OCR Interpretation

The Banner-Democrat. [volume] (Lake Providence, East Carroll Parish, La.) 1892-current, April 20, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064237/1901-04-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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3a rIQer-r)e17ocrat. iI
---- ul
Publisher and Proprletor.
Saturday, April 20, 1901.
Fifth District Levee Board.
Regulltar meetlins seond Wednlesdy'So
r. .lanuary, April July, and )citober, at
Delta. La.
} lF()t . .iSll l .. Li
I lIhreb :t: ' t' .i *"f " : tn i
Ml iI;'lu'- of the ': ',,v of Ih'v, , il, u ," 't
9 j, ct to H" :.thin of the 1U, u .r':t'i ti
P rt} If it ,., I n, iin wi! th le
oifie, I ',till s tri ' d , my duty asi in U
the past. P.R . Ii i ky.
Thea rtgit rtioll hook i o V. " c"enl I
at IuV O1ll' for the iu)rpoSe o1 regis
tering voters for the v',wn election on
the 3rd day tof J.l'Iu , 1901.
\V, C. 'IcRkAE, Registrar.
A special of the 15th, from Vicks
burg to the New Orleans Picayune
avys that Mr. Howard Cole. secre
tary of the proposedl New Orleans,
Natchez and Arkansas Railway, is
just in receipt of the following im
portant letter from Mr. George J.
New York, April 10, 1901.--To
Howard Cole, E-q., Vicksburg,
Mi-s.: Mv l)ear Sir-Yon letter
of April 6 received. I am much
(,blige to you for your offer of co
operation with us and rendering us
assistance in the line which we are
constructing through Louisiana and
Arkansas. between Arkansas City
and Vidalia. Mr. L. S. Thorne,
first vice president of the Texas and
Pacific, has charge of the construc
tion from Vidalia south, and Mr.
Russell Harding, third vice presi
dent of the Missouri Pacific, of the
line from Vidalia north; and I would
suggest that you correspond with
them direct, or see them personally.
I note you state that you will not
build your line if I intend to buili
mine. Much oblige to you for adl
vising me of your position. Our
intention is now to build this lineI
through as rapidly as possible. It.
will make a fine through line from
St. Louis and Kansas City to New
Orleans. Very truly yours,
The river is now falling as for
south as Memphis. At Ilelona it i
rising .3-tenths and Arkansas city
.4-tenths. It is falling at St. .Louis.
The river continues to rise at this l
point about .3 tenths every 21 hi.,urs.
The gauge read last Friday, April
12Ih, 30.00oo; esterday imorning it
real 32.55, a rise of 2.55 for the
TThe gauge read April 12, 19110,
The dat, er line at this point is
put at 37 feet, which means that lhe
water is even with the bank on the
outside of the levee.
Tile highest the river ever reached
at this pnint was April 19, 18is,
l when the gauze read 44.:15.
? The State of LoAuisiana is now
sending its exhibits to the Pan
American Expoaitiou at Buffalo, and
it will have everythling re:oly when
the Exposition opelns in May. It is
said that the exithit will be very fine,
and is bound to attract mliuch atten
Will Lanier, a white man, under
sentcnce of death, and who ws conu
tined in one of the jaids of Miississip
pi, made his -ileape last week. Ili s
case had lieen taken to the Sulprem
Court, aiind the verdict (,of the lower
court was confirmed only a few days
before he skip ld.
Heaiumont, 'T'exas, continues to
attract tile wildest excitement, aud
thousands upon thousands of ipeople
are tlcking to that part of the c(onn
try. Twenuty-tive thousand dollars
was paid for an acre of ground on
Monday last, which was a pretty
good sum of nmoncv to lay out.
According to the report of the
City Board of HIealth of New (Or
leans, the mortality in that city for
the past twenty-seven years has
been 20U,700, and out of this nuin
her of deaths. 23,193 died frim con
sumption. More than 800 die of
this disease every year in New Or
The State of Kansas may like the
doings of Mrs. Carrie Nation, Iut
Kansas City, Mo., won't tolerate her
and her hatchet. She was arrested
in that city on Monday for obstruct
ing the sidewalks and given a fine of
$500 and so many hours to vamouse,
which she did, no doubt, in double
quick time.
There is some big things to take
place iu New O san this andi next
uoatb, the railroads are giv
n ~ to that city, large
SId be attracted there.
'sdeson of the year to visit
eet City-it is just cool
t ake it pleasant. It will
ath lo tglb od roads con
t h- d 3t 80thb; May
, ¢'Mdent McKinley;
~uityVolksteet; 6th to
l4th to 18th.
