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NEWS AND NOTES OF WASHINGTON, LA. Mrs. A. W. Bittle and Miss Helen Bittle of Lafayette were the guests of Mrs. Bittle's sister, Mrs. W. B. Nicholson, Friday to Sunday of last Julian Wolff, Anna Labbe, Elean or Dunbar and F. L. Bailey motored to Boscoville and attended a dance there Saturday night. Walter B. Prescott was in Opelou sas this week-end. Frank M. Mudd of the Little Teche section was in tow r n last Sunday. Miss Flora Levy and Loney Vor hies of Lafayette were the guests of Doris Plonsy and Sybil Bloch Satur day and Sunday of last week. Mrs. Gantt Nicholson gave a party for her little son, Gantt, Jr., on last Saturday night. Those present were Misses Suzanne Gibson, Brunette Klaus, Eloise Ortego, Nathalie Klaus, Florence Ortego, Stella Quirk, Em ma Muller, Edith Holland. Daisy Sledge, Evie Holland, Alice Lou Brown, Le la Sledge, Georgie and Shirley Kelt and Mary Anderson, and Messrs. Ira Muller, Gerald Plonsky, Gantt Nicholson, Jr., Eugene Muller, Robert Thompson, Lawrence Muller, and Robert Anderson. Music and dif ferent games furnished thorough en joyment for all and refreshments wrere served in conclusion. Mr. P. J. LeBlanc of Lafayette was the guest of Miss Edith Mary on Sun day of last week. Miss Margery Kilpatrick, who is now teaching school in Alexandria La., visited her parents here Sunday last. Wm. B. Gay was mingling with friends in town on Sunday. Bob Schuler of Opelousas motored over to Washington last Sunday eve ning in one of his new Reo cars. Supt. A. W. Bittle of Lafayette -was in town Sunday evening between trains. Messrs. A. J. Wolff and R. C. Kil patrick of Lafayette visited their relatives in town last Sunday. T. C. Quirk and Miss Eleanor War telle attended the picture show in Opelousas last Sunday night. Hon. Jas. A. Going, with Mr. and Mrs. T. K. McKnight. went to Baton Rouge Tuesday evening on business. Mrs. Leon Lastrapes entertained at a card party last Thursday com plimentary to Mrs. S. C. Holloman of Alexandria. A most pleasant eve ning was spent by all and Mrs. Plon sky proved to be the best player by winning the prize which she present ed to Mrs: Holloman, the guest of honor. Those present were Mes the ed. to of in E. of of 1, dames S. M. Plonsky, J. N. Brown, H. Kilpatrick, T. C .McCaffery, Leon Lastrapes, S. C, Holloman, and Miss es Clara, Eleanor and Aline War telle. We recently received a communi cation from Dr. C. H. Green, stat ing that he hoped to return and re sume his practice here on or about October 25. Dr. Green has been in New Orleans and other points on a much deserved vacation. Cliff Allen was hitting Washing ton in spots Tuesday. We will add that said spots are excellent places to hit in damp weather. Miss JoBie Quirk was a visitor to iher parents here the past week end. Business must be booming as we Tiave noticed Wille Miller over here .several times this week. A new guest made its arrival in the family of Jno. L. Voltz on Monday past. The mother and new daughter are doing nicely. Mr. Eric Andrus, who has been representing the St. Landry Whole sale Grocery Company, called on his trade Wednesday and introduced Mr. C. Smith, who will succeed him in this territory. The "big booster" in forms us that he has accepted a po sition with Morris & Co., of Alex andria, La. A. S. Nicaud of New Orleans, rep resenting A. S. Nicaud & Co., was a pleasant handshaker in town on last Wednesday. Mr. Chas. C. McLeod, represent ing Craddock-Terry Shoe Co., vis ited Mr. Klaus on Monday. Wm. Wartelle, Herachel Allen and Joe Mary were pleasure seekers in Opelousas Sunday evening. Mrs. A. N. Boucher and little son, Don, are in Shreveport this week with exhibits from the Washington high school for the state fair. Misses Susie Keller, Suzanne Gib son and Sue Baillio motored over to Opelousas Monday evening with Mrs. C. A. Elter. Last Sunday morning the Church of the Immaculate Conception was the scene of a most impressive na fcure to witness as one hundred or more gentlemen of the parish ap prone hed the Holy Table to receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist. It dras the quarterly meeting of the Holy Name society and the weather was ideal. Lead by the banner bear er, Arthur Deshotels, the men J marched from the jwesbytery to the church with Dr. W. R. Boudreau, Jas. A. Going and Geo. C. Blanchard in charge of the procession. A most .eloquent and impressive sermon was delivered during the mass by the Rev. P. J. Phillipi, S. J. f of St. -Charles College, who has recently re ,turned from overseas as a K. of C. «chaplain. Sacred Heart Council No. 1988, K. of C., held a most enthusiastic meeting at the presbytery last Sun I day evening, all of the forty-six mem- i bers being present, with Grand 1 Knight W. R. Boudreau presiding. During the course of the meeting, the charter and seal of the (baby) council of