rr VOLUME V. LAKE PROVIDENCE, EAST CARROLL PARISH, LA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1892. NO. 11. (h ml mi m mm im m ml m mII m mmm mm m m m m m m m m m m m m mm lmm • mi m m m m• m m mm mm ,m m m m mlm m m e m m• m m m m mm m l mm m m m m m m LOVE'S PERFECT HEART. I pleas Ued e for me to livT By hubsed love made sweet. A home pleased; in everr room Went little chbldre's feet. The lore I took for an my lif, With sorrow made me smart; le'er came uto my lovig ars, The eiladre of my heart God pased a inte for me to live, From selfsh hopes bereft; Bet wek sad duty, angels strong. To guar me right sad let. And duty's read He made more sweet, Thea earthly love could be, - Instead of husbad's children's low, Slls wil He gave to me And l thiis ille God planed for me, Prm grief I weRll apart; Foer ta blessed, holy will, I've found love's perfeet beart -'UMlle . BDarr, n N. T. Iadepeadet. WANTN0 TD- T BEY were ebil S drea of the gut ter - two little waifs that drift ed about like straws on the black and turbid tide of lif that rolls through the dark streete of a great city. Some undercarrent had drifted the two bits of human flotsam and jetsam together, and that was all the wisest could have told you of Tom and Dick. Not that anyone would have a sidered it worth while to tell you ana thing ht all about them. The policee are the.oaly people upposed to be in terested in children that sleep in dark doorways or empty- sugar casks sad their interest s so purely proLessioal it is only aroused when there is a neem sity of earrying the little vagrats up before the police court harged with petty lareeny. Bat there was no morbid self-pity about them. Some lueky ehase-s b rse held in the street, or a hal-f4t ma throwing coirns from a lab al cony to sea the gaaie fight sad seramble for them-gave the lad, the money to start in life as newsboys, a end thereafter they were as ide pendent as lords and gave themselves airs among their fellows. They hired sa attic and sadoned doorways anad empty barrels as sleeping places for ever; but the very orown and joy of life they found It going to the theater, where they spent the money that sbould have bought them elothes and food, and where, from the peast ga1 1ar7, they criticied play and sotors with absolute freedom. arly and late Dick's shrill ttle votee could be heard ealmlg: "He-ys y mnorani' paper-Her-ul-Noo- etiral' as he swung himself on the platform of the incoming trains aad took hair-breadth chances of eosing the street before heavily-ladm drays These were dsgressions that made Itfe worth living-the serious business was selling a certain number of papers each day and settling asecounts with the lerk in the newspaper ofce, and above all looking after Tom-for Tom was weak and timid, sad leaned heavi ly upon his stronger friend. There was something sweet, sad tender, sad fIe in Diek's nature-the something that Made him him the villain, and applaud with all bhis might when virtue tri umphed over vie in the lurid plays ie loved-and this dependence of Tom's ealled out all that was best in him. He was never too weary to go out of his way for Tom and almost as well as golag to the theater he iked the l a nights when they eowered over their attle fire and diseuassed the sabjeets of their Ittle world with tbh hard philos ely ofti street sad a cynleism of wbhi the were totally uawaer. Os he sch oedasion as this, when t~ s pars ad been fall of hedlle shabout som me a w h e oa evehod's lips, Dick asL i d: , '"T whet is hero?" And Tom answered, from the dpth Y fhIs own observatlo: "Oh, a hlse's 1'e-abody who does somethin' fe, am' .has hie paeers ig ltteeb r home Isbead amees erkeup in a her horsSa 8ee I duno be but guam he's iHkeJo L iLn d play; you knaw bow he rem ues is e dat a as g eu dome ad i S Dat's what a e " li me. I tellyar it's grate, an' what I asys gee. dare's plenty CI heroes at th Ibety- ido woods is fall of 'em" "I know," interrupted Disk, "but I'd just like to se amn eaoL" .'Well." rpihd his eempalkm, sem t~alyo t ye dom't ee wbsht yr ww satfor t. Ter better adverthte in i elwspaper. rsle, bint somehow ths s minens naeasofitii no t arlbe the lad. De grat power w ca theU press yetL tis was sapeod and melded ip t o f ape n am ant L1ight jum ega te Wo- d went tso preas, ag a hittla fi u sts ood before tbelerk Ste ntingcrom adhndd handed h -a srepg pi per ans which wasprt with inahuit eer ,l"WaD-J·H o. AgLYA!U. hae ALtar. DIe." ?heelevrkaemfs4 an he red. bsths had fwr Dick with peis arhst la were worig in the lahaa so h mased it*"p1" saient the qeer advertisement upn ta he P S atam Ist Ias it was writ s .or min sham drps whoa we or i ptervano e the newspaper hmmu hae s eeing onulus in t a new heaven and a new earth. Be could not sleep for it, and when his papers were passed over the counter in the gray dawn of the next