Fifth District Levee Board Pro- th:
ceedings. tMi
Detta. La., April 10. 1901. ur
The board of cormruissiorner- for tihec
fith Louisiana levee district met i, rte
ular session at )elta. La , this day. t
There wert' pflsit :it J T. McClellan.
presidtenl; . It. Ward. Madiso p'tr- :
ish; W. 11i. lBitjnamin, E. J. Ilmh, le a
East Carton I n'rish; I. 1. P.lrrbam. J.
H. Lambdiu. C(ontordi'a parish; A. T.
:ane, secretary. Ahent : C. C. Cor- tl
diii and ( (. G,,hl!nlan. 'tena: pat i.h.
A quorlimm ijrini prtisen)t. it' bhoard
proceeded t o bisl in-s. ~s folioi'.: )
On moti1n of MNit P:rha:ul reading
of ttinutc wa'i d.-pa n icdI with. .T
. Reports of )prtidlnt anld secretary fi
S} were receivt ii an read. t
On nin'ion of 11Mr E. J. Hamliy, the t
following ,"re-t lit'in was ad f, inlteii : t
IResol dt, tih t the presid nt ti f this
board i i f.-vritced, in e)nnec-tion with
the board ,i f -t:ie t n inoer's. i~ -xmio
into the in pl 'l-. d in" of ,itch t, drl in :h i
- pit: alon i, lun,'! ii lend icy,' and to ' I
st contract fw.re the work if, in his opi-il o
P, and that of -aid I .o:rd of nliitin I
ithe Whi o (lrk is dc iiC.- i (t' ,: nc l ,s it.
,ei On tiotion of 1Mr. Ward the folltwin, f t
n res'luting i was : -al s:tdt :
IResolvd, 'Th it th-. presilent of tlhi
board is hcliirbv aiilthrlize l , t c ill:. .
Swarranst ino f'tvir of thi let A-iilt '!it fit
pany new l.to rflil t iaxe s 1o tis :.'s, Iof
n ind in tlm hr: nl i of 11dlici n fir tillh
yVea's t t8 n, 1 : d 1i:ou , 191 r.:wn, ud i
ter preid btent in, ,uthl h -r tl', ctultn , ,n f a t
certllicate (tu, u th,' iS a .' f i' l; t
parch toish let co win that saii .i I wit
werongly ai w ,ot d twh litherm hii-ipl l'i't'h -
tilicate of ti.( ti.: t ,ix he, l ,,r sh',wiu
Uth be dmoneot fit lie-c tax iii ti inhatl
samre ad is :ci by siilt:hid bArl of r:olt
s pany, and nt-o bii J. M1. .J ihlton cur
ne his vendor, G. C. \V:,,hlill, tc whiimt
e said lands n ers , corrc.tly ;.( ,u t i.
S On c tion oft it Mr. l.:m iuiiin, the ful
1, lowing resolution whis ald.i,:I'i :
ise, R eslvedl,'l t h ptrhi int of lithi
n boaril is h rieby o tlit hlrize<I to n(t in
o w.rncerit with the b ,ird of st t e t :n-li
J* gineers to ltiocate and let c initractll fl'
anth new lpro tio in this l, ' .l e ci , lii'ti
aio which meneveray :lbecome Piti'n is clrler
the present year.
