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{ Se Spring ' ma. = oPle are troubled with dizziness. dull m unplneasant taste in the morning, and he tired feeling." 1imples. boils ad thier manifestations of impure blood also app ar, annoying and depressing. ýroj& l suerrs we earnestly urge a trial of Hoods SarseparillA. No preparation ever reoelvedanch unanimous praise for its suceess as a SprAng iedialme. It cures scrofula. malt rhemn and every other evl deuce of impure blood. It overcomes that Sifred feeling' and all other debility. U'., .e* Gee. A. I2obss Coloma. Wis.L "A few years ago my health failed me, and I consulted several physicians. Not one could clearly diagnose my case and their medicine tdlled to give reliet After much persuasion I commenced to take Hood's BSarsaparilla. Have taken several bottles and am much improved. From an all run duwn condition I have been re stored to good health. Formerly I weighed Hood's Cures 135 pounas, now I balance the scales at 176 ds. Hood'sSarsaparila has been a great to me, and I have recommended it to friends, who realize good results by its use." Gro. WI. TwisT, Coloma, Waushara Co., Wis. Nood'sý PtiI1 core liver ills, sick bead ache aundice, inigestion. Try a box. 35c. 0 10 B ICLIOUSNES DT8PEPSIA , Sl0K HEADAICHE, WEAK( STOMACH, DISORDERS OF THIE VIVER 1ýýPETION ýSh ~ ý LIVERdBrli' PILL S.o ay m ~ hare tqur a Gmo.a n SOLD ALLOUSNESS, DSPEPSIAs. SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH, DISORDERS & CO., ProprietoRs TESTIML OlNY. I have used Brodie's Pills for matany years n any family and have found. them invaluable in oughtall cases, nd as a Liver Pito do nt think they have an eqglow Gao. H. WILEY. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCUSTS. I.. L. LYONS & CO., Proprietors, 1ýqaw cslrianzn. Z Pefc Babj Health mean glow ing health throughout childhood, and robust health in the years to come. When we see in children tendencies to weakness, we know they are nmissing the life of food taken. This loss is overcome by Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophos phites, a fat-food that builds up appetite and produces flesh at a ratq that appears magicaL Almost as palatable as milk. Prenad by Scott Ben.. N. Y. All drsinst.. "German Syrup I am a farmer at Edom, Texas. I have used German Syrup for six years successfully for Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Pains in Chest and Lungs and Spitting-up of Blood. I have tried many kinds of Cough Syrups in my time, but let me say to anyone wanting such a medicine-German Syrup is the best. We are subject to so many sudden changes from cold to hot, damp weather here, but in families where German Syrup is used there is little trouble from colds. John F.Jones.O WOWDENZ~D AND PEauNINZ (PATNThED) Tho etknqest and rest Lye made. Unlike other Lye, it being a iane powader and packed Spalcon with removable lid. the contents are always ready for use will inhe the best perfumed Hard Soap In 50 minutes uoifA~ui beU. QU ag ti s the best foreleansong waste pipes, disiofecting sinks, closets. ivashbns bottler.piainta* - CASINO·1 l c E IIGUSAWB wna ____ nw r WORKS. Machinery and Machiery~ Supplies. liture sheuld be *ssist*4 te threw eiffiUDU*· heh cdoese it · dJIPN HAD NVO O)HAwMM8 wilS mldra rlaril prism. aasetisal4~ amerLan THE FARMING WORLD. HAYSTACK PROTECTOR. Bireetions for Bunlaing a Cheap aend Con reniet sarraek. To keep water out of hay stacked out 3f doors nothing is cheaper and better than a barrack, shingled or straw thatched, made as follows: Set poles S feet deep in the ground every 9 feet for the sides, these sides to be 16 feet apart. Let the poles be of a uniform height, 14, 15 or 16 feet. If ahorse-fork be em ployed and the barrack stand in a place protected from high winds, these side supports may be 18 or even 20 feet high. A good pitch should be allowed that the roof may carry off water and slush rap idly and let the shingles dry. The farm hands can build it and no carpenter be needed, as no mortising nor framing is necessary. The barrack may be as long as desired, and another bent or two may be added to it any time. A 2T6 inch plank is used for a ridge pole and the rafters mitered and nailed to it as shown. Each pair is then stayed by a cross brace nailed just under the ridge. The poles are joined near the top just beneath the eaves by a 6-inch plank and the rafters rest on it, all being spiked together. If a less expensive and shorter-lived root be desired, the rafters need be only 9 feet apart and spiked to the poles as shown. Then two 6-inch boards are nailed between them at right angles to support sheath ing put on up and down. This is matched, planed on the upper side and painted. If the root have a quarter pitch or more it will last a number of