OCR Interpretation

The Banner-Democrat. [volume] (Lake Providence, East Carroll Parish, La.) 1892-current, June 16, 1900, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064237/1900-06-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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V --- - __--- _-~ __ _
T12e only Ilouse wl!ere you cai fipd
One Pint Fruit Jars.
Saturday, June IS, O, 00 2i
I. E. ItAN 1.IE L, V IIW t1. r?11 c''t l, ia ', el
i. X. IltANUDELL. Notary Il'ti
Insurnli c A .nt.
Ransdell&Ransdell .
Attorneys at Law ''
--AN D--
Real Estate ALgcnts,
Lake Providence, La.
Wr'TL PRACTICnE IN TIFF ('¢)l'rs or fl
FAST CA ot; ti, 'EST Ci t. o a x'
N~'iIti EMI. CoIt mT.
Clifton F. Davis,
* A.tty-at-t n 1wr ti I
RE.al 3El 'tate ..gat.,
Lake Providente, l:, rn.
AOTIIA rT (r, .iI.L TlyF LAN)-S IN A4 I"
Ct"'I(ln .l.. I A lt riiii'AItM D 'i) ti iR Ni i
AiiSTAtTiS oOr TITLES ON Sllolr N''i('r ,i ab
WI . 1) lii t1,, W . I. i'iE :t . Sal
Our ,llic.e i, lonalted in ti ,o ýil(c for'- i
mally ,,e'('rpi,,d by Ilan. C. S. %Vyy. for
])r. T'ierce's residence. T'Ie Egelly
lcal and Parish News. Pa
It in so hot now that tlhing has
stop1petl. it t
It is lly limea and very little husineas tilt
going on, thlt
The river is red from tbo Arlkansas
river water. ter
We are out in our eight column
dress to-day.
to I
W' hiavre tnow just one mii,:re negro
eating horuse in townI. I"
T'ho C';ity Council proceedingsf al- t bi
pear in an;ther column. ltr
Cotton is further bebind at the pr. ee
ent time that, in many ears.
There will !)e no srvierr at the
Met hodiet Church to-morrow. ice
See the fine kaives and rtzors car- "r
ried by the G(;, nar,i drug store. are
Mr. Geo. McKeeo is blavili the en- of
terior of his store nicely paintord. the
01n some plaiiations work wara car- get;
tied on (luring most of last ieek.
The weather has been hot ruough
this week to stiafy cotton plantIers. whb
More rain thiq week, which ! nanv- of t
thiul but enco rneing to the p1 tinters. ilng
The rffle ntiliance conttine. anti \we
there does not seeIl to be any let uip. boa
The comtamon remark is now heard tahi
that "she is about a hundred ini the l se
The Epworth League meets every (het
Sunday evening at the Methodist ,J
Church. for
There are going to be big times down put
at Atherton to-day. Base ball, horse thei
racing &c.
Summer starting in with a rush, l'o
makes it unctomfortable. It has tctu sail
sure enough hot.abo
Mr. E. It. Farmer, merchant, of the tray
upper part of Bunch's Bend, spoue thi
last Sunday ln town.
Mr. I). W. Gilmour Is now Sheriff r
I)unn's chief deputy. Dave is all reps
right as an otlice mai. Oer,
Extract from proceedings of the aget
Mayor and Board of Councilmeni of the to I
towni of i'iooidlence. La.:
Services at the Epiecopal Church to
morrow morning at 11 o'clock and at d,
8 o'clock in the creniug. 111011
We ldoubt very mnuch if we have pent
much hotter weather dturiug the snul- tire,
pier than we have hadil this week.
Dootors Bel & t Pierce have hadl M
their office door ind windows screen. -
ed. It now looks cool and cozy. iu A
Mr. George i' B!ackburti took wle
charge ot the Clerl's office on Mlon iv. ,I manl
We wish him nsurccee iii his new otitce Iv
Mrs. Bruck cn fitrnisi you witlh all
kkitds of vegcetable. She is a dh.,rv- .
