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MARBIIE YVEi'ORT,... LC.. U... UISIfA } -AL8SO-- Wronght Iron Fences which -**'p to brIaK or istone foautdatiut, and n kin-is ofr Ornamnttal Iron work 16r niltldings,uch as Coluantns, Vora uinah.Crestinga.,Fin ial s, Weather Vanes. Amierican ud Itallnii DES0IU8 FURNI EDON APPLICA fN.. c MION ENTS. ' We guarasnt to sell uarble chape, L thin any otle rmiti. Oet our prices b! rt Ii ling. ,rt ersby utnail prnompt ly ut1.ndeti to. J. Il I)OWN5, Mannger, " A~areveprt, La. PROF'ESSIONAL CARDS. I0IOMER, LA. lUa permanently located in Homer noil rraspect fully aolicita the putronaged tho Itlttiic. It Otlice tip stairs, over the old tUnardian oIYc". ýR. G. A. HARPER, -D rz0 NTIS TT 'I oiEIt, LA. Oflire Houra-Q a. in. to 12 mn, and 2 p. tut.u& P" Ut. r K$' Ofcle over U(. (. Gil's store. ' 1?. P. WEB B, ATTOIINEY-IN-FACT an1d 1 otri'y Public, an ReE1a Estate Agent. SInsrnp utlcn4 i readlrtateofev (dºýMripti jil so rtprcwnt Thu V Fir srnnee Agency SthL coullectiun > Practicing Th~I~i ' Justiceof thePeace Ward 4Otlce fl:,t side eldnr ~wor othA MeCtr 'i4e brick corner-rear uf J. E. 11oore's law office, lIotmd, IJJ *. N. Busa, N. D. A.Jl GYAns, M.D IkSH A.G LADDEY. ysicians and Surgeons, HOMER, LA. Wiuly tendtr thlfr services to people of Hoenn'r amtol ebty. Will S nc coajointaly wi6thut ebtri J. B. .MOOUE, . T1O ,E'V-4?' LAW, MOMiER, WL, Wl i ri¶seties in the so srla Unicua and -4 RICIIARD8Q~, 2. ;·.MO R.Tj $1. Official of Zlaiorrie 'rarish .'r VOL.1. HOMER, LA,, FRIDAY 0TOBE E x,1888, Ii ---._ - -__ _ __ _ _ _ lLargest Retail Establishin ent in North Louisialla -o BEN HOLZMAN -DEALER IN Dry Goods, C1othin, Furnishin ,Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats. headquarters for Ladies' Misses Mild Children's Underwear, samples of same mailed on applica tion. Orlaers in all depairtmnnts will recrive prompt andl careful attentilon. When Visitf i g our city we wouldl h ilieaield to hivc you call and t nku a look through I our nuuenue ecstablilshment, Nos. 2O and 222 Texas Street, SIIHREVE PORT, LA. W. P. THEUS&CO., DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING,BOOTS, ISHOES,IIATS AND * First Rouse South of Depot, Arcadia, Louisiana. LOWEST prices given on Goods. Don't forget to call on me when you come to' Araudlin. I will muake it to your intcreut. I hIighlmut prices paid for Cotton »nad all kinds of Country Produce, andl. the LOWEST pricees given on good.4. Don't fotrgeL to call on me when you cJno to Arcadia. I will umn e it t.r your i:tcrest. The LONG0 and SHORT of It i that Economical People will Always go to - J. A.W1TTER- --FOR THE BEST BEANDS QF iskey in bond at the lowest nd better Liquors than has competition in qmulity and * MITEH. -: ;.-_ DEALERS IN IAlIAGRlNRI CIICI51I Nos. 8, 10 and 12 Spring Street, 8HREVEPORT, - - LOUISIANA. Manufacturer's Agent For al Plantation 'Supplies Brown Celltot ains, Allvm's Cotton Presses, Amea Engite, Coleman'. Mills, Victor aen,.. 31 1, 8trasb Mills, Ascrp Pflree, Coleman'. Pressue, R. . masmcted.Palat, Coos Evaporortor Jones Wageo beries. GReat Western C(ae Mills FaU Line of Blacksmith and Ca nter's Tools. ·rp Wago Wagon Work Nall, Heavy Sbe.f and Builder's Hardware, Catlery, Imp P'ip. sad lttsjug*, Engineer's Stzppliu., Bolting, Gam Packing, Gordage, Barb Wire, &o, &oe -DEALER IN-. I0 S gi'rg OE 3pQ:A·D LJOtfS S 1E kLsS GODS ·, a-l~i s:·~ SPETITE ANSE ISLE. A Queer Island in Southern Louisiana and Its Marveloas Salt Mine. Apparently without cause there rises out of the marsh lands bor I dering the gulf of Mexico, west of the Mississippi river, a cluster of r hills, forming what is known as Petite Anse Isle. It is