Newspaper Page Text
LAAY ITE GAZE S" - LAFIAYETTE, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER Z3, 1IT. NUMBER 42'::. Sj Jtwo-e is said. S" - .bee t the sheet; S- -. teShroward rowst, S- et outhts truhpet sweet, , "ý . -tom _" w., "ad blows, and blows. ' ~. ss- et s in my chamber herse, uth-lan ho r inh ea trtee Sr~ mohe Jsays Ineed hot tear They toll do auaght t me.t For. far abovethe wind, the darkd -- ts.o . , s hoi •"a se the t all hase , the Sta e like a rred sprk, green boghe bythe Walt hsemoth er with oer lamp comes in; ,bedark goes out the door; The arbleoleg throw shauows this Aeoesn the ehamber foor. The wlnd fromyout the orchard slips; t rhnt the house hepe;. U N~sets his trumpet to his hips. hy- hAblows, and blows, and blows. ~-isete W. Reese, in N. Y. Independent. J ISS WIifL ETI MINA PARKS and her father were staying in London. 1 They had been in Paris for n some time, too, I partly because "b kthey were from Boston, but mainly because Wil- a helmina had made there some special t pqrchases for her new adventure. She proposed to sail for Christiania 1 from Hull, in the middle of the month, r and already the papers had interviewed i her, and "Miss Wilhelmina Perks, the - Female Franklin-by One Who Knows ber," appeared in nearly every paper that you picked up. They had all been to Lord's, and Dr. Fraser and his cousin, Mrs. Walder share, had been brought eack to dinner at the hoteL "Well," said Miss Wilhelmina, "'tain't no use talking, you know. My mind's set on this trip, and I'm going to do it." "I know, my girl," said old Mr. Perks-"I know. You wouldn't be a Perks if you was to give way now and go back on your reputation." 'And I'll just go and make a name for myself and then I'll come right back, and-"she glancedat Dr. lFraser "and then we'll be happy." Young Dr. Fraser pressed the young lady's foot affectionately beneath the table, and little Mtrs. Waldershare smiled. "I wish you were all coming with me," she went on. "Ain't it just pleas ant now even to talk of floes of ice and miles-of untracked snow, and-and so r' on."e " tt "Did you say the boat was ready, Meener?" asked her father. h "As near ready as doesn't matter." h answered Wilhelmina. "The men are engaged, the stores are purchased, and when I get to Christiania I shall only have a fortnight's work to do. And in two or three years, you know, I shall q be through." She looked at her sweet- n heart with her eyes bright, with en- ( thusiasm. "Say, Frank, we'll be mar- cl tied at the Abbey, i the trick comes off. e All the time young Dr. Fraser looked st thoughtfully out of the window. tc "If you won't say another word about It," he remarked. "If you'll just let " me say this:" H "Go on, dear," said Miss Perks. She ' and Mrs. Waldershare rose as she spoke, and the men rose, too. "That. I'd give everything, every- se thing that I possess in the world," said Frase., still looking hard out of the window, "if it would only induce you at to give it up." ex She came to him. m "My dear boy," she said, "that can't w be; but you're just the sweetest fellow Nd to say so. and-and I shall think of you "t dreadfully." th Mrs. Waldershare had scribbled fur- 4. tively a note on the menu which she w came back to show the young fellow. a "Before I forget it, Frank," said the o'i little woman, "is this the right way to be spell compote aux fruits?" de Under the item was her penciled se messages sh "Meet me in half an hour in the read- to ing room." be "Yes," said Dr. Fraser, "I think wd that's right.' ea " The two men had their smoke and fo their coffee, and at the appointed time to Freser threw away his cigar, and, if leaving old Mr. Perks, went into the ai reading room. lik He found Mrs. Waldershare there, th and for five minutes . their heads were co very close -together. They talked ea spiritedly and seemed to be arguing re 'with much good humor. vbi Presently they changed their seats th and sat behind a screen in the corner as near the window. Then Mrs. Walder- ra shiare gave a confidential message to dim one of thi attendants. ph Ina few minutes Wilhelmina entered dii the room. She was a tall, striking girl, re] and everybody looked up from the tit evening papers as she came. T "[a that corner, I think," said the l tae, carefully; "I think I saw themgo Mi there, jaust behind the screen, mis." Mi. Wilhelmina walked across the mm -1ssie, thickly-carpeted 'room to the tel * disee indicated. The two familiar tviues cage to her ear, and there was on - Ait the vr4ce of the little widowsoun- - a "ttS ssa ring that Wilhelnina "' t kanotv,- Frtnk, how much N ,1- i6 ~jia,·" she heaxd Mrs. Walder. She ewer. speaking very dia 'Youiiqa't ,know, eand uhtll ye asneve