inug woteas and should be palronized, near
''lhe life insuranlco men havee eraptlur- Frie
ed the town, for the past few slav, of ate
And my, bow they can talk, talk, M
* The het percsrription for chills and
Groves T'ael.cl C'lill 'ITonic. No cllre Scht
no pi'. For sale at (;uenard's drug out
store. leaI
Mr. atid Mrs. II. 4!. Graham aud i ,i
Milissee ieue acd ('neostant cau, up am
Monday rvening, and spent a short
tie lu ntowb. Eug
I Mr. sid Mrs. lBy'rle are now dn.'- ibot
I cii in their pretty home out on Fir't We
t roe 'Ihey bare bthe prettiest reri
dece town. Pr
ithe umiliar sound of the CatIholic arri
Church eit was heard on Itlut pail
muoriug, O tirst time since Roev C. C cf
Mabe left r France. I lhe
Mr. and e. E. I. Moore moved oth
lWednesiday the hoirn tecentl) Ilir. mor
chased front J. S Gouenard,corner the 1
Second Id i I streets. eztllri
T'he steamer ericolm place of the givel
T.P. Leathers, ne up Wenes.dsy IRe
mnoruig, and will altinuein lh New
Orleans and Bend~ de.
There was a slig~ih rinkle of'rain takel
oh lMotnday evetuin tit we haly their
think that it was eno on keep w wi
fromn golg on it tihe . ic
The two little 'childre I Mr. a. sidet
Mrs O. P. llaniltiu ha itn ver man:
sick thIs week. We hope the lii- .
tie onits will soon Ie ttp gs (ak
A' we g o t pt'iss this Fli nra
ins. tbhe sad niws V as telepioa~
that the littlu son ,of Mr. and | ,J. ii
SrMillikiult had diod. IL it a sadw
ts the patentit
ITo cure a cdl in one day take
Laxative IBro (uinine. All druggists
retunlu the tIllO ey if it fails to cure
25.c-s. E. WV. (;roves signat ure is on
each box. Sold at U ucnaru's -drug
atv I store.
TI'here seeiied to be a good business
t oinlg ot in town ou Saturday last,
J dileite the fact that we had almost a
steady rain for ten days or mare anid
that there had been no filud work
We are iu receipt of a letter this
s eck from our friend Mr. Oliver J.
lurley, who is out in Globe, Arizona.
le saysv that his health is very good
and that he wishes to be rememlbered
to "the boys."
i, ev. Mr. 13oerg left yesterday
morniiug for Vickeburg, whereo Ihi
went to fill the pulpit of floly T'rini
Sy ('lurch while I)r. Logau will
till the pulpit of Grace Church to
morrow at this place.
.. Wesley Cowan, one of the best col.
rl'ed men in the parish and a tenanllt
onu the lhuckmineadow plantation for
It-ty eal's, died from SIUn stroke on
,1 i'turdlay last. IIi was a good, reli
able colored nman, and his death is
much deplored.
A postal was received last week
from R1ev. C. Mahe saying that he had
touched the "other side of the pond"st
safely and that ihe hadl a in,st eltjoy
able trip. Father Mahe will remain
> u- in France three or four aniouths be.
fore returning homa. I
rIly --I
There were eight or ten men re
ported id ditffercut portions of the
parish, who "fell out" from the ex.
tremne heat of last 1 hursday evening.
tas it didn't seem so hot, but it is said I
that it Sas such a "scorching sun"j
that very few persons could stand it. t
Mss Mrs J. W. pInt, and her three in
teresting little daughters, went up to
SG(reenville on the Julia last Saturday
i to spend a few days with Mrs. I). II.
'Parker, before she moves to Okla
homa. Mrs. unun and the girls re
S:urned yesterday.
° Last Sunday was the hottest day so t,
far of the summer, and there was no t
e ice to be had in town except by a few h
r"re.gular customners." If the ice houses Ii
are going to start in at the beginning o
,_ of the summer to be 'without ice," lc
they will find families going int to-. r
ir- gether and ordering it themselves. d
bThe large crowd of Providence ftks ti
who made the round trip on the ille l 1
,.. of the Ilends last week, speak in glow- it
It. ilig terms of the manner in which they S
id were treated by the offcors of that
P boat. They want as to especially
dh thank Mr. McGowen. the popularI
It stewart. for the many courtesies shown w
them. t
,t Judge W. G. Wyly left this week st
for Philadelphia to look on at the Re- c'
publican National Convention. From ri
ethere Judge Wyly will go to New 0t
York alut spend a few days and then cc
n sail for Paris, where he will spend It
about a month and then do extensive in
ie traveling and sight seeing. We wish ol
°t thd Judge an enjoyable trip.
