Newspaper Page Text
THE GAZETTE. JsiDiPtiond Price, $r Per Year Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds iti:lossat's Jewelry Store. Jao. Comeaux and Dr. Amilcar -Martin, of Breaux Bridge, were in Lafayette Monday. Christmas and wedding presents to suit every-body at Biossat's. The reading public are informed that they can buy the principal periodicals and magazines at The Gazette News Stand. Elegant line of pipes in all styles and shapes at Biossat's Jewelry Store. Now that the cold weather has come to stay you need some wood or coal. Geo. DeBlaac will fill all orders promptly. When you get ready to buy your Xmas presents give us a call.-We have what you want.--Biossat's Jewelry Store. To Cure Constipattion Forev er Take Cascarets Landy i.athartic. toc. or l2c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggist refund money. If you have any papering or painting to do I would like to C. U. B. A. customer of mine. C. E. CAREY, Up-to-date painter. Zarina Violets, fragrant and sweet, at Caillouet's Drug-store. A rousing holiday trade for 1898, get in time for it and call at T. M. Biossat's Jewelry Store. There is no limit to the assort ment of fine bonbons, cakes, nuts, raisins, etc., at Moss & Co's. A large assortment of toy hooks and story books for the children, at the Moss Pharmacy. A chimney fire at Mrs. Jos. Plonsky's and one at Mrs. Revill-n's should serve as a warning to our people that it is advisable just now to engage the services of the chim ney-sweeper. Perfumes, the most delicate and lasting, at Caillouet's Drugstore. Solid Gold spectacles and eye glasses at Biossat's. Appropriate gifts for every nmeun ber of the family, at money saving prices, at the Moss P'harmacy. Don't Neglect Your Lcver. Liver troubles quickly reculat in serinous complications, and the mart w - zg'r's h' is liver has little regard for .Lr^i:ih. A "t I of Browns' Iron Bitters taks ,*: -, .'t- , will kcep the liver in tperit- .r" r. It' t .e direrw. has develcped, itrowi ' I o,:, ititt't r will scr. it pelrnsine;:tly. ,.lt t h: I+; d wisai;t)-- will" s ' is .. I'-K '. ist w,. Brown.s' Iron Bitter is sold by all d,,ilera. A visit to Biossat's Jcwelry Store will convince you that he citrries a col:,. .tc stock of pnio ls. Mr. Etnile Talbot and l1iss Leda Delhomme were married \V :,lnesday evening at the Catholic church in Lfayette. We have the pleasure of showing this season the most artistic and elaborate Christmas and wedding presents ever shown in Lafayette. T. M. Biossat's Jewelry Store. Educate your Bovels with Cas carets. Candy Cathartic. cure constipation for ever. so, 5L cents. If C. C. C. fail, drug gists refund money. The concert given Thursday night by the Lafayette String Band was a success, over $50 having been netted. The program was rendered in a very creditable manner. Neatly bound volumes of the standard poets and authors, suitable for holiday gifts, at the Moss Pihar macy. Sam Bendel, a former resident of Lafayette, was on a visit to relatives here this week. DeLahoussaye & Co. can give you just the kind of shoes you want. CD. A. Dimitry, the Southern Pa cific agent at Carencro, and Mayor George Melchoir, took in Cooper's show Wednesday night. DeLahoussaye & Co. keep Law ney's celebrated candies. Mr. Melchert returned from New " Orleans this week with a proposi tion from a firm of that city to fur nish the town with a zoo-horse -power boiler. The Council will consider the proposition and will iaccept it if practicable. Lieut. Moss' Address. Lieut.. James A. Moss spoke to a large and appreciative audience in Falk's opera-house last Tuesday night. At the request of the fire men Lieut. Moss consenteil that 25 cents be charged for admission for the purpose of raising some money to build a tower for the fire alarm bell. Lieut. Moss spoke about an hour and a half and during that time entertained his listeners with a very interesting narrative of the part played by his regiment in the battle of Santiago. He talked in a simple, unaffected manner and by means of several well gotten-up maps gave a clear and intelligible illustration of the assault of El Caney. He told of the splendid courage displayed by both the American and Spanish soldiers on that memorable occasion. He said that the last war had completely wiped out sectionalism and gave ex pression to broad and patri, 'ic ut terances upon this happy result of the recent conflict. We regret our inability to give a more extended notice of Mr. Moss' address, but insert below what he said about the negro soldiers whom he commanded upon the field of battle. W\e print this portion of