OCR Interpretation

Claiborne guardian. [volume] (Homer, La.) 1877-188?, October 17, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064118/1877-10-17/ed-1/seq-4/

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SqhiL ,..---.,
E l mew;
am that been
m si d be last eat,
-snh emast pas,
he eeaMid r.,
S t very l e;
smu It Iee " We ace,
w ait er bsra,
to r mh frto chulge
the oham 5a5 l town,
T i w ho e' hisatiou,
Ul b I M oat intelient and Ue
eg sua wisae of every kind,
I. ashera to soM t e hlo
a* t.
The foethet a Plantation pub
lhs theo t lwditor valal dep ort
mat  by ol. John ede. Dt,,
e0ea l mt rm btelligent and ahow
megl 41t wise ' of eey fnfrs:,
Ay Nis was cantlooig abne*t
ash erep ofve aottm in ottou,
plitI et rues tou the saint
al welaot of the Indiooth. are
tatiesb to ithe estitor mdepart
u ha eae artlole headeiod "yo
sere farm,' wherein isv b own
maby eAl e so r of corn, faire
Nes rlat o ve o that ind otton
tim ia o fruit, vegetales an
sh s what catbeintob. d eon
hl amoso of ter m ledict areood
pdblMs as ruefvell not tb ay. mueb
agseble it the estimad o te made,
misan a kd t c wrtepe on fairve
ta g landsii0 The editorad irthr
amk a, et ttras that reeult with
th seWeset fm the rity gentlemen,
wh h everythingm to y toEven
thiagth tlatter ady getn a good
mdy Tos left at the end of the
les te n crilte might haveu. It
Afs M I the faruee that is ouni.
vating a eonr hundred two fadr
t aukg rattm his speral op.
TMeo advueanet farmingd and it ia
as r s any et tha twot, that the
Ie asthe ro ;re eand inou ford ty
f00 4 to "itiratE with hrsu lator
wit sy experience it can be
reaably done onl a tarn of twe
whomir etdone ona two butdred
Taim Iea Aem large enough for any
yream te ealdivte with bired labor
it he want to farm succsoC flly.
bsd ms ismc In impvins his pecial,
This brings them mor the sproduct dive
vie d iering, which I hadive aed
sanes he ancepation of tlavery.
Tae bmaer's capital now chiefly
Ssistn his farm and stock, and
hialatur It in imperving his lands,
nd Mking them more roductive
van ame vantaie every year. Thin
hia esly he done by diversiided
maps, mib atoA to alrnish him
masusre hit I he alows his farm to
IU bJane atdot tee productive,
hi m hesego diminiaehd, und
s b1ams fm l a mouh. A prori
dim beier wrl keep an eye to
Tis bI lds knowing that his
mui b e t psse pon their fr.
T ie fm re' les farmer will
susi4amu tWh It will take the
beisof msamt and most on.
histo Simtiliy aid keeping it
andlmin Oamtwo headred care
af wt te lta easb t evel oo d
marp a tesms to ealtivat it
P , yon ke of gooda ota fm
' hi pa eorlw, Ave I eed.
Amsu, ad tweuty S eep That
h _iLuk hri meh a eloed farm
tMl s pYdimert e ii deemed
m." Tole eok abould be
Slatm pesse of lkAhtp to
anu mel-- T- n eooahands
ag uisie as laborers. Ideda
bw Ie sm pro dpved plows
te h ie m Ia wad by a
ewe'rhe ad
have bera ia my euployie.n br
tg go o lof I di nps. 30 d
rJ aseam did d tesps sird
the dlotage of att; and with
out rotating the @op it is impos
sible to keep ap the rtlity of
landr or keap them from washing
or anll. Corn and wheat draw
man heavily from the land than
say erope we plant; or in other
words, they are the most exhausting
rops, unless it be sugar cane and
sorgham. Hesce corn or wheat
should never be planted on any
field but one year, when it ought to
be followed tor two years by some
other crops, say eats and cotton.
