OCR Interpretation

The Banner-Democrat. [volume] (Lake Providence, East Carroll Parish, La.) 1892-current, January 02, 1897, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064237/1897-01-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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/t 6
-O L_. I_ ........r ... r o, i A ,. I-II_ _ ,C,51V1 ,
- will of b
Mayhap thid life does not please; "Oh I
Lut yield not to the sulks. or the l thing
For on this a:nieent maunian splo ,h the olde
Who hay things he would choos.:? to your
Miisortun  will o'ertak. thee: men an(
Yet mn; not jeers. nor secr-- by this
Wunat diffY '.nee cen this make to thee his van
In a entury o' year.! herd th
Abandon many pet projectl: to arri
For soon)r or later, theyll fail, OUSa
Th'n upon others place not blame, ''Ly
Nor at thy m;shaps rail
'i.ainst a iver~s fan bratvo'y b:ttlt, make a
N :'er envying. plo0perout peers; "1 ki
tlie'es woal l make slight differeaca was the
With thee in a hunalrel yoar! after a
me to I
B sat by divwrs temptations, end w
Tiy lving a :ailurs oft sc±nI eagle t
But in lamentinz waste no time. "Ah
Nor span t it il sulfish schenee. with I
Go aid thy fallen wretched brother, her fea
Assu:tgiug his sorrow and tear-, nonser
With him, and thee vast differetnc the bo
'Twih mLke in a hundrol years' for-noi
-Fa.nn L. Fauoherin New Yor c O:server. self.
ing fu
ROM the shores of pretty
Lake Winnipeg, to esteeir
' the Rocky Moun- gree it
Statns, from the Co- Cr sC
teaun of the Missouri major:
to the North San- plain.
.". katchawan, in every defent
camp and cabin, the at itu'
i name of Louis La- heavil
chance was fraught repert
" ýj with pleasant me=- their
Sories to the many. his de
Louis was a good-for-nothing, as even vindit
those who loved him had to acknowl- A c'
edge. He was a wanderer of the culpri
wanderers; here to-day, away to- fered
morrow, ever on the move; tripping, The
trading, driving dogs, fishing, hunt- and 1.
ing, freighting, trapping, a handy man was o:
in camp in the woode, in boat or tears
canoe, or on the plains, a, home-- obildi
everywhere. A fearless rider, a skilful were
dog driver, a trusty guide, an expert benoa
gambler, an inimitable raconteur, a ones:
rars good fiddler, and withall a jovial kisses
poor soul whose abundant good qual- one o
ities outnumbered the bad in his "A
oddly equipped personality. The men adieu
pretended to despise him when re- And:
moved from the influence of his irre- forge
bistiblo good humor, the women fathe
scolded and petted him by turns, the the p
;:r!l admired him in secret, and the die a
children worshiped him. The hero of Th
many an unenviable exploit-of duties weset
neglected or promises forgotten, but to m
never guilty of the meanness of tleft on ti
or oriminal untruth-there came a lay a
day when Louis found himself in sad were
disgrace. of a
Heo had joined the autumn brigade back
of buffalo hunters that started west- lashe
ward from the Ried River every mid- smal
summer, an --just as their hope of mor
securing a winter's supply of meat and that
a rich booty of robes was on the point solv
of fruition-hal committed an acot far-i
which, in its very thoughtlessness, who
transconded all -his past sins and sha:
called for condign punishment. O
The laws of the half-breed hunters he
of tboe p ins were contained in an tice
unwritten code, whose "shalt not's" its 1
were few and easy of comprehension, hot
but their observance was rigorously sme
enforced, and punishment for their ent
:nfraotion was immediate and severe. for
The penalty varied with the degree of the
guilt, anu ranged from the loss of the hot
o,ffender's saddle, bridle or coat, to pn:
flogging, and, in extreme cases, ban- thi
ishment from the brigade. *tLouis's off
crime fell within the last category. ble
One evening the scouts reported a ten
great herd of brtla!o throe hours grc
ahead of the advancing brigade. Camp of
was made at once, sentries posted, and in
strict silence enjoined upon all. Then, wo
after long bhors of nervous alertness,
the hunters sed swiftly and silently ate
away before dawn, to the mighty fai
deed of slaughte,, whiOh was to mark his
the birth of the new day. The riders
iprea'l ouit in a loug line to right and
left as they advanced, and at length hi
ereste:l the summit of a range of low ev
lying hi:ls that bounde1 on3 side of cr
the valley in which the unsuspeoting t
prey were grazing peacefully. From da
the height they overlooked a broad pe
ldepression whose further limit of en- in
aircling hiils was alreadly 'ade glor- th
ious by the opalescent tints of the
risinl sun; beneath them floated a yi
cloud of quivering, undulating, snowy t
mist that hid the vallei's bottom and at
shut from their view the thousandb of h:
wild cattle, whose presence was, never- f
theless, made certain by the muffled ci
pnoots and low bellowing that reached o
their ears through the evanescent cur- o
A sign from Pierre Delorme, the w
captain, brought the line to a halt; p
the hnoters made hasty preparations o
for the graufcharge-loosening their a
powder horns, filliu; their months
with bullets, and adjusting oinches
and sadlies-all eyes were fixed on t
Pierre, whose signiaL "Ho !' should set a
t ea oharging madly on the herd. At
the .ur'cme mo nent an eagle came I
. ,jooriug over the valley, Louis's gun I
rang out, anud t ,o "bird tumbled, a
dieheveled buik, through the startled
air. In an instant the distant hill- I
tops were black with fleeing buffaloes.
