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, " / - ,. THE LAFAYETTE GAZETTE. VOLUME 1. LAFAYETTE, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1893. NUMBER 15. ABSENCE. I enter sadly In, and sit me down ass think; And as I muse I tremble, and irom the future shrink. Now all around looks sad, deserted, lonely, drear, Andplainer far than words reveals thou art not here. From yonder wall looks down thygcntle, loving face, With something of thy smile and something of i thy grace; Yet though there shine thine eyes, though bends thy snowy brow, I eannot cheat my heart; I feel it is not thou. For whth have eyes of thine their calm watch coldly kept, Nor even lost their smile the while I grieved and wept? Come back, O love of mine; come back to me again, Chase from my heart this wild, this longing, .." 'earning pain. Bring back love's golden light to my sad life's dark skies, Beanish aka3ltler tears from these sad, weeping eyes. Here in one prayer I pour, God grant 'tis not In vain, ley heart's wild thirst for thee: come back to me asain. Oh! think of me, my darling, as I over think of you, The live-long day, my darling, and all the dark night through. I slumber but to dream of thee, I wake but only weep; I never can forget thee, not even when I sleep. God keep thee, my loved darling, Cod guard thee well, mine own. As now, alas! we're parted and I am here alone. Could loving fondly shield thee, or could prayers aught avail, No grief should o'er come near thee, no peril e'er assail. T1s not long since the hour that saw thee hence depart, Not long ago by counting, but ages by my heart. That heart holds one deep sorrow, with one hope still doth burn: That sorrow is thine absence, that hope is thy return. -Charles B:rnh-am, in Once a Week. N a Parisian i green-r oom a new performer • was comnplain ing of nervou.s ness. Fro m some of her compa nions she received en couragement, but the majority ex pressed themselves aft:er "this fashion: "Such tremors are incurable. As na ture has formed us bold or timid, cold or ardent, grave o-r gay, so we must re main. Whoever saw an ambitious man cured of his ambition, or a miser of his avarice?" Some members of the company ob jected to the fatalism of thwese observa tions, and one said: "If you ask for a converted miser, I can show you one. Hero he is. I nm one." The man who said this was a popular dramatist, noted for generosity. hlis statement was received with ejacula tions of "'Nonsense!" ."Impossible!" "'Do you expect us to believe that?" "Indeed," answered )te, quite seriously, "I speak the truth. I was a miser, al though now, I trust, I am such no longer. If you would care to hear it, I will relate to you the story of my con version. It was effccted by a child's tear." All present immediately crowd ed around him, and heard from his lips the following recital: "In 1834," said the dramatist. "I had just given to the theater of the Porte Saint Martin one of the most successful of my pieces. One day about that time two letters reached me by the same post. Bloth were from Marseilles. One was from a theatrical manager, inform Ing me that he intended bringing out my new piece there and that he desired my presence at the final rehearsals of the drama. With regard to remnunera tion for my trouble I might make my own terms in reason. The second let ter, a very brief one, ran thus: 'Mon sieur, the wife and daughter of your brother are dying of want. Some hun dreds of francs will save them, and I doubt not that you will hasten to visit connections so near to yon and make ar rangements for their present and future comfort.' This letter bore the signature of Dr. Lambert, of Marseilles. "As I have already told you, I was a miser in the worst sense of the word. The physician's letter, far from moving me to pity, merely renewed certain angry feelings which had formerly ex isted in my mind toward my sister-in law. Whenl some years back, my brave sailor brother, who had since been drowned, had written to tell me of his approaching marriage with a fisherman's daughter, I, in my misera ble pride and miserliness, had rephlied that in marrying a penniless girl I con saidered that he was doing a most fool ish and degrading action. I wasc even wretch enough to advise him to break off the match if that were still possible. My brother, like the honorable man he was, wedded the girl he loved. My sis ter-in-law, who was a high-spirited Bre ton, never forgot my letter, and de spised its writer. When she lost her husband and found herself in need it was long ere she could bring herself to apply to me. But the sight of her only child wasting away from sheer want had at last broken down her pride. "As the engagement at the Marseilles theater seemed likely to prove a highly profitable one, I, as you might expect, lost no time in accepting the offer. I wrote off to the manager at once, and followed my letter in person with as little delay as possible. WVhen I arrived at the principal hotel of Marseilles I encountered there, in the act of inquir ing for me, the doctor who had written in my sister-in-law's behalf. As I had not replied to his letter, the good man had said in his simplicity: 'Ie will be here in person,' and had looked for me every day. 