In another column we publish the tb
II report of the Cemetery Commission. a
ers, which shows the excellent man. 13,
t' agement these gentlemen have given It
Ito the Cemetery. Under their care to
the Cemetery is always being beauti- n
Stied, and with the small atioiut of ut
tnouey they have in their hands to ex- Ija
e pond, it looks alway. clean and attrac- II
' tire. hi
S Mrs. J.. W. Tooke, Jr., and her lefter,
Miss Eva Shehiee, left for their home ,
iu Arcadia last Weduesday miorulig,G
nwhero Mrs. i'oke will spend severalk
mothsl with her parents. As for Miseco
ILva, we trust that her first visit to L. t
I'. wll he followed by another in the
near future, for she has made many
friends here and has left behind a bost
of admirers.
Mr Eugene Guenotard, the popular c
and lhustling clerk at Maguire &
Schneider's big grocery store, skipped ,
Sout on Monday morning for New Or. th
ieais, where he will spend a few weeks
with his nother, brothers and sisters. a,
S'mie of thie boys-are wondering bow
Eugeue could pull himself off just di
about this tine, tut he will be back. di
We wish himtn a pleasant trip. g
Presiditug Elder J. M. Hlenry, who
arrived in Lake Providence the latter al
part Iof lat week to hold quarterly sh
coilnferetce, delivered a fitte sermon at no
thle Methodist Church last Sundsy la
miorninig, his text being taken from ch
r the ll;h l'salht. 130th verse: "The i
eitrace of thy words givih light;. it thl
givelh utilerstandlig to the simple." w
R' ev. llenry is at able divine.
The bicacle riders were severely ,,
Staken to task by the City Conuneil at he
their last meeting for the manner in C.
which they have been riding on the on
sitlewalks lately. There are a great fe
many (oftbhe citizens who tbhik that
.nt acconut of there being only one
W4alk for Iedestriase on Lake street of
hetat they should bie prebbited from to'
ntmg it etirely. The boys have no a
T to blame but themelve if his is h
ike The Southert Clinic, for April
tis quotes the following: There was I
* maIn who was too stingy to subscribe
O for hi4 homne paper, so sent his litth
son to a neighlbor to borrow one. As
Stihe boy was going home he fell dowi
aniid broke his lei. 'Ihe father heart
Isis cries and ran out to see what waI
the matter, but slipped and fell, diR.
Ik locating his knee and tearing thi
bosom out of his ten dollar plataloous
Ills wife rau to his assistance, leaving
Iisa a two.vear old baby on the floor.
T'he baby crawled out and fell down
"a. the well, and, while the mother was
oil fishing the child out, the house caught
"ed on tire and was totally destroyed.
IMoral: Now is the time to subscribe.
S'l Take warning, natives, and avoid
i,. such a fate.
ni- When Captain l. N. ea returned
il from the re-union of Confederate Vet
lo- erans at Loulsville last week, he
brouight with hlin a Iminatre cannon,
nI. made from two old can1onse which
lit were tsed in the late war-one on the
or I'dcderal, and the other on the Confed
,n erate side. The Federal canpou was
li- manufactured by the Aires M'n'fg.
is Co , of Philadelphia, in 1845; tie Con
federate cannon was manufactured by
ek the Leeds Company. of New Orleans,
id in 1862. l'hese two old pieces were
recently melted together, and out of
the metal was made the little souvenir
icannons. one of which was presented
ato Captain lies, who seemed very
proud of it. The Captain was In high
spirite over his trip and had some in
e- teresting anecdotes to tell.
r. Five of our prominent citizens,
g. Messrs. F. X. Ransdell, E J. lamlnley,
id l'hil McGuire, J. W. Dunu and Jas. S.
," Millikin, misteriously disappeared on
t. the Julla last Saturday on their way
iup the river. Where they went we
don't know, but it is surmised that
they went on railroad business; and if
they did and have accomplished any
thing, it will come out after a while.
We hope that the gentlemen were suc
cessful in the business that carried
them off. 'T'hey are back. It comes
o to us, however, and from good au
o thority, that tlake Providence will
" have a road rtunning westward some
s time in the near future, and that work
Son it will not be delayed very much
longer. The men interested in the
'road lmean business, and we have no
doubt that the whistle of the locomo.
Sive will be heard in the land ere long.
Te hese gentlemen deserve success, and
it is gratifying to know that they are
' going to meet with it at last.
