Newspaper Page Text
s.. no.m c Secoand SZTEMBER 16, "893. NOTICE. ---ms o -l. . Gin'e S deans to call adsisist s. of ei ates. .ad Go fod.a& Ia S airaeble Prof male, 1 ofae paper. aa Ia Cheese, garlic, eg Ad honey, w as a popular dish in Sparta. T he W ashington Start uggests Yperhaps the best theding that -A Pennsylvania confectioner made Te cream from hail during a recent SThere are associations in Great BUY " wish Good work, t whicbl Pricagaines 'CALLAT. Cheest, matrimony andeggsd honey Firelies give so muclar dish ight in oThe Washington Star suggests - that perhaps the best thing that he tcan it out of youo for herself- is to get off The map n mA Pennsylvania confectioner made 4 i:ce cream from hail during a recent "storm. It was a freezing success. Thee t okens were always in Greavedt V BrWitah which insu;e against e tope meat, matrimony and twins. Fireflies give so much light in The farmers of South America as to desirous of mmine a room. . lheir mosquitoney cris one fellow that stands no nonsense when he presents e aissbill. You'vegot tory settle, for i he takes it out of your hide. The i ndians of the Ohio valley mThde coins of anthracite coal. These tokens nere always engravedht the st way igures to pposd to indicate n New Orleans the vapast week lueook Twe afnty-er hisve yersoliticao eleetricit ies it out tniechanical power was unknown. Now it is claimed the leoo,ooo,oogislatu, are invested in various kinds of electrical amachinery. . .The farmers of Lafayette are -desirous of making the sugar cane, their money crat Guthrieop, and this they .wilurs do with a vim as soon as they fre assured of a factory to work it Horace Greely gave it as his e opinion that the best way to resume specie payment was to resume. 7 The Gazette paraphrases this to say that when one wants to fight the best way is to pitch in and fight. Congressman Blanchard has been in New Orleans the past week look ch which savefter his politicalfences. He gives it out that he considers his chances before the legislature for Isenatorial honors to be first rate. i S Slosseton sh3375 of twice at A Prevised siton, at Guthat road overseers arema, on tTursd accept such appointmentsruck a i inHintons pockerinting osavce in i wAs burnt outa last Sundayon Slording the revolver with Dthe shootring was done forwas the - as of h Ti iea y. Thb e e assumptio that the pooition is mto bo e a ped that ice ..not .e forcedpon a ma.n -:bsection S33l of the revised to atspecitl in aq =ritait striking, riehitecturally ng buildings IN the tooa .of afayettq is the Conpent. B.,-des the main structure, tels ama*averal outbuildings, including a large class room devoted to the exclusive use of a boys school, and, also, a fine chapel where, religious services are held every Friday morning. Con tractor Fred Mouton has just com pleted the erection of an extension rendered necessary by want of addi tional room, which will be used prin cipally as a class room for girls in the first and second grades. Here tofore the commencement exercises were witnessed by only a limited, number of people because there was no available room to accommodate them, but now this new hall will give ample room, and hereafter the class exhibitions will be opened to the public. All the buildings have been erect ed with the single view to compass the best results. This is noticeable in the main building where spacious galleries afford the girls ample play room during rainy weather. The class rooms are large and airy, furn (shed with automatic desks and other accessories necessary to a thorough course of instruction. The buildings are nearly sur rounded by huge and magnificent oaks casting a perennial shade over the neat and attractive playground. This well kept lawn. forms a fine recreative spot which is fully ap preciated by the children, and it is indeed a pleasure to the passer-by. during recess hour, to hear the peals of merry laughter, and so hearty and happy it rings out, that it becomes contagious, clearly indi cating the existence of the most cordial relations between teachers and pupils. For the pleasure of the boarders, during evening recreation hours, there is a large play room in which are several pianos, where the time can be most profitably and enjoya bly spent until the retiring hour. The course of study is broad and liberal and the constant aim is to employ the means best adapted to enable a steady advancement in all departments. The faculty em braces eight sisters of the order of Mt. Carmel, with Mother Patrick as superioress. The present atten dance is about 3o boys, and too girls of which the latter num ber 32 are boarders, the boarders being mostly from the adjoining parishes, and a few from New Or leans. A writer in Current -'opics, who visited