Up from the mist they rose like sea
monsters from the waves, and were off
over the divide, the earth vibrating
beneath the shock of the myriad
hoofs. The hunters charged, but too
late; all that was left for their bullets
and knives were the poor outcasts .and
straysr--the sick, disabled, or weak
lingsa--distanced dr injured in the
blind, mad rush for life.
S Conscience-stricken and heavy
hearted, Louis picked up the dead
eagle and returned to camp. He made
ful confession of his fault, but ex
premed 'o hope of pardon and offered
no exon e. The women and old men
heaped reproaches upon him. The
unfortunate bird, the cause of it all,
was fung on the fire-a burnt ofYering
to their outragel feelutn-andl Lois
might have shared its fate it some
of the fiercest could have hlsd heirI turning
will of him. He was
"Oh! the accursed good-for-no- with pal
thing!" yelted old Baptiste Charette, burning
the olde-t man in the camp. "Figure heavy a
to yourself, we others, with our wo- he won
men and c'hildren, rendered destitute woman
by this pig of a Louise, who, to feed ".'tad
his vanity, makes to run the whole to do w
herd that we have had so much pain sicknes
to arrive at! It's infamous! infaln- i eforo
ns !1" ness wi
".My poor boy," said Pere Lachaise, thee to
"how did it come that thou couldst for the
make a stupidity like that? " and wi
"I know not, my father ; perhaps it gether
was the devil who tempted me." Then, He a
after a pause, '"Mario Ducharme asked nor apý
me to get her some eagle's feathers, he won
%nd what would you, 'twas the first mount,
eagle that I met." iofntho
"Aha! It was that little Marie, off the
with her beads, an:l her quills, and felt sua
her feathers, and all her shopfull of up a w
nonsense; 'twas she who had turned to fin
the boy's head and made him a good- what v
for-nothing, fiddling rascal like her- lived 1
self. Aha, the little cat!" grace i
The storm of feminine wrath was if he e
diverted to poor Marie, who sobbol pose,
bitterly as it broke on her in shriek- friend
ing fury, for it was her fortune to be Marie
f pretty, and her sisters held her in well es
o esteem or hate according to the de- en as I
i- gree in which her good looks equaled ward,
) r surpassed their own; and the to cu
ri majority of them were hopelessly he w
s. plain. Louis made a brave attempt to death
y defend his sweetheart, and his defiant cho.
re attitude and voice raised in anger told in the
a- heavily against him with the ex- limbs
at eeperated hunters, returning from fro-i
their profitless chase, for they mistook vance
7. his demeanor for one of truculent self- Ho
in vindication.
'1- A court was hastily organized. The forces
ie culprit waived examination and of- tered
o- fered no defence. ollar
g, The sentence--twenty-five lashes
at- nd banishment from the brigade- little
in was carried out forthwith, amid the Mout
or tears and wailings of the women and stopl
children, whose appels for mercy loud
'l were in vain. Louis never flinched from
rt beneath the lash, but when the little faller
a ones flocked about him with farewell from
ial kisses, he broke down and wept like pa in
al- one of themselves. a
lis "Adieu, my dear little friends, appr
en adieul Pray to the good Geol for me. guar
re- And you others, I only ask that you "I
e- forget my fault. Your blessing, my near
en father." He knelt a minute before Ho,
he the priest, then vaulted into his sad- there
he dle and rode rapidly away.
of The outcast shaped his course north- lives
iea westward, as the crow flies, intending ever,
)nt to make the settlement at Edmonton, cam;
Veft on the North Saskatchawan. His road Tell
a alay all before him, for the great plains a mt
sad were as familiar to him as the streets iner
of a city are to its inhabitants. His fron
ade back throbbed and smartel from the join
est- lashes he had received, but the greater him
kid- smart was within. Every fiber of his as ii
of moral being tingled with the disgrace war;
sad that hadibeen put upon him, and he re- pox
)int solved to bury himself forever in some
act far-offcorner of the north country.
ems, where, perchance, the story of his left
and shame might not penetrate. T
On the third day of his solitary ride vol
ters he sighted the Wascana creek, and no- fro]
an ticed three Indian lodges standing on hiu
it's" its bank. A couple of starved dogs ban
ion, howled dismally as he drew near, but no eye
usly smoke or other sign of life was appar- kin
heir ent. He hailed in Cree; silence, cave dos
ere. for the mournful whining of the dogs, fac
ee of that now slunk whimpering about his ho;
the horse's feet. He advanced cautiously,
t, to puzzled at the uncanny appearance of
ban- things, and became conscious of an
uis's offonsive odor that groew more palpa- e
. ble at every step. Alarmed, and in
eed a tensely excited, he leaped to the nn
gours ground and strode swiftly to thri door
,amp of the nearest tepee. Horror ! With- tal
Sand in lay five swollen corpses-a man, a sni
hen, woman and three children-smallpox wr
ness, He turned to fly from the plague- w
ently stricken place, but a feeble mon, so
ighty faint as to be almost inaudible, arrested se
mark him. He listened intently. ut
a n In an instant Louis had forgotten it
ength his terrors, his danger, his disgust, hi
Slow evcrything except that a fellow
de o c oreature was in dire distress. In less qr
otin time than it takes to record the good
From deod, he was tenderly supporting the t
broad poor, fever-stricken form, while hold
f en - ing a precious, life giving draught to O
olor - the swollen lips.
