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•4-H The Columbia "For The Seven Ages of Man. Then the Justice." Good mental as well as bodily stimulus comes only in surroundings of harmony. Parents in terested in the musical education of their children should choose a Columbia Grafanola, be cause it has achieved perfect sound reproduction. In no other instrument is tone reproduced with as great a richness and fidelity. Come in and let us play a favorite record. If you like, we'll make comparison for you. Mornhinvég & Son, Main street Jewelers. ■ VI w I ■■■■■■■ W w " b 7 , Optometrist, Watchmakers, Engravers. I SOLE DISTRIBUTORS 65 certs 7» JOHN FAKOURI LEADING TAILOR Supplies the well dressed men of Ope lousas with the Stylish • Fashions of the season. If you want a genuine, all-wool, tailor-made suit of clothes, the value of which you can not duplicate for the : same money anywhere in this city, drop in and give us your measure. We guarantee satisfaction. When dressed in a Fakouri made suit you are as styl ish as any man; your fit is ideal and you feel very comfor table. It is not only a saving but a great pleasure to wear i a Fakouri suit. Give us your Fall order now. Prompt delivery as ALL C and i»t «s' show YOU Dtttm&r Woolens Sowrior quAli<y mJtiawiart iàvai TfcyhoU th«l„i in WUs< 1 (T cured. JOHN FAKOURI ! East Landry Street. 'Phone 137. 1 w ' . ^ :: Çiï.ovÂ.-wxywyré uriM 'ymÀlbùma ea/mjL -fcl&vn. duLM<M „ We have made OUR drug store the RIGHT drug store by using CARE in everything we de. We prepare our compounds with care; wa fill prescriptions with cere; we select our toilet articles end every thing we place in eur drug store with cere. The CARE we use makes our drug store the RIGHT drug store for you. THE BEST DRUG STORE Wo Givo You What You Ask For Shute's Drug Store Day Phoae Na. 4 Night Phona No. 136 lyiiimiiiimiimimHiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiifiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHNmiimmitiOHiiiiimiHiiimHimiiiiimi^ I Roos' Store I Invites its patrons to look over the New Line of up to-date shoes just received. It will pay you to buy from us. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. In the shoe line we are the leaders. If you are looking for style come to JONAS ROOS, Prop. | MAIN STREET - 1 'SS IHUtmiiUtllllillllKIIINfllUlli? _ as as —— SS A DC LOCAL ATTORNEYS ARE PREPARED TO MAKE LOANS S^essrs. Sandoz & Sandoz, attor neys, aije the local representatives of the American Securities Corporation, and are prepared to make loans on farm property on long or shbrt terms at fair interest. They are also in po sition to purchase for clients desira ble mortgage paper and other gilt edge securities. DIVINE SERVICES AT THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Divine services will be held at the Episcopal Church in this city, by Rev. Bullock, tomorrow (Sunday), Octo ber 26, at 11:00 o'clock a. m., to which the members are urged to at tend and the public is cordially in vited. s HERIFF'S SALE. BENJAMIN RISEMAN versus ARTHUR L. HOLLIER. No. Civil Docket, Sixteenth Judicial District Court, Perish of St. Landry, Louisiana. By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale, issued out of the Honorable the Sixteenth Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, in the above numbered and entitled cause, and to me directed, I have seized, and will offer for sale ,at public auction, at the principal front door of the Court House of St. Lan dry parish, at Opelousas, Louisiana, at 11 o'clock A. M., on SATURDAY NOVEMBER, 29, 1919, the following described property, to wit : A certain tract of land, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated about three and one-half (3 1-2) miles northeast of the City of Opelousas, Louisiana, and containing ten (10) acres, and more particularly described as commencing at a stake on the division line of the land for merly belonging to Clement Hollier, running east five (5) acres to a stake, thence south two (2) acres to a stake, thence five (5) acres west to a stake, thence two (2) acres north to the point of beginning. TERMS—-CASH on the day of D. M. FONTENOT, oct25-6t * Sheriff. CHARTER ST. LANDRY OIL AND GAS COM PANY, INC. STATE OF LOUISIANA, ^ Parish of St. Landry. Be it known, That on this fifth (5th) day of October, A. D. 1919, before me, Allen Deazuche, a Notary Public, in and for the above parish and state, duly commissioned and qualified as such, and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned .personally came and appeared the persons whose names are subscribed hereto, who declared that availing themselves of the gen eral