'You have lost not time, wir,' said he. 'Doubtless you thought, and rightly, that did you delay, death inlght forestall yovI Abl I im, indee. ;-lodtz btm dee yo "I was completely nonplused. Hy mole object in visiting Marseilles had been the professional one; but how could I avow such a fact to such a man? For very shame I could not do so. Ac cordingly, instead of going straight to the theater, as I had intended doing, I walked away with the doctor to my sie ter-in-law's poor abode. "It was a most wretched room. Yet the first object in it that caught my eye was a very beautiful one. Near the in valid's bed stood her little girl, with large black eyes, pretty, curly hair, and a face whose expression was a pathetic combination of youthful brightness and premature sadness. At the first glance I could have taken the lovely creature into my arms; then I sternly repressed this alien emotion. The doctor, after he had spoken a few words to his pa tient, beckoned me to approach. As I did so the poor woman taed to raise herself. The mixture oflttdness" and pride upon her faded countenance told me plainly how great an effort it had cost her to appeal to me. Using the strongest plea that she knew, she pointed to her child with weak, treum bling fingers, and said, in low tones: 'See here! She will soon be alone in the world.' *'Even this touching appeal produced (I blush to say) no effect upon my hard heart. I answered coldly: 'Why give way to such fears! You are young: you have a good physici in; why lose all hopet' A less selfish man would have added: 'You have a brother-in-laiw, also, who means to do his best for you.' But I said nothing of the sort. My only thought was how I might most easily escape from the threatened burden. The little girl, who had been gazing at me with wondering eyes, now came to my side and said: 'Will you please sit upon the bed? Because you are too tall for me to kiss you if you stand.' '"I sat down and the child climbed upon my knee. lHer mother's eyes were closed and her hands clasped to gether as if in prayer. '-naffrighted by my black looks the little one threw her arms around my mneck and pressed her lip.4to my cheek. 'Will you be my papa?' said she. 'I will love you so dearly! You are like papa. lie was very good. Are you good, too?' My only answer was to unclasp her arms somewhat roughly from my neck and set her down upon the floor. She cast upon nme a glance of mingled surprise, disappointment and fear, and a tear rolled slowly down her cheek. ller si lent sorrow worked the miracle that her pretty, fond prattle had failed to effect. As by an enchanter's wand the ugliness of my character, the utter brutality of Ity conduct were revealed to me in that noment. I shuddered in horror and self-disgust and yielded at once to my good angel. I lifted the disconsolate little maidcen into my arms, and, laying my hand upon her head, said: 'Yes, my child, I promise to be a father to you; you shall be my dear little daughter, and I will love and take care of you always.' "oliw happy this premise made my sister-in-law words fail me to describe. lHer joyful excitement alarmed bo,th the physician and myself. .Joy, however, sellonm kills. 'IIrother! brother:' she murmured, 'how my thoughts have "THE C'HI.U CI.IMBtED UPON usMY KNtI..' wronged you! Forgive me!' icr grati tude stung my newly-awakened con science more sharply than any reproach could have done. I h:lstened to change the subject to that of the sick woman's removal to a better dwelling. The doc tor. with ready kindness, undertook the task of house hunting, for which I. a stranger to the place, was.not so well qualified. "lie found for us a delightful cottage in the neighborhood of Marseilles. There we three-p- y sister-in-law. my niece and mysel f-lived for three months. At the end of that time the mother passed peacefully away, leaving her child to my care, with full contl dence in my affection. iary has been with me ever since. HIer joys have been my joys, her life has been my life. Do u not owe her much? That tear of hers- precious pearl galthered by my heart- has been to it what the dewdrop of morn is to the unopened flower--ex-i panding it for the entire day of its ex istence!"-Edourd Lemoine, in Strand Magazine. j ia Appearanlce Was Tibnm ly. "'May I ask you, madam," inquired the gentlemanly caller at the front door, removing his hat, "if there has heen a large and successful cooking mchool in this neighborhood for some weeks?" "There has," replied the lady. 