guessed "I ta ; aerhasns some it. * icsa ;. but I can't "a "Promd.e that as soon as this Amer lSanQitl with whom you think you are in Iowe-. " "With whom I am in love." "Very well, with whom you are in loye, then. Promise ine that as 'oon as she has gone on herpreposterous ex pedition, you will give me leave to speak again. I am no child in- these matters, Frank." "I can give you no promise of any kind," answered Dr. Fraser, steadily. "I can quite understand your posi tion," the little widow went on. "It's very hard on you. But when she comes back, if she ever does come back, after, say, three or four years, aged and altered by this ridiculous exploring business, she surely would not be sur prised if she should find that you have forgotten her." "I shall never, never forget her," de clared Frank. "Attendez," said the little widow per sistently. "I repeat that I know some thing of these matters. We'll let her go; let her get right away, and then we'll talk over this matter again. If I'm not mistaken you'll be of a different opinion then." "I beg you won't anticipate-" "O, my dear one," cried the little widow, with a catch 'n her voice, "think again. She does not love you, really, or she would never leave you like this; risking her life and your affec tion. " S "Don't speak to me, please," prayed .r Dr. Fraser; "don't speak to me. I am g doing her a grievous wrong by listening * to you." n There was a sob from the little widow, r and Dr. Fraser rose and put his chair ', back. She seized his hand. e The tall figure "went quickly and e noiselessly from the reading roa and 1- stood for a few moments in the en il trance hall, thinking hard. Dr. Fraser did not come out, and a Wilhelmina went up the lift to her I. room and, sitting down on a low chair, d had the best cry she had had for years. i The next afternoon two clerks were • a>" G' K WILUELMIiYA i'AL'SED. rending the paper as they waited for the 'bus. I t "Hlullo," said one, "here's a go. C That Yankee girl isn't going to bring r home the north pole after all." "What's up, then?" asked the other. I The first youth then read it out: "Acting upon the doctor's advice, Miss Wilhelmina Perks has relin- t quished her intended expedition to the north pole. Her boat and supplies I (which were of the most complete character) have been purchased by tel- a egram by a Swedish explorer. It is stated that the marriage of Miss Perks to l)r. Fraser, one of the most success ful young medicine men of the day, will take place on an early date at = Holy Trinity, Sloane street." - St. James Gazette. SURROUNDED BY A RAINBOW. r Strange Optical Phenomenon on a Nor- I: weglan Mountain Top. s A correspondent at Christiania gives b an account of a very curious phenom- p enon witnessed from the top of Gausta 1. mountain (height, six thousand Nor wegian feet) in Telmarken, south of i Norway. "We were a party," he says, i "of two ladies and three gentlemen on , the summit of this mountain on August b 4. On .the morning of that day the sky e was passably clear: at noon there was i a th k fog. Between six and seven a o'clo in the afternoon (the wind a being south to southwest) the fog sud denly cleared in places so that we could see the surrounding country in sun- it shine through the rifts. We mounted b to the flagstaff in order to obtain a better view of the scenery, and there fa we at once observed in thejog, in an g easterly direction, a doublW rainbow a forming a complete circle and seeming n to be twenty to thirty feet distant a from us. In the middle of this we all . appeared as black, erect and nearly o life-size silhouettes. The outlines of n the silhouettes were so sharp that we could easily recognize the figures of a each other, and every movement was * reproduced. The head of each indi vidual appeared to occupy the center of Sthe circle, and each of us seemed to be standing on the inner periphery of the r rainbow. We estimated the inner ra dits of the circle to be six feet. This g phenomenon lasted several minutes, g disappearing with the ftog bank, to be reproduced in new fog three or four g times, but each time more indistinctly. The sunshine during the phenomenon I* seemed to us to be unusually bright. Mr. Kielland-Torkildsen, president of the Telmurken Tourist club, writes to h me that the builder of the hut on the top of Gausta has twice seen spectacles of this kind, but in each ease it was only the outline of the mountain that li was reflected on the fog. re had never seen his own image, and he does not i mention circular or other rainbows. " Nature. _ amed Temourisl. "Madam," said the tramp, "take back yer.losf of bread. I 'etur' ltabrokea," "W'hat's the matter?'