Let oata follow corn, and cotton
follow wheat, and corn follow oats,
and then ten acres for track farming
en be rotated after corU; but keep
your land under rotation all the
while, o as to keepl, it from running
down or washubing. Cotton is not
ebsausting to land as much as corn
or wheat, but the long clean culture
it requires subjects it to washing
trom raini even through the winter
mouths, for there is neither grass
nor weeds left from the clean enl
tore it reeeives to tie the land
together and prevent its washing.
A prudent farmer keeps anit eye to
the preservation and builinldig up
his lands, and to do so he must
adopt aiversiled crops} and tihe ro
tating system.
Again, no farm can be made self
sustaining and a succa" WTthnt
raising all the supplies needed upon
it. Your bread, your meat, your
milk and butter, your vegetables
and stock of all kinds mont be the
product of your farm. If you do
this, fifty acres in cotton will give
you opore money of your own than
t, one thonsand acres in cotton, and
no supplies raised; and how muclu h
more cheerful andl prosperous a farnm
looks, when we se growing upon it
it corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, turnips,
g clover and jasses, a tine gardlent
t. and fruit orchard, and to see fine
I. horses, colts, calves, sheep, hogs,
t and poultry of all kinds. That looks
.1 like farming, and what farmuig was
n intended to be; and when you see
*e such A farms, yon will aucertain that
u its owner is a free and intldependent
man, lives in comfort; all around
i him lihve ootented; his cattle are
all fat and sleek; thrift tail pro
perity are all around him.
Such is the only farmer that pros.
persn and why? becaumse he in the
ir true farmer that nderstanld lhis
business and tn i actording to thei
h rules of fiarming--he don't mako
SIfarming a speculation, but ihe makes
it a practical asucess, relyinig on his
d farm for his auplport atnd income;
h antd all who will adopt and pursu e
a such a conrse will make ftarnming
, prsmperous. Farming must be diver.
. sitled-all cotton and no grailn,
o grass, stock, poultry, anl garden;
neglected, will break any tarauer
that farms on mach a system.
S-- ----ý"
e VIorNIA ('rutlc'KE.-The Vir
ginia way to cook a chicken is as
tollows: The fowl Is to be killed,
l plucked, and oviscerated in the
0 shortest Isssible tinte; on nto ac
t count is to be washed, hbut it utistl
b1 e wiped dry with a tl('hetml lupkinl,
ancut into six pairts-the breast,
n the two wings, the back, and the
two legs. The whole is then to be
thrown into a frying-pan with but
ter, cream, uttsllh (small cakes of
Indian-meal dough), the hiolt, to lk'
y done before the flesh loies its natn
ral heat, ad tl e ft3intg-pan and
contents must hie heated in advance:
to receive thle chicket. -
r OITnoot '\:ii- EwA-uuNo. -
Y" Slack lime in the usual ei a; mix at
y handful of thatr a itll cold water,
d taking care, to have no luitips; then
SIpour on boiling water until it be.
e comes like common starcht; lumr it,
is while hot, into the slack-ed lime;
d add one oandtl of clhiting tind tao
n ounces of powdered borax; stir all
0 well together in a bucket.
d To iAARPIEN ScOHR,.Ra.-..Take a
coarse sewing needle and hohl it
o firmly between tihe thumb and fire
is nger of the left hand; thaln take
r the acissors in your right hand, alnd
I cout them smoothly aindl qnuiekl\
c from handle to point. The dtlle-tr
scisors, nnless they are emtirely
P worn out, can soon be sharlcued in
a this way.
It- - -
Pe 8poG (t KEa.-Two eupls sugar,
t two cups flour, four teaspoonfuls
it baking-powder, fonr eggs, ote rup
Sbol1ing water. Mix the eggs, sugar,
I loar, end baking powder thorough.
t ly together; add the hoiling water
a stir quikl; put into pans atd bake
immediaty. If desired to be very
S moist bake in a "quick oven."