years. These cross boards between the rafters to support sheathing are of course put on edge up for greater strength. They are not worked in any way, but simply nailed in place by let ting the end of one be a little further up or down on the rafter than the end of the one to match it. Then both can be nailed fast through the rafter. This form of hay protector is preferred to the roof movable up and down on poles running through its lower edge, as water runs down the poles and fre quently finds its way into the hay. Farm and Home. BUCKWHEAT HONEY. Not as Delicate as Other Kinds. But Richer by Far. Many people do not like buckwhaeat honey. It may not be so white nor so delicate in flavor as some other kinds, but nothing surpasses it in richness. It probably will not wear so well as clover honey, but, until the appetite be gins to cloy, it is very satisfying. Ijpt there is one use for it that all bee keepers ought to agree is a valuable one. Thq plant flowers late and yields an abundance of nectar, from which the bee can gather a heavy crop. The white and better selling grades of honey may be marketed, but this rich dark honey can be left to winter the bees upon. They must have something to eat, and if you do not like buckwheat honey, they do. Buckwheat is not extensively grown by farmers and the beekeeper should encourage its .growth. If he is a tarmer he should sow a liberal area to this grain. if he is not, and many are not, he can afford to pay something,to the farmers within a radius of amile and a half, to sow a fieldaf buckwheat. lie could afford to pay one or two dol lars per acre, and it would a good in vestment to him. Buckwheat will grow on almost any land, but like most other crops it grows best on good land. Its dense and rapid growth makes it a good weed-killer and the grain from it finds a ready market at good prices. The farmer cares for these matters, but the beekeeper is in terested especially in the white blossoms that load the air with fra grance and that grow an abundance of homey-making material from the soil and atmosphere. It is perfectly legiti mate for him to call the attention of farmers to the benefits to be derived from the cultivation -of the grain, but he should be cautious not to overreach himself by attempting to appear wholly disinterested in the subject. Let him show that the growing of a crop of this grain will be to the common advantage of both the farmer and himself, and he may succeed in accomplishing his pur pose.-American Agriculturist. THREE-HORSE HITCH. As Quickly Put On or Taken OR as an Ordinary Doubletree. This three-horse whiffletree I made to use on my farm wagon, but I find it can be used as easily on a roller or disc har row, or on any machine with or with out a tongue When I useut it first on the pipe, four years ago, it did not work just to suit me. anti all the way back home I studied to find the defect, and found it. At the end marked S S there was simply a clevis to hitch the third horse to, and the block at the other end raised the center of draft greater than TIIREE-IHORE HITCH. the clevis could overcome. So I built down at this end as far as I had built up at the other. This kept the vhliffletree from rolling or straining the hammer strap on the wagon-tongue. The ham strap is swung to the right just far enough to bore a hole through the hound, in order to prevent any side draft. This three-horse hitch is much more convenient than the one shou-n by MIr. Terry, as this is as quickly put on or taken off as an ordinary doubletree. Do not use the hammer-pin with the wrench on, but lay it aside and use p ns with beveId heads, so the double tree cannot catch. The left hand tug (or trace) of the middle horse will cross over the tongue. 'IT two horses are driven by the check lines with the wagon-tongue between them; the third horse is "tied and jockied" to the -'of horse' or middle one. Description: A, strong piece of hicko ry 2!(x5 inches, 43( feet long: a block Ii, 2)3xx10 inches, is bolted-B 13, bolt heads sunk---on top of short end; ii 8, hammer strap: T, tongue; H II. hqpnd; P i', pin; S 8, stnple-long-thrxglh 214-inch block and on up, with loop be low the block for the singletree,-W. A. LHaeder, an Qhio F'armer. VALUE OF BARLEY. Whr baperlor to Oats a Cropper, Graet and Straw. The government census in 1890 re ports for my county an average yield of 28 bushels per acre of barley and 32 of oats. As the legal bushel of the former is 49 pounds, and of the latter 32 pounds, barley produced 848 pounds niore grain per acre than oats. Recent ly, the Tribune says, barley brought 65 cents a bushel and oats 40 cents, and this is about the average difference. An acre of barley at this price comes to 018.20; an acre of oats, $12.80. a differ ence of $5.40 in favor of