f the The survivor of the camp was a i
ted a young Cree woman. She had nursed
snowy the others while her etrength lasted, b
m and and then, overcome by the pestilence,
nd of had lain down to die. When Louis
never- found her the disease had run its
uuffled course, and thanks to the timely uonp 1
ahed of cold water and his after gooe
itccr ' oftoes, her life was saved. He made r
a shelter of willow branches near the
Stbe water's edge, to which he removed his
halt; patient, msking her a comfortable bed
rations of grass and leaves, over which he
their spread his own blankets. Then he set
noothe sbout disposing of the dead. He
innhes burned the tepees and their con
red on tents, and managed,withinfinite toil
nlldset an axe being the only tool available to
rd. At seoop out the trench in which he de
e came posited the poor semblances of hu'
a' a g un manity-elevcn in number. His self
bled, a imposed task was loathsome in the ex
arrtled treme, and when it was completed he
it hill- felt sick and exhausted.
aoaloes He learned from the young woman,
like sea whowasrapidly regainingstrength, that
aere of she and her companions had formed
bt g one of a number of small parties into
myriad which the main camp of the Crees had
buttoo broken up when the disease first at
bullets tacked them, hoping in that way to
ists and avoid contagion. It was believed to
w ak' have come to them through the
n he Bloods and Sarcees, from the Wood
Mountain country, where it was said
hv- to be raging. He heard her story with
i o dead great concern. He knew that the
oehunto were followeeing i dirthe buffalo
Los the dread phem directly to theevn
dme sryet be timsre to savthe diariRe. Ifb
A~S. ·., - -i·:
turning them back to the settlement, I M F
He was sick. His bones were racked a
with pain, his head splitting, his eyes HRILL
burning, his throat parched, his step ING D
heavy and uncertain, but no matter
he would make the attempt. The
woman dissuaded him. Despera
",.tay, my brother. It is not in thee Cate
to do what thou wouldst. 'The bad a Co
sickness is upon thee, even now, andl
before thou hast riddlen far, the blind
ness will come, and who then will lead
thee to thy people? Stay, I will care
for thee whouthystrengthleaves thee, himself
anld when it returns, we will go to- of an A
gether and warn the hunters." Wher
He would listen to neither argument last we(
nor appeal; his resolve was taken and His cio
he would carry it out or die. So he badly
mounted his horse and set his face steady
s'nthward. Hrs thought was to head had in
off the brigade on the trail which he was the
felt sure they were following, and post the mo
up a warning that they would be sure betwec
1 to finl. If he could only succeed, mount:
what would the rest matter. He had "i ai
lived too long. The day of his dis- afternc
grace should have beoon his last, but story t
if he accomplished his present pur- next di
1 pose, and saved his dear little child goin' 1
friends and the' ood mothers, and fight a
e Marie-his Maw-his life had been the mc
a well expended. Weak and pest-strick- dog, as
en as he was, he urged his horses for- anythi
I ward, taking no heel of time, unless shoot
e to curse the lagging moments when season
y he was forced to stay his race with had le
o death to rest and feed his trusty bron- best d
t cho. He dared not sleep. When not gone.
I in the saddle, he forced his trembling I gue
s- limbs to bear him to and fro, to and o'cloc1
a fro-a weary picket repelling the ad- back t
k vance of ambush of death. two hi
f- How long and how far he rode he ef any
knew not. The horse, flogged and <I,
ic forced to the limit of endurance, fal- a shor
f- tered in his stride and gave signs of And t
collapse, as one morning at sunrise got in
as he toiled wearily to the summit, of a old tr
- little hill that overlooked the Wood like
he Mountain trail. The poor brute being
ad stopped on the hilltop and uttered a been
cy loud neigh that roused his master woods
ed from the stupor into which he had happi
le fallen. An answering neigh came up on a
3il from the valley, and raising himself wilde
ke painfully upright Louis saw, through raise
a blood-red mist, two mounted men from
1s, approaching rapidly-the advance dcrs.
le. guard of the brigade. to th
on "lo, he I" they hailed as they came eg
ey nearer. "But, holy name, it's Louisal at th
)re Ho, ho, boy, what are you doing behii
6d- there?" from
"Stop !" he shrieked, "stop for your on
Lh- lives! The pest-the smallpox-is jnm
ug everywhere on the plains! To the and
)n, camp! Back! To the settlement! it by
ad Tell Mar-" His voice died away in I di
ins a moan, and he fell from his saddle, hitti
ets inert and lifeless. The horse, freed .,l
is from his weight. made an attempt to time
the join his fellows, but the hunters shot knot
ter him deal and rode away toward camp club
his as if pursued by demons, shouting the It w
ace warning as they went, "The small- so f
re- pox! The small-pox!" that
me fern
try. "ClGo be praised. The fever has acre
his left him; he will live." bls2
The words, spouen in a low, familiar ope
rido voice, greeted Louis's ears, roused hiss
no- from unconsciousness, as it seemed to eno
on him, by the pressura of a soft, cool his
logs hand on his forehead. He opene his to
tno eyes wearily, anl they rested on the the
par- kindly face of l'ere Lachaise, smiling bot
cave down into them, and beside it another plu
ogs, face, beaming.with love and newborn S
his hope -Marie's.-M-Iassey's Magazine. nat
slyT, eye
ce of Gambling Women. my
an A very noticeable and unpleasant did
p in- feature of the Ostend Kursaal is the EM
int number of women who are to be seen
dth gambling there. English women
oor take the lead as heavy players. The git
intha nightly scenes at the Kursaal are of a a
po startling nature. A correspondent
writes from Ostend to an English tac
n, 0 ".A Monte Carlo theo maximum an
ested stake is nine napoleons on a roulette cal
number. Here at the Ostend Kur- sil
tten sac, one can go up to 300 franes,land
it is calculante that 300 00 francos can n;
gust, be won at a stroke. At Trente et m!
