dancing eyes and low bow. "as-the fair Miss Dottie, leading ladyv of Welby's Troupe of Automatic Pho nographic Marionettes!" Table au! and collapse of Mr. George Barnet. -A Sp anish student, going out with a party to shoot rabbits, was told not to talk, lest he should frighten the rab l'its. When the timid creatures ap 'eared, he uttered an exclamation in Latin, which frightened them away, and, upon his companions blaming him he said: "Who could have sup posed that rabbits understand Latin?" AGRICULTURAL HINTS. A TAILLESS RHYME. If you cannot, with your roadster, Prove your tower and station high, If you want to make the people Feel your might as you go by, You can cut your horse's tall off. You can bang it with great care That will show the stuff you're made of That will make the people stare. ,r'.If you carnot run for congress. { Though you've wealth and gold unto Any nabob of this nation. There's one thing that you can do; You can cut your horse's tail off, You can bang it with great care That will show the stuff you're made of, That will make the people stare. If you cannot, in the scramble. Find the place that you can fill If you'd show the world yolr value, There's one way to fill the hill: Go, and cut your horse's tall off, Go, and bang it with great care - That will show the stuff you're made of, That will make the people stare. If you'd like to prove, with Darwin, Afen have risen by slow degrees From the ape to human stature. Then descended back with ease; Go. and cut your horse's tail off. Go, and fashion it with glee That will show the stuff you're made of, That proclaim your pedigree. Do not wait one moment brother, While there's such a work to do, Time is rushing like a river. Cannot ston for men like you: Go, and cut your horse's tall off, Rob him of his best defense, Show to all your lack of feeling, Show the world your lack of sense. -Our Dumb Animals. ABOUT SHEEP LAUREL. A tWeed That is Often Fatal to Sheep W'ht.h Nat It. Sheep laurel (Kdami aogustifoloiu), il lustrated herewith, often called nar row-leaved laurel or lamubkill, is eaten by sheep who have access to it, chiefly during winter and spring, and it is often fatal to them. It grows on low or dry grounds, and has narrow, obh long, short petioled leaves, opoosite or in threes. It blooms in late spring, the flowers being small, and in color crimson-purple. The symptoms of poi son are disinclination to move, froth ing at the mouth and nose, staggering gait and blood-shot eyes. Immediate attention must be given, as they often die in twenty-four hours. The treat SBEEP LAUREL. ment is to dilute the poisonous food and expel It from the system as soon as possible. This may be done by giv ing two ounces of Epsom salts in warm water; also by injections of warm soap suds. But carefully removing these plants is the wisest plan to follow.- Orange Judd Farmer. POULTRY PICKINGS. NEVER keep a rooster that is not ro bust. COR tNIEAL and bran, mixed with milk, is good for young ducks. GIlANUrLATED corn is better for feed than whole corn, and some prefer it to meal. How IANI breeds of chickens would you advise afarmer to keep? WVe would not advise him to keep more than one breed. IF you will keep the poultry from taking cold you will not likely have roup; and rememberthatfilth depletes the system, and causes it to take cold the more easily. 1VwN poultry droops its wings, its feathers ruffle, the comb and wattles turn black and the bowels are very loose, thiere is no appetite but great thirst, you have cholera in the flock. "'MJY poultry does not eat as well as it should. I feed the best of foods and enough to have it always before them." Thus writes a subscriber. The trouble is that you feed too much. Remove all thle feed and feed no more than they wvill eat up cleaon.-Farmers' Voice. Use of the Mower. If the farmers throughout the coun try would use the mower more freely they would not have so many wveeds to contend with. 1Veeds are one of the worst enemies we have to contend with, therefore we should try and find out tlhe best and cheapest method to get rid of them. and we have one of the host remedies mentioned in the fore gouing by the use of the mower; an ot her way is to keep the fence corners clean. PULVERIZING THE SOIL. It wrlagu Pleat Rood Into a Store Avalld ble Condition. There are several results to be gained by thoroughly pulverizing the soil be fore planting the seed. If this is done, in nearly all cases the seed will germi nate quicker and better, and plants will make a thriftier start in growth. A certain amount of heat and moisture is necessary to induce a good germina tion of the seed, and in a majority of cases this can be secured by placing it in contact with the soil, and a fine tilth will help materially in this. Then when the soil is in a good tilth the fine, tender roots of the plants will be better able to penetrate the soil to ad. vantage. One of the principal advantages gained in pulverizing the soil is that the plant food is brought into a more available condition for the use of the plants and this helps materially in se curing a better growth. In many cases, even in a thin, cropped down soil, a much better growth and yield can be secured if the soil is pre pared in a fine tilth before sowing the seed, and kept so during growth by frequent cultivation, than would other wise be possible. By bringing the soil to a good tilth before planting, it is easier to keep it in a good tilth after wards, while the plants