the place not long since, ex presses the subjoined impression: The convent, a fine educational institu tion is as picturesque as it is deserving of note. It covers with its several hbildings and wide lawns and gardens a large area of ground.and is presided over by Mother St. Patrick and the sweet sisters and uuns who hold such a loving place in the hearts of all Louisianians. In a hasty newspaper article it is possible to mention only a few of the main features of an institution of this kind, therefore necessarily very incomplete. However this we wish to impress upon the mind of the reader : This splendid education al institution is located in a most healthful locality, and the rates of tuition and board are decidedly low. The people of Lafayette are, and have every reason to be, proud of this noble institution. WIfA T IS CLAIMED. The New York World has been publishing a poll of the South upon the question of repealing the pur chasing clause of the Sherman law. In Lousiana, the report says, "about forty towns have been reached, atnd a very strong free sil ver sentiment was disclosed, yet only five towns are reported as be ing opposed to repeal, while twenty one are for conditional repeal." The World's report from New Orleams is as follows: "The senti ment in the State of Lousiana as to repeal of the S~ermaaact is divided. The feeling was pretty accurately demonstrated by the vote of the Louisiana Congressional delegation when the House took action on the Wilson bill. Then the representa tives of the cotton and grain sections of the State and that territory lying north of Red river and including the Florida parishes voted against the unconditional repeal of the bill and are in favor of free coinage. The people of the city of New Or leans, as nearly as can be ascer tained, are equally divided." We are inclined to think the re port sent out from New Orleans re presents about the true feeling in regard to this question. t'Hi8 MFEDICAL CONGRESS. If any kind of Congress is use ful5 it. is the kind of. one now in ses Ien as -the Nationmsl CaIpta n PaunAmerica- Medical Contgress It is: unfortunate for-all but thM selvsi , tatphySiciansfe a necessity, but;jo long as ste v odd needs these, thliworld shotld prize them as they deserve to- be prized. No profes sion embraces harder-worked and' more faithful members than that of medicine, and if any class of- men ought to -receive their dues, both pecuniary and moral, it is thft class. We hope -the Pan-American medi cine men will have a series of most profitable and satisfactory sessions, and- that they will return to their homes more devoted than ever to their honorable calling. A PROTECTORATE. Now we are assured with some ostentation of authority that the long dritwn out pother over Hawaii is finally to be wound up by a spe cial message from the president recommending the establishment of an American protectorate. This seems to be a rational conclusion in view of the condition of Hawaii and the practical importance of the dominance of American con trol. It may be the initial step to ward actual annexation, and to all intents and purposes Hawaii will hereafter be a province of the United States. This decision is a virtual endorsement of the action of the American minister in placing Ha waii under the protection of the American flag, and the mission of Minister Blount ends in the ratifi cation of the procedure of Minister Stevens, which the administration disclaimed at the outset. TAXATION FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. Times-Democrat. The Lake Charles Echo joins the other papers that have spoken out for an amendment to the Constitu tion which will allow a ward or dis trict of a parish to levy taxes for school-- purposes? It says on this point: The committee on revision of the Constitution has a duty to perform, and it is in order for everyone in terested in the State's welfare to offer suggestions, and ours is to allow the taxpayers. of the several wards or school districts throughout the parishes to vote upon them selves a school tax in proportion to their needs the money to be ex pended in the wards where it is raised. This is fair and works no hardship on anyone. If ward one cares nothing for the education of its children it refuses the tax; and ward two, more alive to the duties imposed upon it, can have the pri vilhge of exercising its right to assist the meagre sum wrung from the State treasury by another coutribu tion from its own pockets. Limit this right to vote on the question to the property helders of the ward; as the man who owns nothing should not have the right to levy upon his neighbors' means. This or some similar plan should be promulgated, that our public school system may attain something of tangibility