i, Be it, fmo ti h'r I rf lvr. . 'hat the fl
ter president is autrolhriz'io wa ilal a en i,~red
ic nt eor furct con ftri hintion f',r tlin
Co- repair woi k which in hi pinion shuitll
- be doe 1901, h of this li.rb lit'
)r and is edonrcllrd b" thIe bord of t s.ttil oate
ai engineerso
t On motionits of Mr. Ltahtin, the fol
I lowing resolution was aih'cel tdi :
ew Resolved. That tihe pr'ncidnt orf thich
board is herhtof y aiuthorizid to dirsw
fe- warran tt in f r of ithe iiterstte Mi -
:r" si-ippi Rivcer Improvemennt & Levee
e Associationi tor thie iui:l a:inll te -
the propriation in li tof sidtll nte r cia tionl
ld whenver sail athepporitionle is calledin
it for by the president of Mid asstociatin
i On motion of Mr. Parhatm, the follow
. lowing resolution was adopted :
ti liBe it resolved, ''hat a local assess
in ment or forced contribution for th
all year 1901, of 5ii cents is hreby levi'dt
)r upon each nld evevry bI'lle oif cotton of
ihe the crop of 1901 1902 lpoilnied within
It the limits of the lift it Louit isna h, lve
off) district, except that produced 1n those
te lands in the paiish of Concirdi, if whi c
( have heretofore i'ell t tdell :re(d ,x nipt
fri'olm the payment of cotion tax by
resolution of this biarit , and the stax
collotors of the ,.evertal parishes (.omil
pirisit g said district are hvrleb order
led to proceed with the coliection of ithe I
he at th i the timanner provie tei in in-s
nti strctions heri state a iven thaxe s
8y Ont motion of Mr. Pihli:in the follow
is. ilg resolution wa s adoptedtl :
li Be it resolved, That 1a loenltt tasss
Nit. 8ne t or forced oi i t No tiin, fof tlhe
Oi'l year 1901 of 5 tans ptif t i tipo all
it lands sitbe ua tl ishin i mtri Ih n its of lthe
ti ifth Loulsiatia levee dieriet ist hereby
lien h viedar t a t tln th e tax n-, cfr of the s t
it:iel parishes co prisin i rsaid di.strict
0w, iare hereby ordtered to elxtend the extniic
uipi ot the aslsessment roill, a id the sv
is i l tiu tIII l eItIItI'II are h ri l b'i orti lered
lie r to t troceed with the ciiieti'-n of sau,
tie at the :ie time and ii thorte a i il
(ni- r , titll er t tare a1l p rt-'i.h ta a'
e O1 motion of Mr. tParth:m the fol
98' lowing resolution was atdopted :
N t:. Act8 of 1888, ni act No 41 of 18 i,
owI ant l valoren tax -tof 10 u illt on tihe
fi't- toll , be and it r h r.,i-i vi for in all
aid lhe txi l propet wit hhn it iie tit lhiiiLits
ofI l l ifth Louisi: a hl ee dist iri for
len ihe \ear 19()t ai, the tnix il.ats.iit!irl iu f
I is t ih s s aiei'l pariiles con i) rising 8 :.ti,
le.ditri-it are heineby p l rstt d tif r ten ii I
ithe anic nton ti' e ati r ,ditititi til tcll-,
on- int tlihe i'veral tax ttollhctori, are here
IQ oide'ed to 'lroalitt with ihf eolhltl
th). o! the saii e li t e .,am:> e t hi liiti I
iier th i , l tte vt'eli t a-t ohtfr itite iin
itu- parish t txe t are c o flictted.
:!. Or tllorun llf Mr. [):trham the follow
t h tin i.ol hn wi s l hptd :
l iz'te :hi- btacol'le to r's o tlitl scir l iar
her nb ii ,r fi oired co nt'hr lit ti llte o , lee
sted (ion f thi)i Ildition l th an per btle o an-h
ivvys eotd t. ritliry bal e l of cttiuctI. in
he o if tric ti n on lan ull jctt i t Itx
aUiSC t, Rin . ia.h 4he eces's doer thi the
to fttidl hIr(,e ofor lrl.vth d ffo r iteof l
olt,,,ItO: ther of, Mi. P t be i t
li- it rosolvt'd. That thi e ord dotf ot-h
O nl t oin ta o l) o;), o sCtrt t for aeOi lt opair
etly lo,,i l. hi: lut l a"l t iling it, pret- of the to
Vtr, i,,\ it pursuanc .f tnond prcs is he"\.
ar- i 50 i ett s p ptr bale ili each til ofv
tler Iotton not to eceedl 275 pounds li-t
isi p odue d .i t he di.t i d
ool j SIt t tMC lllaon , xc I th :t r , E. ..
SHamley. W. t. in the iai, h B. e. P:ir
ill hm id J. hi. Lanvi Hrlin betfinr present
oeltach xiotsm frr doptioh of resolutions
iia"h in tter otf r tax of t ). cnt
Or- hlcom)rnietion f this rom Rottd, icak
in; a :ing comf per nsationle for crothe ptr
19i to 'n his rttcithiiil plantation inal the pcrt
uit . i"he tofx E olletors rtl lhe tve etral iir
tted tion o 'f t hi :ulionalltax Point Ih mn-.
o iven toheni, and the bale of olittn, ri
ti tin o f r. ir. Parbitas the sollo-v!
ti,)n ,of Mr. Peirhamil it was rolve.cd
that the application he t1i.al1owel and
Mr. Nicholson he referred to action of
this board in similar cases in the patlt.