'aSome member of your family hs been in attendance, perhaps," he ven tured. "Yes. g Two of my daughters attend "Ahl " rejoined the caller, pleasantly. "A good cooking school is one of the adjuncts of an advanced civilization. I am always interested to notice the ad vance of a community in the knowledge of the gentle arts and sciences that go to make up the sum of human happi ness. But I have allowed myself to for get the business upon which I have ventured to call," he continued, briskly, opening a small valise. "I am introduc ing a small but conprlehensive work, entitled: 'The IHorrible Curse of Dys pepsia and Indigestion; IIow Cured and lmow Remnoved.' The price is only seventy-five cents, and I can Assure yotu, madanm--thanks. a 0lod meorninft"o get thei b~lusies pnwhc Ih •CLEVELAND'S APPOINTMENTS The New Omelats Under the Democratle Administration. The senate having adjourned, the present is a convenient occasion for re viewing the reorganization of the exee utive branch of the government so far as it has been carried by "Mr. Cleve land. On the whole, it is deserving of cordial praise. The men chosen for cabinet offices have met the expectation a of the country, which was extremely confident, and interest attaches now rather to the appointments under them of their chief assistants. Most of these have been strong. In the state department Mr. Josiah I Quincy, of Massachusetts, who has charge of the consular service, is a rep- 4 resentative of the best type of citizen ship-highly educated, active, acute and conscientious, and Mr. E. H. Stro bel, of New York, is a worthy coadju tor. The retention, which we assume is to be continued, of Mr. Adee, se cures a particularly faithful and well informed man for peculiar du ties, which a new man could not well perform. Among the appoint ments to the diplomatic service that of Af r. Tlayard as ambassador to 1 Great Britain and Chancellor Runyon as minister to Germany are of a very high order. 3Ir. Enstis. as ambassador to France, is undoubtedly equal to the requirements of the post, though we I should have been glad to see so high an honor given to one who in the past had shown more sympathy with the pro gressive democracy of which Mir. Cleve land is the representative. The promo tion of Mr. Edwin Dun to be minister to Japan, where he has been for twen ty years a most valuable official, is par ticularly gratifying. The nomination of Mr. Porter, formerly assistant secre tary of state, as minister to Chili, se cures a representative there of experi ence and discretion-which is some thing of a change and desirable. On the other diplomatic appointments there is no special comment to be made. None of them, so far as we are aware, is particularly above or below the average of the past. The rceasnry department has been made very strong. Mr. Carlisle has taken hold of his work with the most conscientious care and a determination to enforce a high standard. In Mr. IVW. E. Curtis of New York and Mr. C. S. Ilamlin of ,lassaehusetts as assistant secretaries he has aides thoroughly in sympathy with the ideas of the admin istration and well fitted to apply them. The choice of Mr. Reeves as solicitor is a direct and deserved promotion. while that of Mr. Morgan as treasurer, though he is without experience in the service. promises well. The appoint ment of Mr. Eckels of Illinois as con troller of the currency is an experi ment made on sound principles, and which ought to succeed. In the interior department, the choice of Mr. Seymour of Connecticut as com missioner of patents certainly secures an able and vigorous man, who has given evidence of independence and firmness of character. Ills assistant, Mr. S. T. Fisher, is promoted on a rec ord of excellent service. The most im portant branch of the interior depart ment work is, of course, the pension office. For this the selection of Judge William Lochren of Minnesota as com- missioner and the promotion of Mir. IT. C. Bell of Illinois to be deputy commis sioner are very strong appointments in- 1 deed. The work to be done in the office is herculean in more than one sense, since the Augean stables were not so difficult to clean, and the new men have a diflicult but a most honorable task before them. In the post offlcedepartment. Mr. Ibis sell and his assistant, Mr. ,Maxwell, have been largely engaged in making changes in the fourth-class post offices. Their activity has been greatly exagger ated, as statistics covering the first month of this administration and of MIr. Harrison's will show. The number of changes in all were 878 for the present administration, and 1,328 for its prede cessor, or 51 per cent. more four years