morning, be could scarcely open one, his hands trembltd so; but there it was, and he gloated over it all day as his shrill, childish treble called out: "He-ays yer papers! Noos, Her-rul, Wur-rul!" He wondered who would see it, who would answer it. He never doubted its ulti mate success in bringing him into close personal relationship with his hero. That night he and Tom read and re read their advertisement with linger ing delight, talking of the hero who would come, and they pictured him like the heroes of their favorite melodramas, as Monte Cristo, crying: "The world is miner" from a sea of ice; and Davy Crockett barring the door with his good right arm. But no one came in answer 4 to their advertisement They were surprised and a little disappointed, but comforted themselves with the thought that heroes must have many calls upon their time and waited on in patient hopefulness. One day, while they were still expect ing him-it had been a dreary, rainy 4 day, and was growing quite dark- - Dick was making his way homeward crying the last of his papers. But no one seemed disposed to buy, so he left the main thoroughfare and plunged J down the dark alley that led to the squalid quarter where he lived. He was walking along absently enough, thinking of his hero so eagerly 1 desired and so slow to come, when he was startled into conseiousness by the quick shriek of an engine calling, I warning some one out of its relentless way, and there, at the crossing, was an 1 old woman, bent and feeble, picking her way along, utterly unconscious of I danger, while coming nearer, nearer, nearer, borne on by its own momen- 1 tam, implacable as fate, was a heavily laden freight train. In vain the en gine shrieked its warning, in vain her poor dog pulled at her. skirts. She neither felt nor heard, but kent on her slow way, muttering to herself. 'Nearer and nearer comes the iron monster. A moment more and the en gineer turns away his head with a curse that is half a prayer that be may not see the sickening sight when the bent old body is caught under the -wheels. But in that second Dick has made a great plunge forward and dragged the poor creature off the track. But he slipped as he made the leap. and when the train had passed on the shinining steel rails were wet with blood, and one foot lay upon the track a crushed and shapeless mass. It was almost of no importance in the great world. Dick himself would have been the first to tell you there was nothing heroic in the deed-no roll of drum or waving of banners, nobody DICI xADI A PLUNOI iOUWARD. to see it done. A street gamin had I risked his life to save an old woman searcely worth the saving. That was alL Even the World, that had printed his advertisement Jar a hero, dismissed the aftai- with two lines: "A newsboy was run over by an incoming freight at the corner of Sixteenth and Walnut, and lost a foot He was taken to the SCharity hospital, where his wounds were dressed." They took Dick to the hospital and Scuat away the mangled limb, and when it was all over he lay very still, staring at the white walls and trying to realise what life would be to a cripple. Oh, God! that long, awful hour when we first stand face to face with loss, and in all the wide world haver no kinship save with sorrowt By and by there was a stir by the bedaide, and an ate , tendant whispered: "But he begRs sa pitifully to see the newsboy who was a brought here to-naight" And the our geom, who had heard something of the * boy's heroism, and noted the dumb ,misery in his face and rightly guessed its meaning, said: "Bring him in for a few minntes," and Tom was conducted They had not many words, these two Slittle street gamins, in whichtoexpress their joy or sorrow, and so Tom knelt d in sileace by the cot, his hard, keen little face working, and Dek choked beck a sob and said: 'Tom, I'1l never Swalk aglia." After a bit Tom drew a eranmpled pa per aut of the breast of his jacket and msoftly laid itbemide DiMck. It was thet Sadvertisement S"I thought it might comfort ye," he isa mid simply; and Diek saswered, wist i lfly: -"Do you reckon he could ,ai That night Dick alept with the pape! elasped eloem in his hand, but he never kdreased he had answered his own ad vertement.