Newspaper Page Text
-....- " ". .... .... ... " '-. ..*- .. "--- ............... . ... .. * . . " . '- *. . . .. . . . ." - " .., ,- " . LAFAYETTE GAZETTE -V U IL LAFAYETTE, LA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1893. NUMBER 28. _.i. . t o. . , -.-.... "; - STABLL -rncn nrIsosC [Copwwikit, ,sos by the Author.1 T is all very well for Dives, revel ing in purple ..and fine linen and ftring ' s2a p tuoualy " ¢ every day, with e v'e rything about him ealieulated° to make life pleasant, to sit in his arm-chair and talk in a grandiloquent way about the cowardiee of- the suiiede. If Dives had been in my shoes on a certain night in the merry ponth of May, some few years ago, and'feWlt the pangs of hunger as I felt them, I fancy, somehow he would be strongly inclined to modify his opinions. - Hungry? I sas -htagrtf! And whesi ha two o'elook i~i 4the -morning, Laving tramped it from Cambridge. I flung my self down on the grass just outsidle the grand stand on Newmarket Reath, I felt so utterly done up, faint sawd ex hausted, that I would have gladly wel comed death in any shape or form at that moment. Vell born, and my early days passed in the lap of luxury, there I lay like a dog, hungry (I bad neither had bite nor sup for twenty-four hours) with no money to buy food, and without a friend or relative ih the world to lend me a helping hand; -and yet Dives and his friends would have called me a coward had I put an end to my wretch ed existence. -It was lucky that I had not the means to do so-not even a pocket knife-that- memorable May night, otherwise the trainers when they came on to the Heath wvth their horses in the early morning would have as suredly found something that they would not have cared about looking at twice. Bodily- exhaustion, as a rule, pro duces sleep, but very often, if it is too pronounced, it has a precisely opposite effect. - So it proved in my case. Faint and weary, as I was, the repose I so much needed flatly declined to come to my rescue. So I lay awake, thinking, thinking always thinking; now of the past, now of the future- for I was still young, and, downtrodden as I was, still capa ble of building castles in the air. It was one of thesp palatial edifices I found myself building now, odd though it may seem. One of the trainers at the headquar ters of the turf had taken me up and given me a position of trust in his es tablishment. One of our horses had won the Cesarewitch and Cambridge shire, and I, beside "standing in" with the stable when they backed him, had won a small fortune by supporting him at long odds, for the double event, on my own account- The whole thing seemed so real that 1 felt for the mo ment quite buoyant and happy, and should in all probability base shortly gone off into a tranquil doze, when all of a sudden the sound of humath voices in the distance and the unmistakable ttamp of horses' feet, fell upon my ear. It would not be daylight for at least an hour yet. Who could they be? Now, I was well-versed in turf-mat ters-in fact, to speak the truth, it was in a great measure my partiali+ for the sport of kings that had brought me to the position I found myself in; con sequently on bringing my mind to bear on the subject, I very quickly solved the riddle-or thought I" had, at all events. Yes, I had, I felt sure. The only possible eacuse br a trainer bringing his horses on to the Heath at this hour of the morning was to bring off a trial, and what was more a very important one. The time of year, too, just ten days before the Derby, was all in favor of my theory. Yes, it was a Derby trial that was comin off, I felt comvinced, and what was more I meant to witness it. How I chuckled to myself as I crawled along the grass like a snake until I reached the rear of the stand, well out of sight, when I ventured to peep out. There, standing exactly opposite the racecourse itself, were. five horsemen. One I recognized. -imddiately dark as it was as a well- cnown trainer who had a prominent Derby favorite under his charge; the other four, three of whom were mounted on thoroughbreds, hooded and clothed, were evidently jockeys. - The m rning was still, and I could hear every word the trainer uttered. "You know what to do now, don't you?" said he, addressing a jockey who was astride a chestnut with two white hind legs. "Frank will make the pace as hot as he can. with the -old horse, and if you can hold him n1l the way on the youbhg 'un, beat him at the finish, or even run him close, the Derby's all over but shouting. So now eut away, my lads, down to the starting post. I'll stop here, exactly opposite the judge's box, and Bob Joyce will start you." Not another word was said. The trainer took pphisposition, the others cantered away down the course, and last, but not least, I crawled on all fours from my hiding place, and crept along of the darkness until I had taken the trainer In flank. He was un frost of the judge's box; I ess just beside it. That