barley. WVhen corn fails or is short, as is often the case, privilege of access to a bin of bar ley is more to be prized as a fat-pro ducer than a supply of any other grain except corn: according to analysis bar ley is the best-balanced ration for fat tening of any grain. Barley is a quick growing, sure crop: corn is not. Bar ley is not injured by insects and rust as are other cereals, nor does smut affect it to the same de gree; it seems to be an ironclad plant. Its low growth makes it the best spring grain with which to seed to grass or clover. The crop ripens so early that plenty of time is given to plow for wheat seeding and permit the soil to settle to make the desired firm seedbed; it is observed that wheat almost invari ably does better after barley than after oats. The straw of barley is finer, softer and more valuable for feeding than other straw. The soil for barley needs to be in fine tilth; but this is requisite for best success with all crops. The ground should be rolled after sow ing, so that at harvest the rake can bet ter gather the short stalks. Scientists claim for barley that, being so well balanced a ration, more of its nutri ments are appropriated and assimilated by animals than those of any other grain. Oats has been the staple spring sown crop in large sections since the country was cleared, and much of the soil is about "oated out." In such cases, and where barley will flourish, it should not require long to decide for a change. In raising barley one need not consider himself in any degree responsible for the bad use sometimes made of it.-Dr. Galen Wilson, in N. Y. Tribune. A COVERED ROOST. It Affords Ample Protection to Fowls During Cool Nights. Roup and other diseases are often due to the drafts on the fowls while they are on the roost. An arrangement by which the fowls may be protected at night is shown in the illustration. A is a hinged cover, which can be raised or lowered, as preferred. There is a space between the lower end of the cover and the floor (D) which permits not only plenty of ventilation, but which serves as an ingress or egress for the fowls when going on or leaving the roosts. It is the roost, C the nests, and E shows the back wall when the cover is raised. This arrangement does not differ from 0 COVERED ROOST. that mostly in use except the cover, which may be easily attached to any roost. It may be made of cheap boards, especially of light material, or it may be made by attaching muslin or tarred paper to a frame constructed of lath. The cover should be raised during the day and fastened to the wall, but at night, after the hens are on the roost, it should be lowered to its position. It will greatly assist in protecting the fowls and keeping them warm on se verely cold nights.-Farm and Fireside. AMONG THE POULTRY. Tim neglect given the chicks now cannot be overcome with good care by and by. IIEALTHI, comfort, nentness are the things to be sought when building a poultry house. LrrITLE. chicks enjoy fresh water to drink. (Give them some, even though you provide milk for them. IF your fowls have the range of the farln and have access to fresh water they will need but little care. IF you mean to sell spring chickens sell them in the spring, not in the fall for eight or ten cents a pound and lose money on them. IF you are raising chicks for the eggs they will lay don't keep the cockrelt till fall; sell them as soon as large enough for broilers. Ir there is any place where ginger bread tnd fancy work is expensive it is about a hen-house. Square corners and straight, plain walls give less hom ing for vermin and less work in keep ing clean than does "artistic" display. The houses may lc neat without and clean within if they lack some of the architectural embellishments of a villa. Cospsnsds snl L.lcc. There are times when soapsuds are plentiful, especially on wash-days, and as it will do no harm in the summer to drench the poultry-house, and as lice should be fought from the beginning of mild weather, no better use can be made of the cuds than to use them for destroy ing lice. If you have a sprayer, so much the better, but if not, you may use a watering-pot with a rose nozzle. The soapsuds will be all the better if you have them very stropg. It is a good plan to dissolve a pound of concentrated lye in a tub of suds. Apply the suds hot if you can, but apply them, at all events, hot or cold. Do not miss a single square inch of surfade. Do it on a dry, warm day. Saturate the floor, walls, roosts and even the roof, and have it get into every crack and crevice. Remove the nest boxes, saturate the boxes, let them dry and add new material. When the house is dry, sprinkle every portion with fine, air-slaked lime. If you will follow these directions the lice will be easily kept in check.