the address in order that his position on this question be not misunderstood: When I graduated from Vest Point in 1894, the Secretary of War Sassigned rue to a colored regiment, the 25th U. S. Infantry, stationed at Fort Missoula, Mont. Being a Southern boy I did not at first, I must admit, like the idea of serving with colored troops, but I was a soldier and had received an order front a superior, and there was but one thing for mhe to do-obey! After having been with the regi tnent for a while I found the men to be respectful, obedient and good soldiers, and I liked to have such men under miy coru!mand. As you know, I went through the whole Cu(ban campaign in command of colored troops. I need not tell y ou how mean ificentiv our colored regulars fought-their gallant and heroic conduct is now a matter of history. I have been recommended for two brevets for my services at El Caney, and I can but feel that I owe these honors to some extent to the splendid fighting of the negro sol id:ters I that day commanded. Actu ated by a sense of justice, actuated by a sense of giving tulto every man what he earns, I have, therefore, never let an opportunity go by with out praising toy black soldiers for their gallant behavior on that occa sior.. It is merely "('Giving unto God the things that are God's ant giving unto Casar tl.e things that are Ce:sar's." If I should fail to give due credit to the men who dil not hesitate to follow wherever I lead on the field of battle. I would not myvself be a mnan-I would be a puppet atid you yourse!vt-s could not help from think ing less of tme and I could not blame you either. Do not, howet. r, mnisunderstand tmy sentiments on the subject, and judge me to be what is popularly known as a "nigger-wo ,rhipper." I would like to say I acit a tirmn believer in white supremi::cy, and there is no man in this hall to night; there is no man south of the Mason & Dixon line who would resent quicker than I any act on the part of a negro implying social or p,,litical equality, but if a negro does anything deserv ing of praise and credit-in the name of civilization, in the name of all that is good, honorable and just, give him what he has earned. Make it a point to see the pretty selections in holiday goods at the Moss Pharmacy. lHigh School Concert. The Pupils of the Lafayette High School will give a concert at Falk's Opera House at 7:30 o'clock on Friday night Dec. 23, for the pur pose of raising money to build a plank walk to the school. A very interesting and entertaining program has been prepared. rhe Lafayette Orchestra has kindly tendered their services. Admission, 25 cents. Fine candies at Caillouet's Drug store. Dan Burke and John Craig, two tramps, got into a fight over a tin can last Vednesda,-"&t a camp fire near the oil mill and cut each other pretty badly. Craig was cut in the back, chest and abdomen fecessitat ing the assistance of the coroner, Dr. A. R. Trahan, who dressed his wounds. Craig is doing well but is not yet out of danger. . It is well to keep Dr. Caillouet's Tar and Wild Cherry on hand. j Catholic WVint- r School of A mer ica, in New olri::e's. La.. The authorized announcement that Henry Austin Adams will give his first five lectures on Leo XIII, Bismarck, Gladstone, Darwin, an(d Tennysn, "the five great men of the Nineteenth century'" that Bishop O'Gorman will deliver a course on the just now very live topic of "'Church and State," and that Rev. Talbot Smith of New York will discourse on Literature, is an earnest o'f ''tle good time comiing" at the Catholic Winter School of America, which opens its fourth annual session at 'ulane I-lail in New Orleans, on February -6th, next, just after the Carnival pageants have been reuired. There are assuring prospects that the Winter School will be largely attend ed, notabilities in Church and educa tion being expected in unusual num ber. The railroads will give the cutoinary reduced rate and exten siou of ticket privileges. Mayor Harrison, supported as he was by the people of Chicago in his fight against the adoption of the or dinance extending street railway fraucnises for a period of fifty years without any adequate compensation to the city, has won a victory over the gang of boodle aldermen, who, it is charged, have been bribed to turn over the streets of Chicago to the street railway syndicate con trolled by C. T. Yerkes. A major ty of thirteen members supported Mayor Harrison in his fight and the defeat of the gang of ringsters in the City Council was so complete that Ino further effort will be wade to pass ithe railroad ordinance unless the municipality receives ample coi:,pen sation for the privilege granted to Yerkes and his associates.