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PRI NCESS THEATRE PROGRAM For Week Beginning Sunday, Oct 19. • • Cooled by Giant Typhoon System SUNDAY A GOLDWYN PICTURE GERALDINE FARRAR «„„ported by an exceptional cast, in 0 v eluding HILTON SILLS and TOM SANT CHI, —IN— "THE HELL CAT." (treat dramatic story that will .-rill you to the core. A drama where Jjae love is triumphant over vice and Padded attraction HARRY LLOYD COMEDY, Doors Open at 4 P. M. .»MISSION — --S. 10 and 20c S ELLIN G OUT! V Jos. Flrnberg's ENTIRE STOCK OF Goods and Notions —AT— Absolute COST OuR PRices vou WjrtT ARC RIQHT- YOR J ***«®* 5 we wiu. al ways riQHT. «Äjd I \V/E always fight against over- g 1 ^ , charge and we expect every jg Ü other man or concern to do the same g H thing. We are in the business of sell- g j ing superior lumber at just the prop- g H er prices that should be charged for g it. Our smallest profit margin is in- g H creasing our business. I St. Landry Lumber Company, Limited, ss EE 3= EE ffmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM •H*^* * *****+ +i + +W 4***** * ** ***+ * » « 11 1 » » H+♦++* +*' HY. L. CLEMENTS ♦ J.B. CLEMENTS Clements & Son • rice buyers Opelousas, La. Highett market price paid for Rice. Phone or write. ■ ;M.... . . ■ m I ■»» ««" ..... . "" 1 >»♦♦♦♦♦♦« ! Advertise in the Star-Progress MONDAY THE DYNAMITE STAR, FRANK KEENAN, —IN— "THE GATES OF BRASS." An enthralling drama of a crook, a master crook, who played the game alone, never bothering any one for advice, never helping others, until one day—See this wonderful drama —it is admirably suited for the great dramatic talent of Frank Keenan. —ALSO— "AFTER THE BAWL," With Smiling Bill Parsons, and Bray Pictograph. ADMISSION---S, 10 and 20c TUESDAY METRO PRESENTS Beautiful ANNA Q. NILLSON, —IN— "THE WAY OF THE STRONG." This is a gripping story of the great Northwest, touching the deep undercurrents of human emotions and weaving a web of romance which grips and enthralls. ADDED ATTRACTION BIG V TWO-REEL COMEDY - u_AND— NEWS WEEKLY ADMISSION---5, 10 and 20c H.C.L. HITS WORK OF THE RED CROSS Peace Program of Association Considerably Mose Costly Than War Activities The high cost of giving aid and re lief to the families of American sol diers has hit the Gulf Division of the American Red Cross, according to a statement given out by Harry L. Hopkins, Director of Civilian Relief fer the Division. In this statement Mr. Hopkins points oyt that during August the Red Cross in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi spent twice as much for this purpose as the av erage monthly sum expended during the twelve months preceding Aug- J ust. During August the Gulf Division A- R. C., spent $12,264.25 on aid giv en to the families of soldiers through the 224 Home Service sections of the Division. During the twenty previ ous months the Division had spent $114,624.76, bringing the total up to $126889.10. Of this total $69,451.24 was devoted-to giving aid to the fam ilies of soldiers, sailors and marines in Louisiana, $5,684.58 being the sum spent during August. 15,492 Families Aided. In all, 15,492 families in the Gulf division were furnished information and financial relief through the month of August ,the total number of families aided, which includes the 20 months prior to August, being 155,160. Of this latter total 63,164 of the families resided in Louisiana 5902 of these families being served during August. "The Gulf Division is proud of this record," said Mr. Hopkins in mak ing public the figure for the report, "particularly in view of the fact that the Gulf Division is the only division in the Uunited States which has a Home Service Section for every chap ter. However, these figures by no means represent the total activities of these sections. "For instance the New Orleans Home Service Agent had aided 1718 transient families here, 214 of these families being assisted during August The Division of Civilian Relief sends out 12,000 letters a month on an av erage. All Part of Program. "All of this work is part of the peace time program of the Red Cross which bps already been adopted by 87 of the 224 chapters in the division. "The reason for the increase in the amount of money spent for the relief of the families of soldiers, sail .ors, and marines during August may be found vei*y largely in the fact that most of the able bodied men are dis charged by this time and are able to take care of their families themselves Thoäe who remain are the men who are still in hospitals and who can do nothing for the persons dependent upon them. "Of course the significance of all this is the emphasis it lends to the need for the thorough establishment of the Red Cross peace time program gi ----- r ---------• - Obviously, if