- "it bringa back too many sad memoules. I can't teeh ih" "Doeer it," she asked, *ently, "sn a you . think- the f bread t nhur tio m6tget to bale? "No'm. It [ thcL·~ k~ber dr t A TRUTHFUL MAN. e Wealda Not Romanee Even In Tenth Hts Ltife' Srrows - He wasn't a tramp, exactly, but he was nearly one. He had struck the merchant for one dollar and the mer chant was rather interested in him. "I don't see," he said "why you go about asking for money or help. You are an intelligent man and I should think you could get something better to do." "I don't know about that," was the despondent rejoinder. "The Lord knows I tried hard enough to get along before I lost my heart entirely." "What do you do?" "Well, a little of everything. I had some money and thought I'd go to rais ing rice in South Carolina and show those people down there how to do it right. I -knew it all, of course, and one day a man came along selling a new brand of rice. He was a nice looking man from New York and I liked his style. He liked my style, too, he said, and would sell me the exclu sive right to handle his stuff in South Carolina. It was something new-a seed that could not be exposed to the light, but that would yield three times as much as the old varieties. That was what I was looking for and very quietly I took it in, paying two hundred dol lars for the right and four sealed cans of seed. I did all the work at night, and when it was finished I sat down to wait and to chuckle over my enterprise. But I waited and waited and nothing came, and one day I looked into the old cans and found I had been stuck with some mean little wheat grains, and you might as well try to raise icicles in the bad place as to raise wheat in a South Carolina rice swamp-" "That was bad luck,"and the sympa thizing merchant. "So I thought, and I left the state and went to raising cattle in western Kansas. Hadn't more than got my herd set out before a cyclone canme along and blew every horn of it clear over into the next county and when I went after my stock a pious cowboy who had gathered them with his own informed me that they had been sent to him by Providence and he'd like to see any son of a gun try to take them away. As he had a WVinchestdr and a lot of friends with hin I didn't see my way clear to interfering with the ways of Providence and I left the country." "It's pretty hard when Providence goes against a man," ventured the mer-. chant, kindly. "Yes, but that isn't all," said the disconsolate one. "With what little I had left I went to Pennsylvania and bought a water-power grist mill in the mining regions. I fixed it up .vith new machinery and for awhile it looked as if my luck had changed and I was go ing to come out on top at last. But one night a big mine lying under the stream that gave me my mill-power caved in or sunk down just enough to change the lay of the land and, by gum! the water began to run the oth er way, and when I got to the mill in the - morning the water gates were open and my mill machinery had been running backwards until every blamed wheel was busted and the whole she bang was a wreck." The man wiped a tear from his eye. "Then it was," he went on, "that my heart broke and I lay right down and quit. Now. do you blame me for what I am doing?" The merchant gave him two dollars and the man was in a police court the next morning.-Detroit Free Press. POVERTY IN INDIA. It I. the Most Strikinp Fact in City and Country. Poverty is the most striking fact in India. In the streets of the cities the rich are rarer than in the streets of East London. In the country the vil lages consist of huts of almost uniform smallness, and the fields are worked by farmers, most of whom, are too poor to do anything but scratch the land. In one city we went from house to house among the poor. A common friend gained us a welcome and we were everywhere received with cour tesy. One house which we visited was entered directly from the street. There was neither flooring, fireplace, windows nor furniture. A few embers were burning on the mud floor, on which only is it lawful for a pious per son to eat, and a few pots were stand ing against the walls with, if I remem ber rightly, one chest.0 It was a holiday morning, and the family, which in India may include grandfather, sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren, were gathered. The men had slept in the open, warm air, and had come in to be served by the women with the morning meal of a few ounces of grain and butter. They wore no clothes, but rose to bow us their welcome. After the usual courtesies, and when we had told them about our selves, the talk went thus: "WVhat is your trade?" "Shoemakers." 