ago than now. The number of resigna tions was almost exactly the same-- 08 and 503. The number of removals under Harrison was 815, underCleveland only 45 per cent. Of these 370, 90. or about 25 per cent., had served their full term. The remaining 280 were removals. A large part were ma:le on reports of in spectors. In all they form less than one half of 1 per cent, of the total number of these offices. Undoubtedly the total changes have been greater than could have been required under a properly regulated service, and Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Bissell cannot help feeling the brutal character of the system that de mands them. In our judgment they could have been made more deliberately with advantage, but there are consider ations to be weighed in this matter of the force of which the president should bc the judge. It would be unjust in the extreme to assume that he has not been guided by a sense of his duty under all the conditions presented. We repeat the expression of our con viction that Mir. Cleveland's work of re organization, so far as it has gone, is, on the whole, deserving of cordial praise. It strengthens his administra tion greatly for the long and arduous labors that await it.-Chicago Times. -The fifteen dollars per day which Maj. Halford was allowed by Secretary Foster while on his fortign excursion may not have been intended so much as a compliment to the major's merit as an accountant as to his martial bear ing. When an officer can render him self very imposing and formidable among foreigners he should-command high pay.-N. Y. World. - An exchange repeats that "the republican party has a grand history." Just so, but history is a story of the past A tramp pathetically remarks: '-adam, I have seen better days." "Indeed, poor man," responds madam, "you couldn't have seen worse." And so it is with the grand old party.-Al bany Argue. --The administration has hauled down the flag in Hawaii and hauled up Egan in Chill. Secretary Gresham e.i denatly knows hi* bulsincs. ,-oueisvlle Codtrti*-eJarnah. THE GOLD CERTIFICATES. A ginilcanfat Departure in the 3anage ment of the Treasury. The order of Secretary Carlisle sus pending the issue of gold certificates was not a discretionary act. The statute compels him to take that step when the gold in the tress , outside of that represented by &d certificates in circulation-approxihately $11(1,000,000 at present-has fallen to $100,000,000 reserved to secure the redemption of the greenbacks. It has virtually, if not literally, reached that point. The pro vision of the law rests on the belief that for many business transactions paper currency is preferred to gold, and that deposits of gqld will be made in exchange for greenbacks. if gold cer tificates cannot be had. liv this process the government would increase its holdings of gold, n it increasing directly the outlas demands upon it. Thus the government neither gains nor loses5in strength by the exchange of gold certificates for gold. Every dollar of gold received by it in ex change for a gold certificate must be retained in the treasury to meet that specific outstanding obligation. It is not so with legal tenders. Their amount is fixed and the gold reserve for their redemption is also fixed at a minimum of $100,O00,0O0. Every green back the government can exchange for gold is thus an increase in the apparent gold strength of the treasury. Of course, the greenl;aelks are ultimately redeemable in gol., but the gold over $100,000,000 is "free gold," not required to secure redemption, the theory of the law being that the faith of the United States is a sufficient guarantee. WVhat is significant about this c-oder is the departure it marks from the cus tom of the Harrison adnministration. In February the gold reserve fell close to $100,000,000, if indeed it did not fall below it, as many believed. Secretary Foster borrowed from certain banks about $8,000.000 in gold to keep his re serve good. By this process the treas ury was put under obligations to. those banks. The treasury and the bankers were brought into relations Inore inti mate than those which should exist be tween the government and the people. Secretary Carlisle places his reliance absolutely upon the law. lie has not sought favors for the gdvernment from certain banks, and his action is already criticised on the ground that he did not first "consult New York bankers." We believe that this is the very strength of his position. Instead of making pri vate arrangements, for which inevi tably sooner or later some correspond ing favor from the government woald be asked. he has taken the action p.e scribed by the statute. Even as a nmeasure of expediency. is not that s wise? Those banks or individuals that deem it prudent to aid in maintaining the treasury's