laws of the state of Louisiana, and particularly of Act No. 267 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1914, and amendments thereto, they have agreed and hereby agree and bind themselves, as well as such other persons as may become associ ated with them, and their successors, i »»A q h»/lv nnlitir to form and constitute a body politic in law, for the objects and purposes and under the conditions and stipu lations contained and set forth in the following articles, to-wit: ARTICLE I. The name, style and title of this corporation shall be "ST. LANDRY OIL AND GAS COMPANY, INC.," and it shall exist for a full period and term of ninety-nine (99) years from the date hereof, unless sooner dis solved and 'liquidated as hereinafter provided for. ARTICLE II. The domicile of this Company shall be in the City of Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, and all citations or other legal process shall be served upon the President of said corporation, of in case of his ab sence or inability to act, upon the Vice President, and in case of his ab sence or inability of both the Presi dent and Vice President, then upon the Secretary. ARTICLE III. The objects and purposes for which this corporation is formed, and the business it is engaged in, are hereby declared to be : To grant and ac quire leases, to buy and sell lands and leases, to buy, sell, own, and hold leases of the oil and mineral rights on lands, to drill for oil, gas or any other mineral on its own land or on any land leased or owned or leased, to build pipe lines ,tanks, der ricks, railways, buildings, and to do any or any other thing or act inci dental to or necessary for the opera tion and growth of this corporation delineated above. To buy and sell leases, to buy and sell the oil and mineral rights on lands and to buy and sell leases for oil, gas and other minerals. ARTICLE IV. ~ / This corporation may sue and be sued in its corporate name, and by and through its President or in his absence through the Vice President, who may appear and act in court pro ceedings for and on behalf of this corporation without the necessity of any further authority from the stocl: i holders or directors thereof, and through its President, or by authority of its Board of Directors .this corpor ation ' may buy, sell, hypothecate, pledge, lease, sub-lease, land, lands, leases, wells, derricks, pipe lines, tanks, railways, stock and stocks, se curities and other chattels usual to the business of this corporation, though this grant of authority shall in no way curtail or interfere with the authority of the managing offi cers to carry out the ordinary busi ness of this corporation ,and to make contracts respecting the conduct of. the business for which this corpora tion has been organized; to borrow money in furtherance of the objects and purposes of this corporation, and to pledge, hypothecate or mortgage, as security for lein or leins, any of the property of any kind or descrip tion belonging to the corporation, to accept mortgages^ to pledge same; lo make and use a corporate seal and the same to break or alter at pleas ure; to name and appoint such man agers, directors, officers, agents, clerks and assistants as the interests or convenience of said corporation may require. ARTICLE V. The capital stock of this corpora tion is hereby fixed at Fifty Thou sand ($50,000.00) Dollars, repre sented by Five Hundred (500) shares of the par value of One Hundred Dol lars ($100.00) each, to be paid for in cash or for property, leases, labor or services rendered to said corpora tion, and on such terms and condi tions as the Board of Directors may deem proper and in conformity with the laws of the State of Louisiana, governing the organization of corpor ations. This corporation shall com mence business as soon as Twenty five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars of the stock has been subscribed and paid either for in cash, or as herein above provided for. By a vote of this majority of the stockholders, the capital stock of this corporation may be increased to an amount not exceeding One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars. ARTICLE VI. The business affairs of this cor poration shall be transacted by and through a Board of Directors consis ting of ten (10) or more stockhold ers, and to be elected at a meeting to be held for that purpose on the sec ond Tuesday of the month of Janu ary of each year. The Directors thus elected shall serve for one year until their success 3 rs shall have been duly elected and ualified. The Board of Directors shall elect from their number a Pres ident and a Vice