will make a more vigorous start to grow. While fair crops may be grown in a rich soil with indifferent preparations, the best growth and yield is only pos sible by having the soil in a fine tilth before planting the seed, and as far as possible keeping it in such condition during growth. With nearly all cultivated crops one of the best plans of management is to plow reasonably deep, prepare the soil in a good tilth before planting the seeds, and then keep it thoroughly so during growth by shallow surface cul tivation. This puts the available plant food in good condition to be taken up by the growing plants, and helps materially in supplying the-nec essary moisture. The more thoroughly the soil is pre pared before planting, the less work will be necessary to keep in a good tilth afterwards; hence, it is good ecoa omy to take time to prepare perfectly before planting the seeds. -Make the conditions of growth as favorable as possible before planting the seeds, and it will be less work to maintain a goof growth. -Prairie Farmer. POULTRY MANAGEMENT. Why It Pays to Attend Carefully to teem iang Trifles. Theory is worth something, but ex perience must be the test of all discus sion as to methods in the management of poultry as in all other things. The little attentions which can hardly be measured are in the aggregate what count at last in the care of poultry. A writer says there is in the culture of poultry a great difference in the plans used by breeders, when striving to ac complish the best they can. Though aimingto attain the highest possible results by different inethods, the young beginner often fails to follow at judi cious course in the management and feeding of his fowls, by following every plan, simply by being practiced or rec ommended by some poulterers. The inexperienced novice is too apt to think that any kind of care or food will do in poultry keeping, and when cold weather sets in he allows his fowls to forage for themselves anywhere and everywhere, neglects to provide suit able shelter and proper food when the season and necessities to their comfort and well-being demand them. Care lessness in the little details necessary to good management will soon show In the condition, health and prodtd tiveness of the fowls. The more care and attention to their daily wants the better their appearance and health, and the more clearly they are kept in well lighted and well ventilated houses, and the more uniformly they are fed and watered, the better returns they will give their keepers, remem ber. This course of treatment always brings the best results, not alone in raising poultry but any kind of domes tic animals. We never knew an ani mal to thrive and be profitable to its owner if kept in a half starved or neg lected condition. Poultry demaends good food and good care to be produc tive, and without productiveness there is no profit-. Always bear in mind that eggs and flesh must come from good food and proper care and attention to the wants of the fowls. - Western1 Rural. A HANDY PUSH CART. An Article That. Will Found of Service In Mny Ways. The accompanying engraving shows a push cart that will be found of s-rv ice in a score of ways about a place. It is a common hand cart, with sides and ends of slats so arranged that all may be used, forming an inclosed rack. or the two sides only, when it will be found especially convenient for drawing in green cornstalks from the field or garden, where one keeps but a cow or two. It is a handy cart for A HIOMEMADE HAND CART. the village resident who has to depend on a wheelbarrow, or some such ar rangement as this to move his small crops and other stores. The sides and ends fit tightly into iron sockets, and, for stability, lock together at the cor ners when in place, as shown in the engraving. Anyone handy with tools can constructs a very serviceable rig of this sort. the ohly necessary adjuncts being a pair of wheels, which are often at hand from some broken or worn out wagon, sulky or other light yelsi-le. Americnn Agrisulturist I CLEVELAND ON THE TARIFF. A strong Denanclation or ~'etous Pre teetlon Iegislatlon. Of President Cleveland's fealty to the platform upon which he received the support of the people of the United Statcs there can be no doubt after his inaugural address is perused. There is no equivocation or indirection in his words. He says: "They (the people) have thus determined In favor of a more just and equitable system of federal taxation. The agents they have chosen to carry out their purposes are bound by their promises not less than by the command of their masters to devote themselves unremittingly to this service. While there should be no surren der of principle, our task must be undertaken wisely and without vindictiveness. Our mis sion is not punishment, but the rectification of wrongs. if in lifting burdens from the daily life of our people we reduce inordinate and un equal advantauges too long enjoyed, this is but a necessary incident of our return to right and putstice. "If we exact from unwilling minds acqul escence In the theory of an honest distribution of the fund of governmental beneficence treas utred tp for all, we but insist upon a principle which unlderlie. our free institutiona When we tear aside the delusions and misconceptions which have blinded our countrymen to their condition under vicious tariff laws, we but show them how far they have been led away fromn the paths of contentment and prosperity. When we