Louisiana were present ed. The brothers enjoyed a treat long to be remembered by listening to Rev. P. J. Fhillippi, S. J., and K. of C. chaplain, tell of some of his ex periences on the firing line. He spoke in glowing terms of the K. of C.order. Mrs. Paul Sovet and Mrs. Armand Sovet of Plaisance were in town Sun day evening. Mr. C. Record and son of Eden berg, Indiana, were guests of Mr. J. E. Thistlethwaite the early part of thi s week. Mrs.Hart Wartelle and daubhter of Opelousas are visiting at the home of J. Wm. Elter this week. Mrs. Elter is a daughter of Mrs. Wartelle. Messrs. Wm. and Jno. Reed are in Dubuisson this week. Mrs. Fred Taes is expected back here the latter part of this week af ter a month's stay at Willets, La. At the November meeting (first Sunday), the worthy District Deputy will install the newly elected officers of the council and the brothers are preparing for a large crowd on that day. Misses Maxie Ewell, Nona McCaf- ' fery, Mattie Baillio and Mr. G. L. Baillio drove over to Opelousas Mon day evening; R. D. Wilkins and J. A. Bailey at tended the street fair in Opelousas last Sunday evening. Mr. A, L .Fontenot, who last week purchased the cotton warehouse, has moved his family from Ville Platte to this place and will reside on Car rière street, in the Crawford home. Prof, and Mrs. T. K. McKnight vis ited their home in Colfax from Friday to Monday of last week. Mrs. S. T. Wayne entertained for the junior and senior classes of the W. H. S. last Saturday night. Cards proved to be the popular form of amusement and refreshments were served during the course of the eve ning. Those invited were Misses Mary Baillio, Lise Henry, Martha Sledge and Vergie St.Cyr and Messrs. Mordecai Plonsky, Clarence Whipp, Albert Richard and Richard Stephen of A most enjoyable party was given in Mrs. Holloman's honor on last Saturday afternoon by Mrs. T. C. McCaffery, at her pretty home just across the Courtableau from town. Mrs. Leon Lastrapes won the first prize, which she gave to Mrs. Hollo 1, man. Delicious refreshments were served during the course of the eve a a in ning. Those present were Mesdames S. C. Holloman, J. N. Brown, S. M. PlonBky, Leon Lastrapes, T. C. Q. Mc Caffery and Misses Aline, Eleanor and Clara Wartelle. The many friends of Henry C. Lynch were glad to see him in town after an absence of several months at his old home in Bernice, La. Mr. Faarbaeher, representing the Select Pictures Corporation, called on Mr. S. M. Plonsky Wednesday evening. Mrs. Max Klaus and Miss Florrye Klaus are in New Orleans this week and will stop off in Baton Rouge to^ see Miss Carrye Klaus, before return ing home. W. R. Boudreau, Jr., returned home Wednesday after a two weeks' stay in the Crescent City. LAFAYETTE SEAT OF BAU LEAGUE Jay Davidson Elected Presi dent and Oakdale Named Sixth City on Circuit (From the Lafayette Advertiser.) Lafayette was selected as the headquarters of the Louisiana State League at the meeting of the board of directors held Sunday in Lake Charles. Jay Davidson was selected president; A. C. Chappuis of Rayne, vice president; and V. E. Lampkin of Alexandria, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Lampkin is prominently connect ed with the Rapides Bank. Oakdale was named as the sixth city in the circuit. W. H. Slocum was a boosting committee all by him self. He misunderstood the hour for | the meeting, getting to Lake Charles to | late, but he expressed much pleasure i n learning that his home town was j honored by being selected to complete , the chain, Application for Class D rating will be made Monday and everything will or j>e done to assure the success of the ^ undertaking. wa3 announced that J. C. Carbo It be playing manager for Alexan dria. The people of that city are vi tally interested and a modern park j s assured. J next meet j n g 0 f t he board of directors will be held at an early date. Either Opelousas or Rayne will ^ ^ 0 f the ge5g ^ on . In the absence of J. P. Colomb, H. B. Bayliss presided at the meeting, which was full of enthusiasm. Frank W. Meyers and Jay Davidson repre- sented Lafayette. -o- —Miss Mildred Brown, pretty and popular young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brown, retuitaed this I week from Houston, after a most en- i joyabie time of several days spent 1 with friends and relatives. ^vAROUND THE WORLD WITH /Je$TDE AMERICAN RED CROSS. In Siberia. S**- ■Mi ; - P' ' 'j m Possibly the most Important Red Cross work In Siberia, and one which most demands the continuance of operations there, is the campaign against tvnbus Over a stretch of 4,000 miles the American Red Cross has fought the scourge. Here is seen "The Great White Train," an anti-typhus in stitution which, with its crew of doctors and nurses and cargoes of drug«, food and cleansing apparatus, has saved the lives of thousands.