and be no longer a farce. The proposition ought to be adopted, as no possible objection can be urged to it. We allow the levy of taxes for levees, the cons truction of public buildings, roads and various other purposes, and it should undoubtedly be granted for the schools as well. Such a privilege, as a matter of fact, is granted to the parishes, and the proposition is simply to extend it to the wards, so that the latter can raise money in addition to that given by the State should they desire to do so. If the people of a portion of a parish want good schools the fact that those of other portions do not should not stand in their way. The taxpayers will be sufficiently protected by the amendment, and can and will raise no objection to it, as it is one wholly in the interest of education. The Times-Democrat has already approved the proposi tion, which is one demanded by the more progressive parishes *of the State, and it should be adopted. It may appear a small affair, but anything that will help the cause of education in Louisiana and stir up an interest in it is a matter of the greatest importance to the whole State. LOUISIANA PLANTERS. The New York Times, in a re. ceat article on Louisiana sugar planting, has the following to say: There is a big colony of Chicago million aires who always spend a part of the winter over on the Teche. These Chicagoans, to amuse themselves, thought they would try a little sugar plant ing. That they have succeeded goes with out saying. McLaury, one of them, who owns the Belleview plantation of 7500oo acres, has made in two years 5,ooo,ooo pounds of white sugar. He received from the govern ment in bounty, for two yearsalone,$Soo,ooo, or more than he paid originally for the property. Daniel Thompson, another Chi cago man, who owns a plantation he has christened Calumet, made last year 4,287, ooo pounds of sugar. His crop and bounty yielded him a little over 30o,ooo. So his amusement has paid. About fifteen years ago, or may be a little longer two youeng men from Ohio came down to Louisiana to look at the country. They were farmers at home, but farming in Ohio was not a paying business then, and it did not promise any better. heyt went overf the ayes Tiee , and= were clearsatea n h theooetry. So pleased t4ltatheam, btoaghta "Shady " wdat teporh. lese jougdhio fsees, 05 naf* ate Foosa:.nd Burnett, Ave aight on to the sugar planter's methods maost successfully. They produced two years ago 3,048,960 pounds, and last year 4,y5oooo pounds. The crop of last year, without the bomety, sold for sasoioo. The htouesty was 9gem maser. The cost of man ing the crop, everythingi achlud. was $S4, coo. How I would they have been In making this amsout at farming in Ohio ? IMPOR TANT /UR YSER VICE. New Orleans Piceayme. The importance to public order and the welfare of the whole country'of jury service by the best classes of citizens cannot be ex aggerated. It is the jury at last that is the conservator of the public peace and the ex ecutor of 'gc laws. Whom the jury acquits of a criminal" charge is absolutely released from all responsibility in the case, whether he he innocent or guilty, and if the juries, disregarding the facts and the law, shall persist in setting criminals free, then the country is in a bad way. Thus it will be seen that there is scarcely any public duty so vitally important as that of the jury service, and it is a good sign when the people everywhere are waking up to the fact. .The Grand Jury of Baltimore has just made a deliverance on the subject, which is worthy of attention. Itis heregiven: *It should not be regarded as a burden, but as a pleasure to all citizens, to be called upon to assume their portion of the respon sibilities and to perform the duties incident to their citizenship. None of these duties is more important than the duty of jurors necessary in the various courts of our- city. To those tribunals come all questions aris ing from the conflicts of interests and the violators of all laws- made fur the protection of our health, life and property and the pro gress and prosperity of our city. If it is in the interest of our citizens (and no one will deny it) that the equity in all questions arising from the conflicts of interests should be passed upon by as intelligent and expe rienced a class of our citizens as possible, it is much more important to the interests and good name of our city that the services of this class of citizens should be had in meting out justice to the offenders and as sisting the constituted authorities in sup pressing vice and maintaining law and order. With such services, aided by a watchful, fearless, but just press, if we do not attain to that righteousness that exalteth a nation, we at least will be able to