'What can each worker earn?" "About 5 rupees (i. e., 7s. d.) a month." "W'hat rent do you pay?" "Eight rupees (i. e., 12s.) a month;" from which answer we gathered that not even a paternal government nor a system of land nationalization can prevent the growth of landlordism. The ground in this case probably belonged to the state and has been let to some indi vidual at a yearly rent, subject to revi sion after thirty years; but the land had been- let and sublet till the rent paid by the tenant far exceeded that received by the government. In another house, or rather shed, lived a millhand and his family. He, too, was preparing to enjoy a holiday in "singing" and "seeing the lights," which on that night, in honor of the new year, would be placed in every window of the city. His earnings were 10 rupees (I. e. 15s.) a month, and his rent 2 rupees (s.) a month. Out of the margin,' that is, out of S8. a week, he would havr to support a large famil; and save enough to enable him to rt turn and get land in his own villageL,-. Fortnightly Review. n,,.t lPERSONAL AND LITERARY. 's -The pope has consented to act as godfather to the king of Spain at his 1e approaching conMrmation and first 1e communion. Mgr. Cretoni, the nuncio r- at Madrid, will represent the pope at the ceremony, and will be the bearer o of some very handsome presents. d -Tolstoi, the Russian novelist, takes r the ground that work makes man, as well as the busy ant, cruel. It is, he declares, the characteristic of crim d inals; and to make a virtue of work t such as Zola has attempted to do is as monstrous as to make a virtue of the act of feeding. d -Henry 31. Stanley has made a col lection of nineteen legends that were related to him during his African t travels, and they are to be published d by the Scribners under the title: "My a Dark Companions and Their Strange Stories." Henry's stock of legends is j said to be inexhaustible. -, -Judge Barker, of the supreme ju L. dicial court of Massachusetts, has sur h prised- the lawyers not less than the a newspaper men by issuing an order e forbidding the newspapers to publish a reports of a breach of promise of mar I riage suit on trial before him, or to i make comments thereon. - -Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who was a with the last Peary expedition, and has just been doing some summer explora tion in Greenland on his own account, anticipates great results from Peary's present journey. He thinks it will add I many miles to the northern limit of ex i ploration, and tlht it is quite possible i the pole will be reached. s -Louis Kossuth writes to a friend in a Hungary: "I am weigheddown by the burden of years, and my eyesight grows - dim. I now see only outlines and not details. I can not read, and when writ a ing only guess at the characters which 1 I trace. Nevertheless, impeled by a r sense ast duty, I completed :he third a volume of my memoirs . few days ago." r -Prof. Elliott Coues, of Washington, I is in Montana gathering material for a r new volume of the history of the ex 1 ploringexpedition of Lewis and Clarke. t In the preparation of the four volumes 3 of the work already published he says 1 he has handled over three thousand I manuscripts. He will go from Mon r tana to Idaho to continue his investi gations. -The description of Zola's personal appearance given by G. A. Sala is in teresting, According to that keen and unprejudiced observer, the French nov elist is a "noticeable little man, with a high forehead, rather a Thackerayan nose, abundant black hair, black mus tache and b" ard just trimmed with sil ver. He is a marvelous conversation alist, bright, alert, often eloquent, al ways fascinating, occasionally para doxical." -Mrs. Ella Bentley, of the Donald sonville (La.) Chief, strikes out thus: "In close proximity to the south side of the Children's building the glass roof of Horticultural hall catches the sun's rays and throws them back in a thousand glittering facets. What a touch of poetry the exposition manage ment displayed when they grouped to gether women, children and flowers, an earthly trinity bestowed upon man to reconcile him to the loss of para dise. " -Mrs. Campbell Wilson, a prosper ous florist of Cleveland, O., started with a cash capital of fifteen cents and an indebtedness of something over one hundred, dollars. By going out and so liciting orders and personally deliver ing the plants and flowers, she cleared off the debt on her small establishment in one season. In the fall she erected a larger one at a cost of three hun dred and fifty dollars. which she cleared of debt by the sa me means in two years. Her business rules are as follows: "Advertise thoroughly. Carry the'best stock. Sell at small profits. Improve every opportunity to increase trade." HUMOROUS. -"A few million years hence the sun will give out no more heat." "Well, most of tu won't be in need of heat." Life. -Mamrna-"Harry, I want you to come in now and amuse the baby." Harry (aged 5)-"You'll have to excuse me, mother; I'm not in the low-comedy line."