L'DUISI'SRED tVEUY FRIDAY. I1OYE',1E, - LOUISIANA. AD YERTISING TERES., Local notices tOo a line, Tr:ausicn bAiiycrlisemeutis, $l.uO per square fill AMt insertion auit 75e for each saibtie qrwut insertion. Obituaries, except tho simple notice, chargad for at regular rates. Stauding or regular advertisements taheia by spseanl conannet. LOCAL ITEMS. Onion Sots fur saeC at Joe Shclrow.',d. Tho devii's in town. Call at Ward's and watch him carry terror to t lbe hearts or chicken and( wilt es elou thieves. Joe Shcltou s Drug Store, uortli aide of Public Sqnare, is always supplied With Fzursa De:uoc. Fine Guns At W. W. Dornuou's at prices to suit )on. Fine cigars atit the be'st brasids of Tobaou at .Je Sbeltoti':i Ding Store. Go to J. 3M. Denman & Cu, for your fleatipg 8toves. Tom J. Loagino's is headu1:ltirters for goae goo:Ii and cheap goods.. Go to we blm. Bev Mr. Hloiter, of 1ihnghto~n. preached an interesting aericon ua" the )1,ithollaat church Intst Wedne dsiy eve. Bo. Poultry Powderst fr pn'veIIioi - *n4-ti cure of cholera ill penryl fur mitle ' tit akel ton't I = " :Dr Ain ier;'Su nSumpo -, s.5 W. J. Taylor dr Son have at let of uitni vaors' oatamideu hats which cun be tought at. low I-lgures. f :_ _ 'Tutwe are soome uonstrusb lni rmtes in 4~tilaorne w a rih. Lor, it~ ,the pQor kt Ote wh hasp nuo gratitudo thIn his Of and wboh will not ltrcoi to a a learn that the FPauisw' rfiniosi ;Citro will be opeurd it) a-v d.1ays.* eterao and . cahe sIates f th tt ViaC . want a good lst eaeapce thaul a %wtriafl be soal by" the Wereaajtnu oAme r sal t' a C, TayI'r&ht a i n's~ ;ask1 Istise drtrWmuer's sampi.t hat. AILongl , ito the 3ti ssi brick ~aIIfl~g ~weis~agw'stock of dry gwsdet tb.illty marebisiot Stith of ea *~os~Le Trye on if Ii $ta;rwue:ebay fide bettoe i~iStt doa ~ri, -oaa~k i·-~t I--~rtij *-., ~~kas - SThe followinag resolutions were unani measly adoptcd by the Board of Direo troy of the Atheulan institnte and Bus ness Cohlse: Whereas, Some designing persons, tnfavoiuLth to the ause of education in our utidst, have iungeniously sought to retard the prom. ess of our lustitute, by circulatiug false and slanuderous re pelots derogatory to the character of our t: sideut, Rcv. L. A. Traylor; therefore, be it, Resolved, 'That we denounce all such reports as proceeding from wicked pnr lores, and are without fouudation in truib; Rcsolved, 'lhat by piety oflife andt couveisalio,, by kiuduess of spirit, and grace of conduct, by remar!'able pa tivece ;and tidelhty in the discharge of the manyt self sarrificing dutiesalf I' high unice, Le has ilspired noble views of life, and has won the love and respect of the bet ter people of the cou-. mttnity. Resolved, That said Rev. L. A. Tray lor has giv en entire satisfaction to our Beard, as President of our school, that we hold hint in high esteem, and can and do recommend hint as a perfect gerotlemen and a first class educator, Resolved, That we rcdoublwo.lr ellort to build up a firat class Institutiou, second to none in North Louisiana, that we will give our President our hearty support, by our sympathy, pat ronage andt mueans. Resolved, That a copy of these reso Inu ions be forwarded to the Jont ual and Gu.tIan.t. for Publication. Sgnqed:' R P. Webb, Pres. of Board. W. W. Culpeppor, (;) Vice. A. II. Wilburn, (2) Vice. E. 11, Payne, Sectidy. ' T. J. Caldwell, 'treasturer. A. II. Caldwell. J. W. IlilbHt. Ti. L. AWbra.y. NI . Smith.T A loiuEthlws!, marans, droves of tuna tang ponies lrought rocenttly to this pnishb formales ie nmut ed ode aspecimen fromt the mountainous regions of northb Ar katp as irlsmt passed the coat and lbutrrn ;lek erldib of life, as- the joints ptotruding fronrbeneath his sktn stuck Joutj 1iotiliaent atnd Lsaup as to injure rp prmunt Iwpg hcereon. Wherrwsi, lJw veroue Ontn i hi the mak.