keep in subjection some of the sins that are are a reproach to any people." Wants Drainage. To the Editor of the Lafayette Gazetto: The undersigned has, some time since, called the attention of both the Police Jury and City Council to a certain volume of wa ter coming from under the Louisiana West ern Railroad tract that inundates the Scott road from my place to the coulee on Mr. A. Greig's place,a distance of about six arpents, fronm to to t5 inches deep. Said volume of water, which runs at every bag rain, comes from the north side of the Louisiana West ern Railroad, a radius of four miles through the part of the public road known as the Opelousas road, of which a piece has been lately worked, the ditches deepened undler the tract to the level of said road, bringing the water into the corporation limits, which is high prairie land, then its course conti nues to the Scott road in the corporation ditches. I have called several times the attention of both City Council and Police in vain to remedy the above since two years and as yet no step has ever been taken to relieve the above mentioned annoying case and if left much longer the writer at hand, very soon it will be impossible to travel said road (Scott road). I would suggest that a committee of three be sent to ascertain prop er means to convey said water through its natural course and not artificially as is the case since several years. J. C. CouVILLON. P. S.-Should a list of petitioners he needed I can procure from 75 to too names at a moment's notice. Judgment. SARRAZIN TRAHAN VS. JEAN TRA HAN. 17th judicial District Court-Parish of Lafayette-No. 3j84&. In this case by reason of the law and the evidence being in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant, it is therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed that the said Jean Tiahan be and he is hereby interdicted,_ and'declared incapable of caring for his and managing his estate. It is further or dered that J. Omer Broussard be and he is appointedt superintendent to the interdict Jean Trahan. -It is further ordered that the defendant pay all costs. Thus done, read and signed in open court at Lafayette, La., La., this 36th day of August, A. D. 1893. (Signed) A. C. ALI.EN, Judge 17th Judicial District Court. Filed August 26 1893. (Signed) W. B. BAILEY, Clerk of Court. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the original on file and of record in my office. Witness my hand officially and my seal of office at Lafayette, La., this 27th day of August, A. D. 1893. WV. B. BAILEY, Clerk of Court. NOTICE. The firm of L. Levy & Sons was dissolved by mutual consent on July s, ri8g, Mr. Ar sand Levy retiring. The firm of L. Levy & Son acquiring the assets and assuming the liabilitics. L. LEvy & Sovs, L. LEVY, A. Lvv, Aug.26'93. S. LEVY. UNIQUE PHOTOGRAPHY. Photography is a wronertul art. Inerd. bleo as It may seem itts now possible by the aid of tihe camera to show tho vementa of a bird In its Utght, a horse at its swiftet ~iee.~ o~r a bullet 85 ft e t un. Veryrlit more thatpo most mart ons has been accompl!:h.= t in photo rapy. The M n puhirsiltsss-s ofa the renowne trott, blch.) havo rOcentl been experimentlng in th. direction or rapid sad ac curate reproductionoapho tographa anti now an . nounce that they awe pr pared to make * rttstl copies ate lt ow iPce. They will send twelve Voplump t a h~to. value $1.0 attdThe Weekly Free Press one rfartor e.o. It Is necesseary to snd ,. -ebtlnet or tord photonraph wlth orut*. --ur roadersl ld better send for a sample aopy ot The Freo Press and learn thee l I housanbs r r, tIb ins: nlvnntaae . REIS F _BUSMIE$. COLUMBIA RJCIE MILL NEWV YORK, We, -the undersigned, are now ready w' Lenlarged and improved facilitie] r' the milling of rice 'to the requirements of market. We mill only on toll. We do not buy rough rice. We advance fair value on all ship ments. Our motto.: "Good .service, piompt returns." R New York is the best of markets, no glut and one step nearer the con sutnmer. Correspondence and consign ments solicited. DAN TALMAGE'S SONS, july '5 r x5 Wail Street, Dr. E. J. Chachere, DENTIST. Office next to bank building, LAFAYErlrE, LA MT. CARMEL CONVENT, LAFAYETTE, LA. The system of Education includes the French and English languages, Music and all kinds of needle-work. Every attention will be given to the health and comfort of those placed under the care of the Sisters. For terms apply to the Superior. 