-E. . OGtilmer, in Frank 4 Lese's Weekly. S-The Old Lady Was S -rprise. Yeagimith (telltag the news to his a greada.athsr)--"Wriantkle, the jeweler, * has busted!" Grsdmle-"Iame! who'd 4 a thought od it Be was ea o' the I, skhinniest, bmt men I ever laid eyes Sema"-Jewelem' Weekly. -Bore toarist in the Alps asked a three shepherds whom they met near a , hat: "CIm we sleep ain this hat over 1· ight?" "Ce *e nly," was the reply; a "but you must do it by day-time, hfr i we, sql w o o rwsem aL aihtt" THE FALL OF AN AEROLITL 1 saperstltioes Eegar4tie Them la Times Past. One of the largest aerolites ever e known is said to have recently fallen in the Caspian sea, at no great distance t from the peninsula of Apsheron, a neck t of land which runs into the Caspian and i form3 the eastern point of the Caucas ian chain. It is a peculiar region, sul phur and other inflammable matter be- I ing mixed up with the soil. Itis known I as the place of the sacred flame, and it I is from this region the fire worshipers a of Asia drew their superstition. t One is tempted to say that the great aerolite in its descent revealed a natural I preference. It sought a sympathetic re- C gion, if it did make a mistake in 1nding I a watery bed. The stone is said to pro ject about twelve feet above the surface ( of the sea, which at that place is of con siderable depth. In falling, we are told, I it made a tremendous noise and illumi nated land and sea for miles around, throwing out vast clouds of steam when it reached the water. It is natural that scientists should take an interest in the t phenomenon; and it is reasonable to conclude that at no distant day we shall have as the result of their exami- t tion full and satisfactory reports. In times gone by these meteoric stones were regarded with superstitious rever ence. At Emesa, in Syria, the sun was worshiped under the form of a black stone, said to have fallen from heaven. t The holy stone-the Kaaba-at Mecca has a similar history. So has the great t stone of the pyramid of Cholula, in Mexica Latterly, however, science has stripped these objects of much of their mystery It is now generally admitted that the stones are of planetary origin, not of lunar origin, as was at one time conjectured, and that their luminosity is the result of the friction occasioned by their rapid motion through the resist ing atmosphere. It has b-r*n calculat ed that setting aside the resistance of sir, an initial velocity of eight thousand feet a second, about five or six times that of a cannon ball, would bring the stones to the earth at a velocity of thirty five thousand feet a second; but Olberst one of the greatest authorities on the general subject,holds that to account for the actual measured velocity of meteoric stones the original velocity of projection must be at least fourteen times greater than the above. It is now a well recognized fact that there are certain seasons in which these meteoric stones are more liable to make their appearance than in others They are, in fact, periodic; and the favorite months are April, July, August, No vember, and December. November has the grandest' rcord, and the most brilliant displays of which 1 we have reliable accounts have been witnessed in November, 1799, 1838 and 1866-st intervals, it must be observed, of thirty-four years. According to pre diction the next grand display will be in 1900. These statements and Agures, it is well to bear in mind, apply rather 1 to what we are in the habit of calling meteoric showers than to the single solid mass such as that which has found its resting place in the waters of the Caspian. The stones, large and small, are for the most part of uniform composition, consisting prineipally of silica. mag nesia and iron, with small quantities of nickel, sulphur and chromium. Among the large stones of which we have rec ord, in addition to those alreany men tioned as presumably of the same origin, is the great stone which fell at AEgospotamie, on the Hellespont, in 467 B. C., and which was still shown in the days of Pliny, toward the close of the first Christian century. It is described as being about the size of a wagon. A ponderous stone fell in Alsace, near the village of Ensisheim, in 1492, weighing two hundred and sixty pounds. It is still to be seen in the village church. An immense mass of this kind is to be seen in the Imperial museum at St. Petersburg, but the largest known aerolite hitherto is one which fell in BrasiL Its estimated weight is four teen thousand pounds. If report speaks truth, the presumption now is that the Brazilian stone will have to take second place.--N. Y. Press. RIDING ON BAREBACK STEEDS The Famous questrtsa statue la IRome df Mares Arellus. Polybius remarks, in his famous -Hia tory," that the Numidian cavalry which Hannibal brought with him from Africa into Italy were "mounted upon small, wiry horses, without usaddles on their backs or stirrups to help their riders." There is, moreover, at Rome, in the cen ter of the plaza at the capitol, a bronze I equestrian statue of Mareus Aurellius Antoninus, which was pronounced by I Michael Angelo to be the finest work of I ancient Greek art that the renzied rage I of political partisans and the fury of barbarian invaders had permitted to I survve in the Eternal City down to this time. The statue was long supposed to Sbe a memoriaslof Constantine the Great, and consequently escaped destraction when the Christians at last gained