ECENTLY the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World held their annual meeting in
New Orleans. The meeting was largely attended and the greatest ever held in the his
tory of the organization. It was a boost not only for the Association, but for Advertis
ing and Publicity—of the right kind, of course.
To be sure there are ways in which the advertiser can "drop his money" in "publicity" schemes
that have no merit and bring no returns. Millions have been wasted in such schemes, and today
the cautious, hard-headed business man looks well as to publications before he spends his dol
lars for advertising.
A few years ago there was a real fad for trying any old scheme, returns or no returns. That day,
happily, has passed, and today only legitimate methods are recognized. Experience in advertis
ing, like in everything else, has been the best teacher, and it has shown conclusively that news
paper advertising is the real way of reaching the people and bringing to their attention any par
ticular thing. Newspapers were never read more closely or by more pepole than they are today.
That this fact is fully recognized by the advertiser is attested by the volume of advertising now
being carried—greater than was ever before in the history of the world's Sixth Giant Industry—
Each newspaper has its own particular field of usefulness wherein it is supreme. Its readers scan
it closely as to news and advertising and nothing of interest escapes their eyes. This is a cardi
nal principle which has held good since the newspapers have become more and more localized.
There may be some drastic change in the future, but that is problematical.
Is supreme in Opelousas and St. Landry, and if th,e advertiser seeking publicity inthis territory
wishes to spend his dollars where they will bring the greatest returns, he will place his adver
tisement in this newspaper. It is easily the leader in Opelousas and St. Landry and its circula
tion reaches every town, village and hamlet of the parish. Notwithstanding the increase of ev
erything the printer uses, our rates are absolutely low and your dollars will produce greater re
turns when invested in—
Star=Progress Advertising
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