-Daily States. A fair will be given in the old church at Grand Coteau on the i8th, I9th and zoth of December, for the benefit ot the parish school. On the last night ot the fair there will be a Chlrist'nas tree for the children. Every evening there will be a the atrical entertainmernt by the stu dent of the college and the school children. The Holidays at Ca-trencro There is a movement on foot to have in the week between Christ nmas and New a fe.stival for the children a:.,li young people of Charencro, which will; it is hoped, be an occasion to be long remenl beredl for its gaiety and amusement. A noble Chri,timas tree, res-lendeiit with lights and tinsel, and beauti ful fruit in the shape of holiday gifts, will be arranged in St. Peter's hall, and the people of Carencro, and also those of the neighnoring towns who will join :herm, propose having a right jolly time. In order not to interfere with the fire side pleasures of either Christmas or New Year, it has been decided to have the affair between the two feasts on Wednesday night, Dec. 23. The tree will bear upon its branches gifts valued at 5, Io and 25 cents, thus suiting the pockets of alt that each may be able to plir chase a souvenir of the occasion. It is desired to make tihis event es sentially a children's festival, al)ppro priate also to the hailppy Christmas time and to the dawning of a bright and hopeful New Year. To this end the program of the entertain ment will be carefully prepared. There will be a little one on hand, Miss Teal Veazey, who will tell what took place on "the night be fore Christmas;" Miss Sarah Brown will give a recitation; the children of the convent will be trained by the capable s:srers for a drill ani a chorus; a veritable Santa Claus, round, rosy and jolly, will lend his pre-ence to delight the children so dear to his heart; eggnog, candy and fruit will be sold, and jollity and good-will to all, characteristic of this happy season, will prevail and all this on the night of Dec. 28, the Feast of the Holy Innocents. A feature of the Christmas tree will be a pleasant surprise in store tor a lucky few. In addition to the gifts drawn from the tree, a present may be hung upon its branches for a child or mother, or teacher, or friend, or perhaps something to gladden the heart of some poor lit tle one who rarely receives the good things of life. The person wishing to make the gift will take it to the mother superior of the convent who will put it upon the tree with card bearing the name of the donor, who will pay for the privilege of using metl:u,.t, the modest sum of ten cents. The t;. 'd friends of the Carencro people from the neighboring towns, who have on other occasions cor dially united with them and helped in their success, are invited to at tend, and as in the past the verdict has always been that of a pleasant evening spent, so Carencro hopes on this occasion to be able to make the sanme record. DIscas-,s or the mlood and Nervs. No one o..e -l suffer with neuralgia. Tlhis disease is quickly and permanently c.rrc by Browns' Iron Bitters. Every disease of the bliood, nerves and ',,nlach, cltronio or otherwo .-. su. o:.mbs to Browns' Iron Bitters. KIe-jwn anld used for nearly a quarter of a century, it stands to-day fore most among our most valued remedies. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm nname of Marsh & Cayret; has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due said firm have been transferred to Mimic Cayret, and all accounts due by said firm have been assumed and will be paid by Mimie Cayret. LEKENA MARSH. [MittME CAYRET. Lafayette, La., this 15th day of Decem ber, A. D., 198. TO TIlE PUBLIC: Having bought the interest of Miss I.erena Marsh, in the mil linery establishment of Marsh & Cayret, I will continue said milliney business in my name as heretofore, and ask the patronage of friends and the public. IRespectfully, tII.ItE CAYIRET. A Sure Thing for You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thing. hiliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand othier ills are causedl by constipation and ,1udish liver. Ca-:acrts Candy Cathartic, the w.on t-rful new liver stimulant and intes linll! tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; Io, 25, 50 cents. Sample and booklet free. MANY Christmas GIPTS. What Shall It Be We are offering a fine line of 1)II0D3AYI presents that will be a pleasmrit for you to inspect. At prices that are low. JOS. C. CAILLOUET. Tw'o AMillionls a Year. Vhen p.eople buy, try, and buti,y again, it mean; theyv're satisiced. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cath:brtic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulatoer, for everybody the year round. All druggists Io, 25, 50 cents a box, cure guaranteed. An Old Idea. Every day strengthens the belief of emi nent physicians that impure blood is the cause of the majority of oar disea:ses. Twcntmy-five years tico this theory was tned as a basis for the tirmultla t" 1 rowns' Iron Bitters. 'The n:n:y remarkable cu reseifeed by this fnous old household remedy are nifficiBelt to prove that the theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Notice. On account of liquidation of my black smith shop, on Jan. 1, 1809, patrons are respec tfully requested to settle accounts befote I ce. 31. FaRt) Mllou romN. Nrotice. As we desire to spend Chri;tmnas and New Year's at our h ines we have agreed not to open outr shops on those days. OLIVIER I.ANtrRY, JOtIN VANIEru OanIv, '1M. I.-:NA, JolIN GAntEL. Not Ice. IThe regular annual meeting of the share hohlcrs of the First National Iankl of Lafayette, to elect nine directors for the ensuin year, will Ie held at thie haiking house Tues lay, January moth, ISm)9, between thie hotur of 1i, a. m. andl 4 p. m. S. iR. Pns,\ImKrsoN, Cashier. Laf.syette, Iie., Dec. 6, ISq,). Notice. At a regutlar meeting of the hoarl of IDirectors of the F;:-It National Bank of l.afay,:tte, held thi day,, a semi-annual divihil I of four l,:r cent was declared, payable after January 1st. mS99. S. R. PARts:RsoN, Cashier. Lafayette. L.a., Ie)cc. 6, 1898. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No hbeauty without it. Casnarets Cnndy Cath artic clean )our blood and keep it cleat,, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, loils, Iblotches, blackheads, and that sickly bihlous c,0mllexion by taking Cascarets,--beauty fr ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranlteed, to, 25, 50 cents. FOR SALE. One hundred and nine-five acres of High Virgin Prairie Land itn La fayette parish, 2 miles South of Rayne. Bounded North by Bayou Queue Tortue. Address JNO. B. CHASTANT, Care Kl:ng Bros., New Iberia, La. SANTA CLAUS! We have had a visit from him and he has left us a complete line of toys, of all kinds, and prices to suit the tim,s. We can give you toys from 5 cents up; dolls of all kisids from 5 cents up; pictures frames from 5 cents up. A full line toilet cases, hanlkerchief boxes, cuff and collar boxes, albums, blocks, books and games. Japanese cups and saucers from 5 cents up. Also a fine line of dress goods, trimmings, capes, hats, shoes, etc. Give us a call. HOLT & CARTER, Next to Post-office, - - LAFAYETTE, LA. Cane Wagons. Closing out at cut prices. Fully guaranteed. Your last chance for a real bargain. A Full Stock Of Buggies, Surries, and Harness willl be closed out at low figures, to make room for our spring assortment of Plows, Cultivstors, etc. Come early and save money. L. LACOSTE, Hardware Jewelry % P. KRAUSS' Watche at New Store Next to M~OUTON BROS , All repair work skillfully and promptly done. Work Guaran- LAPAYETTE, LA. teed. A nice line of Spectacles. Doctors' bills - And other ills May be prevented by Wear ing good Warm clothing We have just received a corn plete line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 0 LADIES' FANCY 0 @ GOODS, HATS, @ SHOES, ETC. Also a fine line of GROCRIC~S, FRUITS iN.D CRNDIeS. Mouton & Hopkins. When You Vislt --- SCOTT Stop At Delhomme's Hotel, (North of the Railroad, near Depot.) Livory Stable in Connection With Hotel Transient Trade Solicited. P. A. DELHOMME, Proprietor. Mules for Sale! A. car-load of large, healthy mules for sale at lowest prices, now on Harry Durke's plantation near Royville. Mr. Durke will be in Lafayette every Saturday. FOR SALE. Sound, young horse. Price, thirty dollars. B. N. CORONNA. New Tinshop Near Leopold Lacoste's Blacksmith Shop , Copper, Tin and Sheet. Iron work, Pipe Fit. ting and Plumbing, Good work, prompt service. ISADORE BER. Sheriff's Sale C. C. Mabry vs. Robert S. Salsman Number 4047. S7th Judicial District Court, Parish of Lafayette, La. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued by the above court and in the said titled and numbered cause, and to me directed, I, the undersigned, have seized and taken into my possession, and will sell, for cash, to the last and highest bidder, between legal hours, on Saturday, Dec. 17. 1896, the following described proQelpeto wt: Three bales of cotton martad . S., ab , twenty barrels of corn sand a lot-od B. I A. Baouss*am, Sherif Lafayette Puis Lafayette, L., Dec. 3,. 8g.