gold reserve can do so by depositing gold and taking legal ten ders in return. All citizens are thtsi treated with absolute equality under the law by the secretary of the treeuriy. lie could have averted the situaticRA only by accepting- favors from a fe'w. We welcome the divorce of the trea? ury from the nmoney market. if such bi, the meaning of the secretary's act. For years the treasury has been "coaming tis the relief of the money market" and the banks have been "coming to the re lief of the treasury." The language inm plies relations which ought not to exist between the two, which cannot exist without imposing improper obligations on the treasury, which inculcate false notions of the functions of gove-rnment. Some readjustment of prevalent ideas will be involved, if we interpret cor rectly the secretary's motive. as was in dicated recently in these columns when state bank notes were cursorily con sidered, but safer ideas will be estab lished in their stcad.-Albany Argus A REPUBLICAN LEGACY. The Present Financial Troubles Ilesultingi from Hig11 T"ar! T. In the present national financial situ. ation we are enjoying a legacy of re publican administration of the govern. men t. VWhatever uncertainties financiers may think the future contains. end whatever menace to public confidence they fear it holds, must be credited di reetly to the party whose creed is tha t it is the only party of sufficient intelli gence; and patriotism to attend to the public business of the country. The drain of gold from the treasury and the consequent speculationis as to the method by which our different forms of mnoney are to be maintained at parity, resulting in the existing uneasi ness and disturbance of business, are due alone to the repbilican party. It was the republican party which passed a tariff bill striking from a)ur customs list the principal revenue dutties and raising protective duties to. in many instances, prohibitive rates, thus decreasing the revenue without de creasing taxation. It was the republican party which, while thus cutting down the national income, plunged into a series of protti gate expenditures never before dreamed of in the wildest orgies of legislative plundercrs. It was the replublican party which, always loutd in proclaiming its fidelity to sound money, entered into a dis graceful dicker and compromise with the silver miners-a compromi:;e which it refused up to the last mnoment to re peal-by which the government has lost millions of dollars, and by which the treasury is to-day drained of its gold and will continue to be drained as long as the outrageous Sherman law remains in force. These are the immediate causes which have produced the present condition of the national finances, and cvery one of these causes sprang directly from the very heart of thle policy which sas the chief achievement and loudly-boasted glory of the administration of Benjamin Harrison. Truly, the democracy was not in trusted with power a day too soon. LouJsville Cnourier-Journal. -The republican press manifests a disposition to goad Mr. Olney. Mr. Olney will yet manifest a dltiposition to pyeld the rqsiublie-i trensts, urnd he wvll bao-- lha J(S*l4 lfh,..--·Bkl Dasl cllahe FARM AND GARDEN. SUCCESS IN GRAFTINO. The EI.ential 'Parts of tho Operation I)stinetly Pointed Out. The owner of an orchard which he finds contains many trees which re quire desires some special instruction by which he can make his grafts live and grow. lie has been more or less unsuccessful in the trials he has formerly made, and wishes the essential parts of the operation distinct ly pointed out. It is hardly necessary to speak of the importance of doing the work at the right time, and with materials in the right condition. The grafts should be strong, well-grown shoots of one year, in fresh and healthy condition; and as the trees have grown several years, and the limbs receiving the grafts are an inch or an inch and a half in diameter. common cleft-grafting will be found most convenient. In the northern states. apples and pears may he com monly grafted during the last half of April. but if the scions have been kept in fresh condition, the work may often be done during the month of l ay. Cherries must be grafted early, or be fore the buds begin to swell. In fitting the grafts for their socket, it is impor tant to give them a form by v|ich they wiil lit closely throughout the place of union. They must be longer in large stocks. In the annexed figure, a repre sents the wedge form of the graft for cleft-' r-ting and b its position after in srltion. It will be observed that the form given to it it exactly the shape of the cleit madei in the stock. This form not (only l. tillly holds the graft, but there is a close contact in the two joining faces. A wrong mode is represented