The procc s vverbal of the state treas
urer showinf that twenty year 6 per
cent hotdls of thi, board amounting to
($11,000) f-,irtt en thtusandl dtollart
had' be- ;: p..id and rsdeemnwd and thei
bh,:o d le.cri bed therein was received
1(in1 the board proceeded to destrov
said Iolod, : open session and the fol
lowini p(''oc es-, verbal of the destrue
tio oitr, dr -1 ,read on the minutes of
the b,"rd
Fifth T.oui sinl:t Levee D).trict
PrtctEss 1'r! ai--).-truction of h ndls.
Di its. .a . W\ tdne.,: . \iApril 1). 194 1.
B1e it Remenmbered that Wht-reis,
"'i+ b, ho il of ct.,nli-, ioners for the'
lifth l/,tLiitanr, a 'evee ldistrict was ain
thoriz,'d by act No. 41 of the hlegila
tunr' f !h,+ State oif L'ni- ian:i for the
of (_5))it i,)i ) live. hundreid tihousai ndate
, 1:t1 paiyalei at the optilon of lhe ibootu 1tc
~In tI e lih f- dt(+i, i) L :ta icn
given 1t, 11 tr tl- e o ( -tari i-n a -
pe'r l' :Inn:lll i 1er^'-t pa-yab; le at" n'l :in+l
I tln1', , : i!.! r+' +',r -elnt+"1 by Coupons ft
And ,h. ,, " :1. The :aid oa:rd, ( , ting
,t. ,11+ ,' r artd ht\ a: t!ol,+ii'V of -aid :;et N ).
N,,,. I It it ' .  - +atih, i-sued
tf . rt_ I l, 1. 1 I " !+. (1'U a l . (
Ni- I tI i, - I,) ie ach, i u tid Feb
t \ ,,, I u ,,1 t - . 1 1. 1 L. each. i.suc.
', :;'" to .11 . -1.0 ) each, i.sued
i c, , ,r 2 1. i" . 51 .. h I
1 ,1 " . N ' eI ,-S tt c h ,; i s .n- u e d N o -
, r- itr , 1 . , it!.i
1 N1 \ +. :It'i. ,, t15 to . , t 1 ,'a h, i.-sued
A Sif sW h,,,bond were di.posal of
11- uisi a: 1 . ofr.' t 1 n d by notp
n .- 1 'if t1 i, lt istire of thee State
O .f L . i) !' .(), f:u 1)o t atl1 , issued No
bp nr S i tn the the twSpe or i ssued -
\' , 7 t It:..o t 1t .i 0 e , e h, it-ne , o d prI I
lcce htil I'r 1 l. 1,S 97, , 1.1, lul) ,-- x.)1 ..,'11_
ed l, . tsed to ith oizel o y article ig
e,:" ,ot iftl c, -titutiheon tar iSe th e of
tl ti-,Jii:t ot t 1he 8te fr n1t1c was l ent
t 1 it ,f the hele' B unrd it ,f the Sthat
of lnm, Ii-:'lt fr teoi00 ual 0 S, eato i. sned
i- ,l,1ets in li or f thos, h rett, f, e i i e ede
I n :t ) n e 3, 1n88 rl , xted, (.( 00,0at1 tie)
fi ve lic 11 h l1h lr l l llllS:tl tl dll rs, (i ll.,- ill
flifty- )ear., t'roIn data l in:p y aht le at
stit e of;t iotl i th t,i.rd at ttcd, ti thed
i-f f inry actr-r lae with thd iitre- it -
te St ift the ratet of a pel" ,t per tfll
" A The said, bonds to be sodh and pro
titit d osf t1 1 i iotto It, . ech inge
the refor.lilrs h ten
p il it o el 30, 18t 99, intl dl canctfil ed.
t with Anlbert Btldwih treustee, theat
of Nos i- to 0, i 1.000 each, issued this
I (- 00 th) trn ity 1 o tl,(and00. lrs
i" is -1 t tocess v t5 ,eaeh, issueid IFeb
ic r tl't 1 . - t it i , rt ,f h 6)(0 .
a1x AndI tlhereas llhe treasurer of the
I- state of Lii)i.ianat subitmitted to this
hid hls itr(ochiss vertal Iunlder titte provisions
in- of and in a cuoirdauce with the reqlire
ieniti iof -nietiiotn Si. ot f act N o. f
1898, shotwitig that honds to the
llounlt of ( 151.0(I) one hundred and
lifty one thousalnd dollars had been
he p,01 anud redeemed and duly canceltled,
ll t, sas:ii baonds having been sent to the
h t scret:try and this board,tl and by this
,I boatd duly destroyed in open session,
i t, toberther with bins amolltimwg to
t Iti5)1) lifty one thousand dtollars
whicih wre held by th'i board, onl the
v- 1.9th day ,t .anuar. . -t9 1, as will fully
it)-ti''r Ita process v l' mn of satl des
u i'truction t'eir it i- the minutI book
t l-ot tid biarl , fliu 26o ;
stlate tf Lou ntiana has lubmitted to this
ol- tiitd his process verb:: under thea pro.