-Boston Transcript. -She-"What swell turnouts Maud's new beau always has." He-'"Yes, I have just found out about them-he gets three dollars a day for exercising the horses."-Detroit Tribune. -English as it is Understood.-"I in sist upon your leaving the house," she said, angrily. "Certainly," he replied, blandly; "I have no intention of taking it witl} me. "-Detroit Free Press. -"How is it your little baby sister goes to sleep as soon as your father takes her?" Little-four-year old-"I 'spec it's 'cause she'd rather do that , than stay awake and hear him sing."- Beau Monde. -George--"'Iay I hope, dearest, thatI at some future time I may have the t happiness- of making you my wife?" Mamie--'"Well, I hope so, I'm sure. I'm just tired of suing fellows for breach of promise." - Raymond's a Monthly. -Jiggers-"Young Justwed says his a wife is a very magnetic woman." gers-"You bet she is. lie asked her r to allow him to go down-town with I me the other night and she showed I both negative and positive qualities in less'n half a minute."--Buffalo Courier. t -"When I die, dear," murmured the a fashionable but delicate wife to her I doting husband, "I want yon to have my portrait painted every year, mak ing it look a little older each year." "That would be very natural, my t dear," replied the husband. "WVhat would be natural?" "The--ah-paint, love!" c -Customer-"Why do you take the I trouble of sending the gloves, a small I pareel, away with the money? I might be putting them on while waiting for my change." Salesman-"Yes, and have them half worn out. We don't do btlness la that way. We meaa that I alU goe ." shsU leae the ·sa in ~t'h ~- -. SCHOOL AND CHURCH. is -There are 50,000.000 Lutherans in is. the world. st -Brother MIoody is 56 years old anl Lo is not ashamed to tell his age. it -The great school at Harrow, in En r land, was founded by John Lyon in 1571. s -A training ship was utilized in Lon Ls don for the teaching of homeless boy Le in 1806. --There are 141 schools of theology in It this country, with 686 professors and LS 6,989 students. .e -Westminster university is the name of the new Presbyterian school at Den I ver. It will be open for students next f fall. --The Argentine Confederation is the best in education among the South Y American republics. It has 3,227 schools e and 254,000 pupils. --The Sunday question has been long in dispute in Toronto. In the battleat the polls the Sabbatarians have won. The vote for Sunday cars is 13,060, e against Sunday cars 14,085. h -Mr. Philip D. Armour has been vis iting Bloston, inspecting the Massa ! chusetts Institute of Technology and other educational institutions in that line, with the view of getting informa tion that can be put to practical use for the benefit of the great college in Chicago which he has so splendidly en dowed. I -In British India the ancient Brah manic religious belief still counts 211, _ 000,000 in its different sects. The Budd hist form of belief is held by 7,000,000 in Farther India (Burmah), not in In dia proper. The ancient faith of Zoras - ter, dating back to the time of Cyrus t and Darius. is professed by 90,000 who bear the name of Parsi or Persian. The followers of Mohammed number 57,000, 000; the empress of India has a far 9 greatei number of Mohammedan sub jects than the sultan or the shah. The ancient pagan or nature worshipers number 9,000,000. A TYPIFICATION OF AUGUST. This Month Is the Pleasant Undertine of R the Year. 1 If it were required to typify August, I would suggest the month be likened to an oriental merchant, dealer in all manner of incense and perfume. In I these still warm nights, the wandering merchant has traffic with woody slash ings and thickets where grow black berry brambles, firewood and milk s weed, and wild lettuce. Coming straight from these, and gathering a tithe from poppied and lillied gardens, - such as the country still loves to culti rate, the merchant brings to town a sachet of rural sweetness potent to Swake delicious memories. August might be portrayed as swinging a cen ser in which are turning fragrant leaves and blossoms. Furthermore, the month might be characterized as the month for butterflies; for it is at this point in the season that the most splendid specimens of the butterfly tribe make their appearance. The white and yellow rovers are every where present-the butterfly common alty. Hlere and there is