__ —Mrs. O. L. Goodloe left recently for Houston to accept a lucrative po sition with the Macay Telegraph Co. —Mrs. W. F.Brown was the charm ing hostess to the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church on last Wednesday afternoon. —Mrs. J. B. McClelland, wife of a prominent Plaquemine Ridge merch ant and planter, is in San Antonio, the guest of her son, Odebert McClel land. Mrs. McClelland expects to spend several weeks in the Texas city. PRESIDENT' PROCLAMATION And Notice of Special Election, the Board of Commissioners of Sub-Drainage District No. 1 of the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drain age District of the Parish of St. Lan dry. State of Louisiana, by virtue of authority vested in me, by an ordi nance adopted by the Board of Drain age Commissioners of the said Sub Drainage District on the 14th day of August, A. D. 1919, and the Consti tution and laws of the State of Lou isiana, do hereby proclaim and give notice that a special election will be held in said Sub-Drainage District No. 1 of said Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District of the Parish of SJ. Landry, State of Louis iana, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified property taxpayers of said Sub-Drainage District the proposition to incur debt and issue serial negotiable coupon bonds in said Sub-Drainage District to the amount of Eighty-five Thou sand ($85,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of paying and retiring the outstanding bonds in said Sub-Drain age District, aggregating in all Eight Thousand ($8,000.00) Dollars, to re tire the acreage tax of 10 cents per acre and construct a system of grav ity drainage m and for said Drainage District. The propositions to the electors at said special election is substantially as follows: A proposition to incur debt and is sue and sell serial negotiable coupon! bonds of Sub-Drainage Dis trict No. 1 of Bayou Mal let and Plaquemine Drainage Dis trict of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, to the amount of Eighty-five Thou sand (85,000.00) Dolalrs, to run for a period of from one (1) to not ex ceeding forty (40) years from their date, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum per annum from their date, payable semi-annually, for the purpose of retiring the outstand ing bonds and constructing a system of gravity drainage in and for said sub-drainage district, by cleaning with dredges or otherwise the bayous, laterals and ditches outlined in red on the map of said sub-drainage dis trict, thereby improving the gravity drainage in and for said sub-drainage district, and the inhabitants thereof; the title to which shall vest in said drainage district. Said bonds to be of such denomination and the inter est and principal thereof to be pay able at such time and place as shall be determined by the said Board of Drainage Comissioners and both principal and interest of said bonds to be secured and paid by a sufficient ad valorem tax levied and collected in each year that any of said bonds are unpaid and outstanding, to pay the amount of principal and interest falling due in such year in accordance with the provisions in that respect contained in the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana and any and all amendments that may hereafter be made thereto. The said special election will be held on the 1st day of December, A. D. 1919, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. The polling places are hereby des ignated as follows: V. V. Ledoux's store, St. Landry Parish, State of Louisiana. , The commissioners and the clerk of the said polling places are as follows: V. V. Ledoux's tSore, Louisiana— August Bertrand, J. S. Lafleur, J. P. Pitre, commissioners [George Vidrine, clerk. The Board of Drainage Commis sioners of said Sub-Drainage District No. 1 of the Bayou Mallet and Plao :emine Drainage District of St. Landry Parish, State of Louisiana, will meet in open session to be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 2nd day of December, A. D. 1919, at the office of srid Board, in the City of Opelou sas, ir. said parish, and then and there proceed to open the ballot boxes, ex amine and count the ballots in num ber and amount, examine and can vass the returns and declare the re sult of the election and make, file, publish and reeord a procès verbal of their proceedings. Dated at Opelousas, Louisiana, this 14th day of August, A. D. 1919. T. T. ATTEBERRY, President of Board of Commission ers of Sub-Drainage District No. 1 of Bayou Mallet and Plaque mine Drainage District. ATTEST: J. D. BERTRAND, JR., Secretary. AN ORDINANCE. Mr. Ledoux offered the following ordinance, which was duly seconded by Mr. Reed: age of the the be of of ; Which ordinance is in words and figures as follows: AN ORDINANCE Ordering and calling a special elec tion in the Sub-Drainage Dis trict No. 1 of