'hsitn t of t ln- i alt ,rdalce with the
- r('quiri-ents of seitIon 5, of act iN
1 t he showing that soffrin ceg at Gracey
SI. 19isc. bonds chLo tlre amounewt of (City14,
tll itn,)ti'etlt thousand 107,0,llars had bnis said
to s sta sbr d oke nds to the record for aty
f this inle rd as rellrd ection. sd at
Th e hstroyed Iy e d board in openthat
sty- Ies to cave, and it ids havident tht theen
c, efu lity sooner or ler, asnd ah allnd everyt
,nI ht.-'ipt to keen duily canelled front hve so
(iestr proed by lit ile. The daes series and
wiart : criser uit ten ears or
ionin art te d nominvention is now moref 500
t nrapid thangg egatg live thouis sandfe to
,s prlnphsy f tha every armed cruiser orf00
p1"r- , 1 ttlesip now beig put under on-s
ta trgact or being fniv thusad dowill be ars,
t n hlkintS i s oi, olnds ajuk ounithing toe
o1d! fr tifthotsan dollarser.
i-- ---
Spring and Summer
Dress Goods.
The present season marks the
appearance of series of neto
and beautiful .colorings in E
which iyou will find at our store.
Dry Goods, a ol kl1is of NCtºo ns, Laces,
Embroiderb!s, Ladies' Shirt Waists, Ladies'
Sall rs, Fine S'ade Straw Hats for Gentle
:. Sh.+ ;, adevery th:a3 that Is al:ed
f'r summ-r ,E r for both Ladles and
Sec uS b or rnmaking dour purchatct.
N. N. 11ILL 1 BRO.0
Butterick Patterns
Fashion Publications
Quaker Maids of To-Day
Charles l)ickens and Hlis Love Affairs
Mav-Day Aniuseluents for the Children
b- Photograpl>iof u Bal-i)essors \worn at the
The Etiquete of Visiting
Dust and A~1 e--- Iow To Mainag'e Theim
he Co( in iewe1elf it (' lv]IS
iis uhi it W\aists in Colors
:" The Dei ne ator for frMay centains all the above and more.
,d i
l~,' --A 'T-
J. J. POWERS, Pres, A. F. NIMTZ, Vice Pres. T. ,. BRIERLY, Secty,
Vicksburg & Greenville Packet Co.,
LAURIlE and tRUT'll
Steamner Belle of the Bends leaves Vnckshurg every Monday and Thursday
at 3 p. in.; returning, leaves retenville every ''Tuesday and Friday.
Steamer Annie Laurie leav e Vi:kshurg.every W ednesday and Saturday
at 3 p. m.; returning. leave, (Greenville every Tuesday and Sunday evening.
First-clas, pa.ennger and freight accotulnodatiuos. Boats brilliantly lighted
throughiut with electricity. Lights in every stateroom. Cusine unsurpassed.
WIIiEREA,. At a session of the executive
board of North Loulisiana iBptilt Associ
Ation in (illitld It .. lh-Ii at St. Joteph.
La., March 29th, A. )., 190,1 four nmembers
romin T''enss parish, to-wit : M. WV. VWasti
inginl . A. D. lniih..I. 1. Bllritton and J. 1'.
Iholm;i, with S. II. (green of East arroll
Anil F'. it. Ctooke of Concordia pa rih-oUnly
six in session-voted to cxchli an the en
tire property belonging to the North Loul
isianiia lBiptist Asatoiation consi ting of
two and a half acres ot grouLnd. ittned and
Ullder cultiv:tion. o e I:anrS e di llilO
house anld two double hoiuses one school
house 4Ix,. one large hari, all ill and near
the town of Tallulah. Madison parish, for
thirtv acres of waste land, a residence and
sOlme other houses two iles fronm the
to% in of Pr'ovitdeice and near the Mississip
pi river. and a balance to be paid by said
Association of l 40k). pavable in 15 years.
,ivin II nlotes, eaehl for '2 0 and .2-lds. with
nortigage and inteest at it per cent. per
annumiil. :onllii to ;;, Making a
graold total indelttlduess of i;0i), and an
unllillilted attortie a f'ees: alll
Whliere:as. . uch action on the part of said
meinmbers front Tensas parishl is a iiist thie
wisihes o the several Blaptist b lirenies in
this piarihi; therefore
lie it r.sol\cld hb the llaptist Associationt
of the parish if T'n-as,  1.. pari %nid parcel
to said North La.. il:itist Assoiattoun.