was the only difference betwveen A faint yellow light just appeared on the horizon, denoting that daylight would soon be with us, when a plight noise in the distance caused his cob fb prick his ears and the trainer- -to turn his head sharp to the left, and peer into the daurknes . "They'r9~Jib" - I heard him exelaim, 4Mthe so-ubt of horses galloping could .ow be plainly heard • Qzn thll name menwarr .a nearer Crack, went a whip. Some one was calling on his horse for an efort. The: next Instant the three horses lashed past us; the chestnut with the white hind legs first. The trainer gave his thigh a triumph ant. smack, as he exclaimed: "By the Lord Harry, but he's a stone better than I thought he was." Now was my time for action, and I seized it. "I cOfldatulate you, Mr. Sname," was all I said. Short speech as it was, it was quite enough to nearly make the trainer tumble of his horse with astonish ment. "W-w-where did you come from aiiai wh- b~sinese-hewe yo-heere?" he stammered, graspipgeh~ , hunting whip at the same time i-rather an ominous manner. "Never mind, sir, where I came from," replied I, coolly, "but I don't in the least mind telling you my business on the Heath this morning. T came here expressly to see the Butterfly Colt put through the mile for the hJerby, and I congratulate you, now I have witnessed it, on having such a good horse in your stable. Good morn tag, Mr. Snaffle." "Here, not so fast!" exclaimed the trainer. "I'm not going to let you go like this. Come, you don't look quite so wefto do in the world as you might; what will you take to come to my house straight away and remain there until, msay, four o'clock this afternoon? After that I'll give you leave to go Sway and tell all about the trial to everyone you meet. Will you take five hundred?" "Down on the nail, and the promise of another monkey if the Butterfly colt wins the Derby and I'm on," was my reply. "Done!" said the trainer, holding out his hand for me to shake. "Don't say a word to the others." he whispered, "but come along with me at once." I was in no hurry to leave the worthy man,as the reader may guess; on thecon trary, no leech was ever more anxious to cling to a human body than I was to him, had he known. I aecordingly hung on to the trainer's stirrup and trotted by his side as he went off to join the horses, who had now pulled up and were waiting for him. Silence was the order of the day, but there was a very satisfied look on everybody's face that spoke more elo quently than words, as the order for "march" being given the small troop of cavalry, Mr. SnaffBe and myself taking up the rear, moved off towards the "top o' the town," where the trainers' stables were situated. That worthy did not want to lose sight of me, it was very evident; for no sooner had he jumped off his hack and handed it to a lad, than seizing me by the arm he said: "Now, my man, come into the house and let you and I have a talk." The jockeys, who by this time had dL'inounted, seemed rather astonished as they glanced somewhat comtemptu "I CONGRATULATE YOU, MB. SrAFFLE.a ously at my general get-up and appear anue, which I need scarcely say had bee; allowed to run to seed terribly of late, bhut whatever their thoughts were they took care not to express them. You see they know how to hold their tongues at Newmarket. My story is done. Suffice it to say that whilst I was in his house, on pa role as it were, the trainer "did" me uncommonly well-the breakfast I ate that morning was a caution-and kept his word to the letter as to monetary arrangements. After all, said and done, the sum I was paid for holding my tongue was not a penny too much, for the large commission that was worked that very morning all over London could never have been executed at the good price it was, had I chosen to open my mouth. However, as long as I was satisfied that was all that was necessary. The Butterfly colt won the Derby, and as I had backed him on my own account for a cool hundred, beside the "monkey" to nothing I was put on by the stable, I felt remarkably comfort able when settling day arrived. I invested my earnings in a share in an S. P. book in a manufacturing town in the Midlands, and a very profitable con cern it is; so profitable, indeed, that I rarely if ever back one now. If I do, it is one in my old friend SnaefBe's stable, you may depend. A Patient man. "You're a scientific man, ain't you?" he said. "Yes." "Do you think, honestly, that it's possible for a man to prolong his life?" "'Assuredly." " Well, Cap.. take me under trainin' right now. I11 sign a contract for a hundred years with the privilege of re newal at the end of that time." ,"Why,xman, I can't undertake any thing like that. What do you want to live so long for, anybow? Any sensible man would get enough of this life in eighty or ninety years." "Maybe he would; but it's a matter of curiosity to me." "What do you mean?" "Well, you see, the government owes me money. Ain't any doubt about its owin' the claim at all. An' somehow er hther I've got a fool idea that I'd like to 1e on hand to se it pald."