President, and shall choose a Secretary and Treasurer who need not be a stockholder or Director, and a majority of the Board shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring in that body or among the officers, and to make such by-laws, rules and regulations as they same at pleasure; to appoint and fix salaries of all officers, clerics and em ployees .and the same to change and dismiss at pleasure, though such au thority may be conferred upon the President or Vice President, or both. ARTICLE VII. This Act of incorporation may be changed, amended and modified or al tered, or said corporation may be dis solved at a special meeting of tbe said stockholders convened for that purpose after ten (10) days notice to all stockholders through the mails t RECEIVED Car of Studebaker Wagons, Barb Wire, Nails, Syrup Barrels and Cans. STOVES FURNITURE EST. J. B. SANDOZ deem proper for the transaction of the business and affairs of 3aid cor poration; to change filter, amend Ihe to the last known address of said stockholders; and with the consent of -the majority of the stock present voted at such meeting, either in per son or by proxy. For the purpose of liquidation the stockholders may ap point three (3) commissioners of li quidation from the stockholders who shall exercise all the power and au thority usually and customarily con ferred on such officers. ARTICLE VIII. No stockholder shall ever be liable or responsible for the contracts or faults of said corporation in any fur ther sum than the unpaid balance, if any, due by bim on his subscription to the capital stock, nor shall any mere Informality in the organization have the effect! of rendering this charter null, or of exposing any stockholders to any further liability than the unpaid balance due on his or their stock. The subscribers hereto have res pectively written opposite their sig natures hereto appended the number of shares of stock subscribed for by them respectively in this corporation, so that this act shall also serve as the original subscription list of this cor poration. ARTICLE IX. The first Board of Directors of this corporation shall be as follows: Dr. J. A. Haas, Dr. Chas. F. Boagni, Dr. J. A. Shaw, R. Lee Garland, J. P. Barnett, Leon S. Haas, R. LeBour gois, Adolphe Jacobs, Jon. M. Boagni, and Dr. Z. T. Young, of whom Dr. J. A. Haas shall be President and Dr. Chas F. Boagni, First Vice President and Dr. J. A. Shaw, Vice President. ARTICLE X. This corporation shall be liquidat ed at the end of its term, or sooner, should a majority of the capital stock agree thereto at a meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose, as per Article VII, by three (3) com missioners appointed by the stock holders at said meeting, who shall continue to act until the business of said corporation shall be entirely closed and liquidated, and in the event of the death of either, or two (2) of them, then the surviving com missioners, or commissioner, shall act. Thus done, read and signed ,at Op elousas, St. Landry Parish, State of Louisiana, on the day, month and year first above written, in the pres ence of N. M. Childs and E. S. Fields, competent witnesses of lawful age, residents of this parish, who hereto subscribed their names, together with said appearers, and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole. J. A. Haas, 20 shares, $2,000.00. Chas. F. Boagni, 10 shares, $1, 000.00. J. A. Shaw, 20 shares, $2,000.00. R. LeBourgeois, 20 shares, $2, 000.00. J. P. Barnet, 20 shares, $2,000.00. J. A. Perkins, 10 shares, $1,000. 00 . Leon S. Haas, 20 shares, $2,000. 00 . Ben Riseman, 10 shares, $1,000.00. E. B. Dubuisson, 10 shares, $1, 000.00. Jos. M. Boagni, 10 shares, I#; Z. T. Young, 20 shares, »2.00MJ Mrs. M. S. Boagni, 20 shares, ^ 000.00. «caaM. R. Mornhinveg, 5 share, $«**•** A. Clary, 5 shares, $500.00. H. D. Larcade, Jr., 5 shares, 00 . Adolphe Jacobs, 5 shares, R. B. Christman, 5 shares, R. Lee Garland, 5 shares, R. M. Hollier, 2 share* M. Winsberg, 3 shares, $80ftw. Jos. P. Garbo, 1 share, fl»^" A. M. Haas, 5 shares, $500.^ A. Leon Dupre, 5 shares, Allen T. Sandoz, 5 shares, L. J. Larcade, by H. D. Jr., 4 shares ,$400.00. Walton McCain, by H. D. Jr. 5 shares, $500.00. WITNESSES: N. M. CHILDS, E. S. FIELDS. ALLEN DEZAUCHR Notary Poww. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of St. Landry. I hereby certify that the al - foregoing is a true and cone« of original Act No. 84,065 of October 5, 1919, and duly*»® October 17, 1919, in Chari« No. 1, at Page —, in the r fice of St. Landry Parish, Witness my hand and* fice, at Opelousas, La., this t of October. 1919. W. D. LA8TRA Deputy Clerk oct25-6t