the only high land to be found in die south ern phrt of Louisiana, and it will always remain a wonder that such San elevation should appear in so .unexpected a place. To realize that it is an island is hard until ~ one tries to approach it, and then, ' especially if the wind is in the right dieetion, tofloodl the marsh es with gulf water, you will think it the islandest island you ever saw. There is but one way of reaching it, and that is by a dis located plank road, some parts of which are buried in the mud while in places planks linger patiently about fluctuating with the tide. It is an exceedingly pleasant sen sation which one expl;eriences when the 'nigh" horse all but disap pealrs, in some unforecep aligator "wallow," eseciallay as the road is narirow and a deep canal flanking either sidle wails to receive those unable to keep the straight and narrow way. Not content wvith the absurdity of its ilation, Petite Anse is ;von dlerful in its composition. Dig down anywhere twenty-seven or i thirty feet and you will strike white salt, 99. per cent. pure, the purest found on the face of the globe. Dig down two hundred feet and you will still find salt, and when you have dug thus far 'you will know as much about the extent of this big salt rock as any ape. Possiblylt extends two hun dred feet deeper, but no one knows. Twenty-five years ago Deacon Keller, as honest an old darkey as ever served a -master faithfully, was sent down into an oldl..well to clean it out, and in so doing struck hias saideag isT :ock, whi&c. proved to be salt. To-day the Av cry brothers, owners of the Petite Anse Island, receive a royalty of fronm $60 to $100 a day from 'the New Iberia Salt Mine Company, and Deacon Keller is "At yo' sar vices, sah. I'se a po' ole man, but I'm trabbling de road to Zion mighty libely." The main shaft to the mine is 190 feet deep, radiating from which are several immense canv erns varying in height from 10 to 60 feet, grottoes with solid roof and walls. Do not expect the walls to sparkle. The miners' lamps have smoked until a scrf has formed which shuts in the glittering salt. Only where a blast has been made recently does it look pure. It is a mine that can be visited in a very short time satisfactorily, there be a little va riety to the salt, and nothing to watch but the minei's working with drill and pick by the light of th4 little lamps they wear in their caps, or the lights which twinkle in the distance, or g. flitting by in a stectral manner. Altbough the guide assures you that the roof is sufficiently thick to pre rent its caving, and that, even should it- fail, you will be well pre- served, it seems good to be shot up the shaft in the elevator to the pure air. A conglomeration of buildings of' well-assorted sizes and shapes, most of them filled with an endless variety of wheels and chains and belts and pulleys, constitute the mills. The'salt is first hoisted to the top of a high tower from whbce, it goes down through a series of crushers and sifters, finally to be bagged up on the main floor aind loaded into the cars. Buildings and workmen are well seasoned, cloudsl of fee salt filling the air land giving every 'thing a hopryjr apperance; and ev en outside tihe mJl clouds of salt 1ll the air, killigpr stunting reg etation inthe imsediate neighbor if od.-Oesrt: iayigga (Rpae,.) Evety penetaent tatte of maind Is IAZ i~tl7 :h o-.4;t Poverty often (leprives a man of all spirit and virtue. It is hard ia for an empty l:g to stand up* right.