--Wash* BTORYI OF AN INVENTi.R The Man Who Oave to the World She Trpewriter. 0. Katama Laesee. of Mlwaakem, and the Wenderfl Works Re WrouLght-HM Drew oe Proat from the'ruit oef Rs Unique Ienius. [Speelal Milwaukee (Wis.) Letter.] Thickly covered with grimy dust there recently reposed in the junkroom of a Milwaukee machinist the remains of the first successful typewriter ever built. The machine which has revolu tionized commercial correspondence had lain thus amid ignoble surround intgs, quite forgotten, for over twenty years, but, like John Brown's body, its soul was marching on. a"I saved it because the ivory in the keys was worth something, and I thought I could use it over again some time," said the machinist to the writer. "If you want to pay for the ivory you can have it." A ain was immediately struck at $1, and both parties to the transaction were abun dantly pleased. Four times the size of the machine on the market to-day, a drayman was hired to bring the relic from the machinist's, and when a tape. measure was applied to it, it wqs found to be two feet across by two and a half long. It had been larger, for it was somewhat dismantled. When in working order there was a printing carriage that moved across the top and printing types that were arranged as they now are in the stand ard machines. The keyboard, as is shown in an accompanying view, was modeled after that of the piano, there being a row of white and a row of black keys, back of which was a third row of round brass keys, from which the idea of the present keyboard was eventually taken. Every schoolboy knows, or has ample opportunity to know, that Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, and he knows, also, if he knows anything, that the cotton gin was invented by Whitney." These names appear in his text books of history. The names of Morse and Fulton are inseparably asso ciated with the telegraph and the steamboat, and ere long the name of Bell will be familiar to the schoolboy as connected with the origin of the telephone. It is doubtful if there has been since the production of the sew ing machine any invention so notable as that of the typewriter, or one de stined to so completely penetrate the business life of the world-thB tele phone, even, not excepted. Away back in 1867 the Scientific American said c. LATHAM SHOLES. editorially that the man who would invent a successful writing machine would not only secure a fortune, but would confer a blessing on mankind. That that journal spoke truer words than it may have realized cannot be doubted when we bear in mind that one manufactory alone last year sold 28,000 machines. And how many know even the name of the inventorpf this wonderful machine? It is C. Latham Sholes. He died at his home in Mil waukee about three years ago. The story of the typewriter's origin is remarkable "and interesting. Al though for years in poor health, DMr. Sholes was a man of great energy. His inventive genius possessed him at all times, and his mind was busy with me chanical problems day and night. He had been a printer and an editor, but at the time the typewriter was in vented was collector of the port of Milwaukee, having been some years earlier editor of the Milwaukee Sen tinel. He contrived several labor sav ing devices for use in the publishing business, principal among which was a mailing machine, which was quite generally used until improvements upon it were put on the market. The invention that foreshadowed the type writer was that of a paging machine to be used by bookinders and others. Mr. Sholes was at work upon this when he was collector, and a Mr. Samuel Soule, an old acquaintance and also a printer, was interested with him in it. They were trying to pro duce a machine that would print the serial numbers of pages upon the leaves of blank books already bound and also upon bank notes. They had their models made at a little machine shop on State street presided over by a man named Kleinsteuber, and this brought them in contact with Mr. Carlos Glidden, who was getting up a machine to supplant the plow, and which he called a "spader." While Mr. Glidden was quite closely identi fled with the invention of the type writer, it so happened that his prin cipal contributiop to its production was the suggesttbn that such a ma chine be gotten up. "WVhy," said he, "can't you make a machine that will print letters as well as figures?" Mr. Sholes said he thought he might and that he would try, anyway. Nothing was done, however, until a month nafterwnard. when a copy of the Scientiflo American came to hand con taining a dep'ription of a machine Uod * "pterovtyV,." iavented br ea Ameriean named John Pratt, then a resident of England. The "pterotype" was practically a writing machine, or at least embodied the typewriting idea, and the journal containing