proclaim that the necessity for rec rnue to support the government 'furnishes the only justitic:tion for taxing the people, we an nounce a truth so plain that its denial would seem to indicate the extent to which judgment may be influenced by familiarity with the per versions of the taxing power; and when we seekl to reinstate the self-confidence and bust ness enterprise of our citizens by discrediting ran ubjtct depetdllilce upon governrocntal favor, we strive to stimulate those elements of Amer ican character which support the hope of Amer ican achievement." The recognition in these words of the right of the people to command and the duty of their servants to obey is plain and unhesitating. It is a recog nition of the fundamental principle of demnocracy-of a truth that cannot be ;ainsaid. The viciousness of the ex e:-ting tariff laws has been made ap parent to those who thave long been the dupes of the monopolists, and a vast ma jority of the electors have decided that the tariff tax must go. If there has heretofore existed any fear that there might be lack of cooperation on the part of the executive with the pur pose declared at the polls, that distrust hIas been removed. With harmony and a common aim between the people, their representatives in both houses of congress and in the white house, there can be no excuse for dallying with an is:uue of such paramount importance. Protection has had a fair trial, has been convicted of endeavoring to sub vert the theory of popular government and condemned to death. It only re ma;ilns for the executioners to do their -work. Congress is called upon to formtlate the decree President Cleve land will not hesitate to perform his part and administer the coup de grace to the iniquitous system which has for so many years corrupted our legisla tion. initimidated our executive officers and robbed tile workingmen of the just fruits of their labor. A new era in industrial conditions has already dawned, for the slavery of the people of tile United States to the protective tariff oppressors has practically ended.- Chicago Herald. HARRISON'S RECORD. Tihe Legmac'y of UnesonlInd Republican Doec trines. What is likely to be the verdict of history upon ]1r. Harrison's adminis tration of ilutioltl affairs? Politi cians of his own party--his most biting critics-have become accustomed to refer to his regime as one which makes the administration of Hayes seem bril liant. Put to their reasons, however, these detractors must confess that the blunders at which they point t]he fin ger of scorn have been of a sort that militate rather against their party's strength and coherency than the good of the country. As a politician the retirin~ president has been indeed a lumninous failure-not because he s-corned to enmploy the politician's art, but because he bungled it. lie never knew wchen to cease pressing a van tage, tnever mastered the artof making friends of enemies. Ills cohorts at Minneapolis were in the main bought with otlices. A coldly selfish leader surrounded by coldly mercenary sup porters, his candidacy evokled no en thusiaslm in his own party, and its re sult was disastrous, as might have been foretold. litt it is not with the es-president a relations to his party that the nation is concerned. As chief executive of tihe union it may be said that his great faults were his party's faults, his vir tues were his own. Committed by party dictation to ait exaggetoated tariff system, ia swollen and. ever-swelling pension list, and a hectoring policy in international questions, he did the na tiol at hiotable setrvice by carrying each to so extreme a point that the people sunccessfnlly rebelled. The scandals of hbi administration were mainly abuses of the appointing power dictated by more or less unwise conceptions of party expediency. Over the foreign policy of the Hlarrison regimlne there must always hang a fog of uncertainty. Whnt were his relations with his first brilliant secretary of state and how much truth lurked in the rumors of serious clash of authority must be purely matter of conjecture. Through out, however, the president bore him self vit.h admirable dignity. Gen. linarrison deserves to carry with him into private life the honest respect and sincere esteem of the people. Hon orable, dignified and patriotic his part in the administration of public affairs has ever been. None can qulestion the sincerity of the convictions which have made him a most unswerving defender of republican economic doctrides. But how mistaken those doctrines ate is shown by his leaving with his envi able personal fame at WVashington ,.n empty treasury, a pressing debt and a swollen tax list.--Chicago Times. - -Another four yearsof republican slam would have thrown the country into the hands of a receiver. The in coming administration has a great task before it to right the mischief of the past four yoars.-Albany Argus. --From John W. Foster to Walter Q. Gresham will be a very healthy move for the departmcnt of stata-N. ', World, l CLEVELAND'S INAUGURAL.. Commlents of the Demoecratic Press one the President's Speech. There is no hesitation or evasion in that portion of President Cleveland's inaugural in which he deals with the tariff question. He pronounces square ly for a tariff for revenue only, and in this stands with his party.--SL Louis Republic. No one can read the clear and strong words of Mr. Cleveland's inaugural ad dress without feeling he has a very distinct idea of the duty of his party as well as of his own, and a very firm pur pose to hold his party to its duty as well as to perform his own.