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The *.1 $g§g» TE BANK IS AT ', : S-. B. EASTON, EiJi; Official journa VOL. 43 Subscription 31.00 per Year HO JMA, TERRtBOKNt-PAftBB, LOUiSiA* K SATUSDAY, .Oct. 3), 1520 OFFCIAL P*->< 1 L ^ Huuma, Lu., 0-. i The Police Jury oft h»? Terrebonne met this day at House in Hnuraa, L j . in aioti. Were present: Me -> louet, Sam_Polmer, 3.' \V ' J. Bonviîlain, J. C. Dun Hebert, .A.A. Sande:"-', <. tis, Emile Were absent: ! bert and N L. Ev 1 i;ls ..r, A quorum i res^ni Meeting cad'd : L. Cailloue Object of m»- -, to tion as may be n. 1 certain funds from R. • ii i 2 to the Pari: h of L. f contract of portion "f S>- <• TTonmai-Raccland Highway, fourche. The following Resolution fered by Mr. Dumut s".'. »•.,! Sanders and carried, v. , t :u Resolution. Offered by Mr. .1. (' Dup. onded by Mr. A. A. Sander ried. Whereas at an election Road District No. 2 of t:>-> Terrebonne on September the Police Jury of the I Terrebonne we.s attihori/e.; bonds in the sum of on thousand dollars, a pu: ; i t proceeds of which wore to ' constructing a highway ar.d the same with M>me apt;:-' material from the Bayou T in the city of Ilouma i» a direction to the parish 1 i-o ; you Blue and an oxten- ■ < road in the same direction land, and Whereas, the com:true) i< ■ road has been placed un- 1 pervision of the State ['••• partment and this Pol:. , applied for Federal Aid for way and the Federal C through the S ta to 1 7 ir ment, has agreed (:> !'<•■ ni i cent of the cost of said • Whereas, this Po!hv State Highway heparin. :: tered into a contra", 1 wi ,• C C q ,, of New Orb ans t; .-> • tioiT. V.C" "" ingr «■* aii Jf rur-j ,«• it rection or^Avia»/ i ' t -■ Grand Coteaiv the coalrsct »• ing $99,334.71, and Whereas, a portion of s ; ! • extends into the Parish of I a 1:53 miles, and the es tira ;ted that portion of said road silo the Parish of I afoniche i and Whereas, the Federal Govr requires that the Police v Parish of Lafourche si > ! i that it has on hand said $19,171.07 or approvimatoiy contract price for said p. : road, and Whereas this Polict aside said amount for Therefore, Be it reso lice Jury of the Pai ish acting as the governing : , Road District No. •' of the !•■<■ Terrebonne, thai the sum of teen Thousand, One llnndr d enty-one a n d 07 -vat ! ($19,171.07) be transferred t « lice Jury of the Parish of 1 to meet fifty per cent of i , price of that portion of •>,. of the Houma Raceland High' tuated in the Parish of , l.v from Bayou Blue to Bayou < . teau, and the Treasurer of District No. 2 is hereby auf h , issue a voucher for said amour vor of the Police Jury of the of Lafourche, said amount to i by said Police Jury in mi- ' payments on account of the < for building that portion of "C" of the Ilouma- Racola Ii between Bayou Blue and B.v. o U Coteau. Adopted October 25, ]o;jo The President appointed Polmei. and. Bonvillain witi Wurzlow attorney, to ann-.-n the Police Jury of the Parish i fourche to present above r< meeting to be held by UW III. ■■ of the 7ill ward to petition: ' in order to] ..* damming or rtson ( anal. i it her business! . ■. ■ • i adjourned, C V SLl.OUET, President. EXHIBIT II! EE; ST RATION OF! esoekeks to SC1IREMÏ »R r. ,ii at the State j . ■ .!.-ri ne::t wee'ej . : . indeed, and 1 •t fh,. finest educa- j ;.a; a display at! i xact models: ■! miniature of the ! ■ .■ S'. . l :oo! build- ! , 'i i. ■ features of. v. and there will ba :i ! dnv n by lo- 1 . xact location i in the parish, ; ; Enny indicated : ■ oh of the school| 't there will bo i . same size, show-1 -no 4 impartant j •u..-hout the par- j • oal route, the may from Gibson !' the Odd Spaii .iitg flitfhway, hie h • r :fin as hunting f oyster beds, the ine! • and locations J ' > : ::'*;••• -1 ( ï c .f I I . : .e parish po-- I d'm' . Jinv r such ))' of T< I an intorest t"-.t hall h<t Saturday "ids. Both teams -m and each gave a 1 " it soif. A unmber 'crs attended the it •( the score of ' ag-e crowd witnessed it. : T 1 >.:•! \ illi -îl ' nndf ?! -, *• 'it!, hip been which will Ii on m ! is"urn no ■ of r r< •rv 'iîU'^r 'y yo-.irs Bolit: B P, lit 1er. •- 1 d'MA, o-o. "JE.