l hoe quaranto the maximum is 12,000 at
o francos, but the croupiers often permit OU
goodth a supplementary stake of 6000 francs. i
the It should be added that while at Monte It
hold- Carlo you can only plhy with gold, at h
t to Ostend counters are allowed up to a hi
value of 6000 francs, and certain well
raed known persons obtain almost unlim- df
rse ited credit from the bank. I remem- f
ber seeing four players at once who 01
lenee pet the maximum of 12,000 francs '
ouis each turn, and this went on for hours, a
fn its nobody putting himself out in the D
y onp least, while at Mone Carlo the fact of t
g a player risking the maximum is al
ar the publicly announced. n
t ,"Unfortunateiy it is always the
' Ihis fair sex who chiefly cultivate the taste
Se for gambling th's year. The English
h ladies take the lead and are closely
h e eot followed by the Germans. It is a a
Sscandal which it is high time should
toil- be stopped."
~e to *Launghable i e of "Again."
of h The little word "again" once threw
s self- a large assembly into fits of laughter.
he ex- It was at a publich meeting in New
tedhe hYork. One of the speakers, Rev. Mr.
R., had the misfortune, when he tried
roman, to take a seat, to miss his chair and
th,that come down at full length on the plat
formed form. The accident occasioned not a
es into little subdued mirth. When at last
es had it came his turn to speak, the presid
rat at- ing officer introduced him in these
y to words: "The Rev. Mr. II. will again
e ee e to take the floor." The reverend gentle
h the man never met with so enthusiastio a
Woo d reception as greeted this anoaonee
as said ment.--Argonaut.
r r with The Alibi Olee.
uffalo A new Parisetan institution, which is
would pretty sure to be copied in all oivilized
a the con.tries, isan alibi office. The con
ee. If, ern undertakes to post letters for
escped customers from any point of the world,
g iives, and render other little services tend
infrom ing to hidioste the client's presence at
,h.ven a certain point while e is otherwise
gadi by eua~ged elsewhere.
ral Ame:
had quiti
broke so
Desperate Battle With a Wildcat- chinery,
Catching a Big Shark-A Ride on It requi
a Cowcatcher. her in c.
BE DANIEL3 had 1 b een dayhreal
around the mountains for ia da's of
good many )ears, but not itme we
long enough to familiarize I ocean, a
himself with the cunr.ing stratagems way per
of an Adirondack Mountain wildcat. daylight
When Abe came into town one day were col
last week he was a sight to beholdl. Some o
His clothes were in shre.ls, his face shark.
badly scratched, and h:l gait as un- "Pio
steady as that of a drunken man. He before
had met a wildcat, run though Abe man mt
was the victor the tiht was probably matter
the most savage that ever took place secured
between man and animal on the the end
mountains in this region. wire, at
"I started out about 3 o'clock in the of a rot
afternoon," he said, when relating his wire to
story to the Times correspondent the it off.
next day, "and I hal no.idea I was piece o
goin' to run up agaiu-t the stiffest line.
fight a man ever put up in this part of when h
the mountains. I tcok my gun and a despe
dog, as I always do. I wasn't out fer and tb
anything in particklar, but jes' to str4igh
shoot anything in th' way o' gooe., were m
I seasonable game. And now I wisht I same r
had left the dog home. Pete was the a witn
best dog I ever had. The poor fellow's monste
gone. He's been made mincemeat of. half ro
I I guess it must have been near 5 make
1 o'clock when I calculated I'd turn "Af
back t' town. I had been trampin' for was tir
two hours an' didn't see hide, nor hair but be
ef anything wuth shootin' at. sailor
1 "I was kind o' tired, and so I took wantet
a short cut down the mountain side. loop
And that's jes' wherJ your Uncle Abo passed
9 got into trouble. If I hal kep' to the loop,
a old trail I wouldn't have had to fight Thu hi
d like a demon to save myself from the wt
e being clawed all to pcce . I hadn't rush
a been pushin' my way through the bacon
r woods more'n five minntes when I the ro
1 happened to look up. There in atree upper
P on a low limb sat one o' the bigges' teen-f
If wildcats I ever see. Before I could 'Drop
h raise my gun to fire that cat dropped the li
n from the limb and lit on my shoul- head,
s0 ders. I screamed and threw myself 'rl
to the ground. strugi
0e "'Quicker than a wink the dog was took
el at the cat. He went at the cat from mons
ig behind, and, finding itself attacked and i
from the rear, the cut let go its hold give
on me and went for the dog. I was 1
is jumped to my feet, clubbed my gun, gers
he and made a smash at the cat. I missed their
tt it by a hair. I was afraid to shoot, fer deck
in I didn't want to take any chances on vesse
Lo, hittin' the dog. most
ed "I swung the gun ag.uin, and this The
to time caught the cat on the back and show
tot knocked it clean out of the dog's easil;
aP clutches and into the undergrowth. need
h It was an ugly blow, but the cat was long
ll- so furious and worked up and excited enon
that it came at me like something in- with
fernal. Scream? I never heerd such amir
a5s screamin' in all my life. Its eyes femn
blazed like fire, its mouth was wide your
lar open, and when it wasn't screamin' it to b:
sed hissed like a dozen snakes. It was New
to enough to make any mar. tremble in time
ool his boots. But I was toj busy tryin' feet
his to save my life to do much tremblin' boa
the then. More I knowe:l it the cat larg
ing bounced through the air and landed
her plum on my breast. The shook was
orn so great .tbat I went ',own. Fortu
ine. nately for me the cat didn't tear my bide
eyes out. It scratched and tore at kni
myclothes fer a minnit. Only twice
sant did it scratch my face. Pete was at it Wil