the article commented on it editorially and said what has already been quoted regarding the importance that would attach to the successful invention of such a machine. Gidden showed the paper to Sholes, and the latter was inspired to begin active experiments, Soule being also induced to help in the endeavor. They made Kleinsteuber's place their ren dezvous, and interested the proprietor and his head workman, Matthias ARST ZSYBOAaD AID ItAMX. Schwalbach, in the work. As with many other inventions, there were wonstant discouragements met with wfdle the idea was being worked out. Various principles were tried and then liscarded, and the experiments were found by no means inexpensive. It was in Septenber, 1867, that a ma chine was finally produced that would write. The inventor was in high feather, and letters were at once writ ten on the machine and sent to per sons who had been cognizant of the work. So satisfied was Mr. Sholes that he had produced a machine of prace tical commercial value that he put the cumbersome affair on an express wagon and brought it to the office of a Milwaukee life insurance company. "I wouldn't give the thing table room," said the president in his usual gruff though well-meaning way, when the work of the machine had been demonstrated. The inventor was somewhat cast down, but he lived to see that very company devote a large corridor in its building to typewriters, perfected from this machine which had been so heartlessly laughed at. This first typewriter, as will be seen by the illustration, was built of wood almost entirely, and was crude enough, compared with the machines of to-day. It was so far satisfactory, however, that it wrote rapidly and accurately, although plainly not yet sufficiently perfected to be put upon the market. One very noticeable defect was that a sheet could not be seen until the writ ing was completed and the plan of printing through the paper against the ribbon was bad, necessitating, as it did, the use of tissue paper entirely. One of the letters written on the first typewriter was sent to James Dens more, Meadville, Pa., and he was so impressed by the invention that he asked to become financially interested in improving it. He was permitted to join the enterprise by paying all ex penses up to date and was given a fourth interest in the machine. lie did not see the invention until 1868. He regarded it as valuable only be cause it demonstrated the feasibility of machine writing, and he encouraged 1Mr. Sholes to persevere in bringing it to a state of perfection, offering to pay all expenses. A shop started at Chi cago was abandoned after fifteen ma chines had been made, and Messrs Soule and Glidden drew out of the en terprise, Mr. Sholes then fitting up a workshop in a little stone building in the milling. district of Milwaukee, where water power from a canal was available. This building has since dis appeared. Within its dingy walls the work of perfecting the invention' progressed, and by dint of work that was wearing on the patience and en ergy of the inventor, a machine that. was considered complete was finally turned out. It was put in the hands of. a stenographer, and afterward sent to James Clephane, of Washington, whose opinion was considered valuable. Mr. Clephane tried the machine, and it: gave way literally under the test. An-I other was sent him, and in the course of time several, each having some im provement, met a similar fate. For once Mr. Sholes despaired, but Mr. Densmore insisted that it was really the salvation of the invention, show ing the weak spots that would injure it in the market, and laid stress on the necessity of producing a machine that anyone could use. In 1873 the machine was thought to be completely worked out as to detail, and the proprietors mE orID SHOLES REsIDEn E. looked about for a firm so situated as to make it for the market, and their search resulted in a contract being made with an Ilion (N. Y.) firm. Itwas even some time after this that the typewriter as the general public knew it was put successfully on the market, for with even the nicety with which the finished mechanics there turned out the parts of the machine many alterations were found neces sary. Competitors soon sprang up, but, with few exceptions, the general plan of Sholes' machine was adhered to. The method of throwing up the types, the printing ribbon, the key board and even the frame were in dorsed, so to speak, by the rival in ventors, and seemed to be accepted as the best that genius could devise. But AIr. Sholes' labors had not ceased. Stricken down with a lung diglculty and confined tb his bed, he employed his time in making improvements on his own inventions, and many of these were incorporated Jn the machines then put on the uasuket. and are still used. ldaabREQ UuA:r. RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL. -The earth is our workshop. We may not curse it; we are bound to eanctify it.