-Farm and Fireside. Harrowing Old Meadows. Old meadows often get turf bound, or what is worse, grow mossy, from in tive circulation of air. A good, thor ough harrowing may destroy some roots, but it will make what is left grow bet ter, so that the grass will be thicker than on meadows not so treated. The quality of the grasm will also be th pornwc. PERSONAL AND LITERARY. -Mrs. Lovejoy Aldrich, of Seattle, Washington, is the widow of tweo soldiers. Her first husband was in the revolutionary war, and the other in the war of 1819. She is the only person known to the pension office who starids in this position. -A posthumous work by Cardinal Manning, being his only contribution to secular literature,is about to be pub lished in London. It consists of essays on "Honor," "Consistency," "Vanity," "Popnlarity," "The Fourth Estate," "Critics," and like subjects. -Mr. Henry M. Stanley is busy upon a series of short stories for early pub lication. They consist of legends and folk tales eommunicated to the explorer by his native followers during his long and perilous journeys through the great forests of the Dark Continent. -M. Ernest Lavisse, the new French academician, is notable for his histri onic talent. Indeed it is claimed that at the Lyceo Charlemagne he was wont to declaim Cicero's orations with such dramatic vigor as to check any ten ddncy to yawning on the part of his class. -Mr. George Lizotte and Mrs. Lizotte, a niece of Justice Harlan, have been on a wedding tour ever since their mar riage in June, 1891. They like the life and say they may continue it as long as they live. Thus far they have trav eled 57,000 miles and have visited al most every town of any size in North America. --Mme. de Lesseps, wife of "legrand Francais," can write equally well in French and English. She wrote a novel several years ago and published it anonymously. She is collecting her husband's private papers and corre spondence, and proposes, it is said, to write a book explaining and defending his course in regard to P'anama. -Edison, the wonderful, the man who can work sixty hours on a stretch, the greatest inventor of the country, has interesting ideas about food. "Variety," he says, "is the secret of wise eating. The nations that eat the most kinds of foods are the greatest na tions," and he said to his wife, just after they were married: "I wish I might not eat the same thing twice in a month." -Jame Whiteomb Riley told the Louisville people that he is always troubled with diffidence when he goes upon the platform to deliver a lecture. "I always." says the poet, "have an ague of a more or less pronounced type when I face an audience. But I have grown to be grateful for this, because I consider it an acknowledgment that a speaker owes his audience obeisance, and that he is fearful he will not be able to fulfill their expectations. I would rather approach a crowd in this attitude than to be-too sanguine." HUMOROUS. -If the state were as hard a master to men as money is the world would be full of treason.-Ram's Horn. -"Why do you ask me for my auto graph?" asked the poet, who liked to hear words of praise. "Because you are the only one who can write it," said the applicant. meekly.-Vogue. -Engulfed.-Lcster-"What- a numr her of ships foundered on the sea dur ing the past winter!" Jester-"Yes; but they won't begin to compare with the number of schooners that will go down next summer!"-Truth. -In Smoking Car.-Drummer (taking out well-filled cigar case)-"Pardon me, but have you a match?" Seedy indi vidual (suggestively) - "Yes - but 1 have no cigar." Drummer-"Then you won't need the match."-Yankee Blade. -A professor has made the calcula tion that, if men were really as big as they sometimes feel. there would be room in this island for only two profes sors, three lawyers, two doctors and a reporter on a paper. The rest of us would be crowded into the sea and have to swim for it.-Tit-lits. -Why- Hle Succeeded.-"TWho is your doctor, G(corge?- '*Dr. Smoothman." "How did you come to have that hare brained creature?" "Oh. my wife once asked him if he could tell why she al ways had cold feet, and he told her that they were so small that they couldn't hold blood enough to keep them warm. She wouldn't have any other doctor now."-Thufalo News. -Mary Belle Freely says that the emblem for the WVorld's fair woman's building should he an apple, and she adds: "But for Eve the men would be to this day, I suppose. idle, naked, sun burnt loafers like Adam: no better than the beasts, the serpents and the insects. But she courageously took the apple, rescued the world from sloth, in difference and stupidity, and lifted the race to a level little lower than the angels." Good for Mary Belle! Put the apple right there. and let it be a beallo-ower.