the in a minnit, and that was all that we
seen saved me. a
men "With a scream that I'll never fer
The git the cat went at poor Pete. Itwas uo
f a a game fight, and a fight to the death. dre
dent Pete was in many a tight, but he never brs
;lish tackled a wildcat boeor.'. He could
I bite and gouge, but be couldn't scratch
nm m and tear. Over and over the dog and tr
ette cat rolled, fighting all the time like ona
ur- I sin. I couldn't shoot; the two was n
tand mixed up too mucb. So I cnubbe't ca
can m gun and saied in. I was deter
te at mined 'll kilt that cat or die in the
,000 attemp'. I caught the animal a whack es
rmmt on the shoulder that made it secreetch wa
rami with pain and let go its hold on Pete. m
onto It was not unntil the ct sprangto one
Id, at Ride that I saw how badly Pete was ax
to a hurt. His skin and flesh had been
well torn into ribbons by that mountain
l l- devil, and he was smeared with blood h
from head to foot. I wheeled aroun' at
mwo an' made fer the cat. Put the lruteo
w'nCra was quicker'n I was. It was at me in
r ns, a second. Pete was no longer any use a
atthhe now; he lay dying a few feet away. I a
it of think-and you may laugh at it-that t
Sal. the knowledge of his condition saved
my life, for it male me ight all the
Sthe harder. I had had Pete for years; he
taste went everywhere with me. Whenever
l lish you saw Pete you w're sure to find a
losely Abe Daniels, an' jes' the other way
is a about. I clinched with the cat; it
hould -a the only thi'g I could do. It(
u ouldn't fight as hard as before, fer it
_was too winded. I jes' hugged it 0
) tight. It tore my clothes and scratched
threw my legs in an awful way, but it didn't
rw last long, fer I out with my knife and
ghter. jeb' disemboweled that cat. t
SNew "'The blood gushed out, and even
V. Mr. then the cat made a feariul effort to
a tried bite me in the face. I threw my head
ir and as far back as I could and ripped and
eplat- slashed with all my might. Then I
n not a felt the cat's struggles gettin' weaker
 tt last and weaker. It gave a fw convUalsirev
resi e kicks, and died stiil hsnging to me. I
a these had to tear it eio c from me. After
again ward I measured the cat. It was 4I
gentle n feet long ,fro.r li tip, It was my
aitstioa first fight witI a w hicLd. I hope that
ooonoe* I'll never have anoth.r. To tell you
the truth." ridl Abe pathetically,
"'now that o:lte.' dea~l, I really don't
care to go huntin' any more. I loved
ivilized And as he "poke ti words tears
he on- made misty th enys of the ragged,
rrs for tender-heartel iuidc.-Philadelphi*
worldo, Times.
a tend- "-
eenae at CRciing a IlIrg Shabr.
rerwis e "On a recent trin," said aPitthbur
traveling man, "that I mado to Cen- MON El
tral America, the crew and passengers
had quite an experience with a shark.
We were on board the Ander, one of
the Atlas line of steamships. She
broke some important part of her ma
chinery, anl was entirely unseaworthy. Catehin;
It required twenty-four hours to put Cont
her in condition to proceed on her Strul
way. The accident happened bheore
Sdayhreak. when we we were within two
days of New York. During all that
time we wore tloating about on the
ocean, nod fortunately for us the ocean hunters
was perfectly calm. When the first night n
daylight came we discovero. that we by a bl
were completely sarrounded by sharks. in this 1
Some one suggested that wa catch a wilderne
shark. into vie
"y'o idea was no more than hatched ceing a
before the captain, who was a young sharkeri
I man making h:s first trip, took the Washini
i matter up and proceeded to work. He try.
secured a largeo hook, attached it to "It's
I the end of several piles of telegraph leader I
wire, and then fastened it to the end who eat
e of a rope, leaving about five feet of ing, bul
9 wire to prevent the shark ffom biting I went
it off. On the hook he placed a large halibut
• piece of bacon, then he dropped his on it,
line. It had barely struck the water oil."
when he got a bite. The captain made Grea
a desperate jerk. So did the shark, on Pile
r and the hook was bent perfectly hot fire
o straight. A number of such attempts liver in
I were made, but each time with the in near
I same result. An old tar who had been possibl
e a witne3s to the attempts to hook the po
s monster produced an old-fashioned, Psigal
. half-round eteel file, and proceeded to the con
5 make a hook that he said would hold. sharks
'n "After quite a long wait the hook and the
r was finished and attached to the line, returni
ir but before going any further the old their a
sailor gave instrdctions as to how he count:
>k wanted the work done. He made a "In
e' loop on the enda of another rope, theme
a| passed the hook and line through the from b
ee loop, and the latter was held on deck. of the
ht The hook was baited and thrown into deep v
m the water, and in an instant a mighty and as
i't rush of sharks was made to get the aboart
he bacon. The crowd of sailors pulledon was ti
the rope and fastened the hook in the body I
ee upper jaw of what proved to be a tif ertili
es' teen-foot shark. The old tar yelled: no far
ld 'Drop your loop.' It dropped down bodies
ed the line and passel over the shark's Tw
ol- head, when it was tightened up. er the
elf "Then began the most desperate
struggle I ever saw for freedom. It the ay
vas took all on board to pull the marine tain
om monster on deck. After much time
oed and patience, as it required both, to alma
give It time to exhaust itself, the shark wher
was landed. At this time the passen- Cape
an, gers made themselves conspicuous by rorab
sed their absence. The shark lashed the namt
fer deck with its tail and body until the the I
on vessel almost trembled. It was the work
most exciting scene I ever witnesse.t heav.