-Franklin. e One man is spending all the r- I money he can earn in taking a girl tf to the theatre and sending her >f flowers, in the hope that he may Is evenitrally make her his wife, and y his neighbor is spending all the i- gold le has saved to get a di 11 vorce. o A Hint to I)Dairymen. e A Wisconsin dairyman reports i his experience in this way: When 1' the keeping of his cows cost him $20 a year each, he mnade no profit on them. lie increased the cost of feedwg to $25 a year and made a profit of $13 71 each. Inereas ing the cost still further to $33 Sper year, hie netted $14 33 profit on each cow, and last year, the feed costing $43 each, the profit was $534 30; the profitincreainig much more rapidly than the increase in the exlpense. This remarkable in crease he does not attribute whol ly to feed, as better care and bet r ter knowledge of the business had Ssomething to do with it, but the Sfoundation was better feeding. e Thelre is food for thought in the Sfigures given above, and the re sult warrants experiments with Y which danries are not now pnaying as theyshould.--Ani-ccan Stock r 'matt. C The "Prominent Citizen." e SWhen individuals and masses of I a community find theltselves day ' after day and year after year face to face with a fellow citizen who C is doing nothing, has never done lanything and never propses (10 - ing anything except to stand a round in an eloquently impressive Sly style, they naturnially go to work to utilize him. Sometimes they 'make him the chairman, president or secretary of varlions olrganiza tions, and again they make a kind oistitor K eire of him, working - hima into matters'o< '^"o<ial or p0 e litical nature. In the course s f time he becomes a necessity, alnd whenever anything is to be done 'it is generally given up that the case is hopeless unless the promi 'nent citizen can be secured. Age 1 deals gently with this popular fa-, vorite and the younger generation 1 3gradulally 'come to look upon him as a man who could have climbed I Sthe dizziest heights of fame, but ¶ whose modesty and public spirit led him tb voluntarily turn over all the prizes of Ilife to his fiiends. -Atlanta Constitution. ! Laughing Gas instead ~of Ice. t One bright May day of last year South Side man took a jumping 5 toothache to a dentist's. After the pain was relieved he spent an h bour in looking around among the curious and ingenuious instru F ments. Particularly was he in- 1 r terested in the arrangement for ad ! ministering the nitrouisexide, or * "laughlnag gas," as it is more pop ulturly called. He noticed the for 3 mation of ice particles caused by the intense cold pro!duceb by the I evaporation of the gas, and it re called the almost forgotten physics of his high school days. He thpught about the matter r and then invested $4 in an iron I cylinder containing ?00 gallons of I the gas-in condenesed form, of I course. Taking this home; he , cleaned up' his old ice box of .t-e I summer before and built up the I gas cylinder underneath. He I made connection with the ice box I through a short copper pipe and I regulated the supply with a stop cock. Then he provided for a free circulation of gas through the box, and with a gimblet bored a couple of escape holes. Then he - tas ready to test its efficiency. A I box of strawberries left there over - night was found next morning fro - zen solid;. Then he gave his stop J. cock a twist and diminished the supply. That was better, and in a few days the refrigerator was in I. good working order. It was neat, .. lewa , and needed little attentlon, ~ sti it4s - mt s jrs e eatonerthird the siie that had beea used ,I ('tiltle lit t~ni:: zrnýb.lg to~gf S.t ý,tgt i'y 'Tlhere was, however, nlw:avs n c.lent (Of mvstetrv altL.)it tlhese Iherds o e:tlctle. There w4e times C wýhen the gentlest oldi family cow rI Iccnme frigtfu1. So i etimes, ' when lying