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OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE POLICE JURY (Continued from P»|* Throe) F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. Attest— J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Yeas— Messrs. St. Cyr, Pitre, mil«, Dailey, Cummings, Pavy, Cat lett, Rushing, Martin, Sylvestre, De J6an, McCoy; 12 yeas. Against—Messrs. Larcade, W. F. Brown; 2 against. Ordinance adopted. Mr. K. T. Catlett offered the fol lowing ordinance, duly seconded, to * AN ORDINANCE Levying a special tax for the pay ment of bonds and interest author ized and issued by virtue of the au thority vested in the police jury, in the various road districts of the Par iah, wherein special road elections were held and bonds authorized is sued : Be it ordained by the police jury of the parish of St. Landry, in lawful session convened, that the following tax on all the taxable property is here hy levied in the various road districts of the parish of St. Landry, as here inafter mentioned, for the year 1919, to-wit : In Road District No. 11 of the Par iah of St. Landry, a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying the bonds and interest of said Road District as same matures ; In the First Sub-Road District of the 2nd Police Jury Ward of the Par ish of St. Landry a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying the bonds and interest of said Road District as same matures; In the 12th Road District of the 2nd Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Landry, a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying the bonds and interest of said road district as same matures ; ... In the First Road District of the 3rd Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Landry, a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying bonds and interest of said Road District as same matures In the First Road District of the "4th Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Landry, a tax of five (5) mil on the dollars is hereby levied for the purpose of paying bonds and interest of said Road District as same matures Ip the Ninth Road District of the 4th Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Landry, a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying the bonds and in terest of said road district, as same matures. In the Tenth Road District of the 4th Police Jury Ward of the Parish on the dollar is hereby levied for the of St. Landry a tax of five (5) mills purpose of paying the bonds and int ernst of said Road District as same matures; In the Thirteenth Road District of the 4th Police "Jury Ward of the Par ish of St. Landry, a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying the bonds interest of said Road District as e matures; In the Eighth Road District of the Ish of St. Landry a tax of five mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying the bonds and interest of said Road Dis trict as same matures; In the First Road District of the 6th Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Landry, a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar is hereby levied for the purpose of paying the bonds and in terest of said Road iDstrict as same matures; Be it further ordained, etc., that the assessor of the parish of St. Lan dry be notified of the foregoing tax » , to the end that he may carry tax on his assessment roll for the 1919. ( 5 ) The foregoing ordinance was duly read and considered and a majority of the members elect being present voted as follows, to-wit: For—Messrs. Larcade, Pitre, Mills Dailey, Cummings, Pavy, Catlett, Rushing, Martin, Sylvestre, Dejéan. Against—None. Adopted Oct. 7th, 1919. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President Attest: J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Mr. Mills offered the following or dinance, which was duly seconded by Mr. Cummings. AN ORDINANCE Of the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, creating the Bellevue and Coulee: Croche Drainage District of St. Lan dry Parish, State of Louisiana, and fixing the boundaries thereof, con «ituting said drainge district, a body corporate in law, and vesting it with power and authority incident there to; vesting the goverment and control of said drainage district in a board of five (5) commissioners, and fixing their domicile ; providing for the qua lification of said commissioners, the manner of their appointment, and fixing their term of office; providing for the first and subsequent meetings of the board and the election of of ficers and fixing their compensation, authorizing and empowering the hoard to make and adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for its govern ment and that of its officers; requir ing the board to keep the proper books and accounts; and providing the method of procuring funds for the district. SECTION 1.