-N. Y. Times. Upon the larger lines of political thought and action, the new adninis tration sets out upon its journey toward the fulfillment of democratic pledges with much to encourage its members and to cheer the friends of good government.-Louisville Courier Journal. The inaugural address of President Cleveland was worthy of the man and the occasion. Higher praise could not be given. Less praise would fall short of justice. The prevailing spirit of the address is that of patriotismn. In this it is like the paternal addresses of WVashington or the earnest admoni tions of Lincoln. The utterances are those of honest conviction. The tone is that of determined courage.--N. Y. World. President Cleveland's inaugural ad dress is brief and directly to the point on all subjects to which he addresses himself. These are subjects which immediately concern the well being and progress of the nation. Mlr. Cleve land. affirms his purpose, so far as it rests with him, to carry out the will of the people as expressed in the elec tion, net in any rash or destructive way, but firmly and consistently.-N. Y. Post. Grover Cleveland became twenty. fourth president of the fUnited State., in the prime of his powers, being in his fifty-seventh year, in good health, and having had four years' experience as twenty-second president of the United States. lie carries to the exec utive of the greatest of nations mature judgment, phenomenal independence of will and courage to seek tdeffcctu ate by constitutional means the demo cratic principles upon which hle ls been elected. His second installation in the white house marks the beginning of a new era in the progress of the Amer itan people.--Chicago Herald. Not the least impressive part of the proceedings was the inaugural address of the newly-installed president. lMr. Cleveland has a well-established repu tation for happiness in the making of addresses, and on this occasion lie was more than usually felicitous. The ad dress is broad, strong, statesmanlike and in the best sense fitting to the oc casion. There is no attempt at orator ical or rhetorical display. It is the plain speech of a plain man to a plain people. In its earnestness, however, its conciseness, its grasp of the situa tion, it is a model of what such a speech on such an occasion should be. It is the right word at the right time and in the right place.-Detroit Free Press. PARAGRAPHIC POINTERS. ---The Harrison dynasty has ex hausted its possibilities of power. There will never be another president named Hiarrison.-St. Louis Republic. --,Some of the republicans are kick ing because beauty is not a'characteris tic of Cleveland's cabinet. Well, we've had enough beauty; now let's try a little hard sc nse. -St. I'aul Globe. - President Cleveland will find few changes in the white house since he left it, but if he wants to be convinced that some one's been there since he's been gone let him look into the vaults of the treasury.--Chicago Times. --It hurts the republicans mightily to have to get out, but it may be good for them in the end. They had reached a point where they would have been spoiled forever without the sound thrashing they got.-St. Louis Re public. - When President Harrison was inaugurated there was $94.000,000 free gold in the treasury. To-day there is but .3,700,0000. Mr. Hlarrison seems to have feared that some crank might consider Uncle Sam too much of a "gold bug" and shoot him.-N. Y. World. -Whatever 'Mr. Cleveland's party may do, or may fail to do, there is gen eral confidence, born of his previous administration, that Dir. Cleveland, so far as lies in his own power, will give the country a firm, courageous, clean and patriotic administration.-Indian apolis News. -The closing administration has been a dismal and disastrous failure. What it looked upon as its crowning glory, the iniquitous MIcKinley law, proved the source of fatal weakness and contributed more than any other one influence to the overwhelming de feat encountered last fall.-Detroit 1ree Press - Mr. Cleveland has very properly devoted the early hours of his occu pancy of the chair of the nation's chief executive to the graceful amenities which ever follow a great victory. It will be only a few days, however, till the beneficiaries of the republican in terregnum will begin to hear things drop.-Chicago Times. --Cleveland is the man for the era. He is the typical American, the typical business man, the typical citizen. He has the pride of character but no pride of rank. He has ambition for result but none for glory. He de mnands of others what he gives himself to them and to duty-faithful and in corruptible labor at the business tasks assigned.