seen a creature of such brilliant dyes, texture so ex quisite, as to suggest that it could scarcely have had an earthly origin. What spirit clothes itself in the jetty darkness of night, relieved only by the patch of bright daytime azure at the base of its wings? One with colors of fire or of sunset I saw, hovering about the duskiy sidewalk in a sort of a fatu ous fascination; I could have caught it easily, so absorbed was the foolish insect. Another, vivid as an autumn leaf and as helpless a voyager, was seen floating down the stream. A but terfly might be said to be a winged scroll of mystic picture-writing. There is one point of likeness to the bird; a butterfly has plumage, but all of down or feathery dust instead of true feathers. With the white and yellow butter flies, everywhere flickering in this still sunshiny world, go their botanic coun terparts, the white thistle-balls, lumi nous, slowly drifting, like some kind of large diurnal firefly "with white fire laden." These rise at the least whis per of the air from many a sleepy, ob livious field mistily brushed over with thistle-down soft and fine as the wool of the lambs in spring born in the rough pasture. As if anticipating the deciduous time and fashion of the leaves, certain myriads of the insect world shed the corporeal habit that was theirs.-Atlantic. Cute Scheme of Old Tars. The old tars in the naval home have a new scheme for obtaining at least a, part each year of the pension to which they would be entitled if they were not inmates of the government institu tion on Gray's Ferry road. By a pe culiar twist in the law when an old man-'o-warsman accepts the benefits of the home he is obliged to surrender his pension. A few knowing ones among the veteran salts have found out that this law does not apply to soldiers' and sailors' homes in other parts of the country, and they oocasionally obtain leave of absence from the naval home and obtain admittance to the home at Siampton, Va., where they remain for a few months at a time. During this period they receive their pension money, and after accumulating fifty dollars or one hundred dollars they re turn to the Gray's Ferry establishment, where they stay until they have spent the cash, and then take another profit able leave of absence.-Philadelphia Record. Why She Thoalht So.8 lBridget-Oi'm going to put a stop to the policeman's visits. Mistress-Why, Bridget? "Oi think he's fooling me. He's been calling on me six months and his ap petite is as good as ever."-Btooklyn Life. -The first religious newspaper. n this country was the Religious Re meimbrancer, published by John W.I Seott, Philadelphia, I8S, The Chas.J sy.. grew me Ot it Lb HOME HINTS AND HELPS. i. -Chocolate for an Invalid: Scrape Sfne one-half square of chocolate, add 4 one tablespoonful of sugar, and the same of hot water. Stir all together a.- on the stove, and then add to it one enp n of boiling water and one cup of hot milk.-Health. . -Canned Tomato Appetizer: One r. quart canned tomato, three tablespoon fuls good vinegar, two tablespoonfuls u sugar, one teaspoonful. celery seed it rolled or bruised, one teacupful chopped celery or cabbage. Boil, fast ten min a utes.-Orange Judd Farmer. . -Biscuit and Cream: Some cold :t evening, make a big pan of hot biscuits by any preferred receipe. and pass e with them a bowl of well-salted cream. No dish is more warmly welcomed at our table, but I have never eaten it or heard of it elsewhere.-Rural New YOrker. S--Coffee for One Person: Take a ta t blespoonful of ground coffee, one cup L of hot water, the fourth of the white . of an egg, half a cup of cold water. Stir the coffee with the white of the ;- egg; add the cold water. Boil. Add L- the hot water. Boil two minutes. lI Farm, Field and Fireside. t -Bannocks: Take a large half pint of Indian. meal, add salt and a tea e spoonful (according to taste) of brown a sugar; scald till stiff. When cool, add 1- a spoonful of melted butter, two well beaten eggs and half a teaspoonful of - soda dissolved in a scant cup of butter - milk or sour milk. Bake in gem pans half an hour.-Boston Budget. 0 -Rabbit (or Squirrel) Pudding: - Joint meat and stew in a little water, with salt and pepper. Drain, put in s dish and cover with batter made of the • beaten yolks of four. eggs, one large s teaspoonful of melted butter, salt, one - pint of milk, flour to make batter as r for fritters, adding the stiff whites of four eggs at the last. Bake in oven. a Good Housekeeping. a -Toast Water: Cut two slices of bread half an inch thick, toast them very brown on both sides, but be care ful not to scorch them or they will be unfit for use. Break them in half, put into a pitcher, and pour three pints of boiling water over. WVhen cold, strain. Sometimes two tablespoonfuls of cur rant jelly may be added while the w-a ter is hot, and stirred occasionally to dissolve it.