the as Icendency over their Paganfoes. Every I lover of horses who visits the capital ot r Italy must have had his attention st tracted to the beuutiful presentment of Sa horseman gracefully asted on a bare Isteed, which has extorted admimration from many generastions of connoisMeuars It is salleged, indeed, by Dolan Stanley, in his '"Memorial of Westminster Abbey," that Faloonnet, the French snulptor of the equestrian statue of Peter the Great, whioh is one of the most conspienos ornaments of St.8 Petersbarg, wuas one day found by a friend gaing at the Greek work of art which stands upon the hill lading up to the'espitol at Romae. The war horse upon which Marcus Aureltm is monted might well claim admislss so masive are his limbs sad so ponds oa his "emasembse"--to ome of these re Seeuntly-established stuad-books in wahich are recordea the peigrees of Clyde. dale, Bfolk, sad 8bire-bred cart horses. So easy sad graceful Is tbhe seat of the rider that many a Meltonian haasinoe guaed with delight at the pose Sof slesr which hangs down as though nature herself had prescrlbed the atti r ted. The leg is ntsfettered by a sti Sraup, leading to the inference that the r uWn u atmporawris of the warU-hs Mars Aurelius were ignorant of the support derived from that useful ap pendage or addition to a horseman's comfort and strength in the saddle. Well might Falconnet have exclaimed t to his friend, after gazing for a long Ii time with rapt attention at the horse e bestridden by Marcus Aurelius: "That t ugly beast is living, and mine Is dead!" s The statue at St. Petersburg, of which c Falconnet was speaking, is that of j Peter the Great, mounted on a rearing b horse, in a posture intended by its de- r signer to express the very acme of in- t tensity of life and motion. Yet, all the a straining after effect which a modern ; French sculptor was capable of con- d ceiving and attaining fell short in life. f like reality of the "mauvaise bete" de- i signed centuries before by a nameless b Greek artist, who might possibly have L been a pupil of Apelles-London Tele- t graph. t GRUESOME SOUVENIRS. Idlames Who Wear the Dried weeds eo Their Dead nsemies. "A remarkable tribe of Indians are the Napos, who live in the northern part of Chili," says Mr. Childs, a tray eler. "Instead of wearing scalps at their belts as trophies, like the Ameri can savages, the heads of their enemies dangle at their girdles. By a mysterious ° process known only to themselves, they remove all the facial and cranium bones without cutting the skin or destroying the interior. The head is then reduced, without maiming -any of the features, t to the size of a man's fist. Mr. Childs brought one of these heads ° with him, and he intends to petit in the museum of the Carnegie library here. In San Francisco he showed it to the County Medical society, and the doetors offered him $1,000 for it He said no sum of money would buy it. He thinks there is one in the Smithsonian insti tute, and outside of his own he doesn't believe there is another in the United States. The Indians discovered they t could sell the heads to the whites at a good price, and to prevent them luring people into the mountains and killing them, or murdering the aged of their tribe and preparing their heads, a law was passed forbidding their sale. Through the kindness of Gen. Casamano and Gen. Sorsby, the American consul general to Ecuador, Mr. Childs secured the head. He says Gen. Sorsby has eight-orders for heads from museums and colleges in the United States, and he is afraid he will not be able to get them. The head and face that Mr. Childs has is not as large as a basebalL By the secret process the bones were removed and the features reduced. All the hair on the original head is still there. It is long and black, and probably reached to the shoulders. The Indians put a string through the lip for every enemy they had slain. This head has four strings in the lip, and the mouth is drawn out of shape. In other respects every feature is retained. The eye brows are here, and you can see the hair in the nose. The microsoope re veals the pores in the skin, greatly crowded together. The head was out off even with the shoulders, and there is a hole in the windpipe directly under the chin, where the victim was evidently stabbed. A number of people have looked at the head, and all are puzzled to know how it was prepared. Gen. Caamano thinks that immediately after the bones are taken out red-hot gravel is put into the head. The heat reduces the size, tans the skin, and makes it hard and tough. Then the gravel is removed. It is a most curious and hideous sight, but well worth seeing.