4 Come Up-sand--Bettle.
I Ase a asIttbr of Aaosau s ande
g odf the Paurish ecorder for werk
I. I9f 1 e. These laiss an
,g O'ABB WORK, sad s"ould hae
d w. k, the work was dose.
d The as metly sall, sad those
U ,,r Ir- . . lM IseL.
say. J. A. PAltlEL, Pason.
Tulip COalhl- FI UIna Ia each
m th', at ii o"'cl, . a. lHewd'aChartcb
Prrvtcoee m. day as above, at 33p. a.
Homer--Fcond and Fourth Sundb y i
each month, at 11 u 'cl'k. a. m.. sad Second
Sundays ast p. i. Arizonla-T-'rd Sun
day, at 1 a. m., and p.m. Williams'
Chapl--Fwth Slniday, at 34 p. m.
Ryleesville (IreIt.
Rzv. J. II. RTONE, PaqFtn,.
Colbnatt-Firat Sabbath, at I1 o'el'k a a
Oray's Chapel-Firt Sabbath, at 3 pm
White Hal--Second st a in
Crystal SpSis teem " at 3 pm
IIayntuville--Third at i1 a m
New Saleu--Third at 3 pI m
Mt. Zion-Fonrth Rablath sad latnnlray
iabon Cirealt.
Hlarnlolny-First abblath at 11 u'el'k a mn
l.ianlHn-Virat labbath. * 3 " p at
Sbithb-mSend allabbeth, " 11 a m
tlumcwrlielol-Third labbath, II "a in
Alabama-Fourth Sabbath, 11 a" s
(lafberue Clrelt-let>hdit Protestant
ev. I. 1P.P. W= M , D. D., LL D, Pasr.
Flat I.ick-Firnt Sabbath, at I1 a m
('lirryv' Su'b Ilo--Firs " t at pat
niulmUi.rtiueluid- oeold " at 11 a II
ick.ory Grove-- ' . at 3 p m
ntate l.ne--Santluray b4flre Th; ,d
talhhath. 'nit Il it an
';ttnlnh,--Third SIlni, at ,. u 11 I rn
Ahaly Gr.vt. -i'tir'h .t lhathi, tit II i tli
CAMP MILETINI i at riltly 4r: r, lit -
g;l+ T',ur'wUi.% h, f i r t.- !'lth i :slts.ith il
TIlE: ANNI'I. ('NFERliNi'E of the.
Arkn.n,, nt.d I ,laiinlal 1istri.t, M',tho
tul.t I'rnt.tant ('hinrht. till ctunve.n. at
Slimly Grove.' Ulilturne iparil|,l. Li.. Thnrs
diay Itwfre. tihe' T'lird Stjabbath iun (t,~otr,
147, at to a nm.
Rruv.J. T. I)tAVIIIt)N prea.hrl at flo.
nler, lot antl :d Sahlathlh of eI:, h mtll-lh-
At Mii.ndenl, :d tSitlllath o(f uachl lnintlh
At Athenat, 411 snlhhath of each tuuuth.
RI'EDIIr t I'Vlt'.BY lYTE.fY Imn.ltl at
l'r.il yterian ( hl , it itl IHlin er, Thur-,al:y
o'clowk. p. n. I)lwninig atintun by Rv.
A. . BlatinkL. Mallrat.r.
Cuamberlaaid Prutbyterlan.
lEx'. (I. N. ('.LAMIi'T jir,-cbh. Ito Nit.
,I'll aus t (olngr tati n, I., miles north of
i1ltHter, "d Sittth nit ieach mloth.
Rrv. S. S. SMART pro.ache 1. ) Salehl
Cou ngregatI :lt Niabbathlillt inll each monllth
and Salttnlay Itfore.
at ltau t'hrh urit mtiit at Silem,. emtnl.l, Iluy
l4th Sabulath in Octolr.
Wl.lolaory Baptist.