the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage Dis trict of the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified property taxpayers of said, sub-drainage district, the proposition to incur debt and is sue bonds in said sub-drainage district to the amount of Eighty five Thousand ($85,000.00) Dol lars, for the purpose of paying and retiring the outstanding bonds in said sub-drainage dis trict, aggregating in all eight thousand ($8,000.00) dollars; to retire the acreage tax of 10 cents per acre and construct a system of gravity drainage in and for said sub-drainage dis trict. - Section 1—Be it ordained by the Board of Drainage Commissioners of Sub-Drainage District No, 1 of the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drain age District of the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, that it is ad visable Änd expedient to incur in debtedness in said SUB-DRAINAGE DISTRICT NUMBER ONE (No. 1) of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, to the amount and for the purpose here inafter mentioned, and appearing in the propositions hereinafter set forth. Section %—Be it further ordained and set forth, that a special election be and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held in said SUB DRAINAGE DISTRICT OF DRAIN AGE DISTRICT NUMBER ONE (1) of said Bayou Mallet and Plaque mine Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, on the First day of December, A. D. 1919, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. ... Section 3—Be it further ordained, etc., that, at said special election there will be submitted to the tax paying electors, qualified to vote un der the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, a porposition to incur debt, issue and sell serial cou pon bonds of said sub-drainage dis trict No. 1 of Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, to the amount of Eighty-five Thousand ($85,000.00) Dollars, to run for a period of from one il) to not exceed ing forty (40) years from their date, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum per annum from their date, payable semi-annually, the pro ceeds from the sale of said bonds to be used for the following purposes: First—To pay and retire the prin cipal and such interest as may be due thereon of eight bonds of the denom ination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, dated 1st day of Sep tember, 1907, due and payable April 1, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1927, respectively. And retire the special assessment of the acreage tax of ten cents per acre per annum for a period of twen ty year, levied and assessed by the previous Board of Drainage Commis sioners on the 9th day of February, A. D. 1907, by and under the author ity of the special election which was held on the 7th of February, 1907, to secure and pay said bonds. Second—To construct a system of gravity drainage in and for said drainage district by cleaning with dredges or otherwise, the bayous, lat erals and ditches outlined in red on the map of the Sub-Drainage District thereby improving the gravity drain age in and for said drainage district and the inhabitants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said drainage district. Section 4—Be it further ordained, etc., that a notice of said psecial elec tion be duly published for thirty day3 prior to the date fixed for holding said election, in accordance with thé law of this State, in the Star-Prog ress, the official journal of the parish of St. Landry. State of Louisiana, a newspaper of general circulation therein. The notice of election to em brace substantially .all things set forth therein and to further state that the Board of Drainage Commis sioners of the said Sub-Drainage Dis trict No. 1 of the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louis iana, will meet in open session to be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 2nd day of December, 1919, at the office of said Board in the City of Opelou sas. in said parish, proceed to open the ballot boxes, examine and count the ballots in number and amount, examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of the election, and make,file,publish and record a pro cès verbal of their proceedings. Section 5—Be it further ordained, etc., that the propositions to be sub mitted at such special election shall be as follows, and the ballots to be used shall be in the following form: BALLOT. * For the leaning of Bond*. A proposition to incur debt, issue and sell serial coupon bonds of Sub Drainage District No. 1 of the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage Dirt net of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisi ana, to the amount of Eighty-five Thousand ($85. 