-Pittsburgh Dis patch. OLD VIOLINS. m isstahiLg oare the Old wasters im Making Them. The great violin-makers- all lived within the compass of one hundred and ifty years They chose their wood from a few great timbers felled in South Tyrol and floated down in rafts-pine and maple, sycamore, pear and ash. They examined these to find streaks and veins and freckles, valuable superficially when brought out by varnishing. They learned to tell the density of the pieces of wood by touching them. They weighed them, they struck them anad I listened to judge how fast or how slow and how resonantly they would vibrate in answer to strings , Some portions of the wood must be porous and soft, some of close fiber. Just the right beam was hard to and; when it was found it san be tracked all through the violins of some great mas ter, and after his death in those of his l~tpils. SThe piece of wood was taken home Sand seasoned, dried in the hot Breech and Cremona sun. The house of 8tradi aruins, the grat master of all, is de Sscribed as having been as hot as an oven. One was there soaked through and through with sunshine. In this great heat the oils thinned and simmered slowly and penetrated far into the Swood until the vatrnishes became a part of the wood itself. ' The old violin-makers used to eave every bit of the wood, when they founad what they liked, to mend and patch and Sinlay with it So vibrant and so reso nant is the wood of good old violins that they murmur and echo and sing in answer to any sound where a number Softhem hang together on the wall, as it rehearsing the d o amsie that ose Sthey knew. It is doahles owing to thas tet that whe the people eould not seeoant for SPagasini's womeruil playing they d6. alared that bh had a homan soal i ped hia s visas fr his violi sragand wbspered esn when all thes SThere hasve been eperiaents made with all sorts aof weod :by the various usmkers. An arl of Pembroke had one nmade of th edPrs at Lebeno, bt te h wood was s deAsem that vibration was Sdeadened ad the violin a poor one. SMasteial ourie. a -At the Aeademy.-Mr. Kernoiner " I"Ah, Nupkins, Idid not know that you h were a lover of art." Mr. Napkins- 1- "Not me, ladeed. But I was just look r- ing to see if I could get hold of any s thing to pat on a baaOkgbottl.'"--. a nau iolk TO FORESTALL COLUMBUS. A rtefal Attempt to Cheat the Great Dl asverer. Had Columbus persistently held out to him the promise of immense domin ions, fabulous wealth, and far-reaching empire, Dom John might have yielded to the potent fascination. But the a sailor demanded two things, both in compatible with the policy of Dom r Johbs-a policy in thorough accord with e his nature and his life; he claimed a 0 rich return, which was not tasteful to as the covetous king, and great power and m authority, incompatible with the royal tl prerogative, which had risen to supreme t dominion and had become an arti 01 faith to be accepted of all men. It wss impossible to induce Dom John, who fi had stripped the Lusitanian nobles of a ai large part of their revenues, to conasent c to another's sharing in the profits of the territories to be discovered, and evena t more impossible to win from him rec- 01 ognition of such a perpetual governor ship as Columbus asked; a copartner- ol ship, as it were, with himself, who at ii such cost and by such stern means had a set himself upon the backs of hinobles N after a struggle so bitter that he had -s perforce sought aid in it from the in- a ternal powers of crime, to insure the h unity, the integrity, and the totality of his monarchy. a The indispensable aeptance of the pj preliminary and preparatory scheme was si therefore frustrated by the same causes t that so nearly defeated it afterward,  ] namely, the excessive claims of om- p meand and tribute for himself put for- a ward by the same discoverer. . . The h king appointed a commission to look into the matter; and this commission a rendered an opinion in perfect coneon- tl ance with Lusitania preoedents,which k were all in favr atf seeking southern ej Afriae and the East Indies by shaping longer courses toward the south. Two a learned doctof, Maestro Joseph and t Maestro Rodrigues, jointly with the y two prelates of Ceuta and Viseu, were c the members of the commission which h was charged with that most diMoult in vestigation. h But Dom John could not have been h satisfied with the adverse report of the wiseaores, for he called together the high council of the crown. This body, essentially politicas, omposed in greater , part of those jurists to whom the sclena e and knowledge of the Roman law sag- t gested the modern idea of absolute power and the creation of powerful b states, set aside the purely scientific t views of the commission of technical eeomographers, and laid stressupon the d pretensions to authority and revenue advanced by Columbus, deeming them in conflict with the supreme rights of the monarchy and the absolute power of the monarch. In truth, the tech nical jusnt and the political council as signed the