-np of sh4 aimal yJgqJ will not ii al hipu *as. i dstrguit hbree. Ilie l n, rhn tred ln a kniot, will keep Il ti o joj s pi thrm h . tq tolbit on. p-btl ' pull;' he is also calculated to sIt the purpose of camp butt tels, -as $i i Johts can be used for ce-rk.erws. Wu will, however, advise th pi rt r wai pchliste the horse not to feed i ai on bay in windy. weather -ua t) ertv*o bot een the rlbs arerautr chir.ked with tar and cotton. HoIeor is still on a lively boom. There .wil :e w spyetal iuw 4ores opened is HImer It u.rsort irbile. The competi t~oi.,will 1.live4 eqit year andl the b euta llt i gb$ s;tl benell& ot -lowa Vriei. The pre toe whioe say HIomer jat r 't tp[ort ila many store, ii a. se~ned thew will be boound togo under, Li4jt,, kedsbe l1it a. to ts htr4d in. pyob:'c, the mpaestorps tit olea~st W, . Jolan\ton not m q lmilbdiaIe ese toeoC + W s "lo"s* an4 ientbt4 e.ver ,nt ti ,n thisme _ w ' t ' lull. 1~ na..ar~ ifdl¶ add 17~~~-iiS·p t 4'; · ?;i3~:: · ~~~·:··· iMr. E. R. Whitiis erectiug a beanlt Tl rieidence on the vacant lot just West of \ ie Methodist eh.reh. ,Fiue Carriage s And Buggies at W. W. Dortuo:'s low down ftir cash. Best Thlc; Out. Steel Thlmble Letldinghaus Wagons for sale by W. WW.D)o. Loon. The Rev Mr. Biockei,. i .able Metho diet d:.i:.o i .ac iheid .u tu erteiuns :eriuon here last Wediest;.! yn '.t. When you visit Tomn! J. Longino'a store, if you dlont sce ~hat you walit, cull fotit, and it u iil be tlbrof in right. Drummers' KRaw)ple Hats Can be bought cheaper from W. J. Taylor & Son thuu you can buy them in the city. Mr. W. E. Crown has been quite sick for sp:nu time past, butis now conva lescent. Do you want Fresh Caeosel If so go to G. G. Gill's. Goto J. M. Denutl:n&Co, for the loi proved Bluff City Cooking Stovo. Do ygn want to buy a spleudidOver Ctot for a littlt mn'a:ey! Just go to G. G. Gill's; ho has themi Tom J. Lo,igino has a larger stock of clothing, hat, eapº, and gents fir nishing goods which he is offBring low down Ifr cash. Examine his stock be fore purchasing elswhere. LOOK HERE! If you want a suit of clothes go to 0. G. Gill's. Hfe has the LARGEST STOCK and the CHEAPEST in town. Gents furnishing goods and ready lailu Clothing of all styles and to suit ,the moit fastidious tastes, at .the plopu. lar House of P. Loewenherg. STOVES ! STOVES!! One car load of Cookiung and leating Stoves just received at C. 0 Fe"gu son's. Call and examine .hemc before making your purcbhacs elsewhere. Buy your Jeaus Linsays, F':innelse and' all kinds of Dress Goods frotm P. Loewenberg if you want to get the .rorthof your money. , A new lot. of Modjeska Jackets just rcclyed at PI'. Loewcnberg's--Smtne tiui 4 'ery sice. Call and examine them.. 'CLOTHl &G ! CLOTHING! ! CLOTHING!!! If you want to save MONEY go to G.. G. GILL'S and buy your Clothing. T. R. Kortn, cti 14 'iinas Street, Shreveport, Lia., dcfys competition as to quantity, quality and low pricees -in the Jewolry line. ' Give hip a taliatand lie happy ever afterwards. .. There er re thlree hnamdrod and forty bales of cott on o the streets of Hfomer 1i 'needay. all of which was boiught anmd.. shipped from this place. Wha~ t tl* lit Noth Louisiaha gbtsi~de of Shreveport can be ist t :i 0LTHING! o lo trwll t find ti :largeSat sithock' of elotp l ingn town at . G. Gill's.a Go Those holding sancp or school war We4I wihinbig thin same cnshed eisr.has ut themr I n alabeiscob to ,J K ikpatfloh, subtebe. ." :.-rif..s9. 81sts) tite T, rtloo, iy think of n the line of Jioirt Jh~at Sanio ndi y $ bit/ Hebta i .we I e . ir wehave aii et that g' broby's, i false g pe ta sr statlis otes i oe In; ~0T'ICE. Notice is hereby given that I will ap ply to the Board of Pardons of Louisi ana for a pardon of Hlay wond Perry, con victed of larceny at the August ternm of the Dist. court of Claiborne parish, La., in ld88. J. R. PIUPPS, Att'y. for Det't. ATT'ENTION LADIES-Cull and ex amine thoso elegant and lovoel. Cloaks at U. G. Gili's an:moth store beforet purchasing elsewhere. A large and haudsome stock of La dic.' Cloaks and New Market Wraps at P. Lonwonborg's. If you want music go to P. Loewen Sberg's for Violins, Aecordceus, Banjos and the gcnuiue Gold-Tongue Harmion icas. L. N. & S. RAIL ROAD. No.2 Time Table In Effect On October 1st, 1888. Sounh. Stationis. North. No. 1. No. 3. N;,. '2. No. 4 Leave Arrive 5:45nam3:COpm Homer, 11:30am8:40pm 6::4Oam4:00pm Athens, 10:20aun7:40pu