---t. Louis 'oat- Pispatch. FADS OF THE DAY. PREBERVED ginger is being fashion ably handed around with the ice course. Tax fashionable dogs in Paris at present are the big French poodle in black, brown or white, and the ungain ly Danish boarhound A saw notion which might be ap plied to some of the restaurant menus for the benefit of customers untutored in French is to have the dishes num bered, as well as titled, in an unknown tongue. THE latest fad to be indulged in by the seashore this sunmmer is "pontho mancy," or fate by footprints. It has superseded palmistry, and now it will be possible to tell by the toe joints and curves whether you are amiable or not, why you are not happy though mas' ried, and all the rest. A FUALL BTOMACH ought to cause you no discom fort whatever. If it does, though-if there's any trouble after eatina--take Dr. Pierce's lesnt Pellets. They're a perfect and convenient vest pock etremedg One of these tiny, sgar-coated, anti-bilious granules at a dose regulates and corrects the entire system. Sick or Bilious Headaches, Con stipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements ofthe liv er, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and permanently cured. They're the smallest, easiest to take, chespest, apd best. They're guarstsed to give satisfaction, or money ta returned. The preristara ci this md iias Peeve that hy Uu offer. -It' 15W0 ear for 1IR~~ ci o atswh which tb WOWnmew ~ a14~% W U~s0 Sd Housekeepers Should Remember. The Government Chemists, after having analyzed *all. the principal brands of,.baking powder in the market, in their reports placed the "Royal" at the head of the list for strength, purity and wholesome ness; and thousands of tests all over the country have further demonstrated the fact that its qualities are, in every respect, unrivaled. Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift or prize, or at a lower price than the Royal, as they invariably contain alum, lime or sulphuric acid, and render the food unwholesome. "Wutr is al that uproar about in there!" inquired a stranger, trying to force his way through the crowd in front of the building "It's a plumber and a paperhanger," replied a man standing on.thewmndowsill. "They've done some work for each other and they're trying to settle."-Indianapolis Journal. Mounez-"Women are queer creatures." Yabsley-"What is the matter with you now!" Mudge-"Why, all the old women I know insist that I am making a mistake in remainin single, and all the-young ones seem to think the otherway."-Indisnapolis Journal. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cartarrh Cure. F. J. CwBE'E & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly. honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wasr & TauAx. Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O. WA.LDoN, KINNAN & MARVx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bet tie. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. "A LITTLE change of heir," remarked the old man as he altered his will, cutting off ids nephew in favor of his typewriter. Philadelphia Record. On Time, And very early too. That's what any one should be in treating oneself for inaction of the kidneys andbladder. The diuretic which experience indicates as supplying the requi site stimulation to the organs without excit ing them, is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Don't delay; kidney inaction and disease are not far apart. For fever and ague, dyspepsiaP constipation, rheumatism and nerve debility, also, use the Bitters. Tunas are accidents that are peculiar to the seasons. The balloonist gets the worst of it ir the fall.-Binghamton Leader. Ix every community there are a number of men whose whole time is not occuipied, such as teachers, ministers, farmers' sons and others. To these classes especially we would say, if you wish to make several hun. dred dollars during the next few months, write at once to B. P. Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va., and they will shoir you how to do it. "TenEn's.L be more money in the second edition of your book than in the first, of course," said the publisher. "Then why not have the second edition first?" asked the practical poet.-Harper's Bazar. IT dooes seem a little odd that a good, "trusty" grocer rarely succeeds.-Cleveland Plain Dealer. BSaE housekeepers are so exasperatingly industrious that they give the dust no time to settle.