-Mazzini. -Beware of despairing about your self; you are commanded to put your trust in God and not in yourself.-St Augustine. -The Bible house in New York has added a new language to its Bible is sues. The Bible has been issued in the language of the Gilbert islanders. Universalist. -According to Canon Farrar, about 4,000 clergymen of the Church of Eng land are out of employment. Another writer declares that about an equal number are miserably underpaid. -Jay Gould's family is to bud a memorial church at Roxbury, N. Y., costing $250,000 and bearing on its cor ner stone this inscription: "To the glory of God and in the memory of Jay Gould." -To do an evil action is base; to do a good action. without incurring danger, is common enough; but it is the part of a good man to do 'great and noble deeds, though he risks everything. Plutarch. -It is at great thing to love Christ so dearly as to be "ready to be bound and to die" for him, but it is often a thing not less great to be ready to take up our daily cross and to live for him.- John Caird. -What is the purpose of life? "Hap piness," says one. "No; usefulness," affirms another. A third assures us that 'tis stoicism. The gospel alone .teaches that the true end of life is character.-St. Louis Republic. -Three panels of stained glass repre senting the command "Feed my sheep" will be placed in St. Margaret's church, near Westminster abbey, as a memo rial to Phillips Brooks. The church will also send a subscription of $1,000 to the Harvard memorial -Dr. Henry W. Williams, for many years professor of ophthalmology in the medical department of Harvard University, and who resigned two years ago, has promised the medical faculty $25,000 for the endowment of a full professorship of opthalmology. -An Ohio church is reported in this year's narrative of the state of religion as having sold its parsonage and put the proceeds into a steeple. Whether the minister is expected to live in the steeple is not stated, and the state of religion indicated by this move is left to be inferred.-Boston Congregation alist. -During the past year, the American Tract society has circulated 2,480,700 periodicals, and 202 colporteurs have made 154,329 visits. The benevolent department has received in gifts and legacies $101,471.73, the amounts from other sources making a total of $204, 142.25 in this department. The busi ness department has received $2568.24. 02. In fifty-two years the colporteurs have made 14,163,167 family visits. National Baptist. -At a recent meeting of the board of trust of Vanderbilt university (Nash viille, Tenn..) Prof. James II. Kirkland was elected chancellor to succeed Dr. L. C. Garland, who resigned two years ago. The new chancellor is a native of South Carolina, having been born at Spartanburg in 1850. He wet gradu ated from Wofford college in his native town in 1877, and spent the six years following his graduation as tutor and assistant professor in (Greek. In 1885 he received the degree of Ph. D. from Leipzig, and was elected professor of Latin in Vanderbilt university, which chair he has held since. WIT AND WISDOM. -The way to mend the bad world is to create the right world.--Emerson. -"Does Mr. Lynch suffer from chronic thirst?" "Oh, dear, no. He doesn't wait long enough."-Pick-Me Up. --3Mrs. aggs-Words can not express my contempt for you. Snaggs-I'm glad to hear it. Now I will have a lit tle peace.--N. Y. Times. --Stiggles-WVhat makes you think that he is familiar with Latin? Stag gles-If he wasn't he would never dare take such liberties with it.-Buf falo Courier. --"Puffer has quit smoking alto gether. Did his wife break him?" "Yes." "How did she?" "I think with spring dresses and bonnets." Inter Ocean. -Philosophers go about saying this is woman's age. According to her own account woman denies it-denies hav ing any agei;he is always young. Flaming Sword. -No Need to Be Lo.g.-Col. Bloo4 (of Louisville)-Here's an article on "The Water We Drink." Col. Gore (also of Louisville)-Short article, isn't it?-Detroit Free Press. -Mana's forgiveness may be true suad sweet, But yet he stoops to give it, More complete Is Love that lays forgiveness at thy feet, And pleads with thee to raise it. -Adelaide Proctor. -The most important fact in our evo lution, and the cause of the present phase of existence, with its blinding encasements of matter and evil, is the growth of a personal will.-E. 1. Walker. -Mrs. Larimer-Didn't you forget yourself, John, in wishing the bride many happy returns of the day? Mr. Larimer-Not at all, love. She is a Chicago woman.-Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. -Quill--Vhy is it you have no women writers on the "Bugle?" Screed--Be cause the managing editor always tells a beginner to keep his eyes and ears open and his mouth shut.--Kate Field's Washington; -Yonng Wife-Now, sir, I've given you half my picnic pies, and you prom ised to work for them--- Tramp Bless your sweet eyes, mum, I did-as I wmas eatin' of 'em.