— Now, Therefore, Be it Ordained by the Police Jury of the said Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, now in regular session duly assembled that, all of the land and property sit uated within the following described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the South-west cor ner of Section 4, T-8-S., R-3-E thence running due East about thhee and 7-8 miles to where the South line of Sec tion 1, T-8-S., R-3-E., intersects the west line of Section 43, T-8-S., R. 3, E, which point also strikes fork in public road leading from Opelousas to Bristol, via Chretien's Point; thence running in a northerly direc tion, following said public road for a distanceof about eight miles, to the northeast comer ofthe property for merly known as the old Truman plan tation, now owned by E. W. J. Ev ans, said point being also situated in Section 142, Township 6, South, Range 4, East, and at the intersec tion of public road leading to West Bellevue from main road hereinabove mentioned; thence running west about 7-8 of a mile to the east boun line of the old Fahey planta which is also the east line of 146, Township 6, South, Opelousas, Louisiana PLACE ! THE PRICES ! THE GOODS ! THi CAN BE FOUND AT Jacobs News Depot Company Mail Order House *m. y---, Jacobs Best Hero Safety Razor and Blades Free 50 cents Post Paid Jacobs Novelty Coin Purse Hold Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, Halves, by mail 25 CENTS POSTPAID Jacobs Wonder Clutch Pencil 25c Postpaid. Free Leads for One Year JACOBS SPECIAL SELF-FILLER FOUNTAIN PEN With A Five Year Guarantee Postpaid - $2.00 Extra Clip-Clap Attached No Charge. 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Take your choice: Cosmopolitan, Hearsts, Good House-Keeping, Delineator, Everybody's, Pictorial Review, Metropolitan, McClures, Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Eve Post, Country Gentlemen, American, Woman Home Companion, Modern Pricilla, Star-Progre6s. Good For New or Old Subscribers. Jacobe News Depot Co., Opelousae, La. Gent»;- Enclosed find $5.00. Send us by mail one year No. 3. No. 1.................No. 2............ Name..................... . ........Town............... Date.......................... R. F. D.............State. Range 4, East; thence following said section line in a northeasterly direc tion to the northeast comer thereof; thence running due north about one quarter mile to a point in Section 99, Township 6 t South, Range 4, East; thence running due west to public road leading from Opelousas to Lew isburg and Church Point, striking same at the northeast comer of tract of land owned by Perry G. Walker; thence following said road in direc tion of Church Point (southerly) to the township line between Townships 6 and 7, South, Range 3, East, at the southwest comer of Albert Savoy's property; thence running east to line of division between property of Mos ley and Phillips Whence running south one-half mile; thence running west one-quarter mile ; thence running south one and one-half miles to the southeast comer of Southwest quar ter of Section 11, Township 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running west three-fourths of a mile to the north east comer of Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 15, Township 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running south one-quarter of a mile to the southeast comer of said Northwest quarter of Northeast quar ter of Section 15; thence running west one-quarter mile to the south west comer of said Northwest quar ter of Northeast quarter of Section 15; thence running south one-quarter of a mile to the southeast comer of Southeast quarter of Northwest quar ter of Section 15, Township 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running west one-quarter mile to the southwest comer of said Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter of Section 15; thence running south one-half of a mile to the southeast corner of South west quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 15, Township 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running west one-quarter mile to the southwest comer of said Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter of eSction 15; thence running south one-half of a mile to the southeast comer of South west quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 15, Township 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running west three fourths of a mile tu the northwest comer of Northeast quarter of Sec tion 21, Township 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running south one-quar ter of a mile to the southeast comer of North half of Northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running west one-half mile to the southwest cor ner of said North half of Northwest quarter of Section 21; thence run ning south three and three-quarters miles to the point of beginning. Con taining approximately 18,100 acres. Section 2—Be it further ordained, etc., that the said Bellevue and Cou lee Croche Drainage District be and the same is hereby duly constituted and declared to be a body corporate in law, it shall have perpetual exis tence and shall enjoy and exercise all rights, powers and privileges here inafter set forth, as well as those granted, or which may hereafter be granted by the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, to corporations of this character with full authority and power to contract, sue and be sued, plead and be im pleaded, appear, answer and prose cute in all courts of justice and else where, to make and use a corporate seal which shall be in a circle of