-Truth. JIDE A COCKHORSE.TO ST. LOUIS OF COURSE,TO GET, -sorE PURE GLAIRETTE SOAP PWHICH IS BOSS. TS MERITS FORCLEANING AND WASHING THE CLOTHES, ASSURE IT A WELCOME EREVER IT GOES. AIRBAWKS CLAIRETTE SOAP IS THE BEST FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD USE. ALL GROCERS KEEP IT. &/ PEL ONLY BY N.K.FAIRANKST& CO. T. LOUIS. Next You BUY a Piece of CHEWING TOBACCO WHENHorse Shoe Plug NO BETTER TOBACCO MADE. When you're Rubbing I (over your washboard, in that painful, old-fashioned way, these are some of your positions. Just try these motions, up and down, without the \ tub. That will prove how hard t " they are. Then try Pearline's way of washing. That will prove how need / ,less and absurd they are. With out the washboard and the 9 I 1. p a I rubbing on it, and without I l ,I bending over the wash-tub or bobbing up and down over it-you save the wear to your clothes and the work for your back. That's Pearline's way. Directions on every package. Sen dde and some unscrupulous grocers will telyouths s good as" Se d or '" the same as Pearline. T' ALSE--Pearline is nevr peddled. it Back and if yourrocer sends you mething iJ place PT S. N r THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE THE COOK HAD NOT USED SAPOLIO GOOD COOKING DEMANDS CLEANLINESS. SAPOLIO SHOULD an uSED aN uvanY KITOHEN. LanEas can permanently beautify their complexion with Glenn's sulphur Soap. Bill's Hair and Whisker Dye, 80 cents. "How is real estate out your wayt" "0," said the moist and weary man, ''its name is mud at present."-Wasbtington Star. Blce HEADAcu, chills, loss of appetite and all nervous trembling sensations quickly cured by Beecham's Pill., 25 cents a box. Tun reason a porson sees stars when heis struck in the head must be because it makes him sore aloft.-Rochbeater Democrat. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement anid tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in f0c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. oru or otagal 1 d arr me. po -nu W. L. DOUCLAS SS SHOE mudPWeP Do you woarthem? Whmn oaet In need try a pair, they will giveyou mrocomiert ad service foer the moesy tan any other umi. Nest In the world. 440 "3.50 $2.0 02.25 $1.70 02.-00 FOR $1.75 W. L Douglas Suos are made l alLthe Latest Styles. If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $6 to $4 try my $3.50, $4 or $5 Shoe. They will lit equal to cus tom made and look and woear aswell. If you wish to economize in your footwear, you can do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. My name and price is stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy. Take no sub stitute. I send shoes by mall upon receipt of prices postage free, when shoe Dealers cannot supply you. W. L. DOUGLAS. lreoLton. Massee. THE TRANSLATION. OF A SAVAGE, A Complete Illustrated Novelr, by GILBERT PARKER, Author of "The Chief Factor." " Pierre and his People." etc., is contained in IDD1lunGOtt's MaKalln6 for JUNE (published May so). also. AMATEUR ROWING. Athletic Series. (Illustrated.) By JOHN F. HUNEKER. THE PHILOSOPHERS. A Story. (IIIustrated.) The Fourth of I.ippincott's Notable Stories.) By GERALDINE BONNER. HOW MEN WRITE. (Portraits.) By FRANK A. BURR. THEPOREIGN CORRESPONDENT. (Journallstic . Series.) By THEODORE STANTON. Ai4 ACTOR'S ART. Ed. S. Willard. By ALFRED STODDART. MEN OF THE DAY. By M. CROFTON. Also poems.essays, favorite authors. LIPPINCOTT'S or'i"'"nated the complete story feature, and, w~ith its varied', and Interesting miscellany. is one of the monst attract ive Magazines now pubishlcd. Ior saleby all new and rook dealers. Single number. us cents; pet annum. S3.o. LIPPIhCOTT'S MAGAZI\E, Philadelphia. MASON & HAMLIN Don't be humbugged Into buying inferior or1an5 wiharefoo g thecno- E ORGANS try They ffareyutca- pea, h 1 the Intertor, or musical portlon-the chief thing in any musical Inetrument- i unctentifically and poorly made. In quality of tone sod durabtilty thej don't eoimpptra with Mtason its Ilamlin ORGOANS yet the latter are hot little higher in price. Thai "best batis the choapest" Ia true of organs and pianos if anywhere. rho Mason Itamlin PAsao, constructed on our improved h - and potent edde hoofP IA IN O S " @ etrn.mi perts to be 'the great est improvement in pianos of the century " Send for lluatated CATALOOUkN, sent free to any ad dress. Where no denler is representing mr trinstr. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., Tremont St., Boston i Fifth Ave., New York t Wabash Ave., Chicago1 Walnut St., Kansas City. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies tlther Chemicals are used in the l reparation of AW. BAKER & CO.'S reakfastCocoa SR r e 'h itA is 'absoluetl y poare ansod aofubte. l It hns mor than threetimese with Starch. Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more eco nomical costing ls than, one cent a cp. It Is delicious, nourishing, and aaMupE DIGESTED. ______ old by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO.. Dorchester. Kass. 397 SECOND STREET, - - EEEPDIS, TENT. JUSTPUBLISHED TE t e Op TeE UITED soTT. 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