by c. This anode. although in less degree. is commonly used by unskillful graft er.s. and forms a very imperfect union between the two parts. which is repre sented lby d. ;Such grafts are very un certain to grotw, and if they succeed. they are not. iirmly held to the stock, and are easily blown out by the wind. The diffcerence in these two modes con stitntes Ilargely the difference between succe:-s atnt failure, both in starting tc grow and in making a firm shoot after ward. In addition to these requisites. it is very important to do the work with a sharp knife, that the sap ves sels ma; receive a clear cut and not he scraped with the edge of a dull knife. which would tend to choke the current. There are several forms of grafting wax. which appear to answer equally swell, the essential requisite being the exclusion of rain, but more particularly to retain the natural moisture of the graft. It will be observed that success de pends on a free tlow of sap from one to the other, or from stock to graft.- and that this is best effected when the form is given as represented in a and b. the iontact being close throughout. The insertion of such a graft cannot be made without bringing into contact the bark and wood of both. while in the imperfect mode represented by c and d. the union can take place only at a single point. These figures. of course, represent extreme cases, but they exhibit well the error to be avoid el. As a proof ,f f tile value of the form recommenided. grafts inserted carefully in this way have not resulted in a fail ure of one in a hundred, while with the imperfect form one-half have perished or failed to grow.-Country Gentleman. HANDLING MANURE. A MTiethold Vichtli Is IEconomtel and Saves .luri ,Labor. The most economical way of handling manure is direct from the stable. My plan., which 1 hiave followed for years, is to drive through the stable, after the cows have been turned out to water. with a team and bobs, or long sled, and load up. This was planned when I built miy barn. having wide doors and bridges at each end of stable, with no window holes back of cows, except s-iwh for light. An ordinary team can draw out the manure from forty cows a day in one load. In this way I take manure where it is needed. I use loose side boards when I reach the ground I wish to manure. I remnove one side board, nndl pitch off a lot at each end of the sled of about half a barrel in a place; then I start up. remove the side board on thle other side, and leave the same quantity on that side, alternating mny unloa:ding from the sides in that way until I have my load unloadetd. To make finislhed work as you go along, commence where you leave off every time until you gett across the piec. Then -omnmence a new row closeenough to meet when spread, and so on until tihe piece is manulred. This can be eaSty spread in spring when the frost is out of it. 'T'ccn to make it finer go over it with a bush or brush pulverizer made out of some tough brush.-Country Gen tleman. A Conventlent Bird House. Birds can help in the war against bugs and worms. Each blue bird and S robin is a guar antec of thou sands less of in sect pests. A dozen or more bird houses can be made, as shown, any wet day, and easily nailed fast to orchadl trees. Bu;ild with a door at r:ceh cal mind partitions in the miltidle. so taith two fa;i~helmi ctun bIt - m'renrte Fn' j hlth'i Itt n .mte., arm aiim 4lome-* FEMININE WISDOM. What Dorothy Tncker Knows About Dairy Manaagement. When chilled or nearly exhausted from overwork or anxiety, a cup of hot milk Is more stimulating than any alco holic drink, and it has this to recom mend it in preference, it is also nourish ing. Now is the time to arrange fr gen erous supply of fodder corn to supple ment the pastures. Six quarts of seed is all we should ever ute to get the best fodder corn. If sown too thickly i ~s watery and lacks nutrition. Corn is8a sun plant. and. z tst have it to make a perfect plant with all the sugar and starch wh it contains whhn grown in the prop way. When stiwn this way it will produce plenty of ears. Do not keep your cows all summer at a loss when a little forethought and cae will provide a generous supply of 'food which wil ~nake a prolit. Great o should be taken of the fresh cows especially. A cow should be fed ligl tly just before calving and for a week a1teruards. All her drink should be warmed and she should not be ex posed to cold in any wvay. WVhlrpthe udder i woilenq/nd hard it must be bathed with hot water or some str geliniment to reduce the in flamm , h soon as possible before -any, th' df of the memnbrane takes pltby`ltere will be a. permanennt in jury. Also give the cow from one-half to three-quarter pounds Epsom salts, a cup of molasses and a teaspoonful of ginger dissolved in water sutllcient for