two motives of refusal--the usual course of the Po royage~ and discoveries, and he recently e tablished principle of moarehicalnity. t One report opposed the project itself, the other opposedthe rewarddemanded by Columbus And now arose the de sign in the mind of Dom John toap propriate the Columblan achievement and to ght rid of Columbus. By the detailed explanations of the project, by his frequent conferences with the discoverer, by the consults tions held with the wisest men of the century, by the data colleted for draw ing up the report, Dom John had learned all that it was possible for him to learn; and he strpightway put it into practicel He summoned the most expert among the Portuguese pilots, Pero Vasques, the school-fellow of Dqm Henry,and in r stealth and silence, with all secrecy and caution, sent him, under pretense of provisioning the Cape Verde islands, to follow the course mapped by Columbus Then was it clearly apparent that me chanial and superficial knowledge mere celmlation, the soldier's watch word and the king's command, could not take the place of the effort, the I seal, the researeh, the reasening, and qbove pU, the sorrows of a true genius. The merely mechanical pilot was ternr fled when he became entangled in the sea of floating sargasso, whoserankgrowth I elung to the keels and checked his pro-= greas; he was more terrified when | struck by tempest and hurricane, ad 1 yet more on sailing and ailing, day after day, withaout sighting land; and in I his terror he put aboat, steering home- 1 ward to Portugal, and exoning his 1 'allure by exaggerating the peril. The ert became known. As soon as Cc- I umbus knew of it, his inditgnation, only I eomparable in intensity to his protracted 1 forbearance and the long trial of his patience, moved him to rebel and quit Portugal-EmoloCastelar, in Century. LIGHN NIG BOLTS. The snular Uam~s They arsv Upem a eas4 ad. "Did you ev me thediameter of a lightning ash measured?" asked a geologist. "Well, here is the ease whioh oncae enclosed a flash of lilght ning, ftting it exactly, o that you esan just see how big it was Thfis is called a afulgunite' or lightning hole,' ad the material it is made of is glass. I will tell you how it wa manufatared, though it took only a fration of aae and to turn it out. "When a bolt of lightaing strikes a Sbed of sand it plunges adownward Into the and for a distae, less or greater, tnrnasoming sd dmultaneously into glass the silies in the materia through which it passes Thus, by its great heat, it forms at oe a glas tube of preeisly its ownhs.e, "Now and then smaeh a tubheis thound and dug. Fulgarites have been fol lowed into the sad by esarvstions for ,nearly thirty te. They vary in in teiaor diametr from the emof aa quill eof threu nes or men aeeording to the· ee of th Sash. "k fu tlgruite are not maon pro dect is aai;theyare fouaad also in soldrat reeks, thegh natarally of slight deth and frequently existing merely a a thI gtassy eating on the urfae ahek nlgurites occar in asto-shing abundeace on the summit of Little Arart In Armenia. S"The reek is soft and so poreu that tbleeks a foot lag ean be obtaied per fadted hl al diretons by lttle tubs afd with bomegreen gsu. formed from the fmmd rock.ol-8eatdo M - l1, OF GENERAL INTEREST. -A Kansas woman declares that ase will not die until Kansas *omen have t1 tall suffrage. -The Married Woman's Disabilites a bill for the District of Columbia has be. a come a law. Married women may now sue and be sued, possess their own a earnings and inheritance make notes t and conduct business a O-Army ofofns, of the same grade, a rank according to the date of their orm- a missions, the one whose commission is the oldest being the senior officer. But the government can appoint a junior p officer to a command over a senior. o -A few years ago fortypigs ran away ) from James Duval, near Novelty, Wash., e and since that time the drove has in- t creased to about five hundred, and is d making the farmers very miserable by their frequent raids on gardeas Some s of their tusks are six inches in length. I -The original autograph commission r of Capt. Nathan Hale, of Connecticut, I the martyr spy of the revolution, was e sold for $1,775 at a recent auction in t New London. The state of Connecticut f sent a bid of 6250, but it was bought by a a firm of autograph dealers, who now ( hold it at t 5,000. -The brass cubing used for gas lit a urea is fashioned into the various com- p plicated ornamental shapes required for a such purposes by placing the tube be. a tween two steel molds which are heav fly clamped, and then the tube is ex panded by hydraulic pressure reaching I as high as 10,000 pounds to the square * inch. t -The Ammen ram now on the stocks I at Bath, Me., is jealously guarded by the naval officers o duty there, who keep constant watch to prevent all