000.00) Dollars, to run for a period of from one (1) YES Built (or a Purpose To serve long, hard miles of real usefulness, Fisk Tires are bigger and stronger and sturdy — just to serve you more faithfully than you've been served. Handsome, too, with tough, black non-skid treads and light side-walls. They are built to an ideal! "To be the Beat Concern in the World to Work for and the Squarest Concern in Existence to do Easiness with.** Next T ime : ; BUY FISK LEON S. HAAS GARAGE, Opelousas, La. THEO. DAIGLE & BROS., Church Point, La LYNCH BROS., Washington, La. G. B. HUDSON, Eola, La. FISK '« a be be NO YES to not exceeding forty (40) years from their date and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5 per cent( per annum from their date, payable semi-annually at such thné and place as shall be determined by the Board of Drainage Commis sioner under the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, relating thereto. FOR THE RETIRING OF BONDS. A proposition to pay and retire the principal and such interest as may be due thereon of eight bonds of j the denomination of One ; Thousand ($1,000.00) Dol-1 lars each, dated 1st day of September, 1907, Hue and | payable April 1, 1920, 1921, | 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, | 1926, and 1927, respect- I ively. I TO CONSTRUCT SYSTEM OF DRAINAGE A proposition to construct system of gravity drain age in and for said drainage district by cleaning with dredges, or otherwise, the bayous, laterals and ditches outlined in red on the map of the Sub-Drainage Dis trict,thereby improving the gravity drainage in and for said drainage district and | the inhabitants thereof, the [ title to which shall vest in said drainage district. j Taxable valuation .... $— NO NO Signature of the voter. YES Attorney in fact. TO RETIRE SPECIAL TAX. A proposition to retire ! the special assessment of 1 the acreage tax of 10 cents ; per acre per annum for a pe- | riod of 20 years levied and | assessed by the previous | Board of Drainage Com missioners on the 9th day of February, A. D. 1907,by and under the authority of the special election which was held on the 7th day of Feb ruary, 1907, to secure and pay said bonds. NO To vote for the proposition, sub mitted upon this ballot, place a cross (X)mark in the square after the word "YES," and to vote against, place a similar cross (X) mark after the word "NO." Section 6—Be it further ordained, etc., that the President of the Board of Drainage Commissioners of the Sub-Drainage District No. 1 of the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drain age District of the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, be, and he is hereby duly authorized, empowered and directed to have the necessary ballots printed for the said election in accordance with the provisions of the laws of this state and this ordi nance. He shall also provide ballot boxes and the necessary blanks and tellers' sheets and other parapherna lia for the holding of said election. Section 7— Be it further ordained, etc., that the Clerk of the Court and ex-Officio Register of Voters for said W ficers herein mentioned with a list of the taxpayers entitled to vote in per DRAINAGE—THREE-- son or by written proxy at said spe cial election, together with the as sessed valuation of each of said tax payer's property as shown by the as sessment roll last made and filed prior to said election. Section 8—Be it further ordained, etc., that the election shall be held at V. V. Ledoux's store in said Sub Drainage District and the following persons are hereby duly appointed and empowered to act as commis sioners and clerk at said election : August Bertrand, J. S. Lafleur, J. P. Pitre, commissioners; George Vid rine, clerk. The officers of election above named shall hold said election to con form with Act 256 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana of the year 1910 and all Acts amendatory or supplementary thereto, and shall make due returns of said election to the? Board of Drainage Commissioners of said drainage district at the meeting to be held at the office of said board in the City of Opelousas, in the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, on the 2nd of December, A. D. 1919. Section 9—Be it further ordained, etc., that the Board of Drainage Com missioners of the said sub-drainage district shall if a majority of the tax Lands For Sale. 96 arpente, highly improved, on Waehington road, 3 1-2 mile« I*'®* 1 Opelousas . .............................1 l" ;...... WM« 318 arpents, highly improved, 3 1-2 miles west of Opelousas, per _ arpent .......................... «IBM* 25 arpenta, highly improved, near Opelouaa*................. .$S,M0Ä 35 trpentit improv«d, 1*2 mile from Opelouit* ........ • » ♦ * 25 arpent», improved, on Washington road, one mile from Ope louaaa, per nrpent ............................... . ..IKK 1 .» 56 arpents, improved, on Washington road, one mile from Ope lousas ......................................... . .. .