this The shark would open Its mouth, oloth
and showing a cavity that a man could piact
;'s easily crawl into, and teeth as sharp as
rth. needle'. One of the sailors, after a sport
was long wait, succeeded in getting close
ited enough to cut the monster's throat the
in- with an as. After a post mortem ex- sligh
uch amination It was discovered to be a Bfsh
eyes female, and the mother of thirteen out
vide young sharkiets. An effort was made man
n' it to bring some of the young ones to with
was New York, but they all died in a short into
3 in time. Each of them was about three fere
yin' feet long. As they were thrown over- man
lin' board they were gobbled up by other rail
cat larger ones.--Pittsburg Leader. the
ided -a I
was A Ride In a Cowcatcher. mad
The man who rode in a cowcatcher firsl
emy bids fair to become a hero among the sto
ice knigtlts of the road, as well as a mar- aid
it vel to railroad men. His name is whi
William Errixeon and his years are mum
that twenty-twenty years as replete with ano
adventure as a chapter out of a dime ano
tfer- novel. Beating his way over hnn- the
th.was dreda of miles of territory has become one
never second nature to him and a trip on a eve
ne d brakebea:t a -ositive luxury.
tchld But where;n William Errsxs-n has an(
a transcended all the feats of the migrat- poi
like ing hobo -a that.he was the first and sas
like only individual of his kind to conceive ere
i and exacute the audacious project of' the
beter- caging himself within a cowcatcher and ab
n the heating a ride in that perilous and sw
a essentially melodramatic situation. It we
ac was thus that he traveled from Wiune- i
eetch mdcca to Wadsworth. He had to be b
Pete. careful in selecting his locomotive to the
:o one find one that had no forward steam ho
b ee exhaust. A locomotive exhausting a
been steam toward the cowcatcher would ba
ntain have literally cooked him alive. He t
ro has some knowledge of locomotives, w
rroun and so was able to pick out one with ,
trateonly side exhausts. Inside of the cow- P
nuscatcher there, is only a small space, M
Su and he found it necessary to sit upon ui,
SItimbers which are used for braces for t
-that the frame of the cowcatcher. Then j
savet he was in a half recumbent position, tl
he his hands clutched around the cow- I
ee catcher bars, while the train was runn- '
e one d ning fast. Being ahead of the drivers
and the machinery he was jolted ter
rway rifically by what is technically known
ot; itas the "fall" of thelocomotive. The'air
St was intensely, hot and the smell of the
Sfr it oil and other odors from the locomo- t
ged it tive was stifling. The distanoebetween
ratched Winnemnueca and Wadsworth is only U
id d thirty-six miles, but there are eight a
stops, and it seemed an age of suffering II
to Errixson before he reached a place a
Seven here he could climb down and oat a
ort tofrom his perch. He climbed under
Sheadthe coweatcher in the pit of the round- a
ed and house and got out inWadsworth. His
Then I back was wrenched, his arms seem6d I
weaker ready to fall from their sookets, arnd. 1
avuiee his eyes were bloodshot. He stag- 1
After- gered from the train undetected and
wsrfell half exhausted .in the sage brush, I
A where he slept several hears, awaking |
was my with a ter.ible start from a dream in
othat Iwhich he was once more speeding over
tell the alkaline wastes,with the machinery
eially,of the locomotive pounding terrifideally
ly just back of him.-Sau Franoisoo
oloved i Chronicle.
dd tears There are five women on the Brook
rrgged, lyn (N. Y.) Board of Eduoation. O1
adelphia the three who had left the eity -for the
summer, one tr.sveled'romNs. Hamp
shire, another from the vicialty of
. I'oston and the third 150 miles to at
itiebr ,ug tend the July meCeting of Irhe- ]ad.