-llealth. THE CHEMIST'S ART. - Wonders That Far Surpass the Dreams of Olden Alclhemists. Though the dream of the ancient al chemist of transmuting base metals in- 4 to nobler ones has never been realized, the chemist of this era can accomplish 4 marvels that almost surpass belief. The skilled toxicologist reveals the I presence of poisons, often when only ! traces exist, by removing them from I their surroundings with solvents, re quiring hours, days and sometimes I weeks for their separation, excitiing them to form combinations with other I elements, he causes them to appear in I solid, liquid or gaseous conditions. Many of them lie arrays in varied col ors, or in crystalline shapes, seen dis tinctly by the achromatic or apo- 1 chromatic lenses of the micro scope. Others he volatilizes in flames, and views their incan descent vapors through the prisms of a spectroscope. Brilliantly-tinted and sharply-defined lines in localities accurately noted, reveal the existence of metals so trifling in quantity that they elude measurement by the bal ance, with all its modern refinements, and so small that the human brain can scarce imprison the thought of their minuteness. To take one example: Suppose the finger is wetted with a drop of saliva'and touched to a salt ol lithium, and the adherent white powder is placed on the tongue and then swollowed. After the lapse of a a few minutes, on drawing a clean plati num wire over the forehead or any part of the skin, then placing it with a its traces of moisture in a liunsen flame in front of the narrow slit of the spectroscope, an observer, looking through the little telescope of the in strument, will see for the fraction of a second the bright-colored red and yel low lines characteristic of lithium. The soluble salt has passed through a the entire circulatory system of the body, and its presence is announced in . perspiration'-Ogden Doremus, in Forum. Unhealthy Houses. e WVherever a house is found whose cel- a lar is unventilated and damp, with moldy fungi on its walls, orif its draw- c ers and closets have tell-tale greenish " or grayish white spots, and that musty i smell, smelled once always to be re membered, do not live in it. In coun try houses, which rarely have modern a plumbing, there should be an equally 4 careful investigation of the water sup ply and drainage. Some idea of the ' soil in which the vwell is dug should be gained in order to examine intelligently whether the water is fit to use. Beside this, the dis- c posal of the 'waste of the household should be keenly investigated. lest this C should befoul the water and make un healthy an otherwise agreeable home. The cistern which generally supplies the water for domestic washing and a cleaning should be looked after. This t water is not so liable to be impure, but a the pipes that carry the water from C the roof into the cistern get rickety in their joints and need repairing, lest s unexpectedly the cistern "run dry." I It is well, when one is acting as in- C spector, to find out if the pumps actual- d ly pnmp.-Ladios' Home Journal. 8 Styles tm Se oedos. bmall cheeks ai* the prevailing pat- ti tebrns, with large choice in color, or, u more accurately, combinations of color. p Not a few are qnitegay, and others are a overcast by dotting 1i bourette style, 6 that in oobtrat to grave surfaces show in pretty relief. For the most part these .dottings are set regularly, andb are comrparatively large in slae. Checks , in wools of mores conservative weaves are fashionabl, ssay showing rleh,. lark unittes oa ncolor tht are well TRICKS IN LAWMAKIUNG,--- . ![r. Splae r'es Epereimes whe , Clerk of the I3lamess Eeea6. _:. ' ; When a young man lion. Wilnil-:- Springer was clerk of the llisioIfsaiai-i of representatives. There was anue` propriation bill consisting of a numbr -' - of items before the legislature. u'" tempt was made to have incorps Vi . in it an item appropriating the smi of-. = fifty thousand dollars for acertn npnr- p pose. A majority of the house was up posed to this particular appropriationp The bill as reported did not contain=. the objectionable item. WVhen it casem. to its final reading Mr. Springer red. the bill in full. The members listened- ' attentively and noted the fact that theis fifty thousand dollar item was mot _in , eluded in the bill as read. Mr. Springer laid the bill down on'·- his desk after reading it, and, taking' up the list, called the roll, the lllianol'. constitution requiring s yea sand vote on the final passage of a