Itt'a. J. W. IMEI.T IN, praclu at l('iial
SIlltrilg, gIl Sabbath in ath onllth andi
'li artiurlat latfor-At Sitlulli, niar I.tiinut,
4th Siala lll f af(t h litmoith and at lnturl:l
Ihtol,--.\t Iluwlsi., iln the :ll Sabbath andll
a Satulllr)ay ii fi. ill of ealch alnlth..
lrv. A. II ARIl pr.iche lit Antiiiwh,
loit Sabbath of each umauth-At RIok)
Springs, :4it ,,ilbatah t i f 1intl t11 th unill
aturlnlayv ltihre-At N.ew Frienid*hip, 4tll
P iabbath iof acth moiuth and atunlray l.ce
Et'. W1. C. MOIRE.I.ANl prearnh at
Athenla, I1t S:abllhath in each tlUutih uudl
I aturdlnay wfor..
Primllle Baptist.
R.v.. iM. t'. AIIKEt ipreachesllat I.tat
iont. Ist Sabath oif iach tnlluth-At New
iaulsllh, 1 Sahlltultllh Iof t illh lnullnth.
Rtv. It. It. liitWARI) plrathl ait Mt.
'ltartlon.:ti S:abbath of each milonth-At Au
tith tth Sabltath of cach month.
Itr,. T. J. taSTERll I'ri.hieii alt S1itm.
tuertu. Id. It Sabibat ht in eacih miiuttih.
Itr . E.. \. NIUTltlfI' prIwher at t'n.
itll (ir m.. iix tuilt northof Ilinl.r. t'ihtihe
Mhind,l and Et.hlinle real, :hi A.sthburh of
ea, h tonth alnd Saturday blef-re.
Arrivals and Departanes of Mail.
Homer aced Iireana.
li),parta daily, excctpt Sundayt . at 7 A Ni
Arritvte . at e8 PI'
lHw,,er and F;armerrille.
l Illrta Tit lelay anlid Frida-y. at 1 P' 3
-rraive " '" at I2 .1
lome1r ald .11/..nbi,,
t, part Fri~ut-i, at il .A i
Arrive S itrllay, at , IP M
H~amr itnd Eldorindao.
tltparti Tiu,.mtita. at 7 A M
Arrlra Wt'clriwtal"t. at 5i PF M
H,,-.r and Hatye.rille.
,,parts Tltuetdayt , at 6 A M
Arriv,.a at 6 P M
Iln,'r ad .imlder.
1all~iarti Mlzttlda, itt Ii A I
p artlc Wahdty, at 1"2 .
Arrive. Ntaturdly. at 1 .M
Flmer" and it. rl.an ,a.
Itleairt 'Trhulluav, it 41 AM
Arriv's " at 7 PM.
Molaii (Ordlcr ullrll- f.itlll A . . to 4 I'. It.
Pitl (tric , lttu·t o tllidniu. at If A, M.t
Mailrk lint lt. f all htuna,-r irt departure.
1). W. IIAhittlS, P. N
We will pay the Petage aid etud
Which i lean tbsan Two Certe a Week hb
the Year. Addrrv
SPaUk Row, New York
Publbishr, THE WORLD,
3 Park Row, New York.
Iaeteamd Ld ONRE DOLIAR Ibr
T111 U ELl WOUL*
NPe etell, hore.
A.a.. , T.. ............... .. ..
Ag u, Inlu ·rri Lv' "
aN----- -u---Y - I
leuot. mroees, LOUIS A. WILTS,
eetarty eof tate, W. A. BTWONO,
Attrne General, H. N. OODEY,
Ast. " J. C:. EOAL,
Auditor Pkb. Aete., ALLEN J'MEL.
Treasunrr, A. 1)lJUCLET,
op. PuIr . Educstion, R. M. LUT'HER.
S Nupreme Courts
Chi.f Junti"e, T. C. MANNIN(,
As.-iatei+. W. . FIAN,
A. Drli).ANC,
s'nited Statre $enatpr, H. M. SPOFFORD.
J. B. ElH8TIS,
Rcprn.se.tative, .th Dim.. J. E. LEONARD.