That said uation on the part of the lttlnt
hers afore.aid. meet our condemnatiion in
every respect, and that we approve :and en
dorse tihe resolutions adopted by the Ilap
tist Association of tile parish of 'l'entiaI . to
wit: To take legal action against said
Board that the rights ofouitr steveral churhb
es anld inenllters. part anto parcel, as afore
said. he protected:
Resolved further. That these resolutions
he pullishtled in the Concordlia iientinel,
Teusas Gazette, Madison Journal and Ban
Adopted March 30. 1901.
1'. F. HAIRPER, President.
G. M. JACKSON, Secretory.
F. It. RUSH.
St. Joseph, La.
Stray Mfule.
Taken up in West Carroll parish. about
Jan. 15. 1901. a black or brown mare mlule,
15 hands high. lame in right tore shoulder,
white spot on back. has saddle mark. 21
years old. Was brought in and turned
over to me April It). Owner can get muula
by proving ownership and paying .h irges.
W. C. .MeRAE.
Lake Providence, La.
* Notice, Notice.
One hundred acres of good land on Oak
Inod plantation can be rented cheap: will
make a fine crop of cotton or corn. Three
miles from town on the lake. Apply to,
Lake Proyldence, La.. March 23, 1901.
W'e do neat jub work, and our prices'
are reasona:blc.
,* Widower (introducing middle aged
and wealthy ilance)- Comue here,
children, and give this lady a kiss.
'hi'I is the new mamma I promised to
bring you." Little 'Iommy-"But
p:pa, she isn'L new"' -Tit-Bits.
New Orleans. La., April 25-31, 1001.
Ticket Agents-For the above-men
tioned occasion Y. & M. V. Railroad
will sell round trip tickets to New Or
le:tus at rate of one regular first class
Tickets will be sold only April 22,
23 and 24. limited to continuous pas
sage in each direction, and to May 2,
1iJOl. for return.
A. Q. PEARCE, C. P. & T A.,
Sm. n.-Sunday thool.
11 a. m.--Preaching'.
:t p. m.- ('las Meeting.
S p. m.--'reaching.
S. FULGUM, S. S- Supt.
B. P. R. eggs, $1.00 per setting of
M. B. Turkey eggs, $2.00 per setting
of 13.
One P. C. boar, 3 months old, $10.
Gossyppia Plantation.
Pilclier's Point, La
For Sale or Ezohange.
Homes for farmers, blacksmiths, mer
chants and others. Lots 64xx15 feet for
$.0. Will also trade for horses, mules,
cattle. corn or laud. Miles of levee for cat
tle to pasture on. a beautiful lake. store,
church and school near by. House and
land at reasonable prices. All on Alpha
plantation, eight miles from Lake Provi
dence. La., and three miles from the Missis
sippi river. Address.
)DR.. rW. SEAY,
No. 703J Magazine street, New Orleans. La.,
or C. (. EGELLY,
Lake Providence La.
Dac. 22, 1900.
The best perecriptlon for chills
Groves Tsateless Chill Tonic. No cure
no pay. For sale at Gueuard's drug
-Sltflf ti111111tT TTTT'TTT 1 Y T Tttlt {t tff t t t , -
Hay, Corn; Oats, Bran and Ship Stuff.
-Planting Potatoes, Onion Setts, Garden Seed.
Planting Potatoes, Onion Setts, Garden Seed.
ý1111llbailllllilialliallilllllliil ilalla1111i
Lake and Levee Sts.,
Lake Pro'vidence, La.
nDEALU.n r-N
1 .pr.: y . _ -.r 0 :.*..::- ý ." ..
The Finest Line of Clothing Car
C ried in the City. *
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Mackintoshes
and Hunting Coats.,
Trunks, Valisas and liand Bags.
Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
.......... VICSSIBURG, MISS ..........
-Manufaoturers of
Sash. Doors, Blinds, Stain-work, Interior Finish,
and All Building Material.
Cheapest Place in the South. Write for prices before purohasing elsewhere
W. B. Thompson & Co.,
Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants
New Orleans, : : Louisiana.
Information for the,
JANUARY 28th. 1900.
No. 23-Leave Memphis 9:00 a. m.
Arrive Vicksburg 7:00 p. m.
No. 5-Leave Memphis 7:35 p. im.
Arrive Vicksburg 2:10 a. Im.