forw eigners and possible enemies of the United States from entering the yard, as the ram embodies some new Ideas 1 that it is desired to keep secret. Any Yankee can get by the sentinel easy I enough, but several foreign suspects have been ejected from the premises. -Jaeoh Kearns, of West Virginla, hasn't forgotten how to tramp even if I he is ninety years old. He reeantly I walked over to his daughter's house, seven miles away in the country, and 1 with her examined the family bible to see if the names of his thirteen children, eighty grandchildren, one hundred and 1 twenty-seven great-grandhildren and seven great-great-grandchildrea had been properly entered upon the regi I ter. -The "Jibboom club," of New Lot don, Conn., is planning to man a small schooner, such as Conneeticut has em ployed for many years in the West India trade, run it to the Bahamas and load it with a collection of sea shells, which in great variety, siae ad bemsty are found strewn upon the shars of those islands. The crew will then sail the craft to Chicago by way of the St. Lawrence, sad will sell the shells from the deck of the vessel. The members of the club believe they eau make enough to pay the expense of the trip and also of their own entertainment at Chicago -An interesting relic et Lord Byron has just come to light A member of a family which originally came from Missolonghi has died at Magnesia, near Smyrna, and hasbequesthed to a friend a seal which belonged to the poet It is octagon in shape, and has on each side a separate device and motto On one side is a bust of the poet, with the words "Lord Byron." On another is a flower, with the words "Forget me not." A third bears the represents tion of a dog, with the word "Faith ful." On the fourth there is a ship and the legend "Such is lit." On the other sides the emblems are an open hand, an eye, a cock, and a horse, but the words in each case are illegible. --One of the most pitiful sights ever witnessed in the streets of Portland, Ma, was presented the other day by two French Canadian boys who had begged their way from St Francis, on the northern boundary of Aroostook. The younger, aged 17, had lost his left arm and all except the thumb of his right hand by an accident in a sawmill, while the elder, aged about , was to tally blind. They had come to Port land in the hope that oeulists would be able to restore the sight of the uniort unate boy, but the dotors were obliged to telL them that there was no hope. They had s letter from their perish priest, oan the strength of whleh they ,managed to get enough monsy to tae Sthem back to their Arostook home. -The old whaling bark, Pogreap, wI hich New Bedford, Mas, will ehibit at the fair, will begin her )jourey to Chicago some time in June, it is am nouned. She has been fully rigged aud sparred. Her watr line has been palated brick red, and her dekhouse, boathouse and davits white. The embin and state rooms have been rained in oak ad carpets have been laid in them. In the ilorn will bsa ShiMbted a collection of artilels used and Sobtained by whalemen, for einampls: Whalebonesa taken by s ecptain who perished inh the trriMe disaster ci 1571, when thirty-three ships were asho doned, with great loss of lie, in the Arctie regios; polar bar skin, plct umre of whaling enpeen.se, har pe, knive tackle, calthing, boar et A strange but true sade siry c sme froam Serra Madre. A little girl whose mother residesm at tht pla maws lage iske whils plats near the hoame, u and, being pesd with its appearmse, she followed it through thegrms try inr to get hold of t. Two faithfi de 1 bloging to the amly mw the smai tbh littl girl in the ban e A npin the ianmal, As al twoe quick stkes, s itl he gms a Syelpin baek. While the 1ttleto who had witaeased the aemeer cnsluded that t gidg serpent mw t se as pretty as it bad ht appead. Wh the mothUr, who happened tobe abs t returned home that vsening ad found Stwo dead dogs in her doyad ~ r Ittle daughter fast and safely salep Sprayer of ratitade went p fe her heart a the fortunate. ece ao her 1* tienne.-Peas. (4amL) ales. HOUSEHOLD sREVITVLE& -Combing Bmad ba g the sealp d the heed with the haud draws the blood p tothe surace of the head, and not only relieves the pain at times but adds new strength to the hair. -Crimped Clams.-To one pint of milk add two andone-hal pints of flor, three eggs well beaten sad a pinchr of salt. Put two or three clams into each spoonaful of the batter; drop into hot fat and fry.-N. Y. World. -The best furniturepolish (used also for pianos) is made as follows: One pint of hard oil finish, one-half pint of coal oil, half pint of turpentine, the juioe of one lemon sad the white of one egg well beaten. Apply with a fat, two-ineh brush. It will be throughly dry in one hour. -Bissoles.