the words "Bellevue and Coulee Croche Drainage District," and in the cen ter "Corporate Seal 1919, La." The domicile of said corporation shall be in the City of Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana. All citations or other legal process shall be served upon the president, and in his absence upon the vice-president, and in his absence then upon the sec-' retary. It shall keep at its domicile all its official books and records. Section 3—Be it further ordained, etc., that said corporation .through its Board of Drainage Commissioners, shall have the power to receive by do nation or to buy or expropriate prop erty when it deems it necessary to use such property in carrying out the plans and purposes for which said drainage district was created. It shall have the power to purchase or rent machinery that in its judg ment may be found necessary for the purpose of draining any or all of the land situated within said drain age district and have the work execu ted under their own supervision and shall own the right-of-way for ca nals and ditches and all sites which are acquired either by donation, pur chase of expropriation in full own ership. It is hereby vested with full power and it shall be its duty to open, straighten and clean out all natural drains which in its judgment it may deem necessary or proper, and to per form any and all other work inci dental to or connected therewith which may be needful to render the natural drains of said drainage dis trict more perfect and efffective. It shall have the power and authority to cut and open new drains or canals. The drainage commissioners for the purpose of securing a proper outlet for the waters of the said drainage district shall have the full power and authority to extend drainage ditcehes or canals beyond the boundaries of the said drainage district with the same power and authority to expro priate the right-of-way in the same manner and to the same extent as BEAVER BOARD FOR BETTER WALLS & CEILINGS the Office Rejuvenate the Home An atttacthre office is s fine tonic for any bos i n e sa . And dean, conv eni e nt , cheery* s to res and foctorte s have the same stimula ting effect on sales and production. Are jro or business surroundings working for or against yon? Look over the walls and ceilings through your home. Are they all in the very* best condition, radiating cheer, comfort and good taste? If your rooms are not all they should be —REJUVENATE them with Beaver Board, the original wallboard. Potting new life into (rid rooms is. Beaver Board's long suit A few of these big, sturdy panels of knotless, crackless manufactured lumber; ham mer, saw, nails, some attractive wood trim and a little good paint are all yon need'to restore either business or living quarters to more than origi nal attractiveness. Ask us for "New Rooms within Old Walls." Yea can't expact Beaver Board reaalU unies* this trade-mark is «• dm back af dm board you buy. BEAVER BOARD THE A. C SKILES LUMBER CO. LTD though such canals or ditches' were situated within the boundaries of the said district. It shall have the power to make and execute, contract and to do and perform any and all acts necessary to carry out the plans and purposes for whfch it is created, namely: To design, construct, com plete and maintain a comprehensive gravity drainage system within its boundaries. It shall have the power to divide the district into one and more sub-drainage districts ns con ferred upon them by Act No. 227 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana of 1314, as well as any and all amendments thereto. Section 4—Be it further ordained, etc., that all the corporate powers and the administration of the affairs of the said BeUevue and Coulee Croche Drainage District shall be vested in and controlled by a Board of Com missioners to be known as "THE BOARD OF DRAINAGE COMMIS SIONERS OF THE BELLEVUE AND COULEE CROCHE DRAIN AGE DISTRICT;" and said Board of Drainage Commissioners shell be composed of five members who, or whose wives, shall own real estate situated within the boundaries of said drainage district assessed for not less than five hundred dollars ($500. 00), or must be the representatives of some corporation owning real es tate within the said drainage district assessed for not less than five hun dred dollars ($500.0) Persons pos esaing such qualifications may be ap pointed drainage commissioners Powes whether they be residents or residents of said drainage The Police Jury shall have the' to appoint three conupissionersT, to serve for a term of four years I two to serve for a term of two yea» each. The remaining, two comnS sioners shall be appointed by the Governor of the State to serve fora term of four years each ,and ai T pointments of drainage commission! ers by the said Police Jury thereafl ter shall be for a term of four yea» each. The appointment of the drain age commissioners by the Police Jury shall be made upon a written recom mendation signed by not less than twenty-five of the land owns» 0 f said drainage district. All vacancies on said board caused by death, resignation or otherwise shall be filled in the same manner in which the drainage Commissionen thereof were originelly appointed and for the unexpired term only. Section 