No. 5-Leave Vicksburg 2:20 a. m.
Arrive New Orleans 9:10 a. tm.
No. 21-Le-Ive Vicksburg 7:15 a. m.
Arrives New Orleans 5:50 p. m.
No 24--Leave Vicksburg 7:15 a. m.
Arrive Memphis 5:35 p. om.
No. 6--L.pevp New Or'leas 4:001 p. m.
Arrive Vickshurg 11:25 p. m.
No. 6-Leave Vicksburg 11:30 p. m'
Arrive Ml(Iemphis 6:30 a. tm.
No. 22--Leave New Orleans 8:40 am.
Arrive Vicksburg 7:05 p m.
Leave Vicksburg 4:20 p. m.. arrive
at Greenville 8:20 p. m.
Leave (Gronville 6 a. m.; arrive at
Vicks,u:r_ 10:00 a. m.
For furthr information apply to
C. P. & T. A.. Vicksburg. Miss
Div'n. Pass'r. Ag't. Memphis. Tenn.
Lake Providence - . Li
Keeps on hand a large assortment of
Burial Caskets, New, Plain and Orna
mental Metallic Cases and Wooden
Coffins Made and Trimmed to Order
f'apri l I1.9--1, v
- Lake Street,
W. H. MABEN ............ Proprietor
Up-to-date work
at Popular Prices.
Patronage Solicited.
Agect for Memphis Steam Lai,.lry.
Queen & Crescent
The Best Line
- IN THE--
1North and. Mlast.
The Summer Tourist's favorite
ine via Lookout Mountain.
New Orleans, La.
W. STOMS' . ASST G. P. A.,
Now Orleans, La.
S CoyqRCGHTS &c.
Arvvnne :t-.,i!; t a skrteh :ail( c r -'cip: en nRy
a,:l fr "e. (;,al a ::.-.,en%. f,,r .,.rl ,; r. n:' .4 I't
# i ,rwrz i t :" x ,"r ý : hr ,,u t h ' ,t . .c,:e S _ ( . ,- c e i v e
upe 'iail u iLet , wilh ,,nt c: rce, in the
$ienific Rlwerian.
A 'n Vir. ery 'nstra1t4 wea" i. Lre'.t
Cll :t:,,:: l' ".1'7 a'ientIn ',,,.., ', r,. I a. a
IyEi : n:)ur mo)nths, 5L 8oid by alIl c ,ti, Iler .
MIUNN & CO.3618odway,. ew York
Branch Odmce. (a6 Y 8t. Washbinton. D. C.
bemrhis and Vicksburg.
' Packet,
For lake Providence, Greenville,
Arkansa' City and All Way
Steamer DELTA,
Ed. N,wland,. Jr............ Maste
Jie P,- ,' .................... CIerl
W. 1 'I'rvelng Reoresentativ
1 Leaves Memphis ever;
 'ruesday at 5 p. m.
Will hl,'ve M-mphis EVERY Tse
day at 5 p. m. until further notice.
. Lk, Providence. La.
Q';tI -N & CItErSCENT It)UTF:.
New O()rleans,. :, May 9 to 16, 1901,
Fort 1" tii e )(. nee:slnionl. tithe ut.Mn &
Cre,'c;t, l1.,t-" w,:l1 -ell tickets to New
O rl(,.'n)s from :all ,.iunt lc, t leed on i14
lintes ;t rat, ' f ",he lirst class lim it,.(!
fare fr rourxl trip. 1)ates of sale
May 7th. rth and 9th. with final limit
Mav i,i 19111. inui)sive. By tH -
poii.iti; .¶ bkets witVh joint amtent on or
bcfiire May 1G. 1901, and p }m, nt of
fee of lifty Vent; an e(Xlenitiln of the
iitit itii wi\l be permitted to June
;)th. 1:911l, ihclusiv'e.
For further informntion, call on near
,-t Queen & ('Crescent " icket A gent, or
GEO. 11. SM11l H, G. P. A , New Or
latd. La.
R. ,J. ANl)l: ON. A. G. P. A. New
R. W. ()NI)S, T. P. A, Meridian,
Tl'i i)l1indl is cotstantly being puri.
tied by the lungs, liver aRid kilinets.
Keep these organs in a Ihealthy condi.
1i01 atin thlie bowels regular anil you
will have no neel of a hlod purifi r.
For this purpl s,' there is nothing equal
to Chamlberlain's Stomach andll Liver
'Tablei, one dose of thlnm will do you
more good than a dollar bottle of the
best blood purifier. Price, 25 cents.