-. . m Not ■>«' k i?'l # sf-> 'Sr m# SLEEPS r/e sss fh$ If You liip ■p i H , But Penetrating Photographs of Realities ty Stirs and Slumbers In Night's Long Watches UFE, See All of This At The HOUMA OPERA HOUSE Friday November 5th. nh° j j j j I Hi :«< HARDLVC VOTES SENT BY VIE. UBERS or HOWES' CIR < I s 'CO INDIANA Sl-v'RE T\RV Op STATE. Thirty members of Lowes' Great London Circus, which showed here Hnndav. d >: r ,.f their v'-.-ht.s under iiie election laws of in t'-.'ir votes through the maii, Sunday. II:.;. nir.'.le out their ballots and . d (he in'eessary affidavits before H. .>!. Boing, attorney ami notary, and forwarded them to the Secretary of State of Indiana. Every one of the thirty votes thus cast was for Harding for President. INTKR-COMMUNITY ATHLETICS AND SPORTS. At the meeting held at the Ashland School House Thursday, October Ei /'or the orgciioaation of the Ashland Athletic Association, an enthusiastic group of men interested in sports of vari- kinds gave their pledge to t he support of recreative games in tins community. Great things are plan ned in the way of inter-plantaiioii leagia-s of baseball, basketball and tennis, in swimming meets and ath letic meets of .all kinds. Sporf lov ers of other plantations or business organizations are urged to get togeth er and see what material they have for basketball teams, tennis team 's, swim mine team s and the like; and to write to the Chairman of the Ash land Athletic Association for games or contests. Bas. ,ia!l and basket hall promise to te the prominent names this winter, and although' the grinding season is too near to allow of much activity along these, lines, plans can Le made and teams organ i :od and prepared for after New Yea r. These inter-community sports will be carried strictly along inter-colle iate line:;, and will afford an opppr-! ALLEN ELLEIKOER Candidate for Conslitu « » gentian worse. . t s ft ma I! L i « n n pun ■ ? f' oe i NPRoprnoE." ' S iO\s, BUSES'ESS KE i't>R ; i'l) GOOD. y wann wtather since the t the oyster -hipping sea rn.i: h sali v. at er duo to th oe September hurieane, , ;£ c - thus far, and the !|C o! ' in shipment..-'-. "WÊH' therefore awaiting ' • A'th n lie ft I of ceo Y. oysue ; îit .,. ( ! t0 bo fa 1 - at \. i 11 happen when éonns more propitious onment of the oysters, ill tha weather conditions growth and developing ■na oysters considered, ■en very good reports varions packing houses in t!ie volume of business done as compared with that done s tune last season. * onU-rlainment along clean y fines. It is hoped that every i : -how their approval of this '} ''b'tïding the games of the ? ' 1t> Chairman o^ihe .rd Athletic Association is Mr. a Prajean, and the Secretary lua.urer is Mr. Pierre Dupre ■ fM c.'iiber» art- .John Adams, -■ -..-or, j Baird, Dovic ; •!-, Sidney Boudreaux, Willie '■an-., Ellie Brady, Edmond Bru i 1 ■ Baquet, Pi te Buquet, Os : i a, James Chatagnier, Vic '•■< ■. ai. Yancy Cuneo ,Abbie Du Pv-rre Dupre, Allie Guidry, E; 1 ' " Ivv EeBlanc, Lawrence .s.dnev J.eBouef, Campbell y oie Errette, Lee Lottinger, ;cE!lroy, Irving Moore, Wil - %-ban Porche, Walter Pra ia a-r Richardson, Enos Robi ■ reddie Robichaux, Evans , 'a cn Roger, Paul Savois, Cy-1 ck -, AI-..'in Walker, Walter! IS TERREBONNE FOR HAKDING OR Ci )X? OLD DEMOCRTfC PARTY MAY CHANGE Wit i i .'.i near aporpr-nh cd' the een eiai i, , -, v. tu t. v. ill lake pl.iee '-■ ■e a,. ., pe .pie aie e-M-1.. .. u. in -.i is. v.itll i I ta- pi ,-a'idid .te cleat deal i..« - — iv i • 'lein ••• • weil tiN'r.y. the st ■■' -a .