11th Judiclal D|itrlets
District Judge, E. M. GRAHAM,
Attorney, A. BARKIDALE.
0th Seuatorial Districts
renator, A. B. (SEORfcE,
Clalbere Pariah:
Representative, JOIIN YOI'NG,
.IAt. J. DUKE,
Parish Judge, N. J. SCOTT,
Diut. Atty. p. t.. DRAYTON B. H1AYES,
Clerk Dist. Court, DREW FEHRGI.RON
.heriff, II. W. KIRKI'ATRICK,
Reaorder, J. II. RAMIE:Y,
'I ax A1 . s .r. A . II. I.E ,I'E: ' It.
I aisu.,, Tr,.a rer. .1 I. II. ,-IiM iN .
• ' h y' t , ,. W '. W . . R1 . 1'( K IFE .
',,n 1o- , It. W. I. ti'(IM .'
t.1J tn :-oa rt it1. RI.
1, J..I A.I) 'la .,
u , J. T. "otI NElt.
:o.V, SV. COi'ELANI),
1. E. W. 'o(X.
.5, 1A. L. ATKINS,
, . JF. FOtTRD.
-,11. A. JEWIIS.
Clerk of Huar ,, It. 1. II.1LRISON.
WAr d of f ichol Dlrect:r:
W'r. .r t ,' Iti t,. ('..A . CAR ;II,.E.
( ,untahl.. M .M. h1' )N'.t .l.
W ard J..l -i, i.". I ). A. S1 11ITII.
S-nelailt-. WV. W. ANI{E:RS4º\.
W.r 3. IE.Ih,nt, i .T N. TA IK I.IN.
I 'ointab , .oIf II (IHo lier N.
('IA TItah A ..,
W1trd :, .1,,1 . ,.. ";. W . IIE('K.
(',ustabl, 4;. W. W.tA.KER,
W\a:rd li..hls.,, W. C. KNIIlIITEN,
Contable. .. .ETII I)OLLEMAN,
Ward 7. Juti's', S. Y. I;I.AI)NEY,
('rk o n .ta e, J. r. O " ,' I
Jr. F. MrOR I ANIrt.
Ward l ,. Jistie.,.i. I A. J. 'f.IT C ihI. RS,.
t ,,it taile. R.T. .Me I.E tDON.
bloard of Si eho.ol Directors.
J. W. NIUHol.ON, A. M., l'r.st..
Jil.. S. Y. WEi,. .' v..
I,. J.F.MI E IkR.. J(HIN ('I )K.
'ti I. J. . t1\ot' t; , lEtR E )AVIS,
W. J. . CLIS., wit T.A.RKINTON.
Town of Homer:
Mayor, TJ. 'ii:. t l'SON,
M,.' Nal, MAiRTIN NAI.I.E.
Awlle'tmJ, M.Ri . BRYAN
" li A. WEIIU ,
" iiA. '. JONES.
r. J. RI. HDMEY.
hlerk of ioanrd, i. Du. IHARRIM)
Trcrer. NeD.W. W. ARRIS.
Jary ist for October Term Dhti. Court.
i'ntoti, Iof oisii . Parish of ClBaibr.e.
O N this It,. 111h day of. hnly. I177, w e, the
th,. nite , -igned ('on tinnioer", ptro -
atr to :i .\,t r.hntiv, to Jurors,. m. tat the
(.',rthouel in the tow oll f ht,' "r to dr.,.
the g.1 ,erasl .lni{.i rcno to s, rve at the,
retular term. of the it lt Coulrt iu and
for the Wlrish ofu aihorne, uit  nTing
net. lei.g the l.5th day of said month,
fir, t week Wto i a Tt:
Wilder, .hhn uei.. NthYan
Kight'n.1 1 It ih'eu .. J1
Adkins, 1. C C Noletn..nhn,, G
Flea.veno, J W jr BIro, C II
Wafer, Troup e Keedy. S C
whrv. J Pter C'ano,. T
King, \ W Edmorand, W B
Will, GL . Smith. .1 .1
Spaks. W T Tiykn, A IH
N,.l,.s , A .1 Daui,'l. Arthur c
Tippit. J A lIarrow, A W
WHnater, W D Sime, I At
Heard, S A e (leveland. R I
)wrns., anes Nelson. Wh J
.hoh,,,,nn. M J Price, Thonia
Wise. TA Sheppard, W D
(Poir, T l I Barrow, W .