Samples free at. J. S. Guenard's drug
G( L our pries on job printi#g. Weo
d(o lir' class work.
Mayor's Office. Town of Providence, La.,
April 9. 1901.
WVhereas. In accordaince with the provis
ions of the Town of Providence and in ac
eordance with an ordinance of the Board of
C'ouncilnen. adopted at their regular ses
sion hIrhl on April 4th. 1901. authorizing
the holtdlin of an election for Inlunic lpd
oticers of said town and directing and au
thorizin_ mne to carry out tile provisions of
said ordinance;
Now, therefore, I. (illis M. Franklin,
Mayor of the town of Providence. La.. to
issue this inm proclamatioi. ordering an
election for municipal officers of said town.
to be held on Monday. the 3rd day of June,
11)1, between the hours prescribed by law,
and at the designated precinct within the
corporate limits of said town, for the
purpose of electing a Mayor, five Alder
L teiic. a Secretary. 'reasurer and Marshal,
tor tile term of two years.
The Supervisor ofl Registration is di
rected to open his books for the purpose of
ri cisterint aill perslonsi reidling within the
icorporatc limits entitled to vote tinder the
law; and the Board of Supervisors are
hereby lnoitied of the issuaince of this
proclamation as herein.
(Given under nv haud and official seal of
the town of Providence, La., this the day
agd (late first v ritteni.
G. M. FRANKLIN. Mayor.
W. It. FIJ'IEIt. Secretary.
April 13. 1901.
State of Louisiana. parish of East Carroll,
Town Providence.
By virtue of the authority in us vested by
law. and in accordance with the provisions
of the ('harter of the Town of Providence,
an election is hereby ordered to be held by
the qualihted electors of the said town, on
I Monday, the 3rd day of June, 1901,
between the hours prescriled by law, tor
the purpose of electing the heroinatter
named officers for the term of two years
to-wit :
A Mayor.
Five Ccuncilmen.
A Secretary.
A Treasurer.
A Marshall.
And we do herebly appoint the following
named persons for commissioners and clerk
of said electiou : Commnnissioners : .1. L.
Kennedy. W. A. Illttount, jr.. and .John A.
Montgomery. Clerk: 0. 1'. Ilamilton.
W. C. MlcRiAE,
.1. N. TUI RNER.
Board Supervisors of Election.
April 13. 1901.
Sheriff's Sale.
State of Louisiana. 'Parish of East Carroll,
Ninth I)hstrict Court-No. 15,2.
The Canadian & American Mortgaee &
Trust Co., L'td. vs F. I. Bernard, Ex
ecutor of tre Last Will andl Testament
of .Jesse D). Totlpkins. ldeceasedl.
By virtue oh a writ of .Seizure and Sale to
mle directeld by the tlonorable Ninth District
Court tot the )arish ofEtstCarroll aforesaid,
in the above entitlhd cause. I will ilroceed
to sell at pubihe auction. at the door .ot the
(Court House, in tile town of Providence.
East Cnroll pnaristh. La.. oni
.Saturday, the n18th lday ofMay, 1001,
,between the hours prescribed biy law. all
the rirht, title and interest ft The 8uc
cession ofl .. 1). 'Tonllkih',.ds . :iased, In and
to the followiingi described iproperty, to-wit:
,olluth-west quarter of e-eli)on forty-fliVe
(Vip: South ha lf of Northl-; .W qularter of
section forty-five (l.), Totwn hip twenty
onie (21l, IRange twelve (12) hast. containg
tIwO Iiunldredl anld forty (2il) lacres more or
less. to ,ether with :iall the tuildinKegs. in
I1rovemnint. appurtenanics aniil privileges
th le-(niito lieloiging l or in any wilse apper
taining-s-oized in thie aiiove tllit.
lTerlia of sale-cash without the benefitot
SSherilfs office, Providence, La., April 9.
Saddle and harness Stallion. will
make the season of 1901, at (iossyppia
plantation, near Pilcher's Point, at the
low price of TEN I)OILLARS to insure.
handls high, heavy mane anid nice tail,
of good colnflrmttion, finish and style.
Ashvy colts are both fine satddle and
harness horses. To admirels of the
gaited horse, this is a good opporto
ntir i)t to breed their mares and get No.
mrk 1 stock.
tive GEO. S. O(WEN'
S Braxton House,
Sis still in Business
, and continues to handle the fineat
Beef, Pork and Mutton.
Your ,patronage is respectfully asked
and satisfaction guaranteed.
fg"'iShop right across the street
from inthe iold Wbittington Stable.

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