-Cleve!land Plain Dealer. -Remember that the mind of your child is like a mirror, reflecting all around it. The wanton oath, the angry exclamation, the obscene jest may op crate upon the young heart like the careless drop of water on the polished steel leaving a rust which no after eleansing can wbholly* burgh CathoUl AGRICULTURAL HINTS. CONVENIENT BARN. Excellently Adapted for the seeping et Sheep and Dairy CowS. In the accompanying illustrations are given the elevation and the interior arrangement of a farm barn that probably gives the most room for the money of any that could be devised. Its square construction and iat roofs permit all the hay and fodder to be placed above the first floor, thus leav ing this entire floor free for the quartering of stock, while the cellar below can be utilized for the storing of roots, which should form no inconsider able part of the feed consumed by the atock, and for the storage of the man are, the root cellar being, of course, PIO. 1.-PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF BARN. separated from the manure pit by a tight wall. A perspective view of the barn is shown in Fig. 1. Such a barn is excellently adapted for the keeping of sheep, three sides of it being devoted to the pens for these, while the feeding of all the sheep can be done from the main floor; or, it can be very well made to serve the purpose of a dairy barn, with a silo in one corner, extending from a cemented floor in the cellar to the hay and fodder floor. When arranged for sheep, the pen can be advantageously arranged, as shown in Fig. 2, each pen having communication with the neighboring pen, and also with the feeding floor. An inside feeding rack may be used, into which hay and other fodder can be pitched directly from the feeding floor, and this, in some respects, is the best plan to pursue, for it permits a tight PEN w PEN FIG. 2.-FI.OOR PLAN FIG. 3.-FLOORPLAN FOR SHEEP BARN. FOR DAIRY BARN. board fence between the feeding floor and the pens, to a height of three feet or so. thus keeping the lambs from coming through from the pens to the feeding floor and soiling the floor and hay. But if the flocks are fed directly from this floor, let a perpendicular opening be provided for each sheep to feed through, rather than the long hor izontal opening provided by the re moval of one board from the partition, which is so commonly seen, but which necessitates the wearing off of all the wool above the sheeps' necks, to the loss of the wool and to the cheeps' manifest disflgurement. These upright openings can be made by removing at least two boards from the partition, and using slats, or rounds just far enough apart to admit a sheep's head and neck with the greatest comfort. If the barn is to be used for dairy purposes, an interior arrangement, such as is seen in Fig. 3, will be found convenient. In either case hay and fodder is placed in the second story by driving the hay carts into the central feeding floor and rais ing their contents through a central "well," or large opening in the center of the second story floor by means of a hay fork. this well being properly pro tected by a tight wall around it four feet or more in height. To make it im possible for children to fall through such an opening, even though protect ed by a high wall, the opening may be covered, when not in use, by a hinged grating.-DI. Worcester, in Agricultur ist. LIVE STOCK NOTES. WHEN a sheep dies it leaves enough to pay its debts. SEE that the horse collars are kept soft and free from dirt or sore shoulders will be sure to result. KEEP lambs growing well during the first year by giving them the choicest pasture with some grain. GIVE the work horses plenty of grain food with enough protein or muscle forming food to keep them in condition. GCVE calves milk which has been brought to blood heat. Cold lmilk, sour milk and too large quantities of it at a time are some of the fruitful causes of scours. IF possible give the bull the range of a good sized pasture. If this is imprae tical, at least buil4 a large paddock for him to exercise in and supply him with succulent food.-Orange Judd Farmer. aocess in the Dairy. Many native cows are really excellent dairy cows. If they were bred to a good bull, who has come from a family known to be great milkers, their calves would be valuable and well worth rais ing for the dairy. This is the whole secret of success in the dairy. Breed to animals whose records are known and do not take service from any scrub ani mal. The progeny of a scrub cow may be improved each generation and a good herd of dairy cattle formed if care be given to the record of the male, but a scrub bull can never do any gobd, either in making a herd or improving one. Bear this fact continually in mind, a scrub ball is fit only for the butcher. N. E. HLomestead. Use of the Harrow. When wheat is to follow corn, pota toes or beans the breaking plow may often be dispensed with provided the soil is in