the purpose. With this care you will seldom have a case of garget. Mlany people complain of lumps in the teats of their cows. and obstructions in the udders. To prevent, the:se there should be more care in drying < t the cows, and in the feeding and clrc when they come in. We find that it is best to takl.t the calf from the cow soon after it is born within a day or two. Kieep it, w;rm and feed the milk lwarlm from the cow. It can lbe taught to drink mtor". readily than if allowned to suck for a long time, and there wvill hei less nervous excite ment on the part of the mother. If you have a surplus of Jersey hull calves they can be turned to good ac count by making steers of them and raising them for oxen. They are very active and grow quickly and will walk as fast as a te:,tn of horses. The boys will take an interest in theft: for they are certainly beautiful and are very in telligent and tractable. They possess another most excell.nt ljoa.lity, an abil ity to stand the heat. Save the heifers from the best cows. In estimating the dairy profiLts don't forget to count in the pork. and that thriving young stock the skim milk pro duced.-Dorothy Tucker. in Farm Jour nal. THE EFFECT OF SALT. It Aids Materially In tlhl I)tgestion of the Foodi of Cows. Salt given to cows has somre etrcet on tht qnrnmtity of the milk. This is ne: cssarily so as the salt aids very muuch in the digestion of the( food, and it is the puantity of the food digested that reg ulates the quantity and qmuatity of the milk. Salt is indispensable to the health of any ;animal that fteeds ounc re e.table matter. and the milk is affrc.ted greatly by the health or opposite coan dition of a cow. 'lhen salt i.s given to excess it is injurious andl causes an in tense thirst, but this doe.. not necessar ily make the milk more watery than usurl. If the cosw drinks more water than is usual, there is no rca.son to lel'eve that this excess of water dilutes tile milk. T:he milk is not made in any -ach way z.s would make this possible. It is .roduccld by the lbreaking down of the glandular tissue of the udder, and this never cont:tins more than a normal quantity of water. The kidney-s are charged with the removal of aut excess of water from thie blood. and this idrain. or outlet, if in good working condition. will always attend to, its own business, and if it, dloes not or cannot. for any reason, the milk glands c:nnot perform this function, but the cow becomes dis eased at once. lBut this is a question that the careful farmer will never have to consider, because he will always take care that such a supposed mistake \will never happen. It is only the careless farmer who runs risks of giving his cows, or permitting theUl to get, too much salt.-Colmnan's Rural IVorld. ANTI-SELF-SUCKER. A Simlple Drihe Whicih I SNtre to Ac complish Its Purpose. A ..orrespondent of the l'Paclifi Rural Press gives the device shovwn in cut as a successful plan for stopping a cosw from sucking herself. It is readily under stood from the picture-a strap around A5 (TIS~EF-S~1CKER. the body and a halter, with a stick reaching through the front legs he tween them. This will surely prevent the cowv from getting her head around unless she steps over the stick. Build Wide Roads. All roads should be made wide. It is a m-istake to suppose narrow roads are the cheapest. Of course, when con structing a new road the cost is in pro portion to its width, but a narr-ow road is always the more expensive to main tain. owxng to the vehicles being conm polled to keep more or less . one track in the center, nothing being inore de structive than the constant wear in one track. A wide road is always more e-enly worn all over, provided, of course, that it is constructed according to scientic pDrinciples andl kept in good repair.,-Francin Fuller McKe inzie. C. E., Philadelphia. Pa. 'lTmt, Mootr's Enrly gfp. is oine of the wery huet vt the unrly i4rt HOME HINTS AND IHELPS. -Omelet: Pat six eggs in a bowl, and give twelve beats with a fork. Put a teaspoonful of butter in an omelet pan, and set on the fire to melt; pour the eggs in, and shake over a quick fire until set: sprinkle with salt and pepper; roll, and turn out on a heated dish.-Harper's Bazar. -Ham Croquettes: Take two cups of fine-minced ham, or, better, one cup of ham and one of veal, mix well with one-quarter cup of bread crumbs. Add two tablespoonfuls of stock or gravy, and season with one teaspoonful of salt, one-quarter teaspoonful of pepper. Add ghe yolks of two eggs, make into smalt balls, cover it with egg and bread crumbs, and fry.-Boston Bud get. -Dried Apricot Pudding: Wash care fully one-half pound of dried apricots and one-half pound of hominy, put them together in a bowl. add one quart of waer and let soak over night. In the morning place in a double boiler, with one-half cupful of sugar and a teaspoon ful of salt; cook four hours. Turn into a buttered dish, sprinkle with sugar and brown in the oven. Serve with sugar, cream or sauce.