under a little tree, my F horse feedinu at my side, I would d hear a wil( savage roar, a IlonZ c driawn, powei ful, r:ucous nole. 1 ending with .n upward bnrst, in stantly to be followed by ot liher and fiereer roars. I spring into the snddle, for I Iknow what that means. Some restless 'ranging s - steer has found a trace of blood. n Looking out on tho praliie, I ice the herd running swiftly toward ithe solitary warrior, who, with nose held to the ground, witlh open mouth and cuiling tongue,. is vtic 3 ing the roused savagery within hinm. Thec whole herd is transf(irmed s from a lazily feeding and sle\cping h company of ows to a dLrove of infuriated bufh lo, rushing and crowding, roaring - andl bavlin -, fighting, struggling in a thick mas toward andl around a comn 1 mon centuc. 'They paw the dust or Loss flakcs of the sod in the air; eyes roll in white furyl', feet tram ple, anld troughout all that thrill ing, fright'ul, hair uplifting bawl Sing roar, never heard at other times, is emitted by old and young till you ilnaginc yourself in the midst of a den of mad lions. Any one who has seen this most marv elous return to savagery or hcard that sound can nlever forgct it or . confuse it with any other sight or sound. At such times we kept aloof, even when well minounted, e till their rage was over. I have seen a similar return to the say e n e state It swine, when, in re sponse to the grunting roar of a damn answeriug the squeal of a lit tie pig, 'the whole herd of lazy Sporkers would flyS at their feeder. ready to tear him to pricces.-IHam t lin Garland in Amcricaa Mlaga anre. "Be a Good Man Papa." f Leaving home this morning for I t h leice, we kissed our little four ' year old gond-by, a'ing to ailni, c "Be a good boy to-daty." He solhe - what surprised us by replying, "I c will. Be a good man, papa." Sure enough, we thought. We need I the exhortation more than he. 1 And who could give it more effect I irely than tIAs guileless jirattler? t The words of the little preacher I t have been ringang in our eat's all t r day, and whether we wrote letters 1or editorials, paciled an irate cor- 1 respondent whos'effusion we could t not publish,'or pruned down too i lengthy a report, we seem to hear 1 the sweet child-voice saying, "Be a good man, paps." If theexhor tation bad been given by Paul or ' Peter, would it have had mor-c I 1 force than coming from this little I apostle of innocence? We think c not, at least to our. Oh, het many little children, if not in I words, yet by the helpfulness of C their lives and the trustfulness of I their little hearts, are plending 1 most oloqnently, "Papa, be a good man!" May their tender admoni- t tion be blessed of God to the res ouing of many precious souls from I the reck and ruin of sinful lives! -The Christian. 1 In the average community there h is .a marked lack of the individu f ality which lies in the courage of a personal conviction. MIany men e know anm tbink better than they 1 e act or perform. A few men are SIpermitted to do the thihking for ' the community. Many a man en 1 dowed with honest convictions, with enterprising convictions, with e benevolent convictions, yet lacks B the uerye, the moral stamina, to t stand up and assert himself, or to 1 e aet in accordance with theiou lthoughts, degenerate into mere r maohines, to be manipulated by - theopore couvageous and perhaps - the liioie selflsh.-Atlanta Consti e fdtiofl, D The man who sits down and B, waits to be appreciated will ind i, himself. among uncalled-for bag * gage after the limited express triist has gone by - IWhitehall % any-Ee jt~6uong Up £Lars~. UI h e a r i ýte p u p o n t l;'e t o o r , I htiiir a kioehing at no co i, ( i ri ! t hin i iC i 1is l W i:h i athis sewring here to dti, Atn not a soul t hite i te through; I hope it is not c" jopi..,.y. I thought I herd :t bIi t ehyy, I do bieieve its .s. Iligh, I wvsh she \Vis in Frane; She tail.'