Spencer Fulgum, the mail carrier,
reported on Monday evening that
when he went to return to his skiff at
Duncansby to make the return trip,
two negroes had pushed off from the
Sshore and refused to return when
called to do so, and kept on down the
a river. Lie had to walk some distance
o before he could borrow a skiff to
º come over with the mail. This was
the reason that made bim later than
a usual. So far nothing has been heard
Sof the skiff.
Col. W. [I. Benjamin and wife of
a the second ward went to Hot Springs
a few weeks ago for the benefit of Mrs.
Benjamin's health. Col. Benjamin re
Sturned homie last week, and we regret
Sto learn that the health of his wife was I
not eneouraging and that she was too
f unwell to return with him. Col. Ben.
jamiu will return immediately to the
-I Springs, and we trust that he will find
his wife much improved.
, In this issue appears the "ad" of our
substantial grocery merchant, Mr.
'George McKee. George is too well
kuuow by every one to need any re
Scommendations at our hands. As for
theo line of groceries he carries, it is
only necessary to call and see for
yourselfaund go away with au arm
full. Ilis young and haudsome
nephew, Bobby, is always behind the
counter, ready to attend to your wants.
Col. Quaay was in bright and early
from the Bend on Monday. He says
that Mrs. Hurley and the baby have
entirely recovered from the small pox,
and that now the three children ofi
Mr. and Mrs. Kerlin have taken the
disease. Mr. Quays says that the
disease is so mild that there is no dan
ger from it.
When boys and girls, Vho are
almost grown, disturb church wor
ship, it looks like something has been
nteglected in bringing them up. Real '
ladies and gentlemen do not go to
church to disturb the congregation, as
is done so often in Providence. If
the minister would rebuke them, it a
would put a stop to these low acts.
John WV. Cooke left for New Or-f
leaus Monday morning. From there
he will go to the Republican National
Convention at Philadelphia. Cookel s
one of the delegates, and is one of the
I few who has smoothe sailing.
Tom Mabeo, the betling manager
of the big haola plitatie.o, was aI
town Mooday. He told M otto siy
a word about it, but that he was
thinking seriously of getting a part
ner for the remainder of hie life.
A mong the pleasant reminiscences
of the recent Confederate re-union at
Louisville, which our East Carroll
veterans brought back with lhem, was
the following one, related by Cap!ntin
Rea, and which savors of the romantic:
In the City of Louisville there resides
an old lady friend of the Captain, who
heard, during the recent war with
Spain, that he was sick in the hospital
near Santiago. Feeling a great inter
esa in his welfare, by reason of their
old friendship, she wros to the War
i)epartment at Washipgton, asking
the authorities to make inquiry into
the matter, and to ascertain, if possi
ble, whether or not Captain Rea was a
soldier in Cuba, and if he was sick
near Santiago. The authorities at
Washington corresponded 'with the
auihorities in Cuba, who made the
necessary inquiry and wrote back that.
a Captain lea was not in the army of
e Cuba. These facts were forwarded to
a the old lady in Louisville, and the
s Captain had the pleasure of reading
1 them during his visit to Louisville,
I which. no doubt, must have pro
s I duced on him a profound impres
sion of the good lady.' friend
aship and solicitude for him. Cap
tain Rea was a gallant Confeder.
ate soldier. 'The editor and he have
diflered somewhat on political ques
tions from time to time, but be has
never hesitated to render praise where
Spraise is doe-narnely, for the gallant
(deeds of a young officer, who, at the
age of nineteen, was raised to the
rank ol Captain. The old spirit is
still there, and to-day Captain lRea
would answer to his country's call as
readily as he did thirty-odd years ago,
and would fight as gallantly for the
Stars and Stripes as he did beneath
the nunpotted folds of the UIed Cross
flag of the Confederacy.
To cure a cold in one day, take
Laxative Bro (,Quinine. All druggists
refund the money if it fails to cutre;
25ctr. E. V. (roves signature is on
each box. For sale at Guenard's drug
From 6Octs to $3.o00.
NOTICE -The line steamer C. ,\.
Brown, in place of the Lucile Nowlanurl.
will carry pastiegera to Memphis and
return for t7. 1o0.
If there is any sanitary committee
belonging to the town. or any one
who looks after the health of the town,
it would pay to make a round and
look at the condition of the different
premises. They would find some
places in a regular sickening condi
tion. Wait until the middle df sum.
mer though to look after such import
ant things.