-,, '. • 2: - : . :
Catching Maine Monsters for the Olt marine
Contained in Their IAvers-Ylerca A na
Struggles for Life. many
W OR K I N G their way formerl
through the thickly A fot
wooded foreasa of Van- species
conver's Island, a partyof Cedar
hunters and eiplorerb oama out one ponds
night upon a bay that was illuminated Farn
by a blazing bonfire-a welcome sight ibein
in this little-known and unfrequented t}e a
wilderness. A rude camp next came be mot
into view, and the party soon was re- A o
ceing a hearty welcome from a crew of Aipe
sharkera who hailed from Tacoma, t pip
Washington, and the adjacent coun- to il
try. e
"It's a curious thing," said the use
leader later on, "to find a fisherman A gi
who can load with halibut shark fish- from
ing, but that's just what it amounts to. mie i
I went South with .30,000 pounds of 160 f
halibut some time ago and loat money. seve
on it, and now we are trying shark Tha
oil." Or ap
Great pots or caldrons were. restin'g whel
on piles of stone, seething ovwr the moats
hot fires that were converting shark's 188p
liver into an oil valuable to machinists ea e
in nearly all trades; an oil that had a Basin
possible wholesale value of forty cents simile
per gallon. Off Uape Scott was the at
fishing ground, and . there and along The
the coast of Vancouver's Island large fire
sharks are found all the year around,
and the Norwegian sharkers were just i
returning to the fishing that had been fo it
Stheir means of livelihood in their own tunt
country. a vit
"In the old country," said one of recall
the men, "the fishing is very different more
from here. There we saved every bit s
of the shark. We got them in very A
y deep water, a sort of ground shark, in
y and sometimes had to takb them iea
Saboard on the windlass. The liver ceac
wn was taken out to be tried, and the ter
f body towed ashore to be made into had
fertilizer for the farmers; but there's bsy
no farmers about here, so we let the sts
,bodies go."At
Two days later the trim little schoon- hm
er that had been lying in the bay bore
t away for Cape Scott with several of
the hunting party, who wished to ob
eain some idea of shark fishing, as H
e passengers. The fishing ground was to
r almost anywhere along shore, though Jno
k where the currents swept around the of t
1- Gape was for some reason a very fa- De
. vorable place. Here the men caught a
number of halibut for .bit, and then po
he the decks were cleared for the real mar
he work of shark fishing, and a dozen het
1. heavy rope lines about as large as a Wal
ild clothesline were baited with tempting llun
pieces of halibut. may
s .There was a long wait and then the __
a sport, if so it can be called, began with eUJ
se a zest that soon made aerd work for 61
athe men. At first there would be' a lt
s- slight nibble at the line, as though a T
a fish was nosing it; then it slowlywran b
den out a few feet and then it was4hat the
doe man at the, line leaned forward and ,
to with all his strength jerked the hook o
rr into the shark's mouth. There was a
fie ferce rush, tearing the rope from the hi
rer- man's hands and dragging it over the ho
her rail; coil after coil leaping from wa
the deoi, hissing sad writhing like g
a hving thing. Finally a turn was
made about a belaying pin, and the ,n
her first rush of the big fish was partly at
the stopped; then the fisherman with th. in.
ear- aid of all hands stsated, the monster, on
is which came slowly in, testing every en
are muscle of the -men on the lihe.. Soon ae
with another line was running out, than ,
ime another, an 1 three sharks, famous for ,
Inn- their pulling power, were hooked at n,
ome once. Slowly they came in, fighting a
-n a every foot, and finally a vicious look- .
ing fellow at least fourteen feet long io
has and weighing possibly 800 or 1000 H
rat- pounds, was rolling and tossing at the he
and surface. A block an i tackle were low- o
meive ered over him, and in a few minutes ci
t of' the struggling mon4ter was hoisted o
and above the suarface and despatehed and a
and swung over the deck, where the liver
twas skilfully taken out, the body be
une- ing thrown overboard to be devoured
o be by the rapacionus creatures that make I
eto the coast line of Vaneouyer their
team home. The long olise colored liver of
tinga single shark when dropped into a
onld barrel halt filled it, and was estimated
eto be worth from $1.50 to $2, as it
ives, would produce several igallons of oil
with worth from thirty-tfive to forty esnts
ow- per gallon. The other sharks were
pace, soon taken in and despoiled of their
upon livers, and in the course of the day
e for ten were caught, making nearly fie
Then barrels of hver, and it was estimatAed
tion, that many more per day could be
cow- taken. The vessel could carry about
Srun- 175 barrela of oil of a capsoity of sisty
,iere gsllons ebach.--ew York Post'
id ter
nowin Novel Test of pare Ar.
ofthe A novel method for the detection of
iomo- the admixture of one gas with aSother
een has lately been described. It depends
only upon the fact that when air, of the
eight same composition and temperattre,
ering is blown into similar pipes, such as
plaoe organ pipes, they produne the ease
d out note, bnt if one of the two feod-pipes
under be fed with air containing even a
round- small proportion of gas of a different
His density it gets out of tune ahd besats
eem6 d are produced, the number of beatm
t, and being proportional to the amount of
tag- I the foreign gas in the mixture. It i!
cd and claimed the by this method the pres
b bsh, enae of marsh gas in a mine can be
waking detected, and that it can be employe"
eamin for sroustically determining the
a over amount of earbonie acid in furnacea
hhinery gues.
nideally Immense Pearl Nisheries.
Tso he pearl shell fisheries of the Mear
gPlan arehipelago, in the Government
Brook- of Barps, comprise 11,000 squasre
n O 0 miles. The gtheting of pearl shell 1*
for the the chief industry, though, of coarse,
l amp pearls are also found. The banks are
iat of reted Tfrom the Goveraresot end
io agt- rightsto ish sub:.t on s tlr.lp -.
inard. jlbiladelIhia Ledge -
SIeeauua;tl, AU I ilW** i, -
Mexico has a 180-ton locomotive.
Gas engines propel Dresden ears.
Around Paoet Sound the region. 
exceedingly rich and promising in its
marine and animal life.
A nail making machine produces as
many nails in a given time as were
formerly made by 1000 men.
A fossilised tooth of some extice)
species of animal recently iound in v'.
Cedar County. Nebraska, weighs 14i.
Furniture made of compressedp'ap
is being manufactured. It poee -es
the advantages of lightness, and cd ea : .
be molded into any desired shape.
A company has been formed to la7:
a pipe line from the Idiana oil d.b:
to Chicago. The distance is"- 1
miles; and six-inch pipe is to he  
used. .