bilL -? legislature, being economical, had no:...' supernumerary officers, so that one S man had to perform the duties usually' devolving upon two or more persons. - The bill was passed, and Mr. Springer noted that fact on the back of the printed copy of the bill and sent it over to the senate. It passed that body and', was signed by the governor. It was. soon discovered that the act which-re ceived the gubernatorial autograph had incorporated in it the objectiona ble item. This looked serious, for the houise, at - least, had not intended to pass that item, and .as a matter of fact had not passed it, for it was not included in the bill as read and voted upon in that body. Mr. Springer was equal to the emergency. lie caused the journal to - show that the bill was read in full and then incorporated it in the journal, thus showing officially that the obnox ious item had not been voted upon or adopted by the house. A writ was then sued out enjoining the state treas urer from paying the money. The su preme court granted it and made it perpetual, thus going behind the ap proving signature of the governor and the attesting signatures of the prepsid ing officers of the two houses of the leg islature to the journal of the house,and accepting it as the best evidence of the intention and act of the house of rep resentatives and of the legislature. WVhether the entire act was invalid was not passed upon, and as no injunction was applied for as to the other items the appropriations they carried stood and were paid. Mr. Springer thinks someone inter ested in the fifty-thousand-dollar ap. propriation had a bogus bill printed in exact imitation of the genuine, and when, after reading it, he had laid the genuine bill down on his desk the spurious one was substituted quickly and the genuine carried off and de stroyed. There being a crowd about the desk at the time it was easy enough to do this, Mr. Springer said. Natur ally, he indorsed what appeared to be the proper bill without reading it again. Iiis ready wit, however, en abled him to defeat the game of the conspirators, even when it seemed to be too late to do anything to repair the mischief. It was never learned, Mr. Springer said, who played ,the sleight of-hand trick.-Washington Post. THE ENSIGN. A Charming Creature on Whom the La dies Dote. When a young man first gets his com mission as a line officer in active serv ice in the navy he becomes an ensign. Landsmen call it ensign with a long "i" in the second syllable, but every body afloat pronounces the word "onsin," with a short "i." . There is seldom any occasion on shipboard for pronouncing it at all, as the ensign is addressed as plain "mister." The en sign is a graduate of the naval academy, and ordinarily obtains his commission. after -four years' study ashore and two years' cruising. There are ,now one hundred and seventy-seven ensigns, some with very new commissions, a few who have been as much as ten years of that They range in age from t r ty-one to two - and - thirty. - naval officers who recall the days of the midshipmite are sometimes die--' ,1; posed to treat the ensigns as boys, anl: it is not many years since ensigns twenty-eight or thirty years of age found themselves under a sort of dis cipline which required them to be aboard ship by nine o'clock at night. The ensign is necessarily a watchor e m n oficer. He never commands even the 3 smallest ship, unless everybody abo him is dead or disabled, a rare conti gency in time of peace. Sometimes he ." belongs to the wardroom mess, and sometimes he messes in the steerage, along with the naval cadets, the pay[': master's clerk and the like. Thisr: rangement is not so much for the skew : of emphasizing distinctions of rank ag-..' to enable the ensign, whose sea pay 'i. only from one thousand two hnndredto .; one thousand (our hundred dollars no- ? corling to length of service, to live more cheaply than it is possible to live in the : wardroom. Big ships have four or·_ five- ensigns and little ships uutal. ly two. Every ensign is a man' of good physique, fair techniceal edi tion, excellent mental training some social accomplishments. Oneo 2. casionally encounters in the ens8 tini ~' marks of a coarse, undiscelplined ana' .'- snobbishly mindful of the social leges belonging to his professaiowSai ,n of the rank that may one day be * distinction. One more often l - graceful, modest, well-mnnered. t man, patriotically proud of he,.-. fession and conscious that te obigai tion of courtesy anl mdnlidess rsts upon one who carries beneath his sim ple jacket the glittering buttbos of the admiral. Enthusiasts in-a h qtaeip4 tie commonly found in tes rare rein higher rnkfth 9it futurew lf;