-Kansas City Times. ----Seventeen pardons for as many bank wvreckers and defaulters, which are accredited to President Harrison, is a pretty fair proportion of the whole number of convictions for defalcation from national bankis which have tbeen secured during his term. It is a long l;st, and it must be taken to show a de cided tenderness toward such offcd ers-Springfilld Uepublivlst, SERIOUS FACTS ABOUT BREAD hicteh Housekeepers Should Earasstly Consider. A serious danger menaces the health of the people of this count n the numerous alum baking po ers that are now being urged upon the public. There is no question as to the detri mental effects of these powders upon the system. Every Board of Health, every physician, will tell you of the unwhole some qualities they add to the food. Some countries have absolutely prohib ited the sale of bread containing alum. Even small doses of alum, given to children, have produced fatal results, while cases of heartburn, indigestion, griping constipation, dyspepsia, and va rious kindred gastric troubles from irri tation of the mucous membrane, caused by the continuous use of food prepared with the alum or alum-phosphate pow ders, are familiar in the practice of every physician. It is not possible that any prudent housewife, any loving mother, will knowingly use an article of food that will injure the health of her household, or perhaps cause the death of her chil dren. How shall the dangerous alum pow ders be distinguished? And how shall the danger to health from their use be avoided? Generally, alum powders may be known from the price at which they are sold, or from the fact that they are ac companied by a gift, or are disposed of under some scheme. The alum pow der costs but a few cents a pound to make, and is often sold at 20 or 25 cents a pound. If some present is given with it, the price may be 30, 40 or 50 cents a pound. It is impossible to name all the alum powders in the market, but any baking powder sold at a low price, or advertised as costing only half as much as cream of tartar powders, or accompanied by a present, or disposed of under any scheme, is of this class, detrimental to health, and to be avoided. But the easy, safe, and certain pro tection of our bread, biscuit and cake from all danger of unwholesomeness is in the use of the Royal Baking Powder only. This powder is mentioned be cause of the innumerable reports in its favor by high medical authorities, by the U. S. Government, and by the of ficial chemists and Boards of Health, which leave no doubt as to its entire freedom from alum, lime and ammonia, its absolute purity and wholesomeness. While its use is thus a safegnard against the poisonous alum powders it is satisfactory at the same time to know that it makes the whitest, lightest, sweetest and most delicious food, which will keep moist and fresh longer, and that can be eaten with immunity hot or cold, stale or fresh, and also that owing to its greater strength it is more economical than others. These facts should incline consumers to turn a deaf ear to all importunities to buy the inferior powders. If a grocer urges the sale of the cheap, impure, alum brands, it should be borne in mind that it is because he can make more profit on thern The wise house keeper will decline in all cases to take them. Take no chances through using a doubt ful article ahere so important a matter @a the health or life of dear ones is at stae. THE USE OF MENTHOL. Sometbil, g About the Commerelal tistory of tre Dbrug. The medicinal use of menthol in China and Japan goes back into the dateless ages. Isolated references to its application in the east are met with here and there in the records of western travelers in those parts, but, we shall probably never know the name of its discoverer or the early history of its in troduction. We do not even know with absolute certainty when, and by whom, menthol crystals were first brought to the notice of European pharmacologists. It is said they have been used pharmaceutically on the con tinent as long ago as the end of the last century, but if that statement is capable of proof, the drug must have fallen into oblivion shortly after its introduction, for it was certainly utterly unknown, even by repute, to most persons in the drug trade twenty five years ago Somewhere about 1864 a consignment of the drug was received in London under the name of Chinese peppermint oil, and passingly com mented upon for its curious property of solidifying with a fall in the tempera ture. To the late Mr. John Mackay, of Edinburg, belongs the distinction of having called the attention of British pharmacists to the valuable proper ties of menthoL Mr. Mackay is believed to have brought "Po-Ho-oll with him from Paris. where it was then sold, in the small red-labeled Chinese bottles familiar to eastern travelers, as a kind of proprietary article. Had men thol been an utterly valueless quack medicine, it would, perhaps, have taken Europe by storm then, and reigned for a season, just long enough to gather a fortune for its first exploiter. But as the drug happened to have a solid ther apeutic value, ithad to wrestle through the familiar stages of contumely, ridl cule, animosity, and unreasoning pop ularity, just like any new creed or re former. The commercial history of menthol practically dates from 1878, when an English firm in Yokohama made a small shipment of it to London, determined not to rest until they had succeeded in securing for the remedy a footing upon the market After many / months their shipment went back, with a note from the agents, announcing that the stuff could not be sold as no one knew what to do with it. But the Yokohama firm perservered, and they reaped their reward. Four years later menthol crystals were the rage of the season, selling at 60s per pouned wholesale, and carried about in cons - shape by all persons with any pretense. to the possession of ai civilized nsrvoae - system.-Chemist and DrLtggist, -His Preferenee.--Lady of the House -"As I wish to mabe the ten agreeable, wIill you gentlemheh please say with or - without cherry brea~dgy, W , Mr. Forrester?" Mr. Phimsetter-Ift yo s-~Br,