. o Much, :ii+l Cl I that (tid I: t .+ on thi" nit I t ie \ il 2 . n lvii i , d lea:ut ate uitae a 'danic. trtn Sallie. q ui ck, :till go' lily dress Thaºti'.s hantgitig i:. tai lr:i-roown j re;ý A il tuetu inVite her iii. AidI if he ta I b r binl ut ,otf i Sre anIe tiell her otf miy cough, And hlua 1 ani soIderin'. flov. i StairL. \W'yi , \if I .:i; . yu look so We ll, I ii il' Litt a Io f. .. 1 ,7.ole, Ann tow 'iv U iti git . a I :ai so) glad vi t ci ce totday lIor ot atI ;h. ls havo gmte a!m:2y Atnd left me"I q ,htu:.10 Now let.m time it your glvesC ad cu \\ itle ý\ni c"I;"il !l 6 o.tiy', ý"rsilj Audix Hiat tite :lad rii l .. Yui cii.oi st:i;L f it ' le I declare, Awld t n ii oun ltitlritii ' i: m t'i: ('lir TIo COIiC mid uispedl ha i sght. It'- been s o lrn hi:.., vi a t I iHaveil tlt ii ill, the timns guIe by W\icu Wc w er yvt.tig minud gany. It is too bail. \iith t2ft e ntr1,n W e'il have a lovely time m.1 dear, So cJrcitide a :i I :.,ty. His Ri ,;.o:1. She goes to euh:clh, Ihe pious pet To hiear tlie parna preaci; I go to drir t <those lessons in Igo mwrttal mtan uiiy teach. She goes to chur;h, ihe guilncss girl, To peitr her soul in prmit er; Anl so do I, but if she knew For what, oh, would she curt: We kneul together, and I rray She Iaiiy lot tiniiii. And then Full? from hir lips, like prophecy, A low, half-hushed "Ance l" I doubt me of idolitry I have a liti;e toiint, Since in the rubric of my hearp. She is canouized, a saint,. I find my setrmon in her 8miiei, In her sweit voice my j;5altam; w Her very presuncein the place breathes beneliction, balu. To piety like mine, inayhap, Tuhe parsec might dmnir; For, while she gaes to wordip &e'G I go to worsihip her. 'h.pie she standla for'. bright; Andhet ller }: e 1. My heart iL is a shrine for hier And my religion-Love. -BOSTON GLOn. What Converted dIla. Admiral Fairagut, one of tLe aval heroes its the late war, te !s tis story. of' his boyhood. I: would be well fral orllboys to learn efore the habits biemes fixed, that there is nothing manly in i itating the vices of older peo pi e. When I dyten years old I was with my father on board a man-of war. 1 had some qualities. which I thought, made a man out of me. I could swear like an old sdit could drink as stiff a glass of p . as if I had douhleid Cape Hlorn, and cotuld smoke iike a le comotive. I was rreat, at cards, and fond of gaming in evsrJ shape. At the close of dlinner, onc day,, my father turned everybody ot of the cabin, locked the door, and said to me, '"David, what do you mean to be?" "I mean to follow Lthe sea." "Follow the sea! Yes, to be s poor, miserablq, drunken salhor before the mast; be kicked end cuffed about the word, ind !fie in some fever hrnpital in a foreign laud4 No, David no boy ever trod the quamtcr-deck with such principles as you lhave andI sinh habits us you exhibiL and errco to, a good end. You'llhave to Lh >Lge your whole course of life, ifCvx & ever become a man." My father left. me and wCeiTio deck. I was stunned by th' -:ted buke, and overt heluied w itlh mf liflcation. "'A poor, nmiscrable, din nkea sailor before the mast! lBe kick ed axd cuffed about thy word anti die' in soife fce er hespital'? 'Ihat is to be my fate," th ..igkt L. "FIll change my lire, and ttny at once. iwill neve. utter antoo er oath; I wilJ{ never dlrtnk ufotl er (Irop of intpxicating ih'w r~ will never gamble." I have kept thcse thruo v-i' eversience. Sbortb- afsr - . 07dgstier@2