Arrive Leave 7:25amS:00pm Gibsland, 9:30ami:50pm When trains start late or get behind, they will not attempt to make up ti:ne, but will run through at tho rate of speed given in the schedlle. On Sunday No 2 will leave Gihalatnd at 8:30 a. m., and run through 1 hour ahead of schedule time. Ex ursion tickets will be sold on nndaf at re duced rates. They will be good on all trains on day of sale, but worthless afterwalrds. They are not trtansferable and no ibaggage will be carried on tlmm. Baggage mast be refused unless checked. The Conductor will be care ful to see that this rule is strictly oI served. J. D. BEARDSLEY, Geueral Manager. JO HNW. T ABER Dealer in all kinds of MARBLE 8HREVEPORT, ..........LOUISI~ . -ALSO - Champion Wrought Iron Fences which reqnire no brick or stone timunmatiin, and all kinds of Oralimental Iron work for bdtilMings,smch as Columns, Verandahs,Crestlings, Fin ials, WeatherVanes.e American and Italian DESIGNS FURNISHED ON APPLICA TION. MOINUIIENTS. We guarantee toesell marble cheaper thaunny other firm. Gut our prices ire fore buying. Orders by Imaipromnptly attetided to. J. W.~DOWNS, Manager, Shreveport, La II0 E R; .ASQNIC Bates of Tuiion per Month PaIUar.Y Divisiox, $2 00 ACADEMIC " 3 00 CoYIGIATE , " 4 00 .MuIc wIrra pSE OPINSTRU MEx.c ' 4 50 " VocAL Lnssons, 4 00 INCIDf?'Nr AL FEE PER sES sroi4 , 1 00 BoAnD i! CoLJSseG, 8 00 I hall- endev'or to work up othber depaitnents an the demand and linancesmay Js.ify. e. . I have already suriceded in es. tablishilag .order drills, and hope to peelr thtm , Wilth the invalua ble assitlice - o ihiss Lovelleti whose ereviCe I-iihave recently so. curtd 4. eassltant teacher. She bears r eh telSttion1als as to com Ieteney.alud pro ie cy, fomr the ~tirienY&: tand 1posors ,of Mt. erjne h Illinois. *rriecipal. 1. , Is;:od ad. n~ou  me Catolba. ~~R#'una 9Iniwa:i, *ith MA(NN . Vc ,ar ell'm lM.IITON HOUSE. South Side Public Square Homer, La. I respectfully in vite my friends and the traveling pub lic in general to give ine a call at my house. I prom ise good atttention at reasonable rates. MRS. T. P. HAMILTON RAGLAND TAYLOR, FEED, SALE & LIVERY STABLE, West Side Public Square, Homer, La. Spacious Lots for Drov ers, Good Hacks, Bug gies, and Horses for hire. Careful drivers. Stock well fed and cared for at low prices. THE BROWN HOUSE. Southwest Corner Public Square,; Horner, La. LARGE CLEAN RO00 M S, SLIoTED AND VENTILATED, BEDS, GooD FAIR ATTENTION. i:;oiieirs ...?. o8ria e t. T , msnid ,  ; , , ' . THE PHOENIX. TIHEl UIHD N, PUBLISHED AT HOMER, CLAIBORNNE PARISH, LOUISIANA, EVERY FRIDAY. THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Contains all the Home News, in cluding a full and official account of the proceedings of the Police Jury of Claiborne Parish and Town Council of Homer, and the general news of the day, tog;ether with more miscella neous, instructive and intcresting reading matter than any paper in North Louisiana. The paper is placed at a price with in 'the reach of all--only ONE DOL LAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE, for THE GUARDIAN, A seven-column paper. In.politics THE GUARDIAN will be thoroughly Democratic, but oppos. ed to Ring Rul and Monopolies, and all corruption in high or low places. It is for an honest, pure and econom ical Government, from the Federal Administration do wvnto the corpora tionn'of thetown. WIll be Fearless and outspoken on all public ques THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDI. UM IN NORTH LOUISIANA. There will not be "less than Six ::I Hundren copies of THE GUARDI/AN:-· issued from the start, and we expect: to have at least ONE THOUSAND::: cash subscribers before two months 4e expires. Advertising rates reasonable, and , willbe furnished on a:apication, i:ll make aslow rates as ,any paperhav-: ing anything like an equal circula tion.. We .desire to make it interesting and instructive to the people and: ever body living in the Parish of:!: Claiorne an:d all rdjoining parishes. ::e mber, the terms are only OI: :DOLLAR A YEtAR, in ad Aations on businsess or , ect prmp -te ,.-" .. . , , .. :{