-N. Y. Observer. --Whole Cod: Put a large quantity of water into the fish kettle, which must be of a proper size for the cod, with one-quarter of a pint of vinegar, a hand ful of salt and one-half of a stick of horseradish. Let these boil together for some time and then put in the fish. When it is done enough (which will be known by feeling the fins and the look of the fish) lay it to drain, put it on a hot fish plate, or strainer, and then in a warm dish. with the liver cut in half and laid on each side. Serve with shrimp or oyster sauce and garnish with horseradish.--Good hlousekeeping. -Scotch Cakes: These will keep for weeks-locked. Beat to a cream one and three-fourths of a cup of butter, two cups of sugar, two well beaten eggs. a wineglass of sweet milk, a pinch of salt. and the juice of half a small lemon. Sift halfa teaspoonful of baking powder with enough flour to make a stiff batter, stir well, and then knead, or mix a little stiffer so that you can mold it. Take a bit of the dough the size of an egg. pat it to an oblong shape half an inch thick, pinch the edges lightly with the fingers to a sort of scollop. press lightly some can died cai away conmfits on top, and put in a greased pan: bake ten or twelve minutes in a moderate oven. W'atch the baking so that they bake only to a delicate brown.-American Agricultur ist. -To 3lake Good Bread: Take four quarts of good flour, mix with it half a tablespoon of salt, and set it in a warm place. Put one cupful of flour and one yeast cake crumbled fine in a bowl. Nix to a stihooth batter with one cupful of lukewarm water. Set in a warm place and let it, rise about three-quar ters of an hour. lave oneand one-hall pints of sweet milk. and one and one hatlf pints of water, made moderately wvarmn. Empty the bowl of sponge into the flour, and add the milk and water, until a firm, rather stiff, dough is ob tained. Knead this vigorously for five minutes, then set in a warm place, and let it rise from two and a half to three hours. Divide into three loaves, mold and place in loaf pans. Let these rise for about an hour longer, and then bake in a hot oven from three-quarters to one hour.-Ladies' World. As to Your Eye-. It is said that the health of the bru nette type of eye is. as a rule. superior to that of the blonde type. Black eyes usually indicate good powers of physical endurance. l)ark-blue eyes are most common in persons of delicate, refined, or effeminate natures. and generally show weak health. Light-blue, and much more. gray eyes indicate hardy and active constitutions. With regard to diseases of the eye, brown or dark colored are weaker or more susceptible to injury from various causes than gray or blue eyes. Light-blue eyes are gen er:lly the most powerful. and next to those are gray. The lighter the pupil the greater and longer continued is the degree of tension the eye can sustain. --Chicago .lail. Prretly Fanries. Not only economical but picturesque are the now fashionable bodices quite different from thle skirt, which enables one to use the "'short-length" patterns which are found on the bargain coun ters. Among the novelties is a card case provided with an especial pocket for bonbons. Lands of narrow velvet, with rosette bows, trim the skirts of semi-dress and evening costumes. Black bengaline. Ottoman faille and other shining, lusterless, corded silks are greatly used for church, reception and visiting dresses. Velvet sleeves, full, though not high, are worn with gowns of all sorts, even those oa transparent materials.-Chicago Times. Yeaour Neighbor's Motes. Learn to seal your lips forever on the wretched. miserable habit of telling the world about the motes in your neigh bors eye. Who made you a judge over him? (o. if you will, and personally tell him his faults betveen you and him alone. Tell him with love and sympathy in your heart because you want to help him to become nobler and better, because you can not bear to see a stain on him, and not because you would humble him or glory over him, and in the end he will bless you for it, and you will .have done a good work. Bat never tell the world of his faults. -Detroit Free Prescs. A Letter Case. Cut two pieces of pasteboard in the shape of a shamrock and large enough to conceal an envelope of ordinary size. Cover each with plush. of any color you may fancy, and line them with silk of the same or a contrasting color. Unite the two pieces at their lower edges and finish with a silk cord, or use "odds and ends." At the top put a large bow .f ribbon, and suspend the case near the writing-dak. The ribbon and eod ihouldl harmonilt in cQlQ writh tH