l'hiplw, Isaiah Mc('ilin. It B
AlehunAer, Ruht O'Bakon, J r de
artwtr. T J MvAdaes. R E
Kendrick, J 8 Davin, a W c
s DEmith. W W 'tIO, P . C
Oter. Isp. t McAdam. b, .J M.
W D, J B BrCown, IN D. C.
uto- wuhc.
Smith, e a b Wi r, G
Wilder, J B Ramay, J Kr
Feaheton, w. H imalsford. E II
Poohl. T W Wtn
--' ML s. .
The servant of no man and she slave of so
party, it an afford to and does tell the
truthI about all.
PENDENT. Believnllg I is atellient ei
frage, it aims to farubish oters the fallet
and fairest Inlarmetou,'to qualify them for
the wisest discharge of their respoesalbity.
quarreIl n the fnturet as it has done ia the
pIast, with errors of tepbliea leader or
cI rrnptious in the Repnblioan party; bat it
can nmever cease to be true to Republiean
pa luiples, and especially to those golden
doctrume of civil service refers, hard
money, the mactity of the National faith,
and equal Jnstice to all classes at the Borth,
which fua aael the corner-stone of President
Htayre's admirable letter of acceptance.
ELEVATED. The family circle is never
profaned by anything which appears in
the columns of ile. Tinau.v.
presented in its columns, including Cor
r-.pnLdeUoe, I'Puen, stories, anuI Reviews
from the tRost talented anl popular writers.
"I it. Wvvrt'I.Y T'Iuir'N has dtone inure to
nI tk g," t;,rl, ais thanl any o:ler itlu
ec i e I r r .exiatstl."
tatinit't are indispenanle to every buyer
and mtlltr inl the country. tjaatitions are
given daily and weekly of .almost epry
I article Ihonght and sold in the markets of
the world, and with unvr3 ing and almost
intf.llible a,.curacy. Its CattlePBntter and
('ht'ese andi other Markets are the recog
nized atandalrt.
VIII.--MORI: COPIES of Tha Tatar'tsa
aere paid for and read by the Ameriesa
people than of any othaer newspapwr of
?ertsl 'arice in the rcnntry-a fart which ins
the Itwit detnostratntion of the value of the
IX.-TIIE READERS of Tie: Tusat'N
Sre,.reenut lurgely the test enterprising sal
progressiv•e ai:tInd of the country. Perusia.
- who  an intearestedl in pure Imlitica, the ad
vance of science, anl the progreass of ofln
ion, will ind their demands met by THE
PERITY have rewarded the independent
and wlf-tre"apectful course of Tin: TuaintE.
It has a larger and stronger eorpe of earnest
workers among its friends than ever he
foire, nfid eontantly receives from old and
new readers worls of encourageonent.
(IPaoTAr.ii FIRtE T TiE n.SCRIBiF.R.)
DA.I.Y--(ly mail) one year........$10 00
nEMI-WEEKLY-Oue year........ 3 t()
Five nopien, one year.............. I2 50
Ten cnopiae ( and one extra)one year 25 00
WEEKLY-One year .............. 2 00
Iive copies. one year............7 i00
Tel caopies, one year ............. 12 .t'
Twenty coli.. onerar ......... t2 pt
Thirty ropies, one year.......... :I (KI
Each pWesn prrturing a club of tent or
taare stnalcribers is entitled to oue extra
a'tl'kl. ta antd ot' fifty or more to a SEMI
To clergymen TilE VEEItI.Y THIItsNEt:
will tbe rnt one year for $l1.* ; Tile Smnl
. Weekly for 8'l50, and Tte DAILY for $0P
"specimen copies free.
ri Agents and Canva'ntara wanted in
a.every town, . ith whom liberal arrange
tI etis will be nade.