-Mines and season the steak, moistening slightly with gravy. Roll pie crust very thin and out in rounds. Place a spoonful of the meat in the center of each round, brush the edges with beaten g sand then prem together. Then dip in beaten egg sad fry like doughnuts, about eight min, utes Serve hot on a folded napkin. Good Housekeeping. -For a Troublesome Cough.-Take an ounee of liorice, a quarter of a pound of raisins, a taspoonful of flax seed and two quarts of waten Boll slowly until reduceed to one quart, then add a quarter of a pound of finely pow dered rock candy and the julee of one lemon. Drink half a pint of this when going to bed, and a little ao when the cough is troublesome.--Ldies Home Journal. -Pressed Chicken.-Boll a chicken until very tender so the meat will slip of from the bones easily; salt while cooking. Remove from the stove and pick up the chicken very fine, mixing the light and dark meat in the dish in which you mold it. Put the bones baek in the water and boll until there is only a cupful of the liquid; pour this over your meat, mixing well and add a little salt if necessary. Place an inverted plate over it and a weight to keep it in place. Keep this in a cold place until ready to use, then slice with a sharp knife.-N. Y. World. -Lemon Pie--For two pies take the juice and grated rinds of two good sized lemons, or three small ones twotea eupfuls sugar, one teacupful sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls corn starch and the yolks of six eggs. Scald the milk and cook in Itthe corn starch, them add the sugar, eggs, lemon. etc Line a deep pie plate with a good crust, pour in the mixture and bake at once. As soon as it is done, have ready a mern guse made of the six whites beaten stif with four to six tablespoonftals -e__ Spread it over the top and brown it Orange Judd Farmer. SUMMER MILLINERY. 1t is sesseasi wh Nebrease to ts ee tl n 6l anmae ts Ita esonauble millinery has the merit of p being snug sad trm-looking, and of be ing selected with an eye to becoming ness. The .tlste in this department is Smore carefully stdied at present than heret~oor It is not necessarily a fact Stht because a bonnet is becoming it is Seither pretty or picturesque. Some bonnets which are very ugly in them selves are specially becoming to certain faces. It is the work of the artist to combi eme all the good points and turn out attractlve-looking, appropriate aad really elegant reations. While fowers are, and always should be, the favorite gsrniture for summer I millinery, the finest imported models show a few trimamirgs of ostrich-tips sad a few quill feathers. Passemen terei, platted lace, pulings, fancy braid and made-up materials either of ribbon, silk, velvet or fasny fabries, are lavishly used. Straw, chip and fancy braids are much liked; leghorns were never more popular; sad hats with arowns of fine straw and brims of lace braid are in very general demand for pictureeque hats for young ladies. Thereis great variety in the styles of trimmig hats. The more simple have large bows of ribbon, with a scarf arond the crown. Many of them hav no other garniture A eharming hat of lace brald has a bow and secar of shaded Krostadt green ribbon, with a oluster of green velvet roses A hat with medium low e rown sand rolld-up brim haa a gaure semar with three small estrich-tips st Some of the new importatioas have very low mrowas sad wide brims, with a plain or olosely folded bend around the crown, sad a sigs upright loop of the materiier bow of rtblon. A model, which has been much admired, has a very wide brim and low erown. The brim is eaught up at the baek sand arched in irregular frm at the sides; Sthe trimmingl isof largebeanches oft na turtumrs, with foliage. The flowers with long stai droop eveor the hair. esSlor hts are in very general use for Srdinary wear, and fo girls are almost Sniversally liked. Bonnets are much smaller then here toiore, some ao thes Imporations recall lag the ald-time joke of the postage stamp with rtbbons. One boanet is seds of two wings, coveread with fine jet, the pltais the wigs meeting st the top, ud between themu is set as igeette prayc. f fh owe. Strings Setel rivbb attaehed at the bsack, rie st one dds Aa othebr ag bauet is of very ftne ly erimped repe lite set in a rufale arenaa te brim. The top of tho bon st I ~  sa taothe aatrd edgeof the * epe is draw lito a vey close eseer. ]hemn this are prysot flowers and two or thmleps otribbe, snad freom this piat the strings also se sttached Un deb theb s i i s vwyall ruhing of A uaelty beset is made of a ban SplatMg o·f oem- red velvet edged m wi jet bedQ h ~ta ,is soar ,aed that oee edge of it forms the rid m, has orar edgestands uplght in rowne hape From the bpe of thi SarePrineeof Wales feathers sad strings w r fae uder the bhin. Girls wer large flat hats trimmed a wlth fowers, ribboaus or sf of tulle, m.ul or other thiR u9LatwId-I Y. La s**k