5—Be it further ordained, etc., that drainage commissioners ap pointed under the provisions of Sec tion Four of this ordinance, after having qualified in accordance with of the State of Louisiana, shall con tained in the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, sahll con vene and hold their frist meeting in the City of Opelousas on October 18, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., and »Haij then and there proceed to organise by the election of officers as fol lows: First—They shall elect from among their number a president and vice president. It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the board and to per form such other duties as are usu ally required of presidents of cor porate bodies of this character, ft shall be the duty of the vice presi dent to act in the absence of the president or during the time of his inability to act. Second—They shall elect a secre tary and treasurer who may or may not be a member of the Board of Commissioners. The treasurer shall furnish bond in a sum fixed by tile Board, but must be of an amount of at least one-fourth over and above any amount of funds that may come into the possession of the said treas urer, which bond may be increased or decreased as the Bald treasurer shall from time to time have under his control, more or less money. The premiums on such bonds exe cuted by the said treasurer shall bo paid by the Drainage Commission, Such'secretary and treasurer shall re ceive a salary not exceeding twenty five dollars ($25.00) per month and shall perform all duties required of him or them by the Board of Com missioners. Third—They shall select one of the solvent chartered banks of fi» parish of the district, in which «B monies shall be deposited, which buk shall pay interest on said money as provided in Section Seven (7) of Act No. 227 of the Acts of the Genend Assembly of the State of Louisian* of 1914, as amended by Act No. 57 of the Acts of 1918. Section 6—Be it further ordained, etc., that the Board of Drainage Com missioners shall meet as often as they deem it necessary to properly conduct the affairs of the district, provided that at least one meeting shall be held every year. All of tb* expenses of administreing the affaire of said drainage district, in salaries of officers, etc., shall be] out of any funds in the hands treasurer belonging to the said d age district when such item«, salaries, or other expenses shall been approved at a meeting of Board of Commissioners, that the Drainage Cor themselves shall not receive any com pensation for their services as mem bers of said drainage district, but may be reimbursed for any incurred in performing the A imposed upon them by virtue of 1 appointment. It shall be the duty] the Drainage Commissioners __Drainage Commissioners to in form themselves of the needs and »• quirements of their district and 1» administer the affairs so as to pro cure as near as pbssible a pm«* drainage system within the bound* ries of their said district. Section 7—Be it further ordained» etc., that the said Board of Drainage Commissioners shall make and adopt by-laws, rules and regulation* for its government and that of it* offi cers and employees; it shall keep a book in which shall be recorded m its proceedings. It shall be the duty of the Board to examine all account* and operations of the district and w determine what work shall be un dertaken. It shall be the duty of fiw Board to see that an accurate account of its affairs and finances are kg* and to cause the treasurer to when and as called upon, a detauea statement showing their receipt« SB« disbursements of all monies of tl district which has come into b" and as such treasurer, also mvwH the character and cost of work uo° *» salaries paid and other expenditure made under authority of the Boara and balance on hand. Section 8—Be it further °^ ain< r' etc., that in order to carry oat provisions contained in this ordiMB** relative to the draining of the wjj situated within the boundaries of *»» drainage district, the said Bo«® « Drainage Commissioners are here»; fully authorized, empowered eau®* rected to provide the funds neces*OT therefor by levying and collecting the manner prdvided by 1®*» •*£ tax or forced contribution wnic» now or may hereafter be hy the Constitution and laws of ta» State and to incur debts and j®" negotiable bonds as authorize® * Act No. 256 of the General Asse»«« of 1910, of the State of LouiflW* as well as any and all amenome that may now exist or may hereanw be made thereto. . ___j Section 9—Be it further ordainej etc., That said Drainage Distric t »*^ have and possess all all the ng powers and privileges that are . conferred upoA it by the Consbtu• and Laws as well as any and or parts of laws or amendments to. that may now exist or may nwf after be enacted by the General seembly of the State of Louisiauf; . Section 10—Be it further ordain® etc., that this ordinance shall effect immediately from and its adoption. Voting for the Ordinance— Larcade, Pitre, Mills, Dailey, mings, Pavy, Catlett, W.F. Br o Rushing, Martin, Sylvestre, Deje*"» McCoy. wnsi«. Voting against Ordinance—««» Adopted this 7th day of Oct©»®* A. D. 1919. F. OCTAVE PAV |, '^ 1 j in f Attest: . J. J. HEALEY, Clerk.