we are spending more i fHl UNIVERSAL C.A3 The Ford Sedan is the favorite family eftf, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be changed to a most delight ful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a dosed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered. Equipped with eteeme starting and Editing system and demountable rims with 3#-inch tires front and rear. A real family car. Won't you come in and look at itr 7 The delights of the electric * car with the economy of the Fend. BORDELON'S GARAGE OPELOUSAS, LA. WEDNESDAY ELSIE FERGUSON, —IN— "A SOCIETY EXILE." Lies! Jealousy! The crack of a pistol—and the world had another "sensation!" What thought the oth er woman was all that a woman should be? Friends, home, honor fell away—only love remained! Then in love's own way—but you'll have to see "A SOCIETY EXILE" before you can guess its power. —ALSO— STAR COMEDY —AND— PATHE REVIEW, With famous Slow Photography, showing a prize fight. ADMISSION ---5, 10 and 20e for the relief of these families in Aug ust—nearly a year after the ending of the war—than we were during the war itself, our work is far from com pleted. It is for this reason that the Third Annual Roll Call of the Red Cross is being held Nevember 2 to 11. The peace time program of the Red Cross is just as urgently in need of members and money as was the war time program." OPEOUSAS LOSES TO CARENCRO BOYS Local Basket Ball Team Suffers Defeat at Hands of Cham pion Lafayette Club The Opelousas high school basket ball team journeyed to Lafayette on last Friday to engage the crack Car o quintette in a championship game. While Opelousas suffered what looks somewhat like a severe drubbing, the local boys, in Coaches Mendoza's and Robert's opinion,show ed up to much advantage. The game resulted in a 20 to 4 victory in favor of Carencro. Carenoro has a fast team and the members of the club, it is said, have been playing together for two years, while the Opelousas boys only recent ly got together and began practicing. The Opelousas coaches claim that in a few months the local high school will have one of the best basket ball t|ams in this section, when they hope to get their revenge on the winning team of last week. DR. J. R. MELANCON Araaudville, La. Practice limited to the régulât ing of Teeth. aug30-3m PRIVATE CLASSES Any one desiring to take the com mercial course in a priwate class, af ter school hours, will please apply to Miss lone Joret. oct4-2t. CHARTER State of Louisiana, Parish if St. Landry. Be it known, that on this 17th day of the month of September, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nineteen, before me, Oscar J. Mistric, a notary public duly commissioned, qualified and sworn, in, and for the parish of St. Landry, Louisiana, and in the presence of the undersigned legal and competent wit nesses, personally came and appeared the persons whose names are hereto subscribed, who declared, that they desire to avail themselves of the laws of the State of Louisiana, relative to the organization of corporations, they do by these presents form and eonsitute themselves a body corpor ate in law, for the objects and pur poses under the agreements and stip ulations following to-wit: 1. The name and style of this cor poration shall be, "The Antioch Bap tist Church," and under this name and style, shall have all the rights and privileges of a corporation, un der the existing laws of this state, for a period of ninety-nine years; to make and use a corporate seal, and the same to break, alter and change i a t pleasure ;to hold real estate, per THURSDAY MADELINE TRAVERSE, —IN— "THE DIVORCE TRAP." An unusual story that will grip and hold your attention from the first title to the final flicker out; a story of a beautiful woman's fight to save her hopor. And there is the fourth episode of "THE MAN OF MIGHT." You just ought to see this one! Honest fellows, it is simply great! Just has oodles of thrills. Come early. ADMISSION---.5. 10 and 20c Suffering From Trouble ? i Wy let such things worry you when you can get from us "V Pyrotol Dandruff Remedy which relieves itcching hair instantly and is a guaranteed cure, and if your hair are falling a box bottle of Butex Hair Dressing will do the trick, stop the falling of hair and make the growth of hair beautiful and wavy Both are guaranteed*. One bottle is suf ficient to convince you. JUST TRY ONE Littell1920Drugstore ► "A Live One" Phone 156 J* tI n r : 1 *+* +********* 4**++++ ' ' .........." . sonal and mixed property; to sue j and be sued in its corporate name ; ! to make such agreements of its af fairs as may be necessary, to mort gage and sell their property, and do all things necessary and requisite to be done in the proper management of its affairs. 