A great find of platinum is reporte& -
from Pitfeld, New South Waless b h
mine is a mile long and from sixty t
153 feet. wide, and the ore gial4i
F seventy-five per eat. of platltuea
That newest thing, the tolle,r4w
er upon Which ML ]Bsid pro ef : tee
9 wheel himself across the ohnu `
a montk, is not, it seems, new at tt~,4
S1880 a Captain Bigot patented a
I sel essentially identical to tde E . ,
Basin, snd a year or .two
s similar in idea wes said to be
0 on the Hudson.
R The stopping capacity of the bl.) -
e fired from the new E1glish Iar -_,.i
Sis rather -iandinite. W eui I
rifle has been nesed agaist a m-e
n foe it has 'semed sifgularly ipe -
n tral If the ballet happens to striki ',
a vital spot-the victim is. ded ey~o ':
recall, but if not the hulMt t-el bo
more injury than a charge from a peop
it gun.
SAn*Italian physician has ilees aas
ing interesting esperiments as to the
r effect of fatigaue on the ne~oous S .s
stem. Twsnaty-four bicyole riderewho
had ridden thirty-=wd miles in two
Shours sad a qurter, were e zasea..
he a to their hearing and ifs every it
stance were found tQ be- efeetive. =
U. After a couple of hours' rest *theiri
re haring besm normal.
ib- ChtH.Bwel'ers at New.
as Hamlin Garlnd contribtes an in
vi teresting artiae to the ladies' Rome A
gh Journal on the home and eap. lite.º
he of the Pueblo Dwelling Indians (Cliff,-:
fa- Dwellers of the Sonthwesthe he
t a designates as.*"The Most teeo
ea People in America." "It t6ok far.
eal -man to set these- vliges on these
:an heights," he writes. "As I approebed
a Walpi ooldlhardly believe ,~ything
Lg living wa. upok it. The hos
massivei dit colored, fsat sald sqq~ r
the as rook, secated themselves pd;A the
rit cliff, like tartle. The first videin"
for life tws a a4 feld of 91Wt
S deep in 'the wash' or dy ,. trier b ."
h a Then an old man watehig itt s
ran boangatha shadeof pinon boughs. on .
the some peach trees knee deep .sam. -
and Then some red rof hosses built t ,
sok overanment. By this time .
s a see~tieny agures M sioving abo oat t
the high ledges- and on the rqofs of the
the houses. Up the trail a man on baMrr.
rom was driving a Bookof sheep and goats.
like Hewore light ootton trousers id-a
was calico shirt. His legs were bae;, ad
the on his head was strw hat. .rt .
Lrtly up the trail some old women were tO'
the. ing with huge bottles of water slutg
ter on their backs From the moment I
very entered that trail I was deep in the
loon elemental past. Her was life redoed
then to its simplest form. Houses of heavy
for walls, with interiors like oellis or
d at caves, set, for defense upon a shir- s 'l ,
ting Here were fiat roofr, thick, to keep
look- out the sun and to make a dooryaad
long for the next tier of houses abev - .
100)) Here were nude children with tagt
t the hair, wild as colts and fleet 's ast
low- lope;, dancoing on crags as high as
nnte church spires. Here were dogs jast
aisted one remove from wolves-solemn gs,'"$ :
I and able to climb a ladder. Here were
liver men and women seated upon the -:e
y be-and eating fromplaques o0 low sM_4
onred bowls of olay ol their own shaping . -
make burning."
ver of ·Caalgt a Mose la the . . ..t
nto a The story is ,told 'iLntfas ,Seattl.
mated (Wash.) Post. ligeue be - .W
as it Morris, so eye witnsw Y was
of oil "Judge Homet sad myself t4 k a
asnts tiip Saturday rttanodirto' ,ti -
ther er in the vicinity of Palm e ,a4 ap .
their shing. We camped near th
e day that night, aboet three aai* a he18 4
ly e miles east of Palmer. Thb*a 3"
iud ing we started in fishig sand hd
about lack, sneestully dlandlg 17*." 4
in the afterIoon I was Asdehglae l
t sixty of eanyon where the wsaer Mt .sl.A
or twenty-Ave feet  ld e 1tow 1!
on sort of spit Vtat,.,.
homely dog s atinsa bit r sd. Wh', i e
tion of denly their was a hei- l, b :
.1otaer above the bank eir  :
epends a pretty doe appeated ca. the ind
of the the river. The dog jare4-Ae th*
rettre, doe and the 4oe took lo sth ,;e
scb as The dog followed and. la S:ett i
im sae was on the do,'s te  k LbdU. a ,:
.ipes the ear. The doe dive to jt ri of
even a the dog and was seeuiful
ifferent "As *esome up the J*&pl tbre4
4 bets stone her but mm lteass& e 0 iI-e
f beats time he was scocusful, quId."e
onnt of striking the snimal 'n i4r e jd·
. is stunning it. Fearing that thi .
Spres would sink, the uadge pl~Qlegebtd
sn be into the water, clothbs, b.oots :
ploel on, and with one arm. asm t tlhe
ao the animal whiohhe grappled aatZ:
furnace With his hunting-klnite . et h
doe's throat and then swat esihs
where several loggers hadlgatlel
.. One of them who had a
the Mer- olaimed the deer on tsete deer on
ernment he had 'jampedit.'
square 'nit,'and held the fort,
1 shell is however, he made all f. :a
Sourse,' of meat."
wi, ad The eastom hose ef .o
1y uity.. 16,000 foet above the ,sa
eat inhabited placine is ,

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