good condition. A disk har row will cut from four to six inches deep and make a tine, loose soil, which may be easily compactedl by the roller. This will reduce the cost of preparation very materially auL sometimes savq many valuabl da' VENTILATING HIVES. Nmme Its eally LiStSle Dmger t C3IIhUI ,. the Breed im Summi r. I have always had more or 'lesr" trouble every season with combs melt ing down and causing the bees to leave the hive. Swarms that are hived oe - empty combs and extracting supers often break down, especially if they are set in the sun. In the majority of my frames the combs are not wired in, but built from "starters " I am ne" sure but that it is more economical ins the end to have combs bert"t- nit ' tl~ sheets of foundation that have been firmly braced by line wire. I have nev er had any trouble with such combs, but the cost is considerably more th;4 when built from 'starters." Some of my hives are exposed to the sun, and when large swarms areplaced on unwired combs they are very apt to - break down unless well ventilated or shaded. Extracting supers are still worse, for when the combs are nearly filled with honey and break it makes a very nasty, dauby mess. By giving thorough ventilation we can overcome this trouble to a great extent. I often raise the hive about one-half inch from the bottom board, and also raise the cover. This gives a direct draft clear through the hive. Generally, it will be sufficient to raise the cover daily. Sometimes, during heavy wind storms, they will blow off unless a weight is put on them. I have had colonies get quite a drenching by the covergetting blown off; but never could seeshat it did them any injury, as they can quickly dry themselves. On a warm day we can always see quite a number of bees at the entrance, rapidly moving their wings; evidently they are trying to create a current of air through the hive, perhaps, for two purposes-to ripen newly gathered hon ey, and to keep the hive at the proper temperature. I have seen statements where the writer thought they were young bees testing their wings. It may be, but I think the main object is to ripen honey and ventilate the hive. They are much more noticeable in strong colonies than in weak ones, and the strong ones generate much more heat. I have my bees in the shade when convenient, and also ventilate them. There is no danger in chilling the, brood, or making the wax too cool for" them to work unless the weather is very cool. This applies to the honey season. only, or when the weather is pretty warm, and not for spring or fall treat ment.-E. S. Mead, in Ohio Farmer. DRINKING FOUNTAIN. low One .Poltryman Utilized an Old Quart Bottle. An inexpensive drinking fountain may be made by fastening an ordinary quart bottle to a board, as shown in the illustration, A being the board and I B the clamps which hold the bottle in place. A hook or loop at the top of the board will serve to hang the bottle to the wall of the poultry house. A piece of wire should be attached to the mouth of the bottle to prevent the bottle from resting on the bottom of the drinking pan underneath. Fill the bottle with w-ater, turn it upside down in the pan, and the pressure of the at mosphere will prevent the water from BOTTLE DRINKING POUNTAIN. flowing out of the bottle only as it is lowered by the drinking of the water by the fowls. If preferred. the clamps (13 B) may be attached to a post or to the wall, and the bottle removed from the clamps when filled.-Farm and Fireside. PICKING THE GEESE. The When and How Depend Upon the Feed and Care. In answer to the query: "How often in one season ought geese to be picked?" a farmer with fourteen years' experi ence answers, in the Phlbqdelphia Farm Journal, that it depends entirely on the feed and run and etplains the whole situation as foUows: They feather out more quickly where they are permitted to run on green pasture and have abun dance of good water to drink. Every ten weeks should find them under such treatment with a good coat of feathers. Do not pick until laying is over. Geese cannot be artificially molting and pro ducing strong eggs at the same time. Never pick them in cold weiathaer. When ready to pick, which the enper enced geese raiser can tell by the color of the plumage (if ready there will be no yellowish tinge on the white feath ers, but to be sure pick a few from the .< breast of the goose), the feathers coma easily and are dry at the quill end. $1: not ripe. they are soft and bloody. And this is one of the reasons why u t . bought feathers sometimes have sua a, disagreeable odor. The best guide, ex perience, tells us to take only a small' pinch of feathers in the flagers atS " time, and with a Qnick downward prk,. from tail to neck, displace the ts' coat of feathers with ealy e ,eryi ~i i of the second eot, 'thed ... _,., pick the bolsterp, under the wings creature's wtngs wi ally. When the goose. strip these ob for fnll - 1 home.ue. But never 4k35