$Ml(Ul 40 arpents, improved, on Washington road. 3 1-2 miles from , Opelousas, per arpent .............................* •«* • WHy 3.500 acres, improved, at Barbreck, La., per acre.............<• .$37.« 138 acres, improved, at Garland, La., per acre............... •• •$**** 110 arpents, highly impoved, at Whitevilie, La., ............. 100 arpents, improved, in Mallet, 12 miles from Ope«ousas, pe __ _ trpênt , , , ...... ........... s . s s »♦»»»»»••.•*»•*•••" * '■* 230 acres, highly improved, on Washington road, 1 1-2 miles from Opelousas, per acre..............................'j/HJj! 50 acres, improved, on Lawtell road...................... . .tMJJWI 50 acres, improved, in Plaisance, per acre.................... >1W1 135 acres, highly improved, at Rosa, La., per acre ............... .«TX 340 acres, improved, near Rosa, per acre .................... ' »vÄw 2.000 acre rica farm, with deep wells and equipmant, at Oak dale, La., per acre ............. ....... ............... .$l*Mj 510 acre rice farm, improved, near Welsh, La., per acre ...... ----W* 385 acre rice farm, improved, near Welsh, La., per acre ..........$74N 600 arpents, highly improved, on Bayou Nex Pique, per arpent - , • >. MMj 500 acre rice farm, highly improved, on Bayon Courtableau, per ecmMMf 1.000 arpent rice farm, on Bayou Boeuf, per arpent ...........»•■MM* 1.000 arpent rice farm, on Bayou Teche, per arpent ............. r$JM| 644 acres, partly improved, On Bayou Jack, per acre ....... 558 acres, improved, 7 miles from Rosa, per acre ............. 250 acres, improved, near Rosa, La., per acre ............... ■ '$9JJ 650 acres, at East Krotr. Springs, La., per acre ...............* ■ gJJ 640 acres, timber land, on Bayon Cocodrie, per acre .......... »• ■I**# 173 acres, improved, 4 1-2 miles from Opelousas, per act* SO acres, improved, on Little Teche, per acre ................... 90 arpents, improved, near Begg, La., per arpent ....... 320 acres, improved, on Bayou Boeuf, per acre...... ......... 760 acres, improved, on Bayou Boeuf, per acre ........* * * • 3.500 acres, improved, on Bayou Boeuf, per acre ............... 200 arpents, improved, at Whitevilie, La., per arpent ........... 420 arpents, improved, on Bayon Boouf, per arpent ........ .... 380 acres, cut-over wood land, on# mile above Whitevilie, La., psr acre ............................................ 1,400 arpents, partly improved, 5 miles east of Opelousas, pt arpent ................................................ 584 acres, rice land, with wells and equipment ,et Elton, La. F* . acre ................. ...... ........................ »1* 40 acres, improved, at Gold Dust, La., per acre.............. > i.trc 873 arpents, partly improved, near Port Barre, per arpent ........ ' iJtTI 250 acres, highly improved, near Opelousas, per acre ............F J 400 arpents, improved, near Whitevilie, per srpsnl ............. •*.v®*j 260 arpents, on Bayou Boeuf, per arpent .................... • -***■* 578 acres, improved, 6 miles from Melville, on the Atchafeiar* M River, per acre ........................ ............. ■ '''ÎS'S 350 arpents, improved, in Plaisance, near Sovet's store, per »rpsti. H* 320 acres, improved* on Bayou Boeuf, per acre ........... r i.... Pj 240 acres, improved, near Villa Platte, La., per acre ......... • v< • • J" 20.000 timber, between Opelousas and Melville, La., per acre. - 5,000 acres, timber, in eastern St. Landry parish, ,—---- 2,100 acres, cut-over hardwood and pine land, EvangeKae parish, flM* per acre ........................................ OTHER COUNTRY PROPERTY, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ALSO CITY PROPERTY—CALL AND SEE OUR LIST. C. P. DUNBAR & BRO., A. L. La combe Building, i — OPELOUSAS^j WANTED A Manager for a Co-operative Mercan tile Company to be opened at Opelou sas, interesting every housewife in Op elousas and every farmer in the terfl . tory; downing the profiteer and re ! ducing the High Cost of Living. Ad ! dress, "OPPORTUNITY," care Star | Progress. payers in numbers and amount vot ing at said special election vote in favor of the proposition herein sub mitted, annually levy and collect, be ginning with the year 1920, while any or all of said bonds are unpaid and outstanding in excess of all other tax es a sufficient ad valorem tax on all the taxable property in said drainage dsitrict to pay and retire the princi pal and the semi-annual interest cou pons attached to said bonds at their respective maturities, in accordance with the provision in that respect con tained in Article 281 of the constitu tion and laws of the State of Louisi ana, as well as any and all amend ments! which may hereafter be thereto. . Me*m The foregoing ordinance wa» d to the meeting and adoptee wr following vote: „ For the Ordinance—V. v._ T. T. Atterberry, J. D. Ber Amos Reed. Against the Ordinane Dated at Opelousas, 1 I 4 ttiW T rf ÄlV ATTEST: J. D. BERTRAND, JR oct25-6t .