!t'All remittance" at sender's risk, tan
less by draft ,on New York, postal order, or
irn rtgistercie latter.
4177. NEW YORK. 1877.
The different edlititn of Tier Sen dur:
ing the. year 1'77 will be the atmne as dur
thg the year thant has just palted. The
Lly editilion will on week dayS. th a sheet
of four pagies; anti ont Stntavs a sheet of
,ight pages, or 56 broad colrmtus, while
the we klv edition will be a sheet of eight
Ial;l''es of tihe smaltel ailmention. and charac
ter that are already famniliar to our friends.
Tuit :UNE will rtoltitiue to hb the stren
nlllus advot-t" of refornt and reatrctnclrIhelt,
:and of thlae tlabsatittttion oa-f atatestnsauhip.
wi*drn. nnd integrity for hollow Iltetence.
imaecility. anudfratt in the adniiuistra
tio, of public afflars. It will coutend fo
the goveranaint of the people by the peo
Ite itInd for the Ia'plle, s oplposed ta govr
trimc.at by frauds in the hsballot-bot smld ill
the copnting of votes, enforced by milita
ry vidlence. It will endeavor to supply
its r(adlrs-a bod) now not far frant a
million of souls--with the must caretuil.
emnplete, ansut trntworthy accounts of enr
rent evt ·t5, and will employ ar thin par
Ime a t numeront amraarefully selected
staff of reporters and corresponadents. Its
rportet from Washlton, especildl-,
fI u bull, accurate, an ferdti; and It
will deabhdeom coatiane to deserve and en
joYv the hatred of those who thrive by
plundrriug the Trenslry or by usurping
\hat the law does not give them. while it
will 'ndeavor to merit the conlldence of
the public by daefemnaing the rights of the
p'ople against the eneroachmenuts of un
The price of the daily St.n will Im ftaS
oents a month or So 50 s yea r, pest paLd.,
or with the Sunday edition 7 70 a year.
The SUNDAT edition aloon, eight paes,
$1 l0 a sr, postpd
The WSguZt~w eigo t p of
broad colmn1m will tst hhdd rt
t-i at the r  ! •year, 
The benefit orth I nsj.~
the previous rate for i WaNLY eas he
enjoyed by individual mhsrtllare withot
Sthe necemity ot maling ean l it. At the
same time. f my ef eor e~ ao hee to
aid in exteudtas eow elranhti., -eW
be graleftl to hem, sa eg mebs -
mae who sade os tea m ir tlas
em one plse will he dMiie" to w~s s
of thle paqer for himself ul a~
At one dollar yar gald, the
peases of oadjmmqag we has*
raid; sa s e n et "
Wet t heee the s i-a -
- ew T CsyL 'y.
I.l n r
- --A
aEssELY w PaearPsa,
rPreasn as
l.erMA, Lal. ma,
s. D. WA*RISOl .
The publication of the OrAaasix ibs
gtn under the most favosabie eltem
stances. Its fsancial stemding isases
to no other country paper Ina s e.
Merna. McCaumx and laZNoas, tw eof
the most saveet men ha the pari5
antecing its publaicae a a a
the Pl'rpeeets. The subhsripton oo al
resdy numbers over 400 names with set
factory assarances of a large ktsees.
An regards its literary merits, its mslectie
will liw of the choicest sand most Melvt
kind, culled prom the leading
magazines and news
i'alt'r of the day.
We confdently saticipate doubling oa
circulation within the nezt twelve
months, thus offering to
Usefulness and ProAt.
The Pubilsher, with an experikace of ovr
Can guarantee the printing, in the vel
best style, at &hrolistise e At
That may be entrusted to hei.
Cbarges Low: Terms Cum.
To thote who adverhti by thLy i
It ii latesd to emh
A? Per hr

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