1-4z Beausejjour Park__ On the Banks of Beautiful Bayou Vermilion. EXCELLENT Spring Water, COMMODIOUS Bath Houses, I.:ange l)ancing Platform. Beautiful Grounds and Plenty of Shade. Elegant Spot for Pic nics, Parties, Et:. W\Vater for drinking and bathing purlraes unsurlmascd. Cone and see the place and enjoy a splendid bath. SII)NEY MOUTON, Manager. New Store! Alex. Delahoussaye, IIt;s Just Opened next to I.acoste's a General Whecre at all tilces will be found the freshest and finest grale:i of goodls in his line. An invitation is extended to all to call at hi.s store. G. LACOSTE, -DEALER IN Stoves, Harness, Carriaes and WACONS, Manufacturer's agent for Walking and Riding Cultivators, Disc HIarrow Leaver Drag Ilarow, Stalk Cutter, Corn and Cotton Planters, Sulky Plows, Turning Plows, Hay Rakes, Road Carts. Corner of Jefferson and Vermillion Streets, LAPAYETTE, LA. W. BRADFORD, Land Attorney, Surveyor, and Real Estate Agent. Rayne, - - - Louisiana. THERE IS A STORE ON THE SOUTHWEST COR. COURT-HOUSE SQUARE, Where Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Stationary, etc., Fine Cigars, and the best of Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, are sold at rea sonable prices. lso a few fine Groceries are to be had and some THIS PLACE IS OWVNED BY W M. CLEGG. The Singer Sewing Machine. Is the best in the world. • Light- Running, Durable, Noiseless, Simple. J. CHARLES. BAUDIER. General Agent For Lafayette Parish. Office at J. P. Buhler Shoe Store - FOR- SALE* Valuable Town Lots. r-illsavdditio riao oozs@ r , alansitapr ed O Trs aao e For further par ua H AZ ETTe. BOSTON standard and *.uIatsrd. Boston was sired by laden-Boneon,b-e b. Eauity. Baden-Baden the sire of Boston is a entucky derby winner. Boston will stand the presen Kason at Le Teche farm of Dr. H. P, Guilbelu & Son, at Breaux Bridge, at $s5 Cash for the season, with return privi lege. For Sale A lt. ,nnimproved. in the town of L fayette. next to Win. Cleg's residence, is offered for sale at a moderate price. For further inforsatien apply at The auzette office, or to C. Ia. isAtDLv.a Lfrte. La. DR. N. W. SWORDS, DentiSt, Olice net to Bank building. Satisfaction guarsan ieca. ms Sidney Veazey, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Lincoln Ave., Two Blocks from Depft LAFA YETTE, : : : ; LA First class rigs at reasonable prices. Care ful drivers furnishdd when required. junt7 Journal of Education, Boston, Mass, Is published weekly at s..d a year. or cs..$ for 6 months. 3Many of the ablest educators in the coun try are regular contributors to its columns. It has a large aount of every da'y. practical matter for teachers of all grades. Its dep'rlmeota cover every branch of edtcationl work, A four page supplement to tile JoR.AA. is pub liohe"t monthly. containing the ew '..rk State Uuti forn, Examination Questions and Answers. .l l For ag cents. stamps taken, we TRIAL TRIPtwill send the Jortaot. tor two months postpaid. Sample copy freee. std of e Peace. Careful and pronmpt attetion givem the collection a'bils, accu ts, s s or drafts. Sale aid purchase of lands atteded to. 1-19 DR. T. B. Hopkin Having returned to Lafayette, of fers his professional services to the citizens of this place and the sur rounding coruntry. Office at former residence, and at night and at Kennedy's old resi dence. C. DEBAILLON. Lawyer. Wil pract-re in Lafayest., St. Mary and Vermi.lion par.sA.s, and the Supresn- and Federal Courls at Opelousas and New Orleans. LAtATBTTB. LA. eND SIL Stable. FEED. E. CONSTAN7IN, Lafayette, La. Paroprielor. B2KYY, LEOBGE U-IRY, LAFAYETTE, LA. Proprietor. NUMA BROUSSARD, CABINET MAKER AND FURNITURE REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. Turning of Banisters, Scroll Banisters, Fancy and Plain Mantels, Fancy Glass Doors of all kinds, Brackets, etc., etc. Lafeytte, La.L LAFAYETTE BLACKSMITH, WIIEELWRIGHT AND SUPPLY SHOP. Near Bank Building. PRED. MOUTON, - - Plroprlctor. Lowest prices, consistent. with work done. All work promptly attended to. S.&tisfaetion guaranteed. ALBEIT de In HOUSSAYE,. BAKER & CONFECTIONER Vernmillion. sreet. Lafayette, La. H. C. Salles, DENTIST. Officc on Bucl.anan street. LAF,4 YE!T ', - - - !LA. E. 6. VOORilIIES, STOARXE I' AT .7" .I II A.N NOTAR Y PUB I. IC. LArAtETTi . LA. R. W. ELLIOTT, .I 7'7ORNE .I a7 L. ISV nd .AO7-AiRY P B/.IC. Laf,.ette, La. O. C.-- J. MOUTON, A TTORN'E YS .4 7" L. I'. LAPAVeTTB. LA. RAILROA BARBER SnOr, Li.o/u, uear depot. JOHN VANDERGRIEF, Proprietor. Ladles' sad Childre's Ilatrcuttllg at Dmidcil E. Priollaud, Watcmaker -and Jeweler and dealer Ia Rich Jewelry, Watches, Dia mnonds etc. Clelg a BIlding. Courthaumie Square. Lafayette, La. Cash tells the story. Come and see Mouton Bros,, DUALSRS IS GENERAL Merchandise Lowest prices consistent with quality of goods. H. L. Monnier, Dealer In Ceneral Merchandise Fresh Groceries always on hand. "01l Taylor" Whiskey. A M. MARTIN, -AGENT FOR LAFAYETTE. The "Old Taylor" is the best Whiskey that experience, skill anad expenditure can produce. It is the perfection of distillation from parei