Our friend Yatrcey Bell looks so
pretty since he has had a clean shave
that Pinkstot says there is no more
ineed of putting up the bars to keep
the cows out of the lauding yard.
'hey look at Bell and that settles it.
Rev. l)r. Logan, of holy Trinily
Church, VTicksburg, will arrive in the
mnioruning and hold services at theI
Epiecopal Church morning and even
ing. Every one should turn out and
hear the eloquent geutloemanu.
There will be an lce cream festival -
for the benefit of the Epworbth League
at the residence of Mrs. T'. J. Powell,
on Monday evening, June 18th, be
tween the hours of six and ten. All
are cordially invlted to attend.
A telegram was received on Wed
nesliay front Alexandria savirg that
the mother of Conrgrestssmar J. E. and
Jutdge F. X. liaundeil had died tile
eveniug before.
Hon. Robt. Nicholson, than whom
there Is ion ruore popular man in thle
parIsh, was a pleasant visitor to townii
on Sunday last. lie returned to
Caroudelet on the Belle Monday
morning. a
Miss Eva Davis, who has been visi- an
tinig her father, Dr. J. L. D)avie, at
Franklin, La., for the piast monthl, re. -
turned on Sunday morning last. Miss
EIva has many friends, who welcome
her return.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Guenard moved
to their pretty and attractive new To
home on Wednesday. Their many
frieunds wish them long life and happi
ness in their new residence. mi
Miss Ray Stockner, of Longwood. r
returned home on Thursday last, after
hroving spent a very pleasant week J.
with triends and relatives at Mayere
ville and Clover Hill, Miss.
There are a great mauy who owe us
for suhecriptiou, anid unleass they py Pr
up we will have to stop sending Ithlrin a
the paper. We have been imposed
upon two much alreadf. A
Mr. Alex Stockner, of the Bend, was I:e
a visitor to town on Stunday last. lie T
said the crops were in jhe grass, butt
with a week or two of good weather E
they will be made clean. Be
A colored mran was arrested on A
Satnrday for breaking the bicycle or- Mr
dinance, when it is done by others J
nearly every bour during the day and
they go unmolested. Ilil
MeYurs. Mraxwell and Taylor, two of
the popular boys of the second ward, c
were up Sunday and spent the dlay. Ra
They are always welcome visitors to
the city.
Messrs. E W. Constant and W. H. P
Benjamin were up from the second
ward last Wednesday. Both gentle
men ware looking in the best of health.
The sheds on Levee street have beeu
newly shingled, which will give that
thoroughfare a dry sidewalk from
sow on. This was very much needed
Now that summer is here the corner
pomp should be fixed up so that water
nan flow. No one knows how muchb
water is need from this well each day.
Mr. Gee. 8. Owen dropped In to see
eo Tuenday morning. He says that
the Confledera re-union at Looleville b
wea the gradeet thing be ever aw. G
The steamer Belle of the Bends
leaves Vicksbhorg for Greenville every
Monday, Thbtoeasy and Saturday at 1
p asI, rn-rning. will leave Greetn- rot
tile every Tnesday, Friday and Sun- op
iay at 5 p. m. pei
COMPupA. 1
of a supply of Negligee Shirts, call
and examine our line of MosAucin's.
You will find them first class in
every respect. We have them in all
the latest colorings-Pinks, Blues,
Lilacs and Ozbloods,
at - - $1.00 to $1.50.
a White Shirt, we can give you
them in the Mosn.uuii, in shield or
pleated bosoms,
at - - $1.00 to $1.50.
the most comfortable thing you can
get, is a Mox.I: ni N.iir, SIItaT.
The prices are, - 75cts to $1.00.
is a high grade Collar, made by the
Mlexo.uc people to sell at a small
price. 2 for 25cts.
...x1 I I ' E' ' ...
-- Jacob Marcus, -
Lake Street, - Lake Providence, La.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Eats, Caps. Trmnks, Valises, Clocks, &c.
A Pretty Line of Summer Goods.
Ladies' Shirt Waists, Skirts and Hats.
ftrGive me a call and I will endeavor to please you.