2 The domicile of this coropration shall be at Melville, St. Landry Par ish, Louisiana, and all citations and other legal process shall be served on the president and in the case of his absence, upon the vice-president, acting in his place. The objects and purposes for which this body corporate is established are declared to be the worship of Al mighty God, according to the rites of the Baptist Church of the United States of America ;the dissemination of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the diffusion ,of charity an dreligion, and the eduoation of the colored race. 4. All the corporate powers of this corporation shall be excercised by a board of directors, consisting not less than six nor more than nine, and a majority of whom shall eonsitute a quorum for the transaction of busi ness. The board of directors shall elect annually from their number, a president, secretary-treasurer and a vice-president. 5. The first board of directors shall be composed of the following named persons: P. J. Adams, Emile Ander son, Lloyd Hatch, Parish Levy, Burt Snead and S. A. Anderson, all of Melville, St. Landry Parish, La., of whom Burt Snead shall be president, Parish Levy, vice-president; P. J. Adams, secretary and P. J. Adams, treasurer. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be on the second Monday of the month of Sept ember of each year, unless the said day and date, be a legal holiday, then on the next succeeding day. 6 . That there shall be levied an as sessment of twenty five cents per capita, payable on the first of each month; that it shall be the duty of secretary to collect said assessment, and turn over the same to the treas urer, on or before the fifteenth day of each month. That on the first of September of A. D. 1920, and on each succeeeding month, and year there shall be levied and assessment of Two and 50-100 Dollars, on each male'member of the church, and one FRIDAY BILL FARNUM, —IN— Jane Grey's Powerful Western Drama "WOLVES OF THE NIGHT," Seven great acts. A wonderful heart-throbbing drama of the great plains of Texas, where a six-shooter is the law, and the man who is the quickest on the trigger, is the one in the right. A drama with a wonder ful love story running throughout. Positively the best Farnum picture of the year, and we'll stake our rep utation that you'll like it. Seeing is believing—be on hand. —ALSO— PATHE NEWS. ADMISSION---5, 10 and 25c , i|i4i4 i i9 l l | 4 | i | | 4 4 44*44 " !' 4 44 Lumber and Shingles Cypress and Hardwood Building Lum ber, Rough and Dressed. Pickets Mouldings, Siding, Flooring, etc. CYPRESS SHINGLES We are producres and sell direct to the ! consumer. Get our prices and figure I yourself what you can save. I I Soniat 8 Deblieux, Inc. A —__ OPELOUSAS LA., PHONE 306-J 11 4 ft dollar for each female member of this church. 7. That the secretary and treasurer may at the option of the board of directors be one and the same per son. 8 . That all checks, drafts, etc., .hall be signed by the president of this corporation, to be countersigned by the secretary and treasurer. 9. For the purpose of purchasing real estate, or selling same, the trustees of this corporation shall have full authority to sign for said corpora tion .which shall be composed of three members of the church, and they shall remain in office for a per iod of one year, and shall be elected at the first meeting of the board of directors , the first three trustees shall be Burt Sneed, P. J. Adams and Parish Levy. 10. The parties hereto annexed their SATURDAY An All-Star Cast, including FRANK MAYO and KATHRYN ADAMS, _IN THE GREAT SENSATION— "A LITTLE BROTHER OF THE RICH." A wonderful and appealing drama of the stage and of high society; a story that will hit home to us m the« days of world democracy. You will like this picture; it has something dif ferent about it. —ALSO— MUTT AND JEFF CAHTOON —AND— FORD'S WEEKLY. ADMISSION--— 4° and 20c signature to those articles of in corporation on the day, month and ear aforesaid, in the presence of .os. Paul Boagni and Ed H. Est orge, legal and competent subscribing wit nesses, who have signed with the ap peared and me, notary, after read ing the whole. (Signed) P. J. Adams, P. S. Levy, S. A. Anderson, Emile (his mark) Anderson, Burt Snead, Lloyd Hatch. WITNESSES: (Signed) Jos. Paul Boagni, Ed. H. Estorge. (Signed) OSCAR J. MISTRIC, Notary Pu&lic. State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Landry. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct of tne original. Act No. 83848 * and of record in my office in C Book No. 1, of date Sept. 23, Witness my hand and seal of — at Opelousas, La., this 23rd day Sipt. 1919. * A. Ji T. LITTELL, 4 Deputy Clerk -, f 4xr i IflSEV. Ufa