-tn' ot' tin- Repnoiii a ai. J ljfrnacratie enn Iliijaif» in th , s i'orali t\' tic th: back ill the theae been least a s foe! tods .ai m tne palmiest grossi e- m a ement, lier Of lit 14, has on the surface at strong ? an:i-democratic l:at one finds in this parish Ask ten men how they are! J going to vote in the coming election' i for President, and if they express! ilumstivfs at all, which thev are very' apt ?o do with considerable vehe-! I mence. nine out of that ten will say I tney are going to vote for Harding. ! And it does not seem to matter! j whether the persons are residents of ; Houma or of the most remote part of; tne country district—with few excejj tiens they do not hesitate to reveal their ieelings, which in nine-tenths of, cases favors the Republican cahdi date. llere in Ilouma that feeling is very pronounced, although Houma has been regarded as a Democratic strong hold for lifty years, and in lyiG, ac tually gave a majority for Wade O. Martin against Whit. P. Martin, the progressive candidate. Yet it is ex tremely doubtful »hether the Demo cratic ticket will muster a majority next Tuesday, it these expressions heard everywehre in town indicate the true state of affairs. In the low er part of the parish, in three wards — the sixth, seventh and fourth—Hard ing appears to be stronger than Cox, and in the Fifth Ward (another De mocratic stronghold) the Republican candidate has considerable strength, i Î îô 1 Qiith \v ard, li&rcling* will proba Houma Mercantile Co., Inc. Julius Dupont Gen. Mgr ffh i, ? # ¥, ß -e ■■-a a. ■ 1 >i >e ; ' Si iV rm C ny (Sxperé ~can tell that the Reznor Reflector Gm Heater is scientifically construc ted to burn on an y domestic gas pressure down to one ounce. Thousands of users have dis covered this fact, to theit great comfort, during the last year or so. TUe yellow flame of the Reznor (a scientifically correct dame) not only de livers all (lie heat in the gas but impaiM 3 cheerful glow that adds good cheer and biiahtue«« att well as waimth. een pl.iee to to cleat 'lein ot' ! enn- ' I ement, has j at : i parish are! election' express! very' vehe-! say j matter! of j of; excejj- ! reveal ' of, cahdi j very ' has 1 ac- i O. the ex low — Cox, De !dy carry by an overwh, nding ma j ori! y and theie seems very little Da niocratic sentiment in the First Ward, if re,.pits reaching Houma ara coireet In the Second, Eighth and .\inth Wards. Cox will muster his er; atest strength, though there will ''•! 'h 'C 5 « - em '*!T t,V -•¥ -ei.!inter:: 8t thfc tffli«, «JîOUgS^ » h. À »es before tha . .. Against this open n iii -t-a imi of Republican senti ni-n:. en undercut rant of feeling for the I*, iiioci ai ii* party, which was the undoubted savior of Southern civili so-f-io:! when the supremacy of the \\hite Man was threatened by the n ■ :■ a 1 : e * i policy of Republican ad ni'tnst i. dfions shortly after the Civil W a: may yet assert and hold the par ish in hue for Democracy. Resentment against the Democratic party, dec hugely to the sugar situ al ion. ; in- mo ancient ingrained love for the old Party of White Suprema cy, are forex that are today fighting one against the otu. r in the hearts ol our people of this section. Which is the strongest? Which of these tua< undercurrauts will gain the mas* tery and carry the parish on Nevem ber Second ? fuesday will give the answer to the question. OR EIGN U. S. CRUISE FOR FLEETS Secretary of the Navy Daniels an nounces that after the joint battle practice of the Atlantic and Pacific fleets in May, each fleet will start a foreign cruise, the Atlantic Fleet \isiting South American ports, Cape town and possibly other South Afri can ports. St- Helena, the Home of Napoleon while be uas in captivity will also be visited. **^he Pacific Fleet will visit the South Sea Is lands, Australia, New Zealand Tas mania. One object of these ruises is to give men recently enlist- 1 and men enlisting between now ? next May an opportunity to see t' world.