Gee. W. McKee,
Prhe 0l= 1.eliable ,-Grocery "ErEouse
-l)saler In
Fine Whiskies, Wines and Cigars,
All ki&ds 6fF'afy\T F'afi'l Gr6etdeS
We invite you to call and see our Stock of Canned Goods. We carry
large line of different grades of sugar and coffee. We buy for cash
nd secure the discounit, therefore we can sell for a small profit.
To the lion. Mayor and members of the
Board of Aldermen :
Geutluicuan-We . our CemetervcGom
missioners, beg leave to submit thisour
Jan. 5-Last report, we had
on hand .............. -$ 96 26
J. Chauveau. trim. trees .. $17.M5
repair fenlce.. 14 70
sal. 10 daysv. 50 00
C A Seghers. rep. fence... 4 10
E. J. llamlev. nails........ 1 92
.1 N Turner. printing ..... G 00
Prov. Luil. I o. lumber . 60 02
Maguire & Schneider...... 2 !0
A Richard, salary......... 27 50
work ...... ..2 00
Ied .Johnson. paintingr . 45 00
T F Montgomery. making
two mnaps .... ... 15 00
Ed! McKee.A lot. I W .... 1.5 i0
L Darragh, grave .1 \W 2 "A)
Betsey Wilson. grave .1 VW :
Appropriation by Board . 50 01
\V E Long, lot. N F' . L5 (0
Mrs. K W Blackburn. 1? lot
, W ..................... 15 (4)
L Darrington. grave. J W. 2 .W)
Rebecca Dillard, grave N I' 2 :o
Ilichard 1oun. egrave.. W 2
JW Crump. ?5 lot, N F .. 15 (
C J Subblet. grave. N F.. 2 0
C F Davis, r lot. J W .. 15 u)
Rachel Taylor. grave. N F 2 .5)
S-andy Owens. grave, J W 2 X0
Silas :Ftulgum. grave. J W 2 50
C s \Wyly. a1 lot. J WV .... 15 o i
P J Coffman. grave, N M.. 5 (at
J S Millikin. one lot. N F. 2i5 00
Appropriation from Board,
warrant not collected ... 100 00
*252 54 $E$i$ 76
252 54
Balance on hand ..... $136 22
Respectfully sanhmitted.
Cemetery Commissioners.
For chills anll malarial fever, take
Groves T'asteless Chill Tonic. Every
bottle positively guaranteed. Sold at
Goenard's drug store.
The assessment of the parish of East Car
roll having been compnlleae the rolls are
open for hlspection and correction for a,
periodof 20 days from this date.
W. C. McRtAL.
Po-vidrene, La., June 10, 1900s
Adiministrator's Sale.
State of Louii:ina. Parish of East Carroll
Ninth |)i-trict Court.
Succession of .iohl S. Ikerd.
liy virtue of a writ of Sale to nie directed
lb the ilonora;ble Ninth District Court for
lhe parish of East Carroll aforesaid, in the
ahove en~itled succession, I will proceed to
sell at public auction. at tie door of tile
ucourthouse. in tire townI of Providence.
East C'arroll, parish. La.. on Saturday. the
14th day of 'uly. lii:ni, betat eun the hours
I prescribed by law. all the right, title and
intel'rest ol the scession of n of .1J11S. Ikerd
in and to the followi:ng described property,
to-wit :
Iot or tractional section No thrity-three
of town.hip twenty-olne North. range
twelve East of the district o lalnds Northn
of lied River; less forty acres sold off the
North end of said lot by S. W\. IDavis to F.
F. Monltgiomnery as per deed of record in
Notarial hoork I'. p 7:7; leasing 123.40 acres
iii said lot tio ie sold.
The anile to lie sold to pay debts.
'I emlls of sale-cash in accordance with
the ilnventory.
Administrator of the Succession John S.
Lake l'rovldenae, La., June 8, 1900.-9th-7t.
Sheriff's Sale.
State of l.ouisiana, Parish of East Carroll,
7th District Court.--No. N5:;.
W. ii. '.Thompson & Co., vs. E. II. Davis.
By virtue of a writ of Seizure and Sale to
toe directed by tihe Honorable Seventh Dis
trict Court for the parish of East Carroll
aforesaid, in the above entitled cause. I
wilH proceed to sell at pIlblic auction. at the
door of the (ourt Ilouse. in the town of
Providence, East Carroll parish, La., on
between the hours prescribed by law, all
tihe rilht. title and interestol E. II. Davis
inl and to the following described property,
A certain tract of land or plantation sit
u:nted in the parish of East Carroll, in this
State, known as the Star-Arlington planta
tion, containinng (.3S 24-100 acres of land and
being the divIded half interest in sections
14.5. . 1) and 11 of t 21. nr 12 e, and all of bee
tions 2. fIrational sections 31.33 and 34 in
t 1., n r 1: e, being lots 2, 4 and 6 with
woodiand attached and 12 acres of cleared
land on Lake Providence Island as per plat
of survey ot.l. D. ILott. C. E.. in division of
said lands made in 18017, recorded inbook S,
pages 2 and :. records of your parish; to
gether with (7) seven nmules. (2) two horses,
(12) twenty cows. (6):.six yearlings, (1) one
wanonl. (1) one buggy. (2) two sulky plows,
(:3) three eultlvators. (2) two double shovels
and (4) four plows-seized in the above
T'erntn orf sle--caslh without the benteM
of "a.irlnment.- J. W DUNN, Sherif.
Sheritd' oftice, Frovidence, La.. May 11,
11304% t
Dry Goods, Clothing;
Boots and Shoes,
Txrunks, TTalces. 'Over S1ho~s
btf"Everplhing in our store is new and first class, and we
solicit a liberal share of your patronage.
S. W. S MITH, JR., Prest. J. N. HILL, Vice Preet. J. W. TOOKE, JR., Cashle
The Lake Providence Bank,
.alare Providence. Lsa.
CAPITAL STOCK, - - $50,000.
Deposits Received from $1 Up.
eh-Bank opens at 9 a. in. and closes'at 4 p. m.
R. J. BURNEY & CO., :
Bernard Building, Lake Street, Lake Providenoe, La.
D------ealers in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, "
and everything kept in a First Class Store
Mverything for Lsadieis.
Mverything for Gentilemen.
X°\Ve are here to stay, and by fair and honest dealing, we hope to
bnild up a first class trade. We solicit your business, and wilt do our best
to please you. Give us a call.
Billiard & Pool Room Parlor,
PHIL M'CUIRE, Proprietor,
SNext to Max Leevy's Big Clothing Itore,
E Lake Proridence, : L]ouisialani,
Choicest brands of Whiskies, Brandies, Wies, gars and To
bacco. Keep on hand: Live Oak, pure Rye; Memphis Club,
pure Rye; I. T. Rippey, ex-ortel and reimported; J. E. Tepper,
hand-made sour mash Bourbon; Jockey Club, hand-made soar
mash; Melwood, pure Bourbon, spring '91; Robinson County,
pure Rye; Becehaood, pure Rye.
Case Goods, full quarts-Old Bourbon, 20 years old; W. H.
SMceBrayer, Old Taylor, the cream of Irish whiskey in jugs, im-i
ported; Windson Club 1880. This is the choicest and must select -.
stock of this class of goods ever brought to this market. No ex-. -r°
tra charge for jugs.
Ia1ake Street. Lsalk.e Providence0. La.
'Drugg, Jedicineg, Ghemiqal$, patent jIedicineg.
Carries a fill line of Pairits, Oils, Ifarris1les,
Brhalses, Woliet Soaps, Perlrtrery, Books, Fipe
Statiorery arid Glass.
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Jewelry and Piano House.
Largest Stock of
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks & Silverware
Agent for the celebrated, Sohmer & Co',s. Crown, Waldoof, Lakeeide a d
Schiller Pianos. Write for circulars.
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Cor. Washington & Crawford St. VICKSBURG, MISS
Sie Read Th nnouncement
.. ... andis
Not because of his appointment to office
with a fat salary, but because be learns
a fact equally gratifying,
ao5e e Qompany's
gig Sample gook
from which he selects the perfect.fitting clothes
that make him the cynosure of all admiring
eyes, has just reached town and he hurries to
make an early selection. ROSE & COIPANY
of Chicago, are the best Custom Tailors in the
country and be knows it. These big Talkor
get the cream of the trade in every town where
there are good dressers because they show
nothing but the choicest selections of Fabrics.
Their garments are populr because theyput the
P Cbe Latest Stplte-Cb Best Workmasstp
and the most dependable Linings and Trim.
-* ' mings into